HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2022-02-24 MinutesCity of Miami City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com Y or �r Y * I N C 0 R P 0 R A T E 0 7� 18 88 Meeting Minutes Thursday, February 24, 2022 9:00 AM City Commission Meeting City Hall City Commission Francis X. Suarez, Mayor Christine King, Chair, District Five Joe Carollo, Vice Chair, District Three Alex Diaz de la Portilla, Commissioner, District One Ken Russell, Commissioner, District Two Manolo Reyes, Commissioner, District Four Arthur Noriega, V, City Manager Victoria Mendez, City Attorney Todd B. Hannon, City Clerk City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 9:00 AM INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Present: Chairwoman King, Vice Chair Carollo, Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla, Commissioner Russell and Commissioner Reyes On the 24th day of February 2022, the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, met at its regular meeting place in City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, in regular session. The Commission Meeting was called to order by Chairwoman King at 9:09 a.m., recessed at 12:24 p.m., reconvened at 3:12 p.m., and adjourned at 5:10 p.m. Note for the Record. Vice Chair Carollo entered the Commission chambers at 9:57 a.m., and Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla entered the Commission chambers at 10:22 a.m. ALSO PRESENT. Arthur Noriega, V, City Manager Victoria Mendez, City Attorney Todd R Hannon, City Clerk Chair King: -- 22 meeting of the City ofMiami Commission. At this time, I am going to ask Father Reggie to honor us with a prayer to start our meeting. Invocation delivered. Chair King: Thank -you so much, Father Reggie. Commissioner Manolo, would you honor its with the Pledge of Allegiance, please? Pledge of Allegiance delivered. Chair King: Thank -you. Please, everyone be seated. PART A - NON -PLANNING AND ZONING ITEM(S) PR - PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS ORDER OF THE DAY Chair King: At this time, I will have the City Attorney explain the procedures for public comment. Procedures for the swearing in of parties for the planning and zoning and or quasi- judicial items will be explained -- I'm sorry, that will be explained by our City Clerk. Mr. City Attorney. Barnaby Min (Deputy City Attorney): Thank you, Madam Chair. Any person who is a lobbyist pursuant to Chapter 2, Article 6 of the City Code must register with the City Clerk and comply with related city requirements.for lobbyists before appearing before the City Commission. A person may not lobby a City official, board member, or staff member until registered. A copy of the Code section about lobbyists available in the City Clerk's Office or online at municode. com. Any person making a presentation, formal request or petition to the City Commission concerning real property must make the disclosures required by the City Code in City ofMiami Page I Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 writing. A copy of the City Code section is available in the Office of the City Clerk or online at municode.com. The City ofMiami requires that anyone requesting action by the City Commission must disclose before the hearing any consideration provided or committed to anyone for agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested action pursuant to section 2-8 of the City Code. Any documents offered to the City Commissioners that have not been provided seven days before the meeting as part of the agenda materials will be entered into the record at the City Commission's discretion. If any Commissioner thinks the documents applied to the Commission fewer than seven days before merits a continuance, the item may be continued by the City Commission. Pursuant to section 2-3369 and (g) of the City Code, the agenda and the material for each item on the agenda is available during business hours at the City Clerk's Off ice and online 24 hours a day, at miamigov. coin. Any person may be heard by the City Commission through the Chair for not more than two minutes on anv proposition. before the City Commission unless modified by the Chair. Public comment will begin at approximately 9: 00 a.m. and will remain open until a public comment period is closed by the Chairperson. Members of the public wishing to address the body may do so by submitting written comments through the online comment form. Please visit miamigov.com/meetinginstritetionsfbr detailed instructions on how to provide public comment using the online public comment form. The comments submitted through the comment form have been and will be distributed to elected officials and the City's Administration throughout the day so that the elected officials can consider the comments prior to taking any action. Additionally, the online comment form will remain open during the meeting to accept comments and distribute to elected of up until the time the Chairperson closes the public comment period. Public comment may also be provided live at City Hall located at 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, subject to any and all City rules as they may be amended. If the proposition to be continued or rescheduled, the opportunity, to be heard may be at such a later date before the City Commission takes action on such a proposition. When addressing the City Commission, the member of the public must first state his or her name, his or her address, and what item may be spoken about. Any person with a disability requiring assistance, auxiliary aids, or services for this meeting may notify the City Clerk. The City has provided different public comment methods to indicate, among other things, public support, opposition, or neutrality on the items and topics to be discussed at today's Citv Commission meeting, pursuant to Section 286.0114(4)(e), of Florida Statutes. The public has been given the opportunity to provide public comment during the meeting, within a reasonable approximating time before the meeting. Please note, commissioners have generally been briefed by City staff and the City Attorney on items on the agenda today. Anyone wishing to appeal any, decision made by the City Commission for any matter at this meeting may need a verbatim record of the item. A video of this meeting may he posted to the Office of Communications or viewed online at miamigov.com. Planning and zoning items shall proceed according to Section 7.1.4 of the Miami 21 Code as temporarily modified pursuant to Emergency Ordinance Numbers 13903 and 13914. Pursuant to Emergency Ordinance Numbers 13903 and 13914, parties for planning and zoning items, including any applicants, appellants, appellees, City staff, and any person recognized by the decision -making body as a qualified intervener, as well as the applicant's representative, and any experts testing on behalf of the applicant, appellant, or appellee may, either be physically present at City Hall to be sworn in by oath or affirmation by the City Clerk,, or may appear virtuallv and make arrangements to be sworn in by the oath or affirmation in. person at the location by an individual qualified to perform such duty. Pursuant to Emergency Ordinance Number 13903, members of the general public who are not parties to an action pending before the City Commission are not required to be sworn in by oath or affirmation. The members of the City Commission shall disclose any ex parte communications to remove the presumption ofprejudice pursuant to Section 286.015 Florida Statutes and Section of the Miami 21 Code. Staff will briefly present each item to be heard. For applications requiring City Commission approval, the applicant will present its application request to the City Commission. If the applicant agrees with staffs recommendation, the City Commission may proceed its deliberation and decision. The applicant may also waive the right to an evidentiary hearing on the record. The order of presentation shall be as set forth in Miami 21 and the City Code, providing that the appellant shall present first For appeals, the appellant will present its appeal to the City Commission, followed by the appellee. Staff will be City ofMiami Page 2 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 allowed to make any recommendation they may have. Please silence all cell phones and other noise -making devices. Thankyou, Madam Chair. Chair King: And now our City Clerk will explain the procedures for swearing in of parties for the planning and zoning and/or quasi-judicial items. Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): Thankyou, Chair. The procedures for individuals who will be providing testimony to be sworn in for planning and zoning items and any quasi-judicial items on today's City Commission agenda will be as follows. The members of City, staff or any other individuals required to be sworn in who are currently present at City Hall be sworn in by me, the City Clerk, immediately after I finished explaining these procedures. Those individuals who are appearing remotely may be sworn in now or at any time prior to the individual providing testimony for planning and zoning items and/or quasi-judicial items. Pursuant to Emergency Ordinance Number 13903, those individuals appearing remotely may be sworn in at their location by an individual qualified to administer the oath. After you're sworn in, please be sure to complete, sign, and notarize the affidavit provided to you by the City Attorney's Office. Each individual who will provide testimony must be sworn in and execute an affidavit. Please e-mail a scanned version of the signed affidavit to the City Clerk at thannon@miamigov.com prior to providing testimony on the planning and zoning item and or quasi-judicial item. The affidavit shall be included in the record, for the relevant item for which you will be providing testimony. Commissioners, are you comfortable with all the notice provisions setforth in these uniform rules ofprocedures that we have established for this meeting? Commissioner Russell: Yes. Mr. Hannon: Chair, may I administer the oath of the planning and zoning items? Chair King: Yes, please. Mr. Hannon: Thankyou, Chair. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. If you will be speaking on any of today's planning and zoning items, that's any of today's planning and zoning items, may I please have you stand and raise your right hand. The Cio, Clerk administered the oath required under City Code Section 62-1 to those persons giving testimony on zoning items. Mr. Hannon: Thankyou, Chair. Chair King: Thank you. Now joining me for this meeting are Commissioners Ken Russell, Commissioner Manolo Reyes, City Manager Art Noriega, and Mr. City Attorney Barnaby Min. Mr. Manager, are there any items that Administration would like to continue, defer, withdraw, or indefinitely withdraw at this time? Arthur Noriega (City Manager): Good morning, Mr. Chairwoman [sic], Commissioners, Madam City Attorney, Mr. City Clerk. At this time, the Administration would like to defer and/or withdraw the following items: FR.1, to be indefinitely deferred; DI.1, to be indefinitely deferred; AC.1, to be withdrawn; PZ.3, to be deferred to the March 24th meeting; and PZ.7, to be deferred to the March 24th meeting. And that concludes the items for the Administration. Thankyou, Madam Chair. Chair King: Okay, can you repeat that one more time to make sure that we all got that? Mr. Noriega: FR.1, to be indefinitely deferred. DL 1, to be indefinitely deferred. AC.1, to be withdrawn. PZ.3, to be deferred to the March 24th agenda. And PZ7, to be deferred to the March 24th agenda. Chair King: Thank you. City ofMiami Page 3 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Commissioner Reyes: Madam Chair, I'm sor7w, but I had to step out, just for a second, when the -- our Citv Manager was enumerating the items that are going to be deferred. Mr. Noriega: One more time? Commissioner Reyes: Yes, sir, please. Mr. Noriega: Okay. FRI -- Commissioner Reyes: FRI, hold on, a second. Mr. Noriega: -- to be indefinitely deferred. Commissioner Reyes: FR.1. Mr. Noriega: DLI to be indefinitely deferred. Commissioner Reyes: DI. 1. Mr. Noriega: AC.1 to be withdrawn. Commissioner Reyes: AC? Mr. Noriega: AC, yes. Commissioner Reyes: Okay. Mr. Noriega: PZ.3 to be deferred to the March 24th meeting. And PZ.7 also to be deferred to the March 24th meeting. Commissioner Reyes: PZ.3, PZ.7, and AC. Okay. Chair King: Commissioner Russell, do you have any items that you would like to withdraw, defer? Commissioner Russell: Thank you, Madam Chair. I would like to add a pocket item if this is the appropriate time. Chair King: Sure. Commissioner Russell: It will be P1.1, a resolution of the Miami City Commission opposing Senate Bill 1834 and House Bill 1557, I have copies, just pass out if -- oh, no, I don't have copies. The Clerk should have it. Chair King: Joining us now is City Attorney Victoria Mendez. Good morning. Victoria Mendez (City Attorney): Good morning, Chair. Chair King: Is there anything else, Commissioner Russell? Commissioner Russell: That's it, thank you. Chair King: Commissioner? Commissioner Reyes: I'm preparing a pocket item that I'm going (INAUDIBLE). City ofMiami Page 4 