HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZAB 1-16-13 Supporting DocsPZAB.7 PLANNING, ZONING AND APPEALS BOARD FACT SHEET File ID: 13-00002zt Legislative Title: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI PLANNING, ZONING AND APPEALS BOARD RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OR DENIAL TO THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 13114, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, BY AMENDING SECTION 3.15 "AFFORDABLE HOUSING SPECIAL BENEFIT PROGRAM SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS" TO MODIFY SETBACK REQUIREMENTS ABOVE THE EIGHTH FLOOR BY WAIVER TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL DESIGN FLEXIBILITY OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Applicant(s): Johnny Martinez, City Manager, on behalf of the City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 (305) 250-5400 Purpose: This will provide setback relief for Affordable Housing Development. Planning and Zoning Department Recommendation: Approval. Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board: January 16, 2013 City of Miami Legislation PZAB Resolution City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com File Number: 13-00002zt Final Action Date: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI PLANNING, ZONING AND APPEALS BOARD RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OR DENIAL TO THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 13114, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, BY AMENDING SECTION 3.15 "AFFORDABLE HOUSING SPECIAL BENEFIT PROGRAM SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS" TO MODIFY SETBACK REQUIREMENTS ABOVE THE EIGHTH FLOOR BY WAIVER TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL DESIGN FLEXIBILITY OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. LOCATION: Citywide APPLICANT(S): Johnny Martinez, City Manager, on behalf of the City of Miami FINDING(S): PLANNING DEPARTMENT: Recommends approval. PURPOSE: This ordinance will give affordable housing development eligible under Section 3.15 of the Zoning Ordinance the ability to waive setback requirements above the eighth floor as required by Section 5.6.1 (g) and Illustration 5.6 to provide additional design flexibility for such projects. WHEREAS, the Miami Planning Zoning and Appeals (PZAB) considered this item at its January 16th, 2013 meeting, Item No. PZAB._, adopting Resolution No. PZAB by a vote of to _ (_- _), and has recommended the adoption of this item to the City of Miami City Commission; and WHEREAS, on October 22, 2009, the City Commission adopted the Miami 21 Code ("Code"), Ordinance 13114 as the City of Miami's Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, on May 12, 2011, the City Commission adopted modifications to the Zoning Ordinance to facilitate affordable housing development in the City of Miami ; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that additional flexibility is necessary for setback requirements above the eighth floor; and WHEREAS, the City Commission, after careful consideration of this matter deems it advisable and in the best interest of the general welfare of the City of Miami and its citizens to amend the Zoning Ordinance as hereinafter set forth. City of Miami Page 1 of 3 File Id: 13-00002zt (Version: 1) Printed On: 1/10/2013 File Number: 13-00002zt NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Ordinance are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. Ordinance 