HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnalysis & Color MapsANALYSIS FOR MODIFICATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Approximately 2500 Brickell Avenue FILE NO 13-00574cr Application requests: The applicant through a Special Appearance Application is requesting a modification of a Declaration of Restrictions ("Covenant") proffered to the City of Miami. The subject property is located within the Coral Way NET area and consists of several parcels. The parcels include Tract "A" and "B" of Hampton Inn at Brickell, located on the north side of Brickell Avenue between S.E. 25th Road to the north, S. Miami Avenue to the west, and by Rickenbacker Causeway overpass to the south, as described in Exhibit "A" (Complete legal description is on file with the Hearing Boards Section). Review and analysis of the proposed application finds that: • The subject covenant was approved by the City of Miami Commission on October 25, 2001 pursuant to Zoning Ordinance 11000 and the Miami Future land Use Map. Per the terms of the Covenant, three (3) area neighborhood associations were entitled to receive notice of any future requests for modifications: (i) the Brickell Homeowners Association, Inc.; (ii) the Roads Homeowners Association, Inc., and (iii) the South Miami Avenue Homeowner Association, Inc. (collectively, the "Neighborhood Associations"), • The covenant limited the existing hotel structure to (5) stories with each story to be twelve (12) feet or less in height; including accessory structures, decorative structures and signs; provided, however, that mansards and/or parapets would no extend beyond ten (10) feet above the maximum allow 5th floor on the R-4 "Multifamily High Density Residential" zoning • The applicant obtained a Non -Substantial Modification of the approved project through a Class II Special Permit (08-0328) which included improvements to the parking lot for twelve (12) spaces on the R-1 "Single Family Residential" zoning designation of Ordinance 11000. • At this time, the current owners desire to expand the existing hotel and substitute the plans referenced in the Covenant which authorize up to 109 rooms with a new design which would provide a total of 129 rooms, as well as an expansion of the existing guest amenities such as the restaurant and meeting rooms within the hotel. The addition proposes a maximum height of approximately forty-nine (49) feet - 5 stories within the current T-5L "Urban Center Transect Zone", and will be fully integrated with the existing "Hotel Urbana". In addition, the applicant is proposing to redesign the existing on -grade parking by recessing eight (8) of the twelve (12) spaces further away from South Miami Avenue and relocating the difference below ground within T5-L and T-3R Transect Zones, • The proposed covenant modification will allow the existing surface parking on T3-R to become more in compliance with Miami 21 Code by reducing the number of surface parking spaces from the existing twelve (12) spaces to the proposed eight (8) spaces being recessed further away from South Miami Avenue. This modification also proposes to provide most of the require parking for the site below grade, and as a direct result, it also reduces the number of curb -cuts from three (3) to two (2) and provides a greater buffer between the Hotel and residential directly to the north. The overall parking layout will eliminate the current number of on -grade spaces from a total of fifty-three (53) spaces to only nineteen (19) spaces mostly within the T5-L "Urban Center Transect Zone" • The covenant modification request is appropriate, as the city allow for modifications and amendments to the Declaration of Restrictions, provided that the same is also approved by the City, after public hearing. Based on the aforementioned, the Planning & Zoning Department recommends approval with condition: 1. The plans as presented require application for a Waivers pursuant to Section 3.6.3(k) of Miami 21 Code for shared access for parking on adjoining lots, Section (a)(28) for a 10% reduction of required parking; and 7.2.8(a) for changes to a non -conforming site improvements. The Waivers herein described must be submitted for review and approval prior to a building permit under a separate application 0 1 150 300 MIAMI 21 MAP 600 Feet ADDRESS: 2500 BRICKELL AV 0 150 300 600 Feet ADDRESS: 2500 BRICKELL AV