HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnalysis and MapsThis submittal needs to be scheduled for a puboc hearing In accordance whh timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applies de decision -making body NOR review the information at the pubkc hearing to render a recommendation or a final decld on. PZ-23-16880 03/26/24 City of Miami Planning Department ANALYSIS FOR REZONE Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-23-16880 Location 185 Northeast 59 Street and 175 Northeast 59 Street Folio Number 0131130530030 and 0131130530040 Miami 21 Transect "T5-R" Urban Center Transect Zone - Restricted MCNP Designation Medium Density Multifamily Residential Commission District 5 — Christine King Department of Human Service Neighborhood Service Center Little Haiti Planner Zhaokai (Kyle) Liu, Planner II Property Owner 5900 W Little Haiti, LLC Project Representative Steven J. Wernick, Esq. AICP A. REQUEST Pursuant to Article 7, Section of Ordinance 13114 ("Miami 21"), as amended, Steven J. Wernick, Esquire. AICP, on behalf of 5900 W Little Haiti, LLC (the "Applicant") requests to change the zoning classification for the property located at 185 Northeast 59 Street and 175 Northeast 59 Street, Miami, Florida (the "Property"), from "T5-R" Urban Center Transect Zone — Restricted to "T5-O" Urban Center Transect Zone - Open. B. RECOMMENDATION Pursuant to Article 7, Section of Miami 21, as amended, the Planning Department recommends Approval of the request to change the zoning classification the Property from "T5-R" Urban Center Transect Zone — Restricted to "T5-O" Urban Center Transect Zone - Open based upon the facts and findings in this staff report. PZ-23-16880 185 Northeast 59 Street and 175 Northeast 59 Street — Page 1 03/01/2024 This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing in accord and wM1h timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicade decision -making bodywill renew the information at the pubc hearing to render e recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-16880 03/26/24 C. PROJECT DATA SURROUNDING USES Miami 21 MCNP / Density Existing Use North "T5-O" Restricted Commercial 150 du/ac Vacant South "T5-R" and "T5-O" Restricted Commercial 150 du/ac Medium Density Multifamily Residential 65 du/ac Institutional East "T5-O" Restricted Commercial 150 du/ac Commercial West "T5-R" Medium Density Multifamily Residential 65 du/ac Residential PZ-23-16880 185 Northeast 59 Street and 175 Northeast 59 Street — Page 2 03/01/2024 This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing in accord and wM1h timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicade decision -making bodywill renew the information at the pubc hearing to render e recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-16880 03/26/24 D. BACKGROUND The Property consists of two parcels located along Northeast 59 Street and is approximately 12,174 Square Feet (0.279 acres). The Applicant proposes changing the existing zoning classification from "T5-R" Urban Center Transect Zone — Restricted to "T5-O" Urban Center Transect Zone — Open. Figure 1 Aerial Photo of Subject Site (red outline) PZ-23-16880 185 Northeast 59 Street and 175 Northeast 59 Street — Page 3 03/01/2024 Figure 2 Existing Zoning DEMOGRAPHICS Figure 3 Proposed Zoning This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing in accord and wM1h timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applica decision -making body will renew the information at the pubc hearing to render e recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-16880 03/26/24 The Property is in 2020 US Census Track 12086002004, which is also referred to as Census Track 2020. According to the Policy Map 5-Year Estimate (2018-2022), 3,428 people live across 1,073 households for an average household size of 3.19 people, which is more than the City of Miami's average household size of 2.33 people. The median household income of the area is approximately $32,067, which is $26,948 less than the citywide median household income. Approximately 17.15% of all housing units are owner occupied. This is less than the percentage of owner occupied housing units citywide, which is 30.12%. Additionally, Census Track 2020 has less vacancy rate in the City of Miami. Below is a table highlighting the critical socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of both Census Track 2020 and the City of Miami. PZ-23-16880 185 Northeast 59 Street and 175 Northeast 59 Street — Page 4 03/01/2024 This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing in accord and wM1h timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applica decision -making body will renew the information at the pubc hearing to render e recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-16880 03/26/24 Topic Census