13114, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, is hereby amended by making modifications to Article 3 in the following particulars {1}: "ARTICLE 3. GENERAL TO ZONES 3.15 AFFORDABLE HOUSING SPECIAL BENEFIT PROGRAM SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS * * * 3.15.3 In place of any conflicting provisions elsewhere in this Code, Affordable Housing Developments may be developed in accordance with the following: a. Height 1. T5: Maximum building height of 75 feet with no limitation on the number of Stories; 2. T6-8: Maximum building height of 125 feet with no limitation on the number of Stories; 3. T6-12: Maximum building height of 240 feet with no limitation on the number of Stories; b. Parking may extend into the Second Layer above the first Story along all Frontages. The Fagade of a parking garage that is not concealed behind a Habitable Liner shall be screened to conceal from view all internal elements including, but not limited to, vehicles, plumbing pipes, fans, ducts and all lighting. The size, location, and materials for such screening elements shall be reviewed by Waiver with referral to the Planning Department. c. Pedestrian or Vehicular Cross Block Passages shall not be required . d. Development Abutting two (2) or more Thoroughfares shall have only one (1) Principal Front -age and shall not be subject to the minimum Principal Frontage Line requirement. Determina-tion of which Frontage is to serve as the Principal Frontage shall be made by the Planning Director upon request by the Zoning Administrator. e. Development shall not be subject to maximum Lot Area requirements. f. Development in T6 Zones shall be exempt from complying with the requirements contained in Sections 5.6.1 (h) and 5.6.2 (b). q. Setback requirements above the eighth floor may be modified by Waiver for Development in T6 Zones. City of Miami Page 2 of 3 File Id: 13-00002zt (Version: 1) Printed On: 1/10/2013 File Number: 13-00002zt Section 3. If any section, part of a section, paragraph, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this Ordinance shall not be affected . Section 4. It is the intention of the City Commission that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, which provisions may be renumbered or relettered and that the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article", or other appropriate word to accomplish such intention. Section 5. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon final reading and adoption thereof. {2} Footnotes: {1} Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be added. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged . Asterisks indicate omitted and unchanged material. {2} This Ordinance shall become effective as specified herein unless vetoed by the Mayor within ten days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Ordinance, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission or upon the effective date stated herein, whichever is later. City of Miami Page 3 of 3 File Id: 13-00002zt (Version: 1) Printed On: 1/10/2013 MIAMI 21 ARTICLE 5. SPECIFIC TO ZONES AS ADOPTED - APRIL 2012 5.6 URBAN CORE TRANSECT ZONES (T6) 5.6.1 Building Disposition (T6) a. Newly platted Lots shall be dimensioned according to Illustration 5.6. b. Lot coverage by any Building shall not exceed that shown in Illustration 5.6. c. Buildings shall be disposed in relation to the boundaries of their Lots according to Illustration 5.6. d. Buildings