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Chair King: He said he's preparing a pocket item, Todd. Okay. Mr. City Clerk, I would like to defer PZ 5 and PZ.6. Mr. Hannon: To what meeting, Chair? March 10th, March 24th, April 14th, April 28th. Chair King: Let me indefinitely defer. Mr. Hannon: Indefinitely defer. Chair King: Yes. Mr. Hannon: Understood. Chair King: And let me see ifI have anything else. I'd also like to dejer RE.4 and RE.8 -- I'm sorrv, RE.2. Wait a minute, I'm giving you the wrong -- CA.1, I want to defer and RE.2. Commissioner Reyes: RE.2. Mr. Hannon: And, Chair, what meeting would you like to defer RE.4, CA.1, and RE.2 to -- to what meeting? Mr. Noriega: Can I get a clarification real quick on -- RE.4 is not for deferral, correct? Chair King: No, no,, no, no. I was just looking at the -- Mr. Noriega: Okay. Chair King: No, no, no. So, for me, it's CA.1, and 1'd like to defer that to the first meeting in April, if I may. Mr. Hannon: Yes, ma'am. April 14. Chair King: And RE.2 -- Mr. Noriega: Can I -- can I interject on CA.1, sorry, Madam Chair? Moving it to April creates a bit of an issue for us in terms of timing for hurricane season. So, if we could maybe push it to the next meeting, that would be great, or even March 24th, just because the farther we push it, the longer it's going to take us to onboard debris removal, and we'll be -- hurricane season will be on top -- Chair King: Okay, how about I just indefinitely defer it, and if you can get the information that we need, that it can come back at any time. Mr. Noriega: Okay. Chair King: So it's not set for any particular date. Commissioner Reyes: Yep. Mr. Noriega: Okay. Mr. Hannon: And RE.2? Chair King: RE.2, we can indefinitely defer that as well. City ofMiami Page 5 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Mr. Hannon: And Chair, I believe I need to read a statement into the record regarding PZ.5 and 6, the indefinite deferral. Pursuant to Section 62-22 of the City Code, an indefinitely deferred action initiated by the Citv will cost the City mail, noticing, advertising, and posting of properties as applicable. Thank you, Chair. (COMMENTS MADE OFF RECORD) Chair King: Sir? Edward Martos: Yes. Chair King: May you state your name? Mr. Martos: Yes. Chair King: 1 understand you want to -- Mr. Martos: For the record, Edward Martos, offices at 2525 Ponce de Leon Boulevard. I'm here on behalf of the applicant under PZ.5 and 6. We don't object to your request for a deferral, we completely understand, but we would like that you make itfbr a time certain, rather than an indefinite deferral, because that would cost additional notice fees and expenses, both to us and to the City. And so, if you spec, as the Clerkjust mentioned, a specific date to which it's deferred, we can avoid those fees and the extra effort by the City Administration. Chair King: Okay. So, Mr. City Clerk, I'd like to defer PZ.5 and 6 to the second meeting in April. Mr. Hannon: Yes ma'am, that is April 28. Mr. Martos: Chairwoman, thank you very much. I appreciate that. Chair King: Thank you. Mr. Martos: Yes. Chair King: Now, ifI may have a motion for the items that we are continuing/withdrawing. Commissioner Reyes: I move it. Chair King: A second? Commissioner Russell: Second. Chair King: All in favor? The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Chair King: Motion carries unanimously - [Later ... ] Chair King: Joining me are my colleagues, Vice Chair Commissioner Joe Carollo and Commissioner Alex Diaz de la Portilla. Welcome, gentlemen. Now we are going to take up our items. We have two items -- Commissioner Russell: Madam Chairwoman? City ofMiami Page 6 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Chair King: Yes, sir? Commissioner Russell: Before we do, I just wanted, after public comment, I wanted to be noted as a co-sponsor or sponsor on a couple of items, if that's appropriate at this time. Chair King: Oh, yes, we're just about to go through that. Commissioner Russell: Thank you. Chair King: So, Commissioner Russell, you said you wanted to be a co-sponsor for some items? Commissioner Russell: Yes, I'd like to be a sponsor on anyone that doesn't have a current sponsor and a co-sponsor on the others for RE.3, Morningside Park, RE.7, the Miami Forever Bond issue, RE.8, the rental assistance program, and RE.9 Marine Stadium. Chair King: Did you get that Todd? I would also like to be a co-sponsor for RE.8, the rental assistance program. Commissioner Reyes: I guess that all of us are sponsoring it. This is the rental assistance program. Chair King: For yourself as well? Commissioner Reyes: That's right. It's a program that all of its are supporting. Vice Chair Carollo: Yes, rental assistance, but I don't know if this is the time to speak on it because while it's got the title of rental assistance, I'm reading that it could be used for anything else. Chair King: Okay, no. This -- Vice Chair Carollo: It's not exactly rental assistance. Chair King: Right, okay, so we're not going to speak on that now. Let's take up the consent -- Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): And I do apologize. So, Commissioner King and Commissioner Reyes and Commissioner Russell would like to be shown as co-sponsors of RE.8. Commissioner Reyes: Rental assistance. Chair King: Right, the rental assistance. Commissioner Reyes: But Commissioner Carollo, clarification is that -- Chair King: Right, we're going to take -- but we're going to take that up later. Mr. Hannon: But Commissioner Carollo, do you want to be a co-sponsor of RE.8 or no? Vice Chair Carollo: Well, it depends how it's going to end up. If we're going to be giving it a title of rental assistance that's not truly going to be a rental assistant, and anybody that wants some money could grab it and spend it on anything they want, then I don't know i_f f want to be part of that. Plus, I need to ask some additional questions from the City Attorney concerning that money. Mr. Hannon: Yes, sir^, understood. City ofMiami Page 7 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Vice Chair Carollo: And I want to make sure that -- Mr. Hannon: You'll reserve the right. Vice Chair Carollo: Right. Commissioner Reyes: Madam Chair. The way that I understand it, and I will co-sponsor it if it is like that, is that it's going to be strictly rental assistance. Those people that are in arrears, those people that need -- Chair King: Right. Commissioner Reyes: -- are on the verge of being evicted, and they need monetary assistance. That's the only way that -- and that's what I understood. Chair King: Right. We'll address -- Commissioner Reyes: Once everything is clarified... Chair King: Right. We'll address that when that item comes up. PUBLIC COMMENTS FOR ALL ITEM(S) DISCUSSION ITEM 11597 PUBLIC COMMENTS SUBMITTED ONLINE BY MEMBERS OF THE Office of the City PUBLIC FOR THE FEBRUARY 24, 2022 CITY COMMISSION Clerk MEETING. RESULT: PRESENTED Commissioner Russell: We're almost done. Anthony Gomez: Hello. Chair King: Good morning, sir. How are you today? Mr. Gomez: Good morning, Madam Chair, Commissioners. My name is Anthony Gomez. I am the President -Elect of the Latin Builders Association with offices in 1701 Ponce and Coral Gables. I stand before you on behalf of the members of the Latin Builders Association in support of Item RE.9 and urge to approve this item and authorize the bond issuance for the Miami Marine Stadium Capital Renovations and Improvement Project. The Marine Stadium, is one of our local architect treasures and deserves to be restored and enhanced. It is also -- was designed by Cuban architect Mr. Hilario Candela, which passed away recently. There's really no other building like it in this world, and we respectfully ask for your support for this item. Thank you. Thank you, Madam. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning, Elvis. Elvis Cruz: Good morning, Chair. I'm here with Maurice Hobbs and Mark Rokowicz, and we have pooled our time to give you the presentation. Chair King: Okay, so that will give you six minutes. City ofMiami Page 8 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Mr. Cruz: Yes, but I don't think Pll go that fay; but yes. Chair King: Okay, perfect. Mr. Cruz: Thank you. Elvis Cruz, 631 Northeast 57th Street. Commissioners, you did the right thing when you voted to keep Morningside pool in the same place. Commissioner Carollo, thank you for making that motion. Now Morningside Park needs a new pool, and it should stay in the same place. As Commissioner Russell very wisely said that day, Ion not in favor of bringing it f dly inland, away from the views of the water, and having to move other amenities. " But that's exactly what this plan does, moving the pool to the basketball court, which causes a domino effect of demolitions and rebuilding of eight amenities, basketball, playground, softball, soccer, loop road, parking lots, palm garden, and restrooms. That's a waste of millions that can be avoided with a simple, logical, common sense, win -win compromise, change the flood zone. Here's how. They want to move the pool because it's in a VE flood zone, the purple area on the map. The VE flood zone has no seawall, that's why it's VE. At upper left, the VE flood zone curves and becomes an AE flood zone because there's a three foot seawall there. But the City is planning a six foot seawall. If a three foot seawall creates an AE flood zone, a six foot seawall will also. The City can apply to change the flood zone_ from VE to AE. As Commissioner Russell noted, that's already been done in the Brickell area. I called FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). They said changing the flood zone takes 60 days. That resolves the VE problem, no need to move the pool, and it avoids the expense of moving eight amenities. Parks Director Barbie Hernandez said she's fine with either location. The new pool won't block the view because it's set back 100 feet from the bay, it's an elevated viewing platform, and it's only 160 feet wide, while the old pool is 315 feet wide. A wall of mangroves is what blocks the view, not the pool. The bayfront location already has two parking lots. The inland location would overload the front end of the park with parking demand. Please pass a commonsense plan that will help, not hurt, the park with eight needless, expensive conflicts. Please amend the plan so the new pool is built in the same location with an AE flood zone. The best place for the new seawall is along the shoreline, as recently done at Wainwright and Pallott parks. The seawall at Wainwright has boulders that were covered with marine life in only 10 months. Pallott's shoreline had mangroves just like Morningside's, but they were able to work around them to build a seawall. A shoreline seawall would be a win -win for Morningside. It raises the flood zone, protects the shoreline, helps the environment, and preserves bay views and waterfront green space. The public enjoys picnics, family portraits, and even weddings there, but those areas would become a shoreline swamp under this plan. The red line shows how much of the waterfront would be taken, 80, 000 square feet. The plans show the excavation of the shoreline down to the high tide level, which would actually promote, not prevent, shoreline flooding, so mangrove seeds would drift in and sprout. They even drew mangroves on the plan. We've been told that DERM (Department of Environmental Resources Management) will permit removing any mangroves that sprout, but the park workers have enough to do without constantly removing mangroves from 1, 800 feet of shoreline. If we don't want sprouting mangroves, why go with a plan that allows mangroves to sprout? Please amend the plan so the seawall is along the shoreline for maximum public enjoyment, like you did at Wainwright and Pallott Parks. The majority, of Morningside Park users do not live in Morningside, and they don't know about this latest plan because only Morningside was notified. They picnic on weekends around the Loop Road, including many black families. Inside the Loop Road is the Palm Garden, there since 1953, supported by the South Florida Palm Society, who've planted many rare palms, installed irrigation and education signs, and give free educational tours, all at zero cost to the City. Fairchild Tropical Garden, Montgomery Botanical Center, and Morningside K-8 Academy have sent support letters. But this plan would move 220 trees, demolish half the loop road to rebuild it much smaller, and demolish and move the restroom. The Palm Garden has City ofMiami Page 9 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 a. few puddles, 10 to 12 days a year, 3 to 4 inches deep. That can be fixed by adding a layer of asphalt to the walkways and filling in the low spots with sand. Instead, the plann calls for moving 220 trees, then adding 2 to 3 feet of soil. That's much more than we need. This has nothing to do with sea level rise, only rainwater. Notice that when a hole was dug to install a new sewer line here, they went down eight feet, which was three to four feet below sea level, and the hole was dry. Moving these palms next to the bay would risk transplant shock and saltwater exposure. These very, large 70- year-old trees probably can't be moved, nor should they. A petition with 2,100 signatures asks to keep those facilities in place. The Morningside survey said keep the loop road configured as is. At the November 29th public meeting, Commissioner Russell asked if we wanted to keep the loop road and the vote was an overwhelming yes. But rather than keep the loop road as is, this plan shrinks it by half. We were told the general plan would be drivenn by public input, but this draft ignores that public input. In conclusion, please amend the plan to build the new pool in the same location as the old pool, with an AE, flood zone, place the new seawall along the shoreline, keep the loop road, its parking lots, the palm garden, and restroom in place. Chair King: Thank you. Thank you, Elvis. Mr. Cruz: It's the common sense thing to do. Chair King: Please no -- please -- please don't clap in here. Please. Thank you. Thank you. Mr. Cruz: Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Sir? Orlando Gonzalez: Thank you. Good morning, Chairwoman and Commissioners. I don't have a fancy PowerPoint, so excuse my low tech. My name is Orlando Gonzalez. I live at 180 Northeast 29th Street, Miami, Florida, 33137. I'm a member of the City of Miami LGBT Advisory Board, and I was appointed by Commissioner Joe Carollo. I'm speaking today as the Executive Director of Safeguarding American Values for Everyone, also known as SAVE Dade, SAVE. We are South Florida's largest serving - - longest -serving advocacy, group for the LGBT community. I'm here to support the Commission in urging lawmakers in Tallahassee to stop HB 1557 and SB 1834 from becoming a law. This proposed legislation is known as the Don't Say Gay Bill. The intent of the bill and the harm of the bill are really grossly at odds. It's a very sloppy piece of legislation. This should not be passed because of the negative effects it will have on LGBTQ youth. Thank you to Commissioner Ken Russell for bringing this item to the Commission. I trust that our city will continue to support the community just as it's done for many years. Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Chair King: Ma'am? Ma'am? Carmel Mulvaney: Yes. Hello, my name is Carmel Mulvaney and I'm 660 Northeast 56th. So Commissioner Carollo, I'd like to thank you for making your previous motion to keep Morningside Pool in the same place. That is the logical thing to do. Unfortunately, the latest plan calls_for moving the pool inland, which causes a chain reaction of 'conflicts with eight other park amenities, as Commissioner Russell previously warned us, would happen if the pool were moved inland. The City now says it wants to move the pool to avoid the VE flood zone, but the flood zone can be changed by simply placing the proposed seawall along the shoreline. That can change the flood zone from VE to AE as Commissioner Russell told its has already been done in the Brickell area. Placing the seawall at the shoreline like you just did at Alice City ofMiami Page 10 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Wainwright and Albert Pallott parks with an artificial reef will not only resolve the flood zone problem, it will help the environment, protect the park from sea level rise and storm surge and preserve the park from enhanced (UNINTELLIGIBLE) views. It will also save the rest of the park -from proposals such as shrinking the loop road and endangering 220 trees by transplanting them from the palm garden to the bayfront. Importantly this particular plan will negatively impact the local community of color which has for generations enjoyed the loop road for family gatherings. This is all common sense which would benefit the public's enjoyment and save a lot of money and construction time. Thankyou. Chair King: Thank you. Sir? Armando Fernandez: Good morning. Armando Fernandez, 4200 West Flagler, Miami, Florida, 33134, District 4. Good morning, Chairwoman and Commissioners. Thank you jor the opportunity to speak here today. I am here to speak in opposition to RE.5 opposing state efforts to modify the net metering legislation. I would like to start -- I would like to start by saying that all this legislation seeks to do is adjust the rate that utilities must pay for excess energy produced by private solar rooftop owners. That's it. Very quickly, for those that are unfamiliar with net metering, it is a state law that was passed in 2008 to spur the growth of what was at the time a prohibitively expensive technology. The legislature -- the legislation mandated that utility companies must buy excess solar energy, generated by private rooftop customers at the full retail rate. However, private rooftop solar owners are only providing a wholesale product, the electricity. They do not provide any of the other services, such as a billing department, a customer service team, or the maintenance of the grid that is baked into FPL's retail rate. That leads to 99.5% of our customers that don't have solar rooftop paying tens of millions of dollars to subsidize the ones that do. This has a disproportionate impact on low-income and elderly customers. We don't think that's fair. Why is this important, or moreover, why is this important to your constituencies? Because we don't believe that your constituencies that do not have or cannot install solar on their rooftops should pay for the ones that do. In fact, we estimate that private rooftop solar owners, on average, receive a subsidy of about $90 a month or $1,100 a year. Chair King. Thank you. Thank you. Mr. Fernandez: Thank you. Chair King: Sit, good morning. Don Worth: Good morning. My name is Don Worth. I'm a resident at 1390 Ocean Drive in Miami Beach and I'm here to speak in favor of RE.9, the Marine Stadium item. There's nothing like the Marine Stadium in all the world, but the main reason to restore it is economic. The stadium gives Miami a bold new attraction, one of the five great open-air venues in the world, easily on par with places in America, like the Hollywood Bowl in L.A. or Red Rocks in Colorado. Another important reason, with the exception of our beaches, most of our waterfront is accessible only to the wealthy. At the Marine Stadium, everyone is a VIP (Very Important Person), everyone has a water view seat. Though the stadium is beloved and iconic, feasibility is vital. There is strong interest in operating the Marine Stadium from experienced, qualified facilities operators who see enormous potential. If not, I wouldn't be up here. I brought some of' the most well-known names in the entertainment industry into the stadium, and I've seen them gasp in amazement as they walk in. Four global brands have spent huge sums to stage events at the stadium, even in its present condition, the most recent of which was Louis Vuitton during Art Basel. And the stadium is a press magnet, generating perhaps more press than any other single building in Miami in the last year. We've had major stories in Sports Illustrated, Spanish media giant EFE, a 12- City ofMiami Page 11 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 minute feature corning up in the Discovery Channel of Great Britain this summer, and today a big story in the Washington Post. Finally, by approving this resolution you will not be spending large chunks of money at this time. You're simply allowing additional feasibility work to continue so that the city can further refine its plan. Please vote yes, and remember, there's nothing like it in the world. Thankyou. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. Bruce Orosz: Good morning, Madam Chair, Commission. Thank you very much. My name's Bruce Oros from 5025 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach. I'm here representing the Greater Miami Convention Visitors Bureau, and as Don just mentioned, this is not only an iconic facility, it has also got incredible history that talks about and talks to Miami and all of our guests and all of our visitors. As a world -class city, this attraction and this location offers event producers incredible opportunities to be unique, create the most interesting scenarios that people could go and visit, and it will bring jobs. I have clients that are calling to use that facility over and over and over for not only short periods of stay but also long periods of stay. I encourage you to vote yes. This will bring jobs. This is an economic engine. And I think together with the rest of the event universe, this will be one of the most outstanding venues in America. Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. Maria Gralia: Good morning, Madam Chair, Commissioners. My name is Maria Gralia with offices at 150 West Flagler. I'm here in opposition to FR.2. I represent a few -- various business owners that may be affected by this Ordinance, in particular Madroom Hospitality, Los Altos, Little Havana Bungalows, to name a few. I truly believe with the limited information that we received on on this ordinance that just based on that very limited information that this ordinance is unconstitutional. I have a list of items that just basically we reviewed yesterday evening that we found to be problematic. I ask, this Commission, why is this ordinance being brought forth today? Who brought it forth? We know it's Commissioner Joe Carollo. What was the purpose? Has anybody done a study? Is this actually needed in the City of Miami? Did people come out and say we can have the Code Enforcement Board actually mitigating fines of non -homesteaded property owners? What brought this forth? I know, I have a feeling, I thinkl know, all of you should ask, why now? Why is this being brought forth? Have you done your work, your research? Is this actually a good thing for the constituents of the City of Miami. Even though there's a provision in this ordinance that says it's not going to affect non -homesteaded properties, how many people own property here that are not non -homestead? A lot of landlords that are going to be affected by this ordinance. I ask that you all investigate this and research it. Ask your Code Compliance Director if he is in support, ask your City Attorney to research why this is now coming up today. And I can go briefly through my list of why I believe this is unconstitutional, just to name a few. We're still doing the research, but we believe that this ordinance fails to provide any discretion to the Code Enforcement Board -- Chair King: Thank you. Ms. Gralia: Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. Neil Robertson: Good morning, Madam Chairperson and Commissioners. My name is Neil Robertson, I live at 5991 Northeast 6th Court. I've been a Morningside resident since 1983. I'm here on two, this Morningside event and also the Marine Stadium. What the opponents of this plan seem to misunderstand is this is a conceptual plan City ofMiami Page 12 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 that the City has put forward, all the pieces are still moving parts. We just need you to say, "Okay, move ahead and give us the monev to do it. " We've been coming down here for years looking to have the park improve, looking to have the pool reopen, looking to have new playground equipment, new facilities. This is a 1953 airport, an airport, listen to me, a park that no longer serves the needs, not just of Morningside, but the whole Northeast community. We need a pool that interacts with children because the neighborhood is filled with children, the area is filled with children. We need a park that addresses the needs of today's society, not a society of 60 years ago. The idea of a seawall does not help the bay. The design that is there not only protects the park, but it also helps the bay and its survival, which is a consideration far beyond the needs of us. With regards briefly to the Miami Marine Stadium, I was served on the Dade Heritage Trust. I'm very interested in this project. I know the architect involved. I know this is a good and healthy thing that the community needs. This isn't just Miami's treasure. This is the United States' treasure. It is recognized as totally unique almost worldwide. You need to move forward to preserve that. Please vote to preserve Morningside Park. Move the money so we can then fight later about where the pool goes or where the playground is, or who gets what portion of it. That's later. Right now we need you to say yes, go forward. Chair King: Thank you. Mr. Robertson: Thank you. Commissioner Russell: Neil was a kid when we started thatproject. Chair King: Good morning. Jeff King: Good morning. I am Jeff King, Morningside resident at 546 Northeast 57th Street. I want to express my support for RE.3 for Morningside Park. The open shoreline and bay views are at the top of my priority list and this plan addresses it. As far as the pool goes, since it has to be replaced, I'll keep advocating for bay views and so I'm in favor of moving it off the bayfront. Putting it on higher ground will make construction easier and move us faster to completion. Please vote in favor of RE.3. Chair King.