HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2022-03-11 MinutesCity of Miami City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com * INCORP ORATES * 18 88 Meeting Minutes Friday, March 11, 2022 10:00 AM Special Meeting City Hall City Commission Francis X. Suarez, Mayor Christine King, Chair, District Five Joe Carollo, Vice Chair, District Three Alex Diaz de la Portilla, Commissioner, District One Ken Russell, Commissioner, District Two Manolo Reyes, Commissioner, District Four Arthur Noriega, V, City Manager Victoria Mendez, City Attorney Todd B. Hannon, City Clerk City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 10:00 AM INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Present: Chairwoman King, Vice Chair Carollo, Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla, Commissioner Russell and Commissioner Reyes On the 11 day of March 2022, the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, met at its regular meeting place in City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, in special session. The Commission Meeting was called to order by Chairwoman King at 10:21 a.m., recessed at 1:37p.m., reconvened at 3:44 p.m., and adjourned at 4:39 p.m. Note for the Record: Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla entered the Commission chambers at 10:33 a.m. ALSO PRESENT: Arthur Noriega, V, City Manager Victoria Mendez, City Attorney Todd B. Hannon, City Clerk Chair King: Welcome to today's special meeting for the purpose of considering and taking any and all actions related to the redistricting of thecity of Miami Commission districts including but not limited to the drafting of any related maps and boundaries. Today we will be honored with a prayer from Minister Cheryl Coleman of Friendship Missionary Baptist Church. Minster Coleman. It's National Women Month which is why I've had women give us the prayer for the month of March. Thank you for joining us. Cheryl Coleman: Thank you, Commissioner King, for this opportunity. And I send love and gratitude to all the amazing women. I will share and prayer in my faith tradition and I will ask you to join me in your spirit as we pray for this meeting that's about to take place. Invocation delivered. Chair King: Thank you. Commissioner Carollo, would you please honor us with the Pledge of A llegiance. Pledge of Allegiance delivered. Chair King: Thank you. City of Miami Page 1 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 ORDER OF THE DAY Chair King: The members of the City Commission appearing for this special meeting are my Vice Chair Commissioner Joe Carollo, Commissioner Ken Russell, and Commissioner Manolo Reyes, as well as myself your Chair Christine King. Also appearing are the City Manager Art Noriega, our City Attorney Victoria Mendez, and our wonderful City Clerk Todd Hannon who keeps me in check. At this time our City Attorney will please state the procedures to be followed during this special meeting. Victoria Mendez (City Attorney): Thank you, Madam Chair. Any person who is a lobbyist pursuant to Chapter 2, Article 6 of the City Code must register with the City Clerk and comply with the related City requirements for lobbyists before appearing before the City Commission. A person may not lobby a City Official, Board Member, or staff member until registering. A copy of the code section about lobbyists is available in the City Clerk's Office or online at www.municode.com. Any person making a presentation, formal request, or petition to City Commission concerning real property must make the appropriate disclosures required by the City Code in writing. A copy of this code section is available in the office of the City Clerk or online at www.municode.com. The City of Miami requires that any person requesting an action by the City Commission must disclose, before the hearing, any consideration provided or committed to anyone for agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested action pursuant to City Code Section 2-8. Any documents offered to the City Commission that have not been provided seven days before the meeting as part of the agenda materials will be entered into the record at the City Commission's discretion. In accordance with section 2-33O and (g) of the City Code, the agenda and the materials for each item on the agenda is available during business hours at the City Clerk's Office, and online 24 hours a day at www.miamigov.com. Any person may be heard by the City Commission through the Chair for not more than two minutes on any proposition before the City Commission unless modified by the Chair. The public comment will begin at approximately 10: 25 and remain open until public comment is closed by the Chair. Members of the public wishing to address the body may do so by submitting written comments online via the comment form. Please visit www.miamigov.com/meetinginstructions for detailed instructions on how to provide public comment using the online public comment form. The comments submitted through the comment form have been and will be distributed to elected officials and City Administration throughout the day so that the elected officials can consider the comments. Additionally, the online comment form will remain open during the meeting to accept comments and distribute to the elected officials up until the Chair closes public comment. Public comment may also be provided live here at City Hall, located at 3500 Pan American Drive, subject to any and all City rules as may be amended. If the proposition is being continued or rescheduled, the opportunity to be heard may be at such a later date before the City Commission takes action. When addressing the City Commission, the member of the public must first state his or her name, his or her address, and what item will be spoken about. Any person with a disability requiring assistance, auxiliary aids and services for this meeting may notify the City Clerk. The City has provided different public comment methods to indicate among other things the public support, opposition, or neutrality on items and topics to be discussed at the City Commission in compliance with section 286.0114 (4)(c) Florida Statutes. The public has been given the opportunity to provide public comment during the meeting and within reasonable proximity and time before the meeting. Please note, Commissioners have been generally briefed by City staff and the City Attorney on items on the agenda today. Access to the meeting can be viewed live on MiamiTV, the City's Facebook page, the City's Twitter page, the City's YouTube channel, and Comcast Channel 77. The broadcast will also have closed captioning. Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Mr: City Clerk, would you please read the procedures for public comments. City of Miami Page 2 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Todd Hannon (City Clerk): The public will have two minutes to speak. There's only one item on today's agenda, so if it's -- Chair, if it's the will of the Commission, you may now proceed with public comment or with a brief presentation by the consultants regarding redistricting. Chair King: I'd like to go with public comments first and then have the presentation. Vice Chair Carollo: (INAUDIBLE) mics on. Chair before we proceed with either presentation or public comments, I'd like to ask for the floor so that 1 could delve into a few areas -- (COMMENTS MADE OFF THE RECORD) Vice Chair Carollo: Well, I'm doing my best for you to hear me. (COMMENTS MADE OFF THE RECORD) Vice Chair Carollo: Thank you. So, I can dwell into a few areas that 1 need to clear Chair King: Okay, I'm going -- I'm going to grant you that. Let me just first find out what is the will of the body after we allow Vice Chair Carollo to have his -- would you like to have the presentation first or would you like public comment first? What is the will of the bodv? Commissioner Reyes: (INAUDIBLE). Chair King: No, no, I'm going to allow him to speak first, but after. Public comment or the presentation? Commissioner Reyes: Public comment. Chair King: Public comment first? Okay, so we're going to do -- Commissioner Russell: I was going to recommend that we discuss the potential tweaks as were mentioned by Mr. De Grandy based on the last map. Because the public is only going to comment on the same things that they saw two weeks ago versus any new discussions we've all had from our new community meetings, may change things, they may not. But that'll allow public comment afterwards to reflect on what we've decided. Commissioner Reyes: He has a point. I mean -- Chair King: Okay, that's fine. Commissioner Reyes: I mean there's a rule in math that the order of the factors (INAUDIBLE) Chair King: Okay, so we'll have the presentation and after the presentation public comments, but for now I'm going to defer to Vice Chair Carollo. Please go ahead. City of Miami Page 3 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 PUBLIC COMMENTS FOR "SP" ITEM(S) 11703 DISCUSSION ITEM City Commission PUBLIC COMMENTS SUBMITTED ONLINE BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC FOR THE MARCH 11, 2022 CITY COMMISSION MEETING. RESULT: PRESENTED Chair King: Gentlemen, are we ready for public comment? Commissioner Reyes, ready for public comment? Commissioner Reyes: I'm ready. Chair King: Okay. Public comment is now open. Please line up. Good morning. Katrina Morris: Good morning. Chair King: Please. Go ahead. Ms. Morris: I'm going to cry again. My name is Katrina Morris, I am a resident of the City, of Miami. I want to apologize for my outbursts. I get emotional. My husband would agree with you. It just, it's -- it's really hard to be involved in the process when our voices aren't listened to. And it feels like as a body of residents, it feels like it's the body of residents against our representatives. And that's what's so hurtful, is that we have come -- I spent -- I did not talk to Commissioner Russell, okay, 1 sat in my -- on my couch for hours going through public testimony, writing down things, and going why has the decision been made? Why has the decision been made? Why has the decision been made? And nobody can comment on it. And so, it is hard not to jump to conclusions about why decisions are being made when they seem like they've been pre -made and that the arguments are all in support of that decision. And that when the residents come in and say, hey can you consider us? And then we are told we're activists. And I don't know what else to do and so I jump up and I go I'm leaving. And then Igo, no, wait, why should I leave? I'm the resident. I am the one you are representing. I don't care if you don't like you and you don't like you and you're mad at you, we are not poker chips. We are not pawns, we are people. That's all I have to say. Chair King: Good morning. Anthony Parrish, Jr: Madam Chair I'd like to wait until Commissioner Reyes, who I respect a lot, comes back to the podium because I'd like to see how he reacts to whatl say. Thank you. John Dolson: John Dotson, 4205 Lennox Drive, Coconut Grove. I stepped out a little earlier because I was looking for a shower to wash off after what I saw this morning. Having said that little sarcastic comment, I have a thing here which I'm going to go ahead and read. Again, I wish Mr. Reyes was here for me and for many people in this room. This hasn't -- City of Miami Page 4 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Commissioner Russell: There he is. Mr Dolson: -- this hasn't been about race, this is about keeping a cohesive community. One of the things I enjoy most about Miami is our diversity. We're a city of immigrants who from across the globe fled here so their voices could be heard over the edicts of autocratic dictators. I'm stunned we have reached the point where over 2,300 petitioners, hundreds of community members showing 100 percent opposition to the previous plan could be ignored. I'm glad to see there's an alternative plan that could keep the Grove together Is this what a democracy looks like in Miami now? What I saw earlier today was not good. It was not good at all. We stand here in opposition, united, one voice, one mission, one Grove, one representative to the border of. US-1. I've got no country to flee to to find better representation. This is where 1 live. I will not listen again to derisive characterizations that the citizens of Coconut Grove is a mere vocal minority of activists and actors as was done on February 25th. I'm pleading with you to listen to the vocal majority. The issue here is keeping the grove whole, which we fought for since 1925. We've got NCD (Neighborhood Conservation District) overlays. I started working with Village West five years ago on the NCD revisions because they were the first group to put an NCD- 2 in place, and 1 had to go learn from them how to do it. 1 value that interaction with Village West and the ability to protect and preserve our neighborhoods. We got those NCDs and the historic preservation busted up into three districts and we're going to have trouble getting our things done that we value. Chair King: Thank you. Mr Dotson: Okay. Chair King: Thank you. Mr Dolson: Okay. And we vote and we remember when you run for Mayor Commissioner Reyes: I heard my name. (INAUDIBLE). I was in the bathroom. Chair King: He just wanted you to be here, that's all. He just wanted you to hear it. Commissioner Reyes: (INAUDIBLE). Chair King: Okay. Ma'am? Mayra Joli: Mayra Joli. I actually enjoy this back and forth. And I applaud Carollo to bring it all in the open. Because, hey, I was running for Mayor last November and there was a big stink about me not living in Miami according to some. And they commissioned this one and that one to bring me up and drag me through it because they were representing all of you. So now there is a question about where everybody is living. Oh, that's so not nice. That the same people that are supposed to be living in the district they're representing, um, they're not sure if they are living there or not. I wonder how many of you are living where you say that you are living, because certainly Mayra Joli does live in Miami. And Mayra Joli does live in Coral Gables. The same way you guys can make an argument that you buy and rent, that you live here, and you live there, the same argument can be made. But I'm so glad Joe Carollo City of Miami Page 5 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 is so brave. Because without Carollo, this would he kind of watching paint dry, trying to see all those hypocrites that they think that they are so polite just sticking it up to the residents. Good luck. Goodbye. Chair King: Thank you. Ma'am? Elizabeth Gibson: Hi, my name is Liz Gibson, I live on -- in South Grove on El Prado, and I've lived there probably longer than most of you have been alive. I had a whole thing prepared until the fiasco started over there. And -- but 1, originally in the last meeting the firm that was hired to prepare the redistricting were supposed to come back with a tweak. My question is, for this firm, that we as taxpayers paid to prepare this redistricting map, what communication, I don't want anybody to start screaming, what communication did you receive from Joe Carollo that led you to redraw the map in a way that places his home in District 3? Your actions have placed you in the middle of a lawsuit filed by taxpayers against him, so I want to offer them the opportunity to answer my question on the record today. If you further disrespect the taxpayers who paid for this new map by refusing to answer I certainly hope the Judge forces you to turn over all the communication related to this conflict. I would like to yield my time, my remaining time, so that the question may be answered, but 1 don't see anybody that's willing to answer it. Thanks. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. Good afternoon. Mr Parrish: Good afternoon. My name is Anthony Parrish, Jr, and I live at 3940 Main Highway in Coconut Grove. I've been a Grovite since 1985. We, you, and all the citizens here in this chamber are here today because of the Voting Rights Act, the Federal Voting Rights Act. Its purpose is to protect and serve the inalienable rights of citizens to vote for those who will represent them and have their votes counted equally. Redistricting is one of the main goals of the Voting Rights Act, but there is a sickness in the City of Miami that leads citizens not to vote at all in local elections. You can get elected or reelected in Miami's local elections with less than eight percent of the registered voters voting in that election. This sickness is called apathy. And it comes from citizens repeatedly seeing their elected representatives ignoring them and failing to at least listen to them with respect. There is one neighborhood, one neighborhood in Miami that does vote in large numbers, and always has, and that is Coconut Grove. And now you Commissioners want to dismember that one united neighborhood into three districts. My question is why? If you had not instructed Mr De Grandy to ignore all of the redistricting proposals, those of us here today and who were here on March 7th, and the more than 2,000 of us who signed the petition, might believe that you have our best interests at heart. But Mr. De Grandy has repeatedly testified that he has done exactly what you told him to do, thus, we are left with the conclusion that you, Commissioners, prefer voter apathy over -- Chair King: Thank you. Mr. Parrish: -- an engaged, passionate, and active citizen who -- Chair King: Thank you. Thank you. Mr. Parrish: (INAUDIBLE). City of Miami Page 6 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Chair King: Next. David Collins: Commissioners, and I'm happy to say that 1 can say truthfully to the Commissioners on the dais with respect -- (COMMENTS MADE OFF THE RECORD) Mr Collins: Ah, a microphone. I'm happy to say truthfully that 1 can say to the Commissioners, and the Manager; with respect, I have just a couple of thoughts. I think that you haven't kept in touch with the public enough in this process. I know you had a bunch of meetings at the end after basically it was all presented. I think that you might have Sunshine issues but I don't know enough about it, yet, concerning the visits of your hired consultant to each of you to find out your priorities is dangerously close to the line. I know it. V ctoria Mendez (City Attorney): I'm sorry. I respectfully disagree with the comment that you have said about -- Mr Collins: Okay., fine, well you're the attorney, I'm not -- Chair King: Ma'am. Ms. Mendez: -- any type of Sunshine violation. Chair King: City Attorney. Mr Collins: And I'm not here to shout with you, but you will remain quiet. Chair King: City Attorney, nuh-uh, we're not going to do that. Mr. Collins: May I have those seconds refunded, please. Chair King: He stopped the clock. He's very good at that. Mr Collins: Thank you. Chair King: Go right ahead. Mr Collins: I'm not upset with you, I just raised the issue, because clearly if you don't make the decision correctly today, you're headed to court. I want to welcome you to Coconut Grove again, this afternoon. We're delighted that Miami put their City Hall here. I'm told -- I'm told that Downtown has increased in population in the past 10 years by 31,000 and that Coconut Grove has increased by 1,500 to 2,000. Consequently, I see that it's very reasonable to destroy Coconut Grove, cut it into a bunch of little chunks. I want to remind you of one thing and then I'll sit down. Be very very careful in terms of the future to not use a law that was defined to be equitable to voters to get your own way. You can't do that, it's just not American. I respect you so much, Commissioner Reyes. Thank you, Ms. King. City of Miami Page 7 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Chair King: Thank you. Mr Collins: Thank you very much. Good luck. John Howell: Hi, my name is John Howell. I'm -- we've been here about 30 years off of Bayshore. I'm not an activist. The hornet's nest has been kicked. I don't know Ken Russell personally; don't know him from (UNINTELLIGIBLE). I'm a lifelong Republican,l'm a veteran, but he's popular. He gets re-elected and people like him. What we love about the Grove is we've got crazy hippies and we've got uptight Republicans like me, and we get along. Little to no crime, great schools. It's a great place to call home. But this has served us extremely poorly. We're way over our skis, and as a Republican, this morning was very uncomfortable. It's all about comedy, compassion, and competence and I'd tread cautiously because it's a poor decision. Thank you. Chair King: Good afternoon. Debbie Dolson: My name is Debbie Dolson, 4205 Lennox Drive, Coconut Grove. I support One Grove, one voice, and one district with a boundary at US-1. Coconut Grove seems to be the only neighborhood voicing concerns about this redistricting -- the redistricting maps and we're less than ten percent of the entire area ofMiami. There are alternative redistricting maps that Mr. De Grandy has -- has confirmed meet all the legal requirements. Commissioner Reyes, when you were first elected, my husband and I spoke to you right here, right back there, and we welcomed you to -- to the dais and you told us that you -- your goal was to not be just the commissioner of your district, but of all ofMiami. You've heard the hundreds of public comments and seen over 2,000 signatures opposing the map that was -- that we discussed on the 25th. You've received input via e-mail and seen support from the Miami Herald to keep the Grove together What more can we do? Please be true to your word and be a commissioner that supports Coconut Grove today. Commissioner Reyes: I can. I'm still a Commissioner for everybody. Ms. Dolson: Exactly. Chair King: Thank you. Ms. Dolson: Exactly. Commissioner Reyes: That is why I'm going to vote with my conscience. Chair King: Commissioner Reyes. Ms. Dolson: Uh-huh. Commissioner King, I watched your YouTube town hall. Thank you for doing that and I would like to comment that your Constituent Tuesday is amazing, and I hope all the other Commissioners follow suit. During your meeting you said we can't cut into Little Haiti, yet the maps that we previously saw cut into Coconut Grove. You said we have to maintain the core of the district, yet a core piece of Coconut Grove was being removed. You understand the importance of community. City of Miami Page 8 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Please stand with -- please stand with the community of Coconut Grove today. Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. Lynn Fecteau: Hello. My name is Lynn Fecteau. I live at 2542 Swanson Avenue. I've been a Grovite for 47 plus years. I want to just say falling back in the beginning of this meeting, that Commissioner Carollo, just 1 couldn 't believe what he did this morning. Our -- our community deserves better than what he demonstrated today. He deserves to keep historic -- we deserve to keep historic Coconut Grove together I think they should all listen to the people. Last time 1 spoke, Commissioner Carollo got up from his seat and didn't come back until we were done. Now, presently, he's missing again and so are almost -- well two of the commissioners. 1 really wish that people would come and sit and listen to us. We listened to what they had to say. Let's get back to talking about redistricting -- redistricting, and let's look at Commissioner Russell 's plan. It's the best plan for the people of Coconut Grove. The hostility of the Commissioners against Commissioner Russell is apparent to all of us. Please don't let this dislike of Commissioner Russell get in the way of the right vote for Coconut Grove. Do the right thing, vote for One Grove. Thank you. Pratyush Agarwal: 1 have here more than 50 pages of petition signatures. This represents the voice of over 2,300 people who are in opposition of the current redistricting map that breaks up Coconut Grove. This has come through awareness generated online, offline, and through hundreds of conversations with the residents of Miami. This is the work and effort of hundreds ofpeople to not only sign this petition, but also to share it with their friends and family. To show up to this meeting today at 10:00 a.m. on a day that is a workday. None of this is easy, but we really, really, really care. The people who signed this petition represent people from all over Miami, not only Grove residents. In all of my conversations, discussions, and engagements, I have come across only four people who are in support of the current map. Three of them sit here on this Commission and one was a resident I met. I implore you, Chairwoman King, please, if the Commission moves forward with the vote today and the current map that breaks up Coconut Grove, you would be indicating that the Commission is not interested in the voices and position of the residents ofMiami. It would be a signal that engagements, petitions, and even making time on such a day cannot influence this Commission's decisions. It would reflect poorly on the citilens' governance and reaffirm the opinions of so many skeptics. I have not received any kinds of funds from anybody and I'm proud today to be able to submit these to the Commission. I'm not connected to any political interests directly or indirectly. The intention of the residents who signed this are pure and in opposition to the map being presented today. With that, Chairwoman King, I would like to enter into the public record a copy of this petition and comments for each member of the Commission. Do I have your permission? Chair King: Thank you. You can give it to the City Clerk. Thank you. Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): And Chair, if I could just get the speaker's name? IfI could have your name for the record? Mr. Agarawal: Pratyush Agarwal. And -- City of Miami Page 9 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Mr. Hannon: Thank you, sir. Chair King: Good afternoon. Jihad Rashid: Good afternoon. My name is Jihad S. Rashid. I live at 2983 Washington Street, Coconut Grove, North Grove. I've been since my arrival here a community -- I don't like to say activist, but 1 've worked assiduously to make this a better place. I have something to show for it. 1 don't get a lot of credit for it, but I've been responsible for building 45 affordable houses in Coconut Grove and my crown and glory was the Gibson Center that I advocated for It's very complex here. We do a lot to preserve history, culture. We always recognize Coconut Grove as being foundational to the establishment of the City of Miami and indeed South Florida. And we do those things. But my remarks here is to draw upon my early civics lessons where in this country we're finding that elected representatives are doing more to appease their lobbyists and to get elected again. I'm very fiercely insistent upon that government for the people by the people. And year in and year out we come here and we're very deferential and respectful to those folks that we send forth to do our bidding. And most often we defer to their ultimate wisdoms and decisions. But let us not forget that you do what we want you do to. We respectfully ask that, and we respectfully do that. Now wherein we have an opportunity to satisfy the issue for balancing the population voting wise and we have a plan, then we should not have to deliberate much further from that. Everybody can be happy because nobody's in opposition to keeping this place together So -- Chair King: Thank you. Mr Rashid: -- please, we -- Chair King: Thank you. Mr. Rashid: -- ask you, insistently. Albert Gomez: Albert Gomez, 3566 Vista Court, 21 year resident of Coconut Grove. I'm not an activist, I'm an explorer. Okay? (COMMENTS MADE OFF THE RECORD) Mr Gomez: Exactly. And we're taught respect, brotherhood. And I have seen time and time again, because I'm civically engaged, I care about my city. These two gentlemen are not at the dais when the public speaks. Those are all just facts. Over and over again, I consider that disrespect because you have to be present, show/race. That's what the brotherhood shows you. They don't. And that is just fact. And when it comes to the districting -- redistricting, there is an option on the table to keep the Grove together. Yes, there's 114 or so resident -- Black residents left, but that wasn't the case 10 years ago, or even 21 years ago when I came to the Grove for the first time. It's been a descending number over and over again. Also, Ilive in North Grove. I'm going to walk my dog into a new district now I consider that an assault. I want the Grove together. I learned from west -- Village West. I learned from Christ King. Igo to the West Grove and Village West. We are one community. For you to lose sight of that and City of Miami Page 10 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 this voice for whatever reason and not listen to it and make it guide your decisions, disavows your oath to us. Listen to your constituency. 1 f you represent at all, act as such. We want one Grove. Keep it that way. Let keep this legacy alive. Ultimately this is your legacy that we will react to based on your decisions. It's your move, show me that you want to keep us together Thank you. Chair King: Good afternoon. Reynold Martin: Good afternoon. Reynold Martin, 3325 Percival Avenue in what they now call the West Grove. My family has been in the West Grove since the late 1800s. In fact, my family members were founders of Saint James Baptist Church, which was established in 1916 where my family still attends church. We have been in this community a long time, working with every well sounding venture that comes to this community establishing, if nothing else, good will with our friends and neighbors in Coconut Grove. For this Commission to break this community up, erases or dilutes all the hard work that I and others have diligently attempted to establish in this great community for our families and friends. I therefore would request that the Commissioners of this great City of Miami consider alternatives to breaking up this historic community that has been home to Bahamians like myself since -- since late 1800s. Thank you. Fabio Iannelli: Good afternoon. My name is Fabio Iannelli, 3404 Poinciana Avenue. I'm here representing myself and the Four Way Lodge Homeowners Association of 44 residents. I wanted to bring it up to the Commission that we vehemently oppose the proposed subdivision and redistricting of Coconut Grove. We are definitely ones for keeping the Grove intact. I've been here for the last 30 years, and I think it's very important to maintain the Grove that I met when I first moved to Miami and have learned to love. I think it's important that the Commission also consider possibly adding more districts, actually, which would actually fall more in line with cities the size of ours and also allow for the new districts to be properly represented. Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Good afternoon. Senator Dwight Bullard:: Hey, good afternoon. Senator Dwight Bullard. For the record, I am one of those activists. I represent and activist known organization known as the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). It's been around a few years, maybe you've heard of it. I'm the President of the South Dade branch of the NAACP and we respectfully cover the area known as Coconut Grove and stand in complete solidarity with all the residents and believe in a One Grove. One thing that was glossed over during the presentation earlier was the notion of the Voting Rights Act and its desire to maintain what is called communities of common interest, right? If we recognize that Coconut Grove is a community of common interest, irrespective of race, irrespective of ethnicity, orientation, or any other thing, then the maintenance of that neighborhood as a historic neighborhood within the City of Miami, which by the way is made up of multiple historic neighborhoods, that it never seems to be like if we were having this discussion about Liberty City, there would be complete outrage and people would be like this is nuts. So, the idea that we're having this discussion about one of Miami's first and most diverse communities of common interest is appalling. We have to maintain the Grove in its configuration. We know the historic boundaries. So let us not argue with City of Miami Page 11 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 semantics about borders. We know exactly where the Grove is. We know exactly what the Grove has been, and it must be about the maintenance of that. l just want to say that we have as a branch have e-mailed each one of the Commissioners with our concerns around both District 2 and District 5, and the maintenance of those historical districts to make sure there is diverse representation on this dais. Thank you so much. Chair King: Thank you. Elliott Durant: Good afternoon. My name is Elliott Durant, and I am here representing the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce. I'm on the board of directors representing my president right here, Alan Campbell, and the chairman, Monty Trainer. 1 am the -- probably the only French West Indian and Bahamian on the board. And my -- I'm also speaking for Ms. Sue Connell as we find it a bit disrespectful that a couple of the Commissioners are not here to hear us as we heard them. May I please present this, and I'd like to present it to the Commission and give you copies? Whereas, the City of Miami's District 2 has traditionally always included the entirety of Coconut Grove. Whereas the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce founded in 1946 and located in the neighborhood of the City of Miami's Coconut Grove at 3059 Grand Avenue, Miami, 33133, is within the City of Miami's District 2. Whereas the City of Miami City of Commission is entertaining a vote that will break up District 2 into three districts, with parts going to District 3 and parts going to District 4. Whereas there is no clear definite -- definitive reason for the purpose of this breakdown and this breakdown could be construed as gerrymandering. Whereas, the current District 2 Commissioner, Mr Ken Russell, has indicated the importance of keeping Coconut Grove within one district, One Grove. Whereas, the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce has always worked closely and supported our City's District 2 Commissioners throughout several decades in championing legislation for the entirety of Coconut Grove. Now, therefore, let it be resolved that the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce stands by and endorses the opinion of our District 2 Commissioner, Ken Russell, in maintaining Coconut Grove in one district. I also on a personal note, my great grandfather is the first Black man to graduate the University of Pennsylvania School of Divinity, commissioned by President Ulysses S. Grant, to be the founder of the Freedmen's Bureau with Mr Douglass. This, I'm sure, he's looking down and wondering why so many years later this is going on. Please keep this Grove together. As a member of Christ Episcopal Church as you heard Ms. Gibson, please, keep us together. Chair King: Thank you. Mr Durant: Thank vou. Renee Schafer: Renee Schafer, 2571 Lincoln, Coconut Grove resident for nearly 50 years. I want to thank you. I think you perceive that we are more than just voters. We are people who are neighbors, family, and friends. And the facts that have been presented, our voices have been crying out for weeks. We ask you to listen to them. We ask you to be our allies as we have voted and we're hoping you reach in and do the right thing. Chair King: Thank you. City of Miami Page 12 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Steve Gallogly: Hi. My name is Steve Gallogly. I'm a relatively recent resident of Coconut Grove. It just strikes me that, I don't know, we're afraid to talk about history and bring up history and -- but we just repeat some of the mistakes of the past and where we have power, power takes from people that are more powerless and it happens, and when we're together as a community and working together, that's when we go forward, but when we separate and then feel that people are not accountable, those that are supposed to take care of the citizens are not accountable and issues of like right and wrong disappear: And I think that we have to understand that a lot of -- there's historical roots here and we have to protect particularly the most vulnerable in our community and keep the community together: And answer the question why and talk to people. And I don't think that conversation has been carried on and I don't think there's a right to make a change and knowing what a route one is, the difference of a community to cross particularly a community that doesn't have maybe all the opportunities to develop is just -- doesn't make any sense. And so, I hope we can do the right thing and keep the Grove together. Thank you very much. Chair King: Thank you. Chere Cole: Can I ask a question before 1 start? Chair King: You can -- Ms. Cole: Sorry. I can? Chair King: Ask the question. It's all your two minutes. Ms. Cole: On my two minutes? Chair King: Yep. Ms. Cole: Never mind. I'll get to my question in a minute when I'm done. Commissioner Russell: Someone just offered you their time. Ms. Cole: Am I allowed to do that? Chair King: Come on forward. Mr Hannon: Chair Chair? If I could have the person who wants to donate those two minutes to please come to the podium so they can state their name on the record so we can find their speaker sheet? Svetha Janumpalli: Svetha Janumpalli. Mr. Hannon: You've got to pull the microphone. I've got to hear you. Mr Janumpalli: Svetha Janumpalli. City of Miami Page 13 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Ms. Cole: Okay. So, my question is 1 see two empty seats. They had a lot to say when there was debate going on. So, 1'm wondering where they are and if they will be allowed to vote on this issue as they've decided to leave and not listen -- Chair King: Commissioner Carollo is not voting and that is why he is not here. Ms. Cole: Okay. Chair King: He's voting. Ms. Cole: And -- Chair King: He typically watches public comments from his office. Ms. Cole: Is that customary? Chair King: That's it. I answered your question. Keep going. Ms. Cole: Okay 1 apologize. Chair King: Okay. Ms. Cole: I just -- Chair King: I mean, I can't defend him. Ijust gave you -- Ms. Cole: Okay. All right. No, thank you. Thank you so much. Chair King: Uh-huh. Ms. Cole: So my -- I'll get started. My name is Chere Cole. I live at 2915 Jackson Avenue in the Center Grove. I am a native Miamian, so I've been here close to 60 years. I've lived in Coconut Grove for 28 and a half years. I am absolutely opposed to this plan. Ken, thank you for your service and tireless advocacy for our sweet little village. We are grateful. You have reminded us today it is always best when they go low to go high. And I want to thank you for your professionalism. I am shocked at what 1 saw here this morning. I've never witnessed anything quite like this. All these accusations going around, and I want an investigation. That's not what we're here for That should have never happened here. So, I -- I hope you'll figure out a way to let that never happen again. Our time matters, too. I would remind each of you that you are here to serve the voters of the City of Miami. We are seeing this type of redistricting happen all over the country and I would just say I question the motives of these who have sought to change our village. Coconut Grove is not broken. It doesn't need to be fixed. In fact, I feel that we're probably a city, a little village, that could be a model for the whole country. Look at our beautiful city that we're getting ready to chop up, which I hope we don't. The Grove is unique. It is one of the oldest communities in Miami. There are families that have lived here generational. The Monroe family is one of those families. There are so many families that are like that. There are schools in Coconut Grove that are older than every person in this room. There are churches as well. We support each other and work together as one City of Miami Page 14 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 community. We have a net office that goes out of their way to answer calls, speak to us, hear what they -- ask us what our issues are, and work to solve them. I went into McDonald's on Wednesday, there was Commissioner Lewis. There was so many officers asking us what we thought. There's a new vehicle with rainbows for it to be an ally to the LGB [sic] community. That is -- that is a community. And I question why in the world we would want to break that up. It's just not needed, and it's not wanted. I just have to say I'm so proud of what is happening in Coconut Grove. We are growing and changing, we're working together we're advocating for each other, the churches work together. That's a community. We know each other. If you drive down my street any day at 10:00 or 5:00 p.m. you will see probably 50 children playing in the park. All different children. They have their little playsets there. They're playing, they're picnicking, they've having birthday parties, anyone is welcoming. It's a community. This isn 't like a joke. It is a community. Chair King: Thank you. Thank you. Ms. Cole: I'm done. Thank you so much. And I hope you'll listen to us. Chair King: Good afternoon. Barbara Lange: Hi. My name is Barbara Lange. I live 3901 Berganza Avenue, Coconut Grove. I don't thinkl can add much to what's already been said, but I'm asking you please vote to keep Coconut Grove together. Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Tina Gave -Bernard: Good afternoon. Tina Gave -Bernard, 1871 Northwest South River Drive, Miami River District, formally Allapattah. Question, is erasure of Black history in communities the future of Miami? That's an open question and it really shouldn't be. What actions remove that as a question for this City? Let's briefly revisit a bit of local activity. The City of Miami was incorporated in 1896. Blacks represented 44 percent of that vote. The Railroad Shop Colored Addition was established around 1917 in Allapattah. The neighborhood spanned from Northwest 46th Street to 50th Street, Northwest 12th Avenue to 14th Avenue. The all Black community was otherwise surrounded by an all White neighborhood. On August 1, 1947, police sped into Railroad Shop wielding shotguns, putting the Black families who owned their land and homes, out into the rain with nowhere to go. It was an organized effort by the White community who used their political connections to get rid of the Black neighborhood they felt was too close to their own. White residents lodged complaints with the City of Miami and the City -- the County School Board, both bodies intervened to take the Black owned land through eminent domain. The residents of Railroad didn't receive the privilege nor the courtesy of a curfew warning. Seem familiar? This is not only -- this is not the only neighborhood in Miami that has been usurped nor is being gentrified. From Little Haiti being called Lemon City to Magic City Innovation District to Overtown. This is not a Mianai for everyone as Mayor Suarez likes to erroneously -- likes to erroneously flex, while encouraging socio- economic disparity and over development. It's #MiamiForGerrymandering and it must be stopped. Keep Coconut Grove together. #OneGrove. Chair King: Thank you. City of Miami Page 15 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Jonathan Truppman: Good afternoon. Jonathan Trupprnan, 3650 Royal Palm Avenue. Honorable Commissioners, I don't have a lot to add here and I'm not going to go into the voting rights issues, all of which have been spoken quite eloquently to. Butt will say as a second generation Miamian, I went to Ransom Everglades Middle School, Ransom Everglades High School, my family went there as well. This is a community and a place and as I returned back home from ten years in New York to Miami, I wanted to come back to a community as a place. As 1 talk to other people and try to bring start-ups and corporate entities here to try to make this a better place, they come here because it is a place and it has a history. Please do not destroy that place and destroy that history. Coconut Grove is the Seminole area where Miami was founded. It was founded by immigrants seeking a better life as many others have come. Please keep that story and that history together: And 1 would ask my fellow citizens who are here to stay for the vote if they can. I have given up my day of work to be here and if it possible for you to do so, I would ask you to do that as well. Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Clarice Cooper: Good afternoon. My name is Clarice Cooper I reside at 3735 Oak Avenue in beautiful Coconut Grove. I am a native Miamian and a lifelong resident of Coconut Grove, which is almost 72 years. I'm also the president of the Coconut Grove Village West Homeowners and Tenants Association, also known as HOTA, and I'm representing our executive board to restate our opposition once more to the original and revised versions of the redistricting plan. Commissioner Russell has offered an alternative, which I think needs to be looked at because it does keep the Grove together and that's what we're all here about. As a matter offact, we have a lot of our Coconut Grove residents here who's been at every meeting and it's beginning to look like these moves to fracture us is intentional and that a move such as what's on the table will affect us negatively as far as some of the goals that we're trying to accomplish as far as the NCD-2 revisions and also the West Grove CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency). So, I will ask that you consider alternatives in order for the Grove to stay together because we are one Grove and that's the way we want to be to take this' into perpetuity. Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Fleta Stamen: Good afternoon. My name is Fleta Stamen. I'm at 3078 Aviation Avenue, Coconut Grove, and I'm here today to say please preserve one Grove community. I am a native of Miami, Florida and I've lived in the Grove for over 30 years. And what I can tell you is Coconut Grove defines what a community is and I was stunned to find out through our representatives here that one alternative was proposed for redistricting and it essentially destroys a community that has been together for a century and a half. That is not representing us. So, I'm asking you to reconsider. I understand March 11 th is not a deadline, so why we're rushing through this process I do not understand. This community needs some attention and time to consider alternatives which have not been presented. And I don't understand why that did not happen. So, I'm asking you to consider voting against this and any proposal preserve our community and give our community enough time to review and respond to any such proposal reasonably. City of Miami Page 16 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Chair King: Thank you. Jennifer Pflega: Hi. Can you hear me? Okay. Hi. My name is Jennifer Pflega. I am a native Miami resident and I currently live at 3834 Kent Court in the South Grove. We've been there for four years. I'm not an activist. This is the first time I've actually spoken in a public forum like this. But Ijust wanted to say that I've owned homes in the Gables, Pinecrest, and now in the Grove, and of all these neighborhoods my family and 1 find that Coconut Grove is our absolute favorite. It's a true gem. We are proud to live in a diverse and unique landscape, but we're -- but more importantly we are proud to live in a neighborhood with diverse and unique residents who are also passionate and care about their historical neighborhood. From secret garden tours, walking historical tours, outreach, and support of the west Grove churches and children's programs, residents who are involved in enhancing the Commodore Trail not only for Coconut Grove, but for the greater visitors in Miami, special events at the Barnacle, residents who put on the Gifford Lane Arts Stroll for neighbors to attend and enjoy -- and enjoy. These are just a few examples of what makes Coconut Grove unique and the community that it is. Respectfully, I think that Vice Chairmen's Carollo 's prior comments and attacks on Commissioner Russell were inappropriate and are not relevant as to why I'm here. I'm here today regarding the item on the agenda, which is the redistricting of Coconut Grove. I'm opposed to splitting it into different districts. I would like to see it remain as one Grove with the historical boundary of US-1 staying as it is and keeping the West Grove intact following Commissioner Russell's plan. His plan makes sense. And, P.S., I've never met Ken Russell before. The residents have indicated that they'd like to stay together as a community just as they are now They've shown up over and over to make their voice heard, despite the rushed push to change the boundaries with little transparency and giving little voice to residents. My friends in the North Grove who are being removed had no idea this was happening. As Commissioner Reyes just said, we don't need any more division. I implore the Commissioners to keep -- Chair King: Thank you. Ms. Pflega: -- Coconut Grove cohesive and as one. Chair King: Thank you. Miriam Merino: Hi. Good afternoon. My name is Miriam Merino. I live in District 2, lived in Coconut Grove for nine years, but now I live in Brickell, but it's still my district and I love Coconut Grove. If I could move back to Coconut Grove I would. I've always been very happy and pleased to see the incredible union in the Coconut Grove community. No matter what age you are, what are your likes or what you're looking for -- what you look like, the Grove is one of the most unique jewels that we have in our city. It should be an example for any other city to try to have this incredible union of community and love for each other I don't understand why this -- this splitting makes any sense to any of the Commissioners. Destroying something that is working should never be in the focus of our representatives. I was at home streaming all of this and it got me so upset when I heard many comments here of the defamation of character, accusations without any base, our attorney allowing it, and Mrs. King allowing it too, so I had to get dressed and come here. Mr. Reyes, you said City of Miami Page 17 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 twice that you would vote any which way as long as you would keep that seat on. So are you voting to keep that seat or are you voting for the people -- let me finish. Commissioner Reyes: It was -- wait, wait, wait. Ms. Merino: Let me finish. Chair King: Commissioner Reyes. Ms. Merino: Let me finish. For the people that you're supposed to be representing as a Commissioner for the City of Miami. You already see everybody here complaining, you know that we have over 2,000 signatures. What you guys are proposing is not what we want, and you're supposed to represent us. But I question what you said twice that you 're going to vote either way as long as you keep that seat safe. So then what do you mean by that? Chair King: Commissioner Reyes, Commissioner -- Commissioner Reyes: Let me -- no, no, let me -- Ms. Merino: 1 want an answer. Commissioner Reyes: No, no. Let me -- Ms. Merino: In my two minutes. Like he represents me, I want an answer Commissioner Reyes: Let me answer, and you are very aggressive. Let me tell you this, you see. One thing that 1 want to make clear, I want to make clear I want to keep that place. But one thing -- hold on. Now I have the microphone. Ms. Merino: I still have my two minutes. Commissioner Reyes: Okay. I have the microphone now. You asked me and I'm going to answer One thing that really amazes me that nobody here cares that we chopped Shenandoah in seven pieces. Nobody cares that we chopped Silver Bluff and all the other good neighborhoods that they have been solid and been neighborhoods that have in the City of Miami for a long, long time. Nobody cares about that as long as you keep Coconut Grove. And one thing that is misrepresented here, it is that we are destroying -- that by going to any other district, Coconut Grove ceases to exist, you see. That sliver is not going to go to -- I mean to Shenandoah or to Flagami. What we're trying to do is to maintain diversity and trying to do whatever is right, and you should understand that Coconut Grove or any other neighborhoods that are part of the City of Miami, they have been cut in half and in three or four pieces in order to maintain diversity and that is my point. I'm going to vote for what is best for the City of Miami. I am going to vote my conscience, okay? Ms. Merino: (INAUDIBLE). Chair King: Ma'am, ma'am. City of Miami Page 18 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Ms. Merino: -- just to keep that seat. Commissioner Reyes: No, I said that am going to keep that seat. And if -- by -- by any other -- any other plan weakens, weakens, and listen to this, weakens the possibility or the probability that that seat is going to be there ten years from now, I will vote against that. Okay? Chair King: Thank you. Commissioner Reyes: That answers your question. Okay. Chair King: Thank you. Thank you. Go ahead. Kathy Parks Suarez: Hello. You muted me too. Hi. My name is Kathy Parks, Kathy Suarez, and a whole lot of other things. I've even been -- I'm known as a reverse racist. No, none of that stuff had to go on this morning, but it did and -- but there is partisan issues being brought to the dais, things that don't belong and thanks to the Chairwoman she has a really good way of squelching this. The hypocrisy. Coconut Grove used to be one Grove, and 1 am for one Grove. 1 am not for splitting up Coconut Grove, so don't misinterpret what I'm saying. We were never North Grove, South Grove, Center Grove, and then West Grove. Its not East Grove, it's West Grove. So, you might as well go back. And the CRA map is a red border They couldn't even use blue or yellow That's insulting. As an activist for that community, and I have spent many, many, many dollars of my own and my brothers who don't live here because we grew up here and our mother taught us we all bleed red. We're all the same, but we're putting focuses in the wrong direction. We have a people problem. Whether it's too many people, or everybody's angry nowadays since we've had Covid. And this racism. What most of you in this room don 't understand and I will never understand because I am not Brown or Black, but if you don 't have that skin color you don't get it all the way. You don't understand what life is like for them. You don't understand the things they live with. And Commissioner Reyes has been very helpful as the other Commissioners were when a historic designation was being forced upon even some Black homeowners, this has to stop. People have rights. But we've gone backwards. We're not people. We're all about -- Chair King: Thank you. Ms. Parks: -- another alphabet. This has got to stop. Chair King: Thank you. Ms. Parks: You didn't let us speak today. If you were planning -- Chair King: Thank you. Ms. Parks: -- on going all in. Chair King: Thank you. Ms. Parks: Thank you. City of Miami Page 19 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Len Scinto: Hi. Thanks. My name is Len Scinto and 1 live at 3091 Bird Avenue, and 1 will be about 20 feet out of District 2 if fthe current plan goes. I for many years was a member of the Village of Grove -- Village of Center Grove Neighborhood Association and -- and whether this changes the Grove or not, if nothing else, it's really demoralizing. It's really demoralizing to the spirit of kind of the community activism we put into our neighborhood. And so, I'd ask you to, you know, think about Commissioner Russell's plan keeping the Grove one Grove. But 1 just want to say one thing about the spirit of the neighborhood and some examples of that is how everyone else benefits from it. So, we just had the Gifford Lane Arts Stroll last Sunday. That locally produced event earned about $8,000 and that $8,000 is split for two charities, the Saint Stephen's AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency. Syndrome) ministry and then the SaintAlban's Child Enrichment Center. So, the -- the larger community benefits from the spirit of Coconut Grove. Just don't demoralize that. Yeah. Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Denise Galva: Turros: I guess it's afternoon. Good afternoon. Thank you three for staying for public comments. 1 think that we have to appreciate that because considering how much of our time is wasted and 1 appreciate that you three stayed here to listen to us. My name is Denise Galves Turros. I live at 2130 Southwest 20th Street. I actually reside in District 4 with Manolo Reyes, Commissioner Reyes, but I work every day in District 3, and I am not at all here to cause any more controversy. I just want to point out that 1 don't live in the Grove, yet 1 still have a perspective. I think that this whole process has been mishandled. I think it's been rushed. There's no upcoming elections. I don't understand why we can't see other alternatives at this point and try to build more consensus in the community. We defer things all the time here on this dais that are super important, yet it still happens. So I'm only asking that you please consider other alternatives and perhaps postpone this vote. I'm so glad Carollo's no longer going to be involved in the vote because if he would have been, it would have immediately had cause for action to go to court. He clearly was conflicted out. So, I'm happy that happened, and I congratulate him for doing that. Please consider postponing this vote until we have seen other alternatives that unite us, and yes, keeps the Grove together. Yanelis Valdes: Hi. Good afternoon. My name is Yanelis Valdes and I'm part ofan organization called Engage Miami who focuses on civic engagement and civic education. I'm also a resident of District 2 and I've been here showing up alongside other District 2 residents, specifically Coconut Grove residents, since February to learn, understand the redistricting process here in the city, how it will impact us, and to have our voices heard. I'm really heartened as a community organizer as a City of Miami resident to see so many people show up consistently because we care deeply about the issue. Not because we're here trying to perform, but because it is an issue that affects us, and we care and we are -- we should be really open and welcome to that civic engagement. So, my ask for you all is to please continue to have a space where folks can come and speak and it be really well received. I think some of the ways in which we have interacted with one another hasn't always been positive and so I just really want to encourage dialogue with residents and making sure that we have a space that really allows for civic engagement in a really robust way. And I also want you all to consider the alternative plans for redistricting that really keeps Coconut City of Miami Page 20 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Grove together in District 2 and also keeps the portions of District 5 together that should be together So, thank you so much for your time. John Snyder: Hello. My name is John Snyder I live at 3980 Hardy Avenue. I represent the South Grove Neighborhood Association. I want to talk about two things that are in the Code, and I think need to be considered. Making decisions is greatly influenced by the constraints that are put on it. First, Miami 21 Code emphasizes the importance of neighborhoods in the development of Miami, but the consultant was told to give preserving neighborhoods the very least weight in making redistricting decisions. The intent, Section 2.1.2, says Miami 21 Code is intended to advance the interests of conservation and development, A. The conservation goals include number one, preserving neighborhoods. Thus, the foremost goal of the Miami 21 Code was directed by the Commission, this Commission, to give the -- be given the very least weight in making decisions about redistricting. We think that was an error: Second, redistricting is necessitated by population growth in the city of -- in the city. Population has increased by 28.8 percent since the year 2000. We think these additional citizens deserve representation and yet the consultant was told not to increase the number of districts. There have been five districts since I came to Miami in 1985. Having increasing numbers of constituents means that too often, the governed are given short shrift. Miami 21 Charter -- excuse me, the Miami Charter in Section A says -- Chair King: Thank you. Mr Snyder: -- this government has -- Chair King: Thank you. Mr Snyder: -- been created to protect the governed, not the governing. Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Penny Tannenbaum: Hi. My name is Penny Tenenbaum. I live at 1826 Fairhaven Place in Coconut Grove. I also have a daughter, Commissioner Reyes, that lives in your district. She lives at 2301 Southwest 23rd Terrace. She has intellectual disabilities. We bought the house there so we could provide affordable housing for her and two other people with intellectual disabilities. They pay $700 to $800 a month in rent. We -- basically subsidize the rest of it. I really would like you and your district to stay focused on that district. There's been a lot of good things that have been happening. Trees have been planted, traffic calming items have been planning because people would zoom through that are going south of the city. It'ss mostly single family homes. I'd like to see more affordable housing. Lots of them are being knocked down. We need to make sure the codes are followed. I worry that if you take on the area on the other side of US-1 those -- there's going to be high rises that want to come in, there's lots of developers, all that kind of stuff and it's going to lose the focus. It's really important for that neighborhood, which is still relatively affordable. I -- I also don't want you to think that nobody cares about the other side of US -I. I really care what's going on on Coral Way. It's kind of pretty sad. A lot of the business are open. The city needs to try and help revitalize Coral Way. The Grove looks great downtown now, but Coral Way doesn't. I also want to keep the Grove together It's really important. for us. I also have a question, which is for all of you and the consultants. Is City of Miami Page 21 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 there a way -- have you modeled -- if you do what Commissioner Russell has suggested and what Commissioner King has suggested, can they both be done? Chair King: Thank you. Thank you. Ms. Tannenbaum: I have one more thing. There something -- Chair King: Thank you. Go ahead. Nathaniel Robertson: Good morning. Reverend Nathaniel Robinson I11 is my name. I'm the senior pastor at Greater Saint Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church in West Coconut Grove. It's been there for 126 years, and 1 am also the chair of Grove Rights and Community Equity, Inc. Other communities are being affected by redistricting. That's been well stated here. But another fact is they are not here advocating to keep their community together and Coconut Grove is. I hope that that will be considered. I really wanted to talk a little bit about how displacement of people from a district is displacement of votes from a district and how this Commission has voted -- voted legislation into the record that has displaced people of color from West Coconut Grove for years, all the way back front ADU (Accessory Dwelling Units) special permits that led to evictions and displacement ofpeople from the district. Now this redistricting plan will move more people of color from the district. It's unfortunate that the consultant's plan has presented that less than 500 Black residents live in West Coconut Grove. And a simple peak or glance at the latest census data will show that that number is significantly skewed. I hope that the Commission will take that into consideration as well. But really what I want to say is that an alternative map that meets all of the criteria have been presented and the people are satisfied with them. Alternative maps have been presented that meet all of the criteria and the people, the residents, are satisfied with them. Alternative maps have been presented that meet all of the criteria and the residents are satisfied with them. Alternative maps that meet all of the criteria have been presented and the residents are satisfied with them. Alternative maps that meet all of the criteria have been presented and the people who live here are satisfied with them. Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Cindy Snyder: Hi. My name is Cindy Snyder and I live at 3980 Hardy Road. I was very interested to see this new rendition of the redistricting map that was presented today for the first time. And that looks like that has a lot ofpromise. It keeps Coconut Grove together It goes with the -- to the concept of keeping neighborhoods intact. When my husband and I came here when he had an opportunity for a job in higher education, we looked very, carefully at Miami. We looked around various places. Coconut Grove was the place that most spoke to us. We enjoyed the historic aspect; we enjoyed the tree canopy and those features. We're from the northeast and a lot of people (UNINTELLIGIBLE) from the northeast. Anyway, different people from different areas are gravitating towards different things. We love the history of Coconut Grove. We hope that it will stay together. We think it would be tragic if it was lost. Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Good afternoon. City of Miami Page 22 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Elena Carpenter: Good afternoon. Elena Carpenter, 1660 South Bayshore Court. Up until the 90s, all those seats that you fill right now, they were at large and like Commissioner Reyes said, and thank you for staying, he said he represents all of Miami. At the time that was supposed to he the case. And thank you for staying, Madam Chair. You need to he here. The City ofMiami was sued and based on that lawsuit, the mayor created a Blue Ribbon Committee the districted the City of Miami. I ended up being appointed by the mayor to be part of that Blue Ribbon Committee together with many, many powerful, important, smart people, smarter than me, like Mr De Grandy, Al Cardenas, Al Dotson, many, many people. We hired consultants and created five districts. What was the basis of the whole exercise? One man, one vote. Equity -- equitable representation. And we were in the business ofpreserving communities not splitting them apart and destroying them. I'm not going to repeat what everybody else here said today I'm going to tell you, 1925 the Grove was here. If anything, we deserve historic designation as a district. Please, keep the Grove with reasonable subdivisions like -- like US-1 cutting us off At least for the next ten years and then we can talk about it again. Thank you for your time. Bless you. Chair King: Thank you. Good afternoon. Lucian Ferster:• Thank you. Good afternoon, Commissioners. My name is Lucian Ferster. I live on Crawford Avenue in the South Grove. I've lived there since 1983. Like everyone else that's spoken for the past three sessions, I'm strongly in favor of keeping Coconut Grove as one unit politically. It is one unit spiritually, historically, and in a neighborhood sense. There has been an alternate plan presented. It makes sense. It makes sense for the people in this room, all who have spoken. It makes sense for the City of Miami. When I look at the alternate plan and the original plans, as modified, I think of Robert Kennedy. Robert Kennedy once famously said, Robert Kennedy, God rest his soul, people ask why. I want to ask why not. We have an alternate plan. It is suitable on all levels. Why not implement the alternate plan? If any of the opposing Commissioners can answer that question why not, God love them, but they can't do it. So, there are other reasons. We don't know them; we don't have to articulate them. The alternate plan works for us, it works for you, Commissioners, respectfully, it works for our city. Implement the alternate plan. Thank you and thank you for listening to us. Chair King: Thank you. Good afternoon. Robert Deresz: Good afternoon. My name's Robert Deresz, Bob Deresz. I reside at -- I live at the last -- since '94, at 200 Southeast 15th Road. I've been a Grovite, District 10, owned a home in the Grove years ago, since 1970. My current residence is under contract. I don't want to move from there, but they -- I don't want to be part of the 20 percent that doesn't sign and gets nothing, but I signed a contract to get almost two and a half times as much as my condo is currently worth and they're allowing me to stay there for free for six months. I hope that doesn't get me into a lot of trouble. I want to thank you Ms. King. I know you've been in a rough position here. You've done a wonderful job. I think for a couple minutes there you were actually interrupting Mr Ken Russell, but I don't think you did that purposefully. I mean, Senator Russell, excuse me. I'm not going to spend time here talking about what's really -- what's probably going on under the -- under -- well underneath someplace. You know, like why Mr. Russell for meeting after meeting talks about West Grove and I hear from City of Miami Page 23 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 these gentlemen, what do you mean by West Grove. Wouldn't they have figured it out by now? 1 mean, if they're trying to accomplish this to where they're helping the constituents you would think they would try to understand what the boundaries or whatever. I want to take a moment just to say what a wonderful thing this is to have so many White -- non -Hispanic White people to come out month after month to try to keep their Black neighbors from being moved away and taken away from. I mean, where do you see that, right? No place. And I think I see a couple -- few hippies out there. Chair King: Thank you. Mr Deresz: Last -- Chair King: Thank you. Thank you. Mr Deresz: (INAUDIBLE). Chair King: Thank -- thank you. Mr Deresz: (INAUDIBLE). Chair King: Good afternoon. Cynthia Shelley: Hi. My name is Cvnthia Shelley. I live at 2975 Washington Street. I've been there since 1981. I own my own home. I came to Coconut Grove from Winter Park, Florida. My business brought me down here. I am one of those crazy activists, hippie, whatever artists. I had a professional business, and it did very well. I came from -- sorry -- from Winter Park, and they've managed to hold themselves together with their codes and keep their people very happy and there wasn't a fight like I found when I came down to Coconut Grove. It has been very unusual for me to be standing in front of a bunch of people, representatives, and trying to get across what my neighbors and what my friends need to hold their zone together and to be represented for what their needs are. I am the founder of -- one of the founders of the Coconut Grove Park Homeowners Association, past president of the Civic Club, and vice president of the Coconut Grove Elementary PTA (Parent Teacher Association), et cetera. I am very involved in the preservation of Coconut Grove and what the people in Coconut Grove want. I am one of those folks who believes in we the people, by the people, for the people, and you lovely people have your seats here because you represent us, and our needs, and we trust you. We trust that you hear us, that you understand that we've come together, we've -- in this short amount of time, we have managed to gather at least 2,000 votes and this has been a short amount of time that we have found -- Chair King: Thank you. Ms. Shelley: -- that we have found ourselves in this situation Chair King: Thank you. Ms. Shelley: Thank you. City of Miami Page 24 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 David Winker: Good afternoon. David Winker, 1 live at 2222 Southwest 17 Street. I am in Commissioner Manolo Reyes' District. I'm a very happy constituent of his. I represent One Grove, an ad hoc group of Grove residents advocating to preserve the Grove's unique history and culture. Mr. De Grandy made it clear that the decision to break up District 3 is not necessary, but rather a policy decision. A policy decision of this Commission. It is important to note that not a single resident in three public comments before this Commission, nor in the district meetings that occurred over the last couple weeks voiced support for this plan. Not one. The people you elected don't want this plan. It is you, the Commissioners, that are deciding to break up the Grove against the wishes of the residents that elected you. So, if the residents aren't driving this, it begs the question, what is happening? Why is this happening? Not one policy reason has been given to support breaking up the Grove. So, what we are left with is Commissioners doing this to benefit themselves, which is not acceptable. I'll conclude with this, I -- we ask again that you listen to the residents. Rather than breaking up this historic neighborhood, we need to add commissioners to service the population growth. So please consider that. Thank you. Chair King.. Thank you. James Torres: Good afternoon, Commissioners. James Torres, president of the DNA (Downtown Neighbors Alliance). 1 'in going to yield my time to Mel from the Grove because it's more of a Grove meeting than anything else. And happy birthday, corning soon I heard. Mel Meinhardt: Madam Chairman, I'm Mel Meinhardt from Virginia Street. Thank you for letting us have this exercise in representative democracy. I want to give a special shout out to you, ma'am, and to Commissioner Russell, for putting together town hall meetings that reached out and brought together in your case, ma'am, not just the people you faced in person, but also through the YouTube, you (UNINTELLIGIBLE) out I think about 200 people right now. A great example of bringing people together. Listening to your constituents and listening to the people of others. We've had representatives at all the Commission, or town halls, and by far and away the other town halls had a total of about 12 people attend those. On the 7th of February, we were presented the first draft by Mr. De Grandy. Mr. Russell, representing more than 100,000 residents of the City of Miami, asked for discussion on that matter among the other members here on the dais. That went no further The members, and you can check the video, other than yourself, ma'am, literally turned their backs on the 100,000 residents of the City of Miami represented by Mr Russell. You, ma'am, tried to engage the other Commissioners and asked them to have some kind of a dialogue about the plan that had been done. They remained standing with their faces away from you and made little motions for you to go away because they did not want to represent or discuss the matter before them. Ma'am, I would offer to you that that is not representative democracy in any way, shape, or form. Subsequently, we have seen town halls, we have seen people here before us, we have seen organizations like the Miami Herald, the NAACP, the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), the Village of Center Grove, the -- all kinds of (UNINTELLIGIBLE) organizations. We've had the Shenandoah neighborhood come and both in Districts 3 and Districts 4, approach us and say how can we make this an opportunity, ma'am, an opportunity to undo the compounding errors that Commissioner Carollo described to City of Miami Page 25 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 us last time he was here. When he was part of the effort to create these districts just described by Ms. Carpenter Ma'am, this is a fantastic opportunity for these Commissioners, you ma'am and your peers, to undo the compounding problems that have occurred here in the City of Miami. We can get ahead of this. Mr. De Grandy has testified, or at least stated several times, that it is possible to reunify the neighborhoods previously broken up in all the districts and still satisfy the Federal Election Commission guidelines, and preserve five districts. Dog gone it, the Commissioner of elections, Christina White, for the County, has said very explicitly that there is no requirement that the City of Miami complete this process by the 11 th of March. Absolutely none. She has advised in fact that we would be well served to take the time to do this right and use the opportunities presented to us by this once every ten year opportunity. We, ma'am -- you, ma'am, have the leadership and the opportunity to create a government structure for Miami that exists now, that can face the population, the environmental problems that we are all facing. Thank you, ma'am. Chair King: Thank you. Thank you. Alexander Moskovitz: Through the Chair, Commissioners who have been kind enough to stay and actually listen to the citizens of Mianii during the public comment, and fellow Miami residents. My name is Alexander Moskovitz, 2185 South Bayshore Drive. In the very strange, gerrymandered portion of Coconut Grove that would be moved from District 2 to District 3, and disappointed about having seen frankly the leadership demonstrated this morning by Commissioner Carollo in his opening comments, which were clearly off topic. While I understand the need for redistricting is mandated and necessary, I'm against the currently proposed changed district lines or would like to recommend the alternative proposal by Commissioner Russell. I don't know if it's mutually exclusive with the alternatives that have also been presented by you, Chairwoman King, but if they work together, that's wonderful as well. My concerns, as been voiced by many of the citizens here, are splitting up of the contiguous Coconut Grove neighborhood, which has been in existence first as its own city starting in 1919 and then incorporated annex into Miami as of 1925. For the last 103 years, it has remained a consistent character within the City, and I don't understand why gerrymandering it is necessary. Ifpast neighborhoods have been split as you had raised, yeah, that's a problem. And maybe as the gentleman before me had suggested, this is an opportunity for this Commission to in fact reevaluate this. If it hadn't been done before and there's not actually a firm deadline of March 11 th, I don't understand why more time isn't given. While the opportunity might be to have -- Chair King: Thank you. Mr Moskovitz: -- three -- Okay. Thank you. Rose Pujol: Good afternoon, Commissioners, everyone here, and City of Miami. My name is Rose Pujol. I reside at 2455 South Bayshore Drive. I felt it was important to be here and urge the Commissioners to take the time and do this right. This is so important. I actually made a call to -- I spoke with people in Tampa in the Clerk's Office and in Atlanta and I was fascinated by the process in how they have in Atlanta they have -- they're going on the third round. They will complete the process by July 1st. In Tampa, they're going to complete the process of redistricting by June 10th. What I fincl that is critical is that we stay as One Grove. It's important, not just fOr City of Miami Page 26 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 those of us that live here, but for the City of Miami to preserve the history, of the City of Miami. And again, 1 urge you to please consider extending this and looking at the options so that we all benefit by the decisions that you make. Thank you very much. Chair King: Thank you. Susan McConnell: I'm the last one. My name is Sue McConnell. I live at 3090 Virginia Street. As I said last week, for about ten years I went to every Commission meeting there was until the pandemic, and I watch it on TV 1 saw yesterday where they were trying to push something through and one of the Commissioners said, well we can do that and another one said, well that won't happen until tomorrow, which indicated to me that they were pretty sure the way they were going to vote before listening to us again. I resent the fact when people call me an activist. I don't think I'm an activist. I think I'm somebody who cares. Coconut Grove is a community. It's a family. We don't always agree on things like development, or parking, or our roads, trees, or whatever, but we're a family, we come together. And for that reason, I think that this is a very good showing, and I appreciate everyone that's been here. I know Manolo Reyes for a while and it's not a personal thing. It's not that we don 't want you as our Commissioner. Commissioner Reyes: Well, that's what many people had said. Ms. McConnell: Well, I mean, really, it's not. Commissioner Reyes: How do you want me to take it? I don't want to be there. I didn't ask for it. Ms. McConnell: But thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Ms. McConnell: Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Commissioner Reyes: Thank you, ma'am. Chair King: This meeting is going to be in recess so we can take a break. Mr Hannon: Chair; if I may? Just for the record, we're going to close the public comment period. Chair King: We're closing the public comment period, and we are going to take a recess for an hour: We will resume at 2:30. Commissioner Russell: Procedural question, Madam Chair? Because I remember Mr. De Grandy saying something about if there are any changes to be made that you want to take a break to work on changes and then bring something back for us to vote on. Was that correct? City of Miami Page 27 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Mr. De Grandy: Yes, that's correct. Other than what we've modeled so far, which is readily available, if there are additional changes, we would need to actually do them in the software program. It is my understanding that Chair King may want to make additional changes to her proposal, so I would need the time to sit down with her, work through that, show the statistics, validate the legality of a plan, et cetera. Commissioner Russell: Madam Chair, would it make sense to give him that direction now so that he has the lunch break to work on those changes if they exist? Chair King: He -- I'm merely asking him to restore my district. He took part of my district out and I want him to give it back. He understands. Commissioner Russell: 1 know that feeling. Mr De Grandy: Well but what I'd like to do as I said -- Chair King: Well, he wants to sit down and tell me what the ramifications of giving me back what was all -- Commissioner Russell: Oh, you need to meet with him before -- Chair King: Right. He wants to meet with me. Commissioner Russell: Then let's take the break. I misunderstood. Chair King: So, right. Commissioner Russell: I thought you had your changes ready that you knew what you wanted. Commissioner Reyes: That's right. Chair King: Right, right. No, and I need -- public comment has been closed. It's been closed. Raissa Fernandes: Commissioner all of you. Chair King: I said public comment has -- Ms. Fernandez: (INAUDIBLE). Chair King: Public comment has been closed. Ms. Fernandez: (INAUDIBLE). Commissioner Reyes: Let her speak. Let her speak. Let her speak. Let her speak. Ms. Fernandez: (INAUDIBLE). Chair King: Well, I mean -- City of Miami Page 28 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Commissioner Reyes: Lady. Ms. Fernandez: (INAUDIBLE). Commissioner Reyes: Ma'am? Chair King: Commissioner Reyes would like you to speak. You have your two minutes. Commissioner Reyes: 1 want to hear what you want to say -- Ms. Fernandez: Thank you. Chair King: Where is she going? Commissioner Russell: Ma'am? Ma'am? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Ma 'am ? Commissioner Reyes: Ma'am? 1 want to hear what you want to say. What everybody has to say. I want to hear everybody. Ms. Fernandez: Good afternoon. Thank you so much. Raissa Fernandez, 992 Northwest 5th Street, Miami. I am in District 3, and I am a native born of this city. I join my fellow neighbors of the Grove on this issue because I don't think that it's fair to draw little circles and add up to a neighborhood. Shenandoah is right next to Little Havana. We can go west, we can go north, we can go south. Even Overtown has more to do with Little Havana because we share the river, we share Spring Garden on these issues that faces our neighborhood and I don't agree when I hear -- I was listening to it from all the way to the house and praying that I didn't have to go work so I could come over here because I -- I refuse to accept that people from Little Havana don't care and that's why they're not on this meeting. And we do. And we do. Right? But my constituents and my friends and my neighbors, they're working. They're working hard residents of this neighborhood. I love the Grove. I ride every day from Little Havana to the Grove because it's the best. I went to Gifford Lane Arts Stroll because that's the funk of the Grove. So please make sure that when you think about what you're doing today is going to be good for the rest of our residents. Thank you. And thank you for the time. Chair King: Thank you. Commissioner Reyes: Okay. Thank you, ma'am. Chair King: Okay. Public comment is closed. Commissioner Reyes: (INAUDIBLE). (COMMENTS MADE OFF THE RECORD). Chair King: So, we 're going to recess now for an hour, and we'll be back. City of Miami Page 29 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Is an hour going to be enough, Madam Chair? Commissioner Reyes: (INAUDIBLE). Chair King: You don't think so? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No, I don't think so. I think -- Commissioner Russell: This is the lunch break, yeah? Chair King: It's a lunch break. It's -- Commissioner Reyes: (INAUDIBLE). Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: If you want to restore your district as you said, I heard you, that's why I came out. Chair King.. Yes, I'm going to restore it. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Then -- then 1 want to hear -- Commissioner Reyes: (INAUDIBLE). Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I want to give him time to restore it. Chair King: Okay. Yes, I got to put -- (COMMENTS MADE OFF THE RECORD). Mr Hannon: Chair what time will we be back? Chair? Is it -- Chair King: 3 o'clock. Mr Hannon: 3 o'clock. Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, just so you are aware, the Commission -- City of Miami Page 30 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 SP - SPECIAL MEETING SP.1 DISCUSSION ITEM 11582 Commissioners and Mayor A DISCUSSION ITEM REGARDING TAKING ANY AND ALL ACTIONS RELATED TO THE REDISTRICTING OF CITY COMMISSION DISTRICTS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE DRAFTING OF ANY RELATED MAPS AND BOUNDARIES. RESULT: DISCUSSED Note for the Record: A motion was made by Commissioner Russell, seconded by Commissioner Reyes, and FAILED by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Russell, King; NAYS: Commissioners Diaz de la Portilla, Reyes; ABSTAIN: Commissioner Carollo; directing the City of Miami's redistricting consultant to move the District 5 City Commission boundary along the Miami River back to where the boundary was originally located before the redistricting process began. Note for the Record: Commissioner Carollo abstained from voting in accordance with Section 112.3143, Florida Statutes. Vice Chair Carollo: Thank you, Madam Chair Madam Chair members of this legislative body, and general public. I've reached a point that I have had it. Some people think that they can do all kinds of things, legal and illegal, as long as they hide in what they do, or some others feel that they have sufficient protection to do it. I'm briefly going to go to some of the things that I've had to endure since I've been here, for the sole purpose of protecting my residents and many other residents of the city. Chair King: I think the battery's going dead (INAUDIBLE). Nee Chair Carollo: Thank you. For the sole purpose of protecting my residents and the overall residents of the city. I'm going to to, to go quickly so I can come to where we're at today. Approximately two years ago there was a recall that was started against me. That recall started when one of my colleagues here was upset of the way the vote went. And since two of the other votes that were here had just recently been elected and State Statute says that you cannot recall any elected official locally in the first twenty-five percent of their term, I was the turkey, and a frivolous recall was started against me that we all know didn't go anywhere, but the part that bothered me the most was that there were tens of thousands of dollars that were spent illegally, that no one knows where they came from. But I have the evidence that they were spent, and that cannot be denied or hidden anymore. At the same time, I believe that there were additional tens of thousands of dollars that were laundered so that they would be put into the recall against me. And now I find that the same people that were behind that and failed and are even more upset because when I ran for office, they couldn't beat me and I won by 65 percent of the vote, are now targeting me again. You know, a day doesn't go by that my wife is not seeing people come by the property that we live in in Little Havana, taking pictures, harassing us. I can't even walk by 8th Street without those wonderful 8th Street Boys sending people to take my picture, harassing me, and more. And now I find that in this redistricting, while it's normal for people to have different points of views, it's a democracy, thank God, that the same tactics, the same illegal dollars, but not at the level that it's been before, are being used to defame me. City of Miami Page 31 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 They are helping some that have been paid so they could write little blogs and put little tweets and start the fake news and lies that 1 don't live in Little Havana, that 1 live in a property that still owned in Coconut Grove. That in fact, when I moved into Little Havana, in the house that I rent, that somehow that deed was changed when I moved there. And it was probably Beckham or Jorge Mas that owned the house. And that I'm living free rent, that I'm not paying any rent. Or maybe someone else that needed something from the City. When -- if there's a house that someone rents in Miami that has been looked at time and time again by people that want to harm me in the city, it's the one that 1 rent and it's very clear that 1 rent it from one of the largest rental corporations in America, that they buy homes and apartments and they rent it. And for any legitimate media, legitimate media, I'd be more than happy to show every month how that corporation takes from my bank account the monthly rental payment that 1 make. And all of my neighbors that 1 had years back when 1 did live in Coconut Grove would be the first to testify, we wish he would live here, we got along with him great, he was a good neighbor, but he doesn't live here. And this is the kind of campaign that has been launched against me of defamation, of lies. And then, well, the 8th Street Boys, file an injunction in federal court to prevent me from voting today because they claim that 1 had a conflict because of a suit that they have against me. Well, that didn't take 1 don't think even 24 hours for the Judge to bat it down and deny it. But sadly, it is one of my colleagues that has been, .since the recall, since this whole campaign, involved with these individuals to see how he can harm me. I do believe that I have every right to represent my district and vote, like every one of us. But I do need to ask a question. Mr. Russell, do you live in the City of Miami? And where do you live at, if may ask? Commissioner Russell: Commissioner, are you interrogating me about something? Vice Chair Carollo: I'm asking a direct question in public. Commissioner Russell: I'm getting the feeling that you are accusing me of something. Vice Chair Carollo: Well, are you afraid to answer the question, Mr Russell? Commissioner Russell: Sir, I live in Coconut Grove. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay. It's the same place that you've lived for a while? Commissioner Russell: Yes, 20 years. Vice Chair Carollo: Twenty years. Well, that's funny because there's a warranty deed here from June 25, 2021, that you sold this property in Coconut Grove. That's nine months ago. And you still live in there? Commissioner Russell: I'm renting it. Vice Chair Carollo: You're renting. Okay. I figured you would say that. So let me go into the next area before we question this. Now I know that many of the people that are here are your supporters that you brought, and I certainly respect that -- (COMMENTS MADE OFF THE RECORD) City of Miami Page 32 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Chair King: Hold on. Hold on. Vice Chair Carollo: Hang him. Chair King: Hold on. Vice Chair Carollo: Hang him from the highest tree. Chair King: Commissioner Vice Chair Carollo: Yes, this is the American way. Chair King: Commissioner Carollo. Commissioner Carollo, please don't engage the audience. And, audience, please don't make outbursts like that -- (COMMENTS MADE OFF THE RECORD) Chair King: -- or we will have you removed. Please don't make outbursts. I allowed Commissioner Carollo some time to speak. Commissioner Russell, you do not have to answer his questions if you do not want to. And Commissioner Carollo -- Commissioner Russell: Decorum. Vice Chair Carollo: Thank you. Chair King: Okay. Vice Chair Carollo: In your financial disclosure to the City of Miami for the ending of December 31, 2020, pandemic year, the worst of the pandemic, you reported that you owed on your mortgage on the home before you sold it in Coconut Grove, $297,528. Commissioner Russell: Madam Chair, this is inappropriate. Vice Chair Carollo: The -- no, it is very much appropriate -- Commissioner Russell: It's completely inappropriate. Vice Chair Carollo: -- because it goes right to the heart -- Chair King: Wait. Wait. Vice Chair Carollo: -- of what we're discussing today. Commissioner Russell: I'd like to ask that if there is a formal investigation to be had about my personal finances, this is not the forum, nor the day, nor the agenda to do so. Vice Chair Carollo: It is part of the agenda -- City of Miami Page 33 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Commissioner Russell: I'm very to happy to be transparent -- Vice Chair Carollo: -- to see if you have a right to vote at this or not. Commissioner Russell: -- but this is inappropriate, one hundred percent. Chair King: Hold on. Commissioners, we can't have a back and forth fight. Commissioner Carollo, 1 do agree with Commissioner Russell that this is about redistricting. This meeting is -- Vice Chair Carollo: But this goes to the heart of it. If he has a right to vote or not. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: And Madam Chair, -- Vice Chair Carollo: I really don't know if he -- Chair King: Hold on. Hold on. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: -- it's also about residency. Okay? Vice Chair Carollo: Yeah. Chair King: Okay. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay? Chair King: Okay, hold on. Hold on. What 1 don't want to have happen is that we start fighting with each other. I'm going to allow Commissioner Carollo another 15 minutes Vice Chair Carollo: That's all I need. (COMMENTS MADE OFF THE RECORD) Chair King: -- and it's with respect to redistricting. He has a point to make. And, Commissioner Russell, if you have something akin to -- I'm going to give him 15 more minutes. Commissioner Russell: Before he continues, though, because he's going down a very personal path with me for the next 15 minutes. Vice Chair Carollo: I don't think 17l even need it. Commissioner Russell: And I understand this is public information, I -- Chair King: Hold on. Hold on. Commissioner Russell: -- would just like to ask, Commissioner Carollo, I've seen this before where you feel attacked personally, you attack back. And I respect that. I do not have to do with these attacks on you personally about your residence. And there is no City of Miami Page 34 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 reason for you to cone after me on my residence. The Grove feels attacked on its boundaries and they're fighting back. That's their prerogative and it's your prerogative to defend yourself and fight back as well. I am not your enemy. I am representing my residents that 1 serve to try to protect their boundaries, butt have nothing to do with the attacks on your home. I have nothing to do with that. I'm not spreading rumors, I am not spreading ill will, I'm not making accusations. These are assumptions that you're making from third -hand rumors that you may be hearing. Trust me, I'm hearing them too, but 1 am not piling on. I have not brought that up once on this dais about your house, ever, and I would not. Vice Chair Carollo: 1 don't believe a word you said. (COMMENTS MADE OFF THE RECORD) Vice Chair Carollo: But beyond that., let me go on. On the end of your 2020 financial disclosure, December 31st, I believe -- Commissioner Russell: Chair; I believe this is outside the -- Vice Chair Carollo: -- you showed only had $3,400 in the bank and that you owed $297,528 on the home. Three months later -- (COMMENTS MADE OFF THE RECORD) Commissioner Russell: Madam Chair, -- Nee Chair Carollo: Three months later 1-- Commissioner Russell: -- I would like him to restrict his comments to my residency of where I live. Vice Chair Carollo: Well, this is where Pm going. Commissioner Russell: He's trying to create a storvline of my finances that has nothing to do with where I live. Vice Chair Carollo: No, this has to do with where you live, sir. Commissioner Russell: I can rent in the district; I can own in the district. Chair King: Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. Do we need to take a recess for a second? Commissioner Russell: Well, we may. Vice Chair Carollo: No. Chair King: Do we need to take a recess for a second -- City of Miami Page 35 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Vice Chair Carollo: No, the problem is he's scared, he's scared to death what I'm going to show next. (COMMENTS MADE OFF THE RECORD) Vice Chair Carollo: And he knows it. He knows where I'm going. Chair King: 1 understand. I understand, but we need -- we need to keep the meeting focused on redistricting. Vice Chair Carollo: It is. Chair King: We have a lot of -- Vice Chair Carollo: I don't know if he has a right to vote here today or not. And I've got to go through this. Chair King: Well, that -- that -- whether he has a right or not to vote on it is -- is -- I don't believe that is squarely for this, with his finances. With his residences -- Vice Chair Carollo: The finances, I only touched upon that because you need to hear the rest. This is strictly in residence, but you need to hear the rest. Chair King: Okay. I'm going to allow, again, 15 minutes and -- Commissioner Russell: Madam Chair, I'm going to put it on the record because -- Nee Chair Carollo: That's more than I need. Chair King: Please. Commissioner Russell: -- before we go down this path, I need to put it on the record, I have not moved from my residence. I have lived in the same house for 20 years. And maybe I can clear up some confusion. I sold that house, and I am renting from the new owners. That has nothing to do with where I live. How much I'm paying in rent has nothing to do with where I live, how much I owe on my old mortgage, how much I paid for a new property, has nothing to do with where I live. The only thing that has to do with whether I can serve this district is ifI live in the boundaries. So, if you have anything that has to do with where I live and where I can vote, I would love to hear it. And you will be proved wrong. But if you're just trying to smear my finances you have no idea who owes me money, who I owe money to, how much I sold my house for and what terms, how much I rent for But you're about to try to smear me for no reason whatsoever. Vice Chair Carollo: Oh no, no, no, I'm about to present the truth, sir Black and white. Chair King: Okay. Commissioner Russell: I filled out the forms. City of Miami Page 36 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Chair King: Hold on. Vice Chair Carollo: Black and white. Chair King: Hold on. Okay, hold on one second. Hold on one second. Because we are a body, let me take a vote with the body. [Later...] Chair King: We're going to allow Commissioner Carollo. Victoria, I understand that this is proper to allow him to speak? Victoria Mendez (City Attorney): I don't have a crustal ball on -- on what's, you know -- but if he has something that's pertaining to -- Vice Chair Carollo: Yes. Ms. Mendez: -- redistricting in general, then yes, he can speak. Chair King: Okay. Ms. Mendez: But I just don't know what -- Commissioner Russell: As a follow up, Madam Chair, I would like the same 15 minutes to discuss -- Chair King: Absolutely. Commissioner Russell: -- Mr. Carollo's home, the legitimacy of his ability to vote -- Chair King: Absolutely. Commissioner Russell: -- any ethics violations, any financial violations. Chair King: Absolutely. Commissioner Russell: I'd be glad to. Chair King: Okay. Commissioner Carollo, you may proceed. (COMMENTS MADE OFF THE RECORD) Vice Chair Carollo: Thank you, Madam Chair, Commission. Can this lady here be calmed down, please, before I start? (COMMENTS MADE OFF THE RECORD) Vice Chair Carollo: !Pie can go back on the clock? I made the point before of how on the end of December 2020, Mr. Russell had $3,400 in his bank account and he owed on the mortgage 297,528. Three months later on April 1, 2020, the mortgage was fully City of Miami Page 37 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 paid. A few months after in 2020, on the same day, there were a series of transactions. Mr Russell borrowed a total of $885,000,1 believe it was. The same day he also bought a lot in Coconut Grove for $800, 000. The mortgage was on both of these properties. The money that he borrowed was from a private lending institution, private banking. And the same day the private lending institution assigned that mortgage of $885,000 to a corporation. A corporation called (UNINTELLIGIBLE) LLC, a Florida corporation, that says that the owner of this (UNINTELLIGIBLE) LLC is another corporation, (UNINTELLIGIBLE) LLC, that does have managers and owners. Very prominent, major contributor to the Republic Party of Florida, to Senator Marco Rubio, and others. Strange why someone like that would want to take on the mortgage of someone running for the U.S. Senate as a Democrat. Then in June of this past year; in fact June 23rd, Mr. Russell sold the home for $970,000. It was sold to a Delaware corporation that was formed two days before he sold it. There's not even a manager in the corporation, only the registered agent, which you're allowed to in Delaware because that's why people go to Delaware, so you don't know who's behind it. The only thing that you could tell on the mortgage -- the satisfaction of mortgage of the people that he sold it to, they put a mailing address of 21 Vistalmar it said Coconut Grove, 33143, 33143 is actually next door in Coral Gables. Vistalmar is actually Vistal-, with an 1, -mar. And the property in Vistalmar was a property that was bought in 2015, all in cash, for $3, 600, 000, just like Mr. Russell's property was all paid in cash to the Delaware corporation. The Vistalmar address is quite interesting because the individuals that bought that apparently live in a much more humble place these days and they don't live in the property, haven't lived there for several years. Bottom line is that either Mr. Russell doesn't live there and he's saying that he's got a contract, and he might, a rental contract to live there, but the point is in all these strange transactions that 1 brought up here, Mr. Russell, if anyone should be the one showing that if you're saying you're paying a rent, showing that contract, showing proof of the last nine months what you've paid to show that you have indeed have paid rent, to show that you have paid market value rent, it's you. Because the whole series of events that are here, with some of the individuals that have been identified, and you know the others that are in the Delaware corporation that you claim you rent from, it's very indicative that it has to do with something else that they need from the City of Miami. So, if you claim that you're living here in the Grove and you can show a contract, that's fine. You very well might. So, you proceed at your risk that way. But at the same time that you've gone out of your way with your friends, the same ones that you plotted the recall against me, and every person up here knows that, at that time, that you were behind that, with others, you can -- excuse me -- the lady that you had start to spread the lies that I wasn't paying my rent, that was it Beckman that owns my property and so what, gee, you know, -- Commissioner Russell: Joe, I have no idea what you're talking about. Vice Chair Carollo: -- those that live in a house of glass shouldn't throw stones. And that's the whole point that 1 want to make today. I have sat here, and even though I knew, we all knew, you conspired to hurt me, defame me, that whole ugly recall that didn't go anywhere, I still treated you decently here. I tried to work with you, I tried to ignore it. But this is where I say enough. I'm not going to take any more of your behind -- from the back knifing. I do it up front where I look at your eyes and this is how I'm doing it. Now you have an obligation if you claim that you're living there to share proof of that. You have an obligation to claim, to show, all these transactions, City of Miami Page 38 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 how you got them. Why would a big Republican contributor be putting money for a mortgage for you for $885,000? Where did you get approximately 300, 000, a little under, to pay off your mortgage before? And very conveniently it was done in the same year, so when you do financial disclosures, it won't he seen because what shows is the 885,000 that you borrowed, so anybody wouldn't know about the 300,000 unless they look at the mortgages. So if anyone has to show how they've gotten $300,000, approximately, to pay a mortgage, how they went about in getting another $885,000 mortgage for just a few months, if anyone has to show why when you sold your house probably, maybe, for more than it was worth at the time, but certainly high priced, to a Delaware corporation, it is extremely odd that someone that buys a home like that is then going to rent it to the person that they bought it from for nine months, and obviously is going to be a lot longer from what 1 see, if you're living there and you have a contract like you say. So, I think you need to clear all that out to the public so that everyone knows exactly where you live at and who is behind you, financing your mortgages, and where you live at. And of course, I'll say this to _your face, you're not running for the U.S. Senate, you're doing the same thing you did in the Congressional Race, fill a bank account full of money -- Commissioner Russell: Madam Chair Vice Chair Carollo: -- and then you're not going to run. Commissioner Russell: We're going a little beyond the scope? Vice Chair Carollo: I have -- I have nothing else to say, Madam Chair, except -- Commissioner Reyes: Madam Chair; I have a question. Vice Chair Carollo: -- except -- Commissioner Reyes: I have a question. Vice Chair Carollo: Well, stop that so he can ask a question. Yes? Commissioner Reyes: I have a question. I heard -- I mean your statement -- Chair King: Wait, hold on a second, Commissioner Reyes. I said that Commissioner Russell can respond and I'm going to let him respond and then we can ask questions if necessary. I don't think it's necessary to answer -- Commissioner Russell: I'll yield to the Commissioner. Chair King: You want a question? Commissioner Russell: From Commissioner Reyes has a question of Commissioner Carollo, whatever he wants to say is fine. Chair King: Okay. City of Miami Page 39 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Commissioner Reyes: Yes, 1 have a question to Mr. Carollo. You had stated that there's some well to do people behind him,1 don't know with what intentions, but since you have said it, could you identifY those heavy contributors to the Republic Party and whoever is behind all of this (UNINTELLIGIBLE)? Vice Chair Carollo: Commissioner Reyes, the individual that took assignment on the same day that he went and got this personal loan for $885,000 from Benworth Capital Partners LLC, the individual that shows as the manager of the LLCs is Domingo Morada. I've never in all my years in Miami have met Mr. Morada, but 1 know who he is. And I was extremely surprised when I saw him in this whole loan transaction with Mr Russell. Then so that some months later you could have Mr Russell sell his home, top dollar; to who knows who, even though he knows who it is, and I think he knows that I know who it is, but since it's a Delaware corporation it's supposed to be secret, we'll let it be secretfbr now, it does not -- it's not normal and any real estate person will tell you that when someone buys a home for that value, that then they're going to turn around and give it for months and months and months and months to the person they bought itfrom to rent. You might do that for two or three months, you know; if they need that to finalize and get their stuff together to the new house they're moving to or so, but nine months, it's very odd. And if he claims that indeed he's renting there, then he shouldn't have any problem in showing, from day one, the contract. He could do it right at the end of the day, tomorrow morning, show the contract. Show every payment that you've made there and that they're market rate for rental. Now what I am going to ask the Clerk to do is, Mr Clerk, if you could send a copy of this portion of the meeting to the agent in charge of public corruption at the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) -- (COMMENTS MADE OFF THE RECORD) Vice Chair Carollo: -- yeah, the agent in charge of public corruption at the IRS (Internal Revenue Services), the agent in charge of public corruption at the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, the State Attorney's Office, and you might as well send it ahead oftime to the Broward State Attorney's Office, in case that they feel that they don't want to investigate it here because there might be any kind of conflicts. And I'm not an investigator but I'm not also a punching bag. Now if this was me, some of these same fine people that he's brought here would be screaming for me to be hung by the highest tree, but it's not me so it's fine. You know everything's hunky dory. So, having said that I'd like to make one more statement, Madam Chair I still have minutes. Chair King: Go ahead. Vice Chair Carollo: What I am not going to let Mr, Russell and his group of crooked allies -- (COMMENTS MADE OFF THE RECORD) Vice Chair Carollo: -- that have been after me for some time, is to use me as the reasoning that they could challenge whatever decision this body makes today in the courts and come up with all kinds of bologna, if I owned a house, which I do and City of Miami Page 40 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 everybody knows in this district, ifI did it to move in it or not, you'd be surprised on the story in the future of my house. But that's my business. (COMMENTS MADE OFF THE RECORD) Vice Chair Carollo: The bottom line is that even though the courts' going to allow it, so that they don't use this to be able to sue on the -- whatever vote this body makes in redistricting, and use me as the excuse, I'm going to abstain today even though 1 feel 1 have every right to be able to vote today. And I'm going to leave the future of our city, the future in heaven abounds, districts, as was the intention when I was mayor and I brought districts to the forefront and I fought and put my political neck on the line for it to happen, I'm going to leave it in the hands of all of you to decide today whatever it will be. But for these people, don't let them think that I'm a punching bag. And, Russell, learn to fight like a man, upfront, not knifing behind the back. Just because I didn't fight back in the recall and everything else doesn't mean that don't know how to fight. It doesn't mean thatl'm scared. And the only reason thatl'm not bringing up the next chapter; the tens of thousands of dollars that were spent illegally against me in this recall, is that I don't want to muddy it up. At a future meeting I'm bringing all that up. I'm bringing people that voted fraudulently, that didn't live in the city and voted fraudulently just so they could vote against me in my district, and I'm going to show a heck of a lot of money that needs to be answered, who put it in, where it came from, and who laundered it. Chair King: Thank you, Commissioner Nee Chair Carollo: So, having said that I thank you all for the opportunity to speak. Commissioner Reyes: Just a follow-up question to what he said? Chair King: No, no, I want to have Commissioner -- Commissioner Russell: I would like them to get it all out. Chair King: I'd like to start the redistricting meeting, so I don't want to go back and forth with questions, many questions. I want to give you your 15 minutes. Commissioner Russell: This needs to be cleared up. Commissioner Reyes: No, I mean -- Commissioner Russell: I don't want a back and forth, so I'd rather -- Commissioner Reyes: Listen, listen. Chair King: Go ahead, Commissioner Reyes. Commissioner Russell wants you to -- Commissioner Reyes: I mean this has been some accusations and some statements and in one of the statements that Commissioner Carollo made was that it must be somebody or some group, that they will want something. from the city of Miami, that was what I understood, that it is backing -- economically backing, Commissioner City of Miami Page 41 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Russell and they are responsible for all these transactions. Could you be more explicit? 1 want to know --1 want to know who is -- Vice Chair Carollo: I have presented sufficient evidence that's filed in courts to show that there's something wrong here. Now, he claims he's got a lease, he's living there. I showed he sold that home. And if indeed he does have a lease, which he's going to have to show that lease, and he should show it right tomorrow, if not today. I mean he can make a phone call and get that copy of that lease sent here right away. But if indeed he could show that lease, and he very well might, he very well might, then he needs to show that he's been paying on that mortgage -- excuse me -- on that rent at market rate. That still doesn't mean that all these transactions are fine. This stinks to high heavens. It doesn't make sense any of these transactions, the way they've been, and especially some of the people that took over his loan. Why? Why did they take it over? What do they wantfrom him? What do they wantfrom the city of Miami? Commissioner Russell: Interesting. V ce Chair Carollo: Yeah. Real interesting. Chair King: Okay, thank you. Commissioner Russell? Commissioner Russell: Are we done? Chair King: Commissioner Russell. Commissioner Russell: Anyone else? Thank you. I've seen some pretty dark times over the last seven years. I'm the senior commissioner here on this dais, having been elected in 2015, and I thought we had it rough back then. I had no idea where this Commission would go in terms of the depths ofpettiness and infighting, and it's really surprising to me. And I think it's sad for the City of Miami. Because these are things that don't need to happen up here. There's always a reason when it happens up here. If it's up here, it's for show. And I'm going to get into these things, I'm actually debating in my head how much I should defend myself and explain because these are very simple explanations which would probably just make it all go away, or say no, this is my damn business and if you want to get it, come get it. But you know what? I am running for the United States Senate against Marco Rubio. This will probably be the best press I've gotten over it since I've started my campaign, so I have to thank you for that. Applause. Chair King: Get them out. All of them. Have everyone removed, because I've said so many times -- Commissioner Russell: I'm sorry. Chair King: -- do not clap in here. I'm trying to keep -- Commissioner Russell: If Commissioner Carollo can bring up the fact that I'm running, -- City of Miami Page 42 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Chair King: I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about -- Commissioner Russell: -- I've never -- Chair King: -- I'm talking about clapping in here, Commissioner Russell. Commissioner Russell: I did not encourage that. I'm sorry that that excites people, but my -- please don't outburst, no boos, no claps. Please respect the Chair's wishes. I've never brought that up on this dais before. It's been brought up by Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla several times. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Really? Really? Commissioner Russell: Yes. That I'm running for office? Please. I'm not going to interact with you right now, but you've brought it up -- Chair King: Commissioner Commissioner. Commissioner Russell: -- several times. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I've never interacted with you. Chair King: Commissioner. Commissioner, do not engage -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No, no, no, no, no. He mentioned my name. Chair King: Listen. Listen, I will allow you -- Commissioner Russell: It has been brought up several times. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I recommend to you, you keep me out of it, by the way. My advice to you, -- Commissioner Russell: Thank you for the threat. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: -- keep me out of it. And it's not a threat. My advice, -- Chair King: Commissioner. Commissioner, please. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: -- keep me out of it. Chair King: Do not. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: If you want to, I have a -- Chair King: Commissioner if you would like to address him, I will give you the opportunity to address him. City of Miami Page 43 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Thank you. Now 1 want 15 minutes too. Chair King: Oh my god. Commissioner Russell: I'm sorry, it's in the minutes, it has been brought up before that Ion running for the United States Senate. It's been tried to be used to be an angle on things that we vote on, on this dais and it's completely irrelevant. And I've never brought it up and I've never used this dais to promote a campaign. In fact, 1 actually held off declaring my run back in June. 1 wanted to declare earlier but I was very worried about how this dais would react to me running for federal office against a Republican, and whether that would affect my ability to get things done up here. So, I held off. And it was actually on a day that we had a very crucial CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) vote that 1 did declare to run, and Commissioner Carollo came up to me and he said Marco Rubio's never done anything for Miami. Good luck. And he shook my hand. Nee Chair Carollo: That's a lie. Commissioner Russell: And he shook my hand. Vice Chair Carollo: That's a lie and you know that. Chair King: Commissioner. Commissioner. Pee Chair Carollo: That's a lie. Chair King: Commissioner Carollo, please don't. Please don't. Please don't. Commissioner Russell: He shook my hand. Chair King: Let him finish. Commissioner Russell: And that gave me a sigh of relief We went through -- we actually were successful with what we were working on that day. And I actually breathed a sigh of relief because I wanted to keep those worlds separate, I don't want them to interact. My worry now is that because I've been to 37 counties, I've raised over a million dollars, I'm starting to get some traction, I don't say that they're worried I'm going to beat Marco Rubio, but certainly I'm getting a lot more attacks up here. And what this is right now is an accusation o_ffinancial corruption that will get in a headline that, whether true or not, will smear me and damage my campaign. So, that's all I'm going to say about the politics, but I have a feeling there's a little of that motivation in there. The other motivation is between you and I, Commissioner Carollo. We've had our ups and downs. We have hutted heads the first day you came onto this dais. And I have to say I learned a lesson pretty quickly. I had really, thought, you're a force of nature and can be considered a bully because you are strong in what you believe in and in the way you come out and when you're attacked. This is what we're seeing right now And one of the very first votes we had was on board chairmanships, and I voted against you to take the Bayfront Park Trust Board chairmanship. I thought Willy Gordon wanted it and I was going to provide -- but it wasn't about trying to get in alight with you. I realized at that moment I was the only City of Miami Page 44 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 one because 1 did step up and nobody else was with me, and 1 said you know what, I'm going to go to that first Bayfront Park Trust meeting and try to break bread. And you said did I offend you? Do you have a problem with me? I had no history, with you. I wasn't trying to pick a fight with you, but clearly, I had. And you and I went rounds for a good year there. I have never participated in the activities to try to unseat you from your office. I have never raised a dollar for any campaign to try to recall you. I have never raised a dollar for any candidate running against you. Because my job up here is to get my job done for my district. And in the political minority on this dais, that's very hard for me. And that's why 1 try not to wear a partisan sleeve up here. And that's why I've been successful at trying to get the things that 1 care about done, because I don't bring that up here. And I don't fight with you. And you may think, well, he's doing it behind my back. I know you better You're way smarter than that and you would find every detail, as you have in my finances. The only thing you don't have in there is the motivations of why and where things came from and what the answers are. But I understand, it creates some questions, and I'm happy to answer those. It's not me, Joe. It's not me. I've learned that you and I have voted together on so many things that have helped what you're working on and that I'm working on. And I would not ruin that by trying to attack you personally or politically. I've learned that lesson the hard way. We've had our fights before; 1 don't want to have them anymore. I'm in my last year 1 may not get another legislative thing done, because 1 can feel the sense of this dais. But I'm going to continue to work and continue to bring the decorum. And so, I give you my promise as a man, and I hope, I hope we have established some rapport of respect that I'm telling you the truth, I have never been involved in those oppositions. We may have mutual friends, we may have mutual enemies, there may be people I know that are going after you and vice versa, butt have never helped them, colluded with them, given advice to them, and certainly not raised a dollar not through any mechanism or third party to attack you. And if ever asked, I would say no, I got work to do, I don't have time for this. Let me go on to the actual accusations, please. And I really have thought of this. So, my wife and I have lived in our house for 20 years now, almost. I bought it in 2002, 2003. The market is incredible right now as we all know. And I had two dogs, two cats, two -- three kids, in this little 1,400 square foot box, it's getting a little tight. So, it's been my dream to try to figure out how to move and find a new place for my home. Because I don't even have a bathroom in my bedroom, I walk down a hall and I share it with my daughters. And at the almost age of 50, I think 1 owe a little more to my wife and I'm trying to upgrade and do a little better. Very hard for me right now to figure out how to pay off my mortgage, borrow enough money, buy another lot, build on that lot, sell my house, and the stars aligned. And it was not easy, because I could not get a traditional money lender to finance what I was looking for so I started going out to private lenders. And they don't care about your parry, they want your interest. And the rate I had to pay to get that had me up to here. These are loan sharks. These are hard money lenders. But I realized that if I could sell my house and buy another lot that I had already had in mind, all the stars align, I could come out of this actually pretty good and able to build my dream home. And that's what we did. Now, how I paid off my mortgage? That will be a question you'll want to know, but you don't get those answers, because you don't have any access to what I have access to in terms of my family, my wife's family, estate planning. I can get that help. And you could probably use that against me in a campaign of some, whatever but it's all legitimate. And so, I paid off my mortgage, I got a hard money loan to buy the new lot. I don't know why I'm even telling all this. City of Miami Page 45 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Chair King: 1 don't