shall have their principal pedestrian entrances on a Frontage Line or from a courtyard at the Second Layer. e. For the minimum Height, Facades shall be built parallel to the Principal Frontage Line along a minimum of seventy percent (70%) of its length on the Setback Line as shown in Illustration 5.6. In the absence of Building along the remainder of the Frontage Line, a Streetscreen shall be built co -planar with the Facade to shield parking and service areas. In the case of two (2) or three (3) Principal Frontages meeting at Thoroughfare intersections, the Building corner may recede from the designated Setback up to twenty percent (20%) of the Lot length. f. At the first Story, Facades along a Frontage Line shall have frequent doors and windows; pedes- trian entrances shall occur at a maximum spacing of seventy five (75) feet and vehicular entries shall occur at a minimum spacing of sixty (60) feet unless approved by Waiver. g. Setbacks for Buildings shall be as shown in Illustration 5.6. Where the property to be developed abuts a Structure other than a Sign, a Waiver may be granted so the proposed Structure matches the ground level dominant setback of the block and its context. Frontage Setbacks above the eighth floor for Lots having one (1) dimension measuring one hundred (100) feet or less may be a minimum of zero (0) feet by Waiver. For T6-36, T6-48, T6-60 and T6-80, the Frontage Setbacks above the eighth floor shall not be required for a Frontage facing a Civic Space or a Right -of -Way seventy (70) feet or greater in width. At property lines Abutting a lower Transect Zone the Setbacks shall reflect the transition as shown in Illustration 5.6. h. Above the eighth floor, minimum building spacing is sixty (60) feet, except that where the Build- ing abuts T5, the sixty (60) feet required spacing shall be above the fifth floor. For T6-24, T6-36, T6-48, T6-60 and T6-80 Lots having one dimension one hundred (100) feet or less, side and rear Setbacks above the eighth floor may be reduced to a minimum of twenty (20) feet by Waiver. For T6-36, T6-48, T6-60 and T6-80 above the eighth floor in the Second Layer, at a setback of ten (10) feet, an additional two stories of habitable space may extend a maximum sixty percent (60%) of the length of the street Frontages. For T6-24, T6-36, T6-48, T6-60 and T6-80 above the eighth floor an additional six feet of non -habitable space may be allowed without additional setback to accommodate depth of swimming pools, landscaping, transfer beams, and other structural and mechanical systems. i. For sites with three hundred and forty (340) feet Frontage length or more, a cross -Block passage shall be provided as follows: If the Frontage Line of a site is at any point more than three hundred and forty (340) feet from a Thoroughfare intersection, the Building shall provide a cross -Block Pedestrian Passage. If the Frontage Line of a site is at any point six hundred and fifty (650) feet V.24 MIAMI 21 AS ADOPTED - APRIL 2012 BUILDING DISPOSITION LOT OCCUPATION a. talkies 5,030 al. lair; 40,000 et max b, Loll VI idih 50 ft rail, c_ Lot Overage $0 'o-mar_ -1-$ Stoma • Above r Story 15_000 sq ft max. Floerplate fox II esiderrtiiel a Lodging 30,300 sq It max. Floorplate Ioi Oft! S. Comm dial d. FlOO(Lot Ratio (FIR) 5,' 25% addtional PIA* Berrer4 e. Frontage at front Setback 70%min. f. Open Space Requirements 10%Lot Area min. g. Da risk 150 duly cre max. BUIL DING SETI3AGK a. Principal Front 10 ftmir.: 20 