1ti 21 2012
Date: /_
Commission Meeting Date: loll) / IZ
Requesting Department: Police
District Impacted: All
Type: ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Emergency Ordinance ❑ Discussion Item
❑ Other
Subject: Voluntary Cooperation and Operational Assistance Mutual Aid Agreement between the City of
Miami and the City of Miami Beach.
Law Department
Matter ID No.
12 - IISfo
Purpose of Item:
A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Voluntary Cooperation and Operational
Assistance Mutual Aid Agreement with the City of Miami Beach, to receive and extend mutual aid in
the form of law enforcement services and resources to ensure public safety and adequately respond
to intensive situations, including, but not limited to natural and manmade disasters or emergencies as
defined under Section 252.34, Florida Statutes.
Background Information:
See Attachment
Budget Impact Analysis
NO Is this item related to revenue?
NO Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below.
General Account No: N/A
Special Revenue Account No: N/A
CIP Project No: N/A
NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds?
Start Up Capital Cost: N/A
Maintenance Cost: N/A
Total Fiscal Impact: N/A
Final Approvals
CIP N/A Budget.,__
If using or. receiving capital fund,
Grams N/A Risk Management
Purchasir&. N/A Dept. Director
Chief AUG 21 2012ity Manager
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Background Information:
There is an existing and continuing possibility for the occurrence of law enforcement
problems, and other natural and man-made conditions which are, or are likely to be,
beyond the control of the services, personnel, equipment or facilities of the City of
Miami Police Department or the City of Miami Beach Police Department.
The City of Miami and the City of Miami Beach are so located in relation to each other
that it is to the advantage of each to received and extend mutual aid in form of law
enforcement services and resources.
The parties to this agreement have the authority under the Mutual Aid Act, Chapter
23, Part 1, Florida Statutes, to enter into a mutual aid agreement for law enforcement
services which:
1. Permits voluntary cooperation and assistance of a routine law
enforcement nature across jurisdictional lines; and
2. Provides for rendering of assistance in a law enforcement emergency.
This agreement shall remain in full force until July 1, 2017.