HomeMy WebLinkAboutPre-BackupAGENDA ITEM .SUMMARY FORM FILE ID: // —O /0.2• 2-- Date: 9/30/2011 Commission Meeting Date: 11 /l7/a0 i1 Requesting Department: Fire -Rescue District Impacted: ALL Type: E( Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Emergency Ordinance ❑ Discussion Item ❑ Other Subject: Urban Area Security Initiative ("UASI") Grant Program FY 2010 & Memoranda of Agreements ("MOA's") Law Department Matter ID No. 11-1935, Purpose of Item: Resolution to establish a Special Revenue Project entitled: "The Urban Area Security Initiative ("UASI") Grant Program FY 2010"; appropriating funds in the amount of $10,708,461.00, received from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security ("USDHS"), passed directly through the State of Florida Division of Emergency Management and authorizing the City Manager to execute Memoranda of Agreements with contiguous partners (Miami -Dade and Monroe Counties, the Cities of Hialeah, Miami Beach, Coral Gables and the Village of Key Biscayne); setting forth their responsibilities in connection with the support of the UASI Project administered by the City of Miami, Department of Fire -Rescue. Background Information: (ATTACHMENT) Budget Impact Analysis NO Is this item related to revenue? YES Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below. General Account No: Special Revenue Account No: UASI Grant Project CIP Project No: NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Start Up Capital Cost: Maintenance Cost: Total Fiscal Impact: .CIP • If using or recciv, Grants Purchasing Chief $0.00 $0.00 $10,708.461.00 (reimbursable grant funds) Final Approvals (SIGN AND DATE) Risk Management Dept. Director City Manager Background Information: .(continucd) The United States Department of Homeland Security, through the State of Florida Division of Emergency Management ("DEM"), has sub -granted the Urban Area Security Initiative ("UASI") Grant Program FY 2010 to the City of Miami and its contiguous counties in the amount of $10,708,461.00. This program targets homeland security funding to "high threat" urban areas in order to prevent, respond, and recover from threats or acts of terrorism and other disasters of natural or man-made origin. These funds will be used, as stipulated by the grant, for the purchase of specialized equipment, exercise, training, administrative services and development of the Urban Area Homeland Security Strategy, and other planning activities needed to ensure a successful program. It is now appropriate to accept said grant award, establish a Special Revenue Project, and appropriate said grant award therein. In addition, the City Commission authorizes the City Manager to execute Memorandum of Agreements ("MOA's") with contiguous partners (Miami -Dade and Monroe Counties, the Cities of Hialeah, Miami Beach, Coral Gables and the Village of Key Biscayne), setting forth the parties' responsibilities in connection with the development and support of the UASI Program 2010 which is administered by the City of Miami, Department of Fire -Rescue. mi UASI 2010 Budget Llnc No. Description of Project Budgot Allocellon JuridIctIon/Primary Sub -Grantee Owner 2010-01 T Tabletop Exercise for EOCISecllonal Training $57,052.66 Coral Gables CGPD/CGFD 2010-02 G Generator $63,295.00 Coral Gables CGPD/CGFD 2010-03 Vulnerability/Risk Assessment $25,000.00 Coral Gables CGPD/CGFD 2010-04 WMO Decontamination System for Emergency Vehicles $60,000.00 Coral Gables CGPD/CGFD 2010-05 All Hazards Incident Command Training and Back[ll . $130,000.00 Hialeah HEM 2010-06 Mobile Command Vehicle Suslainment 520,000.00 Hialeah HEM 2010-07 Interoperable Communications Radios 5189,000.00 Hialeah HFD/HPD 2010-08 Mobie Data Terminals 5200,325.00 Hialeah HFD/HPD • 2010-09 Bomb Detection Canine 59,000.32 Hialeah HPD 2010-10 SCBAs 5180,000.00 Hialeah HFD 2010-11 - POD Logistical System 5140,000.00 Hialeah HPD 2010-12 . SWAT SUVs for CBRNE Response - $100,000.00 Hialeah HPD 