ft min. above 8Story b. Secondary Fiord 10 ft mom.; 20 ft min. above 8' Stow c Sate D IL min : 10 ft. min, above S" Glory d, Rear Oft rat►: 30R miry, *over Slone e, Abutting Side or Rear T5 0 R, rain. 1" through 5" Story 10 ft roiltr threegh P Story 3d ft ram. above 8' Story Abuttng Side or Rear T4 5 ft min. 1" through i Story 20 ft oil. above 5m Story Abttttin0 Side or Rear T3 10%of LoI depth" mini *1ouph 7" Story T$ ft rail, 3" through 5f' Sim 40 it mrr. abava 5' Star/ BUILDINGCONFIGURATION FRONTAGE a. t:nrrmor Lavin prohibited b. Porch .5 l'anaa prohibited c Terrace or L.C. prohibited d. Forecourt pemnitled o. Stoop penniped f.. Shopfrmd pemuleed (TM L 15 Tr0.8 O only) g. Gallery permitted by Special Area Plao h, Arcade permitted by Spacial Arran plan BALDING HEIGHT a. MAri Height 7 Stones b. Max. Height Stones c Max. BeneFt FreigI 4 Stories Abetting atl Transact Zones except T3 Or as rmi difiad in L'aaagrt n 9 ARTICLE 5. SPECIFIC TO ZONES ILLUSTRATION 5.6 URBAN CORE TRANSECT ZONES (T6-8) BUILDING RACEME ld 2E1 LEM UM BUILDING HEIGHT RIO —pr a a 2 el oh 6 2 d ii —14 aJTT'PMICE fl€ Ixa T1 PARKING PLACEMENT 7d 2rd Lig AV tit _sink ,1R: _y Vito 4 2 '*10'b a' Lot rsepa far Low more then 120' deep Fr *for Lobs leas tam 120r deep in L srd StIO Lity V.29 MIAMI 21 AS ADOPTED - APRIL 2012 BUILDING DISPOSITION LT OCCUPATION 3. 1_114 Pi1-83 5,000 s.f. min.: 7000 s. f. max b. Lot Width 50 fL mai a. Lel Coverage -1-5 Silence 6131%mar, . Aballb IP Story d. Floor Lot Rabe (FLR) 16,006 sq. ft Mak Floaciplite Ea &midair tiaI4 Lodging 30,00t sq. ft max %emirs for OfFce a Commereis1 8 I 3n. addttionsi Public Bereft e. Frontage aI beet Setback 70%rnin. 1. Oren Space Requirements 10%tot Area rain. g. Density 150 duistre mai. • WILDING SETBACK a. Principal' Fora 10 ft mkt; 211IL min. above 8"Stary b. Secondary Front 10 ft min; NI ft_ min. atorNel FP,'Story c. Side 0 it min.; 30ft ran. abova r Step/ 4 Rear 0 ft min.: 30ft nen. above en sim a. Abutting Side or Rear T5 Abutting SL;d3 Dr Rear T4 0 Ft min.; 10 ft min P through r story 30 It rnin abehke r Story 6 ft min. 1" throusti 5" Staff 26 ft min 6711re/ugh 8" Story 30 ft min. above 13' Story Abutting Side or Rear T3 10%of Lot depth"' 61.11 &rough 2`'' Story 26 fL mirk a- Ihrimgh V' Stery 41 It, min above 5' Story BUILDING CO N FIGU R.AT ION FROWTA GE 4. Common Laden prokibited b. Porch & Fence pia hibited e. Terrace Ilit .C. prohibited _ ri. Forecourt permuted a. Stoop perrnted I. Shopfron1 otaricird (T6-12 L 8.16-t2 0-only) 9. Gallery parted by Special Atte Ran h. Arcade permitted by Sp3C41 Ara 3 Plan a. Min. Height 2 Stories b. Max Height 12 Stories a. Max. Benefit HeigInt S Stone Abutling all Transact Zones ext4112t r3 * Or as modifed in Diagram g ARTICLE 5. SPECIFIC TO ZONES ILLUSTRATION 5.6 URBAN CORE TRANSECT ZONES (T6-12) BUILDING 11ACEL' i-N id PIM BUILDING HEIGHT 141$4 12 a 7 6 4 a PARKING PLACE Lr N T 14 PV at ir AV...117 REAP ki.i..D;#;k5 k 1,k174111AAL11111;.:;54.4i cF,R-k F 12 1 .217 M1M. y MrriL 1 2 fir% 1.—r4 tor et Ai-WM of Utarep fort Mae ilM11211drop erreLlur LoM Imam 121/Orgi V.31 MIAMI 21 AS ADOPTED - APRIL 2012 BUILDING DISPO • LOT OCCLTATION a. Let Ara a b. Lot wiidth 5,000 81 mirr.;100.000 5.1. max. 50 ft min t. Lot Coverage -1-I4Staries BD%max- - Above B'Stoix 15.044 $0 R. max, Floprpleie Fly Resider a1 d L odging 30,001) sq ft max. Floorplale Far Office i Ccrnmercial d. Flow Lot Ratio (RR) 7/ 30%addrbanal Public Baneft e. Frpniage at Frani Setback ?D%rnin. F. Open Space R etiquire mcnl5 10%Lot Area rrlin. g. Density 150dufatramax ' BUILDING SETBACK a. Fri ncipal Front 10 It ran ; 20 ft min. above Story b Setendare Faor11 10 h rrii . 