HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Ana Maria Pando, Esq.Aomxszcxxuomsu
January 2Z'2O1]
Commissioner Frank [onoUo
District 3
35OOPan American Drive
Miami, FLS3I3]
Dear Commissioner CanoUo:
Alvarez Carbonell, Feltman.Jimenez & Gomo4PL
Attorneys at Law
|twas apleasure seeing you again at the last Commission meeting. |amsubmitting the
attached Resume and 810 for your consideration as part of my proposal to provide the City of
Miami legal assistance in the Michelle -Spence Jones v. Tomas Regalado matter. It is my
understanding that, preliminarily, the City of Miami is seeking legal advice as to whether the City
of Miami is responsible for the payment of Mayor Regalado's legal fees to Mr. Jose Quihon, who
the Mayor has chosen as his counsel. There is also a concern as to whether the City o[Miami
would be liable for any damages that Commissioner Spence -Jones may obtain against Mayor
AsmyResume and 0Oindicate, | was aCounty Court Judge just short oftwelve (12)
years and, previously, an Assistant City Attorney for the City of Miami just short of ten years. As
both a retired Judge and Assistant City Attorney, I possess the requisite qualifications to provide
the City of Miami with the legal assistance it now needs in the Spence Jones v. Regalado matter.
As an Assistant City Attorney for so many years, I dealt with the issues at hand almost on a daily
basis. I am also familiar with the City's protocols and procedures and have always enjoyed a
close working relationship with members ofthe [it/s staff. Though not possessing aconflict nf
interest in any way, it is certainly advantageous to be a lawyer who knows the players and the
intricacies o[the workings ofthe City ofMiami, which |do. This information isinvaluable and
not something that can be gained through investigation and discovery.
Like I indicated in the City Commission meeting, though I cannot offer my services on a
pno'bonobasis, | will charge the City areduced hourly rate of three -hundred (300) dollars per
hour todothe research needed and provide alegal opinion. | estimate that the work can be
done inanywhere between twenty (I0)and thirty /3O>huuns-$6,OUO'$9,0UU.
w,`// //��/— r�u� F0*7d,0 cg�e'
Submitted into the public
record inconnection with
/tenmsDI.4mn 01-24-I3
Todd B'Hannon
Alvarez, Carbonell, Feltmon.Jimenez & GomecPL
Attorneys at Law
I look forward to providing the City of Miami with the legal assistance it now needs. |
can assure you that you will obtain a lawyer who will work diligently, proficiently and efficiently,
continuing the work she once did asAssistant City Attorney.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need anything further.
Submitted into the public
record inconnection with
items g1.lon 01'24'13
Todd Q.Hannon
City Clerk
January 32,IO1]
CnmnmnissionerVVifredo Gn/t
]5OOPan American Drive
Miami, FL3S13]
Dear Commissioner Gort:
Alvarez, Carbonell, FeltmauJimenez & Gomez, PL
Attorneys at Law
|twas apleasure seeing you again at the last Commission meeting. |amsubmitting the
attached Resume and 810 for your consideration as part of my proposal to provide the City of
Miami legal assistance in the Michelle -Spence Jones v. Tomas Regalado matter. It is my
understanding that, preliminarily, the City of Miami isseeking legal advice astowhether the City
ofMiami isresponsible for the payment of Mayor ReQa|ado'slegal fees hoMr. Jose Qui5on,who
the Mayor has chosen as his counsel. There is also a concern as to whether the City of Miami
would be liable for any damages that Commissioner Spence -Jones may obtain against Mayor
As my Resume and 1310 indicate, I was a County Court Judge just short of twelve (12)
years and, previously, an Assistant City Attorney for the City of Miami just short of ten years. As
both a retired Judge and Assistant City Attorney, | possess the requisite qualifications to provide
the City of Miami with the legal assistance it now needs in the Spence Jones v. Regalado matter.
As an Assistant City Attorney for so many years, I dealt with the issues at hand almost on a daily
basis. I am also familiar with the City's protocols and procedures and have always enjoyed a
close working relationship with members ofthe [ity'sstaff. Though not possessing aconflict of
interest in any way, it is certainly advantageous to be a lawyer who knows the players and the
intricacies ofthe workings ofthe City of Miami, which |do. This information isinvaluable and
not something that can begained through investigation and discovery.
