FILE ID: kJ- 0035Pā
Date: 2/6/12 Requesting Department: Public Works
Commission Meeting Date: 4/11/13 District Impacted: 1
Type: ® Resolution D Ordinance C Emergency Ordinance ā Discussion Item
ā Other
Subject: A Resolution declaring a portion of an alley located on the north side of Northwest 7st Street
between NW 34th Avenue and NW 35th Avenue is abandoned and deems the portion of alley right of way as
closed and vacated.
Law Department
Matter ID No.
Purpose of Item:
A Resolution declaring a portion of an alley located on the north side of Northwest 7st Street between
NW 34 Avenue and NW 35 Avenue is abandoned and deems the portion of alley right of way as
closed and vacated.
Background Information:
See attached supplement for background information.
Budget Impact Analysis
NO Is this item related to revenue?
NO Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below.
General Account No: N/A
Special Revenue Account No: N/A
CIP Project No: N/A
NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds?
Start Up Capital Cost: 000
Maintenance Cost: 000
Total Fiscal Impact: 000
If Offi or aei faij ap talWiTc st
Purchasing 0 A
Final Approvals
Risk Management
Dept. Director
City Manager
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Background Information:
An alley located adjacent to the private properties of Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 3, with an address of 3435
Northwest 7st Street is designated as an alley on the plat of the neighborhood entitled "Amended PIat of
Douglas Seventh Commercial Center" recorded on March 31, 1926. The portion of the alley is located north
of Northwest 7th Street and between Northwest 34th Avenue and Northwest 35th Avenue. The alley has never
been improved for public access and does not interconnect or provide circulation with the roadway network.
There are no plans or records for the alley on file in the Public Works Department that indicate there was
ever any maintenance or construction of the alley by the City and no documents indicating any requirement
or actual usage of the alley as public right of way.
Portions of the alley are included in the warranty deed for the private property at 3435 Northwest 7st Street
and records show that the City has accepted ad valorem taxes for the alley from the private property owner
since 1979. The property owner has further provided a 1977 building permit and surveys of the property that
include ownership of the alley. There is an absence of any City action or undertaking relative to claiming the
alley as a viable alley within the City.
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