2010-13 Field Force Maneuvers Training and Exercise OT/Backfill $70,000.00 Hialeah HPD 2010-14 Emergency Public Info/Warning 5300,000.00 - Hialeah HEM 2010-15 EOC Suslainment $40,000.00 Hialeah HEM 2010-16 Fixed License Plate Reader $90,000.00 Hialeah HPD 2010-17 Ballistic Vests 522,000.00 Hialeah HPD 2010-18 Tactical Carrier Vests $12,000.00 Hialeah HPD 2010-19 Integrated System/Communica?ions Computer Hardware/Operating • • $52,922.58 Key Biscayne KI'•FR 2010-20 • Weather Bug (licenses) . . $12,000.00 Miami MEM 2010. Miami UASI Budget 8-0-11.xlsx 1 of 6 12010 Budget Lino Nu. Description of Project Budget Allocation JurldlctladPrlmary Sub -Grantee Owner 2010-21 E EOC Enhancements $115,001.32 Miami MEM 2010-22 Satellite Phone Sustainment • 323,400.00 Miami MEM 2010-23 Blackberry Replacement Cache Citywide $10,000.00 Miami MEM 2010-24 B Blackberry Suslalnmenl Citywide *90,000.00 Miami MEM. 2010-25 E Ethernet Secured @ Fire College • $27,000.00 Miami MEM 2010-26 D Direct TV Suslalnment for JIC &MCU $3,750.09 Miami MEM 2010-27 N NetMotion/Mobilo Data Project $40,000.00 Miami MEM 2010-28 Emergency Management " $147,000.00 Miami MEM 2010-29 E Emergency Manager Planning Coordinator $329,000.00 Miami • MEM 2010-30 TacPack Suslalnmenl . 51,077.00 Miami MFR 2010-31 S Sustainmenl for Mobile Command Vehicle $360.00 Miami MFR , 2010-32 A All hazards field training prop $275,000.00 ' Miami MFR 2010-33 C CBRN Enhanced and NIOSH approved SCBAs $475,000.00 Miami MFR 2010-34 U UASI Fire Vessel Maintenance & Equipment $100,000.00 Miami MFR • 2010-35 R Repair and replacement far UASI purchased equipment $50,000,00 Miami MFR 2010-36 Training, exercise overtime and equipment (to Include $304,499.91 • Miami MFR 2010-37 R Regional Program Coordinator $147,000.00 Miami Miami-. Regional 2010-38 R Regional Projecl Planning $350,000.00 Miami . Miami - Regional 2010-39 R Regional Planning, Training and Exercise $241,128.10 Miami Miami - Regional 2010-40 Emergency Notification System for South Florida Region $170,000.00 Miami Miami - Regional 2010-41 CIIKR Assessments .. ' ' $100,000.00 SF Planning • Council • Miaml- Regional 2010-42 Target Hardening -,MDPD Headquarters -- $272,500.00 MDPD ' hllami- . Regional ' 2010 Miami UA51 Budget 8-8-11.xlcx 2o18 iami UASJ 2010 Budget Line No. Description of Project Budget Allocation JuridlctloulPrlmary Sub -Grantee Owner 2010-43 B BSO'Warehouse Security $50,000.00 050 !Ala nd- Regional 2010-44 Region 7 Forensics Compulers $10,000.00 FDLE Miami - Regional 2010-45 Region 7 Forensics Compulers $270,000.00 MDPD Miaml- Regional 2010-46 ' intelligence Analysts S140,000.00 MDPD!PBSO Miami - Regional 2010-47 . $50,000.00 Miami Inlernaiional Airport Miami- Regional 2010-48 T Targel Hardening - Miami Dade Transit $50,000.00 Miami Dade Transit Mlaml- Regional 2010-49 T Target Hardening - Miami Dade Transit $130,000.00 Miami Dade Transit Miami - Regional 2010-50 S SWAT Team Equipment $86,064.00 M50 Miami - Regional 2010-51 Monroe Recovery and COOP Exercise $75,000.00 MCEM Miami - Regional 2010-52 I Incident Command Tracking System Software $1,881.00 Miami MPD 2010-53 P Planning, Training and Exercise $150,000.00 Miami MPD 2010-54 F Firewall Protection for Police Computer Network $50,000.00 Miami MPD 2010-55 Critical Infrastructure Documentation Kit $5,000.00 Miami MPD 2010.56 CCTV Project $348,112.00 Miami MPD 2010-57 Assorted SWAT Tools $10,000.00 Miami MPD !010-58 Equipment Trailer (SWAT) $10,000.00. Miami MPD .2010 Miami UAS 1Budget 8-8-11. xlsx 3of6 ASI 2010 Budget Lino No. Description of Project Budget Allocation JurldlellonfPrlmery sub-Grantoe Owner 2010-59 P POC Computor Units for WEB EOC Connectivity $46,000.00 Miami MPD 2010-GO Special Mission CBRNE Crime Scene Investigation $190,000.00 Mlaml MPD 2010-61 B Backup Portable Emergency Electric Power $50,000.00 Miami MPD 2010-62 A Andros F6A Vestal Bomb Robot $75,000.00 Mlaml MPD 2010-63 A Assorted Tools for Bomb Squad $10,000.00 Miami MPD 2010.64 P Power Hawk