HomeMy WebLinkAboutMemo - Miami-Dade CountyOFFICIAL FILE COPY CLERK OF TRE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MIAUI-DADE cotisrY, FLORIDA Date: To: From: Carlos A. Gimenez Mayor Memorandum October 2, 2012 Honorable Chairman Joe A. Martinez •and Members, Board of County Commissioners MIAMIDADE COUNTY Agenda Item Io. 8(E) (2) &Nett: .Resolotion Authorizing to Apply-f ReceiVea nd Expend $197645: itt Grant Fun& - From:The Florida DePartment Of ..alth For Fiseal Year 2011-12 Fer .finproVed.And Expanded Pre -Hospital Emergency Medical Services_System Resolution No. R-776-12 .Recotninendation It is reconinionded that the Board. of amity Commisaioncrs approve: :the attached. Resolution atitnorizing -the. County ;Mayon or County Mayor's designee to . apply for receive: and -64elid approOnately .$197,645 in funds from die Florida Dopatolot of Health Etnergency Medical Servicest.prant-.cluring the State' S Fiscal Year 2011-12.; which cernmences'IUhe 4.201.1 'through lune 30„ 201 he at application:deadline is October 19, 2012 and requires a resolutionfrom the of•Coan.fj CommisSieners, If approved, the .new. :funds will be ,distributed: based on the number of 7t-,,inergen4-Medie-til Services iildidents these.agendieS responded Win:calendar:year 2011, as. folloWs;- Mi arni.11ai.le ConMy Fire -Rescue Department $120,148 C-t. of 1N,liatni:Firt RescueDeparttnent 47,949 City ofHialeah Fire ReseucDepartment 17,808 City ormianil;Beitch Fire Rescue Departinent 9,052 City ofCoral Gables.Fire.Resctte:Department 2,095 ',. Village dicey BiScayne FisRescnoDepartinent 593 Total payment expected- from-theState $1.91,64.$ Seeps.. The grant will provide eenuty wide serVices, Fisegi Immo tintriding. Soityce This grmit will provide a total of $197,645 of funclin g is; aMicipated for State of Florida. Fiscal. Year 20.11-12, Miami -Dade Fire Rescue is expected -to receive a reventte-allocatien:of.$120,148, The. grant does not require:Any matehing local oriti-lcind funds., Track: Record/Monitottg The grant award Will lie monitored by Lisset. Valledor,. Grants Manager, with the Miami -,Dade Fire Rescue Departthent, Background Edell year, the Florida Department of Health, Office of Emergency Medical Services diStributes-grant funds as authorized by Florida Statutes Chapter 401, These funds are made available to eligible Honorable Chairman -Joe A.. lylartiriei and Members; Board of Ciuthty CetOinistimitrs P.age.2 county governments to improve and expand:their pre -hospital: emergency medical services, The are derived .by -the State from surcharge,son various traffic yiOlations,. Miarni.7Da:de..Fire 12:0Seue has been responsible for the application :and•distribirtion process of. the State Em:ergeney Medical .Strytees County Grsilt. The grant stipulates. That Municipalities are to -apply- for And receive funds tluough their :respective -county government or .county fire departinent. Members of the five iimnicipalfire resouedepartments,. as•well as Miarni Dade "Fire RoScue„.conduct an annual needS assessment to. :carmulate the .Mianii-Dade...County apptication.. The Direetor of .each.rovectiVe fire TOS011e department reViews and approves the grant work, and expe».diture-plans.ineludedin the filial grant'application package. In order to receive: their'respectiVeallocatiOn of-the.new grant revenues received from.the State, each of the five intnicipa1 