Like | indicated in the City Commission meeting, though | cannot offer my services on
pro'bono basis, | will charge the City a reduced hourly rate ofthnee'hundred (300) dnUoo per
hour to do the research needed and provide a legal opinion. I estimate that the work can be
done in anywhere between twenty (20) and thirty (30) hours-$6,000-$9,000.
I look forward to providing the City of Miami with the legal assistance it now needs. |
can assure you that you will obtain a lawyer who will work diligently, proficiently and efficiently,
continuing the workshe once did as Assistant City Attorney,
Submitted into the public
record in connection with
items [IAon 01-24'13
Todd B.Hannon
City Clerk
TEL 305.444.5885
FAX 305.444.8986
Alvarez, Carbonell, Feltman, Jimenez & Gomez, PL
Attorneys at Law
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need anything further.
Ana Mara Pando, Esq.
Submitted into the public
record in connection with
items DI.4 on 01-24-13
Todd B. Hannon ,•
City Clerk •
January 22,IO13
Commissioner Marc U. 5arnoff
Vice Chairman
3500 Pan American Drive
Miami, FL 33133
Dear Commissioner Sa/noff:
FAX 305.444.8986
Alvarez, Carbonell, Fwltman.Jimenez Q'Gomez, PL
Attorneys at Law
It was a pleasure seeing you again at the last Commission meeting. I am submitting the
attached Resume and 1310 for your consideration as part of my proposal to provide the City of
Miami legal assistance inthe Michelle -Spence Jones v.Tomas RcRa|adomatter. |tismy
understanding that, preliminarily, the City o[Miami isseeking legal advice astowhether the City
of Miami is responsible for the payment of Mayor Regalado's legal fees to Mr, Jose Qui5on, who
the Mayor has chosen ashis counsel. There isalso aconcern astowhether the City of Miami
would be liable for any damages that Commissioner Spence -Jones may obtain against Mayor
AsmyResume and BID indicate, | was aCounty Court Judge just short nf twek/e(lZ)
years and, previously, an Assistant City Attorney for the City o[Miami just short of ten years. As
both a retired Judge and Assistant City Attorney, I possess the requisite qualifications to provide
the City of Miami with the legal assistance it now needs in the Spence Jones v. Regaladc, matter.
As an Assistant City Attorney for so many years, | dealt with the issues at hand almost on a daily
basis. / am also familiar with the[ity's protocols and procedures and have always enjoyed a
close working relationship with members of the [itysstaff. Though not possessing aconflict of
interest in any way, it is certainly advantageous to be a lawyer who knows the players and the
intricacies ofthe workings o[the City ofMiami, which |do, This information isinvaluable and
not something that can begained through investigation and discovery.
Like I indicated in the City Commission meeting, though I cannot offer my services on a
p/o'bonobasis, | will charge the City oreduced hourly rate of three -hundred /3OO>dollars per
hour to do the research needed and provide a legal opinion. | estimate that the work can be
done inanywhere between twenty (2O) and thirty (]0)houm'$6,OOO'$9,OOO.
Submitted into the public «,
record in connection with '
itenmoII.4mn 01-24-13
Todd B.Hannon ^ '
City C|edv
Alvarez, Carbonell, Feltmnn'Jimenez &Gomez, PL
Attorneys atLaw
| look forward toproviding the City ofMiami with the legal assistance itnow needs. |
can assure you that you will obtain a lawyer who will work diligently, proficiently and efficiently,
continuing the work she once did asAssistant City Attorney.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need anything further.
Ana Mzria Pando, Esq.
Submittedimto the public:
record invonnectionM6
(tenmsoI.oon 01'24-13
Todd B.Hannon
` City Clerk
Alvarez, Carbonell, Fmbnman,Gomez, Jimenez fLGomez, P.L
21O0Ponce OnLeon B|vd,Suite 8OO
Coral Gables, Florida 33134
Judicial: County Court Civil Divioion, handling all types of civil
county court cases, including small claims and landlord -tenant cases;
presiding as Acting Circuit Court Judge over domestic violence and
custody matters. Calendars include motions, repodo, bench and jury
trials, and lengthy ex'partematters.
