HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 1F.iy,,Fr SKE,or,mx U.S. Department of Agriculture —Food and Nutrition Service • SUMIMIER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM INVITATION FOR BID AND CONTR..A_CT SECTION A This document contains an invitation to registered food service management companies to bid for the furnishing of unitized meals to be served to children participating in the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) authorized by Section 13 of the National School Lunch Act, and operated under Part 225 of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) regulations. This document sets forth the terms and conditions applicable to the proposed procurement. Upon acceptance it shall constitute the contract between the bidder and the Sponsor named below, According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0584-0280. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 39 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. SPONSOR BM OPENING SPONSOB. AG_REE1VInNT NUMBER BD ISSUE DATE February 6, 2012 BD NUMJ3ER FB 289272 NA1Y City of Miami DATE Friday, March 2, 2012 ADDRESS (include City, State, Zip Code) Florida 33130 TIh 11:00 A.M. !^. S.W. 2 Avenue Miami, LOCATION • City of Miami City. Clerk, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, FL TELEPHONE NUMBER 305-416-1958 CONTACT PERSON YusbelGonzalez, CPPB • SPONSOR TO ENTER ESTIMATED NIJ1 ER OF MEALS. FIND UNIT PRICE' BIDS TOBELr1SERTEDBYTHE BDDER CONTRACT DATES Fixed Unit Sponsors TOTALS Price Bid Estimated # of Per Meal Meals CO1v2vM,TCEMENT L' (2b\� BREAKFAST N/A N/A N/A $ h $ _ s . 1 t PDiPEZATION I ' /\] 1^j SNACK 134,500 _ `O-fl t J i BD BOND PERCENTAGE REQUIRED LUNCH/SUPPER 130,750 l ESTIMATED $ 337,C,I, PROMPT PAYMENT DISCOUNT (To be inserted by bidder) '• pip for payment within days PERFORMANCE BOND PERCENTAGE REQUIRED 10% BIDDER NAB Xo J IC )C - 1 /0/r SIGNAT't7iZE (In / 'r STREET ADDRESS (Include City, State, Zip Code) ! I f - Rrf NAME (Print or Type) TITLE TELEPHONE NUMBER DATE ' • ACCEPTANCE CONTRACTNUMBER IFB 289272 SPONSORNAME City of Miami SPONSDR SIGNATURE TITLE City Manager DATE D0 FNS 68-8 =Florida DOE Prototype Page I CERTIFICATE OF INDEPENDENT PRICE DETERMINATION SECTION B (A) By submission of this -offer, the offeror certifies • and in the case of a joint offer, each party thereto certifies as to Its own Orgarlizati0n, That in connection with this procurement; • (1) The prices in this offer have been arrived at independently, without consultation, • • communication or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other offeror or with any competitor; (2) Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this offer have not been knowingly disclosed by the offeror and will not lmowingly be disclosed by the offeror prior to opening.the case of an advertised procurement, or prior to award in the case of a negotiated procurement, riii-ecily or indirectly to any other offeror or to any competitor; (3) No attempt has been made or -will be made by the offeror to induce any person or fin to submit or not to submit, an offer for the purpose of restricting competition. (B) Each person signing this offer certifies that: (1) He or she is the person in the offeror's .orgPni 7ation responsible. within that orgni7ation for the decision as to the prices, • being offered herein and that he or she has not .participated, and will not•pariicipate, in any action contrary to (A) (1) through. (A) (3) above; or (2) He or she is not the person ii the offerors orapr i7ation responsible within that . • orgPni7ation for the decision as to the prices being offered herein, but that he or she has been authorized in writing to- act as agent for the persons responsible for such decision in certifying that such persons have not • participated and will not participate; in any action contary to (A) (1) through (A) (3) above, and as their agent does hereby so certify,' and he or she has not participated and will not participate, in any action co: Lary to (A) (1) through (A) (3) above. SIGNATURE F VENDOR'S AUTHORIZED R.PRES AT1VE, fc--- TITLE DATE In accepting this offer, the sponsor certifies that the sponsor's offices; employees or agents have not taken P-ny action which may have jeopardized the independence of the offer referred to above. • • SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED SPONSORREPRESENTATIUE DATE (Accepting a bidder's offer does not constitute acceptance of the contract.) NOTE: Sponsor and Bidder shall execute this Certificate of Independent Price Determination. PNS 688 — Florida DOE Prototype Page 2 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS SECTION C 1. Definitions As used herein: (a) Bid - The bidder's offer. • . (b) Bidder - a food service management company submitting a bid in response to this invitation for bid. (c) Contactor - a successful bidder who is awarded a contract by a Sponsor under the SFSP. (d) Food Service Management Company - any commercial enterprise or nonprofit orgarii7ation with which a sponsor may contact for preparing unitized meals, with or without milk, for use in the Program, or for managing.a sponsor's food servioe operations in accordance with the SFSP regulations. Food service management companies may be: (a) Public agencies or entities; CD) private,non profit organisations: or (c) private, for profit companies. (e) Invitation for Bid (LB) - the document where the procurement is advertised. in the case -dais Program the 7FB becomes the contract once both Parties aaee in writing to all terms and conditions of the 7B. (c) (b) Bids must be executed and submitted in triplicate. If accepted, this IFB will become the contract, and one copy of the contact will be forwarded to the successful bidder with the notice of award. No changes in the specifications or general conditions are allowed. Erasures on all copies must be initialed by the bidder prior to submission.•Failure to do so may result in rejection of the bid. Bids over S 100,000 shall include a bid bond in the amount of 5 % of bid price. Only those bonding and surety companies contained in the current Treasury Circular 570 may be used to obtPin the required bonning. The Treasury Circular is published annually, for the information of Federal bond -approving officers and persons required to give bonds to the United States. All certificates. of Authority expire June 30, and are renewable July 1, annually. Bid bonds will be returned (a) to" rn.successfaul bidders as soot as practicable after the opening of•bids and Co) .to the successful bidder upon execution of such further Contractual documents and bonds as may be required by the bid as accepted. The bid must be securely sealed in a" suitable envelope, addressed to the office issning the 1b'E and marked on the outside with the name of the.bidder, bid. number and date and time of opening. (II) Sponsor - the Service Institution which issues this !Yb. (g) Unitized Meal - an individual pre -portioned meal consisting of a combination of foods meeting the ' "'SFSP pattern i et iuremerits;' delivezed-as "a unit' with or without mills or juice, The State agency may approve exceptions to the unitized meal such as separate hot and cold packs. Other terms shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the SFSP regulations (7CFR Part 225). ' 2. Submission of Bids (a) Bidders are expected to ex nine carefully the . specifications, schedules attachments, terms and conditions of fhis IFB. Failure to-do so will be at the bidder's risk. (d) A copy of a current State of local health' certificate' for the food preparation facil ties.Shal1 be submitted with the bid. Failure to comply with any ofthe above shali be reason for rejection of the bid. 3. Explanation to Bidders Any explanation desired by a bidder regarding the meanie g or interpretation of the IrB specifications, etc., must be requested in writing prior to bid opening and with sufficient time allowed for a reply to reach all bidders before bid opening. Oral explanations or instructions given before the award of the contract will not be binding. Any information given to a prospective bidder concerning an IFB will be furnished to all prospective bidders as an amendment of the IFB, if such infornation is necessary to bidders in submitting bids on.the IFB, or if the lack of such information would be prejudicial to iminforned bidders. PNS 688—Flondg DOE?rototype Page 3 ) 4. Acknowledgement of Amendments to LFBs 9. Bidder Registration The sponsor must acknowledge receipt of an amendment to Bidders must be registered by the State in which the an IFB by a bidder by signing and returning the service is to be performed. Bids from bidders who are not amendment. Such acknowledgement must be received registered as provided for in Section 225.6(g) of the prior to the hour and date specified for bid opening. regulations governing the SFSP will not be considered for award. The vendor shall attach a copy of the State's 5. Bidders Having Interest In More Than One.Bid registration determination. . If more than one bid is submitted by any one person, by or 10. Late Bids. Modification of Bids or Withdrawal of Bids in the name of a clerk, pa±tner, or other person, all such • bids shall be rejected. (a) Any bid received after the exact time specified for receipt of bids will not be considered unless it is 6. Time for Receiving Bids received before award is made, and it was sent by registered or certified mail_ not later than the fifth Sealed bids shall be deposited at the Sponsor's address no calendar day prior to the specified date. A Bid later than the exact time and date indicated on the face of . response or offer received by teleaph, telephone, this IFB. Bids received prior to the time of opening will be fax or email is not acceptable, as the bid must securely kept, unopened. contain the original signature of an authorized FSMC or LEA'representative. 