fire rescue -4:10partinients snbriiit .anapproved agreetnent te Miami -Dade Fire Xesgt10.. The :distribution of 'grant fund to each participating department is based Oti:litei'pereoltAge, . of, combined :total: ,cmergeney ediea1 services incidentsthe respective. department' :respondcd to during calendar:year-20-11 mato "chip"Igte as . ChiefofStafftDeputy Man G2- MEMORANDUM (Revised) TO: Honorable Chairman Joe A. Martinez DATE: October 2, 2012 and Members, Board of County Commissioners FROM: R. A, Cuevas; Jr. County Attorney SUBJECT: Agenda Item No. 8(E) (2) Pease note any items checked. "3-Day Rule" for committees applicable if raised 6 weeks required between first reading and public hearing 4 weeks notification to municipal officials requiredprior to public bearing Decreases revenues or increases expenditures without balancing budget Budget required Statement of fiscal impact required Ordinance creating a.new board requires detailed. County Manager's report for public hearing No committee review Applicable legislation requires more than a majority vote (i.e.; 2/3's , 3/5's , unanim.ous ) to approve Current information regarding funding source, index code and available balance, and available capacity (if debt is contemplated) required Approved Mayor Agenda Item No. 8(E) (2) Veto 10-2-12 Override RESOLUTION NO, R-776-12 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY MAYOR OR THE COUNTY MAYOR'S DESIGNEE TO APPLY FOR, RECEIVE AND EXPEND $197,645 N GRANT FUNDS FROM THE EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES GRANT AWARD FUNDS FOR IMPROVED AND EXPANDED PRE -HOSPITAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES PROGRAM IN FISCAL YEAR 2011-12; AND AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY MAYOR OR COUNTY MAYOR'S DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE AND AMEND. • SUCH CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS AS REQUIRED; TO APPLY FOR, RECEIVE AND EXPEND ADDITIONAL: • FUNDS SHOULD THEY BECOME AVAILABLE UNDER THIS PROGRAM; AND TO FILE AND EXECUTE`- ANY NECESSARY AMENDMENTS TO ANY APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT; AND TO EXERCISE THE CANCELLATION PROVISION CONTAINED THEREIN -w° WHEREAS, each year the Florida Department of Health, Office of Emergency Medical Servi.ee,3 distributes grant funds as authorized by Florida Statutes Chapter 401. These funds are made availabie to eligible county governments to improve and expand their pre -hospital emergency.: medical ,services —The funds are derived by the State from surcharges on various traffic violations; and. WII1.`REAS; • Miami4 ade:-.Fire Rescue has been responsible for the application and distribution process of the State Emergency Medical Services County Grant since 1987. A stipulation of the grans is that municipalities are to apply for and receive funds through their respective county government or county fire department. Members of the five municipal fire departments, as well as Miami -Dade Fire Rescue, conduct an annual needs assessment to formulate the Miami -Dade County application. The Director of each fire department reviews and approves the grant work and expenditure plans included in the final grant application package; and Agenda Item No. 8 (E) (2) Page No. 2 WHEREAS, this Board desires to accomplish the purposes outlined in the accompanying memorandum, a copy of which is incorporated herein by reference, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TILE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMLSSIONERS OF MIAAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that this Board authorizes the Mayor or his designee to file a Fiscal Year 2011-12 grant application for the payment expected from the State for Emergency Medical Services Grant Award funds to be used to improve and expand the pre -hospital Emergency Medical System in Miami -Dade County, in substantially the form attached hereto and made a part hereof; authorizes the County Mayor or County Mayor's designee to receive and expend any and all monies received for such purposes described in the grant application; authorized the County Mayor or County Mayor's designee to execute such contracts and agreements that are required , subject to County Attorney approval, for and on behalf of Miami -Dade County; and to file and execute any amendments to the application. The foregoing resolution was offered by Commissioner Sally A. Heyman who moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Rebeca Sosa and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Joe A. Martinez, Chairman aye Audrey M. Edmonson, Vice Chairwoman aye Bruno A. Barreiro aye Lynda Bell aye Esteban L. Bovo, Jr. absent Jose "Pepe" Diaz absent Sally A. Heyman aye Barbara J. Jordan aye Jean Monestime aye Dennis C. Moss absent Rebeca Sosa aye Sen. Javier D. Souto absent Xavier L. Suarez absent 5 Agenda Item No. 8(E) (2) Page No. 3 The Chairperson thereupon declared the resolution duly passed and adopted this ri day of October, 2012. This resolution shall become effective ten (10) days after the date of its adoption unless vetoed by the Mayor, and if vetoed, shall become effective only upon an override by this Board. Approved by County Attorney as to form and legal sufficiency. Daniel Frastai 6 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY CONBESSIONERS HARVEY RUVIN, CLERK Christopher Agrippa By: Deputy Clerk R14 Sc pow nier W.L;TrA RTMEINT. ALT'. AYnislr-Offg, MD *81n1.811rgeon.G00.1. July 18, 2012 Chairperson Miami-DadeCounty Board of County CornmiasiOners 111 NorthweatistStreet, Suite 220 Miamt, Florida 631.24 Dear Chairperson: We are pleasedteanhounce_that-youlhay how apply foryourcounty's; a.nnuat:graptfrom. the state for the improventerit-and-OPansion-of-younourity'S.ethergencyntedloal Services (EMS). The amount of your grant is.$197,645,00. The sum is 45 pereeritof the funds yourceunfy .deposited into the state Emergency- MedicaiServices Trust Fund for traffiosfine surcharges as spocIfied in 401..113(1), Florida Slillyles, for the 1months of July 1, 2911 :through June 30, •201.2. Vile will process your awardwheri wefedelve the completed ferrittdetaittidin.the folfeWing paragraph. All Reins in your budget MUSt:linOove and *and Emergency Medical ServiCes. placement and ongoing costs are not allowable: VVe ere -again using the 2008_edition-grant booklet •aitd Ions. If you need a c.opy,fileas.e contact me or 'obtain them online.at-littp://WWW.fi.ems.comiFormS1FOrMs.htitil. The -application forms are pages 3-6In tile grant booklet, Item 4 Ii the application form describes and requires a current resolution froth the Board ofLCounty COmMissiOners (BOCC), Complete and ratitit the. original plus one.Copy of the -application form DH Form 1684,: the request foi'lgrant disiribulion page DH Forth 1757P, end the retOlUtion (ailthee documents must be s(gned).-.tot. FM$ Canty Crain PrograM,, DOH Einergenoy Mcilcal.Services, 4052 Bald -Cypress • Way, Mali Bin .C18, TallahasSee,- FL .32390-1730 The.deadlina for us toreceiveicompleted applications is.Octoberib,.2012, 5:00 PM, s.tern Daylight Saving Time-. Thank you for your cooperatiOn and support to Ithprove..ansi pnl qij y EMS. Please. contact me at telephone (850) 2454440, eXterialon-.2734111 you have' any.questIonS. Sincerely, •ALet--1/4, AlenVan LOWen Health ServiceS and:Facilitfes7Conauttent Grants Unit cc: Mr. Scelt IVIendelsberg a6t70 jut 2 8 '.012 0011 1,3lirOtt grp*Wey MtOkal 801.04, 4062 Bald Cypnlss Way, Moll am.cts., Tell-nitusge, Florida (850)245444a Das: 2734 '00782 *Tax: (M1 245.4378 Welisliciji10;//Www;11;•ctils.coni/OilinlAiitlits.Isliiii 7 EMS COUNTY GRANT APPLICATION FLORIDA DEPARTMENT .OF HEALTH Bureau of Emergency Medical Services Complete all Items ID.;Code (The•State Bureau;oG EMSwlil assign:the ID Code• -.leave this _Wank) .COO 1..County Name: MIAMhDADE COUNTY Business Address: 111 NW 1. Street, Floor-29 Miernl; FI: 33128 'Telephone (305):375!5182 Federal Tax ID. Number (Nina Digit Number)`.VF,696000573 2,. Certlflcafion: (The applicant signatory who:has:authority to sign ContracI , grants,>and:other legal documents for the -county) 1 certify that ail infornialton and data In this EMS countygrant application and lts-attacliments are true and correct. My: signature:acknowledges.and assures that the County compty fully with Ihe: conditions. outlined In the Florida EMS County Grant. Application. Signature: bate:. Printed Name:Ganaro "Chili" Iglesias -PositronTitte: Chief of Staff/Deputy Mayor 3..Contact Person: '(The IndivIduel with direct knowledge of the project one day=te.day basis and has responsibility for the implementation of the grant activities. This perten Is --authorized; to sign project reports and may request • project changes: The:signerandthe contact person may be the•sarne,) Name: Scott.Mendelsberg. Position Title: Assistant Director Address:.9300.NW 41 Street Dural; Florida 33178 Telephone:. (786) 331=5121 —^1 Fax Number (786)331-5123 E-mail Addr&ss: 4. Resolution: Attact -a current resolution from the Board .of -County Commissioners. cerlifying.the grant funds will Improve:and expand:the cou05!pre.hospital EMS system and will not be usedto supplaril current levels of county expenditures. 6. :Budget: Complete:a budget pages)for each organization to •whicft you shall provide funds, List the organizatton(s).below. (Use additlonal'pages ifnecessa y) : Miami -pads Fire. Rescue Department City of. Miami Fire Rescue Department City of._Mtaml Beach Fire Rescue Department. City of Hialeah Fire Rescue Department City.. of Coral GabiesFire Rescue:Department Village of Key Biscayne Fire Rescue:Department DI-11084, December 2008 64J-1.016; F.A.C. 1 'TOTAL Salaries TOTAL FICA Grandlotal:Sal_aries and PICA B, Extiensest These are travel:costs and.the•usual, ordinary, andincidental expenditures by an agency, such as, commodities and:supplies:of a consumablemature uding expenditures classiiled as operating capital outlay (see.nexl category). Listttle'fool .and;.if;appll60ple; tt equ.an.flfy Amount TOTAL C. Vehicles, equipment; arid oilier operatingg capital outlay means equipment, (Mitres, and other tangible