FILE ID:' / - 6 %L
Law Department
Matter ID No.
Date: 06/07/2012 Requesting Department: Public Facilities
• Commission Meeting •Date:.07/12/2012 District Impacted: 2
Type: ® Resolution... ❑ Ordinance ❑,Emergency. Ordinance ❑ Discussion Item
Li Other
Subject: Acceptance of the City Manager's Recommendation for Selected Proposer for Indoor/
Outdoor Restaurant RFP No. 11-12-024, for 51 Chart House Drive, Miami FL. 33133
Purpose of Item:
A Resolution of the Miami City Commission, .accepting.the'recommendation of the City Manager
approving the findings of the Selection Committee, pursuant to .Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 11-
12-024, that CHLN, Inc. ("Selected Proposer"), is the top ranked company selected for the lease,
renovation, .management and operation of an Indoor/Outdoor Restaurant at city -owned property
located at 5:1: Chart House Drive, Miami, FL. 33133 ("Property"); authorizing the City Manager to
negotiate and execute a Lease Agreement ("Agreement"),'in substantially the attached form, subject
to'the review, and approval of. the Office of the City Attorney, for. an initial period of twenty (20)
years, with two. (2) five (5).year renewal terms;• with. payment of the greater of a minimum annual
base rent'of $340,000.00 payable on a monthly basis or percentage rent;. with terms and conditions
more particularly set forth in the Agreement; further authorizing the City Manager to make non-
substant ive amendments ,as needed. • •
Background Information:
See Attached)
• ..Budget Impact Analysis
0�aQa.:202 �ay. WgdOO. oDea. Oa oo 6
YES Is this item related to revenue?' . '
NO. Is this item an expenditure? If so, pleaseidentify:funding source below.
' General Account No: •
Special Revenue Account No:
CIF Project No:
. NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds?
Start Up Capital Cost:
Maintenance Cost: '
Yeas �.. 9-o Vexu,r3 6to1,Jh
Final A royals ���yf/'
iPir. /A
Risk Management
Dept. Director
City Manager
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• Background Information:
The current user of the Indoor/Outdoor Restaurant located at 51 Chart House Drive, Miami Fl. 33130
("Property") is Chart House Restaurant, operated by CHLN. The original sublease for Chart House
Restaurant expired on June 23, 2012. At Chart House's request, on May 10, 2012, the Miami City
Commission approved a Revocable License Agreement authorizing Chart House via Resolution # R-
12-0195 to use the Property on a month to month basis on a revocable at will basis until no later than
December 31, 2012. In the meantime, on March 16, 2012, the City Administration issued Request for
Proposals (RFP) No. 11-12-024 to solicit bidders for the Iease, renovation, management and operation
of this Property as an Indoor/Outdoor Restaurant. As required by the City's Procurement Code, this
RFP was advertised and issued online. A total of one (1) proposal was received and deemed
responsive in accord with the RFP's terms and conditions. The Selection Committee appointed by the
City Manager met on June 20 and 22, 2012 for the review and evaluation of the proposals and, based
on the RFP's requirements, recommended that the City Manager negotiate and execute a Lease
Agreement with the top ranked company, CHLN, Inc.
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