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ITEM 3 — Old Business HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD STAFF REPORT NAME Spring Garden Historic District ADDRESS 1001 NW North River Drive PROJECT DESCRIPTION Alterations to a contributing home completed without Building Permits or a Certificate of Appropriateness, and other Code Violations ANALYSIS This home was built in 1958 and is a contributing home in the Spring Garden Historic District. The owner and his contractor have been contacted to stop work prior to construction. This site was originally cited for painting without a COA and has since been cited for illegal work without a permit and illegal units_ The Building Department has issued two stop work orders or "red tags' and Code Enforcement has sent the owner notification of pending Code Violations, At this time no Building Permits, Certificate of Appropriateness or a Certificate to Dig have been applied obtained Following the City of Miami Capital Improvements Program's (CIP) streetscape work in Spring Garden, CIP completed some repairs to private driveways and walkways to reconnect them to the new roadway and sidewalk elevations, however it was confirmed by the Preservation Officer and CIP that the property owner at 1001 NW North River Drive went beyond the scope of the CIP roadway agreement, doubling the width of the existing driveway. adding new entry steps and a landing to the front of the house, adding a new front walkway, and removing the garage door and blocking in the opening. The appilcant has submitted an after -the -fact application for a Certificate of Appropriateness for alterations. RECOMMENDATION The Preservation Office, in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation, Chapter 23 of the City of Miami Code, and the City of Miami's Guidelines for Historic Districts and Sites, recommends that the application for an after -the -fact Certificate of Appropriateness for alterations be Approved with Conditions. The Conditions are as follows 1, The house shall be repainted to meet an approved color found in the City of Miami's Guidelines for Historic Districts and Sites. 2 The driveway shall be reduced in size to allow drainage from the side yard to the street frontage and meet all side setback requirements of zoning. The maximum width at the sidewalk shall be 12 feet and the maximum width at the house shall be 18 feet. 3. The blocked -in garage opening on the side/rear of the home shall be redesigned to have windows or door and propose a design solution where the original opening existed. (This must be brought back to the HEPB for approval) We are also requesting that the grills existing on the front one car garage door be removed facing the driveway. 4. The applicant must obtain all electrical and building permits for completed work and must pay the double After -the -Fact fees for all perrnits May 1, 2012 Page 1 of 2 ITEM 3 — Old Business 5. The illegal unit on the property must be cleared with Code Enforcement, 6. A landscape plan shall be submitted to the Preservation Office. 7 A site plan shall be submitted to the Preservation Office that is drawn to scale, showing all dimensions of the proposed and completed work and the site grading proposed 8. All future alterations to the exterior of the property shall be submitted to the Preservation Office through the Certificate of Appropriateness process. Any revisions to this resolution will require REPS action. May 1,2012 Page 2 of 2 ',FORM Ole DESCRTFiION AODRE■■ /Oo/ N W No,zrH ieii/5.12 pet vE ]SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE COUNTRY CLUB ADD PLOTS 16-S & 17-S 3-40-2596 PB8PC72 DIAGRAM OP STRUCTURES REAL PROPERTY RECORD CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA TAX AS SOR roan, — �f1 TAW MAF KIND OF STRUCTURE USE CONSTRUCTION COND. CLASS 7 CAN NO.4011 TYPE A P / C:" C, 8 5 a EXTERIOR FEATURES r 8 v FOUNDATION QCT/.AIOR WALLA ANO /INIIML ROO/ 7VPE ROOF MATT IAL ■ u 8 8 fl i 1 0 E i • 8 ■ 11 8 • t R- 5 F I8 8 pt 8 i • 1 a r 5 u v 3 Zy8 G a a w 3 ■ 0 • 9 s a ■ tl FJ 1 1 g1 c t i1( TER I OR ■ EXTERIOR FEATURES TR IM WI pt oQo O S II OP J WE DOO R! E SA Ii SR 2 MIN T 8 a INTERIOR FEATURES PLOD R TT 8 rq FLOP t R M AT 8 L RI 8 AL 0 z WA LLB 8 1 A B ( If l/ i1N 11 TR M ATTIC 1 8 3 0 S ■awueen 8 1 5 aQL a` 8 PLUMBING 8 G 38 6 1_ c a INTERIOR FEATURES PLUMOMIO FIXTuRCs 8 6 7 5 • e i 8 WIRES 5 w SEATING L ISNTIMS 3 4 ROOMS L IVING ROOM C O IMI110 ROOM KITCHEN 7-0 L EOROONs ■ ATN rFL we c. / a / Y BUILDING COMPUTATIONS • TO a* " me. j c. L.APNCPAY TOTA1 A ENT A AINMIOT LQI.IIP1A ■ !em Mg. FT. NT I913 x 17,7 19.3 X 2 I-• 49P Cu.IG PT. RATE COST Bross tans ?240 EJ.EYATORS ■ PM I MAIER SYSTEM SOUR NEATEN 1L$X 18.7 lc. 2x 1L•-) 171 !TREET 1 6 1 r 7&Ux /4 IliXyL3 (CAA) 71c11 7 PoA lY4IL 153 Sz 111 /1) 99 P11r 1-934 1? 91r 4 3o 1Y Iva REMARKS LAUTIORT ERA YE MA 0ONOITIOMIIIO MOON ■RUTTENT INEVI.ATED MALLS INSULATEO ROOT. 1 OUTTRR 0N0 00WNirOuT N O. Or ELLCTR=(I OUTLETS AI (} MO. O) ELECTRIC PIXTuI.ss r- T Tr[ Or W/■IP■ C _ f9$ fi WOOLIONT IROM VT. IN CACHETS /_ /G•4 v' Page i ❑ Original ❑ Update (give srtett) HISTORICAL STRUCTURE FORM FLORIDA MASTER SITE FILE Version 3.0 11/96 Consult Guide to Historical Structure Forms for detailed instructions. Site Name(s) (address if none) 1001 KIK NO M 2,1 46p„ pp . Site #8 Recorder # Field Date ! d Form pate 1 ! Multiple Listing (DHR only, Survey Survey # National Register Category (Please check one: consult with Site File before using last four) L building 0 structure 0 distriCt 0 site 0 object lOSTIZI0N &;ID_ENTIFICATIQMIM Address (Include N.S,E,w: #: St,. Av „ etc.) tr)f� I f .1. k NUL' i i-t Cross Streets (nearest! between) 1,� 1'�7T} 4 Cf t f1]A1 1 OTI1-f A V, • City / Town (within 3 miles)t P'E I\L L?IS3I� i'� In Current City Limits;' On ❑unknown County VA l)F C t 1 lV Tax Parcel #(s) Subdivision name Block ❑coumy DNative American ❑federal ❑ p r:vate-indtvrdija i ❑private-unspeafted ❑city ❑state eIVim. 17e4 'o Ic -U , T1-3kA t yrstf 1t1Ci ."(014 I} F€.LTO�O,RZ. DOOC f"�01)6 4 A 14.1 1� 7 AyS Surroundings (N=None, S=Some Mr -Most, A=Alllnearly all). commercial Pt residential N. institutional undeveloped Ancillary Features (No.. type or outbuildings, major IanOSCape features. Use continuaton sheet for descriptions of Interim, ,andscaping, etc) ❑foreign °unknotwn Ownership {Please check one) 0pnvare-profit ❑pnvare•fagnprofi Name of Public Tract (e.g., park) Route to (espeaalty d no Meet address) Lol USGS 7.5 Map Name & Date - Township Range Section 'I. section: ❑NW ❑SW OSE ONE ❑frregular•name: Landgrant UTM: Zone ❑ 16 ❑ 17 Easting _ .. _ _O Northing ` — — _ 0 Plat or other map (map's name, location) Style' i(C "7 5) Ve e-l_ILt.PAIL.- Exterior Plan* Number of Stories _I Structural System(s)'l'',W C I t ()Cr- Foundation: Foundation: Type(s)' 's r �i�t ," L f 1 ■�.�ji . �M+laterial(s) • (.O Exterior Fabric(s) •' C C.o Roof: Type(s) • IA lP ]�,,s��r(�,� Materia• Roof secondary strucs. (wormers etc.) • P IV V tip /11 t"l(s��} C,AtTIt` Y -ID ?)Aro. Chimney: No.� Material(s) r Location(s) ` Windows (types. materials. etc.) • [li- POAKI 1,1 V I11 'Ii_ ill .` Hi Li(XiP Main Entrance (stytisecderaas) FACa1!(- f.4O TH OlU N Porches. #open )( #dosed #incased Location(s) Porch roof types Exterior Ornament interior Plan' Condition (Please check one): xcellent ❑good ❑fair ❑deteriorated ❑ruinous Archaeological Remains 0 Check if Archaeological Form completed 9 Consult Guide to Hisroncal Structure Forms for preferred descriptions (coded fields at the Site File). DHR USE ONLY OFFICIAL EVALUATIONS DHR USE ONLY NR DATE DELISTDATE I 1 Local office National Register Criteria for Evaluation ❑a KEEPER-NR ELIGIBILITY Oyes Ono Date 1 I SHPD-NR ELIGIBILITY` Oyes Ono ❑potentially elig, ❑insufcient info Date LOCAL DESIGNATION: Date J I ❑b ❑c ❑d (See National Register Bulletin 15, p. 2) HR6EQ66208.96 Florida Hasler Sligo Filef Division of Historical Resources t R. A.Gray Building 15DD South Bronough Sir eet,7arlahitseo, FL 32199•0250 Phnn+! r85D) 407.2299 1 Sunda 277-2299 r Fat (1150)92f-O372 i E mai fmanle mail dos.itate n us Computer File P:4FSF1DOCStFOR1iSLSS FORM VS.D.DOC Adams, Alexander From: Adams, Alexander Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 5:32 PM To: 'miaml272©yahtoo.com' Subject: FW: 1001 NW N River Drive- Spring Garden Building Stop Work permit, Alexander Adams, AICP City of Miami Planning and Zoning Department Historic I Archaeology I Environmental 444 5W 2nd Avenue 3rd Floor 1 Miami, FL 33130 Direct Phone: 305.416.1445 j Fax: 305.416.2156 a adarnsP miamigov.com �R E.SEI AMERICA &Are 4'd(JO! Ono Ikrugr Preservation Officer www.miarnigov.comjolanning I www,histOricoreSerVatiOnmiami.com Please consider the environment before printing this email. 'Please Note: Due to Florida's very broad public records law, moss written cnmmunleations are public records From: Benitez, Reinaldo (Ray) A Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2012 9:16 AM To: Adams, Alexander Cc: Sierra, Daniel Subject: RE: 1001 NW N River Drive- Spring Garden Stop -Work -Orders were issued the first day 1 went out to this site. The SWD should have stopped ALL ongoing work, but that does not always happen. i was told about the blocking -up of the Garage door, but have not had an opportunity to get out to photograph it.., 1 STOP WORK ORDER x L' 4.iL r.Ef1L'11 anut 111131.1 Etb. ALL MIRK IO$i ri4) '44,4, A D Danny, Please forward any images for the blocked -up garage door that your inspector may take. Thanks! From: Adams, Alexander Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2012 8:54 AM To. Sierra, Daniel; Benitez, Reinaldo (Ray) A Cc: McLaughlin, Megan; Novaes, Marina Subject: 1001 NW N River Drive- Spring Garden Daniel, I know we currently have a violation for driveway, porch, sidewalk repairs without a permit at 1001 NW N River Drive. We need to add another for concrete blocking in the garage without a permit. Ray, I'm not sure if you order a stop work on this one yet? They have 4 items going on without permits. Alexander Adams, AICP City of Miami Planning and Zoning Department 1 Preservatian Officer Historic Archaeology i Environmental .f Adams, Alexander Frorn: Jay Imiami272@yahoo.corJ Sent: Wednesday. March 21. 