FILE ID: /2. -b/3 /8
Date: 10/25/2012 Requesting Department: Fire -Rescue
Commission Meeting Date:12/J Zetia. District Impacted: All
Type: X Resolution n Ordinance ❑ Emergency Ordinance ❑ Discussion Item
❑ Other
Subject: Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program- FY 2012
Purpose of Item:
Law Department- -
Matter ID No.
Resolution accepting a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA"), U. S.
Department of Homeland Security ("USDHS"), Grants Program Directorate ("GPD"), in the amount
of $134,176.00 with required matching funds from the City of Miami in the amount of $33,544.00 for
a total amount of $167,720.00; allocating the City's required matching funds from Fund 11000-
Special Revenue -Fire Fee -Project No.18-109001- Task No. - 05 - Award No. 1017.
Background Information:
Budget Impact Analysis
Is this item related to revenue?
Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below.
General Account No:
Special Revenue Account No:
Fund 11000-Fire Fee-Proj.#18-109001-T-05
CIP Project No: Award #1017
NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds?
Start Up Capital Cost:
Maintenance Cost:
Total Fiscal Impact:
If using or receivin
$167,720.00'($134,176.00 grant'+ $33,544.00 match)
Final Approvals
Risk Management
Dept. Direct
City Manag
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The Department of Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA"), U.S. Department of
Homeland Security, Grants Management Branch, has awarded the "Assistance to Firefighters
Grant Award for Fiscal Year 2012" to the City of Miami Department of Fire -Rescue. The grant
is going to assist the Department of Fire -Rescue in purchasing physical fitness equipment that
will provide immediate improvements to the health and safety of firefighters and public through
the increase and effectiveness of the Department of Fire -Rescue's ability to respond to fire
emergencies. A physically fit force will be better prepared to save countless lives and protect
property in our densely populated City.
The Department of Fire -Rescue firefighters serve 183,994 housing units in the City and
approximately 110,948 are multi -unit structures. A physically fit force will be better prepared to
save countless lives and protect property in our densely populated City. The fitness equipment
and program will also benefit the public by the increased ability and effectiveness of our
firefighters to save lives.
Moreover, with the support of said grant, the firefighters will be able to respond and to assist the
community during emergencies, ultimately protecting the health and safety of Fire -Rescue
personnel and the citizens.