Tract: 12086002004 City of Miami Population 3,428 443,665 Total Households 1,073 186,137 Average Household Size 3.19 2.33 Families in Poverty 41.42% 15.79% Home Ownership Rate 17.15% 30.12% Rental Occupancy Rate 82.85% 69.88% Vacant Rate 9.91% 13.35% Median Household Income $32,067 $59,015 Median Gross Rent $1,153 $1,494 E. ANALYSIS Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP' The application requires a corresponding Future and Use Map (FLUM) amendment. Pursuant to the adopted Future Land Use Map (FLUM) of the MCNP, the Property is designated "Medium Density Multifamily Residential". This designation allows a maximum Density of 65 dwelling units per acre (65 DU/AC) and allows to serve the retailing and personal services needs of the building or building complex, small scale limited commercial uses as accessory uses, places of worship, primary and secondary schools, and accessory post -secondary educational facilities. Per the Correspondence Table — Zoning and Comprehensive Plan of the FLUM, the requested change of zoning from "T5-R" Urban Center Transect Zone — Restricted to "T5-O" Urban Center Transect Zone - Open is inconsistent with the Property's existing Future Land Use (FLU); as such, a companion FLUM amendment from "Medium Density Multifamily Residential" to "Restricted Commercial"" is being processed concurrently under ePlan File ID No. PZ-23-16881. The existing FLU is consistent with the existing zoning, and the proposed FLU is consistent with the proposed zoning. PZ-23-16880 185 Northeast 59 Street and 175 Northeast 59 Street — Page 5 03/01/2024 Major PUB, FAG Dip ex ResiClential lid ' M d Dmnsry 111 �.. e 1 fl M Itif r,y R tl nlial Restnated Gommerzlal Gal I1edr■ Medium „T„nsry ommerrAal Light .m Industrial Major l t, Public Facltes. Tramp And NE 59TH S —NE PubII Peaarks and Recreation m. STA TE in ed Figure 4 Existing FLUM Miami 21 Code E-59TH TER NE 58TH ST Malareua, FRC NE 68TH ST 1,,,■!' ii L Restricted Commercial Medium Density Multifamily Reside tral NE 59TH ST This submittal needs to be scheduled fora pubic hearing in accord since wM, timelines set forth in the city of Miami Code.The applica Lie decision -making body will renew the Information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-16880 03/26/24 Light y Industrial P.59TH TER Public Plarks d ReGreation Restri Cam,. it II Restricted ammercaa C I a NE 58TH ER Figures Proposed FLUM Medium „—Densly iFJrninerdal E 58TH ST The Property is zoned "T5-R" Urban Center Transect Zone - Restricted. Supported Uses in the "T5-R" is primarily Residential by Right, with restricted Lodging, Civic, Civic Support, and Education Uses through entitlement process. The Applicant proposes to rezone the Property to "T5-O" Urban Center Transect Zone — Open. Below is an excerpt from Article 4, Table 3 of the Miami 21 Code that highlights the differences between the current and proposed zoning classifications. PZ-23-16880 185 Northeast 59 Street and 175 Northeast 59 Street — Page 6 03/01/2024 This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing in accordance wM1h timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The epplicade decision -making bodywlil renew the information at the pubc hearing to render e recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-16880 03/26/24 TABLE 3 BUILDING FUNCTION: USES T5 R 0 DENSITY (UNIT PER ACRE) 65 65 RESIDENTIAL CO -LIVING R*** DORMITORY R LIVE - WORK R LODGING BED & BREAKFAST E R INN R HOTEL R OFFICE OFFICE R COMMERCIAL AUTO -RELATED COMMERCIAL ESTAB. W ENTERTAINMENT ESTABLISHMENT R FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT R ALCOHOL BEVERAGE SERVICE ESTAB. E GENERAL COMMERCIAL R MARINE RELATED COMMERCIAL ESTAB. W OPEN AIR RETAIL W PLACE OF ASSEMBLY R RECREATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT R CIVIC COMMUNITY FACILITY W E R RECREATIONAL FACILITY RELIGIOUS FACILITY E R CIVIC SUPPORT PZ-23-16880 185 Northeast 59 Street and 175 Northeast 59 Street — Page 7 03/01/2024 This submittal needs to be scheduled for a public hearing In accordance whh timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applies de decision -making bodywill review the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decld on. PZ-23-16880 03/26/24 T5 COMMUNITY SUPPORT FACILITY W MARINA E W PUBLIC PARKING E W TRANSIT FACILITIES E W EDUCATIONAL CHILDCARE E W COLLEGE / UNIVERSITY W ELEMENTARY SCHOOL E W LEARNING CENTER R MIDDLE / HIGH SCHOOL E W PRE-SCHOOL E R RESEARCH FACILITY R SPECIAL TRAINING / VOCATIONAL W F. FINDINGS In accordance with Article 7, Section (a), a change may be made to a Transect Zone in a manner which maintains the goals of Miami 21, in the recommendation, staff must show that is considered and studied the request with regard to the three (3) criteria identified in Miami 21 Article 7, Section (f). The criteria