2012 1:47 PM Tts: Adams, Alexander Subject: Preliminary working version of HEPB COA App Attachments: HEPB Application 120321-1.pdr Alex, have gathered most ©f the material to submit an application to you but was not be able to complete and print twelve copies for you until tomorrow. i have attached a worling opy for you to take a look at if you like. I am confident I can deliver the copies requested to you by tomorrow. Please let me know if you have any con n ents. Jay MeistrelI 786-399-779i a March 2012: 1001 NW North River Drive 1950s Tax Photo/ 2011: January 2012: February 2012 Ire IsoSTOP WORK ORDER tDOL [ A) Al" I ljC4 1fl STOP WORK ORDER !WA OTC kaltt.S, inia.,..0.2 11J gip• All WW1% •! Mil P1 04wfilk 4,6e4{ , March 2012: ti E . S eck . bks to, Vfltolekrk r", .1 I c4`-DAA -, nn Iq_ a--v � t >> CITY OF l%I IAMI PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRE5ERVATION SECTION STANDARD CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS (COA) ivliidtalt ALI r.k I IU v HISTORIC RESOURCE ADDRESS/NAME Ft"es-c1 Ci S. -3- . �' (,., S \ 1 \\ OWNER'S NAME ICO iJuJ f 3csr DINNER'S AUDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Q1r��-�1 APPLICANT/AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE (NAME & TITLE) e HISTORIC DISTRICT/RESOURCE 7? C — 3 9 l T 7 OWNER'S DAYTIME PHONE NUMBER %V1I s C-C., OWNER'S E-MAIL a1n0 r-7 R6 3 9 - 7 -1 I APPLICANT'S DAYTIME PHONE NUMBER APPLICANTS ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE APPLICANTS E-MAIL BELOW PROVIDE A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT. ATTACH PLANS, SKETCHES AND/OR ILLUSTRATIONS ON ADDITIONAL PAGES TO DESCRIBE AS NECESSARY. NO11: A COMPLETE CHECKLIST ANV INSTRUCTIONS FOR PEQUIRED ATTACHMENTS ARE ON! RFVERSF "}!nF ❑ OTHER MATERIALS SUBMITTED ATTESTATION: I CE Y TH T A�t`f$JFf RiVI�I O ROVIDED IN THIS APPLICATION AND ATTACHMIIITS IS CORRECT. SIGNAT(`JRE OF' PR ERTY OWNER DATE . c c Ott e r onr\ +ate SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT (IF OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER) DATE FOR STAFF USE ONLY: APPLICATION tt DATE RECEIVED STAFF INITIALS APPROVED EN,ED r_, APPROVEWITH CONDITIONS 2 4. Owiri Proposed Action for 1001 NW North River Drive. Approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness Application as Amended, subject to the following conditions: C 1. That the house be enhanced with a natural wood treatment on the facade as proposed V at the hearing on the west facing wall abutting the porch, and with a matching faux. 47 „A. itreatment on the south facing wall where the garage door has been blocked. ,rCrv' The driveway shall be limited to a maximum width of 24 feet 7 inches, with a maximum frontage of 27 feet along the angled NW North River Drive right-of-way. yThat the wall formerly the location of the garage door be improved with a faux treatment on the facade to match the natural wood treatment on the wall abutting the porch proposed at the hearing, with final design details to be presented to the Preservation Officer. 4/That the applicant must obtain all electrical and building permits for completed work and must pay the double After -the -Fact fees for all permits. [NO CHANGE] 51/That the density of the property be consistent with that permitted under Miami 21 as determined by the Zoning Administrator. 6. A landscape plan shall be submitted to the Preservation Office. [NO CHANGE] 7.4 site plan shall be submitted to the Preservation Office that is drawn to scale, showing all dimensions of the proposed and completed work and the site grading proposed. [NO CHANGE] All future alterations to the exterior of the property shall be submitted to the Preservation Office through the Certificate of Appropriateness process. Any revisions not found by the preservation Officer to be in substantial compliance with this resolution will require HERB action. Application for COA to HEPB Property Address 1001 NW North River Drive, Miami, FL 33136 Documentation and images provided herein for the purpose of requesting approval from the HEPB for a COA for 1001 NW North River Drive Miami, FL 33136 compiled by the property owner Francis i. Meistrell III, Additional text and verbal dialog will be provided as requested. Administrative approval for the COA is request. Should a board presentation be required additional and more refined support materials can be provided on request. The following two pages show the property both before and after improvement (mockup of final product). Additional support materials follow. GRAPHIC SCALE (In Feet) 1 inch. - 25 1t. H 0 SET f/7- PROD 1.817483 SE CORNER OF LOT 24-S LOT I8-S 100.00' � vk .1227d6 4r'. •,-METAL ••- • g} :-: to ` pdi v�r : -, irrr ... 1?.T� 27.T DWOODECK 'ii. ;1 COVERED 18.8' ISI 7#A? 4.12 x AO : 13UII GANG IN 8' # 9Q4 IOQI 1 18Z a• 130' :hti? u 1 16.6' 1 FYBSHROOR x .,.. LEvAr�ON _ 7.43 3.2' 150' 18A' 11.5' P ERU . 1ez S. g ;LOT 17-S 16.8' . CONC�,E . x 5b9 • DAVE 295 x LOT 16-S SET 1'? MOPROD LS #7463 ONCREfE ON PROPERTY CORNER F✓G,TrS.• 1. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PROVIDED BY CLIENT 2, NO SEARCH OF THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR THE PURPOSE OF ABSTRACTING TITLE WAS PERFORMED BY THIS OFFICE 3. NO SUBSURFACE IMPROVEMENTS WERE LOCATED AS PART OF THIS SURVEY 4. ALL ANGLES AND DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON ARE BOTH RECORD AND MEASURED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED FLOOD ZONE: AE COMMUNITY NUMBER: 120650 PANEL: 02086C0312 SUFFIX: L BASE FLOOD ELEVATION: 9 F.LRRM.DATE' 9-11-2009 FI.R.M. EFFECTIVE/REVISION DATE 9-11-2009 SITE 3 LOCATION MWP,wr..., LEGAL Dr5G IPT VN• LOTS 16SAND 17-S, OF COUNTRY CLUB ADDmON, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 8, AT PAGE 72, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADECOUNTY, FLORIDA. A erwAT/ON DE R/Yr/ON A/C AIR CONDITIONER CENTERLINE k Pis EXISTING ELEVATION I.D. IOENT7FICATION LICENSED BUSINESS NORM AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OVERHEAD UTILITIES POINT OF CURVATURE PARKER KYLON NAIL PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR MAPPER RIGHT OF WAY LB NA V.D. N.G.V.D. OHL P.C. P-K PSM RAN O .A /NATIONPrA/G,7t14 BRASS DISK •NW W8 AVENUE& NW 1111) STREET' N.G.V.O. 1929 ELE VATIDN = 4A3f Clyde 0. McNeal PSM#2883 THIS SURVEY IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER SITE PLAN ZONING LEGEND • "MDR 3OaitG 73.0 • LOT11170951 N1u(1L7 •00.) • mrz .nFw w*• M1LLG5Ek rn5Necu LOI 101051IY 109091 (0094 4A0151 {9315) OWN MEL I k1 WO {lean 14W (lu) • a0011 P9001 A COODIS 9 M119 a 111 LM01 M 01 1m WW1 (WPM 0 !0 • slaw 54•0 M1.00ml mar won. cm • WM= IR0POED 0 0L+lRk I 40-0' 19'-a (O40 LW40 L NM-•www maid* n1W C s-o' r-r w WM1 9Pr s'-Y 1-C o. snsnx. maw SO,• a ., a. LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOEs 1es AND 1rs COUN9S1 CLUB ADORION P.O. B P.G. F2 AS RECORDED AND NOTED IN THE P LOUC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY LDCA1£D IN EHE SFA1E OF FLORIDA SITE PLAN aIs wam wnuiz NEW CO NC EYE 'AVER DRIVE AY E% IS NG RE ID NC P TER } PUNIER fY NEW CONCRETE PAVER W.LXWAY- S• A'C . sf� 4i4- STEP SOUTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION 1/r- r-o• FLOOR PLAN BEV.0NS. CATE D.0.0 OWNER TELEPHONE : (7B6) 39 r JAY MEISTRELL A-2 'IO2-052 USA CONCRETE 13050 NW 30 AVE • OPA-LOCKA. FL. 33054 P: 305200.4778 • FAX: 305.397-1001 AMDteBELLSOUTH.NET • WWW.AMMIUSA.COM ESTIMATE CUSTOMER _ a : A s LICENSED & INSURED Address: 1 CT ',. 1 �C t L` {if) CGC 1504864 PG, of City: t .i Phone # ry 16 . 1 -r 4 t ,1*-- i F �= s �.r� � ' (LEA , Pi • ft r. ? c r ,v �. �� s I E Email: State t J Date Zip -- 1 °, 1 .r '- f r r: THIS PROPOSAL IS VALID FOR 15 DAYS FROM THE ABOVE DATE We hereby propose to furnish labor and materials - complete In accordance with Iho above specdtattions. tor the sum of: S Ali material is 9uaranteeI IQ to as specified All work to be completed in a workmanffkc manner according to standard practices. My alteration or deviation tram above specifications involving extra 0751.5, will 06 exaculed only upon written orders_ and will become an extra charge over and above the ealiniate. Estimate Provided by : .5 kWNEE,,' 61 4 nc SPECIALTY ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, Inc. Q � =.s �; DADS BROWARD PALM BEACH 51 April 16. 2012 Mr. Meistrell 1001 NW North Drive Miami, FL 33136 RE: 1001 NW NORTH DRIVE, MIAMI, FL STRUCTURAL REVIEW OF CONCRETE STEPS DearMr. Meistrell: Pursuant to the Monday April 16, 2012, we reviewed several photographs that depict the formwork and steel reinforcing for several steps at the aforementioned home. We reviewed the steps in order to determine if they could support the code prescribe loads. Our findings are as follows. The 2007 FBC with 2009 amendments is the governing code. As such the live load for residential steps is 100 psf. A 4" concrete slab contributes approximately 50 psf. The factored load is 220 psf. We analyzed the concrete with #3 bars placed as shown, 2,500 psi concrete mix, and based on the cantilevered distance, 16", the concrete steps are capable of supporting the code prescribe loads. We hope that you find this information helpful and should you have any questions please feel free to call on us. Respectfully submitted Specialty Engineering Consultants, Inc. Gary McDougle, PE Vice President of Engineering State of Florida: Registered Professional Engineer: #00562 ] 4 Certificate of Authorization: #009217 ami 1599 SW 30r4 Avenue, Suite 20 - Boynton Beach, FL 33426 - Office: 561-752-5440 - Fax: 561-752-5542 Application for COA to HEPB Property Address 1001 NW North River Drive, Miami, FL 33136 Examples of historic South Florida homes using similar paving and step designs: Application for COA to HEPB Property Address 1001 NW North River Drive, Miami, FL 33136 Application for COA to HEPB Property Address 100I NW North River Drive, Miami, FL 33136 Template of Ideas for appropriateness of period design: Prirnary Focus or the modern architectural designs of Frank Lloyd Wright and Joseph Eichler http_11www.eichlerforsale.comjLandscaping Eichler Homes Modern and mid-century modern landscapes and ga-dens frequently share numerous design elements. The following plants, trees, shrubs, and groundcovers (viihich are available in many different varieties - consult your local nursery or landscape architect) are popular options for modernist gardners and landscapers: Application for COA to HEPB Property Address 1001 NW Worth River Drive, Miami, FL 33136 http l/en.wikiiedia.orglwiki/Joseph Eichler Application for COA to HEPB Property Address 1001 NW North River Drive, Miami, FL 33136 httQ://en.wikipedia.org/wikijFallingwater Application for COA to HEPB Property Address 1001 NW North River Drive, Miami, EL 33136 3/22/12 Joseph Eichler - Wklpedia. the Tree encyclopedia Joseph Eichler Frorn Wlkipedia, the free encyclopedia Joseph Eichler (1900-1974) was a 20th century post-war U.S. American real estate developer known lbr developing distinctive residential subdivisions of Mid -Century modem style Tract housing in California, United States. He was one ofthe influential advocates of bringing modem architecture from custom residences and large corporate bindings to general public availabrlity. His company and developments named "Eichler Homes" remain in the Greater San Francisco Bay Area and Greater Los Angeles regions of western California. Contents • 1 Eichler Homes • 1,1 Design • 2 Projects • 2.1 Eicher Homes neighborhoods • 2.2 Other projects • 3 People who grew up in Eichler homes • 4 Media • 5 References • 6 Sources • 7 External links Eichler Homes Between 1950 and 1974, Joseph Eichler's company, Eichler- Homes, bunt over 11,000 homes in nine communities in Northern California and homes in three communities in Southern California. They all came to be known as Eiclers or an Eichler. During this period, Eichler became one of the nation's most influential builders of modem homes. The largest contiguous Eichler Homes development is 'The ends' in San Mateo, built between 1956 and 1964. Unlike many developers ofthe post war housing boom, Joseph Eichler was a social visionary and commissioned designs primarily for middle- class Americans One of his stated aims was to construct inclusive and diverse planned communities, ideally featuring integrated parks and community centers. Eichler, unlike most builders at the time, established a non-discrimination policy and offered homes for sale to anyone of arty religion or race. In 1958, he resigned fi-otrt the National Association of Home Builders wlien they refused to support a non-discrimination policy. Design Joseph Eichler used well-known architects to design both the site plans and the homes themselves. He hired the respected architect and Wright Eichler 1-tomes - Foster Residence, Granada Hills en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Eichler 114 3/2212 Joseph Eichler - Wiklpedia, the free encyclopedia disciple Robert Anshen ofAnshen & Alien to design the initial Eichlers, and the first prototypes were built n 1949. In later years, other Eichler Homes by other architects were built including those