HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddendum No. 2£Tf aath .KENNETH ROBERTSON JOHNNY MARTI'NEZ, P.E Chic I' Procurement officer City Manager fit? c.t,,rit 4:rti Jr. ADDENDUM NO. 2 1FB No. 275276 September 13, 2011 Crowd Management and Parking Personnel Services TO: ALL PROSPECTIVE PROPOSERS: The following changes, additions, clarifications, and deletions amend the IFB documents of the above captioned IFB, and shall become an integral part of the Contract Documents. Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be added. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Please note the contents herein and reflect same on the documents you have on hand. The following section has been deleted from the General Terms and Conditions Section: ran orrr�oF nnrnnnr, ran ink rr, �nfnr� npnrntnntrG_ rfe-r—ity-ef-Miami adopted a living -wage ordinance for oity-Ser ice -se t ts-a-v and rr 1 FV+ it i ntnininn ., total n the following services: food preparation and/or distribution; security se^is *' ^'"fe^^nne-se es - non supew+s orary or permanent; transportation and parking cervices; printing and reproduction servi If this soli cmployeec ^ rv;nr one-no-1 1, 2007, contractors must pay its' IourAfithout health be ,t f't ^ hi h "^" ` adjusted annually by no later than April 1st folleviAng-the- publisatien-of-the U.S Department of Health and Hum to time. A -service contractor -is -defined as any "for profit" liability -company, joint vent- 5,i^r businors: (.1) Paid-in-whele or part from one or more of the city's I f rl r f �, f _!a 'th rliro tl.i nr inrliro^tlr general funds, capital project fund-speoi��ry `wTh,eoth r by-Gomp itivc bid-pre^sess, iinforma'bids, requests for proposals, some form of solicitation, negotiation, or agreement, or nn r-decisio engaged in the business of, or part of, a contract or a subcontract to provided covered services, either d+rectty or indirectly, for the benefit -of -the city. This does not aply to contracts related-pimarily to the sale of products or goods. The scrvise-sentraetor, prior to entering any such cot ^ { certify to the-Gity t=ha 4Il-pay e h of its 'severed employees no less thanhe-4iving-wag ertifisate-m-ust-be-made-available to the public upon-req+.fest. The-sertiftcate, at a minimum, must include -the following- (1) "''The name, address, andpheneer of the employer, a contact -person, and the specific project for which the service contrast-is-sought- -(2) ''The -amount of the service -contrast -and the city department the contra wW-sei e (3L A brief description of the -project or service provided; overed employees; and Addendum No. 2 IFB275276 {5) A commitmcRt-te„pgy-all-cayer-ed-employees the living -wage. A copy of the livi-wagc.rato :,gall-be-lerept-posted by-t"e-seru!se-contractor at the cite-ef-the-work-in-a- . prominentp!aoe-where it can -&ashy -be -seen and r ad by the -covered -employees and--shall-be cu.ppt!od to. such -employees -within a reasonablo do so. Additionally, cewiee-aantfactor-s-ahati- f is opy-of-the-requirerneats-ef-the City-ef-Miami-Living-Wage Ordinance -to aay tat-y--submitting-a-bid- fer-a-subsentraet-on-arry-service-centrac-,t-sui3ject-te-t4is-orbs eats -will -not -he required where --the service contracter-prints-the-following-statements on -the front of-the-Gc;ered-employee's-firms paycheck-aad-ever-y--six- 9Rt#s-then+ after.` "You arc required -by thel Cit y c-�ff-Miami-' " °.rage-9r-dinanee4e- be paid a Living -Waco. elieve you being pa' gc rate, contact -your employer, an attorne;.-er4he-Qty-of-Miami." Atl-nooses-w+!l-he-printed-iR-€nglisl}-Spanish and Creole -Serviee-Cantrasters-and their cubesRtracters--agree-to produce all -documents -and records relating to payroll and compliance this Ordinanco. Each -service contractor shall -maintain -payroll -regards -for all -severed employees and basic records rotating thereto and shall preserve them for a period of thfeezv, ;tiers from t! a date of termination or expiration of the-service-Genttra^ h� • • c'- -h^!! _ _ �+ {1) The name-and-eddres of ash -severed empleyee= {2) The job title and classification- 4rked cash -day :4'ges-t3aid;- (6) A copy of the so {7) f-payment thereof; A record of fringe benefit p + cl ding contributions to approved plans; and (8) Any other data of inforrnati Every six months, the cowls t���+ttfthis article +frnm4h +� +hn service contractor shall produce for inspection and copying its payroll rosords for any or all of its covered- cmployees-fo a/roA-records as ncoded to ensure compliance. nn!ami Living Wage -Ordinance „a; r !t ;n !egc! action by the covered nr a iorod emn employee or form,-ov.