20 ft min. above 8e Story c. Side 0 ft mir.; 30 It rain. above ir Story d Rear e. Abutting Side or Rear T5 0 Ft rain ; 3R It Alin, above 3,, Stery 0 fL mirr i' through 57 Sbarq 10FL min. 6' through'. Story 301L Arm above` Story BUILDING CONE'GURATrON FRONTAGE a. Ccrtanc r Lawn prohibrted b. Penh 4 Fent& prohibited t. Torrent er L.G. prohibited d. Forecourt permitted e. Slocp permitted V. ShbpFrord permitted (I044IL TG'240 only) g. C3alery permitted by Special krea Flan h: Arcade permitted by Special Idea Plan BUILDING HEIGHT a. Min. Height 2 $rite b. Max. Height 24 5lories e. max Benefit Haight 24 SlortasAbutbag alTrained Zones exceptT3 • Or as married in Diagram ARTICLE 5. SPECIFIC TO ZONES ILLUSTRATION 5.6 URBAN CORE TRANSECT ZONES (T6-24) BUILDING PLACI_'.'Er is i BUILDING HEIGHT lea vim +r- 1 I I 25 • 24 '12 I I 10 ar Ter PARKING PLACEF,:... I2 II 10 $ rte 1 err taw 5 4 2 Orr a .rinr4,21Df FEm oa4E6ExcEprr2. 4kr.pk6WINGSUE CR REAP M V. 33 MIAMI 21 AS ADOPTED - APRIL 2012 BUILDING DISPOSITION LOT OCCUPATION b. Lot Area 5.000 s.L mil. b.Lot Ilk* 1401t min c. Lot Co,rwig a -11 Stories - Above E' Story 80°lomax. 18,000 sc, It mac Fleorplate For Rini - dental 8 Lodgrq 34,000 so. It malt Floorplate far d. Ftaart.at Rahn (FLR) T6.364:12140%additional Public Benefe 1 .36b: 22 I40%addlionall Public Benefk e. Frontage at front Selbark 70%min. 1, Open Space Raquranenfe 10%Lof Area min. g. D n 150 du+acre rani,' BLMLCIPIC SETBACK a. Principal Front 10 f1. min.: 20 ft min. above 8• Story b. Secondary Front 10 ft min.; 20 ft min. above 8Lary c. Side d Rear 0 ft mina 30 fi run. above B Ste y 0 lL thin.. 30 fl rain. above e. Stet e Abuttng Side or Rear T5 0 It mir. 1= through 5- Story 10 A. min. 6- through 0 Story 34 It min. alcove 8" Story HIDING CONFIGURATION FRGNTAG a. Carrrnen Lawn prohibited b Porch 4 Fence prohibited c. Terrace or L.C. prohibited d. Ferecaurt permtted e Stoop pearrr•ted 1. $hoptont g. Gallery pe'miled 1T6-36 L & T 36 0 only) permitted by Special Area Plan b. Arcade permrded by Special Area Plan ElUll lf#3 HEIGHT a kin Height Stories b. Max. Height 36. Stories c. Max Benefr Heght 24 Stories Abutting all named Zones exeeptT1 • Cv a$ modified in Diagram D ARTICLE 5. SPECIFIC TO ZONES ILLUSTRATION 5.6 URBAN CORE TRANSECT ZONES (T6-36) 3UILDING PLACEMENT 4 w a-F irr T•IC FILDIriS HEIGHT erred PAR Hes F 12 F e 5 4 3 2 R wr PARING IIACErvMENT FT*. i 151rh AaAtt2°Ea :- oaunati so DR REAR 15 y V. 35 MIAMI 21 AS ADOPTED - APRIL 2012 BUILDING DISPOSITION LOT OCCUPATION a. Lot Area 5.0D0 c.f, mill. b. LoI Width 10O ft nit t. LotCewariga -1- Staneo 00 nrpu, Above tr Story 18,004 sq. fL max Floorplate for Rai &Niel & Lodging 30,004 sq. Ili. max Floorplate for Office A Cmlmereial d. Flew Let Ratio (FLR) T6-48e_ 11 if 50°1b additional Pubic Bentft T5-44 15 f 50°, additional Pubic 9enet-t e. Freres. et trot Setback T0%rr:an, f. Open Space Requirernents 16%L¢I Area min. a Density 150duTacreroar_ ' 9 JIL LNG SETIgACK ar Principal Fronk 10 ft min : 20 FL min. ab a 8' 5lory b Secondary Fronk 10 ft min.; 20 ft min. alarms a fury c. Sad e 0 ft mil.; 30 M. min. above rn Story d Rear 0Itmin,;30fknin.above 51Story e Abutting Side or Rear T5 0l . min. Ilthrough 5' Story 00 ft min. P through d'° Story 36ftmin. shaver Story BUILDING CONFIGURATION FRONTAGE a. Common Lawn eiohib ked