HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarrant Appeal Ltr, Final Dec., Application & Plans--,C27"3*7 i l i, tep,,.i;,,, 0 . . Ch7/17 ..• / / iff • Z , ;Al,. , i - --. / ki / la ---le cy • • . . ,. ../, ii. AA, 2 ...4( af#60A-7/‘ 3525- y, . • .---./VV- Ad .. . . , . .• [WY 20 '11. F.t, 3!1 / ilg6ded9.17--e--, (-1__ ,,,(4?,,,,,;/- -ea / ( 17( __de.5.a--..,- Sr,-.4./ zri V/771111 •/&/. 13 Lilioe "te-t- • r§ Bi nazi:,•,` 883`s�aynef (vd? • Fi`33'137 • o J. DECISION Fromt Francisc arcia, 'D:ifector d. !PrariirgDepfartment J,. fry" File No. 11-0020 PLEASE TAKE}NOTICE THATA FINAL)DEG1SION HAS BEEN REACHED ON THE FOLLOWING MATTER: ,M6ssage School in Transect Zone T6-12-L 3883 Biscayne Blvd., Upper Eastside NET Final Decision: O Approval Q Approval with conditions D Denial FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS The subject proposal has been reviewed for Warrant Permit pursuant to Article 4, Table 3 Building Function: Uses of Miami 21 Code, as adopted, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, which stated that Special TrainingNocational uses in "Urban Core Transect Zone" T6 - L shall be by Warrant. Pursuant to Section of the above -cited Zoning Ordinance, the Planning Department has made referrals to the following Departments and Boards. • Office of Zoning, Building Department • Upper Eastside NET Office, Neighborhood Enhancement Team Their comments and recommendations have been duly considered during the review for this final decision. This application has been reviewing, pursuant to Section (d) of the Zoning Ordinance; the following findings have been made: FINDINGS • The applicant is proposing a special training/vocational school (Educating Hands School of Massage) within an existing building. • The applicant is providing a total of twenty seven (27) parking spaces on -site; satisfying the required twenty one (21) parking spaces with an additional six (6) parking spaces provided. • The proposed use is compatible and will be beneficial to the area by providing special training and vocational training program to residents and employees of the area as well as creating new employment opportunities. File No. 11-0020 • Pursuant to Sec. (d) of the Miami 21 Code, the City of Miami Zoning Ordinance, the application has been reviewed and found sufficient, with the conditions listed below. Based on the above findings and the considered advice of the officers and agencies consulted on this matter and pursuant to Section of the Miami 21 Code, the subject application is hereby Approved with Conditions subject to the plans and supplementary materials submitted by the applicant on file with the Planning Department further subject to the following conditions: CONDITIONS 1. Applicant shall relocate dumpster to the southeast corner with the proper enclosure and it shall be accessible by the existing alley. 