�.�..�loyee as al -lowed -lay -Florida Law, court impose sanctions, city Impose sanctions, such -as -pay --wage restitution, impos tcrminati n of contract, and -debarment. p Tease-review-Stty-ef-Miomi Code Section 18 556 through Section 18 559--for a complete and thorough description of the City of Miami Liv+n"'fie- The following is the City's answers to questions received from prospective bidders: Q1. There is a bid bond requirernent for IFB 275276, 1, section 1,11 what is the percentage or amount of the bid bond. Al. No. There is no bid bond required for this IFB. Page 2 Addendum No. 2 TFB275276 Q2. Is there a living wage requirement for IBF 275276, 1, section 1.40? A2. No. This section has been deleted frorrithis 1FB. Q3. Is there a current vendorproviding"service, whatis the vendors bill rate;'and'the number of hours of service provided to the city and Bayfront. A3.The current vendor is DAK and the hourly rate is $16.52. It should be noted that this rate reflects the City of Miami's Living Wage required, in effect under the current contract. The annual estimated hours, which vary based on events, is 11,000. Q4. Please provided a list of companies from today's Bid conference September 12, 2011 at 10:00am. A4. The sign in sheet for the Pre -Bid Meeting held on September 12, 2011 has been attached to this addendum. Q5. It is my understanding that the bid is not an EXCLUSIVE bid? A5. Please refer to Section 1.57. Non -Exclusive Contract/Piggyback Provision. Q6. Any contractor with the proper insurance and licenses in accordance of the City of Miami that attended the meeting or any other contractor with the proper insurance and licenses can do business at Bayfront Park with promoters doing events without the three year experience requirement under the current bid spec and can do any event, meeting that requirement? A6. Yes. Q7. The rates submitted for the current bid will be enforced the entire contract up to four years at the City of Miami's discretion based on three one year renewals and therefore, there will be no cost of living increase or time in half for holiday events, based on rates submitted on this current bid? Therefore, rates submitted on September 19, 2011 will be enforced the entire term of the contract with no . increases based on cost of living per year and/or time in a half employee pay based on holiday events? A7. Please refer'to Section 1.37. Firm Prices. There is no contract provision allowing for price adjustments. Q8. This current bid will commence on May 21, 2012 after the current contract holder concludes there current extension with the City of Miami based on the past 2008 bid? A8. Please refer to Section 2.4 Term of Contract. We cannot provide an effective date of contract at this time. Q9. The Contractor awarded the bid will be responsible for their required State of Florida Department of Revenue seven (7 ) percent sales tax on Crowd Management /Security services and must be included with the rates submitted on this bid? A9. Please refer to Section 1.82. Taxes. Q10. All Live Nation concerts and rentals inside the amphitheater area are not included for services on this bid? A10. Yes. Q11. What is the current rate? All. Please refer to question number 3. Page 3 n Addendum No. 2 Q12, When is the parking operational? Is 8am-11pm, correct? Al2. Yes. IFB275276 Q13. The number of staff operating it? A13. One to two staff members depending on the activity or activities scheduled. When there's a special event the need for staff can range from 10-150 guards depending on the need for that specific event which is generally decided in conjunction with Miami PD and Bayfront Park Management Trust. ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE IFB REMAIN THE SAME. Sincerely, re, Kenneth Robertson Director/Chief Procurement Officer Page 4