personai'property of a. non consumable and non expendabie`neture with a normal expected life of one (.1) year or_more, List the item slid,=ff applicable, thequaritify. Arnpuiit TOTAL -$ Grand'1'atal $197;645.00 DH 1684, December2068 2 BUDGET PAGE A. 8alarlas and Benefits: For each position titik-OrOVIdeitte..arnotint ot t-aftopiTer nottr, FICA per tiottr, ofher tango benato, and the total:Punta!' of hours. A'moitnt 1 /0 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH EMS GRANT. PROGRAM REQUEST FOR GRANT FUND _DISTRIBUTION In accordance with the -provielcnsof Sectlen 401 A18(2)(a), F. S., the undersigned'hereby requests an EMS grant fund distribution for the itnproVerrieht and expention 0f pre-hbepltal EMS. DORRemlt,Pavment To: Name of Agency: Miami -Dade -County Board of COUntyCOmmIseioners Mailing Address : 111 NW 1 Street, 28-froor, Finance Department Miami, FI. 33128 Federal Identification nufnber#69-000573 Authorized: Official: - Signature, Date Typ-ei Nanie and Title Sign and- returh thls page with yourOpplIcatIon to: Florida DeOthtentbf Health BEMS Grant P.I:ogrart3 4052 B6k1 Cypros Way, BM C.18 Tallahassee, Florida 323994138 Do- not write Wow, tbis1Ine. For use by Bureau of Emergency Madlea1 Servrces personnofonly Grant Amount PorState To Pay: $ .Grant ID: Code; COO Approved By : Signature of EMS Grant Officer Date State Fiscal Year: _2011 - 2012 Organization Code E,O. OCA Object Code Category .64-4240-00-000 05 S17005 .750000 059998 Federal Tax ID; VT Grant Beginning Date: Grant Ending Date: DH 1767P, December 2006 .641.0.16; F.A,C.3. FY 2011.12 EMS COUNTY .GRANT APPLICATION TOTAL EMS CALLS FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2011-SUMMARY STATE EMS GRANT# PENDING Revised; 7-26-2012 A. Eichenbaurn EMS Calls: Represents all sltuattons found to be EMS related by- the repplitngunit that :arrived on The call (dp-not Include cancelled: calls) and an: EMS Patient Roper( has been generated Catandar Year Covers.data frorn.January 1 to December 31,.2011. _ ) - ERSZOALL$:.BY pEFT-FoR:.eALEloARygAR.,2011: AMOLINT p.pf.pEgrApai. 1, DC DEPT; DADE COUNTY FIRE RESCUE 193,750 2. MJ-I: DEPT, CITYOF MIAMI FIRE RESCUE .77,323 3. MB DEPT, CITY OF MIAMYBEACH FIRE RESCUE. 14,565 4. HF,DEPT. CITY OF HIALEAH FIRE RESCUE 28,715. 5, CG CEJT. CITY OF CORAL GABLESFIRE RESCUE 3,365. 6, KB DEPT. VILLAGE.OF KEY BISCAYNE FIRE RESCUE- 60.79% 24.26% 4.58% 9,01% 1.06% 961 0.30% TOTAL EMS CALLS' FOR "CALENDAR YEAR" 2011 , 1000% SOURCE: TY 1-Q-11. gM$. CNTY •.GRT-2009 CY EMS.CALL5-5UMMARYCOUNTYCITIES:xls's.F.110-.. AZ. FY 2011-12 EMS COUNTY GRANT# PENDING NEW GRANT REVENUE EXPECTED FROM THE STATE PER EMS CALLS. FOR CALENDARYEAR 2011. TOTAL. EPA,. 0 FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2011 (UNITS) NEW NEW TOTAL REVENUE REVENUE ES Car 1 EXPECTED VIA DISTRIBUTION r-oR. CALENDAR PAYMENT PER PAYMENT YEAR:2011 FOR FY 2cril-12 FOR FY 2011-12 ($) (%) Revised: 07,31-2012 A. EICHENBA.UM NEW REVENUE -Pqr.M1W119. N RouNpmc PER Ems!, FAYIVIENT ADJUSTMENT FORFY2011-12 . (5). (ROUNDED) . . • 1 MIAMI-DADECOUNT(FIRERESCUE DEPT:. 193.7501 60.79% $197,645 :S120,146:40 j$0.40) 120,148 (CALLS per John Krumeeacker, EMS DiV.Chief..7-25.2012) 2 CITY OF MIAMI FIRE RESCUE'DEPT_ '77;323 :24.26% $197,645 $47,94868 $0:32- 47949 (CAEL8*Dvicl OVenis:Chief Finii Ciffieeil.en 7-26-2012) i ' - 1 3 CITY: OF MIAMI BEACH FIRE:RESCUE DEPT. 14,5851 4:58'% i .