2. Existing propane gas tanks shall be screened from view with landscape hedge behind the existing CBS wall along NE 39th Street at the north side of the property. 3. Entrance to the parking lot shall be accessed only through NE 39th Street and exit through the alley at the south boundary of the property. 4. A landscape plan shall be submitted for review and approval in compliance with the landscape ordinance, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Use showing new street trees on private property along Biscayne Blvd. 5. Open violation for not having the proper Certificate of Use is pending until the approval of this Warrant. Compliance of the conditions of this Warrant application must be met prior to a certificate of use being issued by the Office of Zoning and the fifteen (15) appeal period has passed. i�9OTICE The final decision of the Dir- or may be appealed to the Planning, Zoning, and Appeals Board by any aggrieve • •arty, ithin fifteen (15) days of the date of issuance by filing a written appeal and a • ropriate fe- with the Office of Hearing Boards, located at 444 SW 2nd Ave., 7th Floor, Mi. i, FL 3 30. elephone number (305) 416-2030 Signature Francisc• Garcia, Dir tor Plannin•�epartment Dateq•C/(r 2 LICATION MPLETED BY APPLIC . OWNER PHONE NUMBER J Ze2 -00 20 is APPLICANT x.�APPLICANT PHONE NUMBER / FAX NUMBER :bn-s �.. A4A4—vtA—L 3.C33 (37 . PPLICANTADDRESS V v .;,,,• /ZIP CODE 3UILDING PLAN AMEICATION\‘NUMBER MPLETEDBYZONING,PLANOEXAMIINER ZOJC1i rA ..... PROJECTNAME PROPOSED USE OPPEL-Elgsibe. NET DISTRICT -'1Z L. TRAN ECT ZONE FLOOR AREA c4riaB APPLI ABLE SECTION OF CODE TAILED DESCRIPTION OF: PROPOSED 1N NATURE OF APPLICATION reaRD51:4- TVZ ADUTIVM Use. CP- A EXrs-fti bUiLotwki. r4% 4 si'azu.t. Tat1•N1sG 1 UvaLtoohl., use..) 11.& r-A-K css-, A- WtQsst re. 5c&4acL. QE# a ate- 14 tawet-rl c* t i ex3 P 2 64 - v-b + .ita r 9 YL- 516 F.I& UE4 ('jlcAI N Ll MY RTIFICA Pursuant to the fee schedule, a fee of $ Pernees are non-refundable. shall be paid prior to the review and issuance of this Warrant. 3-4^' --1 APPLICANT DATE The Office of Zoning has reviewed the proposed work and finds that a Warrant is required pursuant to specific section(s) of the Miami 21 Code, cited above. ZONING PLC S EXAMINER WAR OORDINATOR 3-17'-Il C T T Y O F M T A Planning Department Ph: 305-416-1400 414 SW 2nd Ave 3d Floor Miami, FL 33130 www.miamigov.com/planning 1 GRAPHIC SYNEK-4_5 BECTOI NO. SECTIONAL DETAIL 51EET NO. DETAARTY ET.IF M-ENT � EJALDPG SECTION 751105R P G E . INTERIOR NOa1 4YI 001 YA�/7' 51.7 NO. 5 REFERENCEFINISH KEY PLAN F30511 FLOOR ROOM NIMSER ODOOR 314M3ER 10 MOGI RM. STCREARG17 =J.EVAT1Ol A-6 Qj REVISION MM. _ ❑i PARTITION TYPES 5EE SCiEd11-E 0 TEI,E EO GLASS ' 1 9rDMSDso coop. tNl4 GENERAL NOTES CLMRACTCR SHALL COMPLY WITH WE FLORIDA 50ILD36 CODE LA105T EDTION A!r 51LILL FCLLOL RE011FE14NT5 SET UP 5Y THE M.O. BRICKEL VILLAGE AND DADE CW'NTY. ...TRACTOR 15 TO 1ECG