HomeMy WebLinkAboutPre-Original AgrmtT0 Ralph C. Dngie City Clerk . eo.• Donald W. Cather Director of Public Works . •CITY.J .ovAmt. FLORIDA INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM "Conservation Lighting Conversion Agreement" Attached for your files is en original of the signed "Conservation Lighting Conversion Agreement" between the City of Miami and Florida Power & Light Company. By carbon copy of this memorandum. I am sending copies of this agreement to: Finance Department Internal Audit Law Department Management & Budget Office of Intergovernmental Affairs FP&L (original r§igned copg). i I+ We will keep the third original signed copy in our • the " of fit and, Icms mrnl% I. (. ,II nt\ rube... inx Iri 2. I ared u J. C. bc date r yam S. CoNS ER .10,N .1. IGIA TING.:COltMERSION. ACIRMAEl.NT. ......• I IIIS A(.RI I MIN 1, made this __.15.t_h day of December , 1982, hy and between City of Miami its successnn and assigns (hereafter called • the "Cu•,Inmcr") and 1 1 (.RIDA POWER R 1.1(dII COMPANY, a cnrptxatinn organised and eaisling under the laws of the State ul f load.. it: tut. rstnrs and assegto Morally' called the "Company"). WITNESSETII WMRLAS, ttii' Cu 11.1rty now SOW.Inc Luuorner at vumtn fixations with Company owned street lighting service WIIERI.AS, Ille Cnmpany and the. Customer desire to promote conservation by converting present street lighting sys- tems of Incandescent am1Jul Mercury Vapor lamps to the more efficient nigh Pressure Sodium Vapor source, NOW, TIILRrI'ORE, in recognition of the foregoing recitals and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agree- ments contained herein, the pities hereto do agree as follows 1 EIiMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Conversions All ernvertions pursuant to this agreement will be at existing locations as Indicated by the Customer records. All conver- sruns small cord/Am to the replacement proposal marked Exhibit "D" and made a part hereof bythis reference, unless designated otherwise hy the Customer in writing or recommended otherwise by the Company and accepted hy the Customer in writing aewrd• Ing to Lxhihitt "R" or "C", Original 1.riff Sheet Not. 9.113 and 9.114. Such conversions will be made al the Compan►'s expense and all poles, wires, fixtures, lamps, and other appliances, supplied and used by the Company in furnishing service hereinprovided lot shall, at all times, be and remain the property of the Company. 3. Contrition Schedules Die Customer agrees that all scheduling and cnntpletion of designated conversions under the terms of this Agreement will he at the trite disunion and monagernenl id the Company. The Company makes no representations as to the expected completion date nl the designated conversions. a.,_dnuatnnrauwt. Jbodothor+assf4tr,w).d.igluusy.Avraro+nwus14-4.4444Aprat<tM-iasaPucusd-4i-114Wua)-ana.4•14- / sodihaTta rapt *-6. 1s.sJ.st+tils.ctaiirra{.attitrapa .4 njagWog,C:onversionApaoauuas.tic{wee.at-prorridadltipaaagrab)d'rw.{SIbrawn. •City--0•C-f-i-iosai ]bw.4Muc.1.A{tweYMAt Jr. contualtiost os.thtLioxtu surlycy..iuuuuaustcycJLno.suc(tSucc)1ighlin(,.6grtemret r■icts, 1Laf.1t).toauG vwl4 esrrntr'. me miend tettr.nesit-wrr 1+•1Mu-+Kw.rr«.w•«4.1)a;s.agwranwas, 5. lion of l contact the t u+urun•r and the Ctr.n1uny rnolua;'1 agree I'h.d the tile nt Ihit Agreement sh.11l•he for a term o1 ten OM years Km the date eras Iles Agreement and .hall estem( Itp.reotler lot Nether succrttira perrads rd rive (5) years (ruin the expiation of the nwr.d 1•v Ili sear ;rills, s.r Irnm the rstnr,uiun nl .rny Iensinn Ihrrcnl. Ihr Agreement shalfhr extended automatically unless rohri.)•.r. hart 1145C M;rte•n rtntu•u Milne it, the nrhrt of its drtne to Irrrninalr Om Agreement. 