$197.645 .69,052.14 ($0.14),_ 9;052 (CALLS per Fiancois-Setancourt. EMS Div-Chiet on-T-27-2012) 4 CITYOF *HIALEAH FIRERESCUE.DEPT. 28,71 51 '9.01% $197:545 $17,80721 . 50.19 I 17:808. (CPd1S'Oer Satv-atore1Frcrscenta. EMS Division Chief: on 7-26-2012) ,. . $ erty:oF CORAL GABLES FIRE RESCUE. DEPT_ 3;365 1:06% $197,645 $2,09504 ($0.04) :Z095 (C.ALLS•PeirWateReed. Fire Chief, en 7-26.2012) . I 6 ViLLAGE.OFICEY BISCAYNE FIRE RESCUEDEPT: 961 030% $197;645 $59294 1 .S0:06 593: I (CALLS per Marcos Osario, Deputy.C1iie1.on.07-27-2012) , TOTALS . . . '313,699.1' - - 10000% . ' ..197645 ' -S12764500. i -($0:01) : '197;644:99: NOTES: A) EMS CALLS DERNMON APPROVED SY EACH FIRE -RESCUE CHIEF: ALL SMATIONS FOUND TO BE EMS RELATED BY THE RESPONDING UNIT THAT ARRIVED.ON THE CALL (NOT INCLUDING CANCELLED CALLS) AND AN EMS PATIENT REPORT 11) CALENDAR yEAR (C_Y_) DEFINITION APPROVED BY EAC.1-1 FIRE -RESCUE CHIEF: FROM-JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 C) TOTAL:NEW REVENUE EXPECTED FOR FY .01.142' IS $197;645.00. AS PER AWARE.- Lb LH. FROM FLORIDA DEPT OF HEALTH -EMS DATED 07-1812012 AND RECEIVED BY THE couNTy GRANT BUREAU ON DAY, 07-23-2012. SOURCE: "FY il-1-2 EMS CNTY GRT REVENUE-NEW-CNTY-CITIES-PAYIVIENr' FILE. FY291142 EMS COUNTY GRANT# PENDING NEW GRANT REVENUE EXPECTED FROM THE:STATE . PER EMS CALLS:FOR.CALENDARYEAR 2011 GRANTEE/SUB-GRANTEES: TOTAL TOTAL EMS CALLS EMS-r-et 1 S FOR CALENDAR FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2011 NTT Re‘iisect: 07,31-2012 A. EICHENBAUM NEW NEW NEW REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE IDTECTEDVIA, DisTRIBErrtom NET._ pissmpyricyl PAYMENT PR PAYMENT ROUNDING PER FIRST PAYMENT FOR Fa,: btri-o FOR Fy 2011-12 .0k.p4OENT FOR F*2011-12 ' ( , . -, .,...., .WI1111.,,,ANYC1.11 1 MIAMI-DADECOL/Nr/FIRERESCUE DEM . 193.750 60_79% 5197645- 5120;143.40 (S040) . . 121Y:148' .(CALLS.P6-Jolin Krurrienicker; EMS' Div Chief:7;a..2912) 2. CITY-OPMIAMI FIRE RESCUE DEPT. 77.323 24,26% .9197.645 i $47.948.63 $032 47;949 (CALLS 'perDavid.Duerias. Chief Gra Officer, on 726-2012) . . . 3 . !CITY. OF MIAMI BEACH FIRE RESCUE D.EPT. iii;sas .4:58% $197.645 59:052.14 (50.14 9,052' (CALLS'per.FrandOis Betailbourt EMS;Disi Chief. on 7-272D12) 4 CrrY. OF:HIALEAH FIRE RESCUE DEPT. 28715 901% :S197:645 I S17;807.81 50.19 17,809 ; (CALLS p6r-Satvatore'Froscezio: ELIVOiv4ion Chief, on 77.;262.2012 . . 5.: CITY:OP CORAL GABLES-FTRERE-SCUE DEPT- 3365 1.05% . 5197:645 $2.1195.04 (56.04) (CALLS per Walt Ree;:t.FIrieChieL'ein 7,252012) .24/95. 5 VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE- FIRE RESCUE' DEPTL. 961 030.1:: $197:645 S592-94 i $0.136. • 593 (CALLS per MaoOsnrro,'Dety Clef ; on 07-27;2012) TOTALS . - .318:6991: . 10C1-00% - - $1.97:645 $197;645.00 i - •(s0.01)1 . 19764449. I NOTES A) EMS OALLS'D EFINITION APPRovEp BY EACH .:FIRE-RESCPE CHIEF: ALL SITUATIONS:EbijN6 TC:i BE EMS RELATED SY THE RESPONDING UNIT THAT ARRIVED ON THE CALL (NOT INCLUDING CANCELLED CALLS) AND ANEMS PATIENT REPORT HAS:BEEN GENERATED /3) CALENDAR YEAR (C.Y.) DEFINITION APPROVED BY EACKFIRE4RESCUE CHfEF FROM;JANUARY 1 TO DECEMI3ER 31 . . C) TOTAL. NEW REVENUE EXPECTED FOR FY 2011-12 IS S-f97,645.00, AS PEP- AWARD LLI tR FROM FLORIDA DEPT OF HEALTH -MS DATED 1)-181.2012 AND RECEIVED I3Y THE COUNTY biwit BUREAU•ON DAY. 07-23-2012. SOURCE: "FY :11-12 EMS-.CNTY oRT REVENUE-NEW-CNTY-CITIES-PAYNIENT" FILE.