and staff's findings are provided below. Criteria 1 (f)(1)(a) "The relationship of the proposed amendment of the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, with appropriate consideration as to whether the proposed change will further the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan; the Miami 21 Code; and other city regulations." Analysis of Criteria 1 Policy LU-1.1.7: Land development regulations and policies will allow for the development and redevelopment of well -designed mixed -use neighborhoods that provide for the full range of residential, office, live/work spaces, neighborhood retail, and PZ-23-16880 185 Northeast 59 Street and 175 Northeast 59 Street — Page 8 03/01/2024 Finding 1 Criteria 2 This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing in accord and wM1h timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applica decision -making body will renew the information at the pubc hearing to render e recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-16880 03/26/24 community facilities in a walkable area and that are amenable to a variety of transportation modes, including pedestrianism, bicycles, automobiles, and mass transit. Policy LU-1.3.15: The City will continue to encourage a development pattern that enhances existing neighborhoods by developing a balanced mix of uses including areas for employment, shopping, housing, and recreation in close proximity to each other. Policy TR-1.1.5: The City will encourage new development to be structured to reinforce a pattern of neighborhoods and urban centers by focusing growth along transit corridors and around transit nodes and centers. The proposed modification from the "T5-R" zoning designation to "T5-O" is designed to diversify the range of allowable uses. Unlike "T5-R", which primarily supports residential developments, the "T5-O" designation creates more uses such as office and commercial. The reclassification aims to revitalize the neighborhood by introducing a varied mix of establishments, including entertainment establishment, food service establishment and open air retail uses that will not only provide local employment opportunities but also enhance the area's shopping options. Furthermore, the location of the property adds to its potential to serve as a transportation hub for community enhancement. Situated just 170 feet from the nearest Route 9 bus stop, the property is ideally placed for accessible public transportation. Moreover, the Property is located with in the Transit Corridor Quarter -Mile Radius that encourages a more dynamic and connected community where residents can live, work and play within close proximity to transit. Pursuant to Article 7, Section (f)(1)(a) of Miami Code, the request to rezone is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, Miami 21 Code. (f)(1)(b): "The need and justification for the proposed change, including changed or changing conditions that make the passage of the change necessary". PZ-23-16880 185 Northeast 59 Street and 175 Northeast 59 Street — Page 9 03/01/2024 This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing in accord and wM1h timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applica decision -making body will renew the information at the pubc hearing to render e recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-16880 03/26/24 Analysis of Criteria 2 On April 25, 2019, Miami City Commission enacted Ordinance No. 13834 whereby the Little Haiti Revilation Trust was established. Per Chapter 25, Section 12.5-42.(a): "The Little Haiti Trust, in cooperation with the city manager, the department of housing and community development and other city departments shall be responsible for oversight of and shall facilitate, the city's revitalization efforts for the redevelopment of the area. The Little Haiti Trust shall promote economic development, business and commerce in the area. The Little Haiti Trust shall develop and execute a plan to create jobs, attract industry and facilitate the production of goods and services in the area for residents and non-residents. It will facilitate the development of affordable housing, engage in homebuyer assistance programs and market the area to encourage former residents and others to locate to the area." The proposed changing in zoning classification from "T5-R" Urban Center Transect Zone — Restricted to "T5-O" Urban Center Transect Zone — Open aligns with the current development trend and land uses in the immediate area, and the intent of the Little Haiti Revitalization Trust. Finding 2 Criteria 3 Pursuant to Article 7, Section (f)(1)(b) of Miami Code, the request to rezone is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, Miami 21 Code. Section (f)(2) "A change may be made only to the next intensity Transect Zone or by a Special Area Plan, and