1he written notier shall he given not trss than now IS 1'I01 dots lr•I.ur the elate of rtlnr.tlion nl the initial tin (l11( ytu Ic)nt, or any extension Ihereuf. rage lot 2 ed Ile .ce ee• er• ed rd. ed tY. .ill on sec ,m 'he est rn 6. Payment -. �,'i ! ti, �►• s ` : QQQ2G3 • The Customer agrees 10 take eh'ctric energy and service supplied to each street tight in accordance with the rate schedule • • set forth in Ethitit "A", which is attached to and made part of this Agreement, or any successive rate schedule which maybe ap' , proved from time 10 time by the appropriate regulatory authority. • IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by their officers thereunto duly ' authority.1 the day and yr•r first above written. CITY OF MIAMI, a Municipal Corporation of the State of By CITY CLERK City Manag Witnesses for the Company: Atleytt� ee FLORIDAER'd LIGHT COMPANY By D Attest: rtcf Manager 7. Voldlt� Paragraph 4 hereof entitled "Incorporat:on . TIu Customer and the Company mutually agree that Paragraph 4 of the herein cantraLt, entitled "Incorporation", in null and void and of no effect. It is the Agreement between the parties that they are entering into the herein Conservation Lighting Conversion Agreement wt-thout having to enter into any. other agreement. 'APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: 911 R. CARCIA—I'EWROSA AY r0RN EY . Oi! FI 1RIDA f IFk 6 LIGHT COMPANi Page 2 of 2 ri'ct Manager • ••• • :• . t. • ;f 1Lr7IlIIM1'ol EKS LIf;itrroan, asV EXHIBIT A l.r.••r et.,...•.r:.la•et No. 1.715 Cancels Ferri Revised Sheet No. 1.715 '1 • 7 . RATE bc,11:l,ULl:e SIB RATE: COtEs 917 • 1. 57f� R, .1 hh'.1• STII l:I• #'idr;lITINr; .•t. V: 000264 AVAI{.AlN.l:r In e.11 territory served. APPI•If•+1TIONr For Irghiing of public ways and peens with flghlirg systems comprised of ID or more luminaires. TYPE: OF INSTALLATION: r'ompany•owncd fixtures normally will be mounted on poles of Compnny'a ex(stine distribution system and served !ruin orrrbeed wirer. On request of the Customer, the Corrywny will provide special poles or underground wires et the rhirgri sitccif(ed below. Ctminrnnr-owned systems w111 be of a standard lype And design, prrmIttln; service and lamp replacement at no at.nurmul ^nit 10 LIM rbmseny. SI:III'te'I:: trrvlrr. uu•lufi•s bongs re,es.•nit, patrol, energy from dusk each day until down the following day, and maintenance of r•uonpmtymwned street Iigt.ilnz systems. F.ncrgy will be supplied from Company's series or multiple system, al Curnpsnyh opt inn. 1.1M11TA rIoN OF SERVICE! Ir ihr Company is required to remov0 or repinee editing high pressure sodium vapor luminelres under this schedule, forcing prcmalure retirement, the Customer shall be required to pay tr.a Company an *mount equal to the arlgh.,I Installed cost, less sine selvage value, dcpreeleled, based on the depreela11..n rates as approved by the Florida Public Service Commission, plus the cost of removal. For Mercury Vapor, Fluorescent and Incandescent luminaires, no additions or charges In specified lumen output on existing lnstnllalions will be permitted under this schedule after the effective date hereof, except where such emit lone! lights ere required In order to match existing Installations. Stxnd•by or reside service Is not Dermot lad hereunder. Morel111.V IRATE Charge tor Company -Owned Charge for Cuhlomer Ownod • Unll (1) • Unit (1) Dismal ire, I.amphi,. 11N11151n. Alaiale- liegIrisiryt%F:norey Type Lull rr•ehnit. I,vt,mnte Inrlhll.•s nnncc lull Non -Furl Total Mg 1111:1t errv•ure no,))urn ►14I.1.r 5.1400 70 30 2.0J 1.61 .76 .77 6.91 '1.97 1.48 ^ •' v.SOU feu 42 3.I10 I.S2 1.07 1.00 9•.59 1.57 2.07 •" IIi,h00 160 r.2 3.02 1.53 1.51 1.48 7.11 1.56 2.06 " 72,nua 200 90 4.01 1.94 2.29 2.16 11.46 4.99 4.44 " " So.4100 400 172 4.26 2.00 4.11 4.11 14.74 1.0J 1.41 !:sued by: J. J. Iludauerg, Prern E:frrettvel Uehd,er 1, 1981 • • •. `. e t r•� • r... V �i • • Irteitlnir•d nit Sheet Nu. e.7161 d• : r ,it' ... ♦. • a • . • • • • • • . - ••-, • • •.1::'niI.A I'0.sr.11 t 1.It:117 COMPANY ,•,r:. . (Continues! . frpm.5heel Chergc tot'Cornpany.