7. Errors in Bids . (b) Any modification or withdrawal of a bid is subject Bidders or their authorized representatives are expected to to the same conditions as above except that fully inform themselves as to theconditions,,req_uirements withdrawal of a bid by telegram fax or email is . and specifications before submiting.bids; failure to-do so . authorized_ Bids may also be withdrawn ia.person will be at the bidder's own risk and relief cannot be secured .by the bidder or.an authorized representative, prior on the plea of error. to the scheduled bid opening time, provided the identity of the authorized representative is made 8. Award of Contract known to the Sponsor and a receipt is signed for the withdrawn bid. (a) The contract will be awarded to that responsible bidder whose bid is lowest and conforms to the (c) The only acceptable evidence to establish timely specifications .of the•IFB: mailing •shall be the date of mailing a bid modification or withdrawal sent either by (b) The Sponsorreserves the right to reject any or all registered or certified mai :inthe U.S..Postal bids and to waive informalities and minor Service {USPS) system, is the postmark on the irregularities in bids received. - outside of the or bgi.nal.delivery envelope and receipt. If the USPS postmark or label does not • (c) The Sponsor reserves the right to.r.ej ect the bid. of a .. display a legible date, the bid,late mo.ainoation. or bidder who previously failed to perform properly, bid withdrawal may be deemed to have been . or complete on time, contracts of a similar nature, mailed late, unless other documentation is or the bid of a bidder whose investigation shows is submitted. The term "Postmark" k" means a printed not in aposition to perform the contract_ or stamped mark or impression that is readily identifiable without further evidence as having (d) Sponsor reserves the right to accept.any bid within. :been affixed on the date .of waiting. Delivery or. 30 days from the date ofbid opening. .withdrawal of a bid is also acceptable when . conveyed by registered comet ercial carriers such as, but not limited to, Federal Express, United Parcel Service or Airborne Enmress. (d) Notwithstanding the above, a late monification of a bid already in the possession of the Sponsor may be permitted if accomplished prior to the published tirne of opening and witnessed by officials or staff of the Sponsor. . F13S 68E— FlonorDOEPrototype Page-4 SCOPE OF SERVICES SECTION D A. USDA regulations 7 CPR Part 225, entitled Summer Food Service Program is hereby incorporated by reference and USDA Administrative Guide to Sponsors. . B. Contractor agrees to deliver unitized meals * inclusive of milk or juice to locations set out in Schedule A, attached hereto and made a part hereof; subject to the terms and conditions of this solicitation. C, All meals furnished must meet or exceed USDA requirements set out in Section H, attached hereto and,made a pa-t,. hereof. Food Service Management Comppnies may prepare irnitized.meals, with or without milk, for use in Slimmer Food Service Progz-am D. Contractor shall furnish meals as ordered by the Sponsor during the period of * * • to Meals are to be served * * 5 • days a•week, as specified in Schedule A . . Insert "inclusive" or "exclusive" as applicable. ** Sponsor shall insert contract commencement date and expiration date. *** Sponsor shall insert appropriate number of servins days. FNS 688—I'1orEE—DOE-Frororype Page.--5 UNIT PRICE SCHEDULE AND MIS'1'RUCTIONS SECTION E 1. Bidders are asked to submit prices in accordance with Schedule(s) D for meals with/without mills* meeting the contract specifications set forth in Schedule C and to be delivered to all of the sites stated in Schedule A. Please note that bidders must complete a Schedule D for.each. • meal type (breahrast, lunch, supplement, etc.) covered.by the IFB. *Sponsor should indicate whether or not milk should be . included in the meals/supplements. 2. Evaluation of bids will be performed as follows: Determine the grand total bid for each bidder by totaling the bids for each meal type from Schedule(s) D. Bidders calculations wili be checked prior to totaling, 3. Pricing shall be on the menus described in Schedule B. All bidders must submit bids on the same menu cycle provided by the• Sponsor. Deviation from this menu cycle shall bepernitted only upon authoriization of the Sponsor.. Bid pnce must include the price of food components (including mills and/or juice, if phrt of uni ized meal), packaging, transportation and all other related costs (e.g., condiments, utensils, etc.) The trait prices of each meal type which the bidder agrees to famish must be written in ink or typed in the blank space provided and must include proper paclaging as.... . required in the specifications and delivery cost to the designated sites, Unit prices shall include taxes, but any charges or taxes which are required to be paid under future laws must be paid by the bidder at no additional charge to the Sponsor. 4. Average Daily Nnmber of Meals are estimated: They are the best known estimates for requirements during the operating period. The Sponsor reserves the right to order more or less meals than estimated at the beginning of the operating period. Con actor will be paid at the 100% unit cost rate duringthe payment period specified. (The Sponsor should indicate in Section F, #4, "Method of Payment," whether the payment period is to be weekly, -bi- weekly or monthly.) Sponsor does not guarantee orders for quantities shown: The maximum number of meals will be dete,mined based on the approved level of mar service designated by the administering office for each site serving meals provided by the contractor. However, if average meals delivered per day by type over the contract period fail below 90% of the applicable average daily estimate, adjustments can be made to the per unit price in -acoordince-with Schedule D. • 5. Evaluation of Bidders: Each bidder will be evaluated on the following factors: a. Evidence that bidder is registered by the State where the service is to be perfou ned and is , registered to deliver at least the n»mberof meals estimated to be required under the contract. b.. Financial capabiiity.to perfouu a contract of the scope required. c. Adequacy of plant facilities for food preparation, with approved license certification that facilities meet all applicable State and local health, safety and sanitation standards. . d. Previous experience of the bidder in performing series similar in nature, and scope: e. Other factors such as transportation capability, sanitation, and packaging. Bidders that do not satisfactorily meet the above criteria may be rejected as nonresponsive and not be considered for award. 6. Meal Orders Sponsors will order meals on * of the week preceding the week of delivery; orders will be placed for the total number of operating days in the . succeedingweek,, and w'll include breakdown totals for each site and each type of meal. .. • :.. The Sponsor reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of meals ordered on a * * 1 hour notice, . or less if mutually agreed upon between the parties: to this contract. 7. Meal -Cycle Change Procedure. Meals willl.b6deiivered. on a daily basis in accordance with the menu cycle which appears in Schedule B. Menu changes may be made only when agreed upon by both parties. When E.D. emergency situation exists which might prevent the contractor from delivering a specified meal component, the Sponsor shall be„ notified immediately so. substitutions can be agreed upon. •The Sponsor reserves the right to suggest.menu changes within the vendor's suggested food cost, periodically throughout. the contractpeziod. * Insert mutually agreed upon day. 44 Sponsor shall insert appropriate number. ENS 688 - F onda DOE-Protot pe Page 6 8. Noncompliance. The Sponsor reserves the right to inspect and determine the quality of food delivered and reject any meals which do not comply with the • requirements and specifications of the contract. The contractor will not be paid for unauthorized menu changes, incomplete meals, meals not delivered within the specified delivery time period, and meals rejected because they do not comply with the specifications. The Sponsor reserves the right to obtain meals from other sources; if meals are rejected due to any of the stated reasons. The contractor will be responsible for any excess cost, but Will receive no adjustment in the event the meals are procured at lesser cost. The Sponsor or inspecting agency shall notify the contractor in writing as to the number of meals rejected and the reasons for rejection. The SFSP regulations provide that statistical sampling Methods may be used to disallow payment for meals which are not served in compliance with Program regulations. In the event that disallowances are made on the basis of . statistical sampling, the Sponsor and the administering agency as to the number ofineals disallowed, the reasons • for disallowance, and the methodology of the statistical sampling procedures employed. • 9. Specifications A. Packaging 1. Cold Meal Unit (to be delivered at 33' degrees • F — 41 degrees F) Container and overlay to be .plastic or paper and non -toxic. All items must be prep a toned. 2. Cartons -- Each carton to be labeled. Label to include: a.Processor's name and address (plant). b.Item identity, meal type. c. Date of production. d. Quantity of individual traits per carton. 3. Meals shall be delivered with appropriate nonfood items: condiments, straws for mills, napkins, single service ware, etc. Sponsor shall insert the types of nonfood items that are necessary for the meals to be eaten: spoons; napkins; straws; styrofoam trays; plastic fruit cups; styrofoam containers•for storage of meals (as needed) sire: 26 "x •18" x 11.5" a. Food Preparation: Meals shall be prepared in accordance with State and local health standards. b.. Food Specifications: Bids are 'to be submitted on the menu cycle included in Schedule B; and portions shall; as a min ijnnrn, be the.quantities specifed by USDA for each component of each meal, as included • inSchedule C of this contract. Al meals in the menu cycle must meet the food specifications and quality standards. All meat and meat products, shall have been slaughtered, processed and manufactured in plants inspected under USDA approved inspection grog, am and bear the appropriate seal. All meat and meat p.oducts must be sound, sanitary and freeof objectionable odors or signs of deterioration on delivery..