b. Porch . Fence prohibited c. Terrace el L.C. d Forecourt prohibited permitted e. Stoop permitted 1. She pfronl pe nil ed (T648 L a T -48 O e ) g. Gallery perm*trd by Special Area Plan h. Arcade pirrnfted by Special Area Plan UULI:WC IHEII HT a. Ar._ height Stories fix. height 48 Stories c. Max Benefi Height 32 Stories Abutting all TreitiettZones except i3 ' Or as modified in Diagram 9 ARTICLE 5. SPECIFIC TO ZONES ILLUSTRATION 5.6 URBAN CORE TRANSECT ZONES (T6-48) BUILDING PLACEMENT 4 hi arri ryr Sd BUILDING HEIGHT r t Na �i tltl n F ilt< 1- I � 1 Mr. tg 11 0 5 { 1t_ PARKING PLACEMENT 4 IA 1* III 214 Lg1r ae LOW V. 37 MIAMI 21 AS ADOPTED - APRIL 2012 BUILDING DISPOSITION LOT OCCUPATION a. Lot Area 5.00 s.f. rrm. b. Lot lh5dth 1 00 it min. o, Lot Coverage -1 Storiaa BO%mrax. - Above Fr Story 18,000 sq. ft mac fllwrplale for Residettiet3 Lodging 3AOOU pi R max. ilperplate For Office 4 Commercial d, Floor Lot Ratio (FLIT) T6 On,1 V 60%addidea ! Public BoneFt 113-00b:1& 509%adddio+ral Public Benet a. Frontage at front Setback 70%min, 1. Owen Spawn Reaurernerrta 10%Lot Ante dirt g. Donut,' 150 dlur m mac' BUILOINO SETBACK a. Principal Front 1Oft min,; 20 ft min above `Story b. SeoonderyFrarrt 10FL min; 20 ft min above 6 Sbcry c. Side 0 i1. rrn_; 30 ft min. above r Story d. Roar 0 ', min.: 30 R min. above 8' Story o. Abutting Bade or Rear T5 0 Re min. 1" through ' Story 1Oft. min F'through 6. Story BUILDING CONFIGURATION FRONTAGE a. Common brim prdli6iad b. Porch & Fence prohibited c. Terrace crt.C. prahibeed d,Fa a orn permitted c Stoop permi:ied f_ SShepiront permed (T5414 L S.T8-60 O only) tF Galva' paaniind by Speaal Area Plan h. Arcade permifsd by Special Area Plan WILDING I-rIOHT a Min. Height L Max Height 2 Biome BUSbaries c. Maz. Benefit Heght unlimited Stories Abutting all Transact Zonal exctpl T3 Or as modified in Cliag ram g ARTICLE 5. SPECIFIC TO ZONES ILLUSTRATION 5.6 URBAN CORE TRANSECT ZONES (T6-60) BUILDING PLACEMENT 4 `rlc LPF rw BUILDING HEIGHT Nim r r r �1 P 4 r el 5J r 1 YE 1 hfcee: II) r 14 Til e 1 1 a rs PARKING PLACEMENT + 11.4 M IA ?* Wi V. 39 MIAMI 21 AS ADOPTED - APRIL 2012 BUILDING DISPOSITION LOT OCCUPATION a. Lot Area 5.000 s.f. min. b. LotWdt 100ft ruffs. c, Lol Ca011'01e -1-8 SRories E0%rr1 . • Above W' Stay 18,000 sq. ft max floarplate for R aaidenbal d Lodging 38.000 sq fl! MAW I10orplot4 for ORrtr« & Comrnercial d. Floor Lol Ralio [FLR 241 54%addfi+enal Public Barrett e. Frontage al front Setbaca. f. Open Space Requirements 70%min 10%L oM Area min g. Density 150 durarremax. ' BlJILbING SETT ACK a. Pnncissi Fronk 10 R min.: ft min. above 87. Slory b. Secondary Frank 10 R min,; 24 fl min. above r 51ory c. Side 0 ft min.; 30 fL rrin. above 81' Story d. Rear 0 R min.; 30 ft. grin. above 01' Story BUILDING CONFIGURATION FRONTAGE a. Corrcoon Laren prohibrted b. Porch S. Fence prohlMad c. Terrace er l .C. prohibited d. Forecourt permitted e. Stoop peoriiled If. 3Tnapfroont g. Gallery permitted (T6-80 L 8,16-80 0 only) permitted by Spacial Area Plan n Arcade permitted by Social Qrta Prigs BIJILDIN' FIEIQiHT a. Min. Height 2 SWAN b. Max height 00 Stories c.1.4ex Benafi Height unlimited Stories Mulling all Tweed Zones Wag T3 • Ow as modrhed in Diagram 9 ARTICLE 5. SPECIFIC TO ZONES ILLUSTRATION 5.6 URBAN CORE TRANSECT ZONES (T6-80) BUILDING PLACEMENT PARKING PLACEML' ; 41 +4 ri 'y :roc UN LAW BUILDING HEIGHT act doh' I I Y 210 • -i r..1-Y.. Y 2 11 1a 3741 4 d 5 Vet -p 3 ! Q e•e �X Vitt y aPi 1-1 I! $11 Lme As V.41