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Standard Memorandum of Understanding
This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is entered into by and between the Federal Bureau of
MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT (Participating Agency).
A. The FBI is authorized to coordinate intelligence, investigative, and operational responses to cyber
threats, attacks, and intrusions pursuant to various statutory and executive authorities, including 28
U.S.C. § 533; 42 U.S.C. § 3771; 28 C.F.R. § 0.85; Executive Order 12333, as amended; the Attorney
General's Guidelines for Domestic FBI Operations; Annex II to NSPD-46/HSPD-15; NSPD-54/HSPD-23
and 18 U.S.C. §1030, 50 U.S.C. § 1801 et seq.
B. [Participating Agency may include its applicable authority for entering into this MOU].
A. The Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI) was formally established in 2008
pursuant to NSPD-54/HSPD-23. The CNCI recognizes the need for a whole -of -government approach
to protecting the nation from cybersecurity threats. To further this mission, NSPD-54/HSPD-23 also
established the National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force (NCIJTF), which serves as a multi -
agency national focal point for coordinating, integrating, and sharing pertinent information related
to cyber threat investigations. In accordance with this presidential directive, the NCIJTF operates
under the authority of the Attorney General. The Director of the FBI is the designated official
responsible for the operation of the NCIJTF. The NCIJTF enhances collaboration and integrates
operations among the represented U.S. Intelligence Community and federal law enforcement
Law Enforcement Sensitive
Cyber Task Force
Standard MOU for state/local partners
January 2013
This document is the property of the FBI.
Neither it nor its contents may be released without authorization by FBI Headquarters.
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B. While national -level coordination is important to securing the nation, teamwork at the local level is
also essential. The FBI has established a nationwide network of field office Cyber Task Forces (CTFs)
to focus on cybersecurity threats. In addition to key law enforcement and homeland security
agencies at the state and local level, each CTF partners with many of the federal agencies that
participate in the NCIJTF at the headquarters level. This promotes effective collaboration and
deconfliction of efforts at both the local and national level.
C. This MOU delineates the responsibilities and commitments of the FBI and the Participating Agency
in the SFCTF.
D. This MOU is not intended, and should not be construed, to create any right or benefit, substantive
or procedural, enforceable at law or otherwise by any third party against the parties, their parent
agency, the United States, or the officers, employees, agents, or other associated personnel thereof.
A. In support of the national effort to counter threats posed by terrorist, nation-state, and criminal
cyber actors, each CTF synchronizes domestic cyber threat investigations in the local community
through information sharing, incident response, and joint enforcement and intelligence actions.
B. Each CTF leverages the authorities and capabilities of the participating agencies to accomplish the
C. Recognizing the important role of the private sector in combating the cyber threats facing our
nation, each CTF will coordinate with private sector entities to the extent permissible by law and as
warranted by operational needs, as set forth by separate agreements between the FBI and these
private sector. entities._-____._-_____ _._-. —-.--------------------_---
A. Overall management of the CTF shall be the responsibility of the Assistant Director in Charge (ADIC)
or Special Agent in Charge (SAC) of the MIAMI DIVISION of the FBI and/or his or her designee.
B. All guidance on investigative matters handled by the CTF will be issued by the Attorney General or
the FBI. The FBI will make available to the Participating Agency applicable guidelines and policies,
including the Attorney General's Guidelines for Domestic FBI Operations (AGG-DOM) and the FBI's
Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide (DIOG).
C. The ADIC or SAC shall designate one Supervisory Special Agent to supervise day-to-day operational
and investigative matters pertaining to the CTF (CTF Supervisor).
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Cyber Task Force
Standard MOU for state/local partners
January 2013
This document is the property of the FBI.
Neither it nor its contents may be released without authorization by FBI Headquarters.