P16 Rescue Tool (SWAT) $17,000.00 Miami MPD • 2010-65 P PPE Boots $3,000.00 Miami MPD 2010-66 Anti -Terrorism Awareness and Educational Materials $33,000.00 Miami MPD 2010-67 E Emergency Generator $55,000.00 Miami Beach MBEM 2010-58 C Command Van $53,434.48 Miami Beach MBPD 2010-69 S Security Alarm for Major Sewer Pump Station $30,000.00 Miami Beach MBEM 2010-70 S Security Cameras for Water Tank/Pump Station $50,0013.00 Miami Beach MBEM 2010-71 S Security Fence -Public Works Yard 830,000.00 Mlaml Beach MBEM 2010-72 F FLUSAR Training $85,000.00 Miami Beach MDFR 2010-73 P Planning, Training and Exercise $118,602.00 Mlaml Dade - MDFR 2010-74 V Video Conferencing $118,397.00 Miami Dade MDFR 2010-75 Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat $168,397.00 Mlaml Dade MDFR 2010-76 Vulnerability Assessment for MDFR Head9uarters $98,397.00 Mlaml Dade MDFR 2010 Miami UASI Budget 8-6-11.xlsx 4 of e 0 Budget Line No. . Description of Protect Budget Allocation Jurldlctlon!Printary Sub -Gantlet, Owner . 2010-77 Fire Service Intelligence Enterprise $79,423.00 • Miami Dade MDFR 2010-78 • 28 Foot Fire Boat 5226,796.00 Miami Dade MDFR 2010-70 T Technical Rescue Equipment $10,000.00 Miami Dade MDFR 2010-80 Mass Decon Nozzles $37,389.00 Miami Dade MDFR 2010-81 . $48,448.00 Miami -Dade MDFR 2010-82 T TLO Training and Other conferences $23,974.00 Miami -Dade MDFR 2010-83 E Emergency Animal Care and.Rescue Unit $141,958.00 Miaml-Dade MDC EM 2010-84 P Personnel and Asset Tracking $230,000.00 Miami -Dade MDC EM 2010-85 Countywide Hospital Disaster Preparedness Training $200,000.00 Miami -Dade MDC EM 2010-86 E Emergency Management Specialist $75,000.00 Miami -Dade MDC EM 2010-87 Disaster Plans Updates S50,000.00 Mlamt-Dade MDC EM 2010-88 P Public Awareness Campaign $252,364,00 Mtaml-Dade MDC EM 2010-89 S Surveillance Detection $100,000.00 Mlaml-Dade MORD 2010-90 T TLO Training $50,000.00 Miami -Dade MDPD 2010-91 Video Forensics ,- • $100,000,00 Miami -Dade MDPD 2010-92 " • Guldestar ' • ' $498,818.64 ' ' Miaml-Dade .MDPD 2010-93 Investigative/Intelligence - Hardware • $200,000.00 Miaml-Dade .MDPD 2010 Miami UASI Budget 8-8-11.xisx 5af6 UASI 2010 Budget Line No. Descrlptlnu of Project Budge( Allocation JurldlctlmHPdmory Sutt•Grentea Owner 2010-94 800 MHz Radios S313,440.99 Monroe MCEM 2010-95 M&A Miami UASI -....._..,:.__..................................:....,..:,..:.• 9321.253.00 ,,04...:::r,,minor,.....at,rai.3,TA::A.a. Miami (tizi.! MEM m.1.:J311;:e....0 •1 b r_ n y.�_ ttr. ., . k!,S ;{h _{. I�t •.6, �.(1 rt �.c ,: .Yr�. ,rt�y b 1:...:,x .:.4:: — TOTAL 910,709,461,00 j„ !tit. arq In ,trl''�i"ri1:'ip{ i..:ipx..;l'i�a` a'tTY''•+°ut+G!Iallgti,:).h:�ti''i?7) .�� I hGp'�ii1:t')'LLY .,•r.:...'.r~'.;tyl.Yii,�:.e,��}iS:in.>.�J.-1i:),ui`.tc;i•�:+:o!�:�!_�,1�!eSiti ri��i:,.il::i!�5:4:..�'c.>_i�e)L�2�;.i._:.rl.•:..�:i�ja_Y.lu s' �t% 2010 Miami UASI Budget 8-8-11.xlsx 6of6 City of Miami Master Report Resolution R-11-0478 M� L City 1-Tall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com File ID #: 11-01022 Version: I Enactment Date: 11/17/11 Controlling City Commission Status: Mayor's Office for Body: Signature Title: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE PROJECT ENTITLED: "URBAN AREA SECURITY INITIATIVE ("UASI") GRANT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2010", AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION OF SAME, IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,708,461, CONSISTING OF A GRANT FROM THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, DIRECTLY TO THE STATE OF FLORIDA DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT SAID GRANT AWARD AND TO EXECUTE THE SUBGRANT AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, AND ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS IN ORDER TO IMPLEMENT THE ACCEPTANCE OF SAID GRANT AWARD; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXTEND SAID UASI GRANT PROGRAM, FISCAL YEAR 2010, AS NECESSARY AND TO EXECUTE