HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Elvis CruzMIAMI 21 AS ADOPTED - OCTOBER 2009 DENSITY (UNITS PER ACRE) RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE COMMUNITY RESIDENCE ANCILLARY UNIT TWO FAMILY RESIDENCE MULTI FAMILY HOUSING DORMITORY HOME OFFICE LIVE - WORK WORK-LNE LODGING BED & BREAKFAST INN HOTEL OFFICE OFFICE COMMERCIAL AUTO -RELATED COMMERCIAL ESTAB. ENTERTAINMENT ESTABLISHMENT ENTERTAINMENT ESTAB. - ADULT FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT ALCOHOL BEVERAGE SERVICE ESTAB. GENERAL COMMERCIAL MARINE RELATED COMMERCIAL ESTAB. OPEN AIR RETAIL PLACE OF ASSEMBLY RECREATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT CIVIC COMMUNITY FACILITY RECREATIONAL FACILITY RELIGIOUS FACILITY CIVIL SUPPORT COMMUNITY SUPPORT FACILITY INFRASTRUCTURE AND UTILITIES MAJOR FACILITY MARINA PUBLIC PARKING RESCUE MISSION TRANSIT FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL CHILDCARE COLLEGE I UNIVERSITY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEARNING CENTER MIDOLE/HIGH SCHOOL PRESCHOOL RESEARCH FACILITY SPECIAL TRAINING; VOCATIONAL INDUSTRIAL AUTO -RELATED INDUSTRIAL ESTBL. MANUFACTURING AND PROCESSING MARINE RELATED INDUSTRIAL ESTBL. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES STORAGE! DISTRIBUTION FACILITY T3 SUB -URBAN R L 0 9 9 18 R R R R R R R R R R R ARTICLE 4, TABLE 3 BUILDING FUNCTION: USES T4 T5 T6 C D URBAN GENERAL URBAN CENTER URBAN CORE CIVIC DISTRICTS R L 0 36 36 36 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R E E R R R R R W R R R R R R R R R R R R R L 0 65 65 65 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R E R R R R R R R R R L 0 150' 150' 150' R R R R R R R R R- R R R R R R R R R R E R R E R R R R R R W w W w R R R R R R R W R R R R R R w W w W R R R R W W E E E E R R E E E E R R w w W w W W W w w E R R E R R W w w R R W w w E R R R R w w E R R E R R W W w W w w E w W w w E w w w E w w E w E w w E w W E W w E E E E E E E E E w W E W R R W W W W W E w w R R E E E E E E E E E E E E R R E R Allowed By Right WAllowed By Warrant Administrative Process - CRC (Coordinated Review Committee) E Allowed By Exception: Public Hearing - granted by PZAB (Planning, Zoning & Appeals Board) Boxes with no designation signify Use prohibited. IV.6 //- Oy77Vt SSb,ni fi`a-/ - Elvis Cruz E W w E W w E R R E R R R R W R R W w CS CI Ct.HD NIA AZ" 150' R R E R R. R: R R R R E R w E R R E E R w E R E E E R w E w w E w w E R D1 D2 D3 18 NIA NIA R R R R R R R R R R R R w R R R R W R R R R R R R R R w R R R R R R W E E R R w w E w w R W E R E E E R E R R R E R R R W E R E w w E R R R W E R E E R E E R E E E R E E R E E R E E R R R E Uses may be further modified by Supplemental Regulations, State Regulations, or other provisions of this Code. ' Additional densities in some T6 zones are illustrated in Diagram 9. " AZ: Density of lowest Abutting Zone Submitted into the public record in connection with items PZ.7 on 04-26-12 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk MIAMI 21 AS ADOPTED - OCTOBER 2009 DENSITY (UPA) ARTICLE 4. TABLE 4 DENSITY, INTENSITY AND PARKING (CONTINUEDI T6 - URBAN CORE ZONE RESTRICTED LIMITED OPEN 150 UNITS PER ACRE' 150 UNITS PER ACRE' 150 UNITS PER ACRE • EDUCATIONAL Educational Uses are permissible as listed in Table 3, limited by compliance with: Educational Uses are permissible as listed in Table 3, limited by compliance with:. Educational Uses are permissible as listed in Table 3, limited by compliance with: • Minimum of 2 parking spaces for every 1,000 square feet • Minimum of 2 parking spaces for every 1,000 square feel • Minimum of 2 parking spaces for every 1.000 square feet of Educational Use. of Educational Use. of Educational Use. • Childcare Facilities - Minimum of 1 space per staff • Childcare Facilities - Minimum of 1 space per staff • Childcare Facilities - Minimum of 1 space per staff member. member. member. • Parking requirement may be reduced according 10 the • Parking requirement may be reduced according to the • Parking requirement may be reduced according to the Shared Parking Standard, Article 4, Table 5. Shared Parking Standard, Article 4, Table 5. Shared Parking Standard, Article 4, Table 5. • Minimum of 1 Bicycle Rack Space for every 20 vehicular • Minimum of 1 Bicyce Rack Space for every 20 vehicular • Minimum of 1 Bicycle Rack Space for every 20 vehicular spaces required. • Parking ratio may be reduced within 14 mile radius of TOD spaces required. • Parking ratio may be reduced within %mile radius of TOD spaces required, • Parking ratio may be reduced within 14 mile radius of TOD and within % mile radius of a Transit Corridor by thirty and within 14 mile radius of a Transit Corridor by thirty and within % mile radius of a Transit Corridor by thirty percent (30%) by process of Waiver, except when site percent (30%) by process of Waiver, except when site percent (30%) by process of Waiver, except when site is is within 500 feet of T3. is within 500 feet of T3. within 500 feet of T3. • Loading - See Article 4, Table 5 • Parking may be provided by ownership or lease offsite within 1,000 feet by process of Waiver, except when site is within 500 feet of T3. • Parking may be provided by ownership or lease offsite within 1,000 feet by process of Waiver, except when site is within 500 feet of T3. • Loading - See Article 4, Table 5 • Loading - See Article 4, Table 5 IV.15 Submitted into the public record in connection with items Pz.7 on 04-26-12 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk