HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZAB Supporting Docs 12-14-11PZAB.1 File ID: Title: Location: Appellant(s): Applicant(s): Zoning: Purpose: Planning Department Recommendation: Analysis: PLANNING, ZONING AND APPEALS BOARD FACT SHEET 11-00477wt Quasi -Judicial A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI PLANNING, ZONING AND APPEALS BOARD, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), DENYING OR GRANTING THE APPEAL, THEREBY APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS OR DENYING, THE WARRANT SPECIAL PERMIT FILE NO. 11-0020, ISSUED BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR ON MAY 5, 2011, TO ALLOW A SPECIAL TRAINING/VOCATIONAL SCHOOL (EDUCATING HANDS SCHOOL OF MASSAGE) WITHIN AN EXISTING BUILDING LOCATED IN TRANSECT ZONE T6-12-L, ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 3883 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD, MIAMI, FLORIDA. Approximately 3883 Biscayne Boulevard [Commissioner Marc David Sarnoff - District 2] Geoffrey Bash, Abutting Property Owner 448 NE 39th Street Miami, FL 33137 (305) 401-9001 Iris Burman, Owner 3883 Biscayne Blvd. Miami, FL 33137 (305) 978-6412 T6-12-L Urban Core Zone The approval of this appeal will not allow a massage school. Approval with conditions of the Warrant and denial of the appeal. See supporting documentation. Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board: Continued on July 6, 2011, July 20, 2011, September 14, 2011, September 26, 2011 and November 2, 2011. 0 1 150 300 I MIAMI 21 600 Feet 1 SABAL.PALM.RD ADDRESS: 3883 BISCAYNE BLVD 0 150 300 600 Feet ADDRESS: 3883 BISCAYNE BLVD __27",'CY/ 20 '%1f -7/20i 10 _ . c 0/;9 a / - /75: , Z Whi. - -1-plee/` j,.. / //) Affegga--e ,5' 0 A/7- Aki . A(g44-Dr. ,. . • • 4,e4ng OAlle a / e ,6,,,- &JP, _ _____,,-;,,e 2,. p/5i, • 4)0 .., . . e . .47 i . 177 2I.JAPPv.,I.A7 A• 1r "Zi2Lh, / 11. i-i ji in-N 20 '11 PM 3:41 #3 5 / i i ,' tk _fin • kut,/ .02..._... / 4-7 ,___S-e.J/ - .9-...7 „ear-45 • e-14‘;"--c----, ,,,e9i77/ 3 fff.3. sc.-c..._ / d g--6r, -zer 491 it<___ di - . .4, ..4/44/, e i/i" 17Y-C IL . ' • 33/37 /le .'i 5.1 C1.52,4, r•• DECISION tit BO han, 4 883),1 iscayne Blvd:, 4r } , ��rMIm)'�F33137 cl ,,: ,. ' " From Franclsci J. Garccia, f hector i. y € . ) `H{ P 0FPfahrnngibepart'nerita 3.;.d kf 4.o,: PLEASE TAKENOTICE THAT FINALD1ECISION HAS BEEN REACHED ON THE FOLLOWING MATTER: f.'x A,t'•, `'�•. sf/;1v�4�1YrxY...;.0 ..rtb' � 't wM,(F. File No. 11-0020 Title:yµ4 Massage School in Transect Zone T6-12-L ddressck 3883 Biscayne Blvd., Upper Eastside NET Final Decision: ❑ Approval • Approval with conditions ❑ Denial i: i d 2ii •.E. FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS The subject proposal has been reviewed for Warrant Permit pursuant to Article 4, Table 3 Building Function: Uses of Miami 21 Code, as adopted, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, which stated that Special TrainingNocational uses in "Urban Core Transect Zone" T6 - L shall be by Warrant. Pursuant to Section of the above -cited Zoning Ordinance, the Planning