either Commissioner Russell: But I believe it's best. Come on, it's just transparency. I'm not going to hide behind my ability to keep information from you so that some long term investigation comes out, because honestly, that gets you your goal. It's just going to smear me further by people who wonder and doubt, because all of us, everyone thinks we're corrupt. So, what 1 did was sell my home and then I was able to pay off the hard money loan because I sold it exactly what the market was going for And I bought the lot using the hard money loan and the sale of my house was able to clean all that off and pretty much make me debt fee. Now all I've got to do is figure out how I can find the money to actually build my house. So, I've got a really nice lot that's not built, but I've got to live somewhere. So, then 1 go on the hunt for where I'm going to live. And I've got to live in my district. And fortunately, the people who bought my home, of which I have no connection to, their building a few things. They bought three lots they said, and they said mine is the last one that they're going to renovate or whatever they're going to do to it, so if want to, I can live there. So, in the sale agreement, we included within the purchase price six months that 1 could stay there. And when that expired. I went back to them and said how are you coming on your building, they said we're a long way off 1 said 1 need more time. And they gave me another six months. And we made an agreement. l prepaid them and that's where I'm living now So, Madam Chair, with your permission I would like to invite Isabelle and Alba; Isabelle Andrews is my realtor 1 just texted her when I saw this line of questioning coming and she has no idea why she's here and I really, really, really apologize but this is very important for the transparency, if you wouldn't mind answering a couple questions from me or my fellow Commissioners. Is that all right? Isabelle, if you could come to the lectern and just introduce yourself the Clerk will take record of your name. Alba as well. Isabel Andrews: Hello, my name is Isabel Andrews, and I am a realtor with my business partner Alba Biondi. We came because we have the contract with us on our phone. And we are ready for questions. Commissioner Russell: Thank you so much. Do you remember the first time I approached you and asked you about what do you think my house is worth if I were trying to sell it? Ms. Andrews: Absolutely, yes. Commissioner Russell: Yes. And do you remember the value back then? This wasn't the time we sold it. I gave up for like six months or whatever. Ms. Andrews: Right. We gave you a market analysis and the value for your home and you decided to wait a little bit and it was a good decision. The market went up and when we gave you a new value, you agreed, and we put your house on the market. Commissioner Russell: I want to remember that you valued it at around 700, 000. Ms. Andrews: At that time, yes. City of Miami Page 46 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Commissioner Russell: Yes. I bought it, and this is all public record, 20 years ago for 419, 000. So that might seem like a good jump, but we knew the market was going up. Ms. Andrews: Correct. Commissioner Russell: It didn't solve my problems, so I waited. Ms. Andrews: Correct. Commissioner Russell: Then the market got hotter, and 1 reached back out to you, correct? Ms. Andrews: Sorry? Commissioner Russell: When the market got higher -- Ms. Andrews: Yes. Commissioner Russell: -- I reached back out to you and said what do you think we could sell the house for? Ms. Andrews: Yes, we met -- we met again -- Commissioner Russell: Yes. Ms. Andrews: -- we gave you a new market analysis and we gave you the value, and you decided that it was a good price, and we put it on the market. Commissioner Russell: Right. Ms. Andrews: And we sold the property on the open market. Commissioner Russell: Well, it was at the early part of the boom, and you thought we might sell it in a week or a day -- Ms. Andrews: Correct. Commissioner Russell: -- and you put a price, I want to say 1.1. Alba Biondi: One million hundred. Commissioner Russell: One million, right. Ms. Andrews: No, one million, one hundred. Commissioner Russell: One million, one hundred. And it unfortunately did not sell. It sat on the market. Ms. Andrews: Yes, we had a lot of activity, we had, I believe several offers, and we settled, for the price you accepted. City of Miami Page 47 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Commissioner Russell: How many people would you say visited the house during that time that you showed it? Ms. Andrews: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) yeah, at least a hundred. We had several open houses. And actually, the first time we had an open house we had a line of'people waiting outside. Commissioner Russell: Did you put the sign up in the front yard to advertise? Ms. Andrews: Absolutely. Commissioner Russell: Traditional method. Ms. Andrews: We did -- we did everything that we have to do legally. We were obliged to do some things for our trade. We did everything we were supposed to do. Commissioner Russell: The end buyer that decided to make an offer; where did they come from? Ms. Andrews: From the open market. We advertised your property everywhere and they were interested, they asked to look at your property, and actually Alba did the showing. That's why Alba came, because she's the one that was -- Commissioner Russell: Did I introduce you to them or did you introduce them to me? Ms. Andrews: Never. Never Never Commissioner Russell: So, this was -- Ms. Andrews: The buyer came through due process. We advertised at your home, he saw the advertisement, he came and visited your house. Did he visit the house? I don't remember Ms. Biondi: Yes, ves, several times. Ms. Andrews: Yes, he did visit the house. Commissioner Russell: Now if I remember correctly, we were a little bit apart on the price and we had the question about whether I could stay there because I wasn't finding rental rates, it was getting really high, and we didn't want to move and everything. Ms. Andrews: Actually, we have done that several times with our sellers, because on the seller's market when you get an offer, but sometimes people say I don't know what to do, so it's part of the negotiation to stay in the house, sometimes for free, sometimes for a low rent. But that happens quite often with our negotiations. Commissioner Russell: Got it. So, in the end it was unorthodox but you introduced me and we sat together -- City of Miami Page 48 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Ms. Andrews: Absolutely. Commissioner Russell: -- with the buyer. Ms. Andrews: It had nothing to do with you. You never advised us to contact the buyer, you never did anything. It came through due process and a normal transaction. Commissioner Russell: And so, if I remember right they agreed to a price under what we were asking for but 1 said if we can stay in the house for additional months. Ms. Andrews: Yes, it was part of the negotiations. It's a normal negotiation. Commissioner Russell: And was that captured in the sale agreement; did it say that? Ms. Andrews: Yes, oh yes. Ms. Biondi: Yes, ves. Ms. Andrews: We have a contract, and we can show the contract if you allow us. Commissioner Russell: And if l remember it was six months and four or five thousand a month. Ms. Andrews: Sure, sure, sure. Absolutely. It's in writing, signed by you and by the buyer, and attorneys were involved. Commissioner Russell: Got it. And then when the six months finished up and we realized of course we're not anywhere near building our new home, we didn't do the extension of the rental through you, but I think I reached out to you. Ms. Andrews: You did not have to because we did not represent you at that time. Commissioner Russell: Yeah. Ms. Andrews: We just, you know, the lease is expired, it was a lease, and after you renew your lease with us or not. That's your freedom. Commissioner Russell: Right. And so, we got -- well, if I remember right, what we agreed with the new owner is that we would get another six months but he would give me a little discount because I would pay all of it up front and I would cover everything, like if the air conditioner broke or leaks or whatever. Ms. Andrews: Well, we did not -- Commissioner Russell: You don't even know about that, okay. Ms. Andrews: We did not see the deal you had. Commissioner Russell: Right. City of Miami Page 49 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Ms. Andrews: But it's normal, that happens. What you did happens all the time with our clients. We represent sellers, sometimes we represent buyers and sellers in that case, that's what happened, but who gave us the business? The seller gave us the business. So, we represent the seller in our best ability. And for Mr Russell, it was good for him to stay in his house. So, we negotiated that. And we did that several times, several times. Actually, with a seller's market it's quite easy to get that deal. Commissioner Russell: Thank you. Final question, if I could, Madam Chair; the lender that we paid off, the short term lender, the high interest lender, were you involved? 1 can't remember Ms. Andrews: Your attorney. Ms. Biondi: No, no, no. Ms. Andrews: (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Commissioner Russell: Okay, that's right, got it. But in the sale of this {rouse that loan got paid off as well as -- Ms. Andrews: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) -- Ms. Biondi: The HUD (Housing and Urban Development). Ms. Andrews: Yes, I believe it's in the HUD. Commissioner Russell: Okay. Ms. Andrews: I have to review the HUD, the HUD statement which is the closing statement. Commissioner Russell: Thank you. So, Madam Chair; I will not use any -- thank you so much, Isabelle, thank you for coming down, Alba, I appreciate it. I will not use any of my time to attack Joe Carollo or his house or whether he should vote. That's never been my argument or attack on redistricting. A lot of people are bringing that up, he has a lot of enemies of his own making, I am not one of them. You are chasing ghosts with me. But it is a very standard, feeling when being attacked to attack back on the same thing you're being attacked on. And I understand that. If you think I'm going after your house, you're going to come after mine. IfI kill your dog, you're going to kill my, cat. I get it. We're not having that war because this isn't about you and me, this is about the district lines, and man, I am really fighting to keep the Grove together: I'm not using dirty tactics to do it, I don't think I'm going to be able to pull a rabbit out of the hat here, but everything you just threw right now could paint a picture, I can see where you could try to, where those lines could point that way, but it's not there. Thank you, Madam Chair Chair King: Thank you. Thank you. Madan City Attorney, would you please read into the record so that everyone knows that what just transpired here, although may not be what we wanted to have happen today, is absolutely within the purview of this body. City of Miami Page 50 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Ms. Mendez: Pursuant to Section 14, the Commission may investigate official transactions, acts, and conduct. The Mayor City Commission, or any committee thereof may investigate the financial transactions of any office or department of the City government and the official acts and conduct of any City official. And by similar investigations may secure information upon any matter. Chair King: Thank you. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Did she read Section 14? You did not. Ms. Mendez: 1 read the first part which 1 thought was pertinent of Section 14. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I want you to read the whole thing into the record. Ms. Mendez: The whole thing. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yes. Ifvou don't mind, Madam Chair Ms. Mendez: In conducting such investigations, the Mayor, City Commission, or any committee thereof may require the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, papers, and other evidence and for the purpose may issue subpoenas which shall be signed by the presiding officer of the City Commission or the chair of such committee or as the case may be which may be served and executed by any police officer. Chair King: Okay. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Thank you, Madam Chair Commissioner Russell: I just want to put a ribbon on my statement because I realize I didn't actually address the actual accusation. I had no contact with the lender who !ended [sic] me money other than the high interest rate they were willing to pay me in order to lend me that money. I had no contact or information or awareness of or relationship with the buyer who bought my house which was brought to me by a traditional real estate agent who showed the house in a very traditional manner. And there is nothing, nothing nefarious going on with the cash flow within my personal business. And there is certainly no reason that I cannot vote on this dais. I live in my home that I've lived in for 20 years, it's not mine anymore but I rent it, and I'm there within the district representing the district. Chair King: Thank you. At this time, I'm going to start public comment. Please line up. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Are we going -- I'm sorry, Madam Chair. Can Mr De Grandy at least present his plan? Chair King: Oh, is that what we said? We said you would -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am. City of Miami Page 51 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Chair King: 1 forgot, I forgot, I'm sorry. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: The poor guy's sitting there. Chair King: I'm sorry, I forgot. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: The poor guy's sitting there. Chair King: Okay, please present your plan. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: And Mr. Cody, too. I know they've been -- Chair King: Yes. Please, gentlemen, present your plan. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Thank you, Madam Chair. Chair King: I forgot. Miguel De Grandy: Give me one second, Madam Chair, for the computer to be set up. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: One second, Mr. De Grandy. Chair King: Go ahead. Mr De Grandy: So, it's still morning, good morning, Commissioners. For the record, this is now the fifth advertised public hearing we've had on redistricting. And additionally, since our February 25th public hearing, you have each conducted a community meeting in each one ofyour districts to hear from your constituents. Now first permit me to recap some of the discussion that occurred at the prior hearing and the direction we were provided. At the February 25th hearing, we presented our revised plan. After our presentation there was additional public comment and discussion by this Commission. The Commission voted 4-1 to make the revised plan the base plan for consideration of any additional changes. Now because you voted to make the revised plan the base plan for further consideration, we have not made my changes at this time pending further policy direction from this Commission. Now so far only two commissioners have suggested additional changes to the base plan. At the request of these commissioners, we have modeled it and provided them with some preliminary numbers showing the effect of those changes. Chair King informed us she wanted part of the area we have moved from D5 (District 5) to D1 along the riverfront restored to D5. Chair King's preliminary request would put the overall deviation slightly above ten percent and lower the Black VAP (Voting Age Population) to 49 percent, but this could be remedied by making additional changes to the plan in order to re -balance DI's population and increase D5's Black voting age population. However, we will need additional policy direction from this Commission as to where to go to re -balance the districts. Also, Commissioner Russell has requested restoring all areas south of US-1 that were assigned to D3 and D4, back into D2. He has also proposed moving an area further north but still south of US-1 into D3 to re -balance population. From south to north, this would include the area from where US-1 meets 95 using South Miami as the east boundary all the way to the river on the north. City of Miami Page 52 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Commissioner Russell's proposed change would make the overall deviation approximately 9.3 which is still a defensible plan. After my presentation, we look forward to getting direction from this Commission as to what of those changes, if any, you wish to make. Now during the February hearings there were allegations that the base plan was somehow racist as a result of moving 114 Black residents in to D4. Subsequent thereto, there have also been media articles making the same allegations. As your consultants, Mr. Cody and I believe that we have an obligation to respond to those allegations on the record. So first, to be clear, in the four public hearings we've had before you so far and in the five community meetings you have all conducted in your districts, the only allegation of racism results from the proposed movement of 1,597 residents from the south of US-1 to D4, which includes those 114 Black residents. To put it in perspective, Black residents comprise only 7.5 percent of D2. They clearly could not constitute a majority in a single member district. Moreover, those 114 Black residents are only 7 percent of the total population proposed to be moved from south of US-1 to District 4. Nevertheless, I think it's important to present additional facts on the record in order to provide more context and to see if the allegation of racism has merit. Now the demographics of the city are as follows: It is, approximately' 70 percent of the population is Hispanic, approximately 16.3 of the population is Black, and approximately 11.9 percent is non -Hispanic White. In a five member commission, the base plan provides for one majority Black district, which is 20 percent of the Commission. It provides for three majority Hispanic districts, which is 60 percent of the commission, and it provides for one competitive district in which there is no majority community. Now, for those of you who would like to read case law, the U.S. Supreme Court case of Johnson versus De Grandy is enlightening in this discussion, because in that case the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that there was no violation of Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act where minority voters form effective voting majorities in a number of districts roughly proportional to their respective shares in the voting age population. Now, in regard to those 114 Black residents, the Miami Herald Editorial Board recently issued its opinion regarding the City's base redistricting plan. In this editorial the Herald made the following statement, "We wonder what kind of representation those 114 Black residents will get in overwhelming Hispanic District 4. " The statement is clearly meant, in my opinion, to imply the residents of one race or ethnicity cannot be effectively represented in districts where the majority community is of a different race or ethnicity. And so, it may also be enlightening to look closer at the composition of the five City of Miami districts to see whether that is true. In DI there are 9,762 Black residents represented by a Hispanic Commissioner in a majority Hispanic district. In D2 there are 6,968 Black residents represented by a non -Black Commissioner in a district that is 70 percent non -Hispanic White and 48 percent Hispanic. In D3 there are 4,700 Black commissioners [sic] represented -- excuse me -- residents represented by a Hispanic Commissioner in a majority Hispanic district. In D4 there are 2, 774 Black residents represented by a Hispanic Commissioner in a majority Hispanic district. In total there are over 24,000 Black residents in districts where Black residents are not a majority of the district. In D5 there are 34,571 Hispanic residents represented by a Black Commissioner in a Black majority district. In D2 there are 45,415 Hispanic residents represented by a non -Hispanic Commissioner: In total there are close to 80,000 Hispanics in districts that are not majority Hispanic. Now surprisingly, neither the Miami Herald Editorial Board nor any of those alleging that the plan is racist has noted any of these statistics as an issue. Now some would say that the statistics I've just presented on the record are indicative of more desegregated and diverse living City of Miami Page 53 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 patterns that continue to develop in Miami, which 1 believe is a good thing. But as 1 stated a minute ago, in the four public hearings and the five community meetings you have had, the only allegation of racism results from the proposed movement of 114 Black residents who are currently represented by a Commissioner who is not Black to a district that is represented by a Commissioner who is not Black. Now, in the last 30 years I've been involved in redistricting and reapportionment of Congressional, State Senate, and State House plans as well as School Board and Municipal plans. In the 1990 redistricting cycle, 1 successfully sued the Florida Legislature for violation of the Voting Rights Act in the case of De Grandy versus Wetherell. As a result of that lawsuit, for the first time in a hundred years since reconstruction, there were three African -American members elected to Congress in Florida where for a hundred years there had been none. I've also successfully litigated in defense of Congressional and State legislative plans that comprised -- that complied with the Constitution and the Voting Rights Act. But in light of the statistics I've just put on the record, I would respectfully submit that you do not have to be a redistricting expert to conclude that the allegation that this plan is somehow racist is simply false and inflammatory. The facts are that this plan complies with both the 14th Amendment and the Voting Rights Act. Now that is not to say that the movement of population from south of US-1 into other districts is not a valid policy issue for you to debate. Previous commissions have made policy decisions which divided traditional neighborhoods like Flagami, Little Havana, Allapattah, and Shenandoah. And those sane commissions have made policy decisions that resulted in maintaining US-1 as a boundary between districts. And it is now up to this Commission to decide what is the best policy to implement in the 2020 redistricting cycle in order to balance the population among districts as is required by the Constitution. Now as we discussed, Madam Chair, in the February hearing, we 've brought our computers, we're ready to address any changes you propose. As to specific changes, we will request a short recess so that we can take -- make those proposed changes in the software program. We can then come back to you and advise as to the impact of those changes and our opinion regarding whether it complies with the law and the Constitution. And with that, Madan Chair and Commissioners, I look forward to your discussion and any additional direction you wish to provide. Chair King: One second. Now, I'm going to go with the will of the body Would you each like to make a comment now? Is that the will of the body? Commissioner Russell: I have questions about what he said specifically, -- Chair King: Wait, wait. Commissioner Russell: -- before -- not a comment or an amendment or an action. Chair King: Okay. Commissioner Russell: I want to understand better what he said. Chair King: Okay, because what I'd like to do is get the public comments. I'm trying to move the -- so do you have to make them now or do you have to -- can you wait until after public comment? Commissioner Reyes: Well, I want to question. City of Miami Page 54 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: You have to go in order one, two, three, and four. Commissioner Russell: There's something I didn't understand. Commissioner Reyes: I'm always the last. But the thing is that I -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: He always last. Commissioner Reyes: I -- I mean I feel like 1 was attacked. Chair King: Wait. Okay, wait, hold on. Commissioner Reyes: And I want to make sure that everybody knows, you see, -- Chair King: Okay, hold on, hold on, hold on. Okay, I'm going to go with -- Commissioner Russell: Mine's a question. Chair King: --1'm going to go with -- are you -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I'm District 1. Chair King: But what do you want to say? Are you going to ask a question of the -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I agree with you, I'm going to agree with you, that we have to have public comment. But is the public comment on the plan that we've already voted on or -- Chair King: No, they're going to -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Hold on, hold on. Or on the revised plan that we're going to have issues with because there will be a huge debate on that revised plan, right? So, the issue is, is the public comment on the plan we voted on already, or is it going to be public comment about the potential changes to the plan we voted on already? That's my question. Chair King: Both. Public comment on redistricting. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Do they know what the changes are? Chair King: Whatever they want to say. Are you -- are you going to present the changes? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Right, that's my point. Mr De Grandy: Ma'am, if I am given direction -- Chair King: Yes, I thought you were. Finish your thingy, finish your presentation. City of Miami Page 55 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Mr. De Grandy: I've basically, you know, explained the two proposed -- Chair King: Put the map up. Put the snap up. Mr De Grandy: The map is up. Commissioner Russell: Just a quick question from District 2. Chair King: Go ahead, Commissioner Russell. Commissioner Russell: Thank you. I saw a few slides about racist accusations. Those accusations weren't made anywhere on this dais, is that correct? Where do those accusations -- Mr De Grandy: Not by the dais. Commissioner Russell: So, these are from public comments during your meetings or from the press? what was it from? Mr De Grandy: These have been -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: In front of us. Mr De Grandy: Public comments have been made in the public comments sections, racist allegations have been made in media reports -- Commissioner Russell: Got it. But for the record, no one on this dais has utilized the accusation of racism as a motivation for any of the lines that we are drawing; am I correct? In your record I don't recall it. Mr De Grandy: Not in your debate so far, no. Commissioner Russell: Thank you. Commissioner Reyes: May I? Chair King: Yes, please. Commissioner Reyes: Because this is the second time that I've heard that. There was a lady that she's a pastor The first time that we were having this meeting she also brought the -- the fact -- I mean she made the statement, how are you going to get people from Coconut Grove and give it to a Hispanic Commissioner? Now I got the statements that they have injected, they have brought race into this argument which is totally uncalled and unneeded. And it is completely divisive. We cannot allow that. And every time that we don't like something, we can -- I mean stop using the race card in order to change. And what's really sad is that the race card is being used by White people, you see? That is -- that is what -- really, it is sad, okay? And to answer the question, and the Miami Herald, shame on you for that editorial and asking how it is going to be or how 114 Black residents are going to be represented by a Hispanic, a Cuban, to be more specific. Well, the same way that I represent 2,774 Black residents, City of Miami Page 56 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 some of them that are my neighbors in Flagami. And I think that every one of us and every one of you, regardless of your race or where you come from, you will represent your district as -- I mean, as if there were no race, you're going to be color blind, you see? And we should do away with using the race card when you are not in agreement with some changes, whatever it is. I think that is -- it is sad that we are bringing race into this equation. The only race that we're going to bring to this equation, I'm going to tell you what it is, we have to keep diversity on this dais. And that's why we have districts. And we have to say and do everything that is needed to make sure that there is diversity in this dais. If not, if we are not going to do whatever it takes to have diversity in this dais, let's do away with the districts then. And then everybody will be - -1 mean we will have five Hispanics right here. Since we are 70 percent of 'the population. And in order to avoid that the districts were created. And 1 will always -- my main concern, and 1 have said it and I repeat it, my main concern is to save that seat that now is occupied by Ms. King. And I will vote for any plan that will save that seat. Is that clear? So, let's get race out of this. Chair King: Thank you, Commissioner Reyes. Commissioner Russell: (INAUDIBLE) just to clarify what may lead to that mischaracterization of racism, Mr. De Grandy, how many African -American residents are in the West Grove, more or less? Mr De Grandy: In the West Grove, Steve, do you have that statistic? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Five hundred and something. Stephen Codv: Well, it depends upon where you define the West Grove. I believe -- Commissioner Russell: West of McDonald. Mr Codv: Well in all of the Grove from Rickenbacker down to the City boundary, I believe it's 2,067. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: That's not correct. Chair King: Commissioner. Commissioner. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: That's not correct. Chair King: Okay, but let him, -- Mr Codv: No, 2,677, excuse me. Chair King: -- he's the expert. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: But he's trying to define the West Grove. Chair King: Okay, let him speak and then I'll recognize you. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay. All right, thank you. City of Miami Page 57 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Chair King: Okay. Mr De Grandy: In Coconut Grove defined as -- Commissioner Russell: Basically, the NCD-2 (Neighborhood Conservation District). Mr De Grandy: It's 2,647. Commissioner Russell: In the NCD-2? Not including NCD-3. Mr De Grandy: What's NCD? Commissioner Russell: There's two NCDs, the NCD-3 is rest of Grove. NCD-2 is West Grove. Mr De Grandy: Well, I don't have the one, that breakout. Commissioner Russell: Okay, you don't know that barrier. The boundary is basically McDonald, which is 32nd, everything west of that, all the way to US-1, Coral Gables, and with the southern border being Franklin. Mr De Grandy: I'm sorry, we only have the statistics for the entire Grove and that's 2,647. Commissioner Russell: The population of 114, which is in the Bird Avenue triangle, if they were to be taken into -- would you say that they are part of a cohesive voting block in the West Grove? Would you say that the African -Americans of the West Grove vote in a similar manner for similar interests? Mr De Grandy: As the rest of the Grove? Commissioner Russell: Yes. Mr De Grandy: Yes. Commissioner Russell: Because the issues of course, displacement, gentrification, social justice,, affordable housing, they're looking for not a Black Commissioner but they're looking for someone to solve those issues and they vote as a block. Now if 114 were taken into another district, and it's not to say that it's Hispanic, White, or anything else, but they are now no longer part of this cohesive voting block, does it dilute the ability of that block to have the strength of its voice to be heard? And of the 114 that's moved into what is a 90 percent Hispanic district, will they be able to advocate in the same way for those issues that they care about with their actual direct neighbors in the West Grove? Mr De Grandy: Well, in terms of whether they'd be able to advocate, I would assume they would. Commissioner Russell: Effectively, as a block. City of Miami Page 58 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Chair King: Commissioner Russell, 1 don't know that Mr. De Grandy could answer that question. Commissioner Russell: Okay, I had thought that's the core of this -- Chair King: Because he's -- right -- but he's handling the redistricting. I don't know if he can answer the intent of voters and how they will advocate. Do you have another question? Commissioner Russell: Yes. Then my point is I believe that by removing that 114, we shouldn't be -- if we don't have to, we shouldn't remove a single African -American from a cohesive voting block of an African -American community that is under the attack of displacement and gentrification. We should do our best efforts to hold them together. If they need to be broken up by law of equalization of districts, absolutely. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: That you can represent, right? Chair King: Commissioner Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Well, come on. Chair King: Commissioner; you're out of order. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Well, I'm (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Commissioner Russell: They are a cohesive voting block with a natural boundary of US-1 and that's why. My worry is that as they get sent into another district, they lose their voice. Not that they get poor representation, not that they will be treated poorly - Commissioner Reyes: Maybe better. Chair King: Commissioners. Please, please. Commissioner Russell: -- but that they lose their ability to advocate with their like- minded voting block in their neighborhood, their physical neighborhood. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: If he's trying to make an argument -- Chair King: Come on, come on. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: -- then whenever you're ready to recognize me I will. Thanks. Chair King: Wait until he finishes. Are you finished, Commissioner? Commissioner Russell: I'm finished. That's the basic argument of why I don't believe the Bird Avenue triangle should be removed from the West Grove. City of Miami Page 59 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Mr. De Grandy: If nzay respond to that? Chair King: Please. Mr De Grandy: It's not just the 114. The 1,597 may have different points of view than some of the folks on the other side of US-1. I mean we're actually moving more African -Americans into D4 from the north of US-1 than we are from the south. Commissioner Russell: Into where? Mr De Grandy: From the north of US-1. We're actually moving more African - American residents into D4 than we are from the south. Now, my job, Commissioner, in regard to my presentation, as a consultant if there is an allegation that the plan is racist and therefore flawed and illegal, it is my responsibility to respond on the record to that. Commissioner Russell: We're not saying that. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: You just did. Commissioner Russell: No. Then I must respond. I am not saying that your plan is racist. I'm saying that your plan may marginalize a community. Because the African - American residents on the north side of US-1 have a complete different issue than the African -Americans on the south side of US-1. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: How do you know? Commissioner Russell: I will -- Chair King: Hold on. You're out of order Commissioner Russell: I believe this is a healthy discussion. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: How do you know that? Commissioner Russell: It's a healthy discussion. Chair King: Commissioner Commissioner you're out of order. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay. Thank you. Chair King: Mr. Manager? Mr Manager what's the timeline on me having the ability to cut the miss? No, I can't, I mean from -- Arthur Noriega (City Manager): (INAUDIBLE). Chair King: Right. Okay, just this is an example of why -- Mr Hannon: Mr. Manager I'm sorry, we can't hear you. City of Miami Page 60 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Chair King: Okay -- Commissioner Russell: But I think this is healthy. Mr Noriega: I'll get hack to her on the timeline. Chair King: Commissioner Russell, you have expressed, and I allowed you to, but you -- you've made that clear to Mr De Grandy, Mr: Cody. Right, you understand? Mr De Grandy: Yes, Ma'am. Chair King: You understand where he's coming from, this is important to him and his constituents with respect to the 114. Commissioner Russell: But he mentioned something that is I believe incorrect, and I'd like to challenge that. Chair King: I don't think we need to so sensitive about every single word that's said. I mean -- Commissioner Russell: No, it's -- Chair King: -- what's important is that you don't want your district cut up. Commissioner Russell: But why it's important is because I'm trying to make the case to all of you why it should -- Chair King: Okay, right, no, I understand. I understand. And I'm not trying to cut you off but I don't think we need to go hack and forth about -- Commissioner Russell: Okay, last statement then? Chair King: -- racism and no one up here is trying to be racist. Commissioner Russell: No, that's my point, it's not -- Chair King: No one is trying to be racist up here. Commissioner Russell: -- racist. That's my point. Chair King: No one is trying to be racist up here. Commissioner Russell: It's not. Chair King: Right. Commissioner Russell: IfI could just then make my last point because -- Chair King: You know, sticks and stones. City of Miami Page 61 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Commissioner Russell: No, no, I'm not trying to cast that. Chair King: Okay, I'm just, I'm just saying, you know -- Commissioner Russell: Both African -Americans who live in Golden Pines are not facing the same level of gentrification and displacement as African -Americans south of US-1, as they are surrounded by Coral Gables on one side and the wealthier part of Coconut Grove on the other They have a very specific mission, which is not based on color, it's just based on trying to stay to live there. And that's their cohesive voting block. It's not based -- even though they're predominately African -American, that's their cohesive voting block and that's why I'm trying to keep them all together Done. Chair King: Good. Thank you. Mr De Grandy: And as I said, that's a policy issue for all of you to debate. Chair King: Right, okay. Now, Commissioner? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Nope. Chair King: Nothing? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No, ma'am. Chair King: Are you sure? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Pm ready to vote. Commissioner Reyes: May I answer? Chair King: Do you have to? Commissioner Reyes: When he mentioned -- Chair King: Do you have to? Commissioner Reyes: Okay Yes, I have to. Chair King: You have to. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I'm ready to vote. Commissioner Reyes: You're mentioning -- you're mentioning and you're taking the victim -- I mean the position here, that the -- it is a difference in gentrification in Coconut Grove than it is in Golden Pines. That's not true. The residents in Golden Pines are being gentrified by all of those new investors that are corning in, being them Black or being them Hispanic, you see? And that -- and I'm going to make this very clear you see, I didn't ask for that sliver, but it irks me to any -- any insinuation that they are not going to be represented because it was given to me. I didn't askfor it, you see? As a matter of fact, I don't want to see if it is going to create problems. The only - City of Miami Page 62 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 - the only reason thatl will accept that is to say that's it. That is it. Okay? But to make those statements that they are not -- they don't have the same need, yes, they do. They do. They are not going to he gentrified? Yes, they are. They are going to -- they are being gentrified. That there are more Blacks in Golden Pines than there are in that sliver? Yes, it's true, you see? That I have close to 3,000 -- to 2,700 Black residents that they are living in D4, that is true. And they, are being represented by me. There is no difference. When they're going to vote, they're going to vote for issues that effects everybody, you see? And in -- in a general election, in a general election, the -- the sane pattern of voting that any population, be it Cuban or being whatever it is, if it is Black Cuban, they're going to follow the same pattern of elections regardless of the district that they're living in. They vote Democrat or they vote Republican, or they vote conservative or they vote liberal and that's it, you see? Because you live in certain areas, you're not going to change the way that you're going to vote. I mean it is logical, you see? So, I mean I think that we have gone through this before but the only reason that I am using this time, it is to make sure that -- because I'm sick and tired, I've been here longer than you've been living in Coconut Grove. I've been in this city, you see? I know Coconut Grove when Coconut Grove was a place that people came to be high and all that, peace and love and all of that, you see? I remember that. I remember that, okay? It was a bunch of hippies living here.l remember that, you see? I remember that. And one thing that hate, one thing that hate, it is that people use the race card in order to make whatever -- I mean whatever position they have go their way. Please don't do that. Because that creates more division, you see? And we don't need more division in this city, what we need is all of us to get together and try to get people elected and to demand that we all are well represented, and every decision is to favor and improve the quality of life of the residents. That's all we need, okay? Leave race out of this equation. Chair King: Okay. Do you have any more presentation? Can you have your map up and show us from the -- has -- have you made any changes since the last -- Mr De Grandy: We have modeled both the requested changes from you and from Commissioner Russell. If you want, we can put those up. Chair King: Please, can you, and explain them. Mr De Grandy.: Let's -- let's show -- we'll show Commissioner Russell's first. And yours, Commissioner as we discussed, we had done the dividing line at 7th, but you indicated that there may be additional changes you'd want to do, so we're just going to show what the proposal is and then we can have a recess and have those additional modifications. Chair King: Okay. Mr. De Grandy: Madam Chair, whenever you're ready. Chair King: Pm ready. Please proceed. (COMMENTS MADE OFF THE RECORD) City of Miami Page 63 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Chair King: 1 don't need a quorum for them to do -- and there's Commissioner Russell. There we are, they're here. Commissioner Reyes: I'm here. Commissioner Russell: I apologize. That was a call from my wife saying what is going on? Mr De Grandy: Okay, so the first alternative was to keep the area south of US-1 in D2 and then adjust D3. Next slide. Those are the movements that were proposed by Commissioner Russell. If you look at it, it would take out both the areas that were given to D4 and D3, put them back into D2. Commissioner Russell proposed an area beginning right where US-1 forks to do 95, and that area would use South Miami Avenue as a boundary all the wav up to the river Next slide. You can see the deviation goes up to 9.3, actually where before Commissioner Russell's District was the high mark for overall deviation and, Commissioner, I believe D5 was the low mark. Now the high mark would be D3 at over 5, actually 5.42 deviation, the low mark would be D4, which was depopulated and is now at 3.9 deviation. Your overall deviation would be 9.3. The plan still provides for an African -American majority district and three African -American Hispanic districts, thus it would comply with the Federal Voting Rights Act. In terms of the overall deviation, it's kind of pushing the limit. What the -- what the case law has said is that there need to be rational bases for deviations under 10 percent. You can certainly make the argument that keeping the Grove together is a rational basis by which that deviation would increase. Chair King: Does that conclude your presentation? Mr De Grandy: That concludes the presentation as to Commissioner Russell's proposal. If you give me a couple minutes, we'll load up your proposal. In this alternative what we had preliminarily discussed, and I understand, Commissioner King, that you may have additional changes, but well show what we modeled. Next slide. If you look at the area that had been initially moved into DI, included all the way down the river using 1-95 as a border Putting part of that area back and using 7th as a divider, next slide, that would result in slightly increasing deviation above the threshold at 10.03. Next slide. It would also, although it would still have, in terms of total population, the African -American population would still be above 50 percent. Next slide. The voting age population would drop to 49.01. Now as I said in my initial presentation, there are ways to address that to make sure that, A, we re -balance District 1 and also bring up the Black VAP. I understand, Commissioner, that you may actually be looking for less of that area in terms of what The Wharf is and when take a recess we could work on that better and maybe that would resolve the problem. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Maybe. Mr. De Grandy: So those are the two changes that have been proposed. Those are the two changes that we have modeled. Chair King: And does that conclude your presentation? Mr. De Grandy: Thankfully it does. City of Miami Page 64 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 [Later...] Chair King: Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome back to the special commission meeting regarding redistricting for the city of Miami. Mr. City Clerk, do you need to make any special announcements? Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): No, Ma'am. Chair King: Madam City Attorney, do you need to make any City -- any special announcements? Victoria Mendez (City Attorney): No. Thank you, Madam Chair Chair King: Mr Manager? Commissioner Reyes: No, he's not even paying attention. Arthur Noriega (City Manager): No, no announcements. This is -- Chair King: Okay. Just -- just checking. Mr Noriega: Here as an observer Chair King: All righty. We are reconvening this meeting. Mr De Grandy? Commissioner Reyes: I -- May I? Chair King: Please. Commissioner Reyes: I have a request -- oh, yes. Miguel De Grandy: (INAUDIBLE) department needs to open up -- there we go. Unidentified Speaker: Okay. Commissioner Reyes: Yes, Mr. De Grandy. I have seen all the opposition to that sliver that you are giving me in Coconut Grove. I don't like to be where I'm not welcome. What would happen if you take that o ff from -- and -- I mean, I know you will have to find population some place else. Mr De Grandy: Sir -- Commissioner Reyes: If you could -- if you could do that, I -- I mean that part of Coconut Grove is going to stay intact. Mr De Grandy: Okay. The answer is that's 1,597 people, which means your deviation now goes to a negative 3.9. Those two additional points go to 15, 16, about 1.7, 1.8, is added to D2, so I have to find other places to take from D2 to balance the plan. City of Miami Page 65 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Commissioner Reyes: Can you -- can you take some -- and find some place from D2 that will accept that? Mr De Grandy: Yeah, I -- Commissioner Reyes: Where? Where? Where? Where? But where? Mr De Grandy: I mean, 1 could go like right where I am right now in the -- if you can minimize that a bit. So, if you're -- if you're looking at the map. Do you have it on your screen? Commissioner Reyes: Yeah, I'm looking at it. Mr De Grandy: I can either go here or I could go up this way. Commissioner Reyes: Okay. Mr De Grandy: Okay? Commissioner Reyes: That is not Coconut Grove anymore, right? No, that is Bay Heights. Mr De Grandy: You know, again I was told to keep Bay Heights in D2. I don't consider Bay Heights Coconut Grove. If folks disagree, I'll stand corrected. Commissioner Reyes: Okay. Mr De Grandy: But we could go up this way. Commissioner Reyes: Well, if -- Mr. De Grandy: I had initially taken, you know, my initial plan had from 17th to Simpson, about 1,293 individuals. What I did when there were objections regarding Bay Heights is I basically cut here at the line of Bay Heights and went south to take the same amount of people. So, I would still have this and I would go up this way as needed to bring population into D3 and lower the population -- Commissioner Reyes: You see, I don't understand. Wherever you go you're going to have people are going to be complaining. But I know that everybody is complaining about that sliver because they claim that we are going into what it is the West Grove and all of that. In order to avoid that -- that argument and people feeling so bad about it, I would request that you leave me out of this, okay? Take that off',' okay, and find some other place that you can find the people. Because I know that I will do my best to represent everybody the same way that represent what I have now, but if that's the will of many people that they feel like they're going to lose part of -- you're not going to lose anything. When you -- when you go to bed after if this passes, when you get up next niorning, you're going to have the same neighbors. That's it. Okay? You're going to have the same neighbors. But in order to avoid that, I will ask you to take that sliver out of my district and that's it. City of Miami Page 66 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Mr. De Grandy: Okay. 1 will have to take a recess and -- Commissioner Reyes: Okay. Mr De Grandy: -- model it and get back to you on that. Commissioner Reyes: Okay. Okay. Mr De Grandy: Are there any other -- Commissioner Reyes: Okay. Thank you. Mr De Grandy: Any other things that you would like me to see? Commissioner Reyes: And that will not effect -- that will not affect District 5 at all, right? Mr De Grandy: That would not -- that would not touch District 5. Commissioner Reyes: Fantastic. Okay. is that -- is that fine with you? Chair King: That's fine with me. Commissioner Reyes: Okay. Thank you. Chair King: And before you take a recess if you have to take a recess, we can show -- you can show the proposed changes, which shouldn't be changes. Let me put on the record that there was a misunderstanding. What you are giving back to my district is nay district already, correct? Mr De Grandy: That is correct. Chair King: And what you are giving back does not affect population at all? Mr De Grandy: No, ma'am. And let me show it if 1 may on the map. We're talking about this area right here, which would be bordered by 95 to the east, the river to the west, and 1st Street to the north. That has zero population and that would not have any impact in either the base plan or the Russell plan. Chair King: But it is already part of District 5 now? Mr De Grandy: It's already part of District 5. The only reason, Commissioner, that I'm telling you that you would have to move to amend the plan is because the action you all took on February 25 is to vote this as the base plan for any further changes. So, any further changes would have to be by motion, but you are absolutely correct that has always been part of your district. Chair King: Okay. I just wanted to make that clear for everyone. Commissioner Russell? City of Miami Page 67 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Commissioner Russell: Thank you. Mr De Grandy: Is it your desire to snake that motion? Chair King: Yes. I'm going to make a motion to include -- I'm sorry, Todd. Every time -- whenever you see him going like that, I'm doing something wrong. Mr Hannon: No, no, no. Chair King: 1 look over at him really quickly. I'm doing something wrong. What is it? Mr Hannon: Mr: De Grandy, did you need Commissioner Reyes' direction all in the same motion or are you okay with his -- Mr De Grandy: No, no, no. Commissioner Reyes ' direction is not ripe for a motion yet until 1 can find how to balance. Mr Hannon: Understood. Mr. De Grandy: It's a direction at this point -- Mr. Hannon: Okay. Mr De Grandy: -- that 1 am going to follow and model. The -- once you 're going to amend, actually' amend an area, then I would need a motion. Chair King: Okay. So -- because mine is simpler than yours, I'd like to just take it up on motion and get it done with. Commissioner Russell: That's fine. Chair King: Okay. Do I have a 'notion? Commissioner Russell: I'll move it. Chair King: Second. Commissioner Reyes: I don't know what the motion is. Chair King: The motion is to give me back -- because in the base plan he took out a portion of my district. It doesn't affect population at all, but it puts -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: But there's a debate to be had here, Madam Chair. You have a motion. When you're ready to debate, let me know, recognize rne. Thank you. Chair King: Okay. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Thank you very much. City of Miami Page 68 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Chair King: So, I have a motion. Do 1 get a second? Commissioner Reyes: (INAUDIBLE) that little piece. Chair King: Uh-huh. Commissioner Reyes: You want that little piece? Chair King: Uh-huh. Commissioner Reyes: Okay. And that is -- and in return what is -- because I don't understand. You want the little piece that is at the end? Chair King: Yeah. Well, it's already -- it is a part of my district now -- Commissioner Reyes: Actually, it's part of your district? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: What does it matter? Chair King: It's part of my district now Commissioner Reyes: Okay. Chair King: And there was some misunderstanding with Mr. De Grandy from instructions from me. He included a part, but he didn't give me all of it. Now it doesn't affect population, so it won'tskew the population. It doesn't take anybody's population; it doesn 't give anybody population. It just gives me back what is currently District 5. Commissioner Reyes: I understand that. Chair King: Okay. Now do I have a second? I can second it. Commissioner Russell: Yes, you can. Commissioner Reyes: Yes, I second. I second, I second. Chair King: Okay. Second. Oh, so I have a -- I have a motion and a second and now it's up for discussion. So, we're going to let Commissioner Alex Diaz de la Portilla speak. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Thank you, Madam Chair First of all, we have overpopulated districts. It is not correct that there was a misunderstanding of Mr. De Grandy because my conversation with Mr. De Grandy along the way was that it got, you know, how we can't talk to each other, obviously that's Sunshine Law. But my understanding with Mr De Grandy was that you were interested in having the MRC (Miami Riverside Center) in your district. Chair King: No, the MRC is in my district. City of Miami Page 69 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No. Ma'am, ma'am -- Chair King: It currently in my district. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: But well wait is it a debate or is it my time? Chair King: Is it your time? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Thank you. Chair King: Hmm? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I think so, you recognized me, right? Chair King: But you just said something that wasn't correct. The MRC is currently -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay. Well, you can correct it later but let me finish my argument. So, what happened was this. So, the MRC -- and this has been a debate about how you take away from here, for example, Commissioner Russell's District is overpopulated, you get ten percent deviation, but it's still an overpopulation, right? So, what happens is that you have to not only look what you're doing today, but what's going to happen over the next ten years. This is the redistricting process every ten years. So, the growth that's going to occur over the next ten years will it affect, Madam Chairman, make your district minority African - American. Our goal here is to have an African -American district, for lack of a better term a White district, which is the coastal district, and three Hispanic districts. We already spoke about the fact that the City of Miami is 70 percent Hispanic. So, if you were to have state -- you know, Citywide elections, you would have probably, right, Mr De Grandy, probably five Hispanic -American Commissioners? We created single member districts to protect certain classes and to have proper representation which we should have, right? An African -American -- what percentage of the City of Miami is African -American? Seventeen? Mr De Grandy: 16.3. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: 16.3, right, almost 17. What percent is White, like Russell, you know, other than lack of a better term Anglo, I guess? Mr De Grandy: You know -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I happen to think I'm White, too, by the way, but anyway, whatever So what percentage is that? Mr. De Grandy: 11.9. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: What is it? Mr De Grandy: 11.9. Commissioner Reyes: 11.9. City of Miami Page 70 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: 11.9. So, five Commission districts, 20 percent each one, right, a hundred percent, 11.9. So, you have a White Commissioner, 17 point -something and you have an African -American Commissioner That's the protections that we give, right? So, assume we draw these districts so we have adequate and we have -- and we respect the diversity that exists in our community, we want to make sure that people are represented across the board. All economic interests, race, ethnicity, everything else. The request that Madam Chairman is making is that she take away an area that predominantly Hispanic, potentially predominantly Hispanic over a ten year period. Because you can't look at what's happening today, you've got to look at what's going to happen in that area in terms of development and we know what -- I happen to know what projects are in place to happen down the line. So that's going to be potentially a Hispanic area. So, you're taking a African -American district that's now 50 point what? Mr De Grandy: 50.3. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: 50.3 -- Mr. De Grandy: In voting -- voting age. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Two -- Mr De Grandy: It's 52.7 -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Voting age population, which is what we care about. Because we don't care about, you know, we don't care about in terms of this argument we don't care about a five year old kid that can 't vote, right? So, 50.3. What would it be once you take that area out? Mr De Grandy: It's still 50.3. There's zero population. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Oh, okay. So, there's no population change? Mr De Grandy: Correct. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: All right. But your projection when you sat in my office was 49.1; wasn't it? Mr De Grandy: No, no, 49.1 was the original understanding that I had as to how much area Commissioner King wanted to take, which would have been that area 6 that was given to D5 -- to DI would be to divide it on Northwest 7th. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Correct. Mr. De Grandy: That would give D1 Spring Garden and it would give her everything to the east of Northwest 7th -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Right. City of Miami Page 71 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Mr. De Grandy: -- which was 3,112 -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: 3,112. So, Madam Chair if I may? So, when we had the initial conversation and we changed the map between -- before we took the vote, 4-1 vote, you voted for, Madam Chair. We took a vote and that vote, and you had the alternate plan, but we took a vote, a 4-1 vote that shifted those people, including the MRC and all those people that lived there that gave her the -- gave the Chairwoman the appropriate number of people or District 5 the appropriate number of people to keep it an African -American seat, right? Mr De Grandy: As to the -- the okay. Let me take a step back. There was a preliminary plan -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Right. Mr De Grandy: You asked for changes. When we changed that preliminary plan, Commissioner King said on the record, `I want the MRC back." Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Right. Mr De Grandy: The revised plan had the MRC back. What it did not have is just west of 95 and south of 1st Street -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Correct. Mr De Grandy: -- the Wharf is where our misunderstanding occurred. She informs she wanted The Wharf. I understood she wanted the MRC. Now the vote was yes, a 4- I for that base plan, which did not include The Wharf. Commissioner King is now saying, I want The Wharf. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: She wants more than what she requested when we took the 4-1 vote, right? Okay. So now we have Commissioner Reyes making an argument that ifpeople in Coconut Grove don't want him to be their Commissioner fine. So now what we're doing is going street by street defining these districts publicly instead of coming up with a plan that says, hey, we've got a plan and let's vote on it. So, I move that we defer it, that we defer the item until we have a plan that works for everyone, right? Including Commissioner Russell, your demand that the Coconut -- that Coconut Grove be kept whole, right, including your own plan. But now what we forget to mention is that the original plan that we had was adjusted to include -- to bring back 40 percent of Coconut Grove back into District 2. Is that correct? Mr De Grandy: Over 50 percent. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Over 50 percent, even more. So, you're getting your way little by little, right? So that debate is okay. But not to vote today on something that all of a sudden, block by block you start taking things away because, Madam Chair, with all due respect, you wanted MRC, you got it, now you want another part, wharf you got it. What's going to happen tomorrow? Commissioner Russell: I'm ready to vote. City of Miami Page 72 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Chair King: Whatever I want. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Well -- Chair King: I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Of course, of course. So why not defer it and come back. Chair King: I'm kidding. If that is the will of the body to defer it, I don't take issue with that. However, -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Defer it. Chair King: -- I want to address some of the things that my colleague said. One, there was a misunderstanding because I didn't understand that when I said give me back the MRC, I didn't know he was just going to give me back the MRC. That entire strip is part of District 5, The Wharf and the MRC. I didn't understand that he would take it to just mean give me --1 didn't -- that he could. just plop that to me. And it does not affect the population of my district. It is an economic engine that District 5 needs because it is the poorest district in the City of Miami. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: And mine is the second poorest. Chair King: And it -- and yours is the second, but mine is the poorest. It is an economic engine that will help me to create wealth for District 5. Commissioner Reyes: I -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: And I will help District 5. Chair King: So, -- and I'rn not asking -- to be given anything that wasn't there already. So, if it's the will of the body to defer it, that's fine with me. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Let's defer -- let's defer it and come backfor the next Commission meeting. Chair King: That's fine with me, but I -- Commissioner Reyes: I am -- I am not going to change my -- my position on -- on what I said and I think that we should be all in agreement, and since we have this controversy here, I think that we should have a little time and defer it. Because I was ready to vote. You want to defer it, let's defer it and let's all get together -- I mean, let him get together and see how we can solve this impasse that we have here. I -- I agree on -- on deferring, but my instructions that I gave you, you keep on going it. That sliver, take it away from me. Mr De Grandy: Well, if I may? If that is the will of the body, you need to know several things. City of Miami Page 73 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Chair King: 1 know Mr De Grandy: One, our scope of work concludes today. And so, if you want to defer it -- Commissioner Reyes: We'll pay you more. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: We're going to pay you more. Don't worry about that. Mr De Grandy: We're going to be on hourly. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Let's just defer. You 're good to go. Okay? Mr De Grandy: I want to be very clear Commissioner Reyes: I move that we extend -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I don't have a problem with that. Commissioner Reyes: I move to extend the contracts. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yeah, yeah. I second that motion and send us an invoice and I move to defer it and Commissioner Reyes seconds it. Chair King: Hold on. Commissioner Russell: Madam Chair? Chair King: Hold on, because -- Mr De Grandy: But number two, but number two, if I don't have specific direction from you, like for example, where you want that population -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay. Mr De Grandy: -- or et cetera, then we're going to come back and we're -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: If I may? Mr De Grandy: -- going to have the same issue. Chair King: Right. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: If I may, Madam Chair? Chair King: Hold on a second, hold on. Mr. De Grandy: So, I think -- City of Miami Page 74 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Whenever you're ready. Chair King: Hold on a second, hold on a second. So, I see my colleague has his hand up. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay. Chair King: Commissioner Russell. Commissioner Russell: Thank you, Madam Chair We haven't yet gotten to the amendments that 1 would recommend, and I think that may allay some of the concerns Commissioner Reyes has about if -- and first of all let me say thank you, by the way, and it's very big of you. Because I know that you're feeling accusations, and they aren't warranted. I know you're a very strong, good person and you will represent anyone in your district no matter who they are. But for you to listen to the residents and move for that amendment I very much appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. I'd like to propose the changes that would equalize that. But I'd also like to support the Chairwoman because this is not her reaching for more. This is her trying hold on to the district that she has served. I think that's kind of the spirit of what we've all talked about here. And so, I don't think we learn anything new over another two weeks or four weeks. We spend a little more money, we bring everyone out again, but I think we, the four of us, can negotiate all of this today and put it to bed. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No. Commissioner Russell: I'm -- I --you may not be in agreement because in this moment the block or two is going against your favor. Commissioner Reyes: Listen, listen. Commissioner Russell: But I think we can come -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Are you talking to me? Commissioner Russell: Yes. Commissioner Reyes: It's a little -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No, no, it's not actually. It's actually 2-2. Commissioner Reyes: -- disagreement and -- Chair King: Hold on, hold on. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: It's actually 2-2. Chair King: Let's -- hey. Let's -- Commissioner Russell: No, no, no, I mean the lines of the district. City of Miami Page 75 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. Chair King: Let's -- hold on, hold on. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: It's a 2-2 tie vote, you know what's happening here. Chair King: Hold on. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: So, let's stop fighting about it. Chair King: Hold on, hold on. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Let defer it. Otherwise, you're at a 2-2 and we're good to go. Chair King: Hold on. Let's -- hold on. Commissioner Russell, I mean, Reyes. Commissioner Reyes: No, no, no, no, no. I'm Cuban, he's White. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: White. Commissioner Reyes: Because that's a -- the only distinctions that we have -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yeah, yeah. You're not White, he is and we're good to go. Commissioner Reyes: Okay. Commissioner Russell: (Foreign Language). Commissioner Reyes: I -- think, you see, for the sake, for the sake of I would say of peace of everybody, you see, whatever will be will be. And we can defer for one week, not for two weeks, just for one week. And we defer and whatever it comes, it comes. If Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla still does not agree with it, well too bad, we vote. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yeah. Commissioner Reyes: Okay? Too bad, we vote. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yeah. Commissioner Reyes: Let's let them draw what he has to draw now and let's defer it. Chair King: Well, let's -- let's see what -- let's see what Commissioner Russell -- are they going to -- can they present your amendments? Commissioner Russell: Yes, so that they can work further. City of Miami Page 76 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Chair King: At least -- right. Let's see -- let's go ahead and see what Commissioner Russell's amendments are. Commissioner Russell: So, we actually haven 't voted on any of the changes yet. The amendment from Commissioner King, nor the suggestion, the direction by Commissioner Reyes. (COMMENTS MADE OFF THE RECORD.) Chair King: Yes. Commissioner Reyes: And by the way, I'm not going to change my mind. Commissioner Russell: I don't need the demonstrative. It's fine. Mr De Grandy: (INAUDIBLE). Commissioner Russell: Oh, you want to put it up? Okay. That's fine. Mr. De Grandy: I wanted to put it on the screen. Commissioner Russell: That's fine. Mr De Grandy: If you don't want me to, I won't. That's the Russell amendment. Commissioner Russell: Thank you. So, the current draft has the light blue down below. The -- sorry. Why does it say District 7? What am I missing? Mr De Grandy: Yeah, forget the district number. That's -- the program has to assign an area, so -- Commissioner Russell: Oh, you're calling each of them districts. Mr De Grandy: Right. Commissioner Russell: Got it. No problem. So, the light blue, Commissioner Reyes has already requested to be removed. The purple and the green, so the purple section is the Natoma area and the green section is the West Brickell area. My, only request is that US-1 and South Miami be the boundary to District 2 up to the river. So that would not affect anything that Commissioner King is working on, it would not affect Commissioner Reyes because he's already agreed to the West Grove portion. So really, I'm just looking -- my only amendment is the swap between the South Miami Avenue area and the Natoma area. And so, I -- that's my request. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Whenever you're ready. What happened there? Commissioner Russell: If -- if the will of the body is here, I'm ready to vote on all the changes today once you've normalized and done whatever you need to do. I don't know if you need a break, but that would give Commissioner King what she's looking City of Miami Page 77 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 for, it would give Commissioner Reyes what he requested, and it would give me what I'm looking for. Mr De Grandy: What you could do instead of voting on each -- well you could vote on each change -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Well, we're not going to do that unless the Chair decides to do that, so -- Mr De Grandy: Okay. Chair King: Well -- Commissioner Russell: If there's consensus, we could do a slate. If there's not consensus. Chair King: Here -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Whenever you're ready, Madam Chair Chair King: Here. I have -- there's -- there's a motion and a second for the changes for my district. So, let's take a vote on that because that's on the floor right now. The motion is to give me back the portions of my district that were taken out that does not affect population, it just gives me back The Wharf area. Motion and a second. All in favor? Commissioner Reyes: Let me -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No. Commissioner Reyes: Let me -- let me -- talk to you about it. Commissioner Russell: Aye. Chair King: Aye. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No. Commissioner Reyes: Okay. Well, no. Because what I want to do -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No. Commissioner Reyes: What we did right now was -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: It fails in a tie vote. Commissioner Reyes: -- we're going to defer it. Chair King: So that's -- City of Miami Page 78 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Well, hold on -- Commissioner Reyes: I'm in favor of -- Chair King: No, no, no. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: It fails in a tie vote. Chair King: It just -- it's a 2-2 vote. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: So, it fails in a tie vote. Chair King: Because there's two. It's a 2-2 vote. It fails. Now let's move on. That's it. [Later...] Miguel De Grandy: Or March 24th. I need to put on the record to be very clear because I don't want to come back here and have you guys say, no, you're not doing what I asked you. Here's what 1 have. 1 have one proposed alternative, that's Russell. 1 have a second proposed alternative, which is to restore your area of The Wharf.1 have direction, and that has been on a 2-2 vote. I have direction from Commissioner Reyes to take out the 1,597 individuals south of US-1, thatl am giving to him, or thatl had proposed giving to him, which means I have to find other population in D2 to move somewhere else. I need direction on that. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: But you're incorrect. Mr De Grandy: Because -- let me finish. Please, sir. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: But you're incorrect. Mr. De Grandy: Sir? Chair King: Let him finish. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: But he's incorrect. Chair King: Okay. Let him finish. Mr De Grandy: Let me finish. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: There's no 3-2 two votes to restore any area. Chair King: Let him -- listen, let him finish. Let him finish. Let him -- Commissioner Russell, after he -- Mr De Grandy: IfI have direction from you, it's a simple job. I bring you back a map and I show you. IfI don't have direction, let me tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to go up Bay Heights all the way to Simpson Park and if that doesn't equalize, City of Miami Page 79 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 I'll go block by block and I'm going to put it all in D3. Because that's the only other place 1 can go. If you're all okay with that -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No. Mr De Grandy: -- then let me know. But I need direction. Commissioner Reyes: Yes. And that was -- that was your initial -- Chair King: Commissioner Reyes? Commissioner Reyes: -- that was your initial -- Chair King: Commissioner Reves? Mr De Grandy: That was my initial, yes, sir Commissioner Reyes: That was the initial. Mr De Grandy: That was my initial. Chair King: Okay. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Whenever you're ready. Chair King: Commissioner Russell. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Go ahead. Commissioner Russell: Thank you, Madam Chair. You mentioned three different proposals that are being sent to you right now, but I don't see any of the three as being -- affecting each other For example, all three of those changes could be incorporated and solve your issue. Because Commissioner Reyes' deduction can be made up within the change that I'm recommending with Miami Avenue. That normalizes that loss. My change also including the Natoma area totals a 3,000 deficit going out of -- corning back into my district, which is normalized with the Brickell section. None of that affects Commissioner King's request. So really all three of us are requesting something that fits all three of us. I think there's consensus there to at least give you direction, if not vote today. I understand there no will for that, but I think we're done. We really could vote -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No. Commissioner Russell: -- on this today if Commissioner Reyes were open to it. But for lack of that, the direction that I would like to give to you is combine the three requests and bring back a map based on that. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Well, whenever you're ready, Madam Chair Commissioner Reyes: But Madam Chair, I disagree. City of Miami Page 80 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Chair King: Hold -- Commissioner Reyes: I disagree -- with Commissioner Russell -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: So do 1. That's all right, but I'm first. Chair King: Hold -- on one second. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: It's my turn. Chair King: Commissioner? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Mr. De Grandy? Mr De Grandy: Yes, sir Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: There is no 3-2 vote to restore any part of District 5. Mr De Grandy: No, no. I said it was a 2-2 vote. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Hold on a second. Well, you said -- no. Mr De Grandy: 2-2 vote. Chair King: He did say a 2-2 vote. He did. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Well okay, that means it fails. That's not direction. When it's an even, it's a tie, it doesn't pass. There is no vote here that's been taken to give you any direction. The only votes have been taken -- the only vote that's been taken here, and by the way Commissioner Carollo's not here, which I think he should be part of this conversation in my opinion. (COMMENTS MADE OFF THE RECORD) Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yeah, you can all laugh all you want. He's a Commissioner, duly elected official of this city. He should be here. Chair King: I would love for Commissioner Carollo to be here, but he has -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Well, hold on. And he may be here next time. Chair King: He said he's abstaining. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I understand what he said. I was here. That's not the point. The point is that there is no direction. There's no direction to adopt Commissioner Russell's proposal and Commissioner Reyes has expressed a desire -- you know, if people in Coconut Grove don't want you to represent them, in my opinion it's their bad. I think you would be a great representative, for them, in my opinion. City of Miami Page 81 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Commissioner Reyes: Well, thank you. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: But they feel better having somebody else do it. Maybe a Cuban American can't represent them, I get that too. Commissioner Reyes: That's right. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: In their opinion. That's fine. So, there's no direction here. And if you want to take any votes, my gut tells me it will be a 2-2 vote across the board. So, you have your work cut out for you. Talk to everyone here, in my opinion, talk to everyone up here -- Mr De Grandy: Yes, sir (COMMENTS MADE OFF THE RECORD) Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No, 2-2. Talk to everyone here and if Commissioner Carollo were here it would be 3-2 against. But the bottom line is that what we do up here is look out for the City of Miami. Not for Flagami, not for Allapattah, where 1 represent, not for Coconut Grove, for all the City of Miami. Sorry that the 20 Coconut Grovites here don't agree with that. 1 apologize for that. Sorry. We got to take care of the rest of the City too. I know it's not important. You know how many people went to my district -- redistricting Commission meeting? Chair King: I do not. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Four. Four people went. (COMMENTS MADE OFF RECORD) Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: And you guys didn't go. You didn't cross the river. I'm sorry. Four people went. All right. Two from Allapattah and two from Downtown and nobody else went. Mr De Grandy, you were there, right? Mr De Grandy: Yes, sir Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: How many people went? I had more staffers there than residents. But you come to Coconut Grove, why? Because you live here. And because you think that this is the only part of Miami that matters. But you know what, for us, unfortunately, and I apologize for this, unfortunately for us, for Commissioner Reyes, for Commissioner Russell, jroCommissioner King, for Commissioner Carollo, we have to worry about all of Miami. We apologize for that. Our bad. At the end of the day, too bad. So, you know what, the debate is bigger than that. The debate is about all of Miami and how we bring our community together and you have to respect all parts of Miami. And if you don't, if you don't that's up to you, but I do. And by the way, and by the way, by the way I probably spent more time growing up, born and raised in Miami -- oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, born and raised here. I probably spent more time in Coconut Grove than many people who have spoken here have been living here four or .five years. Fifty-seven years in Miami, born and raised. All right? And I would argue City of Miami Page 82 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 if any of you want to come up here to tell me how many years you 've been in Coconut Grove, let me know Chair King: Commissioner? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I bet you -- no, I'm not finished. Chair King: Wait, Commissioner Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I will bet you that I've been more years here than you guys. So don't tell me about Coconut Grove and don't tell me about Flagami or Allapattah. I'm a product of this community. So, what we're going to do, in my opinion, is let Mr De Grandy come back and talk to all of us. Commissioner Reyes: Yes. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: But we're not going to create fractures and fracture this community on 20 actives that come before us to say hey, Coconut Grove is more important than Flagami or Allapattah or Little Havana or Liberty City or Overtown. Because it's not. Chair King: Okay. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: And it bothers me -- Chair King: Okay. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: -- that that's happened. That's been the debate. That's been the Miami Herald's argument, that's been your argument of 20 people have come here and make us look that we're bad people and a Cuban American Commissioner cannot represent African -Americans. Really? Commissioner Reyes: Yes. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Really? But a White guy can, right? How's that work? And that's wrong. It's wrong. It's stereotyping people. It's saying that a good Cuban American Commissioner like Manolo Reyes cannot represent 114 African - Americans. Really? That's wrong. And I'm offended by it. And that Commissioner Carollo has to leave and not vote on this issue because all of a sudden, oh, it's a conflict created -- I don't care who created it. I don't blame you. Whoever created it, some bloggers created an argument about oh, he put his house there, all these motives that don't exist. We're doing what we're doing because we're doing the best we can for our community, and we represent all kinds of people. These are honorable people. Commissioner Reyes is an honorable guy. He is. He could be a great Commissioner for Coconut Grove. Chair King: He -- he is a great Commissioner. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Commissioner King, you know I love you. I supported you from day one when others didn't, by the way. City of Miami Page 83 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Chair King: That's true. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: You know why? Because you're great for your community. You understand them. You're a part of it. You worked against me, but I still like you. But it doesn't mattes: At the end of the day, you know, we all are duly elected to represent our communities and we have single member districts because we're all very different. What's wrong with being different? Why not embrace the differences? Why not accept a Cuban American Commissioner representing you? Why are you complaining about that? (COMMENTS MADE OFF THE RECORD) Chair King: Commissioner? Commissioner? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: And to me -- I'm almost done. I'm almost done. Chair King: Okay. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I'm almost done. Chair King: Okay. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I think we defer, and we have Commissioner De Grandy -- I mean, representative De Grandy come back to us and come with a plan. I don't want to issue any directive because I don't think we agree and I think -- it will be a tied tie -- a 2-2 vote. Chair King: Commissioner Russell? Commissioner Russell: Thank you. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Thank you. Commissioner Russell: Thank you, Chairwoman. I like to talk turkey and be straight about what's really on the table because I really feel that the agitation began when the discussion between the D5/DI border began. Before that, we were pretty ready to move on. And I would just like to put in my two cents on that because that was one of the very first ballot initiatives that I voted on, The Wharfproperty when I first came into office. And we just voted again on that in the last meeting. And that -- that's going to be potentially going to referendum for an extension its not a -- it no small thing. But that was all driven by the D5 Commissioner at the time, Commissioner Hardemon. That entire initiative, the way we rezoned the area, this was a D5 initiative project from start to finish. And when we talk about deference to Commissioners, there's something about that continuity when you work on it it's like your baby to see it come to fruition. It's now at it's -- it's final, you know, steps. And that's why I would want to respect the district Commissioner to keep it within her district so she can continue to work on that project as the lead. Even though we all vote on these things, whether it goes to the ballot or not, or anything, it has the potential to be a tremendous project for the river. For access to the waterfront, for hotel Pr everything, City of Miami Page 84 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 and -- and so I support you in that. 1 was ready to support you on that today. But 1 see you feeling what 1 was feeling in that I'm trying to protect and keep what's in my district -- as much as possible within my district knowing that I have to shed so much. So, I've proposed a solution to shed and to gain -- I mean, to gain back what Commissioner Reyes has offered, to shed what is necessary to normalize, and to achieve what you're trying to get. I understand Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla would like to buy more time because this is not the solution that you want. Trust me, I know the feeling on that too because I've been on the 4-1 end of the wrong side several times. So, if the will is to defer I respect it, we'll go back and come back and have the exact same conversation. I think we could finish it up today, but I'm open to the deferral as well. Chair King: Hold on -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: As a motion to defer -- Chair King: Hold on. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yes. Commissioner Reyes: (INAUDIBLE) I'm not going to accept your proposal of changing the --1 mean, the boundaries that you want to do because that would affect Commissioner Carollo's -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Of course. Commissioner Reyes: -- District and I don't think it's fair. And I don't agree with it because he is -- there is a lot ofAnglos in that area that it's going to affect them, you see. So, the district as such is going to be affected, you see. But that is for Commissioner Carollo to meet with Commissioner -- I mean -- we want to elect anyways, man. I mean, you're going to be sitting here. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Representative. Mr De Grandy: (INAUDIBLE). Commissioner Reyes: With Miguel De Grandy and each one of us is going to state our opinion and then we will find consensus if possible. If not, we vote and that's it. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Madam Chair? III may? Chair King: Two minutes. Commissioner Reyes: Let's defer it and let's go home. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Less than that. Chair King: Less than that. Okay. City of Miami Page 85 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Less than that. 1 want a legal opinion from our City Attorney I believe that Commissioner Carollo has a right to vote on this, so 1 want a legal opinion in writing. I'm sorry. Victoria Mendez (City Attorney): I can -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I'm sorry. Ms. Mendez: Can we -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: But I'm not finished. (COMMENTS MADE OFF THE RECORD) Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I want a legal opinion in writing between now and the next meeting on whether Commission Carollo can vote on this issue or not, from our City Attorney, number one. Number two, my motion to defer is on the table. It's seconded by Commissioner Reyes. Commissioner Reyes: Let's vote on it. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: So, I call the question. Chair King: Hold on. Todd said -- Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): There's nothing to defer. All you have to do is make a motion for a new special meeting on the 24th -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I make a motion for a special meeting on March 24th. Commissioner Reyes: I second it. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: At 2: 30 p.m. Commissioner Reyes: Second. Commissioner Russell: Discussion. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Seconded by Commissioner -- Chair King: Hold on. Hold on. Mr. De Grandy? Mr. De Grandy: Yeah. Before you go there, I'm going to be as clear as I can. IfI don't have direction from you as to how to address what Commissioner Reyes is saying, which is taking 1,597 people back into D2, my -- my suggestion that I'm going to bring back to you is go up Bay Heights and go all the way to Simpson Park. Commissioner Russell: What do you mean go up Bay Heights? Explain to me. City of Miami Page 86 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: And that's fine. Chair King: Commissioner -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No. Mr De Grandy: In other words where -- where it is right now, the area seven is going to be continue it up, take Bay Heights and take all the way to Simpson Park. That's going to be what I'm going to bring to you. Commissioner Russell: Mr De Grandy, who's asking you to do that though? Nobody on this body is asking you to do that. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Well -- Chair King: Hold on, hold on, hold on. Mr De Grandy: Well, but that's the point, Commissioner. Nobody is asking me to do that -- Commissioner Russell: I am. Mr De Grandy: But nobody is telling me what else to do. Chair King: Hold -- Mr De Grandy -- Commissioner Russell: I arn. Chair King: Mr De Grandy? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: What they're asking you not to do -- Chair King: Hold on. Commissioner, hold on. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: What they're asking you not to do -- Chair King: Hold on. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: There's a follow-up. Chair King: Hold on. Mr. De Grandy, what I think would be appropriate is if that -- if between now and the next Commission meeting you meet with all of us because Commissioner Carollo is not here, you meet with all of us to get a consensus of what your direction is. You have the direction from me. That's not going to change. That's my direction. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No, Madam Chair no. Chair King: Commissioner -- City of Miami Page 87 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No. Chair King: Commissioner -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: It failed on a 2-2 vote. Chair King: No, no. This -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: That's not direction. Chair King: That is direction. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Not -- on a failed vote. Chair King: We're defer -- listen. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Not a failed vote. Chair King: Commissioner, let me finish. That is my direction to him. This is a draft. This is a draft plan that we have to vote on -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: But the Commission voted against it. Chair King: Let me finish. Let me finish. The Commission voted against voting on this plan with that change. The Commission has not made a final decision. Commissioner Reyes has asked Mr De Grandy to take some action, Commissioner Russell wants to take some action, and I have given him some action. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: But nobody voted on it. Chair King: You don't have to vote on it. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Of course you do. Chair King: It is direction. Do we need to vote on it, Victoria, to give him direction? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yes, yes. Ms. Mendez: The -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: We already voted -- Chair King: Commissioner. I'm asking the City Attorney. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: We already voted. Chair King: I'm asking the City Attorney. Ms. Mendez: As you heard from Mr. De Grandy, he does not feel he has clear direction. So -- City of Miami Page 88 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Chair King: And we are giving him direction. Does that require a vote? Ms. Mendez: If he understands exactly what he's supposed to do, then no. Mr De Grandy: Madam Chair? Here's what I'll do, easily. Commissioner Russell has an alternative. You have asked for an alternative. I will meet with each one of the three of you and 1 will draw an alternative based on what each one of you want. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: That's fair Mr De Grandy: I will present five alternatives to you. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: That fait: Mr De Grandy: And then you all decide. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yes. Commissioner Russell: Madam Chair? I need -- Chair King: Commissioner Russell? Commissioner Russell: I need to address something on the record that Commissioner Reyes brought up as a question to Mr. De Grandy. Mr. De Grandy? Mr De Grandy: Yes, sir Commissioner Russell: Commissioner Reyes said that the western portion of Brickell is too White to put into Commissioner Carollo's district when compared to the Natoma area. You and I -- Commissioner Reyes: (INAUDIBLE). Commissioner Russell: Okay. That's why I'm asking. Because I want to get clarification -- Commissioner Reyes: (INAUDIBLE). Commissioner Russell: In my discussions with you, you had mentioned the demographics are almost identical. Mr De Grandy: No, sir Commissioner Russell: Okay. Then clarify, please. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No, he said. Mr De Grandy: I actually said that the Hispanic population in that area was in the forties. City of Miami Page 89 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Commissioner Russell: In which -- which area? Mr De Grandy: In the area that you are seeking to put into D3. That's why I didn't do it to begin with. Commissioner Russell: So, the -- Mr De Grandy: Because 1 saw they were dissimilar. Commissioner Russell: So, the Hispanic is 40 and then what is -- Mr De Grandy: Is in the forties. Commissioner Russell: -- the rest? Mr De Grandy: Is in the forties, whereas District 3 is in the eighties. Commissioner Russell: And -- and so 40 for Hispanic and what is the African - American, what is the White for that Brickell area? (COMMENTS MADE OFF THE RECORD) Mr De Grandy: We'11 get you the data, sir, but that's why I -- Commissioner Russell: So, what about the Natoma area or the Bay Heights area? What are we looking at there? Mr De Grandy: Very similar to the other two areas that I was taking from -- from south of US-1 into -- Commissioner Russell: So, 80 percent Hispanic? Mr De Grandy: No, no, no. Very similar In other words, they're in the 50 range of Hispanics, but it's a lesser number of population. So, I can fit 1,253 Hispanics -- I mean, 1,253 people that are in -- that are 50 percent Hispanic into a D3, but 1-- 6,800 people I think creates a different -- Commissioner Reyes: Madam Chair I think that this -- Commissioner Russell: (INAUDIBLE). I'm -- Fin sorry. Commissioner Reyes: -- is uncalled for: Commissioner Russell: These are my questions, please. Commissioner Reyes: This, Commissioner Carollo should be part of -- Chair King: I agree. I agree -- City of Miami Page 90 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Of course. Chair King: I agree with you. Commissioner Russell: And I'd like to speak to that as well. (COMMENTS MADE OFF THE RECORD) Ms. Mendez: I'm sorry, -- Chair King: I agree with you. Hold on a second, everyone. Commissioner Russell: I'm in my questions. (COMMENTS MADE OFF THE RECORD) Commissioner Russell: If I could finish? And from an ethics perspective, it's my understanding that it is on the individual Commissioner to recuse themself, not on the Attorney, or the Manager or the body to tell them to recuse themself. It's our own individual -- Ms. Mendez: Correct. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: That's not true. Ms. Mendez: He abstained. He abstained. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: That's not true. That's not factual. Ms. Mendez: And it is correct. I will -- I will have a conversation with him. Unfortunately, the -- I should not be directed to issue an ethics opinion -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Of course not. Ms. Mendez: -- for him. So, I -- I need to follow that up. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Madam Chair? Ms. Mendez: But he has abstained from -- for now. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Whenever you're ready to recognize me. Commissioner Russell: So, this is something I need on the record. This is what we're talking about now rather than in my office with you. Because I feel that it's leading people to feel whether or not West Brickell section should be in District 3 or not versus the North Grove should be in District 3 or not. It is a shame that Commissioner Carollo's not here for this discussion, but it's not taking anything away from him. Right? I'm the one getting things taken away from my district that I'm very concerned about and so I'm trying to adjust and make sure that it has the least impact on cohesive neighborhoods. City of Miami Page 91 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: (INAUDIBLE). Commissioner Russell: Nov; I don't want to dilute Commissioner Carollo's district either, but it sounds like we're pretty close to where we're splitting hairs where it would not make much of a difference to Commissioner Carollo's District demographic whether to take a piece from Brickell or the North Grove. All we're looking for is 3,000 residents. Because if the section that Commissioner Reyes graciously gave is about 1,500, I believe it's about the same in Natonia, we're looking for about 3,000 to normalize, correct? Mr De Grandy: That's correct. Commissioner Russell: Okay. So, if they were to come from that -- that West Brickell, that single block strip, it doesn't have to be the whole strip just to get to you whatever a good normalized number is, what would that look like? Mr De Grandy: That would be a better solution. Because sixty some hundred that are 40 percent Hispanic are affecting my numbers. Now keep in mind that I'm taking 1,597 away from him, I'm taking 1,293 from D3, but now adding 3,000. So, I have to see how that plays out. Chair King: So, wait -- Commissioner Reyes: We cannot solve this here. Chair King: Right. We can 't -- Commissioner Reyes: That's right -- Chair King: So, the direction is -- the direction is that you go, you take up his proposal, you go with my direction -- Commissioner Reyes: (INAUDIBLE). Chair King: -- and we come back on the 24th with everything that we just said. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No. Mr De Grandy: I'm going -- Chair King: That's what Commissioner -- that's -- that is what -- Commissioner Reyes: (INAUDIBLE). Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No. No. Chair King: -- what Commissioner Reyes has just said. That's what -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: That's not -- City of Miami Page 92 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Chair King: -- Commissioner Russell said and that's what I say. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I understand, but that's not what happened. Chair King: So, yes, that is it. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: That's not what we voted on. There is no direction - Chair King: There -- there -- we -- we're voting to defer -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No. Chair King: Okay. A motion for Me De Grandy to take up the direction that we gave him today. Do I have a motion? Commissioner Russell: So, I'll let Commissioner Reyes. Commissioner Reyes: Listen, listen. We have taken this where it shouldn't go. We have an expert here. Everybody saying what we want. What if we let the man work? Chair King: Well, that's what I'm -- Commissioner Reyes: Let's -- Chair King: Commissioner Reyes, that's what I'm trying to do. Commissioner Reyes: That's what you were saying -- Chair King: That's what I'm trying to do. Commissioner Reyes: -- and that's what I'm saying. My motion is let's get Mr. De Grandy going, knowing what we all are concerned about it and trying to find a solution. I mean, bring us the different solutions just as you said. City of Miami Page 93 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 NA - NON -AGENDA ITEM(S) NA.1 MOTION 11690 A MOTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION PROVIDING City Commission COMMISSION VICE -CHAIR JOE CAROLLO WITH FIFTEEN (15) MINUTES TO DISCUSS A POTENTIAL INVESTIGATION INTO THE OFFICIAL ACTS AND CONDUCT OF A CITY OFFICIAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 14 OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA. MOTION TO: Pass RESULT: PASSED MOVER: Alex Diaz de Ia Portilla, Commissioner SECONDER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner AYES: King, Carollo, Diaz de Ia Portilla, Reyes NAYS: Russell Chair King: Is it the will of the body for Commissioner Carollo to proceed down the line that he is proceeding for 15 minutes? Vice Chair Carollo: No more. Chair King: No more. Commissioner Russell: And no issue of personal finances with no evidence but rather accusations. That's awful, we should never do that to each other up here. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I -- Madam Chair? Chair King: Commissioner Reyes? Commissioner Reyes: (INAUDIBLE) he being accused of not living (UNINTELLIGIBLE) district and he couldn't vote, or that he has certain intentions. I just -- I think he has a right to defend himself and to express what -- I mean his doubt about it. Any one of us, if we are really represented or not. Chair King: Okay. Commissioner Russell: I don't understand. So, you think we should have this fight? Chair King: Commissioner? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I believe, well, do I get a say? Chair King: I'm asking you ifwe should allow Commissioner -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I believe every Commissioner on this dais has a right to defend themselves against false accusations, including Commissioner Russell, City of Miami Page 94 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 including Commissioner Carollo, includes all of us. If there have been false accusations -- Chair King: Okay. Okay. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Wait a minute, you asked me a question, let me finish the answer Chair King: Your answer is yes. I get it. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: My answer is yes, but the audience should not be siding with anybody here or in outburst. Chair King: I mean -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: And if they do, they go somewhere else, because that's not what this is for Chair King: 1 understand. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: This is a debate. Chair King: Yes, I understand. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: This is a debate between Commissioners. This is what do. Chair King: Right. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: We're all duly elected officials. Chair King: Right, I understand. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: But he has a right to espouse his point of view and he has a right to defend himself. Chair King: I agree. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Because we don't know what's really happening behind the scenes. At least Commissioner Carollo is doing it directly not in the darkness, not in the shadows. Chair King: Well, what I'm trying to get at is what is the will of the body and it appears to me that the will of the body is to give Commissioner Carollo his 15 minutes so he can finish. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Absolutely. Chair King: Because I don't know where it's going, Commissioner Russell. I personally don't think maybe this would be the venue for it, but I understand, and I City of Miami Page 95 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 would not take it away from any of you if you felt the need to have to express yourself and to clear the air Commissioner Russell: Before you vote on continuing, I have a question for the City Attorney, then, please. Chair King: Go right ahead. Commissioner Russell: Because these are my personal finances he's talking about. Vice Chair Carollo: These are public. Commissioner Russell: It is, it is, but this is not the place. My question to City Attorney is, if this body -- Nee Chair Carollo: I'm going into the former residence. Chair King: Let him ask the City Attorney. Commissioner Russell: If there is a question of ethics or impropriety for someone's ability to vote up here, or whether they're voting illegally on an issue where they have a conflict, or whatever's about to be accused, is there a body that is nieant to investigate and adjudicate that? Or is this the body to do that? And if we are the body to do that, do we need to take special steps to create an investigative session to go into that, on another Commissioner, do we have that purview and what is the right venue? V ctoria Mendez (City Attorney): The Commission does have the ability to investigate the matters of other elected officials through impaneling an investigative panel and all that. We've done it in the past in a slightly different way because we delegated it to someone else. So that can happen. Commissioner Russell: What is the process to impanel an investigative panel? Ms. Mendez:: It would have to be a resolution of the Commission and then it, you know, proceeds through the charter provisions and they meet and talk about these things, if there's an active investigation. I don't know if that's what's about to happen. Commissioner Russell: So, Commissioner Carollo is going to make some sort of accusation here because he feels attacked on his own home, but not by me, but for some reason he wants to come at me because it's my district that's being changed and I'm defending it. So whatever smears come up here can then be turned into some sort of investigation if impaneled properly by this board; is that correct? But this is the venue to air it out; is that what you're saying? Ms. Mendez: If the board chooses to impanel that investigative panel of the Commission to look at acts of one of its elected officials, it can happen, yes. Commissioner Russell: What I'd like to ask of the body, and of Commissioner Carollo, to start with what is the accusation? Not the lead -up of smearing my family, my name, whatever but what is the accusation that's being made so this body can decide City of Miami Page 96 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 whether they want to hear further? Is it that 1 don't live in my district or is it that 1 don't pay my rent? Vice Chair Carollo: Mr Russell, I've made the statement, the original statement. The problem is that you're petrified for me to take a few more minutes and go through this. Chair King: Let me take -- let me take the vote, Commissioner Carollo, if it's the will of the body. Do I have a motion? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I'll move it. Chair King: Second? Commissioner Reyes: I'll second. Chair King: All in favor? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Aye. Vice Chair Carollo: Aye. Commissioner Reyes: Aye. Commissioner Russell: No, God no. Chair King: I know. Motion carries. So, we're going to allow -- Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): Yes, motion passes 4-1. City of Miami Page 97 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 NA.2 11661 City Commission RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION SCHEDULING A SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING ON THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2022, AT 2:30 P.M. FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AND TAKING ANY AND ALL ACTIONS RELATED TO THE REDISTRICTING OF CITY COMMISSION DISTRICTS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE DRAFTING OF ANY RELATED MAPS AND BOUNDARIES. ENACTMENT NUMBER: R-22-0114 MOTION TO: Adopt RESULT: ADOPTED MOVER: Alex Diaz de Ia Portilla, Commissioner SECONDER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner AYES: King, Russell, Diaz de Ia Portilla, Reyes ABSTAIN: Carollo Note for the Record: Commissioner Carollo abstained from voting in accordance with Section 112.3143, Florida Statutes. Commissioner Reyes: Okay. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: So, the way you move -- Commissioner Reyes: Because -- I want -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: The way we move on -- Commissioner Reyes: Hold on a second. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Commissioner Reyes: What 1 want to explain is we already agreed that we were going to defer it and we were going -- Chair King: No. I just wanted to -- for policy reasons because it was -- Commissioner Reyes: Okay. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I move to defer it. Commissioner Reyes: But 1 agree with what -- Chair King: I just wanted to move -- right. Commissioner Reyes: I agree with you. Chair King: Right. I just wanted to move because -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I move to defer it. City of Miami Page 98 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Chair King: Now is there a motion to defer? Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): Chair? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I move to defer. Mr Hannon: Chair? Chair? Chair King: Hold on. Yes? Mr Hannon: There is nothing to defer The only item on today's agenda -- Chair King: Right. There's nothing to defer. There's -- Mr Hannon: -- is a discussion item. So, what we need to do if it's the will of the body to set a new date and time that the Commission will meet -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I move that we meet on May -- on April 1st. Chair King: April 1st doesn't work. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Why not? We have the -- Chair King: We already -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: -- very important -- Chair King: We have a meeting on April 1st. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I know. We have -- Chair King: No, we can't put both together. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Why not? We -- Commissioner Russell: April Fool's Day would be too fitting. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: -- did it yesterday. We did it yesterday, but okay. Miguel De Grandy: And, Madam Chair I have jury duty that week. If I'm picked on a jury, I won't be able to make it. Chair King: I don't think -- Commissioner Reyes: When's the fastest you can make it? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: So, March 14th, right, the next Commission meeting? Or March 15th, the day after Mr. De Grandy: The next one I can make it -- City of Miami Page 99 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Chair King: Being funny. Mr De Grandy: Friday the 18th I can make it. Commissioner Reyes: Okay. I move that we meet Friday the 18th. Chair King: Wait, what day? No. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I'm out of town. Chair King: I'm out of town. Commissioner Russell: I'm out of town. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yeah, I'm out of town, too. Commissioner Reyes: Thursday the 17th? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I'm out of town. Chair King: I'm out of town. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I'm out of town too. Commissioner Reyes: How about the 15th? Chair King: No, sir Commissioner Russell: I have one. Today. Commissioner Reyes: No. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No, no. That's not going to happen. So -- Commissioner Reyes: Listen. Listen, I know that what you want is I mean, that Coconut Grove wont be touched or anything. We all -- believe it or not we all are trying to do our best here and the more pressures that you think that you are placing it on us, it is, I mean, it is counterproductive, you see. Let us reach an agreement that will satisfy all of us, including you, okay? I stand to my -- to my -- I mean, my statements that -- and I'm going to repeat it, you see, you don't want Coconut Grove to be divided, but you don't care if Shenandoah is divided in seven pieces, you see. And that is -- (COMMENTS MADE OFF THE RECORD) Commissioner Reyes: No, no, it's not your problem, (Foreign Language). Okay. (COMMENTS MADE OFF THE RECORD) City of Miami Page 100 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Commissioner Reyes: But in order --1 mean,1 don't want it -- I have said I already gave it -- gave it back, but let us do our work, okay? Let us find -- let us find consensus among us. Okay? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Madam Chair? Commissioner Reyes: And -- and each one, you've got to be happy, we've got to be happy too, okay? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: March 25th -- Chair King: Commissioner Reyes, Commissioner Reyes? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Mr. Reyes, March -- Madam Chair, March 25th at 11:00 a.m. we come back. Chair King: Commissioner Russell, does that work fbr you? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: March 25th? Commissioner Russell: I don't know my calendar that well. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Well, look at it quickly. March 25th. Mr De Grandy: March 25th I'm out of town. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: You 're out of town? Mr De Grandy: Yes, sir Chair King: There you go. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: How about August 25th? Mr De Grandy: Sounds good. Commissioner Reyes: Hey, we will find a date. Victoria Mendez (City Attorney): So, March -- are you out of town March 24th? Mr De Grandy: March 24th. Ms. Mendez: Which is our regular Commission meeting. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: That's a Commission meeting. Mr De Grandy: No. Ms. Mendez: I know, but we only have 20 items on that date. So, if you -- City of Miami Page 101 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay. So, March 24th -- Ms. Mendez: -- right now 20 items is nothing. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: 4: 00 p.m., 3:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m. Ms. Mendez: If you limit it and tell the Manager not to -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: 3:00 p.m. Ms. Mendez: -- we could do it on that day if you like. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: 2:30 p.m., March 24th. Ms. Mendez: Just an option. Commissioner Reyes: Yeah. Chair King:: I'm okay with that. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yeah, 2_:30 p.m. March 24th. Commissioner Reyes: Okay. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: And we move forward. Mr De Grandy: Okay. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Are you available? Mr De Grandy: What I would ask again is give me some specific direction where you want me to make up the population? Chair King: You don't have to make up any population for my district. Mr De Grandy: There is -- excuse me? Chair King: You don't have to make up any population, for -- Mr De Grandy: Oh, no, no, no. For your change, no. Chair King: Okay. Mr. De Grandy: But if I'm going to -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No, no, but we need specific direction because you want a particular part that was added to you, Madam Chair, from Commissioner Russell's District. I believe Commissioner Russell's District is way overpopulated and the danger of that, the ten percent deviation more or less around there, right? The danger of that is that over the next ten years, he's going to be really overpopulated, so City of Miami Page 102 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 all of a sudden we have a Commissioner representing 130,000 people instead of each one of us representing about 100, 000, right? So that's a concern. The changes that are being made today are going to impact what happens over the next ten years. You're going to be gone, but someone will replace you and then you're going to have people that are over -- one Commissioner over representing, or having people -- more people representing more people than the rest of the Commission. Mr De Grandy: No, but -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Same thing happens in your district, Madam Chair So, yes, you want a particular change in a particular area -- Chair King: No, 1 do not want a particular change in a particular area. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: You do. Chair King: Let's be clear about that. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: You do. Chair King: What 1 want is my district to remain intact. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: But it can't -- Chair King: Listen. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: But it can't. Chair King: It can. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Like mine cannot either Chair King: Okay. We're going to agree to disagree. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: So, we can't vote on it. Chair King: We're not voting today. We are trying to pick a day to have another meeting -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: That's fine. Chair King: But I -- let's be clear, I am not changing anything. I am keeping what is my district already. That's it. That's it. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No, no. Chair King: That's it. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: What you're doing is -- he has a new proposed district that takes away 8,000 something people from Commissioner Russells District. City of Miami Page 103 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 You're keeping what he proposed that we voted on, that we voted on a 4-1, including you Madam Chair So, you voted on this already. So, you're not keeping your district. You're keeping the -- Chair King: Well, this -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: -- newly crafted district that -- Chair King: Listen. That is a -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: That Mr De Grandy gave us. Chair King: That is a draft and -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Right and you voted on it. Chair King: Your -- your comments are in the record. We got it. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yes, yes. Good. Chair King: So, we don't need to hear that again. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Good. Chair King: It is a draft what you are doing; is that not correct? We have not made any hard and fast decisions about this process. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Is it also correct that we all voted -- that we voted 4-1 on that? Chair King: We did. We voted on that. Mr De Grandy: Both ofyou are correct. Chair King: And it's -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: 4-1. Chair King: We are both correct. Mr De Grandy: Both ofyou are correct. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay. Chair King: We are both correct, 4-1. I voted for it, and this is what want. I want to restore what was already my district and it doesn't affect the population. And I understand the growth that is going to be happening, which will be good for my district. So let's find another date, 2: 30 -- Mr. De Grandy: March 25th works -- City of Miami Page 104 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 Chair King: March 24th. Mr De Grandy: But again -- Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): 24. Mr De Grandy: I need to put on the record, ma'am -- Chair King: March 24th. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: March 24th. Mr Hannon: March 24th. [Later...] Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): Chair? Chair? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I have dinner by the way, if you want. If you're hungry. Mr Hannon: Chair? Chair King? Chair King: Yes. Mr Hannon: There was a motion and a second for the special meeting, but a vote hasn't been taken yet. It was moved by Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla, seconded by Commissioner Reyes. I just need a vote. Chair King: All in favor to have the special meeting on the 24th? The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Chair King: Thank you, everybody City of Miami Page 105 Printed on 04/15/2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2022 NA.3 11692 City Commission ADJOURNMENT RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION DIRECTING MIGUEL DE GRANDY, ESQ., THE CITY'S EXPERT CONSULTANT FOR REDISTRICTING, TO CONSIDER THE COMMENTS AND DISCUSSION OF THE CITY COMMISSION AT THE MARCH, 11, 2022, SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION AND TO BRING BACK AN ALTERNATE MAP FOR EACH CITY COMMISSIONER FOR DISCUSSION AT THE MARCH 24, 2022, SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING AND TO PRESENT ANY CHANGES AT THAT TIME FOR A FINAL VOTE. ENACTMENT NUMBER: R-22-0117 MOTION TO: Adopt RESULT: ADOPTED MOVER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner SECONDER: Ken Russell, Commissioner AYES: King, Russell, Diaz de la Portilla, Reyes ABSTAIN: Carollo Note for the Record: Commissioner Carollo abstained from voting in accordance with Section 112.3143, Florida Statutes. Miguel De Grandy: I'm going to bring one alternative -- Commissioner Reyes: That's right. Mr De Grandy: -- for each Commissioner Chair King: Wait. So, Commissioner Reyes -- Mr De Grandy: Based on what you're asking me. Chair King: -- can you make a motion? Commissioner Reyes: I make a motion to -- Chair King: Do I have a second? Commissioner Russell: Second. Chair King: All in favor? The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Chair King: Motion carries. Let's go home. We'll see you on the 24th. The meeting adjourned at 4: 39 p.m. City of Miami Page 106 Printed on 04/15/2024