design d by the San Francisco frmClaude Oakland & Associates; and the Los Angeles tnm ofJories & Ferns, A. Quincy Jones, and Raphael Soriano. Eichler hones are from a branch of Modernist architecture that has come to be known as 'California Modern," and typically feature glass walk post -and -beam construction, and open floorplans in a style indebted to Frank Lloyd Wright and Mies van der Rohe. Eichler Hornes exteriors featured flat and/or low -sloping A -Framed roo, vertical 2-inch pattern wood siding, and spartan facades with clean geometric lines. One of Eichleris signature concepts was to `Bring the Outside In," achieved via skylights and floor -to -ceiling glass windows with glass transoms looking out on protected and private outdoor roomy;, patios, atriums, gardens, and swimming pools. Tyre interiors had murx:rous unorthodox and innovative features including: exposed post -and -beam construction; tongues and groove decking for the ceilings following the rooftine; concrete slab floors with integral radiant heating; luan paneling, sliding doors for rooms, closets, and cabinets; and a standard second bathroom located in the master bedroom Later models introduced the Fein-oos Eichler entry atrnnlnYs, an open-air enclosed entrance foyer designed to further advance the Eichler concept of integrating outdoor and indoor spaces. Eichler hon>zs were airy and rnodern in comparison to most of the mass-produced, twiddle -class, postwar homes being built in the. 1950s. At first potential home buyers, many of whom were war -weary ex -servicemen and women, seeking convention rather than innovation, were resistant to the innovative homes. Eichler also faced competition from other developers who used stylistic elements of Eichler homes in diluted and rime conventional designs, later called "Eichleresque." Eichler 1-lomes never achieved large profits for Joseph Eichler. In his biography by Walter Isaacson, Steve Jobs credited living in an "Eichler I lorne" when growing up as the main inspiration for developing an aesthetic sensibility for the modernist and for the simple. That Steve Jobs lived in an Eichler was recently disproves by researchers at the Eichler Network, who discovered and conned that Jobs' boyhood home was a similarly -styled mid-century modern by another builder. Projects The Northern California Eichler Hans are predominantly in San Francisco, Mar -in County, Sacramento, the East Bay towns of Walnut Creek, Concord, Oakland, Castro Valley, and the San Francisco Peninsula towns of San Mateo, Redwood City, Pao Alto, Sunnyvale, Mountain View and San Jose. The Southern California Eichler Hones developments are in Thousand Oaks, Granada Hills, and Orange. Eichler Homes neighborhoods Lucas Valley and Marinwood, in Mario County, California. • The Terra Linda section of San Rafael, California. • The Highlands, in San Mateo, California. • Atherwood - Redwood City, California. • Mountain View, California -- Morita Loma Neighborhood 11 • Midtown - South Pak) Alto Palo Alto, California, with runny Eichler Homes, a Swim and Tennis Club called "Eichler" and an Eichler Tract Corrrrnunity Association and Aquatic Facility called "Greenmeadow." • Fairgrove Tract in Cupertino,, California has 229 homes built m 1960-1.961 _ • Fairglen Tract in the Wow Glen neighborhood of San Jose, California. en:mkipedia.ortywiki/Joseph_Eichler 2/4 3/22112 Joseph Eichler - wkipedia, the Free encyclopedia • Concord, California - Two Eichler tracts in this city in the east San Francisco Bay Area. • Rancho San Miguel in Walnut Creek, California - A neighborhood with more than 300 Eichler homes. • Greenridge Road area of Castro Valley, California has a large development of Eichler homes,C21 • South Land Park and South Land Park Hills are neighborhoods in Sacramento, California, with many Eichler homes and a street named Eichler Street. • Thousand Oaks, California - Eichler comrnrmity in the Conejo Valley. • Granada Hills, California - Eichler community in the San Fernando Valley, its "Foster Residence" is a designated Los Angeles Historic -Cultural Monument. • Fairhaven - Orange, California, with 140 Eichler homes. Other projects Joseph Eichler also built semi -custom designs for individual clients by commission, such as three in Chestnut Ridge, New York- As a resuk of soaring land prices in the mid-1960s urban redevelopment projects became popular, and Eichler began building low- and high-rise projects in San Francisco's Western Addition and Hwxters Point-Bayview districts, heoiy high-rises and clustered housing on Russian Hill and Diamond Heights. He also developed the suburban and trendsetting co-op cotes Pomeroy Green and Pomeroy West in Santa Clara. These large projects began to overextend the corrrany, and by the mid-1960s, Eichler Hods was in financial distress. The company filled for bankruptcy in 1967. People who grew up in Eichler homes Steve Jobs grew up in an Eichler home and has stated "that his appreciation for Eichler homes instilled in him a passion for making nicety designed products for the mass market".f31 That Steve Jobs lived in a Eichler home is a. fact recently disproved by researchers, who discovered that he instead grew up m a copycat home designed by another builder, basketball player Kurt Rarnbis grew up in the Fairgrove Tract in Cupertino, California. Media • The Parr fancy home in the Pixar animated feature The Incredibles appears to be an Alexander home -- another type of tract -home design similar to Eichlers. • Eichler houses in Orange, California, were used to project a very stylistic look in the 2006 independent film Another Gay Movie. • The neighborhood seen in the 2008 film Speed Racer includes a number of digitally re-created Eichler houses. • The 2010 film What Better Place, by Chapman University student Hiyam Abousaid, was shot entirely in an Eichler home in Orange, California. • The Palo Alto Facebook house in the 2010 film The Social Network appears to be an Eichler. References 1. ^ httpifwww,mv-voice.corrv'news/show_story.php?id=4823 2. " httpifwww.eichlerforsale.comfroseph_Eichler 3. ^ Isaacson, Walter (2011). Steve Jobs. Simon and Schuster. pp. 127. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Eichler 3(4 3122/12 Josaph Eichler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Sources ■ Adamson, Paul; Marty Arbunich, Ernest Braun (photographer) (2002)_ Eichler: Modernism Rebuilds the American Dream. Layton, Utah; Gobs Smith Publishers. ISBN 1-58685-184-5. ■ Adamson, Paul (March 2001). "California modernism and the Eichler harms". The Journal of Architecture 6 (I): I-25. doi:10.1080/13602360010024804(http•J/dx.doiorg110.1480%2F13602360010024804) . • Ditto, Jerry, Lansing Stern, Marvin Wax (photographer) (1995). Design for Living: Eichler Horns. San Francisco: Chronicle Books. ISBN 0-8118-0846-7. • Jacobs, Karrie (May 15, 2005). "Saving the Tract House" (httpilwww.nytimes.com/2005/05/15/magazine/15TRACT.htm1) . The New York Times Magazine. httpJ/www.nytimes.com12005/05/15/magazi<e/15TRACT.htmL Retrieved December 26, 2009. ■ "Jobs"'Likeler' No Eichler"(httpi/eichlernetwork.corn'article/jobs-lrkeler-no-eichler) . Eichler Network. Feb 15, 2012. httpi/eichlernetwork.com/articlebobs-lrkeler-no-eichler, Retrieved Feb 26, 2012. External links • Eichler Network: History of Eichler Homes (httpJiwww.etchlernetwork.cordarticle/wonderful-world- eichler-nor es) • Flickr Group: Eichler Horses photographs (httpl/www.$ick ,camrgraups/eich1ed) ■ Balboa Highlands (lmpl/www.balboahighlands.corn) —Eichlers in Los Angeles, California • Eichler Network discussion board (httpl/www.eichlernetwork.com/forum) • Eichler and Mid Century Modern home discussion board (http://www.lottaliving.cornibb/) • Eichlers in Southern California (littp://www.eichlersocalcorn/) • Eichler Design —homeowner's personal website(httpi/totbeweb.corn/eichler/index.htnl) • TV commercial; featuring an Eichler Home (http•l/www.youtube.coni/watch?v=kvT-keAxwVs) • Rancho Del Diablo; Concord, CA Eichler Neighborhood Site (b plJwww_randomasholidaycom//Rancho Del Diablo/Home.htm1) • David Eichler Photography; Professional photographer's website katurng numerous examples of Eichler Horne exteriors and interiors (httpJ/www,eichlerphoto.corw) Retrieved from'httpl/en_wkipedia.org/w/index-php?tom=Joseph Eichler&oldid=483317238" Categories: American real estate businesspeople Modernist architecture in California Modernist architecture in the United States American architecture Modernist architects 1900 births 1974 deaths • This page was last modified on 22 March 2012 at 05:49. • Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAltke License; additionalterms may apply. See Terms ofuse for details. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark ofthe Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organiration en.wikipedia.orglwiki/Joseph_Eichier 4/4 3/22/12 Fallingweter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Failngwater From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia FMUiiugwater or Kaufmann Residence is a house designed by architect Frank Lloyd Wright in 1935 in rural southwestern Pennsylvania, 50 miles southeast of Pittsburgh. The horne was built partly over a waterfall on Bear Run in the Mill Run section of Stewart Township, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, in the Laurel Highlands of the Allegheny Mountains. Halted by Time shortly after its cornpletion as Wright's 'most beautiful job",131 it is listed among Smithsonian's Life List of28 places 'to visit before you die.441 It was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1966.12] In 1991, members of the American Institute of Architects named the house the "best all -tine work of American architecture" and in 2007, it was ranked twenty-ninth on the list of America's Favorite Architecture according to the ALA. Contents • 1 History • 1.1 Design and construction • 1.2 Cost • 1.3 Use of the house • 2 Style • 3 Repair work • 4 See also • 5 References • 6 glbliagraphy • 7 Further reading • 8 External links History Edgar Kaufmann Sr. was a successful Pittsburgh businessman and president of Kaufirann's Department Store. His son, Edgar Kaufmann, Jr., studied architecture briefly under Wright. Edgar Sr. had been prevailed upon by his son and Wright to itemize the cost of Wright's utopian model city. When completed, it was displayed at Kaufnann's Department Store and Wright was a guest in the Kaufmann home, "La Tourelle", a French Noilion estate designed by celebrated Pittsburgh architect Benno Janssen (1874— Coordinates: 39454'22' N 79°2$'5"W Fallingwate r U.S. National Register of Historic Places U.S. National historic Landmark Location: Nearest city- Coordinates: Built: Architect: Architectural Visitation: fi Mill Run, Pennsylvania Pittsburgh 39°54'22' ry ' 1`1 79'28'5"W 1936 - 1939 Frank Lloyd Wright style: Organic architecture about 135,000 en.wikipodia.arglwiki/Fallingwator 1 n 3/22/12 Faiiingweter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 1964) in the stylish Fox Chapel suburb in 1923 fir Edgar J. Kaufmann. Fallingwater with falls Governing rods: Western Pennsylvania Conservancy NRHP Referenee#: 74001781[11 The Kaufi:rams and Wright were enjoying refreshments Significant dates at La Tourelle when C Added to NRHP: July 23, 1974 Wright, who never missed I Designated NHL: May 23, 1966[2] an opportunity to charm a potential client, said to Edgar Jr. in tones that the elder Kaufrnanns were intended to overhear, "Edgar, this house is not worthy of your parents..." The remark spurred the Kaufmaiirts' interest in something worthier. Fallingwater would become the end result. The K.aufmanns owned property outside Pittsburgh with a waterfall and cabins they used as a rural retreat_ When the cabins deteriorated, Mr- Kaufn nn contacted Wright. In November 1934. Wright visited Bear Run and asked for a survey of the area around the waterfall One was prepared by Fayette Engineering Company ofUniontown, Pennsylvania including all the site's boulders, trees and topography, and forwarded to Wright in March 1935. It took nine months for his ideas to crystalize into a design, quickly sketched up in tine for a visit by Kaufmann to Taliesin in September 1935.151[61 It was then that Kadmann fast became aware that Wright intended to build the home above the falls,[71 rather than bebw them to afford a view of the cascades as he bad expected.