HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 1Civilian Inv. Panel (CIP) Proposed FY 2013 Baseline Budget Salaries & Employee Benefits: Salaries Taxes Ind. Counsel* Non-Empl/Contract $132,000.00 Exec. Director Frozen Asst. Director/Actg. Dir Frozen Administrative Aide II Frozen Administrative Clerk Existing $31 370.00 $2,400.00 Community Rel. Liaison Frozen Research Analyst Frozen Chief Admininvestigator Existing $85,852.00 $6,574.00 Investigator II Existing $52,914.00 $4,050.00 Investigator Existing $46,572.00 $3,563.00 Investigator Existing $46,572.00 $3,563.00 Salaries $263,280.00 Taxes: $20,150.00 Operating (Less Salaries & Tax): $180,570.00 Total Budget: $464,000.00 * Contract Position funded in Other Contractual Services Line Item (,/ k(i��.u--ibO opr/zo1aBASE LINE BUDGET xT$464,n0o 2012mdjuued 2013 Proposed -|m ------- PON TOTAL BUDGET *xzmm ow\oouoo 464,000.00 Tvta|so|anes/Toxes 279,220u0 283.*30.00 Total Operating 184\7�80.06 zm\s/uom *uoyoo nun s000n »»» s«um|o ` sa000 514000------ 2s8 720 00 -------��— uoo noo------ ' - - zg'zon�no - 2%appmnna««ni`mee�mn�««ui«»om'p/zoo�me, See Salary Chart (Page 1)reflecting essential changes mopstaffing uovri"ninp/zoz2,m allow for greater and necessary focus unthe c/r,primary functions oinvestigations and police policy review. From r/znzomn/zozzthe opoperated with asingle *nv�d«�o� o ^pomiuem,ao�emw�mo"a|caseload uonumse,wmmmm�amamcuuun, cases and uupmx/"na/challenges. For p/zozzthe City Commission and City Manager approved the hiring o[znew investigators maddress the pmuen�With the new hmnus, opstaff size will remain minimal with one administrator, three investigators, one clerk and Outside Counsel. NOTE: mr/zou.approximately $uzxwns transferred from Salaries to Other Contractual Services mmeet the cost urtemporary staff services following the resignation vthe opclerk thereby lowering the amnuntappropriated mSalaries and increasing the appropriation mOther Contractual Services. The p/nxoproposed Salaries than the zmincmase�Oe�eu. _sIz000 --- -------------' szsuon 0.00 - - CAR ALLOWANCE szonoo szz000 -------------'' m.suouo -- ----' -2-- % -- _ SOCIAL SECURITY cowrx/. zu.1mou '--- Per e,mui,oeumrmv|n� szsnou uzm 0.00 ------' -- ----- -- ---- _xuzuoo____ ----- smoou ____________ omoo 0.00 0.00 - ------ - --' 531000 uun 531010 0.00 - - szznzu nuo - ACCOUNTING/AUDITING ssz000 z��uo�o z�.on000 o%�w«uwoo�cost The opmrequired mundergo onannual audit mits noanciau.mp/mzzthe opexpended $z2,soofor the p/zouyear ended audit, pursuant ma5-year contract. The contract will require renewal v/oe-ummnump/zuzzmreadiness for the audit process which will begin of the /2«zzan«e»o»»|«rab^ut Ja�zo13. The op/,budgeting m,nn/ncnosem t of U�1�^ �A� � .~ , CIP FY 2013 [SASE LINE BUDGET AT $464,000 OTHER CONTRAC. SERV. 534000 157,880.00 148,570.00 -6% The following comprise FY 2012 CIP contracts which, due to necessity, are being budgeted for in FY 2013: Independent Counsel $132K (no increase); LexIs Nexis for legal research is an annual renewable contract, estimated 5% increase to 3.6K. LexisNexis/Accurint for locator and background searches, annual renewable contract, estimated 5% increase to $2.3K. Malpractice Insurance provided pursuant to City requirements and contractual provision, estimated at 5% increase to $6.6K. Custodian/bldg.maintenance services for CIP offices, estimated 5% increase to 3.8K. Pest Control services est. 5% increase to $200yr. Note: An FY 2012 transfer of approx. $10K from Salaries to Other Contractual Services was made to cover unexpected expense for temporary staffing due to the resignation of the CIP's only clerk. The FY 2013 funding request is not therefore a reduction over FY 