ANY OTHER RELATED MODIFICATIONS, AMENDMENTS OR EXTENSIONS ON ALL MATTERS EXCEPT THOSE DEALING WITH FUNDING CHANGES; AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS TO VARIOUS GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES DESIGNATED FOR HOMELAND SECURITY EXPENSE PURSUANT TO THE UASI GRANT GUIDELINES; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE . MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMEI1T(S), IN SUBSTANTIAL�THE ATTACHED FORM(S), WITH ITS CONTIGUOUS PARTNERS (4TAAMI-DA'I�E AND MONK COI�J (TIES, THE CITItS OF HIALEAH, MIAMI BEA'GI<'CORAL GABLES, AND THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE) SETTING FORTH THE PARTIES' RESPONSIBILITIES IN CONNECTION WITH THE DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORT OF THE UASI PROJECT ADMINISTERED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI DEPARTMENT OF FIRE -RESCUE, CONTINGENT UPON FUNDING OF SAID PROJECT BEING SECURED. Reference: Introduced: 10/19/11 Name: Establishing Revenue - UASI Grant Pgrm FY' 10 Requester: Department of Fire -Rescue Notes: Cost: Final Action: 11/17/11 Sections: Indexes: Attachments: 11-01022 Summary Forimpdf, 11-01022 Urban Area Security Initiative Grant Prgm. FY'l0.pdf, 11-01022 Miami UASI 2010 Budget.pdf, 11-01022 Legislation.pdf, 11-01022 Exhibit 1.pdf Action History City of Miami Page l Printed on 1 I/I S/2011 Vor. Acting Body Date Action Sent To Due Date Returned Result I Office of the City Attorney Reviewed and Approved City Commission 1 1/l7/I I ADOPTED A motion was made by Francis Suarez, seconded by Frank Carollo, that this matter be ADOPTED. The motion carried by the following votc: Aye: 5 - Wifredo (Willy) Gort, Marc David Sarnoff, Frank Carollo, Francis Suarez and Michelle Spence -Jones City of Miami Page 2 Printed on I 1/18/201 I City of Miami Legislation Resolution City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com File Number: 11-01022 Final. Action Dote: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE PROJECT ENTITLED: "URBAN AREA SECURITY INITIATIVE ("UASI") GRANT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2010", AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION OF SAME, IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,708,461, CONSISTING OF A GRANT FROM THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, DIRECTLY TO THE STATE OF FLORIDA DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT SAID GRANT AWARDAND TO EXECUTE THE SUBGRANT AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, AND ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS IN ORDER TO IMPLEMENT THE ACCEPTANCE OF SAID GRANT AWARD; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXTEND SAID UASI GRANT PROGRAM, FISCAL YEAR 2010, AS NECESSARY AND TO EXECUTE ANY OTHER RELATED MODIFICATIONS, AMENDMENTS OR EXTENSIONS ON ALL MATTERS EXCEPT THOSE DEALING WITH FUNDING CHANGES; AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS TO VARIOUS GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES DESIGNATED FOR HOMELAND SECURITY EXPENSE PURSUANT TO THE UASI GRANT GUIDELINES; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT(S), IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM(S), WITH ITS CONTIGUOUS PARTNERS (MIAMI-DADE AND MONROE COUNTIES, THE CITIES OF HIALEAH, MIAMI BEACH, CORAL GABLES, AND THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE) SETTING FORTH THE PARTIES' RESPONSIBILITIES IN CONNECTION WITH THE DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORT OF THE UASI PROJECT ADMINISTERED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI DEPARTMENT OF FIRE -RESCUE, CONTINGENT UPON FUNDING OF SAID PROJECT BEING SECURED. WHEREAS, the United States Department of Homeland Security ("USDHS"), is authorized by the •Erergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriations Act 2003, to provide funds to states for subsequent distribution to selected urban areas to address the unique equipment, training, planning, exercise