HomeMy WebLinkAboutPostaward InstructionsOffice of the Chief Financial Officer
Grant Award and Financial Management Information
Postaward Instructions
March 2011
P;ostaward Instructions
The following is.provided:as a .tool for the: financial: administration of awardsfromthe Office of
Justice Programs (OJP) and the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW). Forms and other
documents illustrating each step are attached.
Step ..1.Complete .Financial Point :of.:Contact: Re„istration
Notification -of award approval is -made -by e=mail' through the OJP _Grants Management
System (GMS).Once an award has beenapproved, a notice is sent to the e-mail address
of the individual who!frled the application; as well as to the authorized.grantee Official.
Beforeany action can be made on::an award,registration:ngiist_be completed in GMS .for
at least one Financial: Point_. of Contact (FPO:C). Grantees ,can access GMS at
ht!ps: '2rants,c;jp usdoj eov and mayuse the GMS User Guide,
lei.tp.//wWAN.oip usdoi tio' trainingtod:ls/unis ,useruide:pdf,i for instructions:on
establishing an :FPOC: OR grantees may:contact the GMS=Ilelpdesl, at 1-888-549-9901.
(choose.: option,3) or (MS.} lelp})Gsicru u',duj;gov and OVW grantees May contact OV'W
GMS Support at 1-.866-655-4482 o:r OVW:(,\ISSupport ar:usdoi.gov.for further
Once .the .FPOC registration is completed, the grant point of contact may then access the
e -StepReview Award::and Special Conditions
If you agree with .the terms and. conditions . thea:ward should be printed, reviewed, and
signed by the authorized recipient,offcial, The authorized: recipient official should also
initial .each;page of special conditions and submit both the signed agreement and initialed
special:condition pages to the:OJP Control:Desk.:or,OVW using- one. ofthe following
;awes_ cy:
1-866-388-3055 -(toll free)
ac eptant:eif. isd o r
OVW.Acce ance!cr usdoi_°o4
Note: The FPOC registration must :be completed ;before the acceptance can be processed.
Notify your Program Office -when special conditions have been met.
If the authorized .recipient official has changed, do not: alter the preprinted name in box 118
of the Agreement..A :grant adjustment notice (GAN) will liaveto: be initiated in.GMS to
March 2011.
thin this tine'_
notify the Program Office of this change. Grantees have the capabilityto initiate a GAN
by logging: into'GMS:at https://grants.ojP.cisdoj.gov and selccting.thc GAN tab. For
assistance accessing ;CMS or initiating the'GAN, OJP grtuitees may contact the GMS
Helpdesk al'1- 888:-549-- 9901 (choose option.3)_or Q S !_lelp eskrc uscic_d v.ov. OVW
grantees may contact OVW GMS Support at 1-866-655--4482 or
(.)V W.(iMSSupport0?).usdoj.ao:v.
Once the GAN is approvedby the Program Office, :the -award -should besigncd.by the
new authorized:recipient official. The foriner.authorized recipient's name should remain
unaltered in box 18. The authorized:reeipient official should also. initial each page of
special conditions and. return the approved :GAN, Signed:agrecment, and initialed special
condition pages back to .the OJP Control Desk or OVW using one of the following
1=866=388-3055'(toll :free)
202 .616-5962
accc tancr a.n do .o:,
.'.Vti.,lcce taneeawsdojgoy:
Notes: The FPQC regi;Stration must_be .completed beforethe acceptance can be
processed. Notify your Program Office when special conditions have been met.
The:original signed:documents should be maintained. by the grantee for:presentation in
the event .of an audit.
Acceptance `documents for Community Oriented Policing: Services (COPS) and U.S.
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/Federal:Emcrgency Management Agency
(FENS) grants: should: not: he .sent to OJP or:OVW::Please:contact COPS at 1-800-421--
6770 Or'.DHS/TEMA..at 1-866-927755646 for instructions on the: return; of their Award
If:vou:do: not attree with the. terms and conditions Of thc award as written, contact your
Program Offce_(see :the last page of the award entitled -"Project Summary" for contact
Award acceptance is due, within 45 daj
Offrce.if your or;zuuzation is unable t
• respond to the award may rEsult m deo
• Step..3 Read the Guidelines
Read and'becorne familiar with the OJP f big/lc/a/ Guide; and related material.
The Financicil Guide is avai:lable:online at
March 2011.