[81 Design and construction The structural design for Fallingwater was undertaken by Wright in association with staff engineers Mendel Glickman and William Wesley Peters, who had been responsible for the cohurnns featured in Wright's revolutionary design for the Johnson Wax Headquarters. Preliminary plans were issued to Kaufnraum for approval on October 15, 1935,t4, after whicb Wright made a fzrrtber visit to the site and provided a cost estimate for the job. In December 1935 an old rock quarry was reopened to the west ofthe site to provide the stones needed for the house's walls, Wright only made periodic visits during construction, instead assigning his apprentice Robert Mosher as his permanent on -site representative,[91 The final working drawings were issued by Wright in March 1936 with work beginning on the bridge and main house in April 1936. The construction was plagued by conflicts between Wright, Kaufmann, and the construction contractor. Uncomfortable with what he saw as Wright's insufficient experience using reinforced concrete, Kaufmann had the architect's daring cantilever design reviewed by a firm of consulting engineers. Upon receiving their report, Wright took oBense and immediately requested Kaufmann to return his drawings and indicated he was withdrawing from. the project. Kaufmann relented to Wright's gambit and the engineer's report was subsequently buried within a stone wan ofthe house_[91 Alter a visit to the site in June 1936, Wright rejected the stonemasonry of tine bridge, which had to be rebuilt [citation needed] en.wildpedia.org/wild/Failingwater 3/22112 Fallingwater - Wildpedia, the free encyclopedia For the cantilevered floors, Wright and his team used upside down T-shaped concrete slab which both formed the ceiling of the space below and provided resistance against compression. The contractor, Walter Haft, also an engineer, produced independent computations and argued fir increasing the reinforcing steel in the first floor's slab. Wright refused the suggestion. While some sources state that it was the contractor who quietly doubled the amount of re rcennttOJ according to athers,[g] it was at Kaufmann's request that his coring engineers redrew Wright's reinforcing drawings and doubled the amount of steel specified by Wright. In addition, the contractor did not build in a slight upward incline in the formwork for the cantilever to compensate for the settling and deflection of the cantilever. Once the concrete formwork was removed, the cantilever developed a noticeable sag. Upon learning of the steel addition without his approval, Wright recalled Mosher.[1 tl With Kaufmann's approval, the consulting engineers arranged for the contractor to install a supporting wall under the main supporting beam for the west terrace. When Wright discovered it on a site v i it he had Mosher discreetly remove the top course of stones. When Kaufmann later confessed to what had been done, Wright showed him what Mosher had done and pointed out that the cantilever bad held up for the past month under test loads without the wall's support.[' 2] The strong horizontal and vertical lines are a distinctive feature of Fallingw ater In October 1937, the main house was completed. Cost The home and guest house cost USS 155,000,[51 131 broken down as follows: house $75,000; finishing and firrnisbing S22,000; guest house, garage and servants' quarters $50,000; architect's fee $8,000. The total project price of $155,000, adjusted far inflation, is the equivalent of approximately $2.4 rntllion in 2009.[141 A more accurate reflection of the relative cost of the project in its time is that the cost of restoration alone in 2002 was reported at $11.4 million. Use of the house Fallingwater was the familys weekend horrre from 1937 to 1963. In 1963, Kaufimann, Jr. donated the property to the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. In 1964, it was opened to the public as a museum Nearly six milliron people have visited the house as of January 2008. Despite its location in a remote corner ofPennsylvania (two hours' drive from Pittsburgh), the house (according to the infbnnational pamphlet distributed on the grounds) currently hosts more than 150,000 visitors each year.[13] Style Fallingwater stands as one of Wright's greatest masterpieces both for its dynamism and for its integration with the striking natural surroundings. Wright's passion for Japanese architecture was strongly reflected in the design of Fallingwater, particularly in the importance ofinterpenetrating exterior and interior spaces and the strong emphasis en.wikipedia.argfwilti/Fallingwater 3!7 3/22112 Fallingwater - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia placed on harmony between man and nature. Contemporary Japanese architect Tadao Ando has stated: "I think Wright learned the most important aspect of architecture, the treatment of space, from Japanese architecture. When 1 visited Fallingwater in Pennsylvania, I found that sarne sensibility of space. But there was the additional sounds ofnature that appealed to me.'+[15] The extent of Wright's genius in integrating every detail of his design can only be hinted at in photographs. This organically designed private residence was intended to be a nature retreat for its owners. The house is well-known for its connection to the site; it is built on top of an active waterfall which flows beneath the house. The fireplace hearth in the living room integrates boulders found on the site and upon which the house was built ledge rock which protrudes up to a foot through the luring room floor was left in place to demonstrably link the outside with the inside. Wright had initially intended that the ledge be cut flush with the floor, but this had been one of the Kaufmann family's favorite sunning spots, so Mr. Kaufmann suggested that it be left as it was.[cirarton needed] The stone floors are waxed, while the hearth is left plain, giving the impression of dry rocks protruding from a stream. Integration with the setting extends even to small details. For example, where glass meets stone walls there is no metal frame; rather, the glass and its horizontal dividers were nm into a caulked recess in the stonework so that the stone walls appear uninterrupted by glazing. From the cantilevered living room, a stairway leads directly down to the stream below, and in a connecting space which connects the main house with the guest and servant level, a natural spring drips water inside, which is then channeled back out. Bedrooms are small, some with low ceilings to encourage people outward toward the open social areas, decks, and outdoors. Driveway leading to the entrance of Fallingwater Interior of Fallingwater depicting a sitting area with furnishings designed by Wright Bear Run and the sound of its water permeate the house, especially during the spring when the snow is melting, and locally quarried stone walls and cantilevered terraces resembling the nearby rock formations are meant to be in harmony. The design incorporates broad expanses of windows and balconies which reach out into their surroundings. The staircase leading down from the living room to the stream (mentioned above) is accessed via movable horizontal glass panes. In conformance with Wright's views, the main entry door is away from the falls. On the hillside above the main house stands a three -bay carport, servants' quarters, and a guest house. These attached outbuildings were buill two years later using the same quality of materials and attention to detail as the main house. The guest quarters feature a spring -fed swimming pool which overflows to the river below. After Fallingwater was deeded to the public, the carport was enclosed at the direction of Kaufmann, Jr., to be used by museum visitors to view a presentation at the end of their guided tours on the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy (to which the home was entrusted). Kaufmann, Jr. designed its interior himself; to specifications Found in other Fallingwater interiors by Wright. Repair work The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy conducted an intensive program to preserve and restore Fallingwater. From 1988, a New York City -based architecture and engineering Cunt was responsible for the materials en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallingwater an 3t22/12 The cantilevers at Fallingwater Fallingwater - wikipedia, the free encyclopedia conservation of Fallingwater. During this time the film reviewed original construction documents and subsequent repair reports; evaluated conditions and probes; analyzed select materials; designed the re -roofing and re -waterproofing of roofs and terraces; specified the restoration for original steel casement windows and doors; reconstructed failed concrete reconstructions; restored the masonry; analyzed interior paint finishes; specified interior paint removal rrret hods and re -painting; designed repair rnethods for concrete and stucco; and developed a new coating system for the concrete. Given the humid environment directly over running water, mold bad proven a problem. The elder Kaufmann called Fallingwater "a seven. bucket building" for its leaks, and nicknamed it "Rising Mtidew".[16] Condensation under roofing membranes was also an issue, due to the lack of damp proofing or thermal breaks.(17] Fallitgwaters structural system includes a series of very bold reinforced concrete cantilevered balconies; however, the house bad problems from the beginning. Pronounced deflection of the concrete cantilevers was noticed as soon as formwork was removed at the construction stage. This deflection continued to increase over time, and eventually reached 7 inches (over a 15-foot span). In 1995, the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy commissioned a study of Fallingwater's structural integrity. Structural engineers analyzed the movement of the cantilevers over tittle and conducted radar studies of the cantilevers to hem and quantify the reinforcement. These showed that the contractor had indeed added reinforcement over Wright's plan; nevertheless, the cantilevers were still insufficiently reinforced. In fact, both the concrete and its steel reinforcement were shockingly close to their fare limits. As a result, in 1997, temporary girders were installed beneath the cantilevers to cany their weight.[18J In 2002, the structure was repaired permanently using post -tensioning. Blocks were joined to the concrete cantilever beams and floor joists, high -strength steel cables were fed through the blocks and exterior concrete walls, and then the cables were tightened using jacks. The floors and walls were then restored, leaving Falfmgwater's interior and exterior appearance unchanged. The cantilevers now had sufficient support, and the deflection stopped.