• Milk and milk products are defined.as........... _... "...pasteurized fluid types of flavored or unflavored whole mills, low -fat mill., skim milk, or cultured butternaillc which meet State and local standards for such milk ... All milk should contain vitamins A. and D at the levels specified by the Food and Drug Ar)ministration and consistent with State and local standards• for such milk." Mills delivered hereunder shall conform to these specifications. bNS688=FlonaEDOE Prototype Page 7 GENERA', CONDITIONS SECTION F 1. Delivery Renuirements A Delivery will be made by the contractor to each site in accordance with the order from the Sponsor. B. Meals are to be delivered daily, unloaded, and placed in the designated location by the contractor's personnel at'each of the sites and tunes listed in Schedule A. • C. The contractor shall be responsible for delivery of all meals and/or dairy products at the specified time, Adequate refrigeration or heating shall be provided during delivery of all food to insure the wholesomeness of food at delivery in accordance with State or local health codes. • D. The Sponsor reserves the right to add or delete food service sites by amendment of the initial list of approved sites in Schedule Al, and make changes in the approved level for the maximirri number- of meals. whch may be served under the Program at each site (established under Section 225.6(dX2) of the SFSP reD ations). T.he•Sponsor shall notify the contractor by providing an amendment to Schedule A, of all sites which are approved; cancelled, or terminated subsequent to acceptance of this con- tract, and .of any changes in. • the approved level of meal service for a site. Such amendrme,nrs Shall'b'e provided within * hours or less. 2. Supervision and Inspection The contractor shall provide management supervision at all times • and maintain constant quality control • inspections to check forportion•size, appearance and packaging, in addition to the quality of products. Exceptions to this policy maybe granted only by the Sponsor, in writing, who must then inform FLDOE monitors and the SA headquarters, The delivery of . meals out of. cycle with the approved•menu may occur only during the first week (5 days) of operation with the mutual consent of the Sponsor and FSMC vendor: (See Date Coding of Food Items in Section F). • • Insert mutually agreed upon number. ** Sponsor shall insert "weekly", "bi-weekly or "monthly". 3. Recordkeeping A. Delivery tickets must be prepared by the contractor at a minimum in two copies: one for the contractor and one for the site personnel. Delivery • tickets must be itemized to show the nnmber of . of each type delivered to each site. Designees.to the Sponsor at each site will check adequacy of delivery and meals before signing the delivery ticket. Invbides shall be accepted by the Sponsor only if signed by Sponsor's designee at the site. B. • The contractor shall maintain records supported 'by delivery tickets, invoices, receipts, purchase • orders, production records for this contract, or other evidence for inspection and reference, to support payments and claims.: • C. Thebooics and records of the contractorpertPg to this contract shall be 'available for a period of .. three years from the date of submission of the Sponsor's final claim for reimbursement, or until: the final Iesolution of any -audits, for inspection • and audit by representatives of the State agency, representative of the U.S. Depai iuient of Agriculture, the Sponsor and the U:S. General Accounting Ofiice at any reasonable time and place. 4, .Iv! ethod of Payment : The•contractor shall submit its iterni7ed invoices to the Sponsor * * monthly • in compliance with Section 225.6(h)(2)(iv) of the SFSP regulations. Each _ .. invoice shall give a detailed breakdown of the nnmber . of meals delivered at each site during the preceding period. The Sponsor shall calculate.the average •nnmber of meals delivered each day for the applicable period. Payment will be made at the imit price shown for that range. Each payment period will be calculated and paid for independent of other periods. No payment shall be made unless the required delivery receipts have been signed by the site representative. The contractor shall be paid by the Sponsor for all meals delivered in accordance with this contract and SFSP regulations. However, neither the Department nor the State agency assumes any liability for payment.of differences between the number of meals delivered by the contractor and the member of meals served by the Sponsor that are eligible for reimbursement. PNS 688=Fionda DOE -Prototype Page-8 5. Inspection ofFaeiiity A. The Sponsor, the State agency and USDA reserve the right to inspect the contractor's facilities with- out notice at any time during the contract period, including the right to be present dining preparation and delivery of meals. B. The contractor's facilities shall be subject to periodic inspections by State and local health departments or any other agency designated to inspect meal quality for the 'State. This will be accomplished in accordance with USDA . regulations. C. The contractor shall provide for, meals which it prepares to be periodically inspected by the local . • health department or an independent agency to determine bacterial levels in the meals being served. Such levels shall conform to .the standards. which are applied by the local health authority with respect to the level of bacteria which may be present in meals served.by other establishments in the locality. 6. Performance Bond Reaui.rement • The successful bidder shall provide the Sponsor with a performance bond in the amount of.10% of the • contract pace. The bond shall be executed by the contractor and a licensed surety company listed in the current Department of Treasury Circular 570. Only • those bonding•and surety companies contained•in the • - cun-rent Treasury Circular 570 may be used to obtain . the required bonding. The Treasury Circular is published annually, for the information of Federal bond-auproving officers andpersons required to give bonds to the United States. Al certicates of Authority expire JUlle 30, and are renewable July 1, annually. ..'.. The bond shall be furnished not later than ten days' • following award of the contract, but in all cases prior • to commencement ofperfonnance. 7. Insurance . State agencies will furnisasponsors their state • insurance requirements to insert herein. 8. Availability of Funds The Sponsor reserves the right to cancel this contract if the Federal funding to support the SFSP is withdrawn. It is further understood that, in the event of cancellation of the contract, the Sponsor shall be responsible for meals that have already been assembled and delivered in accordance with this contract. 9. Number of Meals and Delivery Tunes The contractor must provide exactly the.number of meals ordered Counts of meats will be made by the . Sponsor at all sites before meals are accepted. Damaged or incomplete meals will not be included . when the number of delivered meals is determined. 10. Emergencies In the event of unforeseen emergency circrifrtstances, the contractor shall immediately notify the -Sponsor by . telephone or telegraph of the following: (I) the impossibility of on -erne delivery; (2) the • circumstance(s) precluding delivery; and (3) a statement of whether or not succeeding deliveries will be affected. No payments.will be made for deliveries made later than **** two (2) hours after specified meal time. Emergency circnnistances at the site precluding utilization of meals are the concern of the Sponsor. The Sponsor may cancel orders provided it gives the • contractor atleast ***** eight (8) • •• • hours notice• or less if mutually upon between the parties to this contract. • • Adjustments for emergency situations affecting the. • • contractor's ability to deliver meals, or Sponsor's .ability to. utilize meals„ for p erio ds.longe . than.24 .... -. hours will be mutually worked out between the contractor and Sponsor. • 1 • ••** Sponsor shall set time in accordance with State agency instructions. • ••*** Insert same number as in Section F #1-13 on page 8. FNS 688 —Florida DOE Prototype Page-9 11. Termination A. The Sponsor reserves the right to terminate this contract if the contractor fails to comply with_ any of the requirements of this contract. The Sponsor shall notify the contractor of specific instances of noncompliance in writing with copies to the SA. The Sponsor shall have the right, upon such written notice; to immediately terminate the contract and .the contractor or surety company, if applicable, shall be liable for- any damages incurred by the Sponsor. The Sponsor will notify the FSMC of specific instances of unsatisfactory performance. Whenlosses are attributed to the contractor's failure to perform in -accordance with • contract teams, .the contraetormay be liable for the sponsor's expenses that exceed the rate of allowable meal reimbursements. Prior to termination, the Sponsorshali contact the State • agency or regional office concerning procedures for conducting are -procurement action.. B. The Sponsor may, by written notice to the contractor, .terminate the.right of the contractor to. proceed under this contract, if it is found by the Sponsor that gratuities in the form. of entertainment, gifts or•otherwise were offered or given by the contractor to any officer or employee of the Sponsor with a view toward securing a • contract or seonxing favorable treatment with respect to the awarning or amending of the contract; •provided•that the existence of the facts' upon which the Sponsor makes such -9ndings shall be in issue and may be reviewed in any competent court. .C. In the event this contract is terminated as provided . inpara�m.aph (b) hereof,'the.Sporisor shall.be.... . entitled (i) to pursue the same remedies against the contractor as it could pursue in the event of a • breach of the contact by the contactor, and (ii) as a penalty in addition to any other damages in an amount which shall not be less than three nor more than ten times the cost ineuned by the contractor in providing any such Fatuities to any such officer . of employee. D. The rights and remedies of the Sponsor provided in this clause shall not be exclusive and are in .addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this contract. 