in a manner which maintains the goals of this Miami 21 Code to preserve Neighborhood and to provide transition in intensity and Building Height." Analysis of Criteria 3 The proposal to change the zoning classification from "T5-R" Urban Center Transect Zone — Restricted to "T5-O" Urban Center Transect Zone — Open aims to broaden permissible uses within the area. Specifically, transitioning to "T5-O" Urban Center Transect Zone — Open classification enables a diverse uses of Residential, Lodging, and Office functions to operate by right, along with PZ-23-16880 185 Northeast 59 Street and 175 Northeast 59 Street — Page 10 03/01/2024 Finding 3 This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing in accord and wM1h timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicade decision -making bodywill renew the information at the pubc hearing to render e recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-16880 03/26/24 Commercial, Educational, and Civic Support activities through a warrant and Exception process. This adjustment, however, does not affect the area's density, which remains capped at 65 dwelling units per acre, nor does it alter the maximum allowable building height, which continues to be restricted to 5 stories. This zoning amendment is designed to redefine the boundary between the "T5- R" Urban Center Transect Zone — Restricted and "T5-O" Urban Center Transect Zone — Open zones while preserving the unique character of the neighborhood. In addition, the property are encircled by "T5-O" Urban Center Transect Zone — Open to its north, east, and south, effectively integrating it more seamlessly into the surrounding urban environment. This strategic rezoning effort reflects a commitment to enhancing the area's flexibility and diversity of uses, ensuring it can accommodate a wide range of activities without compromising its architectural or community character. In accordance with Article 7, Section of Miami 21 Code, the requested change is zoning is consistent. G. CONCLUSION Based on Planning staff's analysis of the surrounding context, the Miami 21 Code, and the goals and objectives of Miami 21 and the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan, the request to rezone the Property from "T5-R" Urban Center Transect Zone — Restricted to "T5- 0" Urban Center Transect Zone - Open is justified. Pursuant to Miami 21 Code, Article 7, Section of Ordinance 13114, as amended, and the aforementioned findings, the Planning Department recommends Approval of the requested change of zoning from "T5-R" Urban Center Transect Zone — Restricted to "T5-O" Urban Center Transect Zone - Open. PZ-23-16880 185 Northeast 59 Street and 175 Northeast 59 Street — Page 11 03/01/2024 DocuSigned by: Vtkvcii,Low `— 77D014848CA84B6... David Snow Interim Planning Director f—DocuSigned by: StAktuAlAi. Skitn.t,r `-3A75CAC5AF7E446... Sevanne Steiner, CNU-A Assistant Director ,—DocuSigned by: tV4 J it, t r1tw5& 7AEAC3EABD2A40A... Zhaokai (Kyle) Liu Planner II This submittal needs to be scheduled for a public hearing in accordance with bmalines set forth in the City of Miami Code.The applied de decision -making bodywill renew the information at the pubc hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-16880 03/26/24 PZ-23-16880 185 Northeast 59 Street and 175 Northeast 59 Street — Page 12 03/01/2024 AERIAL EPLAN ID: PZ-23-16881 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT ADDRESS(ES) : 185 NE 59 ST 0 125 250 500 Feet 1 This submittal needs to be scheau Led for a public hearing in accordance wibi timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applies de decision -making body will review the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final tlecia on. PZ-23-16880 03/26/24 MIAMI 21 ATLAS (EXISTING) EPLAN ID: PZ-23-16880 REZONE ADDRESS(ES): 185 NE 59 ST 0 125 250 500 Feet NE 60TH ST CI NE 58TH ST • • • • • • • • This submittal needs to be scheduled tor a public hearing In ccordonce with tmellnes set forth in the City of Miami Cede. The applicade decision -making body will review the Information al the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final deco on. PZ-23-16880 03/26/24 Magic CityyInnovation District'A�P/ T6-12-0 Little Haiti French CD • • • • • • D1 • • -TS=L- • • • • • • 4- 0 0 z N W I� MIAMI 21 ATLAS (EXISTING) EPLAN ID: PZ-23-16880 REZONE ADDRESS(ES): 185 NE 59 ST 0 125 250 500 Feet NE 60TH ST CI NE 58TH ST • • • • • • • • This submittal needs to be scheduled tor a public hearing In ccordonce with tmellnes set forth in the City of Miami Cede. The applicade decision -making body will review the Information al the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final deco on. PZ-23-16880 03/26/24 Magic CityyInnovation District'A�P/ T6-12-0 Little Haiti French CD • • • • • • D1 • • -TS=L- • • • • • • 4- 0 0 z N W I