•Ownod • Unit 1$) !Ar'p Size f(it11/Ato. Masnle• ImmemAt Its Est ite.•e Fa ell! (es nonce Fuel Hon -Fuel 'Tr .. . t I.n. 1,711 ' Canrels I srtt Revised Sheet No. 1.711 Tote l - -00026J •Chuir0e for.Customer4Owited unit 1 ' R ire EI t!y High Pretss,.e Sodium Vapor • 13,000 150 62 2.31 2.51 I.SI 1.41 7.91 1.11 3.02 • •7 23,500 250 119 1.15 1.97 3.02 2.81 11.91 6.11 5.16 • • 130,000 1,000 422 6.10 3.42 )0.72 10.08 30.32 22.11 10.10 Mercury t'a,.•.r• 4,5110 140 63 1.97 1.10 1.60 1.50 4.17 3.53 3.10 • • i,DUtl 175 79 1..97 1.10 1.00 1.89 6.96 1.32 3.19 . " • 11,111t0 250 107 3.20 1.58 2.72 2.55 10.05 6.75 5,77 • - • 20,MPU 41)11 164 3,19 1.51 4.16 3.92 12.11 1.51 1.01 • • 36,500 7U0 279 4.51 2.27 7.09 6.66 20.53 04.11 13.75 • • 53,000 1,000 395 4.62 2.28 10.01 8.13 36.37 20.17 12.17 lne.mtrc.•"t • 1.000 103 37 • 2.500 202 ,73 • 1,000• 327 119 • 6,000 448 162 • 10,060 490 250 Fluorescent • 19,100 300 Its • 39,400 700 271 7.48 2.31 1.12 8..66 1.16 3.60 10:96 6.37 5.82 13.01 4.51 7.21 17.10 . 12.11 12.32 6.72 6.16 13.11. 13.35 "Those units are closed lu new Company InstattitIons. ''The rnrrgy charge of 4.150t per kwh (which Includes a 2.500t per kwh fuel component and a 2.950t per kwh non -fuel component/ Insist he multiplied by the revenue tag factor of 1.01609. Charges for other Company -owned facilities! Wood pole used only for the street lighting system $2.00 Concrete fa.le used only for Ilie street lighting system 12.75 Fiberglass pole used only for the street lighting system 13.25 Underground conductors not ander paving 1.500 per toot Underground conductors under paving 3.700 per foot T11r spn':Ing upon which these charges are based shall be determined from Company records. On Cu:,tuuirr-nwned street ant; highway systems and where Customer contracts to relamp at no cost to the Company. the Monthly Rate for energy shall be 4.15e per kwh of estimated usage of each unit plus adjustments. ,\dyedin.•nt: The amount computed et the above Monthly stale shill be adjusted minus or plus by an amount calculated m arc„r.hv,re' with the formulae si.eeified In the Company's Adjustment and Cost Meeovery Clauses which are u,rarl".n•i.•'1 by reference es a part of tills Bate Schedule and as filed with and authorised by the Florida Public hervir.•''• aun,ssu,n. I.. '.l.u.ule kale 1. ,nrrrau'd by the specified percentage factor for rurrl franchise area as set forth In the I lin. ,..• I.•.• I actor %loch is iurorpornled by reference es a part of this Nate Schedule and as filed with the Florida. P.a.!. • ••,vier Uun,rnisin.n. '11.h. percentage (aotor.shu'll be applied after other appropriate adjustments. I..•I4s and I•at•flitms in 3...ewe for IS days or less will not he billed; Light, and 1 «cliltics n, sr:rvuv' for 16 days or more sell. be billed for • full month. TrRUul F1:IIclr:1:: Nut I.•s, limn len year.. • HULLS ANit It1.t;til..A II11NS: 6.a v.cr u,awr this sr0.,•,1u1c sti, sul.lecl to orders of governmental bodies hiving jurisdiction and to the currently rftrriivr "General ttmlua and Regulations for Electric Service" on tile with the Florida Public Service Commission. In ra«' .d r.a:fhrl l,tween any provision of Ibis schedule and said "General Rules and Itcgu' 'lions for Electric ServIre•. 11ir pn,n, u,n of tin% schedule shall apply, • Isxu•d too .1..1. 1luddnii 1:. l'resiif'nl t.ffr•rt,ve•: ,..••.:..•. 4. 1da1 •'.• • r • • •• • e • • • ► 1 • • • • 1 _it • ,i ; •f 1,rilIJLM rt:41;!! ti 1,10uIT COI.leNY • %-•••et or 4 Origins, Sheet No. 9.112 00O2s(; EXIII11IT 9 R/.QU1ST FOR MODIFICATION AND/OR REPLACEM4NT OF STREET LIOITINO SYSTEM Floitde howur 4 Light Company T•eatlr.en: , 19_ In accordance with the terms and conditions of the Street Lighting AYreearnt dated . 