EE F41OR14R WTH THE CCFG115107 N POLIOE5 G MA. 50 .. VILLA. iE eLl 3r-LF,L3. WITH LANDLORD PapleCT H4NADER PRIOR �,ANNPG G CCNSTI JCIOL CONTRACTOR MULL BE FE0P0LM0LE FOR ER.9.l7G BARRICADES PIRA* COIST1C5CN MOIL COMPLETION G CORC FREC D. MATERIAL CORAP© 5NEW MERIT HOBO.K AIO THE F.. LATEST HIG RE 11..1IS FOR SWLL BEE.GI'E A PART G THESE 0003 1TS.CGNTRACT.R SHALL EECCTR. FAIRLIARIOTHITIESE RECIIIREHENTS AND. WRITE SWILL ITICAORATE PORT..G THE.000➢MEIRS A5 PART G NE BASIC CONTRACT. CONTRACTOR RAONCTO4+A. BSP5. E REON.1.FOR 6ECWiPG UTILITIESUTILITIES TIES NECESSARY DIMING CG PRIOR r4Ti5Ta1CTIOt1 CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERFT SITE DT2 010G. F A w1�4YOY �5T5 ON THE ORNIRGS CONTRACTOR 13 TO NOTFT AR0::1 cCT 4 .TOR STALL. RFE�P.-TIwR L FOR HOOF.CTI .. um n1PROVO.37OTRCAToN 5. a.a+nEc.. PAT. AND REPAE0 =ASTPG COIF-T_ SLAB 4PIER COYa•_52IOI G ETTISTelo EPA! BARRIER TO 5E REPAIRED W1L ERISTPG 3,5 H45 9EEN ALTER. FWGH 5,5 M A SMOOTH AND LEVEL ER TO n4TG E240.0. C'NTFIAC.GR SRA, 5E .5VONSP-LE PG 3 C000P1AT101 G ALL TRADES AND T c R ASSOCLAT. 3.1.C.7r5. PRIM TO INSTALLATION G CEA.PG 0DLTTES F A C 1CT 055T5. C0RRACTG116 TO NOTFT ARGIIT_GT OR E!*PIE--Ji FOR FELD vERIFICANW PRIOR TO DEVIATION FROM DEW. mart. AL c4p0555' GRTWIALL 4-, AS TO 5E PAPI6=D WITH ONE COAT Cr SEAL T I TWO COATS FLAT Iq1 LAVA ALL PARTED, 04POSED UAL D TO 05 FILLED. SAND.. SEAL. AND PANTED WANT TOG TS INTERIOR LArx S--GL095 0EK0ED. nOLDPOS, D5CRS. ZCL PFR NrGIDR D-E5G4 THE ELECTRICAL CGORAMCR SHALL INCLUDE ALL COSTS NE..SART FGR CDI'm^WG AND HAKP LIGHTING FDOUT4=5 OF55ATIONAL AU ELECTRICAL OIILEY Pq TES ro BE 1131. CN ORR..L/ SROLN CAWOOD vEtE=i !b SIPSTMIONS GG ANY REM SPECIFIED SHALL 5E PE1orn-ao U6E35 NOTEO- GCGR 4A1M0AFE TO 9E PER OCOR EG:EOUL= 6DIERAL R 707551IT SHOP OR44UPG6, OUT SHEETS OR 541-J*36G11.E FOR APPRORAL: FOLLCOR L COGS 2 LIGHT MOORES 3. A/C ORLLES - E= r£CAAIIGL DRAW. d, CEP* 7RE3 HEADS OILCAN ATIO S. MO FINAL L0YOR 10 07 LTN PROVIDED TO DADE COUNTY BOLDING DEP4RT.IT 5T SGINEER, SIGNED AND WALE, PRIOR TO INI6TALLATIGL ABBREvIATIONS PROJECT DATA PROJECT DESCRFR101, COMSTRJTIOI G Ew15TPG OFFICE BLDG., NO STORY BOILER* RE MCDE1G AT TTE SECOND FLOOR A T5?WR ITPROYEI1ENT 21i1401 THE FAWNS 5111L10EIRE PROJECT ADDRESS. OD4F1P PLC. 3203 0155817E BLVD M61/11, FL 33131 AF'RICABLE CO0E5 FLORIDA SOLOING CODE STANDARD BUILOBG CODE I35B (DELETE ANSI A-581, WIND LOAD FR'A51CN5, P.97) STANDARD FLUM0PG CODE. Ma N4TIO61L 01.561 KAL CODE Pall STANDARD MECIANIC4L 0210E, 1080 5TANDAR9 GAS CODE, BSS !EPA I01.1.1 54FETl" CODE. NAB. E:CEPT 5EC1101 b-51 0400440.333, AND [HARRER IL PAS EDITION CFI. NATIONAL FIFE CODES FLORIDA ACLSSBBILITT CODE FOR EMU'S* CCNSTSUCTICN FAD.. JANUARY ISEA 5CNSTI11GION T(FE AI - F5C LAD1IARY MASCNRT UNPR01ECTPD CCCUPANCT. GROUP B - GFKE BALD.