FILE ID: _;_ ,` 136o/30
Date: 4 / 18 / 2013 Requesting Department: Fire -Rescue
Commission Meeting Date: 5 / 23 / 2013 District Impacted: All
Type: ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Emergency Ordinance ❑ Discussion Item
❑ Other
Subject: Purchase of Guardian Safety & Survival System Simulator
Purpose of Item:
Law Department
Matter ID No.
A resolution of the Miami City Commission, by a four -fifths (4/5ths) affirmative vote, after an
advertised public hearing, ratifying, approving and confirming the City Manager's finding of a sole
source; waiving the requirements for competitive bidding procedures, and approving the sole source
for the purchase of the Guardian Safety & Survival System Simulator, from Quinwald Enterprises
d/b/a Personal Protection Equipment Specialists, Inc., located at 109 Liberty Lane, Lincoln
University, PA 19352, the sole source provider, for a total amount not to exceed $203,637.71. Funds
allocated from UASI Account Code No. 18-180026 -01.06.07 -1839 - Equipment 189000.
Background Information:
The Department of Fire -Rescue is seeking approval of a sole source award to Quinwald Enterprises
d/b/a Personal Protection Equipment Specialists, Inc., for the purchase of the Guardian Safety &
Survival System Simulator for a Regional Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI). The Guardian
Safety & Survival System Simulator will be used to train, monitor, and evaluate the disciplines'
ability to respond and recover in emergency situations. The total contract amount is $203,637.71.
Budget Impact Analysis
NO Is this item related to revenue?
YES Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below.
189000'' Rave-fre
UASI 18-180026 -01.06.07 -1839 - Equipment -
Special Revenue Account No: N/A
CIP Project No: N/A
NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds?
Start Up Capital Cost: N/A
Maintenance Cost: N/A
Total Fiscal Impact: N/A
if using oi,iecevin�,capi[at funds
Grants N/A
Final Approvals
. .Budge&
Risk Management N/A
Purchasing t. Directo
Chic City Manager
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