HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2022-05-31 MinutesCity of Miami City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com Y or �r Y * I N C 0 R P 0 R A T E 0 7� 18 88 Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 31, 2022 9:00 AM Special Meeting City Hall City Commission Francis X. Suarez, Mayor Christine King, Chair, District Five Joe Carollo, Vice Chair, District Three Alex Diaz de la Portilla, Commissioner, District One Ken Russell, Commissioner, District Two Manolo Reyes, Commissioner, District Four Arthur Noriega, V, City Manager Victoria Mendez, City Attorney Todd B. Hannon, City Clerk City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 9:00 AM INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Present. Chairwoman King, Vice Chair Carollo, Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla, Commissioner Russell and Commissioner Reyes On the 31st day of May, 2022, the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, met at its regular meeting place in City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, in special session. Chairwoman King opened the meeting at 9:11 a.m. for presentations and proclamations only. Upon conclusion of presentations and proclamations, Chairwoman King officially called the meeting to order at 9:38 a.m., and adjourned at 10:44 a.m. Note for the Record. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla entered the Commission chambers at 9:46 a.m., and Vice Chair Carollo entered the Commission chambers at 10:05 a.m. ALSO PRESENT. - Arthur Noriega, V, City Manager Victoria Mendez, City Attorney Todd B. Hannon, City Clerk Chair King: At this time, we are going to have a moment of prayer. And we are honored today to have Pastor Raymond Carvil come up and do the invocation for us at this time. He comes to us from the Living Word Baptist Church and he is also a former City of Miami employee who has returned to give us blessings for this morning. Thank you. Invocation delivered. Chair King: Thank you so much. Thank you. Commissioner, would you say the Pledge of Allegiance for us? Commissioner Reyes: Gladly. Pledge of Allegiance delivered. Chair King: Thank you. You all may be seated. City ofMiami Page I Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 PR - PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS PRA I PROTOCOL ITEM 11965 Honoree Presenter Protocol Item Miguel Paredes Mayor Suarez Certificate of Merit City of Miami Fire Rescue Division of Mayor Suarez Certificate of Merit Emergency Management Fernando Casamavor Mayor Suarez Certificate of Merit RESULT: PRESENTED 1) Mayor Suarez and Commissioners presented a Certificate of Merit to recognize Mr. Miguel Paredes. Mr. Paredes is a City of Miami Fire Fighter who has been with the City of Miami Fire Department since December of 1992. Fire Fighter Paredes earned the respect and appreciation of his peers and will forever be regarded as a highly skilled professional, having offered his expertise in service of the City of Miami, including providing instruction for over 29 years and to over 7,500 residents, customers, and City of Miami employees in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillator (AED) certification, as well as the Emergency Bleeding Control training. Elected Officials paused in their deliberations to pay special tribute to Fire Fighter Miguel Paredes in his retirement after over 29 years of service. 2) Mayor Suarez and Commissioners presented a Certificate of Merit to recognize the service and action of the City of Miami Emergency Management team. The Division of Emergency Management faced great challenges in managing the COVID-19 pandemic in our community. The Finance Section of the Division of Emergency Management not only rose to the occasion but excelled in the process. The City, of Miami has become the Gold Standard of how submissions for Public Assistance Grant cost recovery should be conducted. FEMA is now using our City's submissions as a template to instruct other jurisdictions, and States, nationwide on how proper submissions for reimbursement should appear. To date, the City has submitted financial I10 projects for review related to COVID. In comparison, this is 10 times what the cities of New York and Los Angeles submitted. The result is much higher reimbursements but 10 times the work. To date, the City has submitted 110 projects to FEMA totaling $49,798,471.55. The most admirable statistic is that the City did not hire a vendor to accomplish this. This was completely done utilizing our civilians, non -sworn personnel in Emergency Management and reservist program, mostly firefighters trained to complete an additional task outside of 'their usual scope of work. Elected Officials paused in their deliberations to recognize and salute the City of Miami Emergency Management team and its Fire Fighters for their invaluable service and commitment to elevate the quality of life in the City, ofMiami. City ofMiami Page 2 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 ORDER OF THE DAY 3) Mayor Suarez and Commissioners presented a Certificate of Merit to Mr. Fernando Casamayor in recognition of his dedication and excellent service to the City of Miami. Mr. Casamayor was the Assistant City Manager and Chief Financial officer for the Citv of Miami for more than eight (8) years. Prior to joining the City of Miami, he was employed by Miami -Dade County Tax Collector's Office for more than 9 years. Mr. Casamayor is a true professional who was well -regarded and respected by his peers and leaders. Elected Officials paused in their deliberations to recognize and wish Mr. Casamayor farewell in his new endeavors and thanked him for his service and professionalism in elevating the quality of service in the City of Miami. Chair King: (INAUDIBLE) Tuesday. We are going to get started with our protocol items. Presentations made. Chair King: At this time, I'm going to call the special City Commission meeting for May 31 st, 2022 to order. Today 's special meeting has been called for the purpose of considering and taking any and all actions related to the agenda items associated with, the May 26, 2022 Miami City Commission meeting agenda as authorized by applicable laws and rules and regulations. The procedures for the public comment will be explained by the City Attorney. The members of the Commission appearing for this meeting thus far are myself, Christine King, Chairwoman, Commissioner Ken Russell, and Commissioner Manolo Reyes. Madam City Attorney, would you please provide us with the procedures for the public comment? Victoria Mendez (City Attorney): Thank you, Madam Chair. Any person who is a lobbyist pursuant to Chapter 2, Article 6 ofthe City Code must register with the City Clerk and comply with the related City requirements. Before appearing before the City Commission, a person may not lobby a City official, board member or staff member until registering. A copy of the code section about lobbyists is available in the City Clerk's Office or online at www.municode.com. Any person making a presentation, formal request or petitionn to the City Commission concerning real property must make the disclosures required by the City Code in writing. A copy of the City Code section is available in the office of the City Clerk or online at www.municode.com. The City of Miami requires anyone requesting action by the City Commission must disclose before the hearing any consideration provided or committed to anyone for agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested action pursuant to City Code Section 2-8. Any documents offered to the City Commission that have not been provided seven days before the meeting as part of the agenda materials will be entered into the record at the City Commission's discretion. In accordance with Section 2-33(f) and (g) of the City Code, the agenda material for each item on the agenda is available during business hours at the City Clerk's Of and online at www.miamigov.com. Any person may be heard by the Citv Commission through the Chair for not more than two minutes on any proposition before the Cite Commission, unless modified by the Chair. Public comment will begin at approximately 9:45 and remain open until public comment is closed by the Chair. Members of the public wishing to address the body may do so by submitting written comments via the online comment form. Please visit www.rniamigov.com/meetinginstructions.for detailed instructions on how to provide public comment using the online public comment.form. The comments submitted through the comment form have been and will be distributed to the elected officials and City Administration through the day so the elected officials may, consider the comments prior to taking any action. Additionally, the online comment form will City ofMiami Page 3 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 remain open during the meeting to accept comments and distribute to the elected officials up until the Chair closes public comment. Public comment may also be provided live at City Hall located at 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, subiect to any and all City rules as they may be amended. If a proposition is being continued or rescheduled, the opportunity to be heard may be at such a later date befbre the City Commission takes action on, such a proposition. When addressing the City Commission, the member of the public must first state their name, their address, and what item will be spoken about. Any person with a disability requiring assistance, auxiliary aids and services for this meeting may notify the City Clerk. The City has provided different public comment methods to indicate, among other things, the public's support, opposition, or neutrality on items and topics to be discussed at the City Commission meeting in compliance with Section 286.0114 (4)(c) Florida Statutes. The public has given the opportunity to provide public comment during the meeting and within reasonable proximity and time before the meeting. Please note Commissioners have been, briefed by City staff and the City Attorney on items on the agenda today. Anyone wishing a verbatim record of the item considered at this meeting may request it at the Office of Communications or view it online at www.miamigov.com. This meeting can be viewed live on Miami TV, the City's Facebook page, the City's Twitter page, the City's YouTube channel, and Comcast Channel 77. The broadcast will also have closed captioning. Thank you. Chair King: Thank you, Madam City Attorney. Mr. Manager, are there any items that the Administration would like to continue, defer, or withdraw or indefinitely defer? Arthur Noriega (City Manager): Good morning, Madam Chairwoman, Commissioners, Madam City Attorney, and Mr. City Clerk. At this time, the Administration would like to defer and/or withdraw the following items: RE.1, to be indefinitely deferred; RE.2, to be withdrawn.; FR.2, to be indefinitely deferred; and DI1, to also be indefinitely deferred. The Chair of the Code Enforcement Task Force is still unavailable. And that concludes the items. I'll say it one more time. RE.1, to be indefinitely deferred. Commissioner Reyes: RE.2. Mr. Noriega: RE.2, to be withdrawn. FR.2, to be indefinitely deferred. And D1.1, to be indefinitely deferred. Chair King: Good morning. Do you need us to repeat that for you? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I heard part of it. I didn't like the first part that I heard so -- Chair King: I know you need to understand the construct. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Can we do it again? Chair King: Did you hear me? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Good morning. Chair King: I said, I know you need to understand the construct. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: The construct of the debate, yes, or the context. Chair King: Yes. Mr. Manager, can you go through it one more time please? City ofMiami Page 4 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 Mr. Noriega: RE.1, to be indefinitely deferred. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay. Mr. Noriega: RE.2, to be withdrawn. FR.2, to be indefinitely deferred. And DIJ, to be indefinitely deferred. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: And Madam Chair, if I may, what's FR.2? Can you be more specific? Mr. Noriega: It was an item sponsored by Commissioner Carollo with regards to some regulations as it relates to the waterfront guidelines -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay. Mr. Noriega: -- design. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: And that's withdrawn or is that deferred? Mr. Noriega: We're indefinitely -- he's requested that it be indefinitely deferred. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay. Okay, ma'am. Thank you. Chair King: Mr. Manager -- Mr. Noriega: Yes. Chair King: -- I would like to co-sponsor CA.8 and RE.5. Commissioner Russell: Madam Chair? Chair King: Yes. Commissioner Russell: Thank you. Just a question for the Manager. The RE.1 indefinite deferral, will that slow down any of our project --progress on the Marine Stadium? Mr. Noriega: No. The reason for the deferral is there were some -- the request made by the Commission to come back with some financial analysis, it's not actually finished yet, so before we bring this up for approval, we want to make sure that that analysis is presented to the Commission. It shouldn't be a whole lot longer before that's ready, so we don't anticipate too significant a delay. Commissioner Reyes: Yeah, that's a good question, I was thinking about that. I would also like, Madam Chair -- Chair King: Please. Commissioner Reyes: -- please, through the Chair, I also would like to co-sponsor RE.5. Remember, I was the one that presented the resolution to re-establish it, so I'm going to support it all the way. Chair King: Did you get that, Todd? Commissioner Reyes -- Commissioner Reyes: Todd, you have that? Chair King: -- wants to co-sponsor RE.5 as well. City ofMiami Page 5 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 Commissioner Reyes: Are you having a hard time hearing me? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: And put me down for that too, Madam Chair, also. Commissioner Reyes: Did you bring your hearing aids? (COMMENTS MADE OFF THE RECORD) Commissioner Reyes: Okay, I would like to co-sponsor. (UNINTELLIGIBLE) she got it. Chair King: And Commissioner Alex Diaz de la Portilla would also like to co- sponsor. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Also. Commissioner Reyes: Okay. Chair King: Anything else? Mr. City Clerk, do you have any announcements to make? Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): No, ma'am. Is there a motion for the order of the day? Chair King: May I have a motion? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: So moved. So moved. Chair King: Second. All in favor? The Commission (Collectively): Aye. [Later ... J Chair King: Vice Chair, welcome. How are you? Vice Chair Carollo: Good. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Good morning. Chair King: Good to see you. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Good morning, Commissioner. Vice Chair Carollo: Thank you. Good morning. I'm just wondering, why were we listening to an item -- Chair King: That's not on the agenda. Vice Chair Carollo: -- that's been indefinite --? Chair King: Well, as advised by the City Clerk, they could speak on the item today, but then they won't be able to speak on the item when it comes back. Vice Chair Carollo: Well, if it comes back when it's indefinite, that means unless the person that has put it on the agenda wants it back, it's the only way that it'll come City ofMiami Page 6 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 back. But when it's indefinite deferred, basically we're taking it out of the agenda for Chair King: At least six months. Vice Chair Carollo: Right. Chair King: It's going to be out at least six months, yes. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: But we can -- but we can bring it back whenever the Commissioner wants. Chair King: Whenever you want. Within the six months. Vice Chair Carollo: Yeah, but let me -- Chair King: But not -- it doesn't have to come back before six months. Vice Chair Carollo: Let me tell you why this has been indefinitely deferred. 1 heard that there's a guy named Billy -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Cohen. Vice Chair Carollo: Cohen? Yes, Cohen, that's just a name -- that is working on a new mangrove. It's a medical marijuana mangrove. So, I'm waiting for him to get that done to see if that's what we want to plant out there since we've approved medical maruana in Miami. No, no, I'm teasing, guys. I'm teasing. I'm teasing. The reason that I'm deferring this is not because I've got a dozen people to come in. I could give you all kinds of reports from scientists, from universities, from all over the world. It's basically, and they have their own reports, basically what my concern was, which is the Miami River, which we don't even know if mangrove can end up growing there. My concerns have been taken care of where we're going to have living seawalls in front of our parks. And living seawalls provide many of the things that we heard up here, but it's not going to block views. Plus, it's a small little area, even of mangroves. In the overall picture, you need a lot more for it to make any significant difference. So, having said that, I just wonder where a lot of the people here were when so many things were being approved in Miami without putting mangroves in front of them. And it's only when it comes to our parks that the people that can't afford to buy a fancy, expensive condominium by the bay, whether they're from Allapattah, Overtown, Little Haiti, Liberty City, Little Havana. And the only places they, could get to see the bay in Miami, since they can't afford to buy a condo in those buildings, is our parks. Why were parks the only places that we wanted to block the view, and why are our parks the only place that we're going to save the planet? And by the way, the lady that was putting her hand up, the Florida, and when you said Miami, its really Florida around. It's not the third largest in coral reefs. It's the fifth largest. So, it's indefinite defer, and I don't intend to bring it back because my concerns have been taken care ofin reference to the new seawall at Jose Marti Park and the Miami River. Chair King: Okay. City ofMiami Page 7 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 PUBLIC COMMENTS FOR ALL ITEMS) SPA DISCUSSION ITEM 12059 PUBLIC COMMENTS SUBMITTED ONLINE BY MEMBERS OF THE Office of the City PUBLIC FOR THE MAY 31, 2022 SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION Clerk MEETING. RESULT: PRESENTED Chair King: At this time, we will take all public comments for items related to this agenda, you may standup. Good morning, sir. Go ahead. Brett Bibeau: Good morning, Honorable City Commission. Brett Bibeau, managing director of the Miami River Commission, with offices located at 1407 Northwest 7th Street. Pardon me. Happy to provide the Miami River Commission's advisory recommendation regarding RE.6. During the Miami River Commission's January 3rd, 2022 public meeting, Iris Escarra from Greenberg Traurig, Jim McDonnell from Cube 3, Barry Miller of Savino Miller Design, Alex Mantecon and Guillermo Alvarez from MV Real Estate presented plans, a letter of intent, and a covenant stating they will comply with the public riverwalk code requirements contained within Miami 21 Waterfront Standards Section 3.11, Appendix B, and the Baywalk Rvverwalk Design Standards and Guidelines. And the comp plan required working river disclosure. The presenter stated the project will activate the public riverwalk, which will connect in all directions as required by code. The project features the Dream luxury hotel, two restaurants, Garcia's Seafood Fish Market, an event space, nightclub, and managed dockage with a dockmaster. Please see the attached presented letter of intent and voluntary restrictive covenant for more details. In addition, the project will make enhancements to the connecting existing public riverwalk beneath Brick -ell Bridge, such as improved lighting. The public riverwalk will have four entry points for bicycles and pedestrians. The Miami River Commission did not consider and is not providing an advisory recommendation related to the City's financial considerations regarding this item. The Miami River Commission unanimously recommended approval of the presented Riverside Wharf. I appreciate your time and support for the Miami River District. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. Ellery Lennon: Hi, Commissioners. My name is Ellery Lennon. My address is 7962 Camino Circle, Miami, 33143. I'm here to tell you why you should vote no on Ordinance 11938, which is FR.2 today, and instead support the planting and protection of mangroves in Miami. Chair King: Well, that is not before us today. Mr. City, Clerk? Mr. Hannon: No, ma'am, but if'the speaker is mavbe not able to make it at a future meeting, this would be an opportunity for them -- Chair King: Okay. Mr. Hannon: -- to provide public comment. Ms. Lennon: Right. City ofMiami Page 8 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 Chair King: Okay. Ms. Lennon: Thank you. Fin a PhD candidate in the University of Miami's Biology Department, and I research mangrove fish, assemblages. Mangroves provide many valuable ecosystem functions and services that benefit us beyond storm surge protection. Mangroves absorb and dissipate wind and wave energy, which protects coastal lands and properties from storms. Their roots also stabilize sediment, preventing shoreline erosion. Mangroves absorb nutrients and pollutants. They also encourage the sediments to settle out of the water column, effectively cleaning and purifying coastal waters, and then they send that clear low nutrient water out to the reefs. Our coral reefs need mangroves to filter the water for them. Additionally, through photosynthesis, mangroves sequester atmospheric carbon dioxide as blue carbon. Mangroves also generate productivity and diversity which provides us with raw materials and food. By providing habitat, food, refuge from predators, and nursery grounds for fish, mangroves support high fish diversity and abundances. Mangroves also maintain fisheries which is a billion dollar industry in Florida. Florida is the fishing capital of the world. Recreational saltwater fishing brings in $9.2 billion per year and supports over 88,000 jobs. Florida's commercial fishing generates 3.2 billion in income and supports over 76,000 jobs per FWC (Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. With -- Chair King: Thank you. Thank you. Good morning. Samantha Morejon: Sorry. Chair King: You can bend it. Ms. Morejon: Oh, sorry, pardon my height. Good morning, everyone. My name is Samantha Morejon. I reside at 12010 Southwest 105th Terrace, and I am also here to speak on FR.2. Chair King: Hold on one second. Hold on one second. Todd, I want to get some clarity because there was an organization that was here for a Commission meeting and their item was also deferred and we told them that they could speak at the meeting but then they wouldn't get to speak when it appeared on the agenda again. Is that true? Mr. Hannon: Yes, ma'am. Chair King: Okay, so I want to make it clear that if you speak now you won't be able to speak when it comes back before this Commission to give you the choice of whether you'd like to continue to speak now or ifyou'd like to hold it and come back when the item is properly, before its. Ms. Morejon: I would like to continue to speak if that's alright. Chair King: Go right ahead. Ms. Morejon: Thank you. I urge you not to pass this ordinance to establish certain requirements for City park and recreation waterfront improvements. To begin with, there are a multitude of economic, social, and environmental benefits provided by mangroves, including carbon sequestration. The proposed ordinance directly conflicts with the City of Miami's current greenhouse gas reduction plan, which aims to be carbon neutral by 2050. It would then propel Miami backwards on its goal. Mangroves support our fisheries, our fishing economy, and protect our vulnerable city fi^ont the impacts of storms and hurricanes. The alternative protection.for our coastlines is extremely impalatable, a 307foot high seawall that the Army Corps City ofMiami Page 9 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 recently proposed for dealing with storm surge. In reference to the issue of mangroves blocking one's view of the watershed, the City can get mangrove trimming permits to preserve viewing corridors, per the 1996 Mangrove Trimming and Preservation Act, which can allow for mangrove trimming alterations such that the health of the tree and habitat can be preserved while providing people the view of the adjacent waterway. Additionally, we should look towards our coastal engineers and consultants for their recommendations on the best shoreline protection strategies. Please support the community efforts that have been underway jor decades to restore these valuable trees that bring so many benefits to our community. Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Anyone else here for public comment? Go ahead. Good morning. Erica Cartaya: Hi, good morning. ]just want to be clear. If'] speak today, I won't be able to speak then the next time all of the Commissioners are here. Is that correct? Chair King: If it's on FR.2. Ms. Cartaya: FR.2. Chair King: Yes. Ms. Cartaya: Yes. Okay. 171justspeak today. It's fine. I'm already here so. Chair King: Okay. Ms. Cartaya: Although I will be at the next one. Alright, so good morning, everyone. My name is Erica Jasmine Cartaya. I reside at 310 Northeast 781h Street, Miami, Florida, 33138. I am a conservation sciences student who was born and raised in Miami, and I'm speaking on my own behalf. Thank you for having me today'. This for me is not a debate. It's a moment to educate those who don't understand the important benefits of having mangrove trees along the coast of Florida. The benefits include absorbing storm surge impacts during tropical storms and hurricanes, reducing the inevitable impacts of sea level rise, maintains biodiversity, by providing a suitable habitat for several different species, helps maintain Florida's coastline by preventing erosion, and the list goes on. I encourage you to do your own research about these benefits and of sea level rise projections for Miami. Voting for this ban would mean regressing what we collectively already know while sacrificing all the ecosystem services the mangrove trees provide simply for a better view of the water. That is not a wise trade-off. I vote no against this absurd bill to ban growing mangrove trees in Miami, and you should too. We need mangrove trees now more than ever. Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. Laura Munoz: Good morning. Thank you, everyone, so much. I'm also here to speak on the mangrove ordinance. I will not be able -- likely to be here as I'll be traveling. My name is Laura Munoz and to me this is something that I really feel inside of my soul. I've spent so much time in front of mangroves looking at all the little baby animals, you know, the mothers, the little chickens, the little birds, not chickens, birds, and they're breeding and I remember looking at the mother birds and the baby birds and thinking about this earth, this mother of ours. We say we respect mothers, but this mother, this earth that sustains us, that gives us life every day, this really to me, they're lungs. These mangroves are lungs that are allowing us to exist in this city. And I know that a big question is housing and I am everyday listening to communities and to them talking about housing and that they don't have places to live but they're also asking.for green spaces because if we have houses but they're flooding but we have City ofMiami Page 10 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 houses and there's no water then it really doesn't matter if we're full of housing because there's going to be no earth and I really, really from the bottom of my heart ask each of you Commissioners, ask our mayor and the folks, Reyes, Carollo, evervone, please work with us. Miami can be a green city, like we can be a green city that doesn't have to just be great, but we can bring forth so much that truly honors our nature, our earth, and ourselves. We don't have to make foul choices between housing and greenery, between mangroves and people. That is not something that we have to do, and 1 pray we can do that. Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. Albert Gomez: Before 1 speak, I have a question to the ruling that was just brought lip about not being able to speak on another ordinance. If the ordinance is changed in any way, am 1 able to speak on the ordinance once that ordinance is changed? Chair King: Mr. City Clerk? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Of course. Mr. Hannon: I believe the statute gives you one opportunity to speak. I don't think the statute -- I think it's silent when it comes to if the legislation changes. I believe it's a one-shot deal. Mr. Gomez: A one-shot deal, as in, so if the ordinance changes, I can't speak again. I can, C-A-N, can speak again. Mr. Hannon: No, I would say that you get an opportunity to speak once. Mr. Gomez: One time. Even if the ordinance -- Mr. Hannon: Now, when it comes back on second reading, you'll get an opportunity to speak on it then. So, I would probably look at it that way. If it changes in between first and second reading, you do have an opportunity to speak on the item when it comes back for second reading. Mr. Gomez: Okay. Okay. And one last question before I speak. Is there --just because I don't know -- is there an opportunity for the Commissioners to request for a withdrawal of an ordinance or does it have to come from the sponsor? Mr. Hannon: No, it's the will of the bodv. Mr. Gomez: The will of the body. Okay, so the will of the body could request for a withdrawal of this ordinance at any time. Mr. Hannon: Yes, sir. Mr. Gomez: Okay, just verifying. Okay, my name is Albert Gomez. I reside at 3566 Vista Court. Today I am representing myself: I am in real estate and concrete manufacturing. I do concrete technology manufacturing. I'm working on several research projects with FIU (Florida International Universit)) on devising new concrete technologies that recruit biology, that prevent scalding and fluoride penetration that extend the life of concrete. We're also using different 3D printing technologies to enable molds for mangrove planters integrated into in an interlocking fashion into greenways and the seawalls so that we can have hybridized seawalls that enable mangroves to grow with them. I have Cuban parents that aren't necessarily the most green folks. My reality, not a characterization, it's my reality. And the, fact of the matter is my mom has overeat mangroves before, and I've had to plant mangroves City ofMiami Page 11 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 on her behalf. So, effectively, I know the story of (FOREIGN LANGUAGE). It's taking away my view. 1 get it. But the reality, is the Florida Bar, the state, the federal government have all determined that the value that the mangroves bring versus a seawall, far, or any reason to remove them, far exceeds that justification. So, I just want to stick to that point and say that the economy means something to me, it means something to be able to sell more concrete, but there is not a value that can justify, this. I hope you guys have the will to request for a withdrawal. This really doesn't work. Commissioner Reyes: May I ask you a question? Mr. Gomez: Sure. Commissioner Reyes: You made a statement that you have Cuban parents, that they are n.ot green. Mr. Gomez: Yeah, they -- Commissioner Reyes: I mean, you making hasty generalizations that Cubans, we don't care -- Mr. Gomez: You know, it's my, reality. Commissioner Reyes: -- about environment. Mr. Gomez: No, it's my, reality. Commissioner Reyes: Okay. Mr. Gomez: It's my, reality. I live it every day. Commissioner Reyes: Well, that's your reality, but it doesn't have to be -- I mean, when you say Cuban parents, it means (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Mr. Gomez: Well -- Commissioner Reyes: You are painting everybody with the same brush. Mr. Gomez: They view -- Commissioner Reyes: No, I just wanted to know if you thought about that, you see. Mr. Gomez: No, I wanted to give you the argument. They use the argument of that (FOREIGN LANGUAGE), we are here, we've been through so much, and now they're going to take awav our view after that. Commissioner Reyes: Sir -- Mr. Gomez: They've actually used their Cuban experience as a reason. Chair King: Okay, okay. Commissioner Reyes: Sir, that argument is used by many people that are not Cuban. Mr. Gomez: I mean, prove me wrong, Manolo. Chair King: Commissioner. City ofMiami Page 12 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 Commissioner Reyes: Thankyou, Mr. Gomez: Prove me wrong, Manolo. Prove me wrong. ChairKing: Thankyou. Thankyou. Thankyou, Commissioner. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: (FOREIGN LANG UA GE), yeah. Chair King: Anyone else for public comment? Please. Good morning. Rachel Silverstein: Yes. Good morning. Thank you for the opportunity to speak. I'm Rachel Silverstein. I'm the executive director and waterkeeper of' local non profit Miami Waterkeeper. I wholeheartedly agree with everyone's comments about the benefits of mangroves to this community. I won't repeat them here, but I do want to bring up something for the Commission to consider as part of this ordinance should it come back, and that is some of the legal hurdles that this presents for the City, especially in terms of waterfront development. So, there are several laws on the books that protect mangroves, but also that require alternatives and especially environmental alternatives to be considered when you're getting a permit for waterfront development. And those include being able to consider green alternatives like mangroves. So, if those are not an option, it's going to really tie the City's hands when trying to get permits for waterfront development, and that's a big issue for the City. Another issue is if the City ever has to do mitigation, for example, for mangroves and you need to replant mangroves, you're going to have very limited opportunities to do so because parks are one of the last places that we have to actually plant mangroves. So, I really want to urge the Commission to consider all of the legal ramifications and all of the laws in place to both protect and promote mangroves and how it might affect City's waterfront development, of course, in addition to all the benefits that mangroves provide for the community that have already been mentioned. So, thank you for your consideration, and I appreciate this has been deferred. And we've alreadv sent, you know, letters from FIU, UM (University, of Miami) has sent letters, Miami Waterkeeper, and a lot of other organizations have sent letters. There's been scientific letters, there's been lots of information provided to you already, so please let us know if you have any, questions about that. We're happy to discuss or provide any additional information needed. Thankyou. Chair King.- Thankyou. Good morning. Carolina Florez: Hi, good morning. My name is Carolina. I'm representing myself and I reside on 625 Southwest 9th Street, Miami,, Florida, 33130. Also talking about FR.2 and I do urge the Commission to have the will to hold. That was a great question by the last gentleman about regarding whether the sponsor had to be the person to retract the bill. I think it would be best for this not to be deferred but actually to be withheld. And I'd like to bring up a different point. I work in tourism and hospitality and tourism and hospitality is a really big engine of our economy, especially in Miami -Dade. About 60 percent of our revenue is generated directly or indirectly through hospitality and tourism. And the reason that people cone here, the reason that they love coming to Miami so much, not only do we have the third largest coral reef system in the United -- I mean, in the world here in Florida, but our nature and our water and the wildlife that we have is very important and they love to see it. You don't understand how excited tourists get when they see a dolphin and a manatee and a stingray. It's really something that they very much enjoy and they come here and they spend their money, go on sailboat tours. And if we don't have that nature and we don't have that marine life, we won't exactly be able to have tourists come here. So, where will a majority of our people in our economy be able to work? So, this is very important, not just for the fishing industry, not just. for the environment, those are all City ofMiami Page 13 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 equally important, but also as well as tourism and hospitality. ]feel like that might be a little bit overlooked. So, 1 do want you to keep that in mind because this is a big -- it generates a lot of revenue and we need mangroves in order to protect our marine life for these fish to nest and nurse and for our soil to not be eroded. So, thank you Commission. I hope you guys make the right choice. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. Dave Doebler: Hi, good morning, everybody. My name's Dave Doebler. I am with the Biscayne Bay Marine Health Coalition. 1 live at 800 West Avenue in Miami Beach. I'm not a resident of the City of Miami, but 1 do a lot of work here doing cleanups of trash and litter ftom the shorelines. Last Wednesday, we held the Biscayne Bay Marine Health Summit. This was our third one. The City of Miami was a very generous sponsor and supporter of'our event, so thank you very much for helping us put on such an event where we discussed the still critically dire situation within Biscayne Bay, mainly caused due to nutrient load and pollution coming from storm drain systems, from septic tanks, and just all the trash that's coming from people littering and the islands. At the end of the event, we wanted to highlight some success stories and wins, and we saw a presentation of'the new living shoreline at Jose Marti Park. It's gorgeous. It's beautiful. It gives an opportunity fbr people to reconnect with nature and to see what natural Miami used to be like. And so this ordinance to basically ban mangroves from city parks is really, you know, not a very popular -- it was not very popular when it was discussed at the summit. Why? Because Miami is the majority seawalls, right? That's dead shoreline. And so now this proposal is going to eliminate any opportunity for living shorelines and instead basically create more dead shorelines. So, I ask Chairman Carollo, sorry, to withdraw FR.2, please. Thank you, Vice Chairman. Thankyou. Chair King: Thank you. Anyone else? Good morning. David Carson: Good morning. Thank you all for being here. Thank you for allowing us to speak publicly. Thank you to all of my mangrove colleagues over here. I would guess you can guess what I'm here to speak about today. My name is David Carson. I live at 844 Jefferson Ave. I'm a sea -level rise scientist from the Netherlands. I also have a great affinity for this city. My brother lives here. My nephew was born here. I moved back here to marry my wife. This city means everything to me, even though I'm not necessarily from here. And I would like it if I can come back to this city in the future when I'm your age. My nephew can spend time here in the future -- Commissioner Reyes: Your age. Mr. Carson: -- when he's your age. You know how it is. Unless we're actively planting many, many more of these, there is not going to be a Miami to come back to. They're like a million strong fingers that are holding the ground in place. They also trap the sediment and cause the ground to rise. There are so many things that are factually incorrect about this ordinance. But I want you to ask -- I want to ask you to think more than about the facts, about the science, but to think about your families and to think about those of us who want to keep living here, who want to keep coming back here with our families, with our future . families; please withdraw this. It is completely inappropriate and the opposite of what adaptation looks like for our city. We can be a marvelous city, a marvelous city, and in many ways we are. I moved back here for a reason, but we have a chance to do it again and we can plant a hell of a lot more of these. Chair King: Thank you. Mr. Carson: Thank you. City ofMiami Page 14 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 Chair King: Thank you. Anyone else here for public comment? Elvis Cruz: Good morning, Commissioners. Elvis Cruz, 631 Northeast 57th Street. I'm not going to talk to any one specific item, but rather to the entire order of the day. Please be advised there are many citizens who wanted to come here today to speak, but they, heard in advance that some items were going to be deferred, and therefore, they did not come. Please keep that in mind as you digest everything you've heard here today. Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Is there anyone else here for public comment? Seeing none, the public comment period is now closed. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Madam Chair? Chair King: Commissioner Reyes. Commissioner Reyes: Yes, I want to recognize that we have a program in the Law Department which is -- I mean, it's quite helpful for future attorneys. And I want to recognize all the Law Department interns that they are sitting on the first row. Could you please stand up? Those are the future attorneys. Take a good look at them. Applause. Commissioner Reyes: Good job. Thank you, Vicky. You're doing a hell of a good job. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Madam Chair? Vice Chair Carollo: That sounds like an endorsement. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yeah, right. Commissioner Reyes: Yes, I will endorse it. Yes. AM - APPROVING THE MINUTES OF THE FOLLOWING MEETINGS: MV - MAYORAL VETO(ES) NO MAYORAL VETOES There were no mayoral vetoes associated with legislation that is subject to veto by the Mayor. Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): Chair, did you want to hear --just a discussion item. It doesn't require any action. Chair King: No, we read it. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No, we don't want to hear it. Mr. Hannon: Okay, and then, for the record, there are no mayoral vetoes. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: We want to have lunch. Chair King: Commission adjourned. City ofMiami Page 15 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 Commissioner Russell: Well done. Commissioner Reyes: Well done. END OF MAYORAL VETO(ES) City ofMiami Page 16 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 CA - CONSENT AGENDA The following item(s) was Adopted on the Consent Agenda MOTION TO: Adopt RESULT: ADOPTED MOVER: Alex Diaz de la Portilla, Commissioner SECONDER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner AYES: King, Carollo, Russell, Diaz de la Portilla, Reyes CA.1 RESOLUTION 11823 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH Department of Real ATTACHMENT(S), AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO Estate and Asset EXECUTE AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ("AGREEMENT") WITH Management MIAMI-DADE COUNTY THROUGH MIAMI-DADE WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT ("WASD"), IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, TO RECONSTRUCT THE PARKING AREA ON THE CITY OF MIAMI ("CITY") OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1901 NORTHWEST 24 AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, FOLIO NUMBER 01-3134-000-0330 ("PROPERTY"), IN THE MANNER DEPICTED IN THE PAVEMENT MARKING AND SIGNAGE PLAN (COLLECTIVELY THE "WORK"), ATTACHED TO THE AGREEMENT, TO BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL REGULATIONS APPLICABLE, AS EVIDENCED BY A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OR ITS EQUIVALENT ISSUED BY THE CITY AND ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY, WITHIN TWELVE (12) MONTHS OF THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE AGREEMENT. ENACTMENT NUMBER: R-22-0181 This matter was ADOPTED on the Consent Agenda. Note for the Record. For minutes referencing Item Number CA.1, please see "End of Consent Agenda." CA.2 RESOLUTION 11846 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING Department of THE CITY OF MIAMI ("CITY") FINANCE DIRECTOR, OR HIS/HER Finance DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE, AS THE CITY'S REPRESENTATIVE TO THE SUNSHINE STATE GOVERNMENTAL FINANCING COMMISSION; PROVIDING CERTAIN OTHER MATTERS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ENACTMENT NUMBER: R-22-0182 This matter was ADOPTED on the Consent Agenda. Note for the Record. For minutes referencing Item Number CA.2, please see "End of Consent Agenda." City ofMiami Page 17 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 CA.3 RESOLUTION 11829 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, PURSUANT Department of Fire- TO SECTION 18-82(A) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, Rescue FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, CLASSIFYING ONE (1) FORD F350, MODEL YEAR 2009, UNIT NUMBER UL1002, VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 1FTWW3DR2AEA08818, AS CATEGORY "A" SURPLUS STOCK; DONATING SAID VEHICLE TO FANNING SPRINGS FIRE DEPARTMENT UPON EXECUTION OF THE APPROPRIATE RELEASE DOCUMENTS. ENACTMENT NUMBER: R-22-0183 This matter was ADOPTED on the Consent Agenda. Note for the Record. For minutes referencing Item Number CA.3, please see "End of Consent Agenda. " CAA RESOLUTION 11832 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION PURSUANT Department of Fire- TO SECTION 18-82(A) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, Rescue FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, CLASSIFYING ONE (1) PIERCE DASH FIRE ENGINE, MODEL YEAR 1999, UNIT NUMBER P0063, VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 4P1CT02SOYA000063, AS CATEGORY "A" SURPLUS STOCK; DONATING SAID VEHICLE TO THE GOVERNMENT OF GRAND TURK UPON EXECUTION OF THE APPROPRIATE RELEASE DOCUMENTS. ENACTMENT NUMBER: R-22-0184 This matter was ADOPTED on the Consent Agenda. Note for the Record. For minutes referencing Item Number CA.4, please see "End of Consent Agenda." City ofMiami Page 18 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 CA-5 RESOLUTION 11942 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION Department of AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO APPROVE FOUR (4) Police TRANSFERS OF BUDGETED MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT ("MPD") GENERAL FUND DOLLARS FROM MINOR OBJECT CODE 552100 "PUBLIC SAFETY SUPPLIES" TO MINOR OBJECT CODE 664000 "MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT" TO BE UTILIZED TO PURCHASE TWO (2) CAMERAS AND RELATED ACCESSORIES TO BE INSTALLED NEAR THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY JAIL TO PROVIDE VISIBILITY TO THE MPD'S REAL TIME CRIME CENTER, A COMPUTER PROCESSOR WITH THE ABILITY TO DISPLAY VARIOUS FEEDS FOR THE COMMUNICATIONS SECTION, NEW OFFICE FURNITURE TO FURNISH THE OFFICES OF MPD'S OFFICE OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AND HOMELAND SECURITY AND MPD'S SHIELD DETAIL, AND AUDIO AND VIDEO RECORDING DEVICES WHICH WILL PROVIDE ENHANCED SURVEILLANCE FOR THE INTERNAL AFFAIRS SECTION, AS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION NO. R-21-0402 ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 23, 2021, AND RESOLUTION NO. R-21-0408 ADOPTED OCTOBER 1, 2021; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO MAKE ANY NECESSARY CHANGES TO ADJUST, AMEND, AND APPROPRIATE THE FISCAL YEAR 2021-2022 OPERATING BUDGET, FIVE-YEAR FINANCIAL PLAN, STRATEGIC PLAN, AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN REGARDING CITY OF MIAMI SERVICES AND RESOURCES AS NECESSARY, LEGALLY ALLOWED, AND APPLICABLE; FURTHER RATIFYING, APPROVING, AND CONFIRMING CERTAIN NECESSARY ACTIONS OF THE CITY MANAGER AND DESIGNATED CITY DEPARTMENTS TO UPDATE THE RELEVANT FINANCIAL CONTROLS, PROJECT CLOSE- OUTS, ACCOUNTING ENTRIES, AND COMPUTER SYSTEMS; PROVIDING FOR AN IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVE DATE. ENACTMENT NUMBER: R-22-0185 This matter was ADOPTED on the Consent Agenda. Note for the Record. For minutes referencing Item Number CA.5, please see "End of Consent Agenda. " CA.6 RESOLUTION 11857 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH Department of ATTACHMENT(S), ACCEPTING ONE (1) RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED "A", Resilience and OF DEDICATION AS DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT ATTACHED Public Works AND INCORPORATED ("DEED"), FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY PURPOSES; APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE RECORDATION OF THE DEED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO RETAIN A COPY OF THE DEED. ENACTMENT NUMBER: R-22-0186 This matter was ADOPTED on the Consent Agenda. Note for the Record. For minutes referencing Item Number CA.6, please see "End of Consent Agenda." City ofMiami Page 19 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 CA.7 RESOLUTION 11834 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO Department of EXECUTE AN OFF -SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION AND Resilience and MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE Public Works ATTACHED FORM, WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR IMPROVEMENTS ON STATE ROAD 9A/INTERSTATE 95 SOUTHBOUND OFF RAMPS TO SOUTHWEST 25TH ROAD, A PORTION OF WHICH INCLUDES WORK ON SOUTHWEST 25TH ROAD THAT IS NOT ON THE STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM. ENACTMENT NUMBER: R-22-0187 This matter was ADOPTED on the Consent Agenda. Note for the Record. For minutes referencing Item Number CA.7, please see "End of Consent Agenda. " CA.8 RESOLUTION 11818 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, PURSUANT Department of TO SECTION 18-82(A) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, Police FLORIDA, AS AMENDED ("CITY CODE"), CLASSIFYING THE ATTACHED LIST OF MEMORABILIA AS CATEGORY "A" STOCK SURPLUS; AUTHORIZING THE DONATION OF SAID MEMORABILIA TO THE MIAMI POLICE BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION, INC., A FLORIDA NOT FOR PROFIT CORPORATION ("MPBA") FOR DISPLAY IN THEIR MUSEUM; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTS, IN FORMS ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, AND IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, RULES, AND REGULATIONS, AS MAY BE DEEMED NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE. ENACTMENT NUMBER: R-22-0188 This matter was ADOPTED on the Consent Agenda. Note for the Record. For minutes referencing Item Number CA.8, please see "Order of the Day" and "End of Consent Agenda." City ofMiami Page 20 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 CA.9 RESOLUTION - Item Pulled from Consen, 11817 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, ACCEPTING Department of THE BIDS RECEIVED ON FEBRUARY 7, 2022, PURSUANT TO Procurement INVITATION FOR BID ("IFB") NO. 1380386 FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A LANDSCAPE SERVICES CONTRACTOR POOL ("POOL") TO PROVIDE LANDSCAPING SERVICES IN MULTIPLE CATEGORIES, COMPRISED OF THE FOLLOWING RESPONSIVE AND RESPONSIBLE BIDDERS: GRECO INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION, A FLORIDA PROFIT CORPORATION ("GRECO"), PROJECT XEROFITUS, L.L.C., A FLORIDA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ("XEROFITUS"), COCO TREE SERVICE CORP., A FLORIDA PROFIT CORPORATION ("COCO TREE"), SFM SERVICES, INC., A FLORIDA PROFIT CORPORATION ("SFM"), VISUALSCAPE, INC., A FLORIDA PROFIT CORPORATION ("VISUALSCAPE"), SFL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CORP., A FLORIDA PROFIT CORPORATION ("SFL"), FLORIDA LAWN SERVICE, INC., A FLORIDA PROFIT CORPORATION ("FLORIDA LAWN"), AND LAWN KEEPERS OF SOUTH FLORIDA, INC., A FLORIDA PROFIT CORPORATION ("LAWN KEEPERS"), ON AN AS -NEEDED BASIS, FOR AN INITIAL TERM OF TWO (2) YEARS, WITH THE OPTION TO RENEW FOR THREE (3) ADDITIONAL TWO-YEAR (2) PERIODS; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM THE VARIOUS SOURCES OF FUNDS FROM THE USER DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS AND BUDGETARY APPROVAL AT THE TIME OF NEED; AUTHORIZING THE ADDITION OF QUALIFIED FIRMS FOR INCLUSION IN THE POOL, AS MAY BE DEEMED IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITY OF MIAMI; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING ANY AMENDMENTS, RENEWALS, AND EXTENSIONS, SUBJECT TO ALL ALLOCATIONS, APPROPRIATIONS, AND PRIOR BUDGETARY APPROVALS, COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED ("CITY CODE"), INCLUDING THE CITY OF MIAMI PROCUREMENT ORDINANCE, ANTI -DEFICIENCY ACT, AND FINANCIAL INTEGRITY PRINCIPLES, ALL AS SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 18 OF THE CITY CODE, IN FORMS ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, AND IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, RULES, AND REGULATIONS, AS MAY BE DEEMED NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE. ENACTMENT NUMBER: R-22-0190 MOTION TO: Adopt RESULT: ADOPTED MOVER: Alex Diaz de la Portilla, Commissioner SECONDER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner AYES: King, Carollo, Russell, Diaz de la Portilla, Reyes Chair King: And now Commissioner? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: CA.9. Chair King: CA.9. City ofMiami Page 21 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Mr. Manager or Annie, probably, right? At the end of the day, you're the boss, the kind of boss, right? Tell me about -- Annie Perez (Director, Procurement): Good morning. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: -- the pool that we're accepting. Good morning. Tell me about the pool that we're accepting. And is -- Ms. Perez: Okay. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay, just walk me through it very briefly. Ms. Perez: Sure. Good morning, Annie Perez -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Thank you. Ms. Perez: -- Director of Procurement. So, we had a lot of little contracts for different landscaping projects, for Public Works, et cetera. So, what we decided to do was to consolidate a lot of those contracts and make a pool. We also created -- we were able to create an opportunitv for small businesses to be able to participate in the pool through the alleyways. We worked closely with Public Works on that. It's an open pool, so we can add vendors at any time. As a matter of fact, the vendors that were deemed non -responsive, we're going to allow them to cure once, you know, this is hopefully approved. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: So, I think, Madam Chair, the ones that were deemed not responsive, are they're still allowed to be responsive, for lack of a better - Ms. Perez: Once it's approved here, yes. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay. Ms. Perez: We already prepared letters on what they need to cure -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay. Ms. Perez: -- so that they, can become responsive. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I just want to make -- Ms. Perez: Because we want to make sure we include everybody, as many firms as we can. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay, how many firms are you including now? Ms. Perez: Give me a second. Right now, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Eight firms. How many were deemed non- responsive? Ms. Perez: I want to say like five or six. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay. I'm good. City ofMiami Page 22 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 Commissioner Reyes: Mr. -- Madam Chair, I cannot say that I'm very happy with the landscape and maintenance that we have. I mean, 1 cannot say that Pin happy, but always been asking for more color and everything is green in Miami. But I was wondering if every, district, you see, we can have -- I mean, select among the -- with the pool -- within the pool, select -- do a, I would say, a competition or whatever so we can select the landscapers that -- I mean, to tend our landscape. Because if you go around the City of Miami, and particularly on the circles, you see you go around the circles and I don't know if other Commissioners are happy, but I'm not, the wav that it been maintained. And most of the trees that -- I mean, take Coral Way, for example, I have to ask and ask and ask. 1 say, listen, get some flowers in there so it looks a little bit prettier. And I haven't got -- I mean, I got a little bit, but I -- and everybody knows that I have been asking for better landscape, that you go to any part of the world, you go to any part of the world, that you're driving on the streets and you see how well maintained, how flowery it is, how happy everybody -- the area looks because of the landscape. Our landscape, in my opinion, it is not the appropriate landscape for a city as Miami, you see. Ms. Perez: Commissioner I will get together with Public Works and make sure that if there's -- I suppose that you have had these conversations with the Administration. Commissioner Reyes: Yes, I have. Ms. Perez: Okay. Commissioner Reyes: And Juvenal is right here and he knows that I am always beating on -- Ms. Perez: So -- Commissioner Reyes: -- I mean, asking and asking and asking and asking all the time, all the time, because believe me, I travel a little while. I mean, I travel a lot, and there are other commissioners here that travel more than I have, and wherever you go to any other country, you see beautiful landscape, you see. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Been traveling my whole life. Juvenal Santana: Good morning, Commissioners. Juvenal Santana, Director of Public Works. We've been given a task to work with the Planning Department, with the Depart -- with the Office of Environmental Resources, with Capital Improvement, with the Parks Department, to put together basicalty a policy that includes the plant selections and we have heard the need to incorporate more than just evergreen trees, so we understand. Commissioner Reyes: Okay. Chair King: Commissioner, have you seen MLK (Martin Luther King) Boulevard? Commissioner Reyes: Excuse me? Chair King: Have you seen MLK Boulevard, Northwest 62nd Street? Commissioner Reyes: Yes. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Beautiful. Chair King: They have done an excellent job. It's colorful. City ofMiami Page 23 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 Commissioner Reyes: Yes, but that's MLK. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Well, Cuban Memorial -- Cuban Memorial Parkway, in Commissioner Carollo 's district, has also -- they've done a really good job. Commissioner Reyes: Well, I'm talking about -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I think so. Commissioner Reyes: -- certain areas around my district, and particularly, the circles and some parks too, some parks. And 1 have been arguing about the use of native flower trees that they don't require that much maintenance, and 1 mean, we can incorporate them. Chair King: Zero seape. Vice Chair Carollo: Yeah, that's where -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Even in deserts, even with deserts, they can do all kinds of creative stuff -- Vice Chair Carollo: Yeah. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: -- these days, right? Vice Chair Carollo: Yeah. This is where I was heading to, ifI may, Chair. Chair King: Please. Commissioner Reyes: Okay. Vice Chair Carollo: There are many native plants and some that are not necessarily native, but they could withstand our heat, that have beautiful flowers that attract butterflies, hummingbirds, and are pretty to look at. And they don't grow huge where it blocks your view also. So, if we could, you know, be given some of those in each of our districts so that before you go and plant, we could choose what would we would prefer to put out there. And I don't know how we buy them, if we have our own nursew, if we go down south to get them, but it just seems to me that it would be -- behoove us to have more of the native plants that have flowers in the green spaces where we plant. Mr. Santana: Very good. Commissioner Reyes: Okay. Mr. Santana: Understood. Commissioner Reyes: Thank you, Juvenal. And you know that I'm very persistent. Mr. Santana: No problem. That's what we're here for. Chair King: Thank you. Commissioner Reyes: Thank you. You're doing a good job. Mr. Santana: Thankyou, sir. City ofMiami Page 24 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 Chair King: Do 1 have a motion far CA.9? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yes, so moved. Chair King: Second? Commissioner Reyes: Second. Chair King: All in favor? The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Chair King: Motion carries unanimously. CA.10 RESOLUTION 11956 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH Office of the City ATTACHMENT(S), AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO Attorney NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE A PROPOSED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, A DRAFT OF WHICH IS ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED AS EXHIBIT "A," AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO REFER THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, A DRAFT OF WHICH IS ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED AS EXHIBIT "B," TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD FOR REVIEW AND REFERRAL TO THE CITY COMMISSION FOR FINAL REVIEW, CONSIDERATION, AND APPROVAL AS REQUIRED BY THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, AND FLORIDA STATUTES, IN FULL SETTLEMENT OF ANY AND ALL CLAIMS ALLEGED AGAINST THE CITY OF MIAMI ("CITY') IN THE CASE OF THE MOST REVERED THOMAS G. WENSKI, AS ARCHBISHOP OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF MIAMI, V CITY OF MIAMI, AND MIAMI- DADE COUNTY, AS INTERVENOR PENDING BEFORE THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, WITHOUT ADMISSION OF LIABILITY, UPON EXECUTING A RELEASE, SETTLEMENT, HOLD HARMLESS, AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT OF THE CITY, ITS PRESENT AND FORMER OFFICERS, AGENTS, AND EMPLOYEES FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS ARISING IN AND FROM ALLEGED VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 70, FLORIDA STATUTES, EACH PARTY TO BEAR THEIR OWN COSTS AND FEES; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ANY AND ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, TO EFFECTUATE THE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT. ENACTMENT NUMBER: R-22-0189 This matter was ADOPTED on the Consent Agenda. Note for the Record. For minutes referencing Item Number CA.10, please see "End of Consent Agenda." City ofMiami Page 25 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 END OF CONSENT AGENDA Chair King: Commissioner? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Madam Chair, I want to pull CA.9, just for further clarification from the Manager's Office, and then 1 would like to move all the CA (Consent Agenda) items, other than CA.9. Commissioner Reyes: 1 second. [Later...) Chair King: Are there any other Commissioners that would like to pull any of the CA items? Commissioner Reyes: Nope, not me. Chair King: No? May I have a motion? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: So moved. Vice Chair Carollo: Moved. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I already moved it. Commissioner Reyes: Second. Chair King: Second. So, all in favor? The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Chair King: The CA.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10 have passed. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yes. City ofMiami Page 26 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 RE - RESOLUTIONS REA RESOLUTION 11528 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH Office of ATTACHMENT(S), DECLARING THE OFFICIAL INTENT OF THE Management and CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA ("CITY") TO ISSUE TAX-EXEMPT AND Budget TAXABLE SPECIAL OBLIGATION BONDS IN THE EXPECTED TOTAL MAXIMUM PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF SIXTY-ONE MILLION, TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($61,200,000.00) IN ORDER TO, AMONG OTHER THINGS, REIMBURSE ITSELF FROM THE PROCEEDS OF SUCH SPECIAL OBLIGATION BONDS FOR FUNDS ADVANCED BY THE CITY FOR CERTAIN EXPENSES INCURRED WITH RESPECT TO CERTAIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS AT THE MIAMI MARINE STADIUM AND THE ASSOCIATED WELCOME CENTER AND MUSEUM COMPLEX; ESTABLISHING CERTAIN RELATED DEFINITIONS OF TERMS; AND AUTHORIZING CERTAIN FURTHER AND INCIDENTAL ACTIONS BY THE CITY MANAGER, IN CONSULTATION WITH THE CITY ATTORNEY AND BOND COUNSEL, AND SUCH OTHER APPROPRIATE OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AND AGENTS OF THE CITY, AS THE CITY MANAGER DEEMS NECESSARY, ALL AS REQUIRED FOR PURPOSES OF SECTIONS 103 AND 141-150 OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OF 1986, AS AMENDED; FURTHER AUTHORIZING RELATED AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY'S MULTI- YEAR CAPITAL PLAN PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 13, 2021, AS SUBSEQUENTLY AMENDED. MOTION TO: Indefinitely Defer RESULT: INDEFINITELY DEFERRED MOVER: Alex Diaz de la Portilla, Commissioner SECONDER: Christine King, Commissioner AYES: King, Russell, Diaz de la Portilla, Reyes ABSENT: Carollo Note for the Record. For minutes referencing Item Number RE.], please see "Order of the Day." City ofMiami Page 27 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 RE.2 RESOLUTION 11865 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH Department of ATTACHMENT(S), AUTHORIZING THE PROCUREMENT OF A Police & CLOUD BASED COMPUTER AIDED DISPATCH ("CAD") SYSTEM Department of Fire- FROM INTERGRAPH CORPORATION D/B/A HEXAGON SAFETY Rescue AND INFRASTRUCTURE ("HEXAGON"), FOR USE IN THE CITY OF MIAMI ("CITY"), PURSUANT TO SECTION 18-111 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, UTILIZING THE COMPETITIVELY SOLICITED AND EXISTING LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA, REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS ("RFP") CONTRACT NO. RFP 180081, EFFECTIVE THROUGH FEBRUARY 10, 2024, SUBJECT TO ANY RENEWALS, EXTENSIONS AND/OR REPLACEMENT CONTRACTS BY LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM VARIOUS SOURCES OF FUNDS FROM THE END USER CITY DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS AND BUDGETARY APPROVAL AT THE TIME OF NEED; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT TO MASTER TERMS AND CONDITIONS, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE ANY AND ALL OTHER DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING ANY AMENDMENTS, RENEWALS, EXTENSIONS, AND MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, AND IN COMPLIANCE WITH ACCEPTABLE REGULATIONS, AS MAY BE NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE. MOTION TO: Withdraw RESULT: WITHDRAWN MOVER: Alex Diaz de la Portilla, Commissioner SECONDER: Christine King, Commissioner AYES: King, Russell, Diaz de la Portilla, Reyes ABSENT: Carollo Note for the Record. For minutes referencing Item Number RE.2, please see "Order of the Day. " City ofMiami Page 28 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 RE.3 RESOLUTION 11932 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION PURSUANT Department of Fire- TO SECTION 18-112 OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA CODE OF Rescue ORDINANCES, AS AMENDED ("CITY CODE"), AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ("AGREEMENT"), IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI ("CITY") AND THE PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST OF MIAMI- DADE COUNTY ("TRUST"), FOR THE PROVISION OF HEALTH CARE SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH THE OCCUPATIONAL AND WELLNESS CENTER AVAILABLE TO ALL SWORN AND NON -SWORN MEMBERS OF THE CITY'S DEPARTMENT OF FIRE -RESCUE ("DEPARTMENT") FOR A PERIOD OF THREE (3) YEARS, WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR AN ADDITIONAL TWO (2) YEAR PERIOD IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $700,000.00 ANNUALLY; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER, SUBJECT TO CONSULTATION WITH THE DEPARTMENT, TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE ANY FUTURE AMENDMENTS, EXTENSIONS, AND/OR SUPPLEMENTS TO THE AGREEMENT, ALL IN FORMS ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND SUBJECT TO ALLOCATIONS, APPROPRIATIONS, AND BUDGETARY APPROVAL AT THE TIME OF NEED; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE PROCUREMENT OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT, PURSUANT TO SECTION 18-111 OF THE CITY CODE, UTILIZING THE COMPETITIVELY SOLICITED AND EXISTING JACKSON MEMORIAL CONTRACT NO. 10-5140 EFFECTIVE THROUGH MAY 31, 2023, SUBJECT TO ANY AMENDMENTS, EXTENSIONS, OR REPLACEMENT CONTRACTS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $505,581.14, PLUS A TEN PERCENT (10%) CONTINGENCY AMOUNT OF $50,558.11 FOR A TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT OF $556,139.25; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING AMENDMENTS, RENEWALS, AND EXTENSIONS, ALL IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, NECESSARY TO EFFECTUATE SAID PROCUREMENT; ALLOCATING FUNDS AS REQUIRED FROM GENERAL FUND, ACCOUNT NOS. 00001.184010.531000.0000.00000, 00001.184010.531020.0000.00000 , AND 00001.181000.664000.0000.00000, AND THE DEPARTMENT'S PROJECT NOS. 40-1370184-1426 AND 40-B70106A-1426 FOR SAID PURPOSES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ENACTMENT NUMBER: R-22-0191 MOTION TO: Adopt with Modification(s) RESULT: ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATION(S) MOVER: Alex Diaz de la Portilla, Commissioner SECONDER: Joe Carollo, Commissioner AYES: King, Carollo, Russell, Diaz de la Portilla, Reyes Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Madam Chair, I'd like to move RE.2. Chair King: No, that -- Commissioner Russell: Withdrawn. City ofMiami Page 29 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 Chair King: -- RE.2 was -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Chair King: Okay. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: RE.3, RE 4, and RE.5. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay. Chair King: You don't want to move RE.6? Commissioner Reyes: Second. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Not -- well, I think -- Chair King: You want -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: -- that's obviously -- Arthur Noriega (City Manager): Madam Chair? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: -- there's going to be some conversation of RE.6. I just want to get the things that are not -- we're not going to have a conversation about, right? Chair King: Yes. Mr. Noriega: Madam Chair, we have an amendment to RE.3. Do you want to --? Chair King: There's an amendment to RE.3? Mr. Noriega: Yes. Annie Perez: Yes, good morning again. Annie Perez, Director of Procurement. The way that RE.3 was written, it contemplated us piggybacking off of a contract that Jackson has for the medical equipment. What we found out was that -- we found out last week that we're not allowed to piggyback because we're not considered a public health agency. So, we will be bringing forth an emergency ratification item for the equipment in the very near future. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: So, we can't move it. Chair King: So, this -- so you're -- Ms. Perez: Evervthing is good except there's language in the reso (resolution) that Fire drafted that says that the Manager -- the equipment was included -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Right. Ms. Perez: -- and it's not. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: So, you want to eliminate that language? Ms. Perez: Yes. City ofMiami Page 30 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 Chair King: Just that the equipment -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay. Chair King: -- is not included. Ms. Perez: Yes. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: As amended then. Chair King: And everything else can go. Ms. Perez: Okay, yes. Chair King: Okay. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay. Ms. Perez: Thankyou. Chair King: So, we have -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: So, RE.3 as amended. Chair King: RE.3, as amendment, 4 and 5. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yes, ma'am. Chair King: Do I have a second? Vice Chair Carollo: Second. Chair King: All in favor? The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Chair King: RE.3, 4, and 5 pass unanimously. Commissioner Russell: Madam Chair? I Chair King: Yes. Commissioner Russell: Just a comment on the Goombay Festival as it -- oh, we will have another Commission meeting before then, but I'd like to make sure all City Commission of are very familiar and welcome and invited and its going to be a great citywide event and I really thank you all for your support. Chair King: Okay. City ofMiami Page 31 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 REA RESOLUTION 11886 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH Office of Capital ATTACHMENT(S), AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE Improvements JOB ORDER CONTRACTING ("JOC") FOR HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES AGREEMENTS ("AGREEMENTS") WITH THE FOLLOWING CONTRACTORS: HARBOUR CONSTRUCTION, INC., J.R.T. CONSTRUCTION CO., UNITECH BUILDERS CORP., METRO EXPRESS, INC., DAVID MANCINI & SONS, INC., H & J ASPHALT, INC., FLORIDA ENGINEERING AND DEVELOPMENT CORP., LEE CONSTRUCTION GROUP, INC., TEAM CONTRACTING, INC., JOHNSON-LAUX CONSTRUCTION, LLC, AND BDI CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, ALL FLORIDA REGISTERED COMPANIES (COLLECTIVELY THE "CONTRACTORS"), FOR THE PROVISION OF ADDITIONAL WORK UNDER THE AGREEMENTS, AND PROVIDING FOR AN INCREASE TO THE EXISTING CONTRACT CAPACITY BY A NOT -TO -EXCEED AMOUNT OF TWO MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,500,000.00) PER EACH OF THE AGREEMENTS, THEREBY INCREASING THE CAPACITY OF EACH OF THE AGREEMENTS FROM A NOT -TO -EXCEED TOTAL AMOUNT OF TWO MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,500,000.00) UP TO A NOT -TO -EXCEED TOTAL AMOUNT OF FIVE MILLION DOLLARS ($5,000,000.00); ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM THE APPROPRIATE CITY OF MIAMI ("CITY") OFFICE OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ("OCI") PROJECTS AND DEPARTMENTAL BUDGETS, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS AND BUDGETARY APPROVAL AT THE TIME OF NEED; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE AGREEMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, FOR SAID PURPOSE; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING ANY AMENDMENTS, RENEWALS, AND EXTENSIONS, SUBJECT TO ALL ALLOCATIONS, APPROPRIATIONS, PRIOR BUDGETARY APPROVALS, COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED ("CITY CODE"), INCLUDING THE CITY'S PROCUREMENT ORDINANCE, ANTI -DEFICIENCY ACT, AND FINANCIAL INTEGRITY PRINCIPLES, ALL AS SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 18 OF THE CITY CODE, IN FORMS ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, AND IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, RULES, AND REGULATIONS, AS MAY BE DEEMED NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE. ENACTMENT NUMBER: R-22-0192 MOTION TO: RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: Adopt ADOPTED Alex Diaz de la Portilla, Commissioner Joe Carollo, Commissioner King, Carollo, Russell, Diaz de la Portilla, Reyes Note for the Record. For minutes referencing Item Number RE.4, please see Item Number RE.3. City ofMiami Page 32 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 RE.5 RESOLUTION 11981 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION WAIVING Commissioners THE CITY OF MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT, FIRE -RESCUE and Mayor DEPARTMENT, SOLID WASTE DEPARTMENT, AND PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT COSTS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO SECTION 19-9 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED ("CITY CODE"), TITLED "SPECIAL OFF -DUTY FIRE -RESCUE SERVICES", SECTION 54-6.3(C)(18) OF THE CITY CODE, ENTITLED "CRITERIA FOR ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL EVENTS PERMIT', SECTION 54-6.3(B)(15), TITLED "APPLICATION", AND SECTION 38-74 OF THE CITY CODE, ENTITLED "SAME - ACTIVITIES FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED", FOR THE GOOMBAY FESTIVAL TO BE HELD ON JUNE 11 AND 12, 2022 AT ELIZABETH VIRRICK PARK, 3225 PLAZA STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA. ENACTMENT NUMBER: R-22-0193 MOTION TO: Adopt RESULT: ADOPTED MOVER: Alex Diaz de la Portilla, Commissioner SECONDER: Joe Carollo, Commissioner AYES: King, Carollo, Russell, Diaz de la Portilla, Reyes Note for the Record. For minutes referencing Item Number RE.5, please see "Order of the Day" and "Item Number RE.3. City ofMiami Page 33 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 RE.6 RESOLUTION 11985 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH Commissioners ATTACHMENT(S), APPROVING, SETTING FORTH AND and Mayor SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORATE A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED ("CHARTER"), KNOWN AS CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. _; AMENDING SECTION 29-B OF THE CHARTER, TITLED "CITY -OWNED PROPERTY SALE OR LEASE -GENERALLY", TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY COMMISSION BY A FOUR -FIFTHS (4/5THS) AFFIRMATIVE VOTE, TO WAIVE COMPETITIVE BIDDING AND EXECUTE AN AMENDED AND RESTATED LEASE WITH RIVERSIDE WHARF, LLC, TO EXTEND THE CURRENT LEASE TERM BY FIFTY (50) YEARS, INCREASING BASE RENT BY 50 PERCENT OR FAIR MARKET VALUE, IF GREATER, INCREASING PRIVATE INVESTMENT IN THE PROPERTY FROM $7,000,000 TO $30,000,000, AND REQUIRING THAT THE TENANT CONSTRUCT THE PROJECT CONSISTENT WITH ZONING AND RESILIENCY REQUIREMENTS, AND CONSTRUCT A NEW SEAWALL AND PUBLICLY ACCESSIBLE RIVERWALK, WITH RESTRICTIONS, REVERSIONS, AND RETENTION BY THE CITY OF ALL OTHER RIGHTS NOT OTHERWISE CONTEMPLATED UNDER THE EXISTING LEASE AND AMENDMENTS THERETO; CALLING FOR A REFERENDUM SPECIAL ELECTION AND PROVIDING THAT THE CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. _ WILL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ELECTORATE AT THE REFERENDUM SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD CONCURRENTLY WITH THE PRIMARY ELECTION ON AUGUST 23, 2022; DESIGNATING AND APPOINTING THE CITY CLERK AS THE OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CITY COMMISSION WITH RESPECT TO THE USE OF VOTER REGISTRATION BOOKS AND RECORDS; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO CAUSE A CERTIFIED COPY OF THE HEREIN RESOLUTION TO BE DELIVERED TO THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OF MIAMI- DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, NOT LESS THAN FORTY-FIVE (45) DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF SUCH SPECIAL ELECTION; PROVIDING AN IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVE DATE FOR THIS RESOLUTION. ENACTMENT NUMBER: R-22-0180 MOTION TO: Adopt with Modification(s) RESULT: ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATION(S) MOVER: Joe Carollo, Commissioner SECONDER: Alex Diaz de la Portilla, Commissioner AYES: King, Carollo, Russell, Diaz de la Portilla, Reyes Note for the Record: For minutes referencing Item Number RE.6, please see "Public Comments for all Item(s)." Chair King: And I believe there's an amendment to RE.6 as well. Commissioner Reyes: I think it's a covenant, right? Vice Chair Carollo: I -- I don't know. Chair King: Madam -- I was advised -- Madam City Attorney? City ofMiami Page 34 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): Yes. 1 guess before a motion is made on page 1, it simply just needs to read Charter Amendment Number 1. And also needs to reflect Resolution Number 22-0180. Chair King: Is anyone from stafj'here that can speak on this item? Jacqueline Lorenzo: Good morning, Commissioners. Jacqueline Lorenzo, with the Department of Real Estate and Asset Management. At the last meeting, we had a directive to bring a ballot question for an extension of the lease jor Riverside Wharf That's right next to the MRC (Miami Riverside Center) on the river. The ballot question would authorize the Manager to extend the lease for 50 years, increase the investment ftom 7 million to 50 million, require the tenant to install a new seawall and riverwalk, and increase the rent by 50 percent. Chair King: Commissioner Carollo -- Commissioner DLP (Diaz de la Portilla). Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: On? I mean, I'm sorry, I was reading something else related to this item. Vice Chair Carollo: RE (Resolution) -- Chair King: RE. 6. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: On RE.6. So, what did you say? I'm sorry, can you repeat it? Ms. Lorenzo: Sure. So, the ballot question would authorize an extension of the lease, essentially 50 years in addition to the alreadv prior 50 year term. A $7 million. investment would increase into a $50 million investment. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: From 7 to? Ms. Lorenzo: 50. Commissioner Reyes: 50. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: 50, okay. Ms. Lorenzo: There would be an. -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Over the 50 years? Ms. Lorenzo: Just the investment of the development that they're going to be implementing on the site. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay. Ms. Lorenzo: There's going to be a new seawall, a new riverwalk, and rent will increase by 50 percent. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: 5-0. Ms. Lorenzo: 5-0, yes. Vice Chair Carollo: Which will make it -- at the bottom line, the rent will be what? City ofMiami Page 35 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 Ms. Lorenzo: Approximately 330, 000. We did obtain preliminary appraisals that came in lower than that amount. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay. Ms. Lorenzo: So, this is above fair market value. Vice Chair Carollo: Alright. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: And those preliminary appraisals, what were they, and when did you obtain them? Ms. Lorenzo: Sure, so the first one was 230,000 a year. And the second -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: How much? Ms. Lorenzo: 230. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay. Ms. Lorenzo: And the second one was 290, 000. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: When? Ms. Lorenzo: I'm sorry? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: When did you get those appraisals? Ms. Lorenzo: When? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yeah, when? Ms. Lorenzo: Just recently -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay. Ms. Lorenzo: -- this week. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay. And they're willing to give again how much? Ms. Lorenzo: 330,000 approximately. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay. What is the cutoff, if we have anything there, on -- is this just flat rent? We're not making any profits on any of the retail they have or anything else? Ms. Lorenzo: No, there's also percentage rent. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay, that's where I'm heading to. Unidentified Speaker: 3. Ms. Lorenzo: It's 3 percent, right. Vice Chair Carollo: 3 percent? Ms. Lorenzo: Oh, no, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, hold on. City ofMiami Page 36 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 Vice Chair Carollo: That's low. Ms. Lorenzo: 15 percent, right. 15 percent of gross revenues. The 3 percent is the increase annually. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: The rent increase is 3 percent. Ms. Lorenzo: Of the base rent. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: So, the 15 percent -- if] may, Madam Chair -- the 15, to follow up on Commissioner Carollo, the 15 is on gross revenues or gross retail sales? Ms. Lorenzo: Gross revenues. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay. Limited to what? Ms. Lorenzo: It includes any revenues generated on the site. So, if they operate anything on the site themselves, then that would be triggered. And if they have a tenant, then those revenues would be triggered as well. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: And it's 50 -- 5-0 -- 50 years? Ms. Lorenzo: For an additional 50 years. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: An additional -- so, they already have 40. Ms. Lorenzo: They already have 50 from what was authorized. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Well, they can. They -- right. Ms. Lorenzo: And then -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Thev have 40. How many do you have left? Yeah, I think she's a little bit off on the number. Javier Avin6: For the record, Javier Avin6, with law offices at 1450 Brickell Avenue, Bilzin Sumberg, on behalf of the lessee. I'm joined by Iris Escarra, from Greenberg Traurig, as well as Alex Mantecon from MV To answer your question, we have a 25- year lease term remaining with two extensions of 10 years. So, that is -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: 45 to 50. Mr. A016: -- 45 years. And so, this would be 50 years on top of that. Vice Chair Carollo: How many acres is the whole site -- Mr. Avin6: How many acres? Vice Chair Carollo: -- that you're getting from us in the City? Iris Escarra: 0.73. Mr. Avin6: 0.73. City ofMiami Page 37 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 Vice Chair Carollo: How much? Mr. Avin6: 0.73. Commissioner Reyes: Not even an. acre. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay. Mr. Avin6: Yeah. Commissioner Reyes: It's not even an acre. Mr. Avin6: And to clan fy a point from Commissioner Carollo before, the base rent is increasing, but as,you indicated, our expectation, is that the rent would be higher than that once you factor in gross revenues. Vice Chair Carollo: Sure. And how much commercial space are you going to have there in retail? Mr. Avin6: Total commercial space? Vice Chair Carollo: Square feet? Unidentified Speaker: Well, right now (INAUDIBLE) about 80 -- 70 -- 80,000 square feet. Mr. Avin6: About 80, 000 square feet. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay, last question. that I have, there's a little, small piece of property, almost insignificant, that's at the tip. Are you including that with the City property and the other properties in your build -out? Mr. Avin6: No. Vice Chair Carollo: It don't matter to me, I'm just asking. Mr. Avin6: No, it wasn't part of the RFP (Request for Proposals). Vice Chair Carollo: Okay. Alright. Chair King: May I have a motion? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Well, no. Let me just -- the hotel. Tell me a little bit about the hotel. Mr. Avin6: The hotel is actually located on the private property that's adjacent to the City property. So, the City property will consist of food and beverage outlets exclusively. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: But it's part of the complex that you're building. Mr. Avin6: It is. They'll be connected through bridges. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Is it about -- it's about 20,000 square feet, something like that, in that range? City ofMiami Page 38 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 Mr. Avino: Total number of hotel rooms is 165. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No, on the City property? The City property? Mr. Avino: I'm sorry? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: The City? Mr. Avino: No, the City property is .73 acres. Yeah, the City property is -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yeah. Mr. Avino: -- three quarters of an acre. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Three quarters of an acre. And how many units in the hotel? Ms. Escarra: 165. Mr. Avino: 165. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: How many stories? Mr. Avino: It's eight stories. Ms. Escarra: Eight stories, the hotel; five stories (INAUDIBLE). Vice Chair Carollo: The other side has how many acres? Mr. Avino: The private side is a little higher than. that. It's -- Unidentified Speaker: Almost an acre. Mr. Avino: -- almost an acre. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay. Commissioner Reyes: Very small. Mr. Avino: I mean they're fairly -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Condensed and you're going vertical basically. Commissioner Reyes: Yeah. Mr. Avino: Correct. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: (INAUDIBLE) as much vertical as you can. Mr. Avino: Correct. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: And that little property that Commissioner Carollo referred to, that's not included in any, of this? Mr. Avino: It is not. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: There's no partnership at all involved there? City ofMiami Page 39 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 Mr. Avino: No. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No? Okay. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay. Commissioner Reyes: Yeah. Chair King: May 1 have a motion? Commissioner Reyes: Move. Vice Chair Carollo: Motion. Chair King: Second. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I'll second it. Chair King: All in favor? The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Mr. Hannon: And Chair, just for the record, there's one whereas clause on page 2 that needs to be amended. Whereas, pursuant to Resolution R-22-0108 adopted on March loth, 2022, the City Attorney was directed to draft the ballot language contained herein. Thank you, Chair. Mr. Avino: Iris just reminded me -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I didn't understand a word he said. Can you do it again? Mr. Avino: One clarification for the record. Ms. Lorenzo mentioned that the investment is from 7 to 50. It's from 7 to 30 million, which is what's in the legislation. That's the minimum investment increase. All the other numbers that Ms. Lorenzo indicated are correct. I just want to clam that for the record. Chair King: Thank you. Todd. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: So, from 7 to 30, from 7 to 50, a big difference, right? Mr. Avino: Right. Hence why we wanted the clarification on the -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: What's $20 million between friends, right? Mr. Avino: Even though the legislation says the 30, we wanted the clarification for the purposes of the record. Chair King: Thank you. Todd, could you please read that again a little bit more slowly? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yeah, and then I want -- Mr. Hannon: Yes, ma'am. City ofMiami Page 40 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: --1 want additional questions. Mr. Hannon: On page 2 of the resolution, there is a whereas clause that needs to be amended. Whereas, pursuant to Resolution R-22-0108, adopted on March 10, 2022, the City Attorney was directed to draft the ballot language contained herein. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I got it. Chair King: And you have one more question? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: One more question, which is, remember we had a little bit of a debate whether this property was going to be in your district, Madam Chair, or my district, right? That's what we're doing. Obviously, it's an important part of what the City of Miami is doing and redevelopment of the river, in particular, I think it's very important that we move forward. The concern that I have is community benefits. Are there any community benefits attached to this particular project in mind? What are you thinking in terms of parking, in terms of beautification, landscaping? Chair King: Have you met me? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: What? Chair King: Have you met me? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yes. Chair King: Do you think there will not be --? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I'm fully aware. I mean, you know what? It's a check and balance here. Chair King: I see. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I'm just -- I'm keeping you honest. Chair King: Okay. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I want to know. I want to know. Chair King: I don't think, Commissioner -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I want to know what you're doing. Chair King: -- there's not a project coming through my district -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Ronald Reagan, Ronald Reagan -- Chair King: -- that will not have a community benefit. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: By the way, we have Ronald Reagan Park now in Allapattah. You know that, right? So -- yeah. So, he used to say, trust but verify. Chair King: That is true. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Trust butveri&. Vice Chair Carollo: Where? City ofMiami Page 41 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 Chair King: I loved his story. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Ronald Reagan Park, next to the PBA (Police Benevolent Association). We named it with the (UNINTELLIGIBLE) of Commissioner Russell, shocking. He said, one for the Gipper. We named -- we have Ronald W. Reagan Park. It was pretty cool, I think. Chair King: Go ahead. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Go ahead. Tell me the community benefits. Ms. Escarra: Good after -- good morning, everyone. We actually have a series of community benefits, and actually this project requires City Commission approval. So, the project in and of itself with the details will be coming before this board -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I know, I know. Ms. Escarra: -- hopefully in the next month or two, depending on how we do on scheduling. But we're hoping to come before you and explain all those community benefits. Just to rattle them off, just so you have some -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yes Ms. Escarra: -- on the record, but we will be going over that in detail. We have improvements to the seawall, we have resiliency. The road in front of its, after the 1st Avenue Bridge was done -- the 1st Street Bridge was done, we ended up having to raise that street even further and work with Public Works. Vice Chair Carollo: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the seawall. How many mangroves are you putting in the improvements? Ms. Escarra: I am not familiar with that particular question, Commissioner. I'd have to come back to you with that response. But we are doing a whole series of programs that we will be bringing before you at that time. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Well, the community benefits are important because even though it's in Commissioner King's district, it's a block away from where my district begins now. It's across the river fYom where Commissioner Carollo's district is. So, in essence, the whole area needs to be beautified. And the community benefits are going to matter to this entire Commission. There are issues, like for example, you know, soccer stadium, Hyatt and other big issues that matter to the entire city -- Ms. Escarra: Right. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: -- irrespective of what district they happen to be in. This particular area, it's close proximity to the district I represent, it's across from where Commissioner Carollo represents, so the development is important for jobs and for the area and beautification of the area. But the surrounding areas are not in great condition, as you well know, Mr. Mantecon, right? So, you know very well that you need to spend some dollars, some community dollars, some community benefits given from you over there to benefit the rest of the surrounding areas, not only your particular development. So, I want there to be a serious commitment in terms of community benefits and a specific commitment when it comes back before us as to what those community benefits are. So, you may be very demanding, but I'mright behind you -- City ofMiami Page 42 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 Ms. Escarra: Will do. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: -- in terms of being demanding. Ms. Escarra: Will do. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: That's very important. Ms. Escarra: And we'll make sure that before we come back with the project, we'll make sure we sit down with everyone. Chair King: Thankyou. Ms. Escarra: Thankyou. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Thankyou. Chair King: Are we ready to vote? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yes, ma'am. Chair King: All in favor? The Commission (Collectively): Ave. Mr. AviiM: Thankyou very much. Chair King: Item passes unanimously. Mr. Avino: Thank You. Ms. Escarra: Thankyou. Mr. Hannon: As amended. Chair King: As amended. Commissioner Reyes: As amended. END OF RESOLUTIONS City ofMiami Page 43 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 FR - FIRST READING ORDINANCES FRA ORDINANCE First Reading 11429 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING Department of CHAPTER 2/ARTICLE XI/DIVISION 2/SECTION 2-887 OF THE Human Services CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED ("CITY CODE"), TITLED "ADMINISTRATION/BOARDS, COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS/STANDARDS FOR CREATION AND REVIEW OF BOARDS GENERALLY/QUORUM REQUIREMENTS; EXCEPTIONS," MORE PARTICULARLY BY INCLUDING THE MIAMI ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT COUNCIL ("MAEC") ON THE LIST IN SECTION 2-887(B) OF CITY BOARDS SUBJECT TO QUORUM REQUIREMENTS PROVIDED FOR ELSEWHERE IN THE CITY CODE; FURTHER AMENDING CHAPTER 2/ARTICLE XI/DIVISION 10/SECTION 2-1141 OF THE CITY CODE TITLED "ADMINISTRATION/BOARDS, COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS/CITY OF MIAMI ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT COUNCIL/PURPOSE, POWERS AND DUTIES," MORE PARTICULARLY BY ADDING TO SECTION 2-1141(4) THE AUTHORITY TO EXPEND FUNDS IN FURTHERANCE THEREOF AND DELETING FROM SECTION 2-1141(7) THE 501(C)(3) CORPORATION PROVISION AND PROVIDING AUTHORITY FOR THE SOLICITATION AND ACCEPTANCE OF FINANCIAL AND NON -FINANCIAL SUPPORT; FURTHER AMENDING SECTION 2- 1143 OF THE CITY CODE TITLED "MEETINGS; QUORUM AND VOTING; ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS; PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY; RULES OF PROCEDURE; MINUTES; ASSIGNMENT OF STAFF; LEGAL COUNSEL; AND NOTICES AND FILING OF RECORDS," MORE PARTICULARLY BY AMENDING THE MAEC'S QUORUM AND VOTING REQUIREMENTS DETAILED IN SECTION 2-1143(B); FURTHER CREATING A NEW SECTION 2-1144 OF THE CITY CODE FOR THE MAEC TITLED "BUDGET AND FINANCE"; ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ACCOUNT LINE TITLED "CITY OF MIAMI ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT COUNCIL"; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER AND THE NECESSARY CITY DEPARTMENTS TO CREATE THE NECESSARY BUDGETING AND ACCOUNTING STRUCTURES TO ACCOUNT FOR THE MAEC'S FUNDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES; FURTHER DELETING OBSOLETE REFERENCES; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. MOTION TO: Pass on First Reading RESULT: PASSED ON FIRST READING MOVER: Joe Carollo, Commissioner SECONDER: Alex Diaz de la Portilla, Commissioner AYES: King, Carollo, Russell, Diaz de la Portilla, Reyes Chair King: We are now on FR.1. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Can we move the entire agenda in one fell swoop or we can't do that? City ofMiami Page 44 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 Commissioner Reyes: Yes. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: So, we don't have lunch. Chair King: Ah, that would be fine with me. Commissioner Reyes: Fine with me too. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: So move, so move. Chair King: Mr. City Clerk, can we take up the rest of the items, FR. 1 ? Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): This is the last item that requires any action. Chair King: Right, that's the last item. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yes, that's right. We did the other ones. Chair King: Do you need to read it? It needs to be read into the code? Victoria Mendez (City Attorney): Yes. Chair King: Madam City Attorney. Ms. Mendez: Thank you, Chair. The Ordinance was read by title into the public record by the City Attorney. Chair King: May I have a motion? Vice Chair Carollo: Move. Commissioner Reyes: Second. Chair King: Any discussion on this item? Second? All in favor? The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Chair King: Motion carries unanimously. City ofMiami Page 45 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 FR.2 ORDINANCE First Reading 11938 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING Commissioners CHAPTER 38 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, and Mayor AS AMENDED, TITLED "PARKS AND RECREATION," MORE "CITY PARTICULARLY BY ADDING ARTICLE VIII, TITLED PARK AND RECREATION WATERFRONT IMPROVEMENTS," TO ESTABLISH REQUIREMENTS FOR CITY PARK AND RECREATION WATERFRONT IMPROVEMENTS; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN IMMEDIATE DATE. MOTION TO: Indefinitely Defer RESULT: INDEFINITELY DEFERRED MOVER: Alex Diaz de la Portilla, Commissioner SECONDER: Christine King, Commissioner AYES: King, Russell, Diaz de la Portilla, Reyes ABSENT: Carollo FR.2 ORDINANCE First Reading 11938 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING Commissioners CHAPTER 38 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, TITLED "PARKS AND RECREATION," MORE and Mayor PARTICULARLY BY ADDING ARTICLE VIII, TITLED "CITY PARK AND RECREATION WATERFRONT IMPROVEMENTS," TO ESTABLISH REQUIREMENTS FOR CITY PARK AND RECREATION WATERFRONT IMPROVEMENTS; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN IMMEDIATE DATE. MOTION TO: Reconsider RESULT: RECONSIDERED MOVER: Alex Diaz de la Portilla, Commissioner SECONDER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner AYES: King, Carollo, Russell, Diaz de la Portilla, Reyes City ofMiami Page 46 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 FR.2 ORDINANCE First Reading 11938 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING CHAPTER 38 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, Commissioners AS AMENDED, TITLED "PARKS AND RECREATION," MORE and Mayor PARTICULARLY BY ADDING ARTICLE VIII, TITLED "CITY PARK AND RECREATION WATERFRONT IMPROVEMENTS," TO ESTABLISH REQUIREMENTS FOR CITY PARK AND RECREATION WATERFRONT IMPROVEMENTS; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN IMMEDIATE DATE. MOTION TO: Withdraw RESULT: WITHDRAWN MOVER: Joe Carollo, Commissioner SECONDER: Ken Russell, Commissioner AYES: King, Carollo, Russell, Diaz de la Portilla, Reyes Note for the Record: For additional minutes referencing Item Number FR.2, please see "Order of the Day" and "Public Comments.for allltem(s)." Commissioner Russell: Madam Chair? Chair King: Yes. Commissioner Russell: A question for Commissioner Carollo. 1 think I heard you say earlier that the mangrove item, your concerns have been addressed. Vice Chair Carollo: Yes. Commissioner Russell: We had deferred the item before you came in. Are you operan to withdrawing it instead of the deferral so that it doesn't come back? Vice Chair Carollo: Yeah, I have no problem doing it. What we had asked for was indefinite defer and then we were going to tell the Manager not to bring it back, but I'm fine with a withdrawal. Commissioner Russell: Would that need a reconsideration, Mr. Clerk? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I'll move to reconsider. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay. Commissioner Russell: So, seconded. Commissioner Reyes: I second. Chair King: So, may I have a motion? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I move to withdraw the item. Commissioner Russell: No, that was a reconsideration. Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): No. Vice Chair Carollo: No, no, no. City ofMiami Page 47 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: We already passed the reconsideration, right? Commissioner Russell: No. Vice Chair Carollo: Did we pass it? Commissioner Reyes: No. Commissioner Russell: Todd. Commissioner Reyes: No, we haven't voted on the reconsideration. Mr. Hannon: So, there's been a motion by Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla, seconded by Commissioner Reyes to reconsider Item FR.2. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Alright, so we move that. Mr. Hannon: No? Commissioner Reyes: Beg your pardon? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yes. Mr. Hannon: Were you seconding Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla's motion -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: For reconsideration, Todd. Mr. Hannon: -- to reconsider FR.2? Commissioner Reyes: Yes, I was, I was -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yes, for reconsideration. Commissioner Reyes: -- but we haven't voted on it. Mr. Hannon: Correct. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Let's vote on it. Commissioner Reyes: That's what I'm saying. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: And then I move to -- Commissioner Reyes: I'm saying we haven't voted. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: -- to withdraw. Mr. Hannon: Correct. Commissioner Reyes: Now we vote on it, and now we move to withdraw. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yes. Mr. Hannon: So, yes -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I got ahead of myself, I'm sorry. City ofMiami Page 48 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 Mr. Hannon: -- we need to vote on the reconsideration. Chair King: Okay. The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Chair King: All in favor? The Commission (Collectively): Ave. Vice Chair Carollo: Now, I'll make a motion -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I'll move the -- Vice Chair Carollo: --for withdrawal. Commissioner Russell: And second. Commissioner Reyes: Second. Chair King: All in favor? The Commission (Collectively): Ave. Chair King: The item has been withdrawn. Commissioner Reyes: That's it. Chair King: Thank you, gentlemen. And that will conclude our special Commission meeting for May 31 st. Thank you, gentlemen. END OF FIRST READING ORDINANCES City ofMiami Page 49 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 BU - BUDGET BU.1 BUDGET DISCUSSION ITEM 11480 MONTHLY REPORT Office of I. SECTION 2-497 OF THE CITY CODE OF ORDINANCES Management and (RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE DIRECTOR OF MANAGEMENT AND Budget BUDGET) II. SECTION 18-502 (CITY'S ANTI -DEFICIENCY ACT) III. SECTION 18-542 (FINANCIAL INTEGRITY PRINCIPLES) RESULT: NO ACTION TAKEN END OF BUDGET City ofMiami Page 50 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 DI - DISCUSSION ITEM DIA DISCUSSION ITEM 11463 A PRESENTATION OF THE CODE COMPLIANCE TASK FORCE Code Compliance RECOMMENDATIONS REPORT TO CITY COMMISSION. Task Force MOTION TO: Indefinitely Defer RESULT: INDEFINITELY DEFERRED MOVER: Alex Diaz de la Portilla, Commissioner SECONDER: Christine King, Commissioner AYES: King, Russell, Diaz de la Portilla, Reyes ABSENT: Carollo Note for the Record. For minutes referencing Item Number DIJ, please see "Order of the Day. " END OF DISCUSSION ITEM City ofMiami Page 51 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 FL - FUTURE LEGISLATION FLA ORDINANCE 11824 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING Department of ARTICLE 4 "STANDARDS AND TABLES" OF ORDINANCE NO. Planning 13114 ("MIAMI 21 CODE"), AS AMENDED, MORE SPECIFICALLY "DESIGN BY AMENDING ARTICLE 4, TABLE 12, TITLED REVIEW CRITERIA", TO AMEND THE CRITERIA FOR THE REVIEW OF ENTITLEMENTS APPLIED FOR UNDER THE MIAMI 21 CODE; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. RESULT: NO ACTION TAKEN END OF FUTURE LEGISLATION City ofMiami Page 52 Printed on 0610512024 City Commission Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 NA - NON -AGENDA ITEM(S) NA.1 DIRECTIVE 12060 DIRECTION FROM COMMISSIONER RUSSELL TO THE CITY City Commission MANAGER TO CREATE A MANGROVE MANAGEMENT PLAN IN CONJUNCTION WITH MIAMI-DADE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (DERM) WITH A FOCUS ON A POLICY FOR MANGROVE MAINTENANCE. ADJOURNMENT RESULT: DISCUSSED Chair King: Is there any other Commissioner --? Commissioner Russell? Commissioner Russell: Yes, Madam Chair. Thank you. And I think we probably all agree. I'd like to proffer a direction to the Manager to come up with a mangrove management plan in conjunction with DERM (Department of Environmental Resources Management). I know that we have mangrove trimming permits in some of our parks, but not all. But there is no active maintenance. There is no set Parks Department policy around mangrove maintenance. And 1 think that might actually be a good idea that would help us not look at mangroves as a negative or something to eliminate, but rather something that we can live with and manage. And I think there's a way to do so and still protect views, but yet protect our resilience as well. Thank you, Madam Chair. The meeting adjourned at 10:44 a.m. City ofMiami Page 53 Printed on 0610512024