2012. There is minimal, less than .5% increase in the line item for FY 2013, due to contractual provisions and/or economic factors. TRAINING/PARKING 540000 4,500.00 5,500.00 22% Increase in funding is to be used consistent with the CIP Ordinance for mandatory training of Panel Members and staff. The CIP is expected to provide training for approximately 5 or more new members and staff in 2013. COMMUNICATION SERV. 541000 300.00 1,000.00 233% Estimated $25 monthly for each of 3 Investigator's cell phone usage. Cell phones are provided to investigators for use in the field. In FY 2012 the CIP budgeted for cell phone usage for a single Investigator. Increase is due to the hiring of two additional investigators. POSTAGE 541100 700.00 650.00 -7% Based on FY 2011 usage. The CIP will be reducing its bulk mailing by providing optional electronic mailing of CIP meeting packages to Panel members. 543000 0.00 RENT [BUILDINGS/OUTSIDE]_ 544000 2,500.00 2,750.00 10% For annual Lease of a Copier/Scanner w/estimated 10% increase over FY 2012. 545000 0.00 MAINTENANCE 546000 547000 300.00 0.00 300.00 -- To cover estimated cost of labor to install two office cubicles to accommodate two new investigative staff members. 547100 0.00 PRINTING/BINDING 547200 300.00 t4DIV/01 As a cost saving measure Annual Rept will not be bounded; electronic copies and in- office printing will he available. The CIP will also utilize the services of GSA where necessary and allowable for printing of tri-lingual brochures at minimal cost not to exceed $300. 547300 0.00 548000 0.00 -- ADVERTISING 548100 2,400.00 2,400.00 0% For advertising and public notices for CIP meetings, hearings and membership recruitment in English, Spanish and Creole and in newspapers of general circulation. Estimated cost for advertising twice in Eng., Spanish & Creole media re meetings/vacancies: $1200 per Instance. CIP FY 2013 BASE LINE BUDGET AT $464,000 OUTREACH 549000 551000 _ — 552000 2,100.00 —rv„y 1,000.00 00. 2,100.00 0% Community outreach, input and and cooperation is vital to the functioning of the CIP as Independent, citizen overseers of the MPD's processes and practices. The CIP continues to explore ways of communicating with the community through presentations, special meetings, hearings , workshops etc. Costs include conducting and recording meetings off site and after regular work hours, meeting materials and public notices. OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,300.00 30% Estimated minimum 30% increase expected for office supplies based on FY 2012 expenditure rate to date and anticipated additional usage with two new investigators to be hired on or about April 2012. The two investigators were approved for hiring to increase output and address backlog. With increased staff and workload, there will be a corresponding Increase in office supply needs and usage. 552010 0.00 552100 . 0.00 -- 552200 0.00 552300 0.00 — — — 553000 0.00 554000 0.00 559000 0.00 661000 662000 0.00 0.00 — —"-- — - — 663000 0.00 Machinery & Equipment 664000 0.00 2,000.00 Purchase of two desk top computers to replace aging computers and for use by two new investigators @ approx. cost of $900 each. MEMBERSHIPS 666000 600.00 700.00 — 17% For Payment of Professional Memberships: NACOLE organizational and 2 individual memberships and membership/subcription for International Assoc.of Chiefs of Police. The latter association provides research papers and training opportunities specific to police best practices. 667000 0.00 — --..-- 668000 0.00 670000 0.00 --__--. 771000 0.00 — -- — 772000 0.00 773000 0.00 881000 0.00 — _ 882000 883000 891000 0.00 0.00 0.00 — — — — — — — 892000 0.00 — -- —_ — 895000 0.00 896000 0.00 —