FILE ID: IA -0l3 (5
Date: 11/26/ 2012 Requesting Department: Fire -Rescue
Commission Meeting Date:12/13/2012 District Impacted: All
Type: ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Emergency Ordinance ❑ Discussion Item
❑ Other
Subject: EZ-IO Intraosseous Infusion System and Accessories, Sole Source No. 12-13-007
Purpose of Item:
Law Department
Matter ID No.
The nature of this item is to authorize a resolution of the Miami City Commission, with attachment(s), by a
four -fifths (4/5ths) affirmative vote, pursuant to section 18-92 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as
amended, after an advertised public hearing, ratifying, approving and confirming the City Manager's finding
of a sole source; waiving the requirements for competitive sealed bidding procedures and awarding a contract
in excess of $25,000 for the procurement of EZ-IO Intraosseous Infusion System and Accessories from
Vidacare corp., for the Department of Fire -Rescue, on an as needed basis, for a one (1) year period, with the
option to extend for two (2) additional one (1) year periods, with prices remaining fixed and firm for the first
year of the contract, and any price increases/decreases thereafter subject to mutual approval by both Vidacare
Corp., and the City, allocating funds from the Department of Fire -Rescue general fund account code no.
00001.184010.552100.0000.00000, with future years funding subject to availability of funds and budgetary
approval at the time of need; further authorizing the City Manager to execute the attached terms and conditions,
and to negotiate and execute any necessary amendments, extensions, and modifications, after consultation with
the City Attorney.
Background Information:
Budget Impact Analysis
NO Is this item related to revenue?
YES Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below.
General Account No: 00001.184010.552100.0000.00000
Special Revenue Account No: N/A
CIP Project No: N/A
NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds?
Start Up Capital Cost: N/A
Maintenance Cost: N/A
Total Fiscal Impact:
Z 2s2oo
Final Approvals
If using of receiving capital: funds
Grants N/A Risk Management
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Subject: EZ-IO Intraosseous Infusion System and Accessories, Sole Source No. 12-13-007
Background Information:
The Department of Fire -Rescue utilizes the EZ-IO Intraosseous Infusion System to establish stable and
secure vascular access in cardiac arrest and resuscitation scenarios, for both adults and children.
Effective October 26, 2009, via an informal bid process, the EZ-IO 15 mm, 25 mm, and 45 mm sterile
needle sets were added and made a part of the City's Bid Contract IFB 34019 for the provision of
Medical Supplies. The awarded bidder for these products was Sovereign Medical LLC. Effective
November 1, 2011, Vidacare Corp., the manufacturer of the EZ-IO Intraosseous Infusion System and
Accessories, discontinued the distribution of these products through authorized resellers and began to
sell them directly (see Attachment 1). That change was done in different phases, with Florida being one
of the States in Vidacare's last phase of switching its distribution channel.
As a result of the above mentioned change, on October 31, 2011, the Chief Procurement Officer
approved a sole -source finding and made a determination to award a sole -source contract to Vidacare,
Corp., not exceeding $25,000 with a one (1) year term (November 1, 2011 through October 31, 2012), in
accordance with Section 18-92 of the City Code. To date, the $25,000 contract spend limit has been
Given that the Department of Fire -Rescue still needs to continue procuring the EZ-IO Intraosseous
Infusion System and Accessories, and given that a recent investigation has determined that Vidcare
Corp., is still the only provider of this equipment, issuing a competitive solicitation for this procurement
wouldn't be practical for the City. In accordance with Section 18-92(a)(1) of the City of Miami
Procurement Ordinance, "sole -source awards may be made [...] Where the compatibility of equipment,
accessories, or replacement parts permits one reasonable source of supply. ".