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A. In addition to FBI employees, each CTF may consist of the following types of individuals: Task Force
Officers, Task Force Members, and Task Force Participants. For purposes of this MOU, when
referring to these individuals collectively, they will be referred to as "CTF personnel." In brief, the
DIOG defines these terms as follows:
1. Task Force Officer (TFO): The individual is a certified law enforcement officer, authorized to
carry a firearm, has been deputized under Title 18 of the U.S.C., been issued Federal law
enforcement credentials, is assigned to the supervision of the CTF, has an active security
clearance recognized by the FBI, and is authorized to have access to FBI facilities.
2. Task Force Member (TFM): The individual is an employee of a governmental agency, is
assigned to the supervision of the CTF, has an active security clearance recognized by the FBI,
and is authorized to have access to FBI facilities.
3. Task Force Participants (TFPs): The individual participates on the CTF and does not otherwise
qualify as a TFO or TFM. ATFP is sometimes referred to as a "Task Force Liaison."
B. In light of the significant cost and effort in on -boarding new CTF personnel, and need for continuity
to successfully combat cyber threats, each Participating Agency agrees to provide its personnel to
the CTF for a period of at least two (2) years. This MOU imposes no maximum limit as to the time
that any individual may remain on the CTF.
C. During periods of heightened threats and emergencies, the CTFs may need to operate 24 hours per
day for an extended period of time. To function properly, the CTF depends upon the unique
contributions of each Participating Agency. During these periods, all CTF personnel are expected to
be available to support CTF activities unless released to the Participating Agency.
D. Due to the operational needs of the CTF, assignment to special details or duties outside of the CTF to
full-time CTF personnel by the Participating Agency must be coordinated with the CTF Supervisor.
E. On a case -by -case basis, CTF Supervisors may authorize CTF personnel to assist other non-CTF
priority FBI matters as necessary and as legally permissible.
F. Although CTF personnel will report to his or her Participating Agency for non -investigative
administrative matters, leave requests will be coordinated with the CTF Supervisor to ensure staffing
G. Non -FBI CTF personnel remain subject to the rules, regulations, laws, and policies applicable to
employees of the participant's respective agency and will also adhere to the FBI's ethical standards
and the Supplemental Standards of Ethical Conduct for employees of the Department ofiustice.
Where there is a conflict between the standards or requirements of the Participating Agency and
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Cyber Task Force
Standard MOU for state/local partners
January 2013
This document is the property of the FBI.
Neither it nor its contents may be released without authorization by FBI Headquarters.
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the FBI, the standard or requirement that provides the greatest organizational protection or benefit
will apply, unless the FBI and the Participating Agency jointly resolve the conflict otherwise.
H. CTF personnel must adhere to the same rules and regulations as FBI employees with regard to
security policies, conduct and activities while in FBI space, handling FBI property, while operating FBI
vehicles, and while conducting CTF business.
I. Continued assignment to the CTF will be based on performance and at the discretion of each CTF
member's Participating Agency. The FBI ADIC or SAC will also retain discretion to remove any
member from the CTF.
A. Non-federal personnel who will serve on the CTF as a TFO will be federally deputized under Title 18
of the U.S.C. while detailed to the CTF. The FBI will secure the required authorization for their
deputation. This will ensure that they are able to assist fully in investigations in compliance with
applicable federal statutes.
B. CTF personnel may be required to handle sensitive and classified information, have access to
classified systems, and/or have access to secure office space. Therefore, participants must be
eligible to obtain and maintain an appropriate security clearance, up to and including Top Secret,
and access to Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI). CTF personnel being granted access to
SCI must successfully complete an annual Security Financial Disclosure Form and counterintelligence
(CI) focused polygraph examination. All CTF personnel will execute non -disclosure agreements
deemed necessary by the FBI for the protection of classified and sensitive information, including but
not limited to an SF-312, Classified Nondisclosure Agreement. Supervisors in the Participating
Agency responsible for CTF personnel may only be provided with classified information if they have
the appropriate security clearance to receive the classified information and the requisite "need to
C. CTF TFOs will follow the Participating Agency's policy concerning use of deadly force.
Intelligence, law enforcement, and operational actions will be coordinated and cooperatively carried
out within the CTF. The Participating Agency will not act unilaterally on any matter affecting the CTF.