Department has made referrals to the following Departments and Boards. • Office of Zoning, Building Department • Upper Eastside NET Office, Neighborhood Enhancement Team Their comments and recommendations have been duly considered during the review for this final decision. This application has been reviewing, pursuant to Section (d) of the Zoning Ordinance; the following findings have been made: FINDINGS • The applicant is proposing a special training/vocational school (Educating Hands School of Massage) within an existing building. • The applicant is providing a total of twenty seven (27) parking spaces on -site; satisfying the required twenty one (21) parking spaces with an additional six (6) parking spaces provided. • The proposed use is compatible and will be beneficial to the area by providing special training and vocational training program to residents and employees of the area as well as creating new employment opportunities. File No. 11-0020 • Pursuant to Sec. (d) of the Miami 21 Code, the City of Miami Zoning Ordinance, the application has been reviewed and found sufficient, with the conditions listed below. Based on the above findings and the considered advice of the officers and agencies consulted on this matter and pursuant to Section of the Miami 21 Code, the subject application is hereby Approved with Conditions subject to the plans and supplementary materials submitted by the applicant on file with the Planning Department further subject to the following conditions: CONDITIONS 1. Applicant shall relocate dumpster to the southeast corner with the proper enclosure and it shall be accessible by the existing alley. 2. Existing propane gas tanks shall be screened from view with landscape hedge behind the existing CBS wall along NE 39th Street at the north side of the property. 3. Entrance to the parking lot shall be accessed only through NE 39th Street and exit through the alley at the south boundary of the property. 4. A landscape plan shall be submitted for review and approval in compliance with the landscape ordinance, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Use showing new street trees on private property along Biscayne Blvd. 5. Open violation for not having the proper Certificate of Use is pending until the approval of this Warrant. Compliance of the conditions of this Warrant application must be met prior to a certificate of use being issued by the Office of Zoning and the fifteen (15) appeal period has passed. LEM The final decision of the Dir Board by any aggrieve written appeal and a Ave., 7th Floor, Mi Signature NOTICE or may be appealed to the Planning, Zoning, and Appeals ithin fifteen (15) days of the date of issuance by filing a with the Office of Hearing Boards, located at 444 SW 2nd elephone number (305) 416-2030 Francisco',/. Garcia, Dir Plannin epartment 2 Date / Sly LICATION TMPLETER.,BY APPLICAr �'y i P"�,'t� I i^` >1, APPLICANT .,,} PPLICANT PHONE NUMBER 14, �k , `Y'APPLICANTADDRESS 9 • 3UILDING.POMAREICATION NUMBER'''' PROJECTJAME'' OWNER PHONE NUMBER c;Jo J i. 7 E - n�PLETEDBYZONIINGPLANS:EXAMINER Zo J -oo Zo / FAX NUMBER .33 (37 / ZIP CODE rk'ZCOCCL. 