12. Subcontractors and Assignments The contractor shall not subcontract for the total meal, or for the assembly of the meal; and shall not assign, without the advance written consent of the Sponsor, this contract or any interest therein. In the event of any . assignment, the contractor shall remain liable,to the. Sponsor as principal for the performance of all obligations under this contract. FNS 688—FTonaaDOETrotoiype Page 10 GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION G Vendor Assurances Vendor certifies by signing this bid that they will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 P.L.(88-352) and in accordance with Title VI of that Act, no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, sex, age; disability, or national origin, be 'excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise' subjected' to discrimination under this contract Vendor shall indemnify each Sponsor and the State against any loss or damage (inoluriing attorney's fees and other costs of litigation) ' caused by the vendor's negligent acts dr commission of vendors agents or employees. Vendor expressly agrees to defend any suit against any Sponsor alleging personal injury, sicloiess or disease arising out of consumption or use of the merchandise sold, as well as any loss resulting from pilferage by vendor's employees. Each Sponsor shall promptly noff ' the vendor and the SA in writing of any claiins against either vendor or the Sponsor • and in the event of a suit being filed, shall promptly forward to the vendor and the SA all papers in connection therewith. The Sponsor shall not incur any expense or make any settlement without' vendor's consent; -provided however, that if the vendor refuses or neglects to defend any such suit, the Sponsor may defend, adjust or settle any such claim, .and the frosts 'of 'such defense,' including reasonable attomey's fees to be charged to vendor's account. The • vendor shall nroch e and maintain the following insurance: Worker's Compensation insurance as prescribed by the laws of the State Of Florida, Comprehensive Bodily Injury, • Property' Damage, Liability and Products Liability Ins razce, inciu ing bodily injury and propertydamage daused by automobiles with -nisi-num limits of $100,000 for injury or death of any one person, and $300,000 for injury or death of two or more persons in any one accident, $50,000 for property damage in any one accident, and $250,000 for products liability in any one accident. The -vendor shall fa ish the Sponsor with such evidence of insurance including insurance covering Vendor's Contactual Liability hereunder as the Sponsor may reasonably require. Equal Oonortunity "The FSMC shall comply witn.Title VI of the Civil Rights "Act of 1964, as amended, USDA regulations implementing Title'IX of the Education Amendments, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and any additions or. amendments." Clean Air and Water If this contract is in excess of $100,000, the Sponsor and FSMC shall comply with all applicable standards, orders, or revelations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act of 1970 (42 USC 1857), or the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 USC 1319), as amended_ • ENS 688--Kona DOE?rototype Page 1 1 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Certification Regarding Deb arm ent, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion — Lower Tier Covered Transactions This certification is required by the regulations implementing Executive Order 12549, Debarment and Suspension; 7 • CFR Part 3017, Section 3017510, Participant's responsibilities, The reg, lations were published as Part 1V of the January • 30, 1989, Federal.Register (pages 4722-4733). Copies of the regulations may be obtained by contacting the Department of Agriculture agency with which this transaction originated. (BEFORE COMPLETING CERTIFICATION, READ INSTRUCTIONS ON FOLLOWING PAGE) (1) The prospective lower tier participant certifies, by submission•ofthis proposal, tat neither it nor its principals is • presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from.. . participationin this transaction by any Federal_ depa.Lurent or agency. (2) Wnere the prospective lower tier participant is unable to certify to any of the statements is this cer cation, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this proposal. EjKabi (Err ORGANIZATION NA t2 PR/AV ARD NUMBER OR PROJECT NAv Ei NAME(S) bND•TITLE(S) O ALtIO_RZFED REPRESENTATIVE(S) SIGNA(S) DATE NS tg8Prototype Page12 Instructions for Certification 1. By signing and submitting this foam, the prospective lower tier participant is providing the certification set out on the reverse side in accordance with these instructions. • 2. The certification in this clause is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was entered into. If it is later determined that the prospective lower tier participant knowingly rendered an erroneous certification, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government, .the depaitiaent or agency V,Tith which this transaction originated may pursue available remedies, including suspension and/or debarment. 3. The prospective lower tier participant shall provide immediate written notice to the person to which this proposal_ is submitted if at any time the prospective lower tier participant learns that its certification was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. 4. The terms covered transaction, debarred, suspended,,""ineligible," lower tier covered transacrion," " , "participant," "person," "primary. covered transaction; principal, proposal, and voluntarily excluded; as used in this clause, have the meanings set out in the Definitions and Coverage sections of rules implementing Executive Order 12549. You may contact the person to which this proposal isiubmitted for assistance in obtaining.a copy of those regulations. 5. The prospective lower tier participant agrees by Submitting this form that, should the .proposed covered transaction be entered into, it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier covered transaction with aperson who is debarred, suspended, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this covered transaction, unless authorized by the department or agency with which this transaction originated. 6. The prospective lower tier participant further agrees by submitting this fonaa that: it will include This clause titled "Cer dfication Regarding Debarment, Suspension, ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion -Lower Tier Covered Transactions," without modification, in all lower tier covered transactions and in all solicitations for lower tier : covered transactions. �.• .A paracipant-in a coveredtransaction nay rely upon a certification of a prospective participant in a lower tier. covered transaction that is not debarred, suspended, ineligible; or voluntarily excluded from the covered •tansaction,. unless it knows that the certification is erroneous. A. participant may decide the method and :frequency by.which it • determines the eligibility of its principals. Each participant may; but is -not requited to; check theNon-procurement • List. 8. Nothing.contained.in the foregoing shall be construed -to require estabLishnent of a system_ of records in.order to, . render in good faith the certification required by this clause. The lmowledge and info] uation. of a participant is not required to exceed that which is normally possessed by a pnident person in the ordinary course ofbusiness dealings. 9. Except for transactions authorized under paragraph 5 of these instructions, if a participant in a covered transaction knowingly enters into a lower tier covered transaction with a person who is suspended, debarred, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction, in addition to other remedies available to the -Federal Government, the department or agency with which this transaction originated may pursue available remedies, including suspension. and/or debarment. reN5 688 = �lond5DO Prototyue Page-13 LNSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION OF SCHEDULE A SITE INFORMATION LIST 1. Enter sponsor's name in upper left-hand comer. 2. Use correct street address for all sites listed. 3. Check "X" if site has adequate refrigeration to store all meals ordered and could receive early deliveries. 4. Under columns (1) and (2), enter the beginning and ending dates for meal service at each site. 5. Under.coli,mns (3), enter the total number of days meals will be served at each site. 6. Enter in column (5) beside the appropriate meal l'pe, the average number of each type of meal that is estimated to be served each day at the site. For example, if a site plans to serve 11,000. lunches for 44 days during the summer, then the average is 256.. (11;000 / 44). Do not insert the ma.Ximun number that will be served on a particular day during the sinnmer. 7. Enter in column (6) the result of column (3) times • Column (5). 8. Enter in cob»rnn (7) the delivery rime for each meal type. When estimating the Average Meals Served Per Day (Cobt-nn (5)), use the average from the prior summer if the site was in operation at that time. Since Schedule A must be completed well in -advance . of the application deadline, it is recognized that changes. will occur in the data by the time the program begins. However, be as accurate as possible since the data is used by the vendor to arrive at his bid prices. The vendor awarded the bid will accept changes after the bid opening. FNS 688—FioradEDOF Prototype Page 1-4 SCHEDULE A — SITE I-NFORMATION LIST SITE NAME ADDRESS PHONE BEGIN DATE (1) END DATE (2) DAYS OP. (3) MEAL TYPE (4) AVG. MEALS/ DAY (5) TOTAL MEALS (6) SERVING TIME (7) Sponsor Name: City of Miami; Address: 444 S,W. 2"d Ave; Miami, Florida 3313D Contact Person/Phone 4: Gwen Kitchen 305-416-1308 BEGIN END African Square Park I I Breakfast 0 I 0 0 0 1466 NW 62nd Street AM Suppl. 0 0 0 0 (305) 579-3408 6/11/12 8/10/12 50 Lunch 60 3,000 12:00 2:00 Yes I No PM Suppl. 60 3,000 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL MEALS X I I I Supper 0 0 0 0 Armbrister Park Breakfast 0 0 0 0 236 Grand Avenue AM Suppl, 0 0 0 0 (305) 442-0376 6/11/12 8/10/12 50 Lunch 50 2,500 12:00 2:00 Yes No PM Suppl. 50 2,500 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL MEALS X Supper 0 0 0 0 Barnyard Breadast 0 0 0 0 3870 Washington Ave. AM Suppl. 0 0 0 0 (305) 446-6216 6/11/12 8/10/12 50 Lunch 100 5,000 12:00 2:00 Yes No PM Suppl. 100 5,000 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL MEALS X I Supper 0 0 0 0 Bryan Park I I Brealaatt 0 0 0 0 2301 SW 13t Street I I I AM Suppl. 0 0 0 0 (305) 643-7150 I 16/11/12 8/10/12 50 I Lunch 40 2,000 12:00 2:00 I Yes I No I PM Suppl. 50 . 2,500 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL MEALS X I I Supper 0 0 0 0 Buena Vista Park I I I I I Breakfast 0 0 0 0 200 NW 53`d Street I AM Suppl. 0 I 0 0 0 (305) 795-2334 I I I 611/12 8/10/12 50 I Lunch 25 . 1,250 12:00 2:00 Yes No I PM Suppl. 25 1,250 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL MEALS X I Supper 0 0 0 0 Clemente Park I I I I Breakfast 0 0 0 0 101 NW 34' Street 6/11/12 8/10/12 50 I AM Suppl. 0 0 0 0 (305) 573-6133 I Lunch 65 3,250 12:00 2:00 Yes No PM Suppl. 65 3,250 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL MEALS X I Supper 0 0 0 0 Coral Gate Park I Breakfast 0 0 0 0 1415 SW 32"° Avenue I AM Suppl. 0 0 0 0 (305) 442-0377 16/11/12 8/10/12 50 Lunch 50 2,500 12:00 2:00 Yes No PM Suppl. 60 3,000 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL MEALS I X Supper 0 0 0 0 Curtis Park I Breakfast 0 0 0 0 1901 NW 24'11 Avenue AM Suppl. 0 0 0 0 (305) 634-4961 6/11/12 8/10/12 50 I Lunch 40 2,000 12:00 2:00 Yes No I PM Suppl. 40 2,000 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL MEALS X I Supper 0 0 0 0 Dorsey Park Breakfast 0 0 0 0 1701 NW 151 Avenue AM Suppl, 0 0 0 0 (305) 579-6940 6/11/12 8/10/12 50 Lunch 40 2,000 12:00 2:00 Yes No PM Suppl. 40 2,000 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL MEALS X I Supper 0 0 0 0 IFB 289272 SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM 1 Created: 12/5/2011 SCHEDULE A - SITE INFORMATION LIST SITE NAME ADDRESS PHONE BEGIN DATE (1) . END DATE (2) DAYS OP. (3) MEAL TYPE (4) AVG. MEALS/ DAY (5) TOTAL MEALS (6) SERVING TIME (7) Sponsor Name: City of Miami; Address: 444 S.W. 2n6 Ave, Miami, Florida 33130 Contact Person/Phone #: Gwen Kitchen 305-416-1308 BEGIN END Douglas Park Breakfast 0 0 0 0 2755 SW 371h Avenue AM Suppl. 0 0 0 0 (305) 461-6805 6/11/12 8/10/12 50 Lunch 70 3,500 1 12:00 2:00 Yes I No PM Suppl. 70 3,500 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL MEALS X I J I Supper 0 0 0 0 Duarte Park Breakfast 0 0 0 0 2800 NW 17" Avenue I AM Suppl, 0 0 0 0 (305) 635-2710 6/11/12 8/10/12 50 Lunch 70 3,500 12:00 2:00 Yes No PM Suppl. 70 3,500 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL MEALS I X I Supper 0 0 0 0 Gibson Park 1 I Breakfast 0 0 0 0 401 NW 12' Street 6/11/12 8/10/12 50 AM Suppl. . 0 0 0 0 (305) 579-6843 I Lunch 100 I 5,000 ' 12:00 2:00 Yes No PM Suppl, 100 I 5,000 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL MEALS I X I Supper 0 I 0 0 0 Grapeland Park I 11 I Breakfast 0 0 0 0 1550 NW 371'Avenue I I AM Suppl. 0 0 0 0 (305) 634-5624 1 I 16/1.1/12 8/10/12 I 50 1 Lunch 85 4,250 12:00 2:00 Yes I No I 1 I PM Suppl. 85 I 4,250 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL MEALS I X I I I 1 I Supper 0 0 0 0 Hadley Park I I I I Breakfast 0 I 0 0 I 0 1300 NW 50' Street I I AM Suppl. 0 0 0 0 (305) 634-5791 16/11/12 8/10/12 1 50 I Lunch I 125 6,250 I 12:00 2:00 Yes I No I PM Suppl. I 125 I 6,250 I 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL MEALS X 1 Supper 0 I 0 0 0 Jose Marti Park I I I 1 I Breakfast 0 I 0 0 I 0 351 SW 4`h Street I I I I AM Suppl. 0 0 0 0 (30) 557-6958 16/11/12 8/10/12 1 50 I Lunch 125 6,250 12:00 2:00 Yes I No I I I PM Suppl. 125 6,250 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL MEALS X I I I Supper 0 0 0 0 Kinloch Park I I I Breakfast 0 0 0 0 455 NW 47"' Avenue I AM Suppl, 0 0 0 0 (305) 461-7204 6/11/12 1/10/12 50 Lunch 75 3,750 12:00 2:00 Yes No PM Suppl. 75 3,750 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL MEALS X I Supper 0 0 0 0 Legion Park I I I Breakfast 0 0 0 0 6447 NE 7`n Avenue AM Suppl. 0 0 0 0 (305) 758-9027 6/11/12 8/10/12 50 Lunch 150 7,500 12:00 2:00 Yes No PM Suppl. 150 7,500 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL MEALS X Supper 0 0 0 0 Lemon City Park Breakfast 0 0 0 0 27 NE 58`h Street AM Supp1. 0 0 0 0 (305) 759-3512 6/11/12 8/10/12 50 Lunch 60 3,000 12:00 2:00 Yes No PM Suppl, 60 3,000 3:00 4:D0 REFRIG. ALL MEALS X I I Supper 0 I 0 0 0 IFB 289272 SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM 2 Created: 12/5/2011 - SITE INFOP.MATION LIST SITE NAME ADDRESS PHONE BEGIN DATE (1) END DATE (2) DAYS OP. (3) MEAL TYPE (4) AVG. MEALS/ DAY (5) TOTAL MEALS (6) SERVING TIME (7) Sponsor Name: City of Miami; Address: 444 S.W. 2"d Ave, Miami, Florida 33130 Contact Person/Phone ti: Gwen Kitchen 305-416-1308 BEGIN END Lummus Park ( I Breakfast 0 0 0 0 404 NW 3rd Street AM Suppl. 0 0 0 0 (305) 579-6934 I 6/11/12 8/10/12 50 Lunch 1 150 7,500 12:00 2:00 Yes 1 No PM Suppl. 150 7,500 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL MEALS X Supper 0 0 0 0 Moore Park Breakfast 0 0 C 0 765 NW 36" Street AM Suppl. 0 0 0 0 (305) 633-2089 1 1 1 6/11/12 8/10/12 50 Lunch 150 ( 7,500 12:00 2:00 Yes No 1 PM Suppl. 150 7,500 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL MEALS X Supper 0 0 0 0 Morningside Park Breakfast 0 0 0 0 50 NE 55' Street AM Suppl. 0 0 0 0 (305) 754-1242 I 1 6/11/12 8/10/12 50 1 Lunch 90 4,500 12:00 2:00 1 Yes No 1 1 PM Suppl. 90 4,500 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL MEALS I X I I I I Supper 0 0 0 0 Range Park 1I I I I I Breakfast 0 0 0 0 525 NW 62"d Street AM Suppl. 0 0 0 0 (305) 757-7961 1 16/11/12 8/10/121 50 Lunch . 90 4,500 12:00 2:00 1 Yes 1 No 1 1 PM Suppl. 100 5,000 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALLMEALSI X I I 1 I Supper 0 0 0 0 Reeves Park I 1 1 Breakfast 0 0 0 0 600 NW 10" Street I I I I AM Suppl. 0 0 0 0 (305) 579-6970 16/11/12 8/10/12 1 50 Lunch 40 2,000 12:00 2:00 1 Yes 1 No 1 1 PM Suppl. 45 2,250 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL MEALS X 1 I 1 1 Supper. 0 1 0 0 0 Robert King High Park 1 I 1 1 Breakfast 0 0 0 0 7025 W. Flagler Street 1 I 1 1 AM Suppl. 0 0 0 0 (305) 261-6151 1 1 1 Lunch 50 2,500 12:00 2:00 Yes 1 I No 6/11/12 8/10/12 50 PM Suppl. 60 3,000 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL MEALS X 1 1 Supper 0 0 0 0 Shenandoah Park 1 1 Breakfast 0 0 0 0 1800 SW 2151 Avenue I I AM Suppl. 0 0 0 0 (305) 856-9551 6/11/12 1 8/10/12 50 j Lunch 150 7,500 12:00 2:00 Yes 1 No PM Suppl. 160 8,000 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL MEALS X Supper 0 0 0 0 Virrick Park Breakfast 0 0 0 0 3255 Plaza Street AM Suppi. 0 0 0 0 (305) 445-0123 6/11/12 8/10/12 50 Lunch 90 4,500 12:00 2:00 Yes No PM Suppl. 90 4,500 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL 1v1EALS X 1 Supper 0 0 0 0 West End Park Breakfast 0 0 0 0 250 SW 60" Avenue AM Suppl. 0 0 0 0 (305) 264-0341 6/11/12 8/10/12 50 Lunch 100 5,000 12:00 2:00 Yes No PM Suppl. 100 5,000 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL MEALS X Supper 0 0 0 0 IFB 289272 SUMAER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM 3 Created: 12/5/2D11 SCHEDULE A — SITE INFORMATION LIST SITE NAME ADDRESS PHONE BEGIN DATE (1) END DATE (2) DAYS OP. (3) MEAL TYPE (4) AVG. MEALS/ DAY (5) TOTAL MEALS (6) SERVING TIME (7) Sponsor Name: City of Miami; Address: 444 S.W. 2"" Ave, Miami, Florida 33130 Contact Person/Phone #: Gwen Kitchen 305-416-1308 BEGIN END Little Haiti Cultural I I I I Breakfast 0 0 0 0 260 N.E.59 Street AM Suppl. 0 0 0 0 (305)579-6935 6/11/12 8/10/12 50 Lunch 40 2,000 12:00 2:00 Yes No PM Suppl. 40 2,000 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL MEALS X Supper 0 0 0 0 Williams Park Breakfast 0 0 0 0 1717 NW 5t° Avenue AM Suppl. 0 0 0 0 (305) 579-6978 6/11/12 8/10/12 50 Lunch 75 3,750 12:00 2:00 Yes No PM Suppl _ 85 4,250 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL MEALS X Supper 0 0 0 0 Little Haiti Park Breakfast . 0 0 0 0 6301 NE 2 Ave. AM Suppl 0 0 0 0 (305) 762-7462 6/11/12 8/10/12 50 Lunch 100 5,000 12:00. 2:00 Yes No PM Suppl. 110 5,500 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL MEALS X Supper 0 0 0 0 Sandra Delucca Center Breakfast 0 0 0 0 3870 NW 47 Ave. AM Supple. 0 0 0 0 (305) 461-7201 6/11/12 8/10/12 50 Lunch 100 5,000 12:00 j 2:00 PM Suppl. 100 5,000 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL MEALS YES No Supper 0 .0 0 0 X Fern Isle Breakfast 0 0 0 0 2201 NW 1.1 Street AM Supple. 0 0 0 0 (305) 642-1925 6/11/12 8110/12 50 Lunch 60 3,000 12:00 2:00 Yes No PM Suppl. 60 3,000 3:00 4:00 REFRIG. ALL MEALS X I Supper 0 0 0 0 LUNCH PPL - _ _ TOTAL• 130,1S 134500 IFB 289272 SUMI\VR FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM 4 Created: 12/5/2011 Schedule 13 Ten -Da Cycle Means - Days 1- * rn lS7:I, parer 4{ilyr: Fi'.f'if_�h:r,r�tlr,=..T '71�,3�i-'h,•-,:yvf riJ,9'iP.. .:. : ra. F h g i, tlh Y 2:. d�• C C J ,: p B .ealcfa �..,.I` Millitun.Mea Ualte ;s . •I >,.i„ �., 1�.L ..'�. _. �'.._ ;1., 1 ,•� cirAirew � ',itiw:ssl°11, ra al l-T � 4 ei' C F1° ' 1l Ili' �k tI y . .;a ..I d- VV11, ,:.rf U off, .I�''lutd a , L f ��'�t�•�152>z�,t�J.�.t..,,��1a1��F.��`�,�•�:>��aa��l��rl;«a��r:*il��,°rc#:f�lr"rrr�;�';;i�:>�"s 7k1C:1 3 1 t i itg il t� I ;lt il• h 1: 1 �1.j'. c..;1Wt;;.i��q rx9: L IJ, , I y .N 1�1lCr�+-/2^L�" Ve G � i lab e,. :<,� , i t°*�5 r, k:_ g wl, ,; L ^>a i i t4 fi :r :� .. 'a`�t' • i% , [q: �' t eIt art. 3.,tl§eu •:,r�� t �i1 t .Ir1E,I�1r1.8.. ,, r•!ri _. ,��ii:'•N'�+,4� , , I ; 6 � - � c , ! .'HIM'"�`3 dt cc',lal. d •!1 se -� '3.,I • �,:. r A. t iu Gki. i � Fr,t,:1 ,}.`• k�c;?^n,;: • :r-•• ,,pp r5" e_ri x , t �( I;'��:�� 1 u. ,.�,, a. ,.1 _ +m , I r 1 • ,, ��� i.reads, : :- , ,"u��?��itas�.:���5?� �M=�`�'1��;�at�u�,� - 1 w.y � Pr 41: 5�'� _ ;4� •ru:. �'rz�ry ,r , . ra t •'' .: �;1. rt,r � �,�;� �:� • � 1. " ,, x, . 1 I� �'�a1�' Day Milk Day 1 White/Chocolate Day 2 niJ Day 3 Day4 V/l' Millc (1 c. or 8 11. oz.) • White/Chocolate Milk (1 c. or 8 fl.'oz.) White/Chocolate Milk (1 c. or 8 fl. oz.) White/Chocolate Milk (1 c. or 8 fl. oz.) 5 White/Chocolate Milk Sliced Peaches (LAc. or larger) 100% Juice ( 1 c. or 4 u. oz.) Citrus Fruit Cup (/z c, or larger) 100% JuiceAppleg. (/2 c. or 4 n. 'oz.) (1 c. or 8 n. oz.) Freshc Wedges r (/2 c. or larger) G/l3 Ih �. p� ll I -b. I Enriched Cold Cereal 3/4 c.or 1 0z./28 or larger) g g ) I II iI d16U Bagel g (_9 oz /25 g. or larger) Enriched Cold Cereal , (/a c. or 1 oz./28or larger) g.8 Cinnamon Roll (unfrosted) (1.8 oz./ or larger) Enriched Cold Cereal I,,•'•iil ' ri „tLirttcl1 oi:Supper: ;pl:,r�.t , ,.,.:! , 1, !tor' ... eat/ ea i<Alteuaate.,. ,fmlb?II � rt!'s •ns t� ., , 1,1 6 m�.....I _.rv,,: III;I,Ii,1,n1 IIu lli:!Illliaii lhlt p I I,tIif.ir ..� I, .. 11 tunnutn•Meal' .attei: IZI; r, ,:.,., r.: I I l II A. I t;ir fllll n1 t: iv , , .i., _, t.,:� tl,t 1, • {41 1 '• ,I .L.,Ila I r I ,r.r 11� NI. ,�, I 11. �,I I .:v1, �I �.,Ia.,IIlh..f , I v n .. c V.I. It�td5i:A' �� I� tit Il. . Irrl Ar9�..1.H1t..,lrinn lll�l�,r 1';j ,11u I, :?�,�8,oz:,T.uld`N,[>tk. I 111,19:1 , ., r . ,.1 I��1 I.: rllr .h Ir. Il�.n 1.9,t -, 1; , 1 li p pll Ilcl,rvl„ a_II ,t. lII:!1 an. .I r.:!6P,l.l t �l t �I IE. l i I pp { t !. R.cirlelV�QI���I1�t;e?7,rllil�Il,hII.Ir 1'I- v16. j u,,II .j L .Ill � 1 i'• II I I � 7 Iili IV; III .,,,!ytt a{I l,lll, v �I;1 , o...,, ,II r dho! I'll .;al l l!, 5! .; ; f a.l ::li ao, -I lI . „( ...:•.:,a..e ,, tJ /d,c1`To�al .. Q:... p I .. L. r, 151 'fi. „11 I, elm Id I .t r ��r,llrl. m ..'hlv.,l�li...,vr.. {:. .,. .. .b . •.. le,• .L,url/JL ,c.ultLl,tS E r .1 :11IIlr, d I r �. s, ,.„ t , I. `I I I , . l .1.11. I .. }. llt, L .QI r: I! 14 . , .I ,w L.. • , IY ar;,+, I I..1 ,I a 1 !; �, t :aP;r,tllln5`n Ju I-�,Il I ,•: I .I. , t � d it II. ., 1 ;k t_, I I i ill lilt ( .s •'' :. I I � � ! , - 1 '1 I In II 1�,. •- art.,. „1 ' �Ilp :I.I .II I I {.I'I L1;�,11: .,!„It.ili', ., .7F I"d{I 1 I!BII' �I%�'I :r al(IIr'r ell I':.� fk(.ttl r ��I. III 41 Iap.Il..ilG.11l rllr.l..71t{r111"1i�1�111�I✓!'I���IIIIIJIrllll i� CII'rW.:i9y�yIII��,�J!�.I,���Y ;:: .:., „ ,IIIL1, ;, L.I , 1„,„ II, .tt4 II,, I.. 4I l.i;i cer:.itonl2:: t -.. ,: _ � ..:.. 1 etlts , . 1. Sctvlti mr ) .,Gr:alus/Bre u. r.:, _g� I, :'r . , 1. I JI I a: :jl li I 1 I II d I ll { Li. ..v� I•;I rtol pf:� Y-�. 5� Jl 1. i 'I.IIII II III , 1Y III:t �(. ('/ c. or 1 oz./Z8or larger) ,.. .. g. a , , ... 1:1 : • . . 7.. ads'and:L.. Y ., .OZ_ y .4t .-.n-IuE II .,y.. 't A ; L11 tt}1. Milk Day l Day 2 Day 3 ..t�tl.4Itll .,.,:)..k'arll�q!...!,ce Day 4 t tit:_,Sk�'�ll!Iilla '.-4''' Day M/MA White/Chocolate Milk (1c.or8fl. oz.) White/Chocolate Milk (1c.or8fl. oz.) White/Chocolate Milk (1c.or8fl.oz.) White/Chocolate Milk (1c.or8fl.oz.) 5 White/Chocolate Milk Ham and Cheese Sandwich (21/2 oz. Turkey Ham** and 1/2 oz. Cheese) TurkeyWrap(1 (2 /2 oz. Deli Turkey* & %Z oz. cheese) Bologna and Cheese Sandwich (1'/ oz. Bologna & 1/2 oz. Cheese) Sliced Chicken on Bun (2 oz. of sliced chicken) c. or 8 O. oz.)d SuUlnarine Sandwich (2 % oz. Turkey Ham** &'/, oz. Cheese) 1st nd V/b' Carrot & Celery Sticks (1/4 c. total or larger) Lettuce & Tomato in . Wrap ('A c. or larger) Lettuce & Tomato (% c_ or larger) Carrot & Celery Sticks (1/4c. total or larger) g ) Lettuce &Tomato (/ c. or larger) 2 V/F Applesauce (% c. or larger) Fresh F nit (1/2 c. or larger) Fruit Cocktail (1/2 c. or larger) Fresh Seasonal Fruit ('/z c. or larger) Pear Halves GIB Hamburger Bun (1.8 oz.) 10" Flour Tortilla (.9 oz./25 g. or larger) Wheat or White Bread (2 slices) Hamburger Bun (1.8 oz.)(.9 (t/, c. or larger) Sub Roll oz./25 g. or larger) Other (Optional) Mustard/Mayonnaise (1 pkg. ea.) Assorted Salad Dressing (2 T.) Ranch Dressing Dip (1 T.) Assorted Salad Dressing (2 "I ) Mustard/Mayonnaise pkg. ea.) -t .Snack ...:, Meat/ 1 I . I ' Mnitw uu eat attetnl :Select'2 :.; . LM �' ....,. ::. , ;., . Lf ,ea: _ I,JI, hlrr, IvI lr[llter i�te ,,:;,Irl� .(, . r 1 : • :: I• f..,..r 71 r!t,Hr LUI i,'..,,1r.1 a::rl�....u..n�. .Jl�fl•u?:,hl.l fl.;,,,1 . ..f.Li I r 1 1 'PIP,' I .. , !. •:.I.,. I : I o 1:4,11 = IL:. r LorupatteLlttlGrmo Isl' ,8':ozr' � F.. r. ..... r l ! t .-:r. ,. lttiul nlll�,,ltl I:Irt� , t, ,l ' . It , ,,.,,.r,. I• I::If •r.. . P le ..It„ ',0 r ..., 1 ,.ul.t.. rl. .�. 6...fl(I r.>tl kr.,..n IR!.r`•r.,, •L�r:, ..r ..., . (�.r.�.l. 1.1. p.. L..Y,51 - Clw?Ir?1:lla n I - 1 i.,,,, . III t I r , ii'tl' :; , I ,111+irrq a! 1: >, Ml��c; /ale I Ve�%elablt✓/LLtutlJtitce� I: . • , .f.,l I : �I r , ..0 ,,;, ._ I J6 ,. ., t, l f ,..rS.. ,1 f _ 1 , II�.],.t �i lia�,tlll�Sty;�,t' �'Y (It:I(F3(t.F..., iil.l.,a .ri'�ll.,tl.. p it ;.., � Set 1 setvtn Grains/Bt.ead' yin g - I .:.C.. + uc„ .. I1...: :, .,I-d. _ ,I C I`tS" I I ....,.. �,... ,-,.r,. . ,�•,, I s of l oz I ,. ;L: .•. ,' I II l -J � ii ��... �It Day 1 t.,w1�:l.,r�� Day 2. Da y 3 Da Y 4 r,,;;,ta 4_..,�,:i, ,..L. Day 5 M ilc M/MA Fruited Yogtu-t (4 oz. or 1/2 c.) American Cheese (1 oz. or larger) VIE 100% Juice (% c. or 6 if. oz.) 100% Juice (' c. or 6 fl. oz.) ° 100 /a Juice (% 6 fl. G/D Deli Turkey has Graham Crackers (.9 oz./25 g. or larger) Pretzels (.9 oz./25 g. or larger) Saltine Crackers (8 Squares/.7 oz./20 g.) . Animal Cracicers (.9 oz./25or larger) g.g ) c. or oz.) Cereal Bar (1.3 larger) water added and does not credit ounce for ounce. You must use 1.6 ounces of icli Turke f r 1 M I/M oz. or y o ounce '. cat Alternate ani/ urkey Ham has water added and does not credit ounce for ounce. You roust use 1.4 ounces of Turkey Ham for I ounce Mcat/Meat Alternate Schedule B Ten -Day Cycle Menus - Days 6-10 ;rJ elilcf�s. uiti1iuiTl; a rri' U IiII�::Ir l �' 'altern 41! ia101,410' pt gl l rW)l it tlr Mr�Prr c�s e'eta�le Milk V/t' GIB lair P�r.l ror,I Gth Other (Optional) M 1k v/F G/B Day 6 White/Chocolate Milk (1 c. or 8 11. oz.) Sliced Peaches (1/2 c. or larger) Enriched Cold Cereal c. or 1 oz./28 g. or larger) lex linhi wiNtea i �I III Sa. l .. ternate �ull4'Ili!j!l1�ihPgyll lllhJlf„hd l�. Il tli 11, I. .•,a;ri:.�ll41f•: Day 6 lll!tllllla) � attel'h White/Chocolate Mille (lc.or8fl.oz.) Ham and Cheese Sandwich (21A. oz. Turkey Ham" and %2 oz. Cheese) Lettuce & Tomato (% c. or larger) Chilled Applesauce (%2 c. or larger) Hamburger Bun (1.8 oz./50 g. or larger) Mustard/Mayonnaise (I pkg. ea.) Jlfnnnutll 100% Juice ('/a c. or 6 Il. oz.) Day 7 White/Chocolate Milk (1 c. or 8 fl. oz.) 100% Juice ('/2-c. or 4 R. oz.) English Muffin (.9 oz./25 g. or larger) !Ili. IT Yil`d+ 16,Inu,I i' iI iiIl sfl(611�,�I I�IG,1! �d hh r.u.6� tLIB;,2rvlfh!riii Day 7 White/Chocolate Mille (I c. or 8 R. oz.) Turkey arid Cheese Sandwich (2'/2 oz. Turkey'' and %2 oz. Cheese) Fresh Baby Carrots ('/n c. or larger) Fresh Fruit (%2 c. or larger) Wheat or White Bread (2 slices) 1111111-K2111ARIttFPAil.. ll lPr�IIIIjrF III!a 1G'l. Lit '�I atlrr lfy,4i.rzr /!I iurt/Ju>cet, all l'ser Dui Gi a "h „' ' 5 r, x w I !� gp i-1411 rcadOkla a�d tvle , I Day 8 White/Chocolate Milk (I c. or 8 11. oz.) • Fruit Cocktail (%2 G. or larger) Enriched Cold Cereal (3/, c. or 1 oz./28 g. or larger) Day 9 White/Chocolate Milk (1 c. or 8 fl. oz.) 4i,:SpIr�IIIIIII�IIIIIu!Ini 4 it ]hIIIu,F;lll a'l Se YilrIiI'To Ucgetable/ IhIII��II III '7,- Ii ,liAi !'�Illy{Illjlll�' {, s .�llx.1111��.14�IfJ111�glll�Cl!Ii,n11i1'u+l!rod n!aphllR IIJ Day 8 '��ultlJtuce White/Chocolate Milk (1 c. or 8 R. oz.) Salami and Cheese Sandwich (2 oz. Salami & %2 oz. Cheese) Lettuce & Tomato (''/ c. or larger) Sliced Peaches ('/ c. or larger) Wheat or White Bread (2 slices) 100% Juice (%2 c. or 4 fl. oz.) Muff n (1.8 oz./50 g. or larger) I!r:H N ' seiving. Day 9 White/Chocolate Ivlilk (1 c. or 8 11. oz.) Submarine Sandwich (21/4 oz. Turkey harm** &'/2 oz. Cheese) 100% Juice (not same as fruit) (%2 c. or 4 R- oz) Fresh Fruit ('/e c. or larger) Sub Roll (.9 oz./25 g or larger) Day 10 White/Chocolate Milk (1 c. or 8 fl. oz.) Fruit Cup ('/2 C. or larger) Enriched Cold Cereal c. or 1 oz./28 g. or larger) Day 10 White/Chocolate Milk (1c.or8R.oz.) Bologna and Cheese Sandwich (1'% oz. Bologna & 'A oz. Cheese) Lettuce & Tomato (% c. or larger) Fresh Fruit (%2 c. or larger) Wheat or White Bread (2 slices) Snack Crackers (.9 oz./25 g. or larger) Ranch Dressing Dip (2 T.) Whole Fresh Fruit ('/n c. or larger) Snack Mix (.9 oz./25 g. or larger) Assorted Salad Dressing (2 T.) 1:1C!i1•. 100% Juice (3/< c. or 6 R. oz.) Wheat Snack Crackers (.9 oz./25 g. or larger) Animal Crackers (.9 oz./25 g or larger) Dill Pickle Slices serving GrauTs/Brea' or Fresh Fruit (' c. or larger) Tortilla Chips (.9 oz./ 25 g. or larger) * Deli Turkey has water added and does not credit ounce for ounce. You must use 1.6 ounces of Deli Turkey for I ounce Meat/Meat Alternate ""Han /Turkey 1-lam has water added and does not credit ounce for ounce. You must use I.4 ounces of Turkey Hain for I ounce Meat/Meal Alternate FNS 688 — Florida DOE Prototype Page 17 (2 slices) Day 10 White/Chocolate Milk (I c. or 8 11. oz.) Cookies (2.2 oz./63 g. or larger) SECTION H Guidelines for Meal Components • • Meats must be USDA inspected. • All M/1viA servings must be a.2 ounce portion. . • Meat and cheese can be served in combination (1 ounce of meat and 1 ounce of cheese = 2 ounces totallvl/IvLk). • Yogurt may be served as a M/ vIA component. • Brealaast and Snack - 4 oz: (weight) or ✓ cup (volume) of plain, sv✓eetened, or flavored yogurt to equal 1 ounce of the meat/meat alternate component, • Lunch and Supper - 8 oz. (weight) or 1 cup (volume) yogurt to equal 2 ounces of the meat/meat alternates component. Do not use homemade yogurt, 'as it may present food safety dangers. Frozen yogurt or other Meat and ' yogurt -flavored • snack products "are not considered yogurt and''therefore do not meet the Meat requirements. • ' Alternates • Cheese must be natural or processed to be creditable •as a MIIJiA. _Products labeled "imitation" (M/N�) • cheese or cheese "product" are not. creditable M/Mk and should not be served as cheese. Cheese • products labeled, cheese "food", cheese "spread", or cheese substitute are creditable, but 2 ounces of product Hiatt be used to achieve 1. ounce of MMM/MA. • Turkey