County Court Criminal Division, handling all types of criminal
(hUgoUon, including presiding over lengthy calendars involving
nnotiono, arraignments, noundinga, n*podo, bench and jury trials;
conducting a problem -solving court when appropriate.
Code Enforce nnent/Qoa|ity of Life Issues: Prosecuting code
violations before administrative bodies; training code enforcement
officers on proper enforcement and court decisions affecting code
compliance; Board counsel to Hearing [)ffioer in Ticketing Appellate
Board; handling all code compliance -related issues; issuing formal
and informal opinions related tocode compliance.
9m|iom Lmqs| Issues: Providing immediate legal advice to police
officers concerning enforcement; reporting to crime scenes to assess
civil liability concerns; responding to police shootings and police
involved accidents toassess liability ramifications; riding with officers
during operations involving novel enforcement efforts; training officers
in a classroom and in the field on new |ovvs and court decisions
affecting |mm/ enforcement; representing the City of K4ionni Police
Department in all contempt proceedings and all challenges to police
Public Records Lmmc Assessing all requests for records within the
Police Department; drafting al[ requisite legal correspondence; de-
fending challenges by the media; researching case |ovv; training on
proper procedures.
Forfeiture Law: All aspects of litigation invoking forfeiture
proceedings; reviewing and analyzing files prior hofiling and hearings;
interviewing witnesses; writing p|eadingo, motions and legal
correspondence; legal research; training on changes in the law on
proper confiscation procedures.
Civil and Criminal Law: All aspects o{civil and orknino| litigation in
8baha and Federal Courts; reviewing and analyzing files prior to trial;
interviewing witnesses; writing p|aadings, appellate briefs, motions
and legal memoranda; legal research; conferring with supervising
Subnnikkad-intothe public
record inrmnnwctionwith.
itennsDIAon 01-24-13
Todd B.Hannon
City Clerk''
Governmental Affairs: Lobbying at the state and federal level for
issues affecting criminal justice and quality of life concerns.
College of Advanced Judicial Studies, Ft. Myers, FL, May 2010
College of Advanced Judicial Studies, Ft. Myers, FL, May 2007
College of Advanced Judicial Studies, Ft. Myers, FL, May 2006
College of Advanced Judicial Studies, Ft. Myers, FL, May 2005
College of Advanced Judicial Studies, Orlando, FL, May 2004
National Judicial College, Substance Abuse, Reno, NV, 2004
College of Advanced Judicial Studies, Orlando, FL, Sept 2003
Solving in the Courts, Reno, NV, June 2003
National Judicial College, Managing Cases Involving Persons
with Mental Disabilities, Reno, NV, June 2003
College of Advanced Judicial Studies, St. Pete, FL, Sept 2002
College of Advanced Judicial Studies, Palm Harbor, FL, Sept 2001
Juris Doctor Degree, May 1987
University of Miami School of Law, Coral Gables, Florida
Honors: Dean's List Standing
Activities: Moot Court; Client Counseling Competition; Member
Hispanic Law Association; Federal Criminal Procedures Seminar.
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Pre-Law/French, 1984
Barry University, Miami Shores, Florida
Honors: Graduated Cum Laude; Who's Who in American Colleges
and Universities; Dean's List; French, History and Catholic Women's
Honor Societies.
Activities: Studied in France (Summers/1982-83): La Sorbonne De
Paris and other universities.
Florida Bar Member
Member, Trial Bar United States District Court, So. District of
December 2012-Present Alvarez, Carbonell, Feltman, Jimenez & Gomez, P.L
Coral Gables, Florida
Senior Counsel
Jun 2004 —
Submitted into the public
record inconnection with.
items DI:4 on 01-24-13
Todd B. Hannon
City Clerk
Nov 2012 State of Florida
County Court Judge, Civil Division
Acting Circuit Court Judge, Domestic Violence Division
Hialeah, Miami -Dade County, Florida
(Total Bench Trials: 1,000 approx.)
(Total Jury Trials: 60 approx.)
Jan 2001 - Jun 2004 State of Florida
County Court Judge, Criminal Division,
Miami -Dade County, Florida
(Total Bench Trials: 450 approx.)
(Total Jury Trials: 60 approx.)
1999 - Nov 2000 City of Miami Law Department, Miami, Florida
Assistant City Attorney
1991 - 1999 City of Miami Law Department, Miami, Florida
Assistant City Attorney / Police Legal Advisor
1988 - 1991 Law Offices of Louis Vernell, North Miami Beach, Florida
1987 - 1988 Morton R. Goudiss, Esq., Miami Beach, Florida
Legal Assistant / Clerk (General Civil Practice)
1986 - 1987 State Attorney's Office, Miami, Florida
Certified Legal Intern
1985 - 1986 Skip Taylor, Esq., (Criminal Defense) Miami, Florida
Legal Clerk
Fluent in English, Spanish and French
Conference of County Judges, Judicial Assistants Committee
Conference of County Judges, Legislative, Conference, Civil
Rules and Small Claims Rules Committees
Florida Bar Association
Cuban -American Bar Association
Florida Association of Women Lawyers -Dade Chapter
Conchita Espinosa Academy, Founder and Chair, Alumni
Florida Association of Police Attorneys
International Association of Chiefs of Police
Downtown Bay Forum
Miami -Dade League of Cities
Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Submitted irlto the public
record inf:-connection with •
items DIA on 01-24-13
Todd B. Hannon
City Clerk
April 2012
Nov 2011
Community Outreach — KAPOW (Kids and the Power of
Work) Students make one visit to the workplace to participate
in hands-on activities. KAPOW lays a foundation for young
students, introducing them to work related concepts and
experiences that can be continually reinforced throughout the
formative years. Hialeah, FL
Community Outreach Program - Conference on Domestic
Violence, Child Support, and Laws of Protection with a panel
discussion and question and answer session. Hialeah, FL
Sept 2011 Miami -Dade North - Panelist, U.S. Constitution Day.
Oct 2011
May 2011
Community Outreach Programs - Town Hall Meeting with a
Landlord Tenant, Domestic Violence and Small Claims. Miami
Apr 2011 Whispering Pines Elementary - Career Day
April 2011 Community Outreach Program - Conference on How to avoid
becoming a victim of Domestic Violence with a panel discussion
and question and answer session. Hialeah, FL
Feb 2011
Community Outreach - Boy Scouts of America meeting
discussing the importance of hard work, honesty, integrity,
perseverance. Hialeah, F
Apr 2010 Whispering Pines Elementary - Career Day
Feb 2010
Barry University, Department of Psychology - Black History
Month "Read-A-Thon" Presentation for Barry University
students, faculty, staff, and middle and high school students
Sept 2009 Miami -Dade North - Panelist, U.S. Constitution Day.
April 2009 Whispering Pines Elementary School - Career Day
Sept 2008 Miami -Dade North - Panelist, U.S. Constitution Day.
Submitted into the public
record in connection with
items DI.4 on 01-24-13
Todd B. Hannon
City Clerk
May 2008
Apr 2008
Nov 2007
Oct 2007
Oct 2007
Palm Springs Elementary — Career Day; Presentations
to various classes re: educational background required
to become a lawyer and judge; duties of a judge, judicial
assistant and bailiff.
Pinecrest Elementary — PTA sponsored Career Day;
Presentations to various classes re: educational background
required for various trades which will make them successful
students and adults.
Legal Services of Greater Miami — Presentation Re:
Professionalism in Lawyering.
Carrie Meek Entrepreneurial Center @ Miami -Dade College
Presentation on Valuing Diversity
Allapattah Middle School — Red Ribbon Week: Presentation on
"Negative Impact of Drugs on One's Life & Legal Issues from
Drug Abuse/Possession"
Oct 2007 Miami Flowers Importers Credit Assn. — Small Claims
Aug 2007- Participant in the Judicial Internship Program with St.Thomas
School of Law, mentoring a third -year law student for one
May 2007 Law Day— Organized and conducted Fourth Annual Law Day
Celebration at the Hialeah Courthouse
Jan 2007 FAWL Panelist; discussion re: judicial campaigns
Jan 2006 Participant and a Coordinator of the Three Kings Parade
Dec 2005 Citrus Health Network - Visited Alzheimer's and mentally -
challenged patients for Christmas holidays
Nov 2005 Little Havana Activities & Nutrition Centers — Visits of elderly
throughout the County for Thanksgiving, distributing turkeys
and cookies
May 2005 Law Day - Organized and conducted Second Annual Law Day
Celebration at the Hialeah Courthouse
May 2004 Law Day - Organized and conducted First Annual Law Day
Celebration at the Hialeah Courthouse
May 2004 Saints Peter & Paul Catholic School - Career Day
Apr 2004 Conchita Espinosa Academy - Mock Trial
Mar 2004 Hammocks Middle School - Highlights of Judicial System-
on 01-24-13
Todd B. Hannon
Feb 2004
Oct 2003
Oct 2003
Sept 2003
emphasis on Jury trials and Jury Service
Conchita Espinosa Academy - Organized 8th Grade Field Trip
to Richard Gerstein Justice Building for students to observe
criminal court proceedings presided by Judge Pando
Santa Clara Elementary School - Reading with children
(Kiwanis Club of Biscayne Bay)
Allapattah Middle School - 8th Grade Class
"Consequences of Getting into Trouble"
Cuban Hebrew Congregation, Miami Beach, FL
Seniors' Day: Discussing duties of a Criminal Court Judge -
Question and Answer Session
Feb 2003 Member, Speakers Bureau, Eleventh Judicial Circuit
Apr 2002 Winston Park Elementary School - Career Day
Apr 2001 Hialeah Elementary School - Career Day
Feb 1999 -
Dec 2000
Miami -Dade County Teen Court Program
Volunteer Judge
Apr 1998 Boss -for -a -Day
Mar 1997
Mar 1997
Jan 1997
Jan 1995 -
Dec 1995
Miami Commission On The Status of Women -
Counsel for Board
Helping Women Help Themselves By Promoting
Self -Improvement, Equality and Family Values
Metro -Miami Action Plan
Parliamentarian Advocating and Facilitating the Elimination of
the Disparities that Exist Between the Black Community and The
Dade County Community at Large
Southern Regional Youth Policy Center
Studying and Assessing The Impact of National, State and
Local Policy Decisions on Hispanic Children and Adolescents
Rainbow - Addressing Equity Between Generations
Apr 1995 Shenandoah Elementary School - Career Day
Apr 1995 American Cancer Society - Jail & Bail
Sept 1994 - Cuban -American National Planning Council
Aug 1995 Inter -Ethnic Community Relations Task Force
Submitted into the public
record in connection with
items DI.4 on 01-24-13
Todd B. Hannon
City Clerk
December 2012
K4anoh9. 2000
May O43O05
Apr 1O2O01
Feb 333OO1
Nov 3O3000
Nov 3O2OOO
Oct 183O0O
Sept 2009
Recognition and Appreciation Award Uythe Cuban American Bar
Association for just short of12years ofService asoCounty Court
Proclamation byMayor Carlos Alvarez proclaiming December
7.2O13Judge Ana Maria PandoDay
Award bythe Federation ofCuban Students at the University of
Miami for Dedication and Leadership tothe Cuban Community
Eleventh Judicial Circuit Certificate of Appreciation for
participation and organization ofFirst Annual Law Day
celebration otHialeah Courthouse
Proclamation by Mayor Flou| L Martinez for First Annual
Lovv Day Celebration for organizing the event
Coalition ofConcerned Cuban -American Citizens
City ofMiami Outstanding Achievement Award
City of yNi8[Di Certificate of Appreciation
City ofMiami Police Department Certificate ofAppreciation
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity Certificate of Appreciation
(Barry University Chapter)
City of Miami Code Enforcement Board Certificate of Appreciation
NekJhbons(Front Page article\
"Ask the : Featured gnOnnQ K4i8Dli'OadeJudg8S at a
'Community Connect'TownHall Meeting 8t Hialeah City Hall
OiohoLas Americas - (Front Page orhcks\:
^Lidere3en/a COn74nk/ad''(Community Leaders).
Featured osaHispanic Leader with anovel approach
to justice, focusing on rehabilitation and treatment.
Submitted into the public
record |nconnection with
|tenmsgIAon 01'24'13
Todd 0'Hannon
City Clerk