[191 See also �+ Kaufmarm Desert House, another Kaufrrtann residence + Kentuck Knob, another Wright -designed residence in the same area References ^ "National Register Information System'"(httpl]nrhp.focus.nps_govfnatregldocs/A1l Data.html) . National Register of Historic Places. National Park Service. no date specified. http J/nrhp ,focus . nps . go v/natreg/do c s/AIl Data. h tm L n a b "Fallingwater" (httpi/tps.cr.nps.govinhl/detaiLcfm?Resourcelld=1483&ResourceType=Building) National Historic Landmark summary listing. National Park Service. httpiltps.cr.nps.gov/nhl/detail.cfna? R.esourceId-1483&ResourceType—Building. Retrieved 2008-07-02. 3, ^ "Usonian Architect!" (httpl/www.time.comitirne/magazinelarticle/0,9171,758888-4,00.bim1} . TIME magazine en.wikipedia.orglwikilFapingwater 517 3/22/12 Failingwater- Wiklpedia, the free encyclopedia Jan. 17, 1938. 1938-01-17. httpllwww.time.comltimelmagazinelarticle/0,9171,758888-4,00.htrnl Retrieved 2008- 01-27. 4. ^ "Smithsonian Magazine - Travel- The Smithsonian Life List" (httpilwww.smithsonianmag.com/specialsections/lifelists/lifelist-faUingwater.httu1) . Smithsonian magazine Januaey 2008. httpilwww.smithsonaauroag.comispecialsections/lifelistsllifelist-falistgwater,httn. Retrieved 2010- 08-19. 5. ^ a b McCarter, page 59. 6. ^ Taker, Franklin (2003). Fallingwater Rising: Frank Lloyd Wright, E. J. Kaufmann, and America's Most Extraordinary' House. Knopf. ISBN 1-4000-4026-4. 7. ^ "[ W]hy did the client say that he expected to look from his house toward the waterfall rather than dwell above it?" Edgar Kaufmann, jr., Fallingwater: A Frank Lloyd Wright Country House, New York: Abbeville Press, p. 31. (ISBN 0-89659-662-1) 8. ^ McCarter, page 7. 9. f1 • b c d Mc Carter, page 12. 10. ^ Feldman, Gerard C. (2005). "Falliagwater Is No Longer Falling (httpJIwww.structuremag.orglnldArchives12005/September%2020051Fallingwater-by-Gerard-Feldmann.pdf) ". STRUCTURE magazine (September): pp. 46-50. 1 1 . " McCarter, pages 12 and 13. 12. ^ McCarter, pages 13. 13. ^ a b Plushnick-Ma_sti, Raniit (2007-09-27). "New Wright house in western Pa. completes trinity of work" (hrtpJfwww.usatoday.comltravel!destinations/2007-09-27-new-wright-home_N.btm) . Associated Press. htrpJlwww.usatoday.cotxu'travelldestinations12007-09-27-new-wright-homey N.htm. Retrieved 2007-10-09. 14. ^ According to httpi/www.westegg.comlinflationl 15. ^ "Tadao Ando, 1995 Laureate: Biography" (httpllwww.pritzkerprize.comllaureates11995/_downloads/1995_bio.pdf) . The Hyatt Foundation. 1995. httpJ/www.pritzkerprize.corrlllaureates11995/_downloads/1995_bio.pdf. Retrieved 5 November 2009. 16. ^ (Brand 1995) 17. ^ 'Palling -water Part 2: Materials -Conservation Efforts at Frank Lloyd Wright's Masterpiece", by Pamela Jerome, Norman Weiss and Haze] Ephron 02006 Association for Preservation Technology International (APT). h tip:I/www , jstor. org/pss/40004684 18, ^ Silman, Robert and John Matte° (2001-07-01). "Repair and Retrofit: Is Failing Water Failing Down?" (httpilwww.structuremag.orglarchives/20061FaUing%20Water/FallingWater.pdf) (PDF), Structure Magazine. http•llwww.structurernag.orglarchives/20061Falling%20WaterfFaliingWater.pdf. Retrieved 2007-09-20. 19. ^ Meek, Tyler. "Fallingwater: Restoration and Structural Reinforcement" (bttpJlfailures.wtkispaces.comlFallingwater) . httpilfailures.wticispaces.com/Falingwater. Retrieved 18 October 2011. Bibliography ■ Trapp, Frank (1987). Peter Blume. Rizzoli, New York. ■ How Donald (1993). Frank Lloyd Wright 's Fallingwater: The House and Its History (2nd ed.). Dover Publications. ISBN 0-486-27430-6. • Brand, Stewart (1995). How Buildings Learn: What Happens After They're Built. Penguin Books. ISBN 0-14-013996-6. ■ McCarter, Robert (2002). Fallingwater Aid (Architecture in Detail). Phaidon Press. ISBN 0-7148- 4213-3. Further reading en.wikipedia.org/wikiiFellingwaler 6/7 3/22/12 Fallingwater - Wiklpedia, the free encyclopedia ■ Edgar Kaufnarin, jr., Fallingwater: A Frank Lloyd Wright Country House (Abbeville Press 1986) • Robert McCarter, Fallingwater Aid (Architecture in Detail) (Phaidon Press 2002) • Franklin Taker, Fallingwater Rising: Frank Lloyd Wright, E. J. Kaufrnann, and America's Most Extraordinary House (Knopf 2005) • Lynda S. Waggoner and the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, Fallingwater: Frank Lloyd Wright's Romance With Nature (Universe Publishing 1996) External links • hti 7 //www.wrilght hous e. co m/fra rtk - Iloyd- wrightThallingwa te r- p ic tures/1F I S W- Eallingwater-in-1 lll.htnil - numerous excellent photos ofthe house, ■ Official Fallingwater website (httpi/www fallingwater.org) - visitor and design information • official Western Pennsylvania Conservancy website (httpilwww.paconserve_orgl) Retrieved from"httpllen.wilcipedia.orglwlindex.php? tale=Famngwater oklid=482932058" Categories: Houses on the National Register of Historic Places in Pennsylvania Frank Lloyd Wright bindings National Historic Landmarks in Pennsylvania Houses completed in 1939 Museums in Fayette County, Pennsylvania Historic house museums in Pennsylvania Houses in Fayette County, Pennsylvania Modernist architecture in Pennsylvania • This page was last modified on 20 March 2012 at 17:18. • Text is available under the Creative Commons Attnliution-ShareAlik.e License; additional terms may apply. See Terms of use for details. Wikip' edia'1 is a registered trademark ofthe Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization. en,wlkipedie.orgtwikl/Fallingwaler 7r7 LOT 39-S a LOT 184 I0000P&M •-".3" - ' -3 .../.0.0 _ . ...... 'PO 444''Ier 4, yr at C-1 (Fr. 4 - 116'4145' f1<,25.00 L-50 95 C-42 59 00-m532352i 25.0' • fl? orAIL rL BOUNDARY SURVEY SI MVO' YORC crR7ftc4 rfOlt •0M/, C(g We. PO? -,04% ARITACalf r Sianre 1 lout - CrOptrf MYWCZ.,•7•21rd Cr i14141, POYAMED 4/0M ,MMKInr 71.4E WW). .6.01.011XALIE9 ninwr•C aww. Aubdthlr,10 atlw•-3.r IAt 0.31a. r.eatsfr 9/-41. CLYDE MCNEAL • 211,. 01,1••••••1.4. sot.t.wm Li VW ee-mcAL rpoq-ssoit1/4.... idiApPG4 red.! PACE 2 OF 2 PAGES SERVING MOST FLORIDA COUNTIES TARGET SURVEYING, INC. 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YI Y rdlwe.63uA 0 6w4 Ai 10 Met we0 OYNO}:f AM µrn[RriSP 1T1f T1CiRtir.! lra+•}I,+C AFO MM0IcAlrp f110110K UAL. co i mpla sr,O[SAg =IL Jla1 1110a ow fxf WSW ($111.1%wenTS MATED 0 Rd gOaRbeI.RON ru+,+n r+M Pn prM7, comps van lus-t4. ri rr OVOTr }PA ,aw.«LOLL'' r.o.+r IOC P,at 4rl 44111.1.1•,VJ :PAM OleRrr4 t1d,P. Rr aiVAa,ort s ra 1UAa..Pt •¢i Aal LifJ4+13 iFw.'1b of •vr• WI rt.) CCM+df *VOW •Qlr r1. OW .010 Ay RR ffi w lf•1F wsf+vw7s ARx•rre rt Prr('6anPAntwi ra101 MOM. tap m wilt (WOO UM1 Malt MlAS41.14e1. a nrrwrtY'M •PAIR AIllirrl wyAR Ls+ .src-. T •� 0y[ %AA rr.licn rH i0G1rA Cr nrt RWRQr�O,R VAN lerOU +•1151 !OM in PAC kRRP► Mum A,•rr. lart RUT wok..L r� , a+ t=" if ofRiI 1+<0.',PPdP INGAWRnMOP3 NnT 40aw 0 ir•( Fti PACE 1 OF 2 PAGES SLRVING MOST FLORIDA COUNTIES TARGET SURVEYING, INC. ti rs+as 1590 rt riticu Ytt Boatcard, Wilt • •TTr 1ALS /Lµ31. fl .3 O7 r urx M•� w-t :•- ;.g JYa 1 i.40-.41C at-ISg7 riCsrux.t (1i+0) 7r 1-057• APPRAISALWORKS, INC. REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS AND CONSULTANTS FiOeNo 08013500 APPRAISAL OF SINGLE LO 1001 NW MI FAMILY RESIDENCE CATER AT: NORTH RIVER DRIVE AMI, FL 33136 FRANC 1001 NW MI FOR: IS J MEISTRELL III NORTH RIVER DRIVE AMI, FL 33138 BORROWER: FRANC IS J MEISTRELL III AS OF: April 24, 2008 BY: STEPHEN MALTAGLIATI, SRA STATE CERTIFIED GENERAL APPRAISER #0000952 FLOORPLAN Borrower: FRANCS J MEISTRELL 111 File Ni„ D8a13500 Prollert, Address 1001 NW NORTH RIVER DRIVE Case No.• UN MIAMI State FL Zip 3313$ Lender .FRANCiSJ MEISTRELLIf Sketch try Apex W Windar'STM 5' 29.0' 12.5' Bedroom Laundry Family Bath End Gera Kitchen 11 Drr a 19.0' Ba1h L""9 Raam Bedroom Entrance 20.0' Code AREA CALCULATIONS SIMORY Description Size Totals GaAl First Floor 1774..50 1714_52 LAE Garage 293 75 Enclosed Garage 249 00 53$-'25 TOTAL LIVABLE (rounded) 1775 Bedroom 17 a' L IVNG AREA BREAKDCA 1T1 Breakdown Subtotals east Floor 1d.0 x 290 46400 10.0 x 16 0 252.00 20 0 x 26 5 530 00 1?.0 z 29 5 501.50 2.0 x 13 5 27.2p 5 Areas Total (rounded) 1775 LOCATH3N MAP EiOrrOwer FRANCIS J MEISTRELL III 1=ite No.. 7178013300 e(aoorty /woes., looi NW NORYM FINER ORWE Case No rErne VIEMEZIEN q111 IN . lip IMM ME 2_,I......,...-.., CIIMINEI graK..,22,,M1,.ME • ' . jaimmii*zi vc4-11.1..riallill Walt' 1111MMTA PM i- - mil- tiag, •- ' MUIR 37 ' r ' - MINIM "1.1 Jar gis MU LW' 1211 CIMMIrain iin MI Wei, '4.-4- MN IIELVE. E-MIMIGIM= '''f, • . . I r= ri It in 17,3311Miltrt-WI- 4", 4772 IIN City AUAA0 Lentler FRANCIS J MEISTRELL 11 Sta;i2. FL Lj 33136 it mgoma1uZ1aELDi 1' 1111it -im11im,m.l,, o, rBiainEnsmVIVrgal a4l/1 g6" l Ii. G- nVE1b,tM,p: MEz3N mr .h pm t . Wiallh--- -11 lar,44 EMI ''' MIMI INIMMIN APiiiairol sAio SE rAi 2ausimiumadiimmaliz seri . Ai impa 'n---, . In 1111•Ele iniiiiiiiiilliMirb. I 10t1KrTalitjioaaa"mAis5rmi4"'Ivdocw.0r7I- L=iZffipi-lauisivM 6dMmmRm ir lorramtirmi A 1011milnMill jAfAIMiNm3-I-eIN1iN1nmI liV=Hii-m:m‘11-424-74 1,,wing="1"iliramiiillame.r.o.ng ir, . 4.... kw . MEAM-M NI larTIONfilini 1111"1321"11S, 416. • it, :MM. imporam-Az, mini...• =ism "46011111°It' zikzi.jilsaiLMEESITI NERBunliMem Slipotanirgraragill , 1 / stii Ehi m Itilit:1132EIMME - BON NM Mrpn,11110 P &MI P ikaragillia"Mi 'I:4M l°1:724111 PVIE En#1441 1.111MIENEE E-LIII.MINIF-- 481 .E.mH=11Pailling 11•11111102EN _1.1111, ,a261231.11 =EMI- la 61Imiltellim ffirs029 & dik „c„_.&...__ , ' MilINESIZEll NIIIELM32151141.1Mmelm topumi..., AN p. Amg, Alk„ tAvviaki MINIMUM= IIIIIMaga MgkalTimmilt haicaPerg isj VI V 1 *43 k i I IP IIMIPIMIMIE3r3 MOM= 1.,,,.Eguahm._ lam= - 01111111rew r A, maw' 5MI -=',..NtILIE h., 'WV- .4714 1 warm imin. mammon's • rilla•rmwr. 17 7 470 ifizi A swommemo! suErnii = ligim unwsii oft 104,4141, lk ,'-...* 0 -,ain Nestitrwm. againma.,,,,Erzw, .0. rim 47 ., am•ianl.-s.1. t„. ,....i. !I,7.=M17...-P•—E'g,.r.o,m... pM-,:7MrA,ImNEMEMt..MaI.MI.gMa. IlIiA r:0tiM.".'.,71ILr-IaO aAL ral1111A.lt_ iiN4 dMgm:7 =C=M. rZitain==1151E9AargamEmOMEIMIMMI • scale: 5.01 nil tesi LI ow pm CMS itIM MIN: GliblintiVi kW, NW 7 PIN - r'''1,711rd kV *IA ?f,,4,7• ro Address Date 1001 014 North Rivor Dr VIA 1 A50 WW 10th Aly. 03/21/2008 450500 2 2364 50 5th st 01/31/2000 350n0 3 2530 SW 3rd St 02/00/2000 300000 Ree PR Seth leek - PitrarlaY_ 1 7 3 2 1774.S 0.00 MI 7 3 1_5 1072 0,03 HI 11 7 3 2 1584 1.8 HI lisle 7 3 2 1327 2,0 HI Itsr Borrower FRANCIS J MEISTRELL III File No.: 08013500 Property Address. 1001 NW NORTH RIVER ()RIVE Case No.. City: MIAMI Lender: FRANCIS J MEISTRELL III State: FL Zip: 33138 SUBJECT PROPERTY PI-IOTO ADDENDUM 0 FRANCIS J MEISTRELL 111 'R 000135W PPOpefty Addrsss.1001 NW NORTH RIVER ORME Case No y MIAMI State. FL. Lip' 33136 Lender. FRANCIS J MEISTRELL III FRONT VIEW OF SUBJECT PROPERTY Appraised bate April 24, 2008 Appraised Value" S 410,000 REAR VIEW OF SUBJECT PROPERTY STREET SCENE The following images detail current examples of homes in Spring Gardens and were taken on March 21, 2012. The images detail the vast variety of utilized materials and designs in homes for driveways, pathways and landscaping. Driveways include grave, dirt, cement, pavers, and stones in a variety of colors. pathways include like materials and add tile and other elements. Landscaping includes multiple examples of zero-scape using sand and gravel and general leaf cover over dirt. Home colors and elements also represent a vast color differential whereas the color scheme of the subject property is cohesive with the adjacent properties. Further images reflect the color schemes in use directly adjacent to the subject property. Shades or routed greens and greys and used in wall colors and roof colors. Further images detail the variety of colors used throughout the Spring Gardens neighborhood. These include Bright Yellow, Saturated blue, teal, vibrant ping and others. The final images detail a variety of Dilapidated, Damaged and generally disorder properties in Spring Gardens. The image with general garbage and debris including storage under a tarp in the front yard is directly across from the subject property. wr WPM Aollilind • 041 i"////11/'lr1 r..onw R f rr" 110111 IIIiii 1001 NW North River Drive Spring Garden Neighborhood Miami, Florida 1. Historical Flooding Problems 2. Greenway Improvement Project 3. Site Elevation Problems 4. Fill Added to Property 5. Substandard Fill b. Improvements to Home 7. Neighborhood Context/Color 8. Neighborhood Context/Driveway 9. Architectural Examples/Floating Steps 10, Architectural Example/Driveway Record of floeding or 06/10/2005 Record offlooding mn05/2O/20O7 Record of flooding on 05/20/2007 Record of flooding on 05/20/2007 COMMISSION: MAYOR COMMISSIONERS IA \l. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AND TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT ALICE N, BRAVO, P.E., DIRECTOR NORTH SPRING GARDEN GREENWAY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT B~ j■ /'�V■ 36 A A TOMAS P. REGALADO WIFREDO GORE MARC SARNOFF FRANK CAROLLO FRANCIS SUAREZ RICHARD P. DUNN CITY MANAGER CARLOS MIGOYA CIP PROJECT MGR HECTOR BADIA, P.E. PREPARED FOR THE CITY OF MIAM1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AND TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT BYx R.ynale2. SAVA and Hare. Edit Dive oacwa DrYr. Surge EGO Ydna1. FNrAIa 73626 INDEX OF DRAWINGS: SHEET NO. UESCRIPT]ON 1 2 3 5-6 7 e Tq 15-16 I7-1B 19-31 1 -33 3. -59 6® 6l 62 U3-69 7O-; 3 74-00 L-I THRU L-l4 LS-1 THRU LS-7 LD-1 THOU LU-7 COVER SHEET PROJLCT NETwORI( CONTROL ROADWAY GENERAL NOTES SUMMARY OF OUANT1T1CS TYPICAL SECTIONS PROJECT LAVUUI 1UAOWAY PLAN AND PROFILE FI ARED TURNOUTS & S1OEuALK DETAILS OUTFALL & RESTORATION DETr1LS DRAINAGE DETAILS SIOL STREET PROFILES ROAOWAy CROSS SECTIONS 1IAFFIC CONTROL GENERAL NOTES TRAFFIC CONTROL TYPICAL SECTIONS SUMMARY OF VERIFIED UTILITIES UTILITY ADJUSTMENT PLAN MISCELLANEOUS UTILITY ❑ETAILS HOAOWAY SIGNING AND MARKING LIOHT1NG PLANS LANOSCAPE PLANS TREE O[SPRS[TiON PLANS REVIEW CANTS AGF NCY C OMNIENT 1 ' ■as�1 IMAI IMIl rr IOW • .... .. iL.ME � wipe - 4 rw 1111Wer r rr LOCATION MAP 1 oOG F7117LCT LOCITIDtE fi r.. r—a wY. c... w= 7%Zi/Jn i PROJECT NETWORK CONTROL PM �" m IN = = v. K DI, - is .� r1d. 4,.. BEGIN STA. 10.00 0 - m c ". $ ✓' >I 52Y653 262 0. i. p rr _, 91+613-426 p V ++ .a rt 1 15 4 ; PACS .-E siwa,n- 20 - i// s�r•oria sa�•� .�; PF _ PHG j 54•06'36'E w en W s,• �O PI 37.S5.10 I. a a a N Jo AO PHC6 5 14q5. D7 0 PT 35.27.16 // S4.7•64•11"E S65.50•25 •E PI 31+70.77 PHCT PI 30•83.64 ALSO ENO STA 4I.31.30 N 526Ei2.61 E 915452.4i PROJECT NE►WORK CQHTROL TA8UL4iSN SHEET DETAILS PAINT' NAVE EAST(N& NORTHING ACTOR LATITUDE LONGITUDE EVNE $ ATKAV OFFSET al /A ECEY�Ti(�Y DESCRIPTION PNCOI 911666.610 S27986.809 1.00001700 25"47'02.Y0322 80°12.51.89924 N/A NJA G.77 SET IRON PIPE 'L02439- PNCO2 914685.211 52761.7.742 1.00001701 25A45'39.O- 3 10.75.10 29.30 4.87 SET PK 8 1115K 1L19 2139" '- PtiO03 915138.746 527453.690 1.00001808 25•48'57.39515 15.05.68 28.89 3.33 SET PK 6 01a 2439" PNE04 915619.743 527306.098 1.00001837 25•46.55.90446 80.12'41.5i790 20-07.40 -20.51 3.15 SET IRON PIPE '•L92199" PNC05 916080.740 527114.028 I.00001864 25746'53.97520 80°12.36.487137 -20.12 4.52 SET IRON PIPE -L83219- PNC06 916355.256 526739.8E6 1.00001880 25•46'51.25306• 80°12.33.50867 29•68.56 27..10 5.4a SET PK 8 0IShc "L89249- PNC07 916761.156 526517.705 1.00001905 25.46•18.02938 34,35.96 -20.02 4.43 SET IRON PIPE 1.83249' LIVITS. R. RIPER Ew19E. FROr NIT II PL TO NW 1 5T PO suwEETL'RI'S CERTIF1GA1IOl I HEREBY CERTITT TH1s P60.7ECT 11ETINEPOL CWTROL HAS iADE FOR THE PURPOSE OF BEARINGS AND COGROlNATES ARE-RCLATIYE TO PHE STATE P1{NE CGOROIHATES, FLORIDA EAST ZONE. SURvETIHO. 11EF{ItENLING, DESCRIBING AND MAPPING i11E PAR/ART wfA{ xLT110RR CONTROL OR BASl7 [ME F0q NORTH RLERICRH DA1uH [HAD1 P- 194}f1490 040I511E.Hi THE PROJECT lliPIC.TEO HEREON AND THAT SAID GURNEY 114E 00HE UNDER HT A 6EARINu 10 NS p•p.•45-W NAS BEEN ESTABLISHED 9E THE EH WJU SI OE5 RESPONSIBLE CHARGE AND 1#ET5 THE MIHIAUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS SET FORM/ BY THE FLORIOA BOARD OF PR0PE5510NA1 SURVE5CA5 AND NAPPSRS IN CHAPTER 6I 6 IT•6 FLO0I0A AOu1415TRAl1VE CCOE PHCD6 TD PHCW PURSHAW- TO SECFIRN I72.027 FLORIDA 5 S. ups mAP DCN51511H6 GIP 5NECT5 1 ' yFRTI CAL OA i11H {ITT OF Y1 AY] oA1T1R THROUGH 1 TRUE, 4Ak0 DEPICTION DF THE RESULTS of A PULE' PROJECT UNIT] U5 FEET $URYEY PERE MT D D OH 05150,06 FIELD ROC* REFERENCES FB Ng. 473 4 SURYET LS HuNBER 5291 ELECTRONIC DAT4645E CAI(EARD-RSNI LIL G- NE , R. R EVISr1XS ACLN ''""` u+c CITT OF ML4MI PROJECT NETWORX CONTROL NORTH RIVER DRIVE FROM STA, 10#00 'TO 41fi1J Swwwr "D' a•rE ASC iA'T� WE_ DEffRrr�T iMr2A a r"`..if ..� .:Rrr: f A.°. 4 blew -f.r. ,r T •.,..... `� ifil, ,, r OF J GENERAL NOTES Au Od15TRLC'rA1N AND NATEMALS SHALL CONFORM Y0 MN ;CAERE STANDARDS AND SPE'cEFA:ATIONS OF 717E CTTY or ?HAM, THE 57ATf 9F 1L031DA DEPMTWFNT of TRANSPORT Ari l STANLWID ]Y£CM ICA71C1VS DAIF➢ 200 AND rYIE PRDJECT'S SPECIAL PRWLSLNes AND T£tJAN,CAL Virg' Co ORS. 1, Au. ELEVATORS REFER 70 THE CITY OF NNW tuna AMP ARE ExPRE55EO aN FEET. J. STARY SE M PIPE lI14JTNS ARE APPROXWAIT . AND MAT BC ALl0/57E0 AS REWIRED RPM APPfWAL ID' THE Cm pr MIAAII POLIO *WITS OR CAP7rAL 1MPRO/LMEN7s MO 1RMSPOR1AT4% EEPARiMENT R8 .9000.1TED. F. TOPOGRAPHIC arraniATA: w 440 14AIMEJNr LAE &CcWf7AT SHWA/ ON PLANS WERE TANEN raver THE s17 7T PREPARED Mr *MCC( C. REM. & ASSCCIATCS, ANC. 407771r 7YTLED: 7741, 1 SN014'L7 AIDAU ROHL'1I RIwER ,CANE 7RO4 AM NTH PLACE TO NW 77H STREFI ROAD. 5. AO TREES ARE TO BE BEN1J£D OR RCLCGATED WOW?' PRKW AP7IWAL Mad 774E CITY OF Maar1FIEID EAGN1EETC 11. EYISTIM7 077iNASE STRCC7OR[5 AND E1477ND 07A1por:E P4'£S SHALL B£ 7EMONED UNLESS OTAERTISE WED. T7E gPw7RACYp1 NAr O5E AT R75/1174 ExPENSF FILR'AME FILL 7k i/EI/ OF RFYMARG' M£ Ex15TN:"i PIPES. 7. AA7 71577MT 945E 11Ar£R7AL R£NOMED IN E%GYATRW SHALL DE RE05£D AS P77FCESEO EASE HATERIA! O4 l{(W,WAY EMLLWKMENT, 0. II" ANT CGN TAM504705W 75 EM5211/TFRE15 04477E eATATN3 CLISTIUC7A74 774E CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDMFELY CEASE 9'129, I. ACE Mr5711R4AACE AND AOIM7 DERN, g CALLNNC I3051372-@355,170$/P7K-$100. q4 130S137243631, 9. Er757,NG MNEYATS 7O 8E RECONSTRUCTED AS 1477ED W THE PLANS SHAL BE REP7ACE0 wan 7NR£APFNct0 6' T71A]( CCAC'HEre MA 7ER(Ay, CURB OR CURS AND Cur ER PER Y15C. 56-65-22. O. THE CONTRACTOR 'SHALL CLEAN AND °EF7lr ALL E1-15r4C J7/LEPS. PWE5. AN0 FJREdg1 MAINS THAT ARE 7..TFD air 7O REWAAw. COSY TO &E /AC1J10EO WR,ER PAY I' TEN A7. 130-94-1 N. OON7RAC70R SHALL FIELD VERIFY STATON AND OFFSET 4F Wr(Au IDGATONS. 12. AT MCATAPN5 ■7#RE NEW ORAANACE srAcCT111Es w711 LIE PLATED TO riE !1'TO EA`ISTIAO FREA74 MO/WM. THE CONTRACTOR SMALL M57ut code' au FEET OF NORPERFOR3 Ea PIPE 407WEEN THE NEW GRAANASE SMOGI-ORE AND THE FT15TRC FAEACH BRAIM PER 57AN0ARD WDE/ Nt1.886. COST TO HE ACEUDEP W 774E COST OF THE APPLICABLE DRAIAUOE 57877TURE. ALL P4AFOSED PEDESTRIAN Rwn5 SHALL BE CONS TACT WITH DETECTABLE WARNMC 4ARFACES. IRE CAST -AN -PLACE YE UDR 077(71ARL[ WARW1i4 SHRPA7£ mes 511AF1, 47 ARN0A-T0E 4R APpp450 EU0AL THAT CAN 8E SET ➢YREC777 ONTO Naar PO/R0D UOL4R£r E. M. CO7CRET£ CCNpRANT FQR 774E 641ECl4A4..40707E0 51L7WA1A snAlL BE SCOFIELD CHR3410 MESA BE L4E er-7141T1l S4'UFIFID LIr7OC'RLNIE C.77TAL w4A4. ADDITNE. TO. A471EOUJOICAL YGWl/4R49 IS RECLINED B' cm' COOS CHAPTER 23.SECT Or 5. w11E,PEMER THERE d IMMO) O1STURB.ukC W A CITY ANL7IEOLOSCu Calm H7A7KNI AREA. ANY AND ACC COSTS SpAu 8E 11.994-0 1W THE COST co, T17E RELATED too ITEM FOR YOU LEN.O COMPLETER 16. EiWARSAW .85475 SHALL of WA'STRUCT£0 WHEN THE BAAT oF THE PACI.05ET] SIOE4ALN M1PTE3'EMENF JS IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO Ex1577NO F14ED 619.7EC75. 5404 A5 LY.I77RE(E SNITS. PRNRC7 WALLS. ETC. O. UTILITY 0NWERS: glyr CONTACT PERSLIY TELL-IVA' N,IMILF4 AT LT FLORIDA STELAE 44551E 31:5-?_22$74,5 CONGAS( ROSE MARTWE7 305-TTD-5966 FLY. 7 77714JT0N1 WE woe. LORENZO .105-517-LOCO YMA11-Du]C WATER 71 SEWER 5ER57 GAR IA 703-266-5r4Z T£C7 / PEOPLES OAS 7RKT rALL(07 95a-e53-09p CALL SUNSHINE 310-42J-Grro 4. 774E STAToN1OFFsEF RE7EREk4E WCAT R DOWN 71 laauxw Puw ANO PR17LE SHEETS FOR TYPE A' -.5 Gaol /877 FS 1S FO THE AH4NIN7 OF THE O°ERLq 677710 4AC7E Or CURB. FRE S rATION/OFFSEr RETEREACE 7lCA7KIN FAR TYPE 7 AND 8 MAN01178 5 TO THE CENTER AT MANHOLE N74. THE STATOR OFFSET REFEREACE 11LCA.FILW FM THE J7NCT7ON EM 4 TO T11£ CENTER M THE 51Rr4r11RE. 5!E DRA7NAOE OE TAR! SPIEL. TS FOR ALL. QTTEN NECESSARY ALTEREACE LCCATPT5- AR SAL' 7418111E REFIECTNE PAYEfiver MARCERS SHALL RE PR4IDED N1 TH£ MARE! LANE AARACFNT TO ALL T,VN£ HIWANTS. MB I MI In NM MN 'MI IIIIIII! II lin MI M' MI MI _ SIALIVAJ' Lr mavarrii SNMMARY OF I,PJAMTITI(; PAY Ir(r in _ DESCRY" BAST court rr per rtEr ART. rY5rh:P7ar uMlr caverns _ VAlor _ ttssaS'Yf1116 icon'T !O-r w4701 IM ! C tS-0 itrTlAtltEpt 5ACfA17STGr "for - i CAi so EA 530 lee-.IAArT€!YANG£ or rp-V-er !1 I ES-20 ` rA1XM1A NEIr,i s Is RRAIAM Crxla' - 7 sAt. %` N `2l [C7 A 4S AN 6 3 N 89, LDY71)jL A �ilriloki r L i'AGSrly i WATER O1WTpx !S 1 IS -Pr MATTA rat rLANTagL_£3T M'£NY A 171 69-Ti A FIEWU orrice __ _ FA f A71-L NF!EdIbL GAR At ., f'I{Y°fR rr STdRArur 1R4-L1 CIEARM8 ARP 619)99199 A�' 44 9l l PCRIORMANCE TWF PST, ArA7rISTIM£ 5W1 k 00-4 1itr3ML Or £x1SYV10 ONACRET( PAVEMEMT Si' 4412 GC-2 TOME . VORE-rrr.AT KIN aa 120-0 EKCAVA TKW _ It(.Sf' 829 6G-J DRAWL NAU[NAY AIYtlSA_ CO 120,6 Y(�AtrII5€MT LT 6.32 LC-4 .80-4 I2' (AWPAC0E0 (WH1 3T RX.U9 Or.-s NEUF MCIAVAIEMT —CC7 295.78 AA7AYlAd RASE A r 6 17-I 9005 =-4 RC5iT 1/000 Mir $ 5Pf=7O-t twG 19E85-7110 AS►4111 1 PArf1P.NW I .wiRAT2" Tt-Pr4I au" SG-T AOOYMIu rW FENCE w7vAr — 0 J.As_rIT r7ii S ASPHALT 9'1 j1r9r9 orr 8-r FEri'L f . 32 SAS-F-A 1 Yyl7�,d�fAM!'d':LS fl[A 'AIO Si[£[ FL YAMAI . {ES MI a'Y EG-7 �7rW SLANG CATE EA 7 5W-1 WATER T18ATYE,W 011 - W 1 06-6 Ad17Y11q/Y S1�RAK iT( E7 1s 7 Sly-E FIRM _ _TEA RATER FR(ATMFNY YNlT - 36 CA f [ONO�f9Y P1 IFFT7 Rf!TOR OIQit. 