3ee3 8 � r. PROJECT ADDRESS 15WP. / ZIP CODE `- (d1. (0)441. -schk JOL PROPOSED USE UPPEL.-EISI Stbe NET DISTRICT TRAN ECT ZONE FLOOR AREA me APPLE ABBLE SEC SECTION OF CODE AILED DESCRIPTION OF>PROPOSED WORK NATURE OF APPLICATION F&t. Tvz. AD.WeriVt. Use_ or- Am EKi rt,IvG bUIL•L7414G As 4 Slziaccat. T 41411 1. 1 /i7aC.toJ t. USE..1 t 1,4 ript.m C.A5£1 A. MASSArw-e. 'SC4c01... Ee-# 244)4 14 etswb -rta,t) r3t.1 .64• -e,vt>6 ft5t2 5119IQ&c,E-4 C.,14.IN Lusk TIFJCATIOf Pursuant to the fee schedule, a fee of $ Per are non-refundable. APPLICANT shall be paid prior to the review and issuance of this Warrant. DATE The Office of Zoning has reviewed the proposed work and finds that a Warrant is required pursuant to specific section(s) of the Miami 21 Code, cited above. 3 -17-11 ZONING PPL INER WAR ' OORDINATOR ^ T3uildmg Permit e obtained within expire unless extension Is reques ficate of Occupancy an CITY OF MIAMI Planning Department Ph: 305-416-1400 444 SW 2^d Ave 3rd Floor Miami, FL 33130 www.miamigov.com/planning ATE Zo// entified herein mus subjecf permit, shy GRAPHIC— 5-YME3c)I_S PROJECT DATA PROJECT PARTICIPANTS DRAWING INDE;d l� 8E7 E1,c-Z lb. BE'": KN=L DETAIL A-5 51>ER NO. A-3 DEEM NT ET, EN.ar DIENT DNO�"EGG ND -PER E NIEROR ELEVATIG STMBa. ONAUM NO. 0 EFEET!YD. TEYPE.D 6 55 X_4- rx A.F.F. OF10E E nfCN•eOvE OCOG N4'EEN m &MOM N15ER STOREFRONT 1EVATIGI Qj FEVI51O1 NA-EER ❑1 SARRIG TTYRES M=1EGU E nrrEneIH© ND G KEY PLAN GENERAL NOTES • IINACTLA SHALL COST Emu �FLORIDA 61111DRG COVE L4 E5T ENV. AND SHALL FOLLOW NECYUF3YNT5 SET IP BT . 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VETONOEO NCTARG = GE.R PG FELVERIFI VERIFICATION oNATIG RAG, GESION AL EXPOSED DRYWALL AREAS TO BE PAST W11H O e COAT O SEALER I PAD COATS FLAT INTERDR DDR CPA D. E ` WOOD TOI OEOPUE . 5ANDED.uAEA, =D ANO PANED um TOD NEED MEMOS CESGN PACCAGE Ab r COT/MANOR S.D O431.1 ECU. ALL COSTS NECe354RODL_' : Y FOR CDG NCNAL ▪ E CURET PLAES(O OE... DRNWLV ORE. GYKG .0- 55 N KITCAEN FOG AREAS No SUSSIT ITIG5 Cr ANT OEN SPEC-IFD SHALL SE PEA ITED IME55 HOED. DOOR 1.1ARNEA. TO BE POE DOOR 56ELYLE G65IERAL ONSLommo FoxUOR TO 5UB-tN SH.P DRAM.. NT SHEETS OR SAE -Ft. TAO I. COGS 1 WNT:um,. SEE FE.AMCAL CRAORGS 4. CEREG TILES TO OE FRONDS, TO BADE COL BALDING OEPAR114N1 BT 0 EN.E4 SIGNED AIM SEALED MG TO NBT4LATI3L ABBREVIATIONS FRCVECI °E5CWP11LN. CONSTR.-H. G Et15T0G GET. BLDG., TIED STORY &GLOP* RETODELS6 AT THE SECOND FLOOR A TENANT VPROVFIENT LAWN THE Et15TPG STRUCTURE FTiVECT ADORE55 00AFP RTC. 3E53 BISCAY/E BLVD HWII, FL 33131 AFFLICAE:LE CODES: FLORIDA BIILDRG CODE STANDARD EUILDRG CODE PPR9 (DELETE ANSI A -SELL IWm LOAD FRA51O15, 5132) STANDARD RY535r CODE. SED HATICNAL ELECTRICAL CODE ISS1 STANDARD MEDI4NICiL. CODE, MO STANDARD GAS ROVE, 0E3 /5PA 10L LI .. 5AFE1T CODE PPR9, ExCEPI 5ECRCN 10-UJ, 10-L110-0.10-323, AND GRAPIER IL PSS EDITION G TIE NATIONAL FIRE CODES FLORIDA ACDESSIBILIIT CODE FOR E1IILDRG CONSTRICTION FABG JA4IARY B^i1 COISTRCIION: in?. 0 - F0G ORDNA3T MEGRIM' UNPROIECRED Y0DIPAHCY. GROUP 0 - GRIM 91IIDRG ALL P4F:CRG O FROFIDED A5 PART OF THE OVERALL E4GTPG PARARG Dam GILDING MALE LA RONARMLE FR5164 PASTERIES EFCH1ECi OF HOOCRO KELT 1 /ENENDEZ DESIC41 AGG- LLG AA• 160010314 5651 GOLLO5 AVE - E.5UTE 01.15 MAR BEACK FL 33140 (31.5)501-5511 CONTACT, DANIEL FIDENDEL 10_-_4AMCAL ET ECRRIGLPLIHBING RRF F00RFCTICN E4G41gc.A MALE. CID 1 ASSOCIATES an/GOT RE L4•5DL4212A 2102 OCARP INC. • r+F'4:RAI r+NTRACTOR 100 1 A AI DFSRIPRO4 LOTS 53 4 54, CF 11AGNOLIA PARK 2ND. AMC, ACCORDING -O THE FLAT THE0CF A5 RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 5 AT PAGE 15 G THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF 711471I-DADS COUNTY. FLORIDA NO. DRAWING TITLE W A A3 A4 A5 A Al AB As AD An AD COVER SHEET DFJ'40RICH FLAN SOLE DESCRIPTION ROOFS DESDi1PRk41 GROUND FLOOR PLAN SECO✓b FLOOR FLAN REFLECTED CGILDG FLAN (ACC FLAN BUILORG SECl01 AND ELEVATION PRCF05E0 EREROR ELEVATIONS SECTIONS AND DETAILS SECTIONS AND DETAILS z irt P-I P-2 P-3 P-4 FROMOSED PUI OIlG 611E FLAN FlmP0500 FLU'105G FLOOR FLAN PROPOSED PLYe0G ROOF FLAN FLUME,* DETAILS MANHOLE ELECTRIC OX LOT-54 _ PROTECT LINE OF 2No FLOOR BUILDING ' CHAIN LINK FENCE -. --1o3o4TRTFT)- — T9 PAT -NET 2' V • ETTIER COLWA 135Sc135' PROTECT LINE OF 2ND. FLOOR BUILDING O 0 W1 8 [1p0 2L u O i 1( FPARKING LOT - UNDER ▪ GROUD N OFIRST FLOOR Sq ASPHALT PAVEMENT SITE SURVEY M-1 FIE M-3 M-4 N-5 OE-1 DE-1 E-0 EP-I EP-1 EP-3 EP-4 EL-1 FFOF05E0 GRODV LMAC FLAN FTAOPOSFD SECOND HVAC PLAN PROPOSED HVAC RDCF FLAN 1MAC 5C0E(0.55,000RAL NOES 1 LEGE4O HVAC DETAILS E_=CRLC4L DF110.1RO1 BECIRICAL DEICLRIGN SECOND fl.DGR EL=CTWCAL 0r04ER4 NOTE34LGUID PROPOSED PEER FLAN, FIRST FLOOR FR F0710SED POTTER FLAN. SECOND F10OR FROFVSED FOG POUR FLAN r1zh[n4D PANEL `r-bone FROPOSED LGHTPG FOAL FIRST ROOK PROP0583 LGNEY FLW, 5-ECOI0 RCCR BUILDING INFORMATION MGM OCn04FCT. WILDE.15 545PRM1D 131EDIFG 4251RCRCN TYPE: 11U11T21 VEGm. H42011A11b. G STORES: . AfA CM STORY CN.T STORY ADJACENT m H r 0Fs15TARATTY., aFrmrt N IN:PROT. 11!M'FAO.. GLAU PARR 1 RICE WALLS FLOOR 1 RG8R44CERRr ASDY•LIE5 ROOF I RCGF/CE .00 418010LIE5 E(1ERG4 OEFJNI.. 5AL5 IGRIGNAL 5EP4R4RO1(DISTA40 Ri41 AMMO FPLI-LNil LURJ OYES 3 FT. TO GT. 1RFf IECTED WALL CFFNP1A CUEING NCNOEADD WALLS !DRUG. AL BEPARA1CN (DISTANCE FROM A53MED PROPERTY ONE) PIER 3 FT. TO IGT. I51P00 ECRO WALL Md:L 41uID GROG DCCWPA4GT FFPARAIICN Pea. FPMg0S u F COMM.. (CAKE) PROVIDED w-'05.gIL TYPE N IPFFGIECIED ERI92EG EA5TEG I NOIR BBW044 FOOIFWNTR (GR153 LOT 10.400 4�n )LCA e NE10 GROND R[GR 5 NEW SEC00 FLOOR TOTAL PAVED..3R0LT AND CONC.) 11441 ALLF4E0 L109.4LL 10583 .g1L 0)0 NAIL b520.gR. PROADEO 0)05 .30. Kelly 21 AT0R55W51 h..a U. -SURVEY 3 GENERAL NOTES A-1 BUILDING DESCRIPTION 1.- TWO STORIES EXISTING BLOC CONCRETE BLOCK. 2.- 21000 SQUARE FEET TOTAL 3.- 10' DROP CEIUNG THP.000T. 4.- NOT SPRINKLERED BUILDIND. NOTE BUILDING IS A EXISTING BUSINESS OCCUPANCY NFPA 101, CHAPTER 38/39 SECTION 39.3.4. SCOPE OF WORK: NEW FIRE ALARM SYSTEM i NI Uu 011100/ .101 it X 1 V NniF c_' n FIP.E ALARM SYMBOL LEGEND .gym I — ® I El 1.00.. o I^ 3 I� ID 1> ,a4® 'A 1 - rf =