To: Honorable Members of the
City Commission
From: Priscilla A. Thompson
City Clerk
Date: September 25, 2012
Subject: General Employees' and Sanitation
Employees' Retirement Trust
References: Agenda for October 11, 2012
Enclosures: List of Members; Memos from AFSCME
Local 871
The General Employees' and Sanitation Employees' Retirement Trust was created to provide
retirement benefits pursuant to the provisions of City Code Chapter 40, Division 3; to establish and
maintain functions as are necessary to administer, manage and operate the retirement plan.
One trustee shall be selected by the city manager, which trustee shall not be the mayor, a city
commissioner, the city manager, the city finance director, or an assistant finance director. Two
trustees shall be selected by the general employees and their names submitted to the city clerk. The
trustee may be a present or retired member of the bargaining unit represented by the General
Employees' Union (AFSCME Local 1907) and shall be selected and serve according to the
constitution and bylaws of the General Employees' Union. Two trustees shall be selected by the
sanitation employees and their names submitted to the city clerk. The trustees shall be present
members of the bargaining unit represented by Sanitation Employees' Union (AFSCME Local
871) and shall be selected and serve according to the constitution and bylaws of the Sanitation
Employees' Union. The remaining four trustees shall be selected by the city commission and may
not be employees of the city. Two of the trustees shall be selected from a list of six persons
submitted by the General Employees' Union according to its constitution and bylaws and the other
two trustees shall be selected from a list of six persons submitted by the Sanitation Employees'
Union according to its constitution and bylaws. The city commission may, at the request of the
General Employees' Union or the Sanitation Employees' Union, accept a list consisting of one
name for each position to be filled. The lists submitted to the city commission shall not contain
duplications. If duplication occurs, the city commission shall return both lists for resubmission.
Two (2) appointments are required at this time.
• The Commission has one (1) confirmation and one (1) appointment to be made from the
selections submitted by AFSCME Local 871, representing sanitation employees respectively,
for seats currently held by:
1. Joe Simmons, Union Representative, AFSCME Local 871, incumbent, whose term
expired on September 16, 2012.
2. Ron Thompkins, AFSCME Local 871, incumbent, whose term expired on
September 16, 2012.1.
This item was continued from September 13, 2012, Commission meeting.
t This item was continued from September 13, 2012, Commission meeting.
For your convenience, we are including a copy of the current membership of said trust. By copy of
this memorandum, we are requesting the Agenda Office to place this issue on the October 11,
2012, Commission agenda.
Sandra Elenberg, Administrator, GESE Trust
Elvi Gallastegui, Agenda Coordinator
Joe Simmons, President, AFSCME 871