425 4 ._1�111-�'71 7 ITTPE F-J1 A 6 Snr-^ LACE TOME rsr- WE 500D {-70 485-J-9lirA 1M((,T5 ITTAF r-J1 IYI t4 22 Sr lC- APE AREA R£SrORA7AW PPp 42 -i-b3 1H4F75 4TYPF r-Y1 Y EA 3 vie-) _ ! REIDCATp5 _ 0 4PS-P-G1 MA416tr5 lrrPE P-ei _ _ I 6 3iAC-4 r AIM REl LCATNW A 2 42s-2-T1 or ES (TYPE J-77 Z; L SPA'LS WI Rl1UCArrow A 1 #E5-g-91 WWq((5 (TYPE J-AA PA 7 SrC-6 A10 SIT IOW!, 5IIIITIr - A 45•J r J(AYCterr BOY £A ■ SAC-7 _ 1YP£ s "smear rl'r sa 625-5-I A�r U(1LIxl' 1L4N7611 EA $S 949-8 _ _ r£ PAPERS rr 1 �Y YRF 42S 6 r VALVE BOs _ r CA Ji J 94.9 ft ACVMAICAI F(MI ff' 61 CIO 94 pg.. r PAID 441 S7iC O Rf SLr NCB AET'6 SF 97 a7(i-l7S-i P !VERT (PT2A'A( MAi'ER7AC IICUAA1 01T0 Zed 1i14 _ SrS_p SET 7RRGAT Pi A 402-20- OVERT 284RONA2 MAr1RrAL rr1O11RL7P 2251 TO AnT54 5HC-6P RESET IRRBATK'l M*APA'r1Rs A 2 450-75-. - A f CIRVERRT 1: A! MATE-616t 1R0010L8 IV TO 4r1 84 , SPO-I-S COMMIT ClJ i Clrr (Itft P1 !,f 4`+5a PAS (TEN NOTES 59O.2-4 (PNC1Y(rf CJRS met' & 11 69 " ) YAL}(T A/T7f _r_wieY(rf it Mod AV-1 =sr Of YAINTERAAf.P Of roof SHOJI ACIUDEe -aft NOT [JARM�O��T't'�7 `IIO'W ?OWE SGRs BARRICADES, -was, S�-1 E sK1Ei'A4L l4" !No p46s CNArWEL.IENA9 at r€"PoRo R€rti (7 PAliseaoT TWANF,rArtr rAVEY£Rr l mst/111 299 4all Cp�141lrmt ANA ALE r7£j[S TOCESTANI rO MEET THE FAW7011 1t TRAFFIC RECONVERTS OF THE !LW415- 522-o.. a•r cornea rE 'Sto rmA N M" MIXT �' ip3.q BEPARTMEr7 OF TRAYSPORFATC4 AS AESTR+BED W SECIONI I V OF TAiV Fair 0834N STAASL ROS AAD THE wITCO- S2-2 4 Ft SID€WA!!r !6' FIRMA 9864 At 4 r( JtK HIS F(I A' ICM-6-J Lt7ji ilr` salt F£!RY snow rr AAr10. MAX Seth. MO ITEMS lAcAOENCAl r0' fAL6001 operas" 7 A5 RF_EIYEO �1 -61-5 559-10426 J 555-COeo7E0 Fig AY.' PRE5E7 Fr rM91 r -4 SHALL !A! "INCLUDED TM( cost Or 7H75 ITEM. S5T,F.0: 21 f hCt GATE rflCl4Oti IP'-+Cl LL I I0-1-r Mt FA N*46.1 £ cY MATCM 46TH P ER?Y 01r9ERE RE9WmpG 7E5PO9l RELOCATION GT city ❑ r MIAMI NORTH 5lRINO RARILBN ORRENWAY 7)rao1V MEKTS tl1OThCI eaw-y San sett. arc c11H nLAM 1c 11N 1•fl !MKT mom 550-90--920 h1902 GATE' rOtkrll4E, ^$� J - �'A 1 ITEMS L&XAIED WITHIN TMf OTT RIGHT -of -wA5. R7=Ft'R TO 782 p15R754Iirl9 PLAY 499 Sfd4T(6 Ex157IFG Gil-94I FEINT OATS r51 WPC 79'-Id'I CA l TREE wP19 (s AND REI0fAr985. Ci0Sr T4 ;97441/ E R,EMWA! OF 07RA55 IYAOtl£S !.FAMED 7](7- � �lfEt CRSlAO UY'£M 1 'NNCCj/ff FURNrSTf A E4'S7�1t ',� f0 IN 59544ALA. PLAQUES SHALL B( WANED OVER 70 THE CRTT Of MIAMI P48L1C WWIA'S 0EPARTM(N1, S,J99 AND PIWEIEMF MAA11AA;S E85-rs THE 096r 0r (H( PRIME 204r putt 56 r11C4DDED Rr 7ri4 PACE or BASE MATERIAL. P001-20-r -frITOEI POST SIGN IFORNOW A INSTAdLI AS PIl 100-20-60 - POST 5 CA lRTr81iit AS +30-IT5- 1NG10AE5 In( OOST OF 17ES(.MAI9 AM CONS149421 G A is' 2*lrrARL Ar sow t1ARtM44 coaramocurs ratio's, T.'Xi-21fwj 650Ii 5(JI' P44P't £4 O Op-iPS-0 }k6 4 47' tyre ALL Ar G09leEwl'iC O RARDEYs 3PNS0 Ls 706-5 A 7145REFIECrIyE, Pot T t9AfS(ER win �ii LA O rue 024tRoCT0i 51404.E Pfearet O€SAG1 CAtl3RAT10NS rotr THE 614S644rpr f or TY15 WOFA4L 70o-5 rat 7747 REr1ECYA/E FAwr "wars I01191 - £A 5 rlrptif,A4 loll £a1Sr1C 5EAMALL P PAk5O Er A PROFESSIOtAL EAGANCER REB15JEREO 7C-N-L21 nil AMORIl5r, (STAYr1A� . iXWrf - sotp -A - tf Ha W !!A'461A. 7r1£ CALITIL.ATIONS ANCt1AR ANA1156 NESVL(S ANDCA7Ay7 AO A5EO FOR 97AWY611A4 7N-R-I21 (44(11LTJPi ASYC PSTONTAyHO - *MT - Me - P2 Re 14fCRLEVENT OF THE SENYAti. RE CONTRACTOR s14At1 RM11HT pfsA]Y ram.ArA'.WS TO THE car MIAMI F/R APPiNorit, THE (UTTRICTOR 51041 2Y,Ai�l�1lp€ A k4FEAT6H7 COLLAR AT raf 7R-5-IPA ! A57iC Is7AMTN4R®-- WHITE - 'hM4,Pi 5D1LIQ - l,4 IF 3r 1 pi/rip/Ares7 25-FRErt 1CCAOKY1 war. 7M-N-Rpj f47AN{BARa - "bark =5Sd141 I'0 IF WOOD a NA . T TRACTOR 17 L>ETASI OF ODDONOR ETTErCOL! 7 ilim 711E Tpp YR-M-YP7 g iptAST,C It YOPIASTIC 157491 (Rg._ SOt,+Cj - 6'P (A 56 95 v " O THE vv." OF limo FOR A1, THE CONTRACTOR PROVOEASS- ?COMMOMOf THE -NEAT -NEAT FED-; 717-7t-- L4F57RNN PIRECTSIJIA�, se* ti_I:EDI CA S Hof &lo ENT CF E34 AND STIR ♦"r S 1A"QRd4ACE FITH SW ANTC ASS-2T S4 r T YIt25-99 DEPART R FEW MO &9499OWE ipy TRAR644 dormAND $$fp9L4694 P46 15A-I PEDESTRl4M LAM BA-WSIC! CA 2 .iTEWSFat Tl1E 70 O THE 70 CO917i 3NCDID£s colt 74 YT O AND C IY£ W, CIBDES DDSs OF CDr9442 EDSTJAOFOR PASSO M1M-1 PEEN 57R4AN M71�A1ARKER ILA-Mgfl EA 2 699 O PE HE NO 4* 7155- 5)1 tMf7A1NlNG } COT L» YIAY/ WIDOW PERMIT FOR THE KYtt ASSOCIATE') '1PN THE $LAWALL al0iYS 71HCC79A. N75-I AIPST,7RA'A! MAILER Sf}l Or -MP fq ! •LAC at LIGHT a Sys E4RPS ;WE cosi 0r NENV Kt SEC#YENr AMMO OCTANTS £ROO rEtRYAYC mPgAPAX PIPES AAD STFi�GACTIAAES 4Y(E7S. MANAOI[,Sl r0 I'46MAill. 7Er2 PAJ1T AG LOIYfilr (1457A111 lF 5204 715-04- , (*gips PYPLL L'4 came IP407Adu EA B 5.22-1 P5OE$74p}IAA RAMP$, 647lih ARn, E0PA LS108 48lls. 449) 487£CTAHIE 'AWING/ SYRYFA!'FS Ia 56 LANSIPIAiS 512-i4 INCLI1C5O pr PRICE OF THE SATFIA24 1OE CAST-1r-p2JL'( MISS COLORED p�r5C71pt[ SURFACE TILES STOI- pRMANCE 7E1RP rdr. ALA'iTSTNYE SODI - SY 3056 9?5 SHALL ARMOR-TR( OR APPRETEO (WAR THAT CAM R€ sir DIRECTLY 2W1O NEWLY POURED CONCRETE S"-`�' W'993 THE (Y57 OF CONStf111"7AYQ CURB 7RAYSIT49S A7 DRIVEWAY CURB REf11RR5. 45-7 �A LplSS1ERl waif Dl£C£R - p"-lt•' PIT F T'-S' SP, r CAU CA g LS-Z 450950A EBESTERA R - 10'-18' He 4'- ' SP 2'C 7 (4 47 62E-1A, -2A INT€ORAL COLORED CCMCHETE 746114ALE 1AC11JOE5 THE C057 CV' cowl AOMIxrURC Pt90099 COOAWROR. !s- _0""Skfays ERi57lr91SR1. BVT iC CJD - !x- 4 Ni ,1 5 SPA s L'AL A N AEM:1 15^4 LT(I0MIA R£G1A worm LAA1A 14'-1E' HTr' ]' 3" CAU L 7 S0- y23 ockaosrs rear QRs7 TO RES(r (Y1Stals t5' SWAG GATE. ATERS7RfNi1A sPEC+0501 VIRr1E - 62 -14�1r1 5'_$P.. ' SA11 I'}} 16 550-0O.2. 1NGLlt(1(5 THE COSY r0 RESET (545799 2t' SWING TEAL[ cm-E. r-5 rIC+-1g€�l[ Mile ERA 113X0461 PA1r1 *R. -Zr' 1e77 A 2 rS-T alt7rs v994rrArA SA•E au !f'-6' N7 1 '5-7' SP. f (All A 6 530-63-133 56662lfS ANC 09SE TO R£5£r 55/$TN6 .I' STOIC fix( LATE. is-8 ACrN7i7YTA RCGL9 4 46 Pap- 6' Ger EA 6 7PJ 2-J1 OONTRA 9004 6 RESPONS.6.1 FON Ars7►1.749 MOM' FOR THE PIWPOYD GEpDRA782 4A)YT PG5ES Orin. 5.9 RAW P 60- ` IrfIlL4YF74MAr7060YRY£A OSi'L1Hr SHALL BE R.5'W PLI(9 10 THE N01' TR0t19R PPi AT so cost TO 7HE 296794 Cr5AP. �4S 4BE REOCCAT f AN '10 LLB- AA A tS-A I TO BE RENON( A yp 745-74-30 MAT (5 R£SPGw7r r(W asTAl11AG FVL! 65Y("T to* (RE PROPOSED 012C9RTNE LIGHT POUFS L1' -1'E JJR ci TO BE R£tl7CA ._ t : MN r0 AE ( ' .1- +1 A p oMdT.�EL 971E5 SHAll XiIPr! IE6 to THE C(yTRACTLRR a Fri AT 00 OGST r0 THE LTW TRAC TOE+. LS-fJ T ($ TO BE REDO 47 y,10-79-423 11G't41 5 THE COST OF EMO-CAPPN6 THE CASAYS AS W(2 AS THE FORP*SH MO 4MYTALLA(I0N OF CASAYO YCN75, 15-pr N(94(s E S T &OGe ANA SCALES, STRAP$, AND C1AMP5 As SHCAr9 09 TH( UTPLl17 DE1Ar(5. LS-!5 LIT TER RECEPTACLES FA J LS-16 PET tlrrER BA0 + Y1)26 T 14. BT lr+I}f 1AC.1 fA 3 CREDIFIEW GAR@E105 AK) SAW MARRO, Ct19AG4M45JMS PAT 'TEN NOTES: T TO AC Alt 1r)Sk}SAM' AlA*EmAil! AL AGM I19OVAAEO r0 RESET. AEAIYArf AN 4075 0(04 1Mi74i;. COY s -RI 4AA[1£Cd T1*05-911i5 14A4f� fV914Ask - i 0AL M to.1 Mrs fr5Y$ RELATED rO THE AO-STC1NA7ON Of Tire (R(EPITIE6 549160 AL➢ SmL6 ,1AI,141 CeNrCsimkie PA4YF7r(s. TYPICAL SECTION NOTES( I. REFER TO PLAN AND PROFILE SHEETS. AND CROSS SECTIONS SHEETS FOR PROPOSED PAVGAIENT! IOE sWALC1 AND SWALE CROSS SLOPE VARWATIONS. 22. IT IS THE INTENT THAT THE BACK OF THE PROPOSED SIDEWALK AND DRIVEWAYS WATCH THE ELEVATION ALONG THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. VARIATTONS REQUIRED TO ALCOWWODATE THE TIE-IN ELEVATION WILL BE MADE AS INDICATED. REFER TO THE PLAN AND PROFILE AND CROSS SECTION SHEETS FOR ADD1T(DNA( GRADING INFORMATION. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STAKE AND STRING LINE THE PROPOSED BACK OF SIDEV1ALIC AND DRIVEWAY GRADES AT THE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE IDENTIFIED IN THE CROSS SECTION SHEETS. THE STRAW LINE SHOULD BE REVIEWED Br T NE ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR 1WWEDIATE(Y FOLUMNIL THE CLEARING AND GRUBBING AICTIVITIES.7HE JOINT REWEIN SHOULD BE CONDUCTED SEVEN DAYS PRIOR TO CONTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THAT RESULT IN PM'SICAL IMPROVEMENTS. COST OF LABOR MATERIAL AND Slm $HAILL BE LMCIIDED Ik THE As9'yI'M '►ATE0 COST FOR C�1 CRETE SLOEWALK. 4, SOD REQUIRED TO FAEtter ATE CDRRICOR HART# NTIATTON SHALL BE OF THE SmE KIND OF ADJACENT SOD. NATURAL GROUND R,IT LINE NATURAL GROUND _ 25' RAP VARIES 1.5' to 0 VARIES 5' 55' to 6' rw Lls<'A� VARIES 12' c0iPACTE© 4.1 OR TO 91T — s;figoRADE (Las A7171 NORTH RIVER DRIVW PROPERTY O. NER ONO PARKING) (NOT FLATTER THAN 6$) SELECTNE CLEARING i QUM SOO 4l OR rO SUIT PROPERTY OWNER KNOT FLAT TER THAN 6:11 R/W LINE s' _ 6' Sf11EW'ALC PARK S TA. KVt31.35 TO STA. 178w98?9 STA. 10948E.26 to STA. N4r87JO S TA. AS*4(J8 TO STA. 122•111.02 STA. 124*62.6 TO STA, !2$5+N9.34 NEW CUNSTEINVON TYPE 8-12.5 BASE ❑'I ANO TYPE S ASPHAL r (I^I CONS1RICTO) SEIECTNE ctaluG 3 maw 4 O.02 0-02 12 COMPACTED NORTH RIVER DftIVf SLIBGRADE UGH IO01 (PARKING I SIDE) sTA. 108f98.29 TO STA. 09+82.Z6 STA. II4 -87J6 TO STA. M54.4148 STA. 122416.02 TO STA. IEY*6.2.16 NEW COAST1ISACTILIV TYPE B-12..5 84SE 1T'I AND TYPE S ASPHALT LI'1 23' RAY vARlfs IS' ra 6.S' G7EEINAT v 1E5 8' TO 8 5' T' LANDSCAPE sxALE S1f WALK • rrPE CURB A GLITTER fTYPJ TYPE 'F' CURB & GUTTER (TYP.1 f—R/W LINE • INTEGRAL COLORED CONCRE re SIDEWALA rO ATURAL GROUND __ N.1ORTOSINT PROPERTY OWNER INOT FLATTER THAN 6/1 4' COVC. SIDEWALKS ITTP.I 6' Ar DRNEWAY LOCATiONS ITYPJ LANDSCAPE SWALE (REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL 1NF0RNATKJNI FROM STA. AC0,31,35 rO srA, 105+56.6.J 2.0' FROM STA. 45476.62 TO SIA. 125-+I9.34 R!W LINE • INTEGRAL COLORED cIYVCRE rE SIt. UAL% NATURAL GROUND 41 OR TO Sun - PROPERTY OWNER (NOT FLATTER THAN 6:D 4' CONC. SIDEWALI( GrrPJ 6' AT DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS (TYP.I LANDSCAPE SWALE (REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR ALAO(TAONAL INFORMATION) a.w. maw., s►ro► is Lb • max aau, wr MI MA 1 K N MN N I '- I I N MI N NIA N N IP R!W LINE NATURAL GROUND IN OR TO SUIT PROPER V ONNER INOT FLATTER THAN 61? cnNSTRucr1oN VARIES � I SELECTIVE CTEARIG & GRUEBIMG es' RRiT 13° 25' MIT 21' VARIES 0.02 1YINJ 12' CCVAPACTEo SUIUGRAOE /LE R !Gi}I f3' MANSES 0.02 wINJ SIDE STREETS air CLiNSTf(IC'TION TYPE B-42-5 ARSE' nh ANO TYPE S ASPRALT IMI 4' ff1LUNG YILL ExiSTIA6 ASPHA.IT PAVEMENT If' M. OEPTHI RESURFRONE TVPP' S ASP7fAL r ui ARIES 1 0.02 RtIV LINE NATURAL GParno f Ar_ 41 OR TO SUIT PIPPERT!' LWNER RIOT FLATTER THAN 600 Ca4e. SIDEWALA /flPJ 6' AT DRNEWAY LL ATIANS (TTP.) T):'E 'F' CURB & GUTTER I flP.A MI Mal O I 1 WI 1 A PPM N ME E int I NM I MI in M O an ME NM MN PM r I KM pmAR 1■■2 2 �„ µj W p ' 0 {� i I]I 1 �+ �-' `i 0„, 2 . p ,�]] V P, it Q `� I *` curror.Rr 'pre 0lIrtRACTA4 SNAU USE FX rA(ar( r11JY X}V HIGH Irl]iPAA1G AfIIAfxIT TO MO W MOW! P• Efry11Ae: T1y ES- ! rFR ID rRE lA•DSG•rlf P431'6 __ e.fG£ 1MSjC01. C41 PL4 F[Ye MARRED TREE PRD7ELT XAr. A)0r P1@IRi1 �', AYO sAnoai TRlYYA1G. TEAM! E747AW \ STA. 9eLOm M 5 'yI• p V LI `}�r�y If.R.i4lCA7M A9CA �., +• L• •• •' IrETUM' re rmronn pi' +I f \ [ 1-, ra SrA. Llf/Set FL. SrA OFFSET El. 61A- EFFSET EL i I! �� PTD'gSfO FlEvAYgr + I •• , 1 79.iO94 21.o.' !T 7.36 AJa9f.32 Ari•' Lr 336 a:0+[OZ r1.69' !T J.12 3 ' / � + 2 EO.OE F2 26a7• RT 120 CO 708.5E 4250' Rr 3.K kO+LP• t.SCI Rr 11P V / I P/ SEO O. .NICG + 5•'. 1: • +�' Xffi.T8 - @.50' LT 3J0 i0.31fI156 �.13' [r S.ft 9a 3a.� .Su' al- ]as �� i 4 9H471 15-50' !T 7.36 07.5963 id 55' !T 3.60 �63•M. SO 12.50" LT In '. '+ s -R FP,e! BEGIN CONSTFUCT/ON ; 3 .S' Exr57- 6436 sArEs '. STA. 99+ .92 - L• --CPvsr. H' ANO x u 0, rEACE '1r \ BEGIN RECONSTRUCTION a �syf'°e £ p{TC - ►• ur w Roy To LE REser STA. IQQ F JS,pQ r%3! m 8E REST , CpXsr..P 'S• a mar. 5' CPC WC li' fs.s� 1. • r� RACER wive. OG1rsr. 5' CAC. Ark. y M.A. + OF PP ECP L� OF 24. '7. 1K4f. OF 0OC • ' a, COADD..Amat Lkork CAPE semi rrer pp I 3"2-It Oars rCCCT -,r-1. 1 •v• Y2.f ., m ! (}}r5r. C E 6 I roof 5- 1'. •• 470 SEE NOTE AO- 1 SC[ ICTC .TO. r Fri ` • ^ V, Woo. •�•• PErWav ��. VA COAST. C ! S 1 AT I VAT' • {•-� Rd* lWE Llf r' . I •YR f t ♦ % Cat] h Y _ o.W •v FPArE rb�J 5• Iz'rr• ••••' ft'.: d%• �• i •N ! J •, {' ...AMR E3,5r. Pt �_ �� i ."� d• \ e _ y - r---- Edpa ee%3t'i����saE E iH. @ C1RNE�� ����-r . .. ...Pd04 1� s-w-: Esf - --` - 'or 61 ! ,'73 1 s ru -• , 4uY1 Ea FLARED 1Wi1OUr MP.) C4,-CPZP "3- C- 5%'6, 41 ATG! *0757. 84 Wnf0�1 r411E fi ¢ Pe STA. 0.:7 33.00' Br RT Q 0 • l srA k13Nf 0e C3 mr^, w+rtea Erin..( ry � A,...on 705 r iTitpyt�yHrX] aPRO�f�ivo YiC`Grraa�wir7 SiMYSx tp MRr i iV bG'[ie / ffi5rr-fir- •• r TM [. MO SYL.wi�ILR�'/i.47. tow:. [fir. r+•! MWI.O/-r7/ NC 704Wf424 V�J ' P.E-.43 ra A[. dAi n1r A4rR.pr�M n.f STA. OPOI2IJ. IM-00' IT4 Sr.. ,Az.zm. Io we M.T p� [RCyr ry� you LG. kA'TFO 5 yr. 4 2 -41 E 414 a1Tk C 65;I. o.AC4XYe 1 CA7. .[�'+ A f€ 1JL AfII2:f Ofly.' SiWt� h�v�.CD i6 EiW4irf A.P .A.lMfl. p]yy I. µEf i 11Y i-7 LTAYS T. 4- Arr1A r0 d.me r•,r8 raw .,wdGrr svAo elArrrlcr. ma rA. em.ira3 q 7yrn4's w/ P-enr l4Ar [33` SWAM) E.O.P. (lfl(A ��• £C P. EL, 5.10 F.I. £r. S. ear4 f.41a�[L aroma sln[.ws Tp Y nerre !w sr► [r �iTN F.! El 127 e.6r) 8Onake A,.rww PNr • -_-_-• rRn me Iro�yeO nrrwl psrc�tl� r.;7 .uE�P rpq.yr • f-[. E!. do 3A0 SN+'+L Sr-pf, MO MC •a•r1 IAG o.ErA.,r KNIA raM' fe34. SrArDAAS- BJT rCY Ed. -d.Ld q �i now fM{€r TYPE 4err T ES. 5.38 -0AI €L. -Y.6O sTA. keno .5 Oa' 00 [ awsrwA:rur %V ,���, • 31,0 7 ice- i ,* 0.ti ALC Tor ES' !il €3. RTT S7A. 4•-pp0, 1 .O3• RTT caw'. RAr(r10lE TYPO 1-8 STA. 0430. (4 42 LT) STA. 03PoS_f0. (N1O' LT) c Ail' VW L7xpir r3' rEL..'d3 C .Ar . 14 L17 77 C ar. WET r•] coosr. IYIEr rpr £�J R7R EL. J.% (EN'•'7. Mar TYPE FBI C[WSf� WiEr TOP F�J w/ P-8101017 I7.5• WARD F.L. EL. [E. -4143 C.O.P. EA. J-7• fr/ P-80TILM e1.6' 980.421 r.0.)•_ EL- J..11 r-L. FL. r•. -e70 /.d. EL -34) (-OP. Ed. 3.13 F.L. Ed. 07 -3.0 F L- EL- f2r -160 OW TOW Et. -S.O Fl EL. fro • E 20 Fd. E , L. -130 47TAre EL -6.P7 F1- EL. drl -CO 66r TOO EL. i 90TTGr EL- -6.0 a M. E A F, !.4.-, " 4 .., 0 3 i ., F. e'i o q c e rggq�l-' [4 S1ti ?'� W DC' I- - u o A :C w 2 9 a 8 o + TYPICAL - e'1' I4 el4 IA< 44 Pr GAF A AC1; I r .� L['s 1 eC7 re r Lwl a `"- enwise WP+➢E dN[ }C i LwE ro r- o-0J3 073. rite •� r 044 �I GY87 noose' n [-1�A' LT l -AA aE FL RA,rSalox AC 4....2:,____ ' . , C..; f-I f -LOX T 'Jo. 4 fw .r L»1t w . �w. I. .ar[ i 7-AC--- �,� pry - 1 - 1 - _ _ ` _ - oa..w At_ 4�i6 Q. b A EX A[907 S1180 ! &WOO COo 1 TRIC,X87 NE - mil 1 I p N• I[P n 0 iI 0 rr--� I I carsa. rr Ire Xs ..r.; O+ 7I f' I® -r^ 1 4 , "•I •' - 'Telp*rE'r'�3 Lrf EL. -E.27 -J wry EO ei'r ri2J'7) 4 I _ Ia.. _4. IA) Mora. SC7a0 P430' lobs. 3 '1 f •1 S_i t 1 1 i ± I I ! 1 1 ..era, rrpr»s r flay. irer•rn Lahra co., ignites. rq IErur 6 1. Y rw11.i�l.4Lr111 a rPCerw 346,1 as trvmrsr CAWS. sins slate* .awa.e re ap. came ar ILLSIN:aS. Yrxfi 10 are rw Jef .iM .04 r.it GJ1 0'Ip. 4 •$ nrmn!® rmuei + 7041t1p. ehg ►As'r'. rro VW." 'Anna. yp 6 Lx SI tiO. - J y-tw.s . I -r� ,C., soV•040 4' L r. !+ �• lV p( Irk p, p kRt'' ti m p- ❑ G p( K i p y H P+ i7 UC iC G #tt,- Bey Et asp sr eA. rly .rI C:a.a litik 1♦�5 6 Al•1 #; 1 y M leN M, - mlff 2Q' r,..... .. Stir !rl r �rrrdelrrLV sr. rr1Yr !lY / r n E rcr I R•anitCrur Ga dr rMrplrr rrI6 0•f• ■� r-rilrrrr fl.9' YNrr'I . 4001..Y.r3[ r1n Ja ! rt.wncr INRteuW - EAR. or• d]i TfW 4L ,}JA iIISTra U'L "#• CQIST. S' LaIC ]11r- PL it ate -tad ■ L r# V7 'lb t f.L rl ro -.co fL Il MO w.Sa : [MST. Ed' . 7 r or JD. Iip mwar. �' rt rI nu -ua f4 el. real is tree ry Jls r Fr TraLY or P-Ar'r#yr, g it. L -.Ia 14. ra. fr. alive ...r y • _RY.fr. f' Seg. SmYr ' I - F �rlrY�T �irGY IL -3£Q WO IWO Uri Ja e�' w! rww ra. t,wgscrPp wan rM1 u a rT t e . -Lem Zwl a r • Sr. wY SwNr ear lr! 4*t rdA•.�g0. u7#r rn i±�sr. **Ma !iF N'f' 1MC1�1At y Cp.uC. H#irr#wr (seer. rRei go. I•] i5 -ORIOWre140.11. • L E! fq •WAI r.L rE.1if C'i E �,i •-1 •r EL ISO -0J4 lD1Paa r#. •I -}a It]. Et. (WV a' me. Fxl -mu 0 b r0 WWI u- -!p7 _� 011�e. IN' AT p' ere Feat i .. we co it rr era .r r ro r rr r p ` J . Y Err- 51rt, Fa�t ' al cow. c a a : . 7 P' l �vr' ur. • 7D' wi! _rp_• a . ilO Q'i .Y i. • sw:.�y►yiii r• 6.-., 7� rr, f /� //},�,r r. c a !• � "; 3� vi t 1 _ _,. ., orXTT. Jr o• �o• +b• .7 SG fir•' :�. PIMPS mrsr. J°° r r s s to .. I *aar ��� ', ye ► a tiW�j►��/ �. , s , +J s.. r _ � ;r a 91�[rsJ' it r r - till !d. `} ,34, } 1. r 'j,r rVyyy�yy�� _ _ �},�� -.� •-F.G •1 �M I1� iS jar --- -- �`.�ny r I`ira� i _' - _# � x t 1 4 _ V. y# S3a E'' .4 _ - =' 4, a ,i. heti. IW`I" 2 - 512 `at` .. rJ Jr l- gr. '� °' t� r ly y d it +a 0 opt ¢.n + a n `'.7 "5 , u X . ` 4 . i •-� _ 1 1/44 per y r ti r �h'• c� c . f rst ■■.,S'! {y �y1� . �- Z -n+' t Ilk 0 ".'' � ] -r Fe''r-,T". Y}, gs. Y�wory wLM r �40 Op M lur_ mar rr r -r Mk -•' `1 J4ti': `.f.! iL #' r... �.-.., Jgrk d tn. 25' RT OF f mar. -"bro. 1! SEE ([ITf.LCL L1E'7AEti ~ +.+ item i+iu t+sran fir. ,ram. :a !r +areD Tyr es IFMJ rwimr Gage, eV' +!'l erri•� wo s.rO �i +�� .ram On ILFJ. •�,,. agm L.rr. -ifi tr�- sr A lam. � �a.� >r-a . ar[rr •Cr �4 re+r .L.l._ .. �r7~ �_ re s+�+t;i ♦ r r rrraa.l ME Arabi ¢a1 I* JP -} • Err. ire .fees ar. IT ra 3rFx �ai�r�rt yt m ►, 1if �•li-a� ,�c�'WeLe°- aJ "+ it T 1 i ._ w tirly a' . ra fin*** Orr ga{r.RVr¢ Ir hia0 PC rpp.r rr r O. 9•NW Mar- a. -. . 1 �• tee. Li. ise rrD ra'. y� r•4 dn.-so �i. 37a irr3E/ (( . yriu ri. . or A- /Y .. f. II. t+ -tea WWI 1J'1. aril. i rtls+ry 1150' tr is eq.. ili 4F1 Ir ce �i«14 44 pro 1'Y (j(f�� lerrr Rate u.- 1.1 Sri r 41' . r fL ri. ftI -�� s fI. •_k+; mw wilt rdee herd j 1+Rt3 OL7 At .h1 106•dr! r![' #Y t ? _ow Ji Oa` 6r K' in 4' OrI MS "-'. t9tr1 =law ma . e P.dr4) cm' LT Jc tsr+r,.i +sas' Lr f _.r 1p' Ir j�imlrrP•R�Crillr �[,!{] v rlFtua. r n.r6.O trio' et _I r.rI Jr riled fir I4• i. _p.ir !}•(� if 1- i.. :-� C] �q)��� -T44..f74 t. fKal J.lp'rltACrYe FeS'✓ACISL }iYaul t Rini- Fprart_44 [P.1, WI id eV* 14.4i Mr. rlSxr+acr art 11 pilaf her Lies or s.[i/p1' rp .nwli as oorcucurua 4SrA ar.ra 40wr ra rimIa•4a Lars Ws('Ia(.rrMN!4 wall wr WC Of Rlrlrtr4U ■rrU .Ea4a4r, EdG .rT1d SJIW Farymi rwr era Frr[f 'Jar helve 04 h0Ir,sY�M hers[ taaraCr 0ge. Peden MO taXalrA ll++pp(1!1/� INa7 .rye Frnr.a ja�.rµ IrM1 r 1 J4411- rtr mK rD 1P1[ l.pal (Ifrt#E r1+(f.4 ipayl .Ir11 r.a%r1 :or aI'W r «4. sTZ rr w'Z 4[rrr/ r0 r.irrl+ L r41+::42. r0 Lm1PKA.r rt.* rive l..111Ca[ f.wl ruarw� ear aICJaals of ■r R3 MP alarm IaUrrar]Wi, W4 r s rd r1aLTf0 x sarelr sri of Mr" .Ir[II +owaPllcr ra watts wax WWII MCP OW W !p RW 'WPM"' ra Ems flanked irA tv.l.avi. rasa' ir. Sr. a0.40.d, dal' At+ Ira r..4411. Life' 1r1 gig_ peps]gi w i• lr! arrritprw0. [ r&rf,Iozrom [ rar(lfarlON r y ql. �1 [ 4ar3mA-r w hoar Mir fir i-0 ta16r. date 1r01 r-J mast were rd. r-} LuelI..AIaIae fin .1-F WO r L7rrYl ids' >M CEPA EL !Sa .1 r MM., IJ.s' = Mb S. JOAO IAA tr. JAI lies Fr. -WO LDr•, II. J JA MN Fr, i.Jr 1.1- Ei- it, -#� IrJr IW Cl- 'IIi I L Id -tor r4 Cl- 6.. '44 r.L rt. In -ario Whir St .s. 14 Ed- ere -MO /ar.ai 44. -tia r4 14 al 4AZ r1YILy s,rrrxx, J tika faro tP/r.0lrl1 r#orlaa Fl- -s/r i '' I ' 'V"'"'firma' Ia6 - .. :sire s I. ■I tsar Rat aCrrelai hair Ialai edilN velar V �MY �l� AU see pii "^'ri r _ sr • ... r r+� ♦� it - • - rid .,� • .. T-+[r fi} p - Kt-arit Relay � - - ..� _ . 4 rr;,4 I.a + ` . MOW vex tla * . . M r rymc,. moo R'• "� - - Dew. fin [ p trl T L K r+rJl RI r 1 # p .,.na+ IL 0 1 1 -rig' p _►.,-,-.,- { 0--�- =`'s. - . 4 - I 1 Jr a6� 0 1 i„ rr is4m AS.. 7/0 le `� r _ �� • 1- ---'-^'- - - - - - - :.ram -' - i� i - al -- = T • - d_. ,.r �{ _I� _ -., .. _ _ il" H �. �~• - R 11.4. .• �m ri.. fry _�„� 1' FS. �b .ram ! .1rr. rl 11 Pr +ierpa�r�l +�q- ^*�'�' aft terOM...2 i "'t Ewa 1 t FIL -JJ! vox cra -._--'+.mialpp.-.-��r-- -�-r_iiYxR3� - weal �.,�-�r» rm ti T T -. :., -I-✓� s :---�-.. - _� .111.03 . 'OM in NM MO On !OM MB M ■ S re 1 sr,. arw.at roar rrr cruisnaCTL0 awsr. 0000 OPE 1-e rs E ,r0, RJR F.L £l. WSJ -!AN FE. FE !S, .JLA rnrrdf F5 -Jd1 gF e 2449 -0O msr, 4• mr[. sYr. 03.3T.C44 0* ri.w LwF •7E.so om STA. 0,44.03 w ,Ord Arti,! f PLuef e6S ) x Srleci rS.40 f R LmrsrwcrAv "r' g• r '• a o. Fa / 1,rf Clf-f A! • r+�a�ti, ,t�y �} 1 t, tirrer,r itr 1400.rrr FUMY. ( 25, RTC of- MOST- amp-. C i S is l J rrp•RtLI iU981 Lim + I-• ..-- COUST. Her rer _so` m• F •A. siaicr air Ln {' T mAdradi e. iprir. r Sr rr.H r-! 0.1.' Cr SrACCryM All r 4 AFLrA,r µpF AJ. r;- AJt FL, EL- rrr -ra fa. EL, -4.0 Ed- EL ILI -i AS Lorlolr CL -$.41 L t. (Emir Soot Er+ W-b WOLOF EL -.JO IXF.57• C . 0 n err 0E-414.'r INCSwum eafl7 - E Wang 4 W WAX] M THE SAW fl&iit rn, 11100E0 ur Emile( hirie5ES sr sedifefl sr� AJ r.4 reef. ~re gplrus • bMfNi rf14! �55rs. 1 • rc'rte Wwr. Sr. coil 1ar r-5 ✓ r * 9*T W or-s' -WOAD C0J, EL. J.r L•HUSCHC OLLIE ITFN r1.0 f0 ffL1WY SZ'' ``rr UA�ES Rr yl7t i+ 45 4 Pop MAIM $EE an -FALL al MO ey.caro ,.s roriL9 ■Sr1 remni1c7001 SHALL ciSE FEIFtrE C.4II W 1Ea IMMO a,n.r?.r r0 ,r0 4r * 1lir?r 0• [r*ree0 rKfS. ACICA 14 r.r( 400000: PLAVE •40 foLF 9+SP 1r# pi:•46 rnr 44010E4 OWE pFprurr.. 430r MONA r,M4 CMG•r 01.0001 1 taKC-r4 A'Mf1 F*%*4C 1MA1 µL WLei Yx.4r woo M[ 04017-0rirr lAt 4 ierearb KYFA RYQrp REC•lr'FraCra?. 400.1.047M r0 entuIF 'NO 04.4 esd r44C 5idlrAr0 1NA* [MTERS r1E alalr{.wp ► MIS 1,0 44 rwJo • itlarr1L 4E0i 000-1 40-t1 Elmer" LL,Srlw" Stl[1r441 .AM k401r 0114 t.i*ir!IAE N EWk14 LP .Y1` 4) 4[ 1* /1lLA510.C7C4 r0 (010 rC ri P ,1.41A.7. 1 4LrrA r11 rw.o 4P FUNS Flu a rritek-OE SMuff FNA/tYC$ Arra FUN f6Jrg5 4 00010 AAO crr71APeCterrcrES. - wrrii4Y f004E0 Oer•Atr! 54'1EM'AIA 10 BE 005r I1 parr ME AArrw SSA p warn, LOYF9 nag • 411xes4Ki Wino 474C FYM70401 i RK+y swiss. r*Y riARp raArrArr • 5l004,444 ALLAYS, AW THE 44*1 AMER il1.1419lf NfliritifORF &Sea* armarROS. LAE L4LO1CAFE Wm.( rrrFF 0413r. r• of [Rant? fain. Si4 514 4..Fr-r04 *MCV 1n t 010SFrL,CF0r rA- 04.59k M 114 MSEA dr.- r4 4419LJ 15.00 Ln CYM3r. •L•••00 rrre N 5*9, 1.rrie, raCV to r5'a wf4_ L 1 si FL. FL WO Y?r F-L II- ✓ mni. W -QJf fOrICW ft..1.f4 • 41 1rr. cr. CULSI *tr Nr P-J ▪ /- 4 41 M' ALIW t F4. FE 4.s rl. E4 M 44 67rrnr FL -r J4 SSA. 41*40.1, re le Lr4 cgtlF..Irr.af rrre r-e Jae Er, C RI r1. Fe..040 A7r1101 CL -134 '}F 41r LRlt C0.4r,c AU - Lair 5' ZINC. MA Feline •o Pr Mcwrset ti ITA &r r I1 5101. O114111 Lc 9 40•l?. 70r 1r r-ri Ai•S*Ar al SC' [r 944 1.2.3a I,SD' fir Jy1t ri T.rt;4t F}7- tr 5J4 w a WI' it 5 ]r 0•0144 2w1. IT 9JY J .'t*'9t aus cr... 'a .9. 4411 sr 444 M•41/ rJ A• Al • Sr erne!, 1207 Lry •8 41y1,0. Fe@^Lr •AI M.17i ger/• •o V D q t' Aer ■u■■■■ ■■■■r�■■■ ■ l .■■ ■■■■■■■� l "uii u ■Mill■. ■.■ . ■■ 11111 -�121.■■■■■ ..■■ . 1111 t ■�■■■■■■ ■ill ■■■■■■■r�■■■[MS■■■■IPP!IE� �`.".°.�'°�' UP ■■Mil ■ ■■i■ ■iii.iintIM,, s,9 g m�� ■■tg ■■ ■■ ■ me Ili Ew ■ippo ia■iE 1 ■moragold gs■■■ Gii ati a ► ■iSl .■m iiiii■iiiii■■■■M1■■ ►'1■■■ mainissaa ■U ■■■■■■■ri■■■■■ ■■•■■i�k11r■■■ ■■■■■■ EI ■■ ■■ 1 ■■■■■■■■■■■■ .•■■ ■ ■■■ -■■■■ ■.■ ■■m ■� :. ■■Maus.■ •■■■ ■ ■■ UPS . ■■■■■■ iii■■ ■■■■ ■■■■■NIMr ■■■■ I■■■■■■■ li in i ■■ - _ — — - City Contractors removed all fill and replaced with new fill and compacted with a roller. During the process City Contractors broke the main water line at the Subject Property. Miami Dade Water Works Department workers were called by the City Contractors to perform the repair. City Contractors removed all fill and replaced with new fill and compacted with a roller. During the process City Contractors broke the main water line at the Subject Property. Miami Dade Water Works Department workers were called by the City Contractors to perform the repair. City Contractors removed all fill and replaced with new till and compacted with a roller. During the process City Contractors broke the main water fine at the Subject Property. Miami Dade Water Works Department workers were called by the City Contractors to perform the repair. City Contractors removed all fill and replaced with new fill and compacted with a roller. During the process City Contractors broke the main water line at the Subject Property. Miami Dade Water Works Department workers were called by the City Contractors to perform the repair. 1 1 1 1 1 4•1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Application for COA to HEPB Property Address 1C01 NW North River Drive, Miami, FL 33136 Template of Ideas for appropriateness of period design: Primary Focus on the modern architectural designs of Frank Lloyd Wright and Joseph Eichler htto://www.eichlerforsale.com/Landscapins Eichler Homes Modern and mid-century modern landscapes and gardens frequently share numerous design elements. The following plants, trees, shrubs, and groundcovers (which are available in many different varieties - consult your local nursery or landscape architect) are popular options for modernist gardners and lancscapers. Application for COA to HEPB Property Address 1001 NW North River Drive, Miami, FL 33136 http:/Ln.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph Eichler Application for COA to HEPB Property Address 1001 NW North River Drive, Miami, FL 33136 Application for COA to HEPB Property Address 1001 NW North River Drive, Miami, FL 33136 Examples of historic South Florida homes using similar paving and step designs: