HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter - Florida Department of HealthRick Scott
John H. Armstrong, MD, FACS
Surgeon General & Secretary
October 24, 2012
Mr. Genera "Chip" Iglesias
Chief of Staff. and Deputy Mayor
Miami -Dade County Board
of County Commissioners
111 Northwest 1 Street, Floor 29
Miami, Florida 33128
Dear Mr. Iglesias:
I am pleased to award Miami -Dade -County state emergency medical services (EMS) county
grant ID Code C1013.for $197;645.00. You should receive the full amount in advance within 30
days. The purpose of this grant. is to improve and expand pre -hospital EMS.
Paragraph 401.113(2) (a), Florida Statutes, authorizes and requires this grant program, which is
nurr ber 64.005 in the Florida Catalog of State Financial Assistance. The money is state funds
frcin the Department of Health's EMS Trust Fund and there are no federal funds involved.
Your signed grant application affirms you have read, understand, and will comply with the '-.
conditions and requirements in the' 'Florida EMS County Grant Program Application Packet,
June 2008." You can obtain a copy from your identified contact person or at the following
inier,net location: http://www.fl-ems.corn/Forms!Forms.html.
The grant begins the date of this letter and ends November 29, 2013. Please note it is a
requirement that you send reports to us covering the grant's activities and purchases by April
0, 2013, August 16, 2013, and December 20, 2013, the final report. •
Thank you for your participation in this state EMS grant program. If you need assistance, you
may contact Mr. Alan Van Lewen, Health Services and Facilities Consultant in the Bureau of
Emergency Medical. Oversight, Emergency Medical Services Program at (850) 245-4440,
extension 2734.
r('in i-J OCT 29 2012
cc: Mr. Scott Mendelsberg, Assistant Director
Victor hnson
Inter' ivision Director
Emergency Preparedness
and Community. Support
Division of Emergency Preparedness and Community Support.
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Mail Bin CIS • Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1738
Phone: (850) 245-4440 • Fax: (850) 92 i-8162 • http://www.floridasheaith.com