The parties agree that matters designated to be handled by the CTF shall not knowingly be subject
to non-CTF or non -FBI intelligence, law enforcement, or operational efforts by the Participating
B. On occasion, after coordination with and approval by the CTF Supervisor, a CTF TFO or TFM may
handle an investigation solely under the Participating Agency's authorities. In such a case, the
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CyberTask Force
Standard MOU for state/local partners
January 2013
This document is the property of the FBI.
Neither it nor its contents may be released without authorization by FBI Headquarters.
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investigation will be supervised by the Participating Agency and conducted under the authority of
the Participating Agency.
C. CTF criminal investigative procedures will conform to the requirements for federal prosecution. It is
expected that the appropriate United States Attorney, in consultation with the FBI and affected CTF
partners, will determine on a case -by -case basis whether the prosecution of cases will be at the
federal or state level, based upon which would better advance the interests of justice.
D. All media releases will be mutually agreed upon, jointly handled by the Participating Agencies, and
conform to DOJ guidelines. No press release involving a CTF matter will be issued without prior FBI
A. Except as described in paragraph VIII.B above, all investigative and intelligence reporting will be
prepared and disseminated in compliance with FBI policy. Subject to any legal or policy restrictions,
copies of documents created for a CTF matter based upon information obtained from participation
on the CTF by any CTF personnel will be considered to be a federal document under the control of
the FBI and shall be maintained in accordance with FBI records management policy and applicable
law. All CTF materials and investigative records, including any Memoranda of Understanding,
originate with, belong to, and will be maintained by the FBI. All CTF investigative reports will be
prepared by CTF personnel solely on FBI forms.
B. All information learned during the course of a CTF investigation will be subject to the FBI's
information sharing policies and may not be disclosed outside of the CTF (or removed, if in tangible
form, from FBI space) without the approval of the CTF Supervisor. As FBI records, they may be
disclosed only with FBI permission from the CTF Supervisor and only in conformance with the
provisions of federal laws and regulations, including the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552,
and the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552a, as well as applicable civil and criminal discovery
privileges. CTF personnel may not disclose any FBI or CTF-related information outside of the CTF,
including any disclosure to CTF personnel's own Participating Agency, without the prior approval of
the FBI CTF Supervisor. Participating Agency heads will be routinely briefed on CTF matters by the
ADIC, SAC, or CTF Supervisor, as appropriate, through established CTF briefings.
C. CTF personnel are strictly prohibited from disclosing any classified information to individuals who do
not possess the appropriate security clearance and the need to know. Each Participating Agency
agrees to have its CTF personnel sign an FD-868, or a similar form approved by the FBI. This action
obligates the participant, who is accepting a position of special trust in being granted access to
classified and otherwise sensitive information as part of the CTF, to be bound by prepublication
review to protect against the unauthorized disclosure of such information.
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Cyber Task Force
Standard MOU for state/local partners
January 2013
This document is the property of the FBI.
Neither it nor its contents may be released without authorization by FBI Headquarters.
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D. The FBI and Participating Agency acknowledge that the information involved in this MOU may
identify individuals whose information may be protected by the Privacy Act of 1974 and "United
States persons" whose information may be protected by Executive Order 12333, as amended (or
any successor thereto) and all such information shall be handled lawfully pursuant to the provisions
thereof, to the extent applicable.
E. CTF personnel may be required to handle and process Protected Critical Infrastructure Information
(PCII), as defined by law and regulated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). All CTF
personnel will use and disclose DHS PCII in accordance with applicable law and regulation.
F. The FBI and Participating Agency will immediately report to each other each instance in which data
received from each other is used, disclosed, or accessed in an unauthorized manner (including any
data losses or breaches).
G. The FBI and Participating Agency agree to abide by the DOJ Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties
Protection Policy for the Information Sharing Environment (January 25, 2010) to the extent that any
CTF-related information is covered by that policy. At a minimum, the FBI and Participating Agency
shall notify each other of any erroneous information concerning United States citizens or legal
permanent resident aliens that is disclosed pursuant to this MOU and take reasonable steps to
correct such error.