* AU-PARCPIG I6 PROVIDED AS PART OF TIE OVERALL ENGEM PAEANS eELOU BUILDING PROJECT PARTICIPANTS MALE LA 3TIA11.61LLE FRENCH PASTERIES a5GURECT G RECORD KE_T I YENENDEZ DE5191 ASY LLG AA' 25000314 5681 COLL85 AVBUE.5IIITE 01-15 MIAMMI SEAM R 33140 (3TY) 502-5811 CCNrACT. DANIEL 1-ENENDEZ F00^4AIn0AI FLE.TRI7ALP16113.G TIRE FROIFCTIGN E7GI8IFFR TMOLEL CID 1 4550CIATES 0GNEER AIG LL'IJTLOROLOI OC4RP N4 CMP'i"-R41 COn04GT6 T. 4141 DFOGIP101) LOTS 53 4 54, OF 'MAGNOLIA PARR 2ND. AGO' ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF A5 RE -CORDED IN PLAT BOCK 5 AT PAGE 15 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS G MIAMI-DADE =CANTI'. FLORIDA DRAWING INDE>E NO. DRAWING. TITLE A10 4T A3 A4 AS A6 Al AS AE A All AD COVER SLEET DBMOL5ICN PLAN Sr.GFE DESCRIPTION SCOPE DE5CR4 7ICN GROW° FLOOR FLAN SECOND FLOOR FLAN REFLECTED CEILING FLAN ROG FLAN BUILD.* SEECTYH AND ELEVATION PROPOSED 1.OEROR ELEVAIICNS SECTCNS AND DETAILS SECOONS AND DETAILS PROPOSED FL5113345 511E PLAN PROPOSED F•LIT60G BOOR FLAN FROFOSED FLUMBPG FOG PLAN PLUMB.* DETAILS le 5 r SITE EURVET -o' P2RAU4T LI022I'(R4M) ti CB FO 0.7 7' VALL_. 041(155 PROYECT LINE 0F 20, FLOOR BUILDING r A 11.1 0 IM PARKING LOT -UNDER GROUT/ BL FIRST FLOOR Try 17 8' GL 01 114 11.2 M-3 M-4 M-5 FROPOSED GRa5D MVAC FLAN FROP05ED SECOND 14VAC FLAN 4501057E WPC ROG FLAN IJVAC SCHEDULES. CORRAL NOTES I LEGEND WAG DETAILS DE -I DE E-0 EP-1 EP-7 op-3 EP-4 EL-1 EL-7 ZCTRCAL DEMOLTICN ELECTRICAL DFJMQ.RION SECOND FLOOR 1CIRCAL CORRAL NO1E54F5E40 PROPOSED POLE2 PLAN, FIRST PLOOR FT•OPOEED P0100 PLAN, SECOND FLOOR FFDP05EO ROG po£R PLAN FTT0POSETJ P0ME1. y5T51F r'Tm40000 LKdRPG RAN, FIRST BOOR FROP.ED 110470G FLAN, SECOND FLOOR BUILDING INFOPo'1ATICN SUMP. OCCP4NCT. BUR00G I5 LNSP5l2U.ED BUMP. 00155 0701 TYPE: MCIPLIT EGtrt. I1A4WL1 NO. G 51ORE5 AREA, CNE SNORT ONLY 0 MAx ALLOWED NO LPPT Ts REV 5T4N IT RAT3435 5.0 17 PARR IFI. WALLS 5.075 I FLOOit/CEING A560RUES RIG I POCF/CERING A.ERNES E:0EFIO4 5EARPG WALLS HOWTORM SEPARATION (DISTANCE FRO1 MEWED FRGFERT LINE) OVER SPY, TO 10PT. UNPROTECTED WIALL OPENA4A BOERI. 5LNBFA®1' WALL5 FF.M ASEH4VE ED PROPERTY L)OI5i4NCE PIER 3 R. TO lOPT. MA.7 ALLOT. WFROTECTED WALL MST. OF NPG6 7CCI)P4NCT FFPARATICN RFFUIRFM1N5 car.r.OUL (0£KE1 &IMP* FOOIPRNT. (GROSS LOT 5 0A0) • ARF4 C�qn 4T 214I NEW GR.PI0 FLOOR NEW SECOND FLOOR TOTAL pnvEnDlrrASPwLr a•D r..mc) FRONDED 7J•.Y 0705.gJL E41513G E415R* PROVIDED DIGTPG MR, ALLOYED L105 slit 10.303'4FsL OAH.7JL b510 pJL I HOUR PROVIDED 10505.g1L ally 24 5anondoz h..4� 3.333 -SURET 4 GENERAL NOTES 300 A -'I BUILDING DESCRIPTION 1.— TWO STORIES EXISTING SLOG CONCRETE BLOCK. 2.— 21000 SQUARE FEET TOTAL 3.— 10' DROP CEILING THRUOUT. 4.— NOT SPRINKLERED BUILDIND. NOTE: BUILDING IS A EXISTING BUSINESS OCCUPANCY NFPA 101, CHAPTER 38/39 SECTION 39.3.4. SCOPE OF WORK' NEW FIRE ALARM SYSTEM =-6 .11 8050: a,,...,_ _ AF, FIRE ALARM 5YM80 8 . meu ®am aamrm�, M1,,'......... — m .. SI^—^' .a ..1, necew,maxavuteennawccr me it 0. 011201 I1 e.. . phis. . cam.\