and operational needs for large urban areas, and to assist them in building an enhanced and sustainable capacity to prevent, respond to, and recover from threats or acts or terrorism; and WHEREAS, the USDHS, through the State of Florida Division of Emergency Management ("DEM"), has sub -granted an Urban Area Security Initiative ("UASI") Grant Project, Fiscal Year 2010 to the City of Miami ("City") in the amount of$10,708,461; and WHEREAS, the City Department of Fire -Rescue will use said funds to continue to address the unique equipment, training, planning, exercise and operational needs of the City and its contiguous partners and to continue building an enhanced and sustainable capacity to prevent, respond to, and recover from threats or acts of terrorism; and WHFREAS,-in accordance with the UASI Grant Program, Fiscal Year 2010, the attached City of Miami Page 1 of 3 File Id: 11.01022 (Version: 1) Printed On: 10/25/2011 File Number. 11-01022 Memorandum of Agreements (MOA's") with the City's contiguous partners (Miami -Dade and Monroe Counties, the Cities of Hialeah, Miami Beach, Coral Gables and the Village of Key Biscayne) will provide the necessary guidelines to coordinate the UASI Grant Program, Fiscal Year 2010 and will permit the City to reimburse its partners for their eligible expenditures that are compliant with said project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The following new Special Revenue Project is established and resources are appropriated as described below: FUND TITLE: Urban Area Security Initiative Grant Program Fiscal Year 2010 RESOURCES: Department of Homeland Security directly to the State of Florida Division of Emergency Management $10,708,461 • APPROPRIATIONS: $10,708,461 Section 3. The City Manager is authorized (1) to accept said grant award and to execute the Subgrant Agreement, in substantially the attached form, and all necessary documents in order to implement the acceptance of said grant award. Section 4. The City Manger is further authorized (1) to extend said UASI Grant Program, Fiscal Year 2010 grant award as necessary and to execute any other related modifications, amendments or extensions on all matters except•those dealing with funding changes, in connection with the development and support of the UASI projects administered by the City's Department of Fire -Rescue, as an UASI Sponsoring Agency, contingent upon the funding of the UASI projects being secured in the form of grants from the Federal Department through the Florida DEM. Section 5, The City Manager is authorized {1) to execute MOA's, in substantially attached form(s), with its contiguous partners (Miami -Dade and Monroe Counties, the Cities of Hialeah, Miami Beach, Coral Gables and the Village of Key Biscayne), for the purpose of setting forth the parties' responsibilities in connection with the development and support of the UASI Grant Program, Fiscal Year 2010 administered by the City Department of Fire -Rescue, an UASI sponsoring agency, contingent upon funding of said project being secured. Section 6. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor. (2) City of Miami Page 2 af 3 File Id: 11-01022 (Version: 1) Prig ted On: 10/25/2011 File Number: 11-01022 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS., JULIE 0. B CITY ATT9 NEY 0-0 Footnotes: {1) The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all requirements that may be imposed •by the City Attorney, including' but 'not limited to those prescribed by applicable City Charter and Code provisions. {2) If the mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission.. City of Miami Page 3 of 3 File Id: 11-01022 (Version: 11 Printed On: 10/25/2011 FUND TITLE: Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) Grant Program FY 2010 RESOURCES: Department of Homeland Security (DHS) directly to the State of Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) $10, 708, 461.00 APPROPRIATIONS: $10,708,461.00 . •