A. The FBI and Participating Agency agree to assume all personnel costs for their CTF personnel,
including salaries, overtime payments and fringe benefits.
B. Subject to funding availability and legislative authorization, the FBI may reimburse to Participating
Agency the cost of overtime worked by non-federal CTF members assigned full-time to CTF,
provided overtime expenses were incurred as a. result of CTF-related duties. A separate Cost
Reimbursement Agreement (CRA) must be executed between the FBI and Participating Agency,
consistent with regulations and policy. Otherwise, overtime shall be compensated in accordance
with applicable Participating Agency overtime provisions and shall be subject to the prior approval
of appropriate personnel.
C. Subject to funding availability and legislative authorization, the FBI may provide a lease vehicle, fuel
purchase card, and smart phone to non-federal full-time CTF personnel for use in carrying out CTF-
related duties. Receiving personnel will be required to execute acceptable use agreements before
being issued these items.
D. This MOU is not an obligation or commitment of funds, nor a basis for transfer of funds. Even where
one of the parties to this MOU has agreed (or later does agree) to assume a particular financial
responsibility, such party's express written approval must be obtained before incurring any expense
Law Enforcement Sensitive
CyberTask Force
Standard MOU for state/local partners
January 2013
This document is the property of the FBI.
Neither it nor its contents may be released without authorization by FBI Headquarters.
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expected to be assumed by the other party. All obligations of and expenditures by the parties to this
MOU will be subject to each party's respective budgetary and fiscal processes and availability of
funds pursuant to all applicable laws, regulations, and policies. The parties to this MOU acknowledge
that there is no intimation, promise, or guarantee that funds will be available in future years.
All CTF-related travel of non -FBI personnel requires the approval of the CTF Supervisor and Participating
Agency authorization prior to travel. To avoid delay in operational travel, the Participating Agency will
provide general travel authority to all of its participating employees for the duration of the employee's
membership in the CTF. For domestic travel, CTF personnel will be responsible for appropriate
notifications within his or her Participating Agency, as well as standard FBI travel approvals and
notification. The CTF will obtain FBI Headquarters authorization and country clearances for CTF
personnel required to travel outside the United States. The FBI will pay costs for travel in accordance
with the Federal Travel Regulations of all CTF personnel to conduct investigations outside the field office
A. General. The Participating Agency acknowledges that financial and civil liability, if any and in
accordance with applicable law, for the acts and omissions of each employee detailed to the CTF
remains vested with his or her employing agency. However, the Department ofJustice (DOJ) may, in
its discretion, determine on a case -by -case basis that an individual should be afforded legal
representation, legal defense, or indemnification of a civil judgment, pursuant to federal law and
DOJ policy and regulations.
1. Common Law Tort Claims
a. Congress has provided that the exclusive remedy for the negligent or wrongful act or
omission of an employee of the U.S. Government, acting within the scope of his or her
employment, shall be an action against the United States under the Federal Tort Claims Act
(FTCA), 28 U.S.C. § 1346(b), and §§ 2671- 2680.
a. Notwithstanding any other provision contained in this MOU, for the limited purpose of
defending civil claims arising out of CTF activity, any employee detailed from a Participating
Agency who is acting within the course and scope of his or her official duties and
assignments pursuant to this MOU may be considered an "employee" of the U.S.
government, as defined at 28 U.S.C. § 2671. See 5 U.S.C. § 3374(c)(2).
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Cyber Task Force
Standard MOU for state/local partners
January 2013
This document is the property of the FBI.
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b. Under the Federal Employee Liability Reform and Tort Compensation Act of 1998
(commonly known as the Westfall Act), 28 U.S.C. § 2679(b)(1), if an employee of the United
States is named as a defendant in a civil action, the Attorney General or his or her designee
may certify that the defendant acted within the scope of his or her employment at the time
of the incident giving rise to the suit. 28 U.S.C. § 2679(d)(2). The United States can then be
substituted for the employee as the sole defendant with respect to any tort claims alleged in
the action. 28 U.S.C. § 2679(d)(2). If the United States is substituted as defendant, then
"any other civil action or proceeding for money damages arising out of or relating to the
same subject matter against the employee or the employee's estate is precluded without
regard to when the act or omission occurred." 28 U.S.C. § 2679(b)(1).
c. if the Attorney General declines to certify that an employee was acting within the scope of
employment, "the employee may at any time before trial petition the court to find and
certify that the employee was acting within the scope of his office or employment." 28
U.S.C. § 2679(d)(3).
d. Liability for any negligent or willful acts of CTF personnel undertaken outside the terms of
this MOU will be the sole responsibility of the respective employee and agency involved.
2. Constitutional Claims
a. Liability for violations of federal constitutional law may rest with the individual federal agent
or officer pursuant to Bivens v. Six Unknown Names Agents of the Federal Bureau of
Narcotics, 403 U.S. 388 (1971) or pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1983 for state officers.
b. Federal, state, local, and tribal officers enjoy qualified immunity from suit for constitutional
torts, "insofar as their conduct does not violate clearly established statutory or
constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would have known." Harlow v.
Fitzgerald, 457 U.S. 800 (1982).
c. If any Participating Agency's CTF personnel is named as a defendant in his or her individual
capacity in a civil action alleging constitutional damages as a result of conduct taken within
the scope of CTF-related duties, the individual may request representation by DOJ. 28 C.F.R.
§§ 50.15, 50.16.
d. An employee may be provided representation "when the actions for which representation is
requested reasonably appear to have been performed within the scope of the employee's
employment, and the Attorney General, or his or her designee, determines that providing
representation would otherwise be in the interest of the United States." 28 C.F.R.
§ 50.15(a).
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Cyber Task Force
Standard MOU for state/local partners
January 2013
This document is the property of the FBI.
Neither it nor its contents may be released without authorization by FBI Headquarters.
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e. Any CTF personnel's written request for representation should be directed to the Attorney
General and provided to the Chief Division Counsel (CDC) of the FBI division coordinating the
CTF. The CDC will forward the representation request to the FBI's Office of the General
Counsel (OGC), together with a letterhead memorandum concerning the factual basis of the
lawsuit. FBI's OGC will then forward the request to the Civil Division of DOJ, together with an
agency recommendation concerning scope of employment and DOJ representation. 28
C.F.R. § 50.15(a)(3).
f. If any CTF personnel is found to be liable for a constitutional tort, he or she may request
indemnification from DOJ to satisfy an adverse judgment rendered against the employee in
his or her individual capacity. 28 C.F.R. § 50.15(c)(4). The criteria for payment are
substantially similar to those used to determine whether a federal employee is entitled to
DOJ representation under 28 C.F.R.§ 50.15(a).
Determinations concerning legal representation and indemnification by the United States
are discretionary and are made by DOJ on a case -by -case basis. The FBI cannot guarantee
that the United States will provide legal representation, legal defense, or indemnification to
any federal or state employee detailed to the [operational relationship], and nothing in this
MOU shall be deemed to create any legal right on the part of any CTF personnel.
B. Express Reservations
1. Nothing in this Article shall be deemed to create an employment relationship between the FBI
or the United States and any Participating Agency CTF member other than for exclusive
purposes outlined in the Liability section herein.
2. The participating agencies do not waive any available defenses and/or limitations on liability. No
Participating Agency shall be considered to be an agent of any other Participating Agency.
A. The term of this MOU is for the duration of the CTF's operation, contingent upon approval of
necessary funding, but may be terminated at anytime upon written mutual consent of the
Participating Agency involved.
B. Any Participating Agency may withdraw from the CTF at any time by written notification to the ADIC
or SAC or the National CyberTask Force Unit at FBI Headquarters at least 30 days prior to
C. Upon termination of this MOU, all equipment provided to the CTF will be returned to the supplying
Participating Agency(ies). In addition, when a Participating Agency withdraws from the MOU, the
Participating Agency will return equipment to the supplying Participating Agency(ies). Similarly, any
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CyberTask Force
Standard MOU for state/local partners
January 2013
This document is the property of the FBI.
Neither it nor its contents may be released without authorization by FBI Headquarters.
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remaining Participating Agency will return to a withdrawing Participating Agency any unexpended
equipment supplied by the withdrawing Participating Agency.
This agreement in no manner affects any existing agreements with the FBI or any other agency. This
agreement may be amended only by mutual written consent of the parties. The modifications shall
have no force or effect unless such modifications are reduced to writing and signed by an authorized
representative of the FBI and the Participating Agency.
Organization: City of Miami Police Department
Title: Special Agent in Charge
Organization: Federal Bureau of Investigation
Law Enforcement Sensitive
CyberTask Force
Standard MOU for state/local partners
January 2013
This document is the property of the FBI.
Neither it nor its contents may be released without authorization by FBI Headquarters.
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City of Miami Police Department (MPD)
TASK FORCE FILE # 288A-1414-C2638177
Pursuant to Congressional appropriations, the FBI receives authority to pay
overtime for police officers assigned to the formalized SOUTH FLORIDA CYBER TASK
FORCE as set forth below for expenses necessary for detection, investigation, and
prosecution of crimes against the United States. It is hereby agreed between the
FBI and the City of Miami Police DEPARTMENT located at 400 NW 2nd Avenue Miami,
Florida, 33128 Taxpayer Identification
Number: 59-6000375, Phone Number: (305) 603-6190 that:
1) Commencing upon execution of this agreement, the FBI will, subject to
availability of the required funding, reimburse the agency for overtime payments
made to the officers assigned full-time to the task force.
2) Requests for reimbursement will be made on a monthly basis and should be
forwarded to the FBI field office as soon as practical after the first of the month
which follows the month for which reimbursement is requested. Such requests should
be forwarded by the Supervisor of the agency to the FBI Task Force Squad Supervisor
and Special Agent in Charge for their review, approval, and processing for payment.
3) Overtime reimbursements will be made directly to the agency by the FBI.
All overtime reimbursement payments are made by electronic fund transfer (EFT).
An ACH Vendor/Miscellaneous Payment Enrollment Form must be on file with the FBI
to facilitate EFT.
4) Overtime reimbursements will be calculated at the usual rate for which the
individual officer's time would be compensated in the absence of this agreement.
However, said reimbursement, per officer, shall not exceed monthly and/or annual
limits established annually by the FBI. The limits, calculated using Federal pay
tables, will be in effect for the Federal fiscal year running from October 1st of
one year through September 30th of the following year, unless changed during the
period. The FBI reserves the right to change the reimbursement limits, upward or
downward, for subsequent periods based on fiscal priorities and appropriations
limits. The FBI will notify the agency of the applicable annual limits prior to
October 1st of each year.
5) The number of agency officers assigned full-time to the task force and
entitled to overtime reimbursement by the FBI shall be approved by the FBI in advance
of each fiscal year. Based on the needs of the task force, this number may change
periodically, .upward or downward, as approved in advance by the FBI.
6) Prior to submission of any overtime reimbursement requests, the agency
must prepare an official document setting forth the identity of each officer
assigned full-time to the task force, along with the regular and overtime hourly
rates for each officer. Should any officers change during the year, a similar
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statement must be prepared regarding the new officers prior to submitting any
overtime reimbursement requests for the officers. The document should be sent to
the field office for FBI review and approval.
7) Each request for reimbursement will include the name, rank, ID number,
overtime compensation rate, number of reimbursable hours claimed, and the dates
of those hours for each officer for whom reimbursement is sought. The request must
be accompanied by a certification, signed by an appropriate Supervisor of the
agency, that the request has been personally reviewed, the information described
in this paragraph is accurate, and the personnel for whom reimbursement is claimed
were assigned full-time to the task force.
8) Each request for reimbursement will include an invoice number, invoice
date, taxpayer identification number (TIN), and the correct banking information
to complete the electronic fund transfer. The necessary banking information is
the Depositor Account Title, Bank Account Number, Routing Number, and Type of
Account (either checking, savings, or lockbox). If the banking information
changes, a new ACH Vendor/Miscellaneous Payment Enrollment Form must be submitted
to the FBI.
9) Requests for reimbursement must be received by the FBI no later than
December 31st of the next fiscal year for which the reimbursement applies. For
example, reimbursements for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2009, must be
received by the FBI by December 31, 2009. The FBI is not obligated to reimburse
any requests received after that time.
10) This agreement is effective upon signature of the parties and will remain
in effect for the duration of the agency's participation in the task force,
contingent upon approval of necessary funding, and unless terminated in accordance
with the provisions herein. This agreement may be modified at any time by written
consent of the parties. It may be terminated at any time upon mutual consent of
the parties, or unilaterally upon written notice from the terminating party to the
other party at least 30 days prior to the termination date.
Special Agent in Charge Date
Contracting Officer Date
FBI Headquarters
FBI Office/Program: Miami Division / South Florida Cyber Task Force
Vehicle Operator Name: Roy Lemus
Operator's Agency: City of Miami Police Department
The FBI agrees to provide a vehicle to the above -named operator for use in connection with assignment to
the FBI program identified above. The operator and his/her agency understand and agree to the following
conditions related to vehicle use:
1. Use of the vehicle is a privilege carrying certain responsibilities as derived from the lease contract,
law, regulation, or FBI policy. Failure to comply with the responsibilities and conditions outlined in
this Agreement may cause the FBI to terminate the Agreement and prohibit further vehicle use.
2. The operator shall familiarize himself/herself with the National Vehicle Lease Program Guidance
published by the FBI. The guidance addresses procedures and responsibilities related to the lease
program, and is the foundation of most terms and conditions in this Agreement.
3. The following restrictions govern appropriate use of the vehicle:
a. The operator shall use the vehicle only for official purposes related to performance of duties
assigned under the program. The operator shall not use the vehicle for personal use or any other
use not directly related to activities authorized within the mission of the program.
Notwithstanding, at the discretion of the FBI program supervisor (e.g., Task Force Coordinator)
or other appropriate FBI official, where necessary to support the program mission or otherwise
determined appropriate and advantageous to the FBI, the operator may be authorized to use the
vehicle for travel between home and place of work.
b. The operator is authorized to use the vehicle only during the operator's assignment to the
program. Upon cessation of the operator's assignment, the operator shall return the vehicle
immediately to the FBI. The operator agrees to return said vehicle to the FBI in the same
condition as received, except for normal wear and tear. The operator and/or agency could be held
accountable for damage.
c. The operator shall not operate the vehicle if the operator fails to possess a valid driver's license.
The operator shall exercise reasonable care in using the vehicle and shall not use the vehicle for
any illegal activities, including operation while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
4. The following responsibilities are imposed through implementation of the lease contract, and the
operator and/or agency shall comply as stated:
a. If instructed to pick up or turn in a vehicle acquired under the national lease program contract, the
operator shall conduct an inspection of the vehicle at the time and place of pick-up or turn -in, and
shall accurately complete a Vehicle Inspection Report (provided by the FBI) documenting the
6)--0) (3-'O(
results of the inspection. The operator shall provide the completed report to the FBI program
supervisor for subsequent submission to FBI Headquarters.
b. The operator and his/her agency shall ensure that no law enforcement or other equipment is
installed in the vehicles in a manner that requires drilling or otherwise alters or damages the
vehicle. The agency shall be responsible for any damage it may cause if it installs equipment.
c. The operator shall retain a Network Driver Kit, which provides information on a national
maintenance account, in the vehicle glove compai tuuent at all times. The operator shall take the
vehicle to a participating servicing facility at the intervals identified in the kit to obtain necessary
preventive and other maintenance. Although the operator does not pay for repairs under this
maintenance program, the operator shall obtain receipts for all service to enable reconciliation of
billing statements, if necessary. The operator shall provide receipts to the FBI program
d. If a fuel card is provided in conjunction with the vehicle, the operator shall retain the card in the
vehicle glove compartment at all times. The operator shall use the card only for purchasing fuel
for the assigned vehicle and shall provide receipts to the FBI program supervisor for
reconciliation of billing statements. The operator shall use the card in accordance with all
instructions in the Network Driver Kit, including inputting correct odometer readings as
prompted at the fueling station pump.
5. The operator and his/her agency shall be responsible for any and all parking tickets and traffic
citations. The operator shall report tickets and citations as soon as possible to the FBI program
supervisor. The operator/agency shall resolve all outstanding fines promptly and may be denied a
subsequent or replacement vehicle until fines are resolved.
6. The operator shall immediately notify the FBI Legal Unit AND the FBI program supervisor of ANY
accident involving the vehicle. The operator shall follow procedures for handling accidents, as
outlined in FBI guidance on the Iease program and the FBI's Manual of Administrative and Operating
7. The operator and his/her agency recognize liability considerations related to use of the vehicle.
Specifically, the following are noted:
a. The parties agree to be responsible for the negligent or wrongful acts or omissions of their
respective employees arising out of the use of said vehicle. Legal representation by the United
States is determined by the Department of Justice on a case -by -case basis. The FBI cannot
guarantee the United States will provide legal representation to any Federal or State law
enforcement officer or employee.
b. Congress has provided that the exclusive remedy for the negligent or wrongful act or omission of
an employee of the United States Government, acting within the scope of his/her employment,
shall be an action against the United States under Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA), 28 U.S.C. §§
1346(b), 2671-2680.
c. For the limited purpose of defending claims arising out of a task force activity, state officers who
have been specifically deputized, and who are acting within the scope of their official duties and
assignments on the task force, may be considered an "employee" of the United States government,
as defined in 28 U.S.C. § 2671. See 5 U.S.C. § 3374(c)(2).
d. Under the Federal Employees Liability Reform and Tort Compensation Act of 1998 (commonly
known as the Westfall Act), 28 U.S.C. §2679(b)(1), the Attorney General or his/her designee may
certify that an individual defendant acted within the scope of his employment at the time of the
incident giving rise to the suit. 28 U.S.C. § 2679(d)(2). The United States can then be substituted
for the employee as the sole defendant with respect to any tort claims. 28 U.S.C. § 2679(d)(2). If
the United States is substituted as defendant, the individual employee is thereby protected from
suits in his official capacity. If the Attorney General declines to certify that an employee was
acting within the scope of employment, "the employee may at any time before trial petition the
court to find and certify that the employee was acting within the scope of his office or
employment." 28 U.S.0 §2679(d)(3).
e. Liability for any negligent or willful acts of task force members undertaken outside the terms of
this Agreement will be the sole responsibility of the respective employee and agency involved.
f. Liability for violations of Federal constitutional law rests with the individual Federal agent or
officer pursuant to Bivens v Six Unknown Named Agents of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, 403
U.S. 388 (1971) or pursuant to 42 U.S.C., Section 1983 for state officers or cross -deputized
federal officers.
This Agreement shall remain in effect until the earliest occurrence of the following: conclusion of the
operator's assignment to the FBI office or program identified above; conclusion of the FBI's participation
in the National Vehicle Lease Program; or termination by written notice of one party to the other. Upon
any of these events, the vehicle shall be returned immediately to the FBI. This agreement may be
modified subsequently through written agreement of the parties.
By signatures below, the parties agree othe-terns and conditions of this Agreement.
e7/ //2,0
Template - Vehicle Use Agreement, Nat'l Lease Program
Created by Finance Division, Procurement Section, 2/6/07 (ajb)