ham or ham/turkey with water added do not yield ounce for ounce as a 1vI/1v1A. It will take a 1.4 ounce portion of these products to achieve a 1 ounce M/IYLA. credit, • • Hot dogs and/or bologna should not contain; 1) meat or poultry byproducts; 2) cereals; 3) binders; or 4) extenders. One ounce ofthese items credits as 1-ounce :YUMA. • Roast Turkey Breast (ail white meat, no turkey roll) and must contain all white -skeletal boneless turkey meat, no skin, and no ground or comminuted meat Soy products carrot be used as binning; however, modified food starch or canrageen is acceptable. • Two. different fruits/vegetables"must be served at lunch meals. It can be 2 fruits, 2 vegetables., or' 1 of each. The total. F-/V serving must be a min um oT % cup. • • Canned Fruits, . • o Fruits can be packed in fruit juice, water, light syrup, or natural juices. Must be US Grade B or greater, . • Portion may include a small Fmount of the juice that the item is packed in. • Fruit Juices . '• Fruits and o Only 100 percent strength juice is allowed. vegetable o Reconstituted juice must be diluted accorriing to the manufacture's instructions to achieve a (FIV) 100% juice strength. • Should be packaged in leak proof containers • ' • Fruit -flavored 'drinks, ales, or punches that contain less than 50 percent strength juice axe not acceptable. • Juice or syrup from canned fruit cannot be used as mat juice. • Lettuce and tomato should be packaged separately from the sandwich. . • Fresh fruit sizes must be a minimum of cup in volume and should be ripe and ready to eat. • Pickles will not be counted as a F/V. They will only count as a condiment. FNS- o&8 Florida DOE Prototyp> Page 18 Grains and Breads (G/B) Guidelines for Meal Components • All items served as G/B components must comply to weight/voinme standards accoring to the Grain/Bread Instruction. • Use grains/breads that are whole -grain or enriched, or made from whole -grain or enriched four or. , meal. Read labels on commercial products.to guide you when determining if the product is made. of whole -grain or enriched grain products. Bran and germ are credited the same as whole-grain.or enriched flour and/or meal. • • Cold cereals must be whole -grain, enriched, or fortified. Individual cereal should be not less than 3/4 cup of volnrn e or loz. of weight (whichever is less). o AL cereals must be packed in individual leak -proof "bowl" shaped boxes. o It is acceptable to serve both sweetened and unsweetened cereal varieties, However, sweetened cereals should contain less than 40 % of sucrose or other sugars by weight. • General : All sandwiches must be: made with whole grain or other enriched flour breads. Bread must be at least -4" by 4". • • • -Hamburger Bans must be 3 1/2" in•diameter. • • Subhiarine/lHoagie •Bins; must not be a hot dog bin and should be at least 4" in length. . •• • will is to be served as a beverage. _portion of the brealdast milli can. be used with cereal. Fluid Mi1k • • Fluid milt; may be served as flavored or linflavored and should be a combination of 1% and 2% (Milk) unflavored milk and 1% chocolate flavored milk • • Dille must be provided in an 8 ounce carton or pouch and must be maintained at 41° F or less at aL•ti-nes. • FNS 688 F1loridaDOE-Prototype Page 19 SECTION H (continued) ice Program (SISPI Meal Patterns Food ' • Minimum Portion Sizes . . •Components Breakfast Lunch or Supper Supplement1 (Choose two (2) of the four (4) components) Milk • • 2' 1 cup (8 fl oz) 3 1 cup (8 fl oz). 1 cup (8 id • oz)2 • Milk, fluid Veaetables'and/or Fruits • % cup OR •. 1/2. cup (4 fl oz) OR • ,.cup / 4 • 3A cup total (of at least 2 different vegetables and/or omits) . •• 'A eup OR • a p (6oz) cup fl OR • 4. 3A•cup • • Vegetable(s) and/or fruit(s) OR • Full-strength vegetable or fruit juice OR • An equivalent quantity of any combination of vegetables(s), frait(s), and juice 5 Grains and Breads • 1 slice OR • 1 serving OR • 3/4 cup or 1 oz6 OR • '/2 cup OR . • r/2 cup OR • • See Grains/Breads Instruction • 1 slice OR . ° 1 serving OR B. 3/4 cup or 1 oz6 OP. e '/2 cup OR • '/ cup OR • See Grains/Breads Instruction • 1. slice.OR • • . 1 serving OR • 3/4 cup or 1 oz6 OR • '/ cup OR ' o '/ dui OR • See Grains/Breads Instruction • Bread OR 6 'Cornbread, biscuits, roils, muffins, etc, OR' • Cold dry cereal OR • • Cooked pasta or noodle product OR • Cooked cereal or cereal grains OR • An equivalent quantity of any combination of grainsforeads • Meat and Meat Alternates 0 ttonal at Brealdast)• (poz ' ' • 1 oz OR • 1 oz OR • 1/2 late egg OR' ' • 1 oz OR .. ' • 1/4 cup OR • 2 tbsp OR e 1 oz OR • 4 oz or 1/2. cup OR 1 oz 2 OR • 2 oz OR • 1 large egg OR • 2 oz OR • r/_ cup OR • _^, fbsp OR 1 oz= 50%s OR • 8 oz or 1 cup OR' ' .2 oz. . • 1 oz OR o 1 oz OR • 1/2 large egg OR • 1 oz OR • 'A cup OR • 2 tbsp OR • 1 oz OR : 4 oz or'A cup OR 1 oz • Lean meat or poultry or fsh OR • Cheese OR • Eggs OR 7 - •• Alternate Protein'Product • OR • Cooked day beans or peas OR • Peanut butte_ or soy nut butter or other nut • or seed butters OR • Peanuts or soy nut or tree nuts or seeds OR • Yooglrt, plain or sweetened/flavored OR • An equivalent quantity of any combination of the above meat/meat alternates FOOTNOT.ES i Serve two food items, Each food item must be from a different food component Juice may not be served when milt: is served as the only other component, 2 Shall be served as a beverage, or on cereal, oruse part of it for each purpose. 3 Shell be served as. a beverage. 4 Serve two or more }duds of vegetable(s) and/or fruit(s) or a combination of both. Full-strength vegetable or fruit juice may be counted to meet not more than , one-half of this recuirement. 5 All grainforeaditems must be enriched or whole -grain, made from enriched orwnole-grain meal or flour, or if it is a cereal, the product must be whole- . grain, enriched or fortified. Bran and germ are credited the same as enriched or whole -grain meal or fiour. 6 Eithervolume (cup) or weight (ounce), whichever is less, 7 Must meet the requirements in Appendix A of the SFSP regulations. S No more than 50 percent of the requirement shell be met with nuts or seeds. Nuts or seeds shall be combined with another meat/meat alternate to fulfill the requirement. 'When determining combinations, 1. ounce of nuts or seeds is equal to 1 ounce of cooked lean meat, poultry, or fish. PNS-688— Florida-DOE-P-ratotype Page 20 USDA Grains/Breads Instruction Grains/Breads Requirement for the Food -Based Menu Planning Alternatives in the Child Nutrition Programs REFERENCE: U.S. Depailwent of Agriculture FCS Instruction Number 783-1, REV.2, •1-8-97 SOURCE CITATION: 7 CFR210.10, 210.10a, 220.8, 220.8a, 225.16, and 226.20 .A.PPLIC ALE TO: The food -based menu planning alternatives in the Child Nutrition Programs (i.e., the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), the School Brealcfast program (SBP), the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), and the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) contain a requirement that all, meals offered include grains/breads or bread/bread alternate food item(s), hereafter termed "grains/breads." Program regulations set forth the minimum quantities of grains/breads required for • brealtt'asts; lunches, suppers and supplements (snacics) to be reimbursable. This Instruction sets forth the criteria to be used to determine acceptable grains/breads, the criteria to be used to determine equivalent minimum serving sizes, and examples of foods that qualify as grains/breads fo:meals I . CRTl'ERIA FOR DE•.I'ERIY TING ACCEPTABLE GRALNS/BREADS TINDER THE FOOD -BASED IyF ..N'U PLANNLNG • ALTERNATIVES A. All ,grains/breads items must be enriched or whole -grain, made from enriched or whole -grain meal or flour, or if it is a cereal, the product must be whole -grain, enriched or fortified. Bran and germ are credited the same as enriched or whole -grain meal or flour. . B. The label must indicate that the product is enriched or whole -grain; made from enriched or whole -grain meal or flour as well as bran and/or germ; or•fortined. If it is enriched, the item must meet the Food and Drug Administration's Standards of identify (21 (.2±r •Suction 136, 137, 139) for enriched bread, macaroni and noodle products, rice, or cornmeal. • . C. • The item must be provided in quantities specified in the regulations. •One-q_uarter.(1/4) of a . serving is the smallest amount allowable to be credited toward the minimum quantities of gains/breads specified inprogram regulations. • Tj, CRI1'ERLA FOR DETERMINING . • EQUIVAI.,EN,I,I�hl�ltJ-M SERVING SIZES: • • . s Exhibit A, attached, contains the equivalent minimum serving sizes for a wide variety of purchased food items. • • • e • In lieu of using the minimum serving sizes fisted in Exhibit A, foe connibution of a gains/breads in 2 recipe may be calculated to determine the number. oa grains/greads.se.-yings the recipe Provides. The crediting of a food item as•a grains/breads serving is determined by fbe total amount of enriched or whole -grain meal and/or flour in the recipe divided by the number of servings the recipe yields. Bran and germ are calculated in the same manner as enriched or whole -grain meal and dour. • For the types of food items listed in Groups A-G of Exhibit A to count as one full 'serving, an item must contain no less than 14.75 grams (0.52 ounces) of enriched or whole-grainmeal and/or four. For the•types of food items listed in Groups g and 1 of Exhibit A to count as one full serving, the f 1 I. • • FOODS lH /1T QUALIFY Y AS GRAINS/ BREADS . Foods that qualify as grainsfbreads.forthe Child Nunition Programs are foods that are enriched or . whole -grain or'made from •enriched or whole -grain meal or flour. Bran and germ are credited the same as enriched o whole-p din meal or flour. Such foods include, bite are'not i mined to` • • A. Breads that are enriched or whole -grain. B. • Biscuits, bagels, rolls, tortillas, muffins, or crackers made with enriched or wholegrain meal or flour, C. Cereal grains (cooked) such as rice, bulgur, oatmeal, coin. grits, wheat or couscous that are • . enriched or whole -grain, D. •Ready -to -eat breakfast cereals that are enriched, whole -grain, or fordfed. E. Cereals or bread products that ore used as an ingredient in. another menu item such as crispy rice treats, oatmeal cookies or breading on fish or•poultry when they are enriched, whole grain, or fdrtified, F. Macaroni or noodle products (cooked) made with enriched or whole -grain Sour. Program regulations for the NSLP and the SFSP allow enriched macaroni products that have been fortified with -protein to be counted to meet either a grains/breads or meat/meat alternate requirement but not as both in the same meal. G. Sweet foods such as toaster pcistries, coffee cake, doughnuts, sweet rolls, cookies, cakes, or fonmdated grain -fruit products (authorized under Appendix A of 7 CFR part 220) when made with enriched or whole -grain meal or flour and served, as permitted under Exhibit A. When sweet foods are permitted, no more than one grains/breads serving per day may be a dessert and sweet snack foods should not be served as part of a snack more than twice a week.. H. .Pie crust when made with enriched or whole -grain meal or four and served, as permitted under Exhibit A. I. Non -sweet snack products such as hard pretzels, hard breadsticks, and chips made from enriched or whole -grain meal or flour. FCS INSTRUCTION 783-1 REV. 2 GRATNTSBREADS FOR THE E FOOD -BASED MENU PLANNING ALTERNA'I'IYES LN THE CHILI? NTJTRITION PRO GRAMS I , W T> NILST1 fl\Tfi SIZE FOR GRC TTP 4 C;ROTTP 1 ,serving= 0 g n nr 0 7 oz • Bread type coating 3l serving = II5 gin or 0 5 07 • Bread Bricks (hard) 1/ servin e = 10 gm or 0 4 07 • Chow mein noodles . 1/4 serving = 5 ern or 0.2 oz • Crackers (saltines and snack crackers) • Croutons • Pretzels (hard) • • Stiffing (dry) Note: Weights apply to bread in stuffing I MTN T TTNI- SERVING 4T7F• FOR (T'ROUP B GROTTP 1 serving 25 gm nr 0.9 fir. • Bagels • 3/4 seving= . 19 gm or 0.7 oz • Batter.type coating . '/ .Serving = 3 ; am or•0 5 nz • Biscuits.• ih seTSing = • 6 gni or 0.2 oz • Breads (white, wheat, whole wheat, French, Italian) • Bnm.s (hamburger and hotdog) • • . Crackers (graham crackers —all shapes, animal crackers) • Egg roll sldns . • English muffins • • • . Pita bread (white, wheat, whole wheat) • Pizza true • Pretzels (sod) • . 5 Rolls (white, wheat, whole wheat, potato) • . Tortillas. -(Wheat or cow):........... ...... .. .... . ..: • Tor;iiia chips (Wheat or corn) • •. .. • Taco shellsII. • . ' • �,RVI G ST7F, POP GROUP C GROUP 1 serving = 31 • gm or 1.1 oz • Cookies'- (plain) 3/ serving= 23 gin or 0.8 oz • • Cornbread • •• • • •. . .. .. . '/z serving = 16 grn or 0.6 oz Corte muffin"c '/� = 8 03 • serving K_ or oz • • Croissants • Pancakes � • Pia crust (dessert pies-, fruit turnovers3, and meat/meat alternate pies) • Waf-les• I I • Group T 1 - MT�Tf MIl _SF':R T ST7,E FQR (R OTT 11 -frosted) 1 serving = I 50 gm or 1.8 oz • Doughnuts3 (calve and yeast raised, Tin . ' 3/a serving = 3 8 •gm or 13 oz • Granola bars' (plain) • V, serving = 25 gm or 0.9 n7 • Muffins (all, except corn) '/ serving = 13 Qm or 0.5 oz • Sweet roll' (rmfrosted) • Toaster pas try3 (l2nfrosted) FNS-588-=Florida-D9E Prototype P age22 MENU PLANNING ALTERNATIVES S' PROGRAMS' GRAINS/BREADS FOR THE FOOD -BASED IN THE CHILD NUTRITION GROUP E MINIMUM SERVING SIZE FOR GROUP E • Cooldes2 (with nuts, raisins, chocolate pieces and or/fruit purees) • Doughnuts' (cake and yeast raised, frosted or glazed)... • French toast • • Grain fruit bars' • Granola bars3 (with nuts, raisins, chocolate pieces and or/fruit) • Sweet rolls' (frosted) • • Toaster pastry' (frosted) 1 serving = 63 gm or 2.2 oz 3/4 serving = .47 gm or 1.7 oz 1/2 serving = 31 gm or 1.1 oz 1/4 serving = 16 gm or 0.6 oz GROUP F I MINIMCJIv1 SERVING SIZE FOR GROUP F • Cake2 (plain, nn-frosted). • Coffee cake' 1 sewing = 75 gm or.2.7 oz 3/4 serving = 56 gm or 2 oz 1/2 serving = 38 gm. or 1.3 oz 1/4 serving = 19 gm or 0.7 oz GROUP G • . MINIMUM SERVING SIZE FOR GROUP G • Brownies2 (plain) • Cakee (all varieties, frosted) 1 serving = 1115 gm or 4 oz 3/4 serving = 86gm or 3 oz 1/2 serving = 158 g==' or 2 oZ 1/4 serving = 129 gm or 1 oz GROUP H • haNIKUIVI SERVNNG SIZE FOR -GROUP H • Barley • Breas Fast cereals (cooked)) • Bulgur or cracked wheat • Macaroni (all shapes) e Noodles (all varieties) . • . Pasta (all shapes) . • Ravioli (noodle only) . e Rice (enriched white or brown) 1 serving= 1/2 cup cooked (or 25 • • • GROUP I • MJN 0M SERVING SIZE FOR GROUP I • Ready -to -eat breal,-last cereal (cold dry) 4 ' _ .._...._ 1 serving = .. - - -.......... 3/4 cup or 1 oz, whichever is less Some of the following foods or their'accompgniments may contain more •sugar, salt, and/or fat than . others. This should be a consideration when deciding how often to serve them. • • Allowed only for desserts under the enhanced food -based menu planning alternative specified in section. 210.10 and supplements (snacks) served under the NSLP, SFSP, and CACFP. . Allowed for desserts under the enhanced food -based 'menu -planning alternative specified in section 210.10 and supplements (snacks) served under the NSLP, SFSP, and CACFP, and for brealc asts served under the SBP, SFSP, and•CACF.P. Refer to program regulations for the appropriate serving size for supplements served to children aged lthrough 5 in the NSLP; breakfasts served under the SBP; and meals served to children ages .1 through 5 and adult participants in the CACFP. Brealdast cereals are traditionally served as a breakfast menu item but may be served in meals other than breakfast. FNS 688—Florida-DOB-Prototype Page23 SCHEDULE C SPONSOR: UNIT PRICE SCHEDULE CITY OF MIAMI INSTRUCTIONS VENDOR: Complete items (d) and (e) for each Meal SPONSOR: Complete items (a) (c) for each Meal Type Type Total Meals X Cost .= Total Cost. . (a) MEAL TYPE (b) AVERAGE DAILY MEALS (c) TOTAL NUIvvER OF 1\ALS (2) (d) UNIT COST (3) (e) TOTAL BID LUNCH 2615 130,750 $ n �� i 34n q-7, S„ ADT JSTNLNTS If the average daily meals billed is less than the average daily meals needed (per item (b).above) a onetime adjusMnent to the -unit price can. be made at the end of the prop ail as follows: AVERAGE PATP_ATT Y MEATS BF_ LED - AVERAGE DATi Y MEATS NEEDED 81-90% 71— 80% 61-70% MULTIPLY ` iIT COST" (D) BY `PHIS AMOUNT 1.05 1.10 1.15 E AI LE: If the average daily meals billed - by the "average daily meals needed" (iteth b above) = .82. or 82% multiply the "unit cost' (item (d) above) by 1.05. The contractor will invoice the sponsor at the•100% Hit cost indicated above bi-weekly. To determine if•an• . . additional cost per meal is due the vendor, complete the following calculation. Divide the total n'imber of meals billed by type (lunch, breakfast or supplement) for the total length of the program by the total number of . days the program was operated. Any additional charges resulting from this higher "adjustment" will be reflected in the final_ statement from the vendor. NOTE: The unit cost per meal may not exceed the maximum operational reimbursement for each meal type as stated in Part 7 CFR225 of the federal re?ulations. 1, Obtained from Columns (3) and (6), Schedule A, by divining total meals for each specific meal -type by the greatest number of days operated by a site in Cohn'nn (3). 2, Obtained from Schedule A by totaling Column (6) for each specific meal type. 3. Unit cost specified is that cost based on 100%Average Meals Needed Per Day. PiNNS 68-8 -Florida-DOE-Pototype Pane 24 SCH H'DULE C SPONSOR UNIT PRICE SCHEDULE CITY OF MIAMI INSTRUCTIONS VENDOR: Complete items (d) and (e) for each Meal SPONSOR: Complete items (a) — (c) for each Meal Type Total Meals X Cost = Total Cost. Type (a) IVEAL TYPE (b) AVERAGE D_AILY MEALS , (c) TOTAL NUIvBER OF MEALS (2) (d) UNIT CO.ST (3) (e) TOTAL BID P.M. SUPPLEMENTS (AFTERNOON SNACKS) 2690 134,500 $ ,, Lp $ �/-7, q2'-S _ _ .) ADJUSTIvSEN.TS Ifthe average daily meals billed is less than the average daily meals needed (per -item (b). above) a one time adjustment to the unit price can be made at the end. of the progrPTn as follows' . AVERAGE DAILY Ni�A.LS BILLED - AVERAGE D ALT.Y Iv EALS NEEDED 81— 90% 71-80% 61-70% MULTIPLY "UNIT COST:; (D) BY TT-HS AMOUNT 1.05 1.10 1.15 EXAMPLE.: If the average daily meals billed - by the "average daily meals needed" (item b above) = .82 or . 82%multiply the "unit cost" (item (d) above) by 1.05. The contractor will invoice the sponsor at tae•I00% unit cost indicated abovebi=wearily. To de,termine if an - additional cost per meal is due the vendor, complete the following calculation. Divide the total.number of meals billed by type (lunch, brealotast or supplement) for the total llength of the program by the -total number of days the program was operated. Any additional charges resulting from this higher "adjustment" will be reflected in the final statement from the vendor. NOTE: The unit cost per meal may.not exceed the maximum operational reinnbursement for each meal type as stated in Part 7 C.Y'R 225 of the federal regulations. . 1, Obtained from Columns (3) and (5), Schedule A, by dividing total meals for each specific meal type by the greatest number of days operated by a -site in Column (3). 2. Obtained from Schedule A by totaling Cohmmn (6) for each specific meal type_ • 3. Unit cost specified is that cost based on 100% Average Meals Needed Per Day. FNS 6S8--Florida GE -Prototype Page 24 SCHEDULE - BID SUIvlNiARY Vendor Name: )DO 1 S t " ' ' D SHEET ' rb. , G' CITY OF MIAM1 Sponsor Name: • 32 Total Number of Sites: I. Bid calculations (1) Col 9-Sched A (2) (3) MEAL TYPE TOTAL NUMBER OF YEALS UNIT COST BID = TOTAL COST PER MEAL TYPE , Breakast $ $ a.m. Supplements $ • $ Lunch 130,750 $ 0f2:5 $ . ' '9' Lp 44-7 _ S" p.m. Supplements 134,500 $ 0 EA- $ 3'r7 Li ;1.5" _ JJ Suppers $ $ TOTALEDE)2ENSE $ 433.471. II. Note: Column (1) X Colt'tnn (2) = Column (3) • Contract. Period 06/ 11 /2012 08/10/2012 From To Dates of meal service: 5 Wednesday, July 4, 2012 Dates) closed Days per week: (i.e. holidays) This contract will be for a one (1) year period with an option to renew for four (4) additional one (1) year terms. 2011 Meal Reimbursement Rates Breakfast: $ 1.71 Lunch or Supper: $ 2.98 ���Su b mi�r�rp�Erria i I�,��,� "='`, ''� 0.69 A.M. or P.M. Supplement: $fir_ • S b88=FIthi8aDOS Prb 5 i5