19 this request 1s made for a modification and/or replacement0 r tT acllitits in the Sireei Lighting System within the limits of this body's jurisdiction. The modification and/or replacement requested Is/are aas_fellows (describe fully)i (Signature) (titl.) (Customer's Name) 9v.lu-tt grunted • 19 , subject to your approval of the following thmrsoi ihTh art payable Iy you be ore-anr aodt(lertlon and/or-repl.rement tan I•e undertaken: Request dented 19 , for the following reason FLORIDA POWER 4 1.1Otf COMPANY (Slgnatture District Manager is+W d hy' J. J. UuJlhurg• President Lffecttre. July 27. 1979 J. J ; .'g • .a e m • 4 — _. • :5 t .113 711. i'1 t1lu11A 1't1111:11IF 1.1011T enIONY ElHISIT C k.QUES7 FOR W:NDYAL AND/OR ADDITION Of FACILITIES 0►Itlnal Shoet.No, .9.114 Florida Power 6 Light Company nenthemen: In a.rordanre with the terms and conditions of the Street Lighting afteeannt doted , 19 , this request is lode for a removal and/ur adJttiun of 1ac11111ei_ {n tiTie exiittnj Street Lighting System' within the limits' of this body's Jurisdiction. ' . The removal and/or addition requested is/are as follows (describe fully): Approved as of the following date 19,•_, by: (Signature) FI.[1RIDA rowziR 6 LIOIT f.OMPAAY (Signature) i`+tt.'J t'Y• J. J. Nudlburg. ?resident 1•Itert iye: July 27. 1979 (Cuatomerts Nape) ••- 41/ .CI • • .• /lrst Revised Sleet No. 1.152 PLOr1UA YO1Yr.R & UO11T COMPA Cancels Original Sheet No. 0.112 i f. �. (Continued from Shrst No.l.151) EXHIBIT •1Y OO62(;& Conservation Lighting Conversion Agreement Nlacenicnt Proposal, Proposed Replacement • ileannu (Lumens- 'meI Pre.cat e50'l MY 7000 MY 11000 MY 10500 MY 2550D MY •55000 MY 12000 IIPSY •• 1000 lncandescen1 25D0 Incandescent 4000 incandescent 1000 lncai.drseent 10000 Incandescent 5100 IIPSY 6100 or 11500 IIPSY 1500 slrsv 12000 IIPSY 50000 IHI'SY 50000 IIPSY 16000 IIPSY 5100 IIPSY 5100 HPSV 5100 IiPBv 5000 IIPSY 0500 111':•V Nuteei • Mice's( where the Company rccommenda• olherwisL due io design criteria, or as requested otherwlte in writing by the Customer. •• 13000 tumrns high pressure sodium vapor luminaire Is Inefficient compared to available replacements. b ...Y • •\•..Ir•.- - • •u.• . ..-. • Its , -d Iryi J. J. Iludit.luC, Pn•►Idcut 1 .r, •11... t• a.....,.. S. 1.41 rt- '• .' r _ _�. . . -••.•• ►. • J .w ••••.RSI.•.r.- - - I. • J.•._.•.-. -. . ••.•• ♦:•rn, . se �.• . • •• - e r.:. • ,' •O. r 4. • ar• 1; • . • go. 1.tl2i vop• IA bI a+ • • 000269 • • This instrument is to be executed simultaneously with the CONSERVATION LIGHTING CONVERSION AGREEMENT being entered into by and between the Florida Power & Light Company, (FP&L) and the City of Miami (CITY), and is to be binding upon both parties. This in? rument is to clarify certain items in the agreement that the CITY and/or FPL believes need further clarification. ^'herefore, be it understood that the CITY and FP&L are in agreement to the following: 1. That the City.of Miami is nor relinquising any of its street light design or other•rights to FP&L. The CITY will have jurisdiction over the location and type of conversion, etc., of any new or existing street lights. No change to any part of the street light system will take place without written authorization from the CITY for that change. 2. The CITY retains the right to order street lights of an intensity the CITY believes is beneficial to its citizens, so long as the intensity is available from the Company's SL Rate Schedules as approved by the Florida Public Service Commission. 3. That the egrer.,aent shall in no way negate the CITY's riyhtb as those rights may be contained.in the Charter and Code of tie City of Miami, the Franchise Agreement with FP&L, or the Rules and Regulations established by the Florida Public Service Commission.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed by their officers thereunto duly authorized, this 15rh day of _pecember , 1982. Witne sea: FLORIDA POWER & L1CHT COMPANY . �►f < w Y �1•! a�1'+ .f r� �+•'i4 r •%� By : �% 1• (SEAL) • r . • • • .3•ti•A 000270 • .• • , • • •• • • ' • CITY Or MIAMI, a manicipa: Corpora.tion of the State of Florida Sys AKIROVED AS TO FORM.AND CORRECTNESS