- Thank you. Good morning. Bill Talbert: Good morning, Madam Chair. Bill Talbert, 1601 Nocatee, Miami, Florida, 33133. On two today. I'm glad to be here. This is probably one of the easiest times. Also, I want to reinforce what Board Chair Bruce Orosz said, representing the Greater Miami Convention Visitors Bureau. I've been here many times. This is probably the easiest testimony I've ever given. I've been in this community for 52 years. One of the first things I did was enjoy Miami Marine Stadium. I'm a big fan of the Miss Budweiser. I also saw concerts, Jimmy Buffett, and I maybe at one point may have seen the Easter sunrise services, I don't actually remember. But in destination marketing, what we do, you need to distinguish yourself from the competition. Miami distinguishes itselffrom the rest of the world with Miami Marine Stadium. It's a gem.. Nobody else has it. And there's business, as Mr. Orosz says, business we haven't had in the past that will go there, but concerts, it's a venue that supports meetings and conventions. It's also for the community, to enjoy. So please, please, please, RE.9, vote yes for the future and distinguish yourself from the competition as you do every day. Thank you for listening. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. Rachel Furst: Good morning. My name is Rachel Furst. I'm a resident of'570 Northeast 57th Street and I'm here on behalf of myself individually and also as the president of the Morningside Civic Association to ask you to vote yes on RE.3 to City ofMiami Page 13 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 support funding for Morningside Park. Our Civic Association represents more than 185 residents, and the Civic Association has voted in javor of supporting this resolution of the City. The City has spent years researching, studying, conducting outreach, hosting meetings, all of which I've been to, and has developed a thoughtful plan that provides many new amenities for the park, including a dog park, a thoughtful playground, a new basketball court, and it moves the pool to an efficient location that does not block bay views, that's on higher ground, and that's abutting right next to the parks other high -impact amenities, the tennis courts, the basketball courts. It's a thoughtful location for the pool. But the plan also provides a really though�ul approach to the shoreline. It provides paths for access to the water, it opens up the water to park users, it preserves bay views, and it guards against flooding. We already have a natural shoreline in Morningside Park and this plan preserves the existing shoreline. It also keeps the loop road, which is important to preserve vehicular access to the picnic areas and the other park amenities. And it preserves the palms that were planted by Mr. Cruz and the Palm Society. Bottom line, Morningside Park needs finding. We've watched for years as other parks have gotten funding and it's Morningside's turn. So please support RE.3, vote in favor, invest in this park for the future, it's Morningside's turn. Thank you, Commissioners. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. Natalia Brown: Hi, good morning. My name is Natalia Brown and I serve as the Climate Justice Program Manager at Catalyst Miami with offices at 3000 Biscayne Boulevard. And essentially, I work to ensure that we're minimizing harm and creating fair opportunities, particularly for residents who are of low wealth to benefit from our response to climate change. I'm hereto talk about RE.S. And first off, thank you, Commissioner Russell, for bringing this resolution forward. I'm here to askfor your favorable vote on the item SB1024 and HB741 undermine our rights to benefit from rooftop solar as a growing industry, as an investment for current and aspiring property owners of all kinds, and as a form of increasingly affordable climate tech that supports our ability to cope with the burdens of rising utility costs and extreme weather. As you heard, rooftop solar enables traditional utility customers to become producers of clean electricity. And the State Bill takes aim at net metering, which is that billing mechanism that credits rooftop solar customers for the power that they produce, not only the excess. If and when you generate more electricity, that you need, that can be sold back on the grid. And that local power has been studied extensively and proven to not only improve the grid eff ciency, but also resilience when we're responding to storms that cause shutoffs. Of course, it also helps customers more actively manage their energy use and benefit from the cost savings. State lawmakers are enabling this bill to move closer to becoming law without regard to the local interest at stake or scrutiny that this issue has received from the Public Service Commission and their regulators. They actually conducted a workshop on net metering in 2021 and found that no change to net metering was justified or necessary at this time. The bill is being driven by unvetted and very, very incomplete information. It's no way to make energy policy, especially one that's poised to kill thousands of family sustaining jobs throughout the State and deny a fair solar choice for millions of residents. The proposed changes right now to net metering would effectively exclude -- Chair King: Thank you. Ms. Brown: -- low-income customers fi^omrooftop solar. Chair King: Thank you. Ms. Brown: Please vote for the resolution. City ofMiami Page 14 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Chair King: Good morning. Carrie Jackson: Good morning. Carrie Jackson, 2832 Emathla Street, Coconut Grove. I m here to talk about the Morningside Park Plan. The latest plan calls for moving the pool inland, which causes a chain reaction of disturbances to eight other park amenities. Moving the pool to avoid the VE flood zone is pointless because the flood zone can be changed by installing the seawall. This change can change a flood zone from VE to AE. An example of this has been done in the Brickell area at Alice Wainwright Park. They also installed an artificial reef which will not only resolve the flood zone problem, it will help the environment, protect the park from storm surge, preserve and enhance the bay view and the recreational waterfront we now enjoy, in. Morningside Park. The plan of planting mangroves in front of the seawall is also a bad idea. It will be a false sense of security against a storm surge and a waste oj' effort and money. Fixing the pool rather than moving it will save the rest of the park from disturbing proposals such as shrinking the loop road and endangering 200-some trees by moving them ftom the Palm Garden to the Ba) front, where they will be the first to go in the next storm. Moving trees is an exuberant waste of money. The flooding issues can be resolved without radical changes proposed. Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. Robert Stein: Good morning. My name is Robert Stein. I'm a resident of Morningside, residing at 455 Northeast 55th Street, Miami, Florida,, 33137. Madam Chairwoman and Commissioners, thank you for taking the time to consider this important issue and safeguard what we think we all consider to be an incredible city asset that has unfortunately suffered from years of neglect. There's a lot to like in the plan, but it's still conceptual. You know, I wanted to address something that I think, you know, is something that a silent majority of us have been dealing with, which is that unfortunately well-intentioned but generally misguided efforts to micromanage and second-guess subject matter experts and the City's attempted investment in the park has locked it into something worse than purgatory. Why is it worse than purgatory? Because while we remain held hostage by special interests, the park and the greater community continues to sufferfrom sea level rise, from degradation of infrastructure, and from a general lack of investment. Rather than just providing public comment, the opposing minority seeks, without qualification, to micromanage the City's process and to second-guess subject matter experts who have spent significant time and effort trying to balance the interests of all of the city and the park's users, not just the views of a few. Without trust inn subject matter experts, we're reduced to a myriad of contradicting opinions and special interests, and we're blind to the exact type of obstacles which only environmental, urban planning, and engineering experts are qualified to opine on. Although I'm here in my personal capacity as a resident of Morningside, I'm also an attorney who has appeared from various boards in the last couple weeks and months, and I can tell you I know that the city knows how to act in the public interest and to act decisively. I'm here to ask you to do that very thing and to act to provide for Morningside Park, just as you've provided for other great parks in the city. It's our turn and we really appreciate your efforts. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. Rene Contreras: Good morning. My name is Rene Contreras. I'm also a neighbor of Morningside and board member. I'm here to support the RE.3 Morningside Master Plan. I think as you're going to hear today, we all have our opinions, but I trust our elected of to move.forward with a plan that our elected officials brought to its. And we would like for you to please support it so we can move forward with. funding and protect our park. Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. City ofMiami Page 15 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Alecia Stein: Good morning. My name is Alecia Stein. I'm also resident of Morningside at 455 Northeast 55th Street. I'll keep it brief and probably can't say better in terms of being a proponent for RE.3 as you've heard today. Just also expressing my support with moving forward for the conceptual plan so we can make the progress that's much needed and overdue. Just one point I'd like to make is that I think it's a bit of a misconception based off of attending the meetings and hearing the explanations about the conceptual plan that singly moving the pool results in this cascade that we're hearing over and over again. That part of the plan that needs to happen and all the removing ofparts is also for food mitigation and there's infrastructure support that is also feeding in into the need for all of these moving pieces, not just a matter of the pool being moved. So, I'm in support of the conceptual plan and please vote affirmatively. Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. Tatiana Loza: Good morning. My name is Tatiana Loza, also a resident at Morningside. I'm here also to ask for you guys to support the plans that we have for Morningside. Like Rachel said, it's time, it's Morningside's time now. I have two children. We visit a lot ofplaygrounds, a lot ofparks around Miami, and it's clearly that Morningside needs its care. So we askyou to please vote yes. Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. Michelle King: Good morning. My name is Michelle King and I live at 546 Northeast 57th Street. I'm here to ask you to vote in favor of RE.3. I've worked in public service for nearly, two decades and the pandemic has made one thing very clear to me, Morningside Park is essential to the citizens of Northeast Miami. It's thrilling to see folks from all walks of life enjoying the park. Many of my colleagues learned to swim in the pool in Morningside Park. I regularly see families picnicking, playing ball, fishing, taking wedding and graduation photos in the park. It needs to be updated. It needs some love. The children of Northeast Miami need a place to learn to swim and to explore the wonders of nature, and this plan supports that effort. Miami's waterfront needs to be open to the public, with no buildings blocking bay views. We need the funding for the park, and we need it now. I appreciate your support, and for the sake of the citizens of Miami, I respectfully request that you vote in favor of RE.3. Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. Carolina Barberi: Good morning. My name is Carolina Barberi and I live in Morningside at 463 Northeast 55th Terrace with my husband and my two kids and I'm here to support the RE. 3 for Morningside Park. I would love a park that my kids and hopefully their kids can enjoy for many years to come. I ask you to please vote in favor. Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. Paula Suarez: Good morning. My name is Paula Suarez. I am a resident at 5990 North Bayshore Drive, Morningside Resident. I'm here to express my support for R3 [sic] -- RE.3, for Morningside Park and ask.for you guys to please vote in favor of 'the conceptual plan. I look forward to being involved in the details of the plan after the concept has been approved. Thank you very much. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. City ofMiami Page 16 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Lindsey Wolfson: Good morning. My name is Lindsey Wolfson. I am a fourth generation Miamian, a mother of two, a resident of Morningside at 541 Northeast 53rd Street, and an elected board member of the Morningside Civic Association. I'm here today, to encourage you to please approve RE.3, the Conceptual Design Park Master Plan to improve Morningside Park. The plan reflects all of the major upgrades necessary to bring this beloved park back to its glory days, including an improved living shoreline with increased visibility and bay access, resiliency from flooding and sea level rise, it remediates drainage issues and adds new amenities. The City did a stellar job filtering through and smartly incorporating the feedback it received from the community over the years. The new pool location next to the clubhouse is consistent with the community's desire for increased visibility and bay access, and it also facilitates after -school and summer enrichment programs in a central recreational center and will allow for more efficient management and maintenance of all recreational facilities. The MCA Park Committee held a public Zoom meeting earlier this week to discuss the City's proposed conceptual park plan. An overwhelming majority of the participants expressed strong positive reactions to the City's conceptual plan. The community at large is in agreement. We want to see City funds invested in park improvements, including a pool, improved shoreline and bay access, and resiliency from flooding. Thank you for your time and attention you are devoting to Morningside Park. I encourage you to vote yes on RE.3 for our children. Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. Nabil Haschemie: Good morning. My name is Nabil Haschemie. I'm also a Morningside resident. I reside at 498 Northeast 50th Street. Dear Chairwoman, Commissioners, I'm here also to express my, support for RE.3. Morningside Park is a beautiful park with beautiful trees, beautiful views, but it's deeply outdated. I have two young children. We are in the park every day, and we think that it needs funding for improvements. The flooding is a really bad issue, and the infrastructure for activities can also be improved. I think the pool location should not hinder us from moving forward and creating a great park. Thank you. Chair King.- Thank you. Good morning. Rene Gonzalez: Good morning. My name is Rene Gonzalez. I'm an architect here in Miami. I'd like to speak on behalf of the Miami Marine Stadium and to obtainn your support. I would like to pass out an article to the Commissioners from the Wall Street Journal. So, I am here to speak as a Miamian that loves his city, but also as what would be the equivalent of an expert witness. I have been fortunate as an architect to be recognized internationally, published in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the London Financial Times, featured on Netflix. So I would like to test about the importance of this building without really saying a lot and keeping it brief. This is an iconic, daring, progressive, heroic piece of architecture. In the 90s, when I first came to Miami, I used to attend dinners and social gatherings and I think the only thing I could agree with was with people as we spoke about architecture in our city is the importance of this building. So I urge you to support this. This building has been in its current state since 1992. That's the same age as my daughter, 30 years. Please move as quickly as you can to support the restoration of this building. Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. Jacqueline Krijger-Degwitz: Good morning. My name is Jacqueline Kreger-Degwitz. I live in Morningside on 690 Northeast 50th Terrace. I am here to give my' support. for the plan on RE.3. And also I know that it's all going to take a very long -- well, it is going to take some time. So I would really like you to consider also a temporary idea City ofMiami Page 17 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 for the pool to put three more floating docks in the water and you have a pool there also. And I have been swimming in the bay for three years now and I've been very healthy, so I really recommend it. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. Cynthia Ottchen: Good morning. My name is Cynthia Ottchen. I live near Morningside, in Bayside, at 697 Northeast 72nd Street. Pm here to talk about RE.3, the Morningside conceptual plan. I have worked for Pritzker Prize winners in architecture in London for Zaha Hadid and Rem Koolhaas. And I'm very familiar with urban issues. I find there seems to be some problems with the plan in my view. From an urban point of view, I don't feel that planning mangroves along the shoreline is a good idea. One of the axioms I learned in, school was that the public should always have a view of the water. You should always have the public be able to get to the water edge. Another thing that I think the plan, misrepresents a little bit is the idea that you have to move the pool and that the pool has to be so high. The pool can simply be sunk into the ground and the height of the building be where it is. You just need a pump that, you know, is raised and those are special pumps, but they're widely available. So I think the pool can stay where it is, but the park badly needs maintenance and it needs a new pool, building, and it needs the pool sunk and I believe that the palms would be best where they are and not endanger those. Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. Christine Rupp: Good morning Chairwoman. King, Commissioners. Christine Rupp, Dade Heritage Trust. Tin here speaking on item REA the reauthorization offunding for the Miami Marine Stadium. And if you'd be so kind, I'd like to read a letter that we received last night from Jimmy Buffett regarding the Marine Stadium. It's to the Miami City Commission from Mr. Buffett regarding the preservation ofMiami Marine Stadium. I am writing you to provide my wholehearted of support for the preservation of the Miami Marine Stadium. The need to save the Miami Marine Stadium for our future. Like a snowbird relative, it just won't go away, visiting you this winter who is still in your guest room, and to me that is a good thing. That little Cathedral of Musical Fun is still a big part ofMiami history. It was the vision of Hilario Candela after he fled Cuba for Miami, and it is named for Ralph Monroe, the Renaissance sailor who discovered the beauty of Biscayne Bay long before any of us. Even in its present state of disrepair with grati-saturated hallways and walls, its tenacious, symbiotic desire to remain entrenched to the shores of Biscayne Bay is as strong as a conch's love for its shell. Coconut Grove was where [first landed in South Florida. And while I was not the first singer born in Miami who had splashed around the bay, that was Elvis Presley who sped around the course to a cheering crowd in the stands in a hydroplane to the climatic finish in the 1967 movie Clambake filmed at the stadium. Vice Chair Carollo: I'm sorry, ifI could interrupt you for a minute. Don't talk anymore about Elvis because you might upset some people. Ms. Rupp: Okay. Vice Chair Carollo: Forget Elvis. Ms. Rupp: Okay. Vice Chair Carollo: Thank you. Ms. Rupp: He's not in the house. City ofMiami Page 18 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Vice Chair Carollo: Okay. Ms. Rupp: Dreams do come true and in 1985 I finally made it to that stage as a headline per former. Those were the Miami Vice days and Don Johnson introduced us, the Witko Desperados fi°orn Trinidad opened the show, and the Coral Reefer Band finished the night with what I think was one of the most fim shows for bands --for the band and fans that 1 have ever done. And as promised, I leapt from the stage into the bay to finish the performance. Chair King: Thank you. Commissioner Russell: Madam Chair. Could I ask that the letter be submitted to the Clerk so we can read it? Chair King: Please. Commissioner Russell: Thank you. Chair King: Good morning. Ulysses Kemp: Good morning. My name is Ulysses Kemp. I reside at 76 Northwest 39th Street, Miami, president of Buena Vista Heights Neighborhood Association. And I'm here to say, that we need to move forward with Morningside Park and pool because of the fact that this has been going on. for so many, years and it's been neglected for such a long time. However, there are three major issues that I think need to be addressed. One was the loop road because we needed to maintain it and Commissioner Ken Russell, you've been at a lot of the meetings where everyone said keep the loop road the same as it is. Maintain the loop road. And also the pool. We need to have an up-to-date pool. We need a new pool, something that everybody, all the kids can learn how to swim and have all the amenities that go with restoring -- not restoring, but replacing the pool and have it in its original location. And that can be done by utilizing the appropriate seawall, as such as what you've done at Wainwright park and it also allows the shoreline to maintain at the same location and not being encroached into the park, actually giving us less of the park area to use with the new plan that's proposed. So please, revise your plan, provide the funding for Morningside Park and pool and keep it in the same location, but put the appropriate shoreline and seawall so that it can be maintained at its present location. Thank -you. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. Mayra Joli: Hello. I heard somebody at the podium, this is Mayra Joli here, I heard somebody at the podium saying something about the Don't Say Gay Bill. That's a mischaracterization of the bill. It's not called Don't Say Gay Bill. It says parents are the ones who have the best interest of their children at heart. We don't want the over- sexualization of our children in school. That's what it's called. Now, the other portion of this is that I have sent all of you the invitation for Fashion Night on Brickell, which is raising funds for Miami Rescue Mission. I am doing the job that everybody should be doing in trying to eradicate homelessness. Not to benefit the homeless, but to eradicate homelessness. But up to this day, none of you have responded. None of you have responded to my emails, to all of you letting you know that this event is happening today at Supercars Room Miami at 6: 00 p.m. I ask you to bring your time, your talent, or your treasure. Not the money that the taxpayers give to you, and certainly not to use the -- asking. for $5 million, but you're going to give Noriega $250, 000 so he can spend $5 million to avoid homelessness, to save people from losing their homes. Morningside, if you're not careful, that's gonna be the homeless' City ofMiami Page 19 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 next home thanks to all of you. Goodbye, see you tonight. Fashion Night on Brickell. Supercars Miami and Wynwood. Chair King: Good morning. John Calkins: Morning. I m here to support funding for -- well, I'm -- my name is John Calkins. I live at 431 Northeast 51st Street in Morningside. I m here to support finding for the improvements at the park, but I have two caveats. There are two things that I think are important. One is a swimming pool and the other is the view, the bay view. Moving the swimming pool fi^om its current location does not make sense for several reasons. One is, from that deck where the pool currently is, I've lived in the neighborhood for 45 years. we used to swim at it all the time. The location is great. You have the best view of the bay that you're ever going to have from that pool deck. Without that pool there, you're going to have no view oJ'the bay because all there is right there in between the bay and the pool is mangroves. But you can see over the mangroves, you have an elevated pool deck. It's a wonderful location. There's no need to change it. It causes all sorts of other changes in the park. Second issue that I have is with the proliferation of mangroves along the shore. We already have an overgrown area in the park that's the tidal basin, and it's completely overgrown with mangroves. It's choking the drainage. That's why we have a drainage problem, one of the reasons. And they go unchecked, and you can't stop them once they're in place. I think there needs to be a very strong determination by this Commission that you will not allow the proliferation -- Chair King: Thank you. Mr. Calkin: -- of mangroves on the shore. Chair King: Thank you. Mr. Calkin: You're welcome. Chair King: Good morning. Rob Pollock: Good morning. I'm Rob Pollock. I live in Morningside at 5724 North Bayshore Drive. I'm here to support RE.3. Miami's biggest and arguably most beautifully situated park needs help, and this plan provides it. Even though I don't agree with some components, I do agree with the overall revitalifation of the park, just as the expert City staff has presented. It is a park in a great location, but it is getting along in the tooth. It will appeal to and attract more people. Even if I did not live in Morningside and I did not use the park daily, I would still be here today. This city, needs an improved Morningside Park. I feel if you improve the park, you improve the city, you improve more people's lives. Please vote in favor of RE.3. Thank you and have a great day. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. Douglas Brocker: Yes, good morning. Doug Brocker, Morningside. I'm here to talk about the park. I live at the 538 Northeast 55th Terrace. And thanks for hearing all of us. Our support, or at least my understanding of everyone's support of this is based on several facts that were represented to us on Monday. One is that things like the location of 'the park can still be discussed -- I mean, the location of the pool can still be discussed. What we're trying to do today is move forward with the funding. I think evervbody's in agreement that we're not going to try and rebuild the pool. Let's get the funding. Let's put up a pool. Let's decide where it goes. Another thing that we were told was that were not going to have the nature conservancy swamp shoreline. There will be no new mangroves that will be coming in, but the existing mangroves will stay. City ofMiami Page 20 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 So as John Calkins said, where the pool is now, its already overgrown with mangroves, and you can't see the shoreline anyway. It's other places where we want to preserve the view, so it can stay there if that's what everybody decides, but there needs to be ficrther discussion. My personal view is, we have a quiet neighborhood with a park that closes down at dusk, and if we have a sports complex where we have two basketball courts instead of one, now we have eight tennis courts, we have a pool, and a huge parking lot right at the end of SSth Terrace, then we're destroying the quiet neighborhood feel that we currently have. That's why a number of the amenities, the loop road, the parking there, are within the park. And then likewise, the shoreline, we have a living shoreline already. We have mangroves already. And where we have a view, there are other ways to enhance the water environment like oyster reefs and whatnot. I want to talk about the drainage very quickly because there's two types of flooding we have. One is there's moderate shoreline sea level rise during the King Tides, but the huge flooding problem we have in Morningside is after a rainstorm, when there's a big rainstorm, water goes down the streets -- Chair King: Thank you. Mr. Brocker: This is something I don't think's been covered. Chair King: Thank you. Mr. Brocker: Okay, alright. Chair King: Morning. Alan. Danvers: Good morning, Alan Danvers. I live in Morningside speaking on RE.3. Dear Commissioners and Mayor, on the 23rd of January 2020, you made a sensible motion, carried five to nothing to leave the Morningside Pool in its present location, and directed City staff to design the renovations accordingly. Almost two years later, in November 21, at a public meeting in the park, we were presented with a plan that incorporated your instruction and kept the pool in that location. At the same meeting, alternate options were presented, relocating the pool inland to clutter up the central area of the park, supposedly due to flood zoning considerations. Unfortunately, moving the pool means eight different park amenities also have to be moved, in effect, completely redrawing the park and destroying its character. 10 days ago, we were presented with yet another plan, again with the pool being relocated, and again negatively impacting the park's character. Additionally, a shoreline plan is being advanced by outside corporate elements which, within five years of installation, will ensure that our park is no longer a park with an accessible bay shore. Please direct your staff to proceed without further delay to execute a shoreline plan that allows the redesignation of its flood zone from VE to AE, that enhances the park, defends the neighborhood, and allows the pool to be rebuilt at its present location. The present location is the place that the park was designed to accommodate a community swimming pool. Morningside is Miami's first historic district and the park's design elements, such as the loop road and the pool, are apart of the historic character of the neighborhood. When one buys a historic home, the appliances Wright get a refresh and an upgrade, butputting the kitchen in the place of the en suite bathroom is not something any thinking person would do. Please do not disfigure our park and our neighborhood with this crazy quilt of a plan that nobody asked for. Chair King: Thank you. Mr. Danvers: Thank You. Chair King: Good morning. City ofMiami Page 21 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Maria Arisso: Good morning. My name is Maria Arisso. I live at 650 Northeast 5277d Terrace in Miami, Morningside. I have been a resident for the last -- since I was 11 years old and I'm now 67. And I learned how to swim at Morningside Pool, and I would like to request that monies be allotted for the improvement, but to keep the pool in its proper place, to keep the loop road, and to keep the park improved. They just made a new children's playground, and that would have to be moved. So please save money and keep the pool where it is, and all the amenities. Improve them but keep them as they are. Thankyou so much for your time and for your interest in the city and for the job that you do. God bless. Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. Jonathan Raiffe: Good morning. Hi, my name is Jonathan Raiffe, 499 Northeast 55th Terrace in Morningside. Madam Chairwoman, Commissioners, Mr. Manager, I'm here in support of RE.3, support of Morningside Park. As you've heard from many, people today, there's a lot of passion about Morningside Park. A lot of us love the park dearly, and the parks in need of improvement. It's going to be very difficult for every single person to agree on every element of the park but I think one thing you've heard is all of us really love this park. All of us need the City's support. All of us need the City's help. All of us need the City's funding to make the parka better place, to make the park something that the City of Miami, its residents, its Commission, its Administration can be proud of, can showcase to the world. It's an incredible asset. My kids go to the park every day. I go to the park multiple times a week. The park needs a drainage plan. The park needs significant improvement. Please, please support Morningside Park. Support a plan to improve the park. Thank you very much. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. Eli Stiers: Good morning, members of the City Commission. My name is Eli Stiers. I live in Morningside at 509 Northeast 57th Street with my wife and three children. I also work in the City of Miami and own a business in downtown. I was one of 15 people or so who came and spoke on this item the last time it was before this body, and it was deferred. And I'm here before you to speak in support of RE, 3 and support of the Ciiy's plan to renew and to preserve Morningside Park. This is actually the fourth or fifth time this body, has considered this issue and improvements to Morningside Park. And it's multiple times I presided over this issue. I'm a former MCA chair. I was the chair of the City's Parks Advisory Board for six years. We've been discussing improvements to Morningside Park now for almost a decade. Now is the time to act. I bring this up to demonstrate that the City has really tirelessly workshopped this project and the improvements to this park. Over the course of the last eight years, we have had meetings with mayors, with city commissioners, the subject matter experts have weighed in, the professionals have weighed in. Now is the time to act. Now is the time to move forward. The plan before you is certainly not perfect, but it is as close as possible as we will ever get to satisfying the needs of the various constituents that use this park in. the City, of Miami. I will leave you with this. In. 2018, I appeared before this body to oppose a vote by the City HEP (Historic and Environmental Preservation) Board which sought to designate this park as a historic park. A group of homeowners appealed that decision and this Commission voted in favor of that appeal overturning the HEP Board decision. It was a 4-1 vote including votes by Commissioners Carollo and Commissioner Reyes. At that time, Commissioner Reyes, I remember very well that you said, cities are living, dynamic things. They change, they grow, they evolve. And there is no reason why parks should not do the same. Parks should not be locked into the same footprint or the same design that they were originally held. And this park was designed in the 1950s. Beautiful parks serve the city very well, but it has exceeded its 1ife expectancy. We need a park that meets the needs of 2022 City of Miami residents and that preserves the park for the future. Thank you. City ofMiami Page 22 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. William Harris: Good morning. My name is William Harris. I'm a resident 680 Northeast 64th Street. And speaking about the Morningside item, I love Morningside Park. 1 run the park every day and I used to use the pool a long time ago. I'm a resident of nine years. Now I use the Shenandoah pool, which is amazing. I do agree that we need the pool fixed, but I love the location. I think that we should keep the location of the pool because it's very unique. Here in the City of Miami we don't we don't have very many pools that are right on the water. You have an amazing view, and we have an amazing kayaking opportunities as well. And one thing I'm -- another thing I'm concerned about the plan other than the pool location is the loop road. A lot of people use that road to barbecue and there's lots of parking for the kayaking too, and so it'd be a shame if we lost those opportunities to park. But it's an amazing park and it does need to be redone. And also fixing the slope jor our flooding issues, because it does flood in the park very badly when it rains. And thankyou, thankyou, commissioners. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. Mercedes Egaid: Hello, good morning. My name is Mercedes Egaid. I an? here to support the application PZ.4. I live in downtown at 245 Northeast 14th Street and what I like most of our neighbor is that we can walk, we can go to the supermarket, we can go to our cafes and restaurants and mostly to walk to the bay. I use a lot Margaret Park. I have three kids so I think this project will help us to have the continuity of the Baywalk that we need, all the neighbors need in this neighborhood. Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. Juan Corotto: Hi, good morning. My name is Juan Corotto. I live in 245 Northeast 14th Street in Miami, Florida. I'm coming here to support the application for the PZ.4 area reserve. Living already in the area, in the neighborhood, for about eight years, I can tell you that, you know, we need to supportprojects like this that warrant (UNINTELLIGIBLE) access, you know, to all the neighborhoods. You know, you can walk your dog, you can go with your kids, and you have the right access to the Baywalk. Also, granting the connection of all the projects along the shore of the Baywalk. And also, well, mostly of the streets are always like dead-end streets or, you know, places that they dump trash. There are no lights. So actually, projects like this bring security and safety to all the community that we really needed for a long time. Thank you so much. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. Tomas Delgado: Good morning, my name is Tomas Delgado. I am here in support of PHZ.4 [sic], the application for area reserve. I represent five units in the building at 23rd Street. I'm here to support this application because it's a wonderful project and we've been to the area (UNINTELLIGIBLE) beautiful open space and, you know, we are very excited with this project, and for this and many other reasons, I ask you for the support for this project. Thank you. Chair King: Thank you. Good morning. Maximo Cuesta: Good morning. My name is Maximo Cuesta. Ilive in Biseavne Boulevard on 25th Street. I come here to support the PZ.4 application. I also work in 23rd Street and 4th Avenue and I work every day for the blocks where this project is going to be. I'm very enthusiastic about the Baywalk, but I also -- I live there since City ofMiami Page 23 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 2007. 1 seethe transformation of this part of the city. This is an area that needs develop -- development to become a safer place, a clean place. Thank you very much. Chair King: Thank you. Are there any other persons here for public comment? Seeing none, 1 will close the public comment period now. AM - APPROVING THE MINUTES OF THE FOLLOWING MEETINGS: MV - MAYORAL VETO(ES) NO MAYORAL VETOES There were no mayoral vetoes associated with legislation that is subject to veto by the Mayor. Victoria Mendez (City Attorney): Madam Chair, I believe Commissioner Reyes has a pocket item, but we're still working on it. Commissioner Reyes: We're working on it. Chair King: Right, he explained that to me. Ms. Mendez: Okay, perfect. Chair King: So, Mr. City Clerk, do we have any mayoral vetoes? Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): Chair, there are no mayoral vetoes. END OF MAYORAL VETO(ES) City ofMiami Page 24 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 CA - CONSENT AGENDA CA.1 RESOLUTION - Item Pulled from Consem 11330 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH Department of ATTACHMENT(S), ACCEPTING THE PROPOSALS Procurement RECEIVED FEBRUARY 11, 2021 PURSUANT TO REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS ("RFQ") NO. 1250387 FROM ASHBRITT, INC., A FLORIDA PROFIT CORPORATION; CERES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC., A FLORIDA PROFIT CORPORATION; CROWDER- GULF JOINT VENTURE, INC., A FLORIDA PROFIT CORPORATION; DRC EMERGENCY SERVICES, LLC, A FOREIGN LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AUTHORIZED TO CONDUCT BUSINESS IN FLORIDA; AND T.F.R. ENTERPRISES, INC., A FOREIGN PROFIT CORPORATION AUTHORIZED TO CONDUCT BUSINESS IN FLORIDA, FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI'S ("CITY") DEPARTMENTS OF SOLID WASTE, PARKS AND RECREATION, AND RESILIENCE AND PUBLIC WORKS FOR THE PROVISION OF STANDBY EMERGENCY DEBRIS AND DISASTER RECOVERY SERVICES ON AN AS -NEEDED CONTRACTUAL BASIS FOR AN INITIAL TERM OF FIVE (5) YEARS WITH AN OPTION TO RENEW FOR THREE (3) ADDITIONAL TWO (2) YEAR PERIODS; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM THE VARIOUS SOURCES OF FUNDS FROM THE VARIOUS USER DEPARTMENTS, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS AND BUDGETARY APPROVAL AT THE TIME OF NEED; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE NEGOTIATED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH EACH OF THE QUALIFIED PROPOSERS RECOMMENDED FOR AWARD HEREIN, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE ANY AND ALL OTHER DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING ANY AMENDMENTS, RENEWALS, AND EXTENSIONS AND TO ADD SUCH ADDITIONAL QUALIFIED PROPOSERS TO RFQ CONTRACT NO. 1250387 WHEN DEEMED IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITY, SUBJECT TO ALL ALLOCATIONS, APPROPRIATIONS, PRIOR BUDGETARY APPROVALS, COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED ("CITY CODE"), INCLUDING THE CITY'S PROCUREMENT ORDINANCE, ANTI -DEFICIENCY ACT, AND FINANCIAL INTEGRITY PRINCIPLES, ALL AS SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 18 OF THE CITY CODE, IN FORMS ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, AND IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, RULES, AND REGULATIONS, AS MAY BE DEEMED NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE. City ofMiami Page 25 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 MOTION TO: Indefinitely Defer RESULT: INDEFINITELY DEFERRED MOVER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner SECONDER: Christine King, Commissioner AYES: King, Russell, Reyes ABSENT: Carollo Diaz de la Portilla Note for the Record: For minutes referencing Item Number CA.], please see "Order of the Day. " CA.2 RESOLUTION 11491 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING COMMISSIONER CHRISTINE KING AS THE CHAIRPERSON OF Department of THE AUDIT SELECTION COMMITTEE AS REQUIRED BY Finance SECTION 218.391, FLORIDA STATUTES, FOR A TERM AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. ENACTMENT NUMBER: R-22-0075 MOTION TO: Adopt with Modification(s) RESULT: ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATION(S) MOVER: Joe Carollo, Commissioner SECONDER: Ken Russell, Commissioner AYES: King, Carollo, Russell, Diaz de la Portilla, Reyes Chair King: Now let's take up the CA.2 item. Vice Chair Carollo: Excuse me? The CA (Consent Agenda)? Chair King: CA.2. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay. Commissioner Reyes: CA.2. Chair King.- We need to appoint chair of the Auditor Selection Committee. Vice Chair, would you like to lead the discussion on this or do you have a -- would you like to proffer? It has to be one of us. Vice Chair Carollo: Well -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Was it -- Vice Chair Carollo: -- the, who are the candidates that we could choose from? Commissioner Reyes: Us. Chair King: Us. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Us. Vice Chair Carollo: Us. City ofMiami Page 26 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Was it the position your predecessor had, Madam Chair? Chair King: I'm sorry, I didn't --let's get some direction from staff: Mr. Manager? Commissioner Reyes: Yes. Commissioner Russell: Used to be Commissioner Hardeman, I believe. Arthur Noriega (City -Manager): Yes, Madam Chair. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Mr. Noriega: It's entirely up to the body. I mean, you know, it can be any one of you that mavbe wants to volunteer. Vice Chair Carollo: Madam Chair -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Commissioner Hardemon. Vice Chair Carollo: -- let me sav the following. 1, myself, have a pretty hefty agenda, so I would not do justice by promoting myself to the position. I think that we need some new eyes and new thoughts on our finances, and the chair should be someone that's new, you're new, so I will make a motion that we name you to chair the audit selection. Commissioner Russell: I'll second that. Chair King: All in favor? The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Chair King: Motion carries. Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): As amended. CA.3 RESOLUTION - Item Pulled from Consent 11462 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ACCEPTING Office of the City AN OFFER TO SETTLE, WITHOUT ADMISSION OF LIABILITY, THE LUMP SUM PAYMENT OF $60,892.57 AND OTHER Attorney CONSIDERATION TO SETTLE THE CITY OF MIAMI'S CLAIMS AND DEMANDS FOR CONTRIBUTION UNDER SECTION 440.42(4), FLORIDA STATUTES, AGAINST THE CITY OF WEST MIAMI AND MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, THEIR OFFICERS, AGENTS, AND EMPLOYEES IN THE CASE STYLED CARLOS AVILA V. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, ET AL., CASE NO. 21-011490WJH, PENDING IN THE DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS, OFFICE OF THE JUDGE OF COMPENSATION CLAIMS, CASE NO. 21-011490WJH; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY, ALL IN FORMS ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN. ENACTMENT NUMBER: R-22-0076 City ofMiami Page 27 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 MOTION TO: Adopt RESULT: ADOPTED MOVER: Ken Russell, Commissioner SECONDER: Joe Carollo, Commissioner AYES: King, Carollo, Russell, Diaz de la Portilla, Reyes Chair King: Right now we're going to deal with the consent agenda. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay. Chair King: We currently have CA.2 and CA.3 on the agenda. May I have a motion, to pass CA.3? Commissioner Russell: So moved. Chair King: Second. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I'll second that. Vice Chair Carollo: Second. Chair King: Okay. All in favor? The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Chair King: That motion carries. END OF CONSENT AGENDA City ofMiami Page 28 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 PH - PUBLIC HEARING PHA RESOLUTION 11333 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, BY A FOUR - Department of FIFTHS (4/5THS) AFFIRMATIVE VOTE, PURSUANT TO SECTION Police 18-92 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED ("CITY CODE"), AFTER AN ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING, RATIFYING, CONFIRMING, AND APPROVING THE CITY MANAGER'S FINDING OF A SOLE SOURCE, WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDDING METHODS, AND AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF AN ADVANCED NEARFIELD DETECTOR RECEIVER ("ANDRE"), A MOBILITY ENHANCED SPECTRUM ANALYZER ("MESA"), AN OSCOR GREEN SPECTRUM ANALYZER ("OSCOR GREEN"), AN ORION 2.4 NON -LINEAR JUNCTION DETECTOR ("ORION 2.4"), AND A TELEPHONE AND LINE ANALYZER ("TALAN"), WITH ACCESSORIES, LICENSES, AND TRAINING (COLLECTIVELY THE "EQUIPMENT") FROM RESEARCH ELECTRONICS INTERNATIONAL, L.L.C., A FOREIGN LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AUTHORIZED TO CONDUCT BUSINESS IN FLORIDA ("REI"), THE SOLE SOURCE MANUFACTURER OF THE EQUIPMENT, FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI ("CITY") DEPARTMENT OF POLICE ("POLICE") SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS SECTION ("SIS"), FOR THE APPROXIMATE AMOUNT OF ONE HUNDRED TEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTEEN DOLLARS ($110,815.00); ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM POLICE GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT NO. 00001.191001.664000.0.0, AND SUCH OTHER SOURCES OF FUNDS AS MAY BE IDENTIFIED, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS AND BUDGETARY APPROVAL AT THE TIME OF NEED; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING ANY AMENDMENTS, RENEWALS, AND EXTENSIONS SUBJECT TO ALL ALLOCATIONS, APPROPRIATIONS, PRIOR BUDGETARY APPROVALS, COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF THE CITY CODE, INCLUDING THE CITY'S PROCUREMENT ORDINANCE, ANTI -DEFICIENCY ACT, AND FINANCIAL INTEGRITY PRINCIPLES, ALL AS SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 18 OF THE CITY CODE, IN FORMS ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, AND IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, RULES, AND REGULATIONS, AS MAY BE DEEMED NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE. ENACTMENT NUMBER: R-22-0077 MOTION TO: Adopt RESULT: ADOPTED MOVER: Ken Russell, C SECONDER: Joe Carollo, C AYES: King, Carollo, F Chair King: Now we have this, PH I which requires a four -fifths vote. Commissioner Russell: I'll move it. )mmissioner mmissioner issell, Diaz de la Portilla, Reyes We only have one PH (Public Hearing) item, City ofMiami Page 29 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Chair King: All in favor --do I have a motion? Vice Chair Carollo: Which is that? Chair King: PH.1. Commissioner Reyes: PH.1. Vice Chair Carollo: PH.1. Yes. Chair King: Second? Vice Chair? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I second. Chair King: All in favor? The Commission (Collectively): Aye. END OF PUBLIC HEARING City ofMiami Page 30 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 RE - RESOLUTIONS REA RESOLUTION 11336 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH Department of Fire- ATTACHMENTS, ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE "URBAN Rescue PROJECT TITLED AREA SECURITY INITIATIVE ('UASI') GRANT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2021" AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION OF THE SAME IN THE AMOUNT OF $14,012,500.00 CONSISTING OF A GRANT FROM THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY DIRECTLY TO THE STATE OF FLORIDA'S DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ("GRANT AWARD"); AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT THE GRANT AWARD AND TO EXECUTE THE FEDERALLY -FUNDED SUBGRANT AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE ANY AND ALL OTHER NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, ALL IN FORMS ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, IN ORDER TO IMPLEMENT THE ACCEPTANCE OF AND COMPLIANCE WITH THE GRANT AWARD; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXTEND THE FISCAL YEAR 2021 UASI GRANT PROGRAM, AS NECESSARY; AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS TO VARIOUS GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES DESIGNATED FOR HOMELAND SECURITY EXPENSES PURSUANT TO THE UASI GRANT GUIDELINES; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE MEMORANDA OF AGREEMENTS, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, WITH CONTIGUOUS PARTNERS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI ("CITY") SETTING FORTH THE PARTIES' RESPONSIBILITIES IN CONNECTION WITH THE DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORT OF THE UASI PROJECT ADMINISTERED BY THE CITY'S DEPARTMENT OF FIRE -RESCUE, CONTINGENT UPON FUNDING OF THE PROJECT BEING SECURED. ENACTMENT NUMBER: R-22-0078 MOTION TO: Adopt RESULT: ADOPTED MOVER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner SECONDER: Joe Carollo, Commissioner AYES: King, Carollo, Russell, Diaz de la Portilla, Reyes Chair King: So we are -- we have RE.1, RE.3, RE.4, RE.5, RE.6, 7, and 8. Do you have any of those -- are any of these resolutions -- would you like to pull for discussion? Vice Chair Carollo: RE.8. Chair King: RE.8. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: RE.5. Chair King: RE.5. Commissioner Russell? City ofMiami Page 31 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: And RE.3. Chair King: RE.3. Commissioner Reyes: (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Chair King: 1 have a motion to move RE.], RE.4, RE.6 and RE. 7.1 have a motion to move RE], RE4, RE6, and RE7. Do I have a second? Vice Chair Carollo: Second. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Second. Chair King: All in favor? The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Chair King: Motion carries. So, we will take up now RE.3. Commissioner Russell? Commissioner Russell: Yes, ma'am. Although -- Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): And Chair just for the record, RE.4 was amended just to add, I believe -- Chair King: Yes. Mr. Hannon: -- ordinance numbers and a resolution number, I believe. City ofMiami Page 32 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 RE.2 RESOLUTION 11012 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPROVING City Manager's AND AUTHORIZING THE WAIVER OF INDEMNIFICATION WITH Office KING & SPALDING, LLP, A FOREIGN LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP AUTHORIZED TO CONDUCT BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA ("K&S"), FOR THE PROVISION OF FEDERAL LOBBYING SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI ("CITY") AS APPROVED BY RESOLUTION NO. R-21-0191 ADOPTED ON MAY 13, 2021; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND K&S, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE ANY AND ALL OTHER DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING ANY AMENDMENTS, RENEWALS, AND EXTENSIONS, SUBJECT TO ALL ALLOCATIONS, APPROPRIATIONS, PRIOR BUDGETARY APPROVALS, COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED ("CITY CODE"), INCLUDING THE CITY'S PROCUREMENT ORDINANCE, ANTI -DEFICIENCY ACT, AND FINANCIAL INTEGRITY PRINCIPLES, ALL AS SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 18 OF THE CITY CODE, IN FORMS ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, AND IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, RULES, AND REGULATIONS, AS MAY BE DEEMED NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE. MOTION TO: Indefinitely Defer RESULT: INDEFINITELY DEFERRED MOVER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner SECONDER: Christine King, Commissioner AYES: King, Russell, Reyes ABSENT: Carollo, Diaz de la Portilla Note for the Record. For minutes referencing Item Number RE.2, please see "Order of the Day." City ofMiami Page 33 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 RE.3 RESOLUTION 11198 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH Department of ATTACHMENT(S), APPROVING THE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN PARK MASTER PLAN TO IMPROVE MORNINGSIDE PARK Parks and PRESENTED BY THE ADMINISTRATION, ATTACHED AND Recreation INCORPORATED AS EXHIBIT "A"; RESCINDING ANY AND ALL PRIOR CONFLICTING RESOLUTIONS. MOTION TO: Defer RESULT: DEFERRED MOVER: Alex Diaz de la Portilla, Commissioner SECONDER: Ken Russell, Commissioner AYES: King, Russell, Diaz de la Portilla, Reyes ABSENT: Carollo Note for the Record. Item RE.3 was deferred to the March 10, 2022, City Commission Meeting. Note for the Record: For additional minutes referencing Item Number RE.3, please see "Order of the Day" and "Public Comments, for all Item(s). " Commissioner Russell: Thank you, Madam Chair. On RE.3, I'd like to -- obviously I'm supportive of it, I'm sponsoring it, I've worked with the neighborhood. Not everyone agrees on everything, but we need to move forward. We do have resilience issues in that entire neighborhood that this can help address, but I would like to address some of the misinformation because we do not intend to plant any mangroves there and that's been stated quite a bit as something that will block the views. So, I'd like to amend and direct the management within this plan to not plant any new mangroves and to seek a DERM (Department of Environmental Resources Management) permit for trimming of existing mangroves for keyholing, view lines, breezes, et cetera. Other than that, I'm in support of RE.3. Chair King.- Vice Chair, do you have any comments for RE.3 that you'd like to share? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I want to know, Madam Chair, since I was the one that pulled it, I would like to know, I was listening to public comment. We're getting all kinds of different versions of what's happening in Morningside Park. I want to know in more detail from the Administration, Mr. Manager -- Chair King: Well, let me -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: -- what it does. Chair King: Let me -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Well. Okay. Chair King: Were going to hear fi^om Administration, but -- Vice Chair Carollo: I'd like to, Chair, and thank you, reserve any comments until I hear from the Administration. I'd like to hear the other side of *the coin from Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla. I think he's got a concern that might, you know, bring some additional light to it for me. This is one area that I have mixed. feelings about. The one thing I do know is that we need a pool there. City ofMiami Page 34 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Commissioner Reyes: Yes. Vice Chair Carollo: But how we reach that, its another matter. So, you know, your district certainly uses this park tremendously, so 1 think you should be able to weigh in a lot in this also. Chair King: 1 have -- Commissioner Russell: She's been in a lot of the meetings. Chair King: Yes, I have. Vice Chair Carollo: I would be happy to hear from Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla. Chair King: Okay, and I just want to say that -[played in that park when 1 was a child. I swam in that pool. I love that park. I run in the park several tunes a week. I have spoken to staff about how I feel about the park. I even -- the last time staff briefed me, I got teary -eyed speaking about the park. I love that park, and it's just not a park in a commissioner's district. It is Miami's park and people from all over go to Morningside Park and I do agree that we need to do something because the park is suffering. We need to put money in thatpark. Now some of th.e other stuff I'm going to -- you know I listen to the public comments. I've had several meetings about it. My district is invested in that park and it's not easy, the choices that we have to make. But what is easy is that the park needs the funding. That's easv for its to decide today, that the park needs the funding. So, Commissioner? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I agree 100 percent. Like you said, you said, and you said it very well, it's Miami's park. It happens to be in your district, but it's really Miami's Park. This debate's been going on for,1 don't know, seven, eight years, if not more, and something has to be done. So I agree with you that money has to be spent on that park It's Miami's park. It's a very important park. In fact, I played there when I was a kid because my parents lived on 17th Avenue, right off Biscayne Boulevard. Vice Chair Carollo: You too, huh? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yeah, me too. So I did the same thing. Later on, we moved to Little Havana. Chair King: My brother and sister tried to drown me in that pool. Commissioner Reyes: (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: So its also a park that many people in Miami now go to. It's a very treasured park. But I do get a sense, Commissioner Russell, with all due respect, that what I was hearing this morning was sort of packed in favor of one particular proposal. I just get a feeling that that's what happened this morning. So, I'm not getting the full picture of what the different proposals are. Number one, that's why I wanted the Manager to tell us what are the alternatives. Let's agree that we need the money. I think I agree with that. I know I agree with that. What are the alternatives? And then, of course, to listen from you, Commissioner King, Chairman King, Chairwoman King, that what you think should be done in that park. You need to have input into this. You need to give us your -- I don't know your point of'view on that park and what needs to happen there. I know there's all kinds of'debates. I've been. following the issue on the loop, where the pool goes, and it goes back and. forth, the mangroves, and the long list, the long litany of things that are brought up about what's happening in that park and what can happen in that park. It's a serious City ofMiami Page 35 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 decision, and I think it needs more -- we all need to have more information from an objective source and from a commissioner that also knows the area well and understands the area. Chair King: So, if we can have the Parks Director come up, please. Barbara Hernandez (Director, Parks): Good morning, everybody. Good morning, Chairwoman and Commissioners. If] can have IT (Information Technology) help me by connecting my laptop so I can show some stuff on the screen. And if] can have the OCI (Office of Capital Improvements) Director Angel Carrasquillo also join me at the other podium because he's the expert and has provided a lot of research. Chris? Or Nelson maybe can help me connect the laptop. I also have copies. I don't have an. HDMI (High -Definition Multimedia Interface) cable. Sorry. But just to your point, I -- just to start to not waste anv time because I know the chairwoman likes to get down to the point and to the facts of things and I appreciate that. This park is one of the biggest parks that the City of Miami owns and operates. It's 42 acres of green space. It's a beautiful park on the bay. Very lucky, to have this as part of'our park inventory as we're now going through the park system master plan, which I appreciate every commissioner and their communities participating in. I also want to greet all the passionate audience that we have here, residents, community members, any advocates for parks. And for us, anybody that's in favor ofparks, we appreciate. Can 1 turn on? Okay, awesome. So very quickly, a few of you said that the park was built in 1950s. It was built and designed in the 1950s. It's almost 70 years old. I'm sorry, 69 years old. A few things have occurred while the park has been active. Morningside Community Center was built in 1994. Some minor renovations tookplace during that time. The aquatic, unfortunately, the aquatic pool was closed in 2016. We're going to go into some details about the closure. Our OCI Director, Mr. Angel Carrasquillo, will be providing that information as to why it closed. And in August 2019, there's been many community meetings. Since 2017, Commissioner De la Portilla [sic] said it correctly, this conversation has been going on for six or seven years. January 23rd, 2020, a resolution was passed about keeping the pool in the same location. During that time, staff did go back and start doing research and studies that identified certain issues with the pool and having to raise it due to FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) elevations and EV. On November 29th, we went, this was my first -- well, actually second community meeting with Morningside, and provided the information that we found in 2020, 2021, and throughout 2022 in regards to the aquatic facility and the rest of the park. It's important, as you heard here today, that the biggest challenge is that most of the park is unusable after a severe storm event or king tide due to tong periods of flooding. It's okay for it to flood two or three days, but when it comes to a week or more, it becomes an issue. And that's what we want to fix. We're here. The goal is to try to fix the flooding and provide a holistic plan that gets everything together, because as you also heard here today, there's -- when you change one thing it moves things around. So we want to make sure we approve or -- a conceptual plan. Today Morningside Park looks like what you see here today. You see there's one thing that wasn't there in the 1950s were the mangroves that are now overgrown today, and they were protected in. the 1980s. We could work with DERM to try to trim them down but we are not proposing any additional mangroves. Let that be clear. Just wanted to show you after many, meetings out with the community, these are some of the things we constantly heard. Stop the flooding. Improve the park overall. Enhance natural elements. Keep the park for the most part the way it was designed. Fix the pool. Build the pool. Which the pool being out of 'service has been a huge disservice to that community. It's really important to provide learn to swim programs or aquatic therapy for everyone, and just leisure swimming, lap swimming in the morning, that hasn't been able to be done in the last six years. The City's goal and our goal as a team was to develop an inclusive design.for Morningside Park, which includes natural resources, resiliency, multi purpose, multi -generational, multi - seasonal, and address communities while simultaneously keeping most of the integrity City ofMiami Page 36 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 of the parks initial design. We want to make sure there's something there for evervone, because it is a community park. This is what we are proposing. We are reducing the loop road. We are -- we have recommended to move the pool next to the community center,for multiple reasons, both in, capital and in operation and ongoing. This is the most -- one of the most efficient cost -wise and time -wise proposals that we are providing because we don't want to raise funds, I mean we do not want to increase the capital fitnding by providing something that may be too expensive and not doable. Just wanted to show you a clear picture because 1 know a lot of those numbers could create some confusion. So, we created, OCI had created a cleaner version of what we are proposing. By doing this also we're adding a dog park. We're adding multi -purpose fields, open green space where you can picnics, do small community events, and we are proposing to move the ball field as well. At this time, I'm going to move it over so that OCI Angel Carasquillo, Director, can provide some information, some research and studies that they have provided and done in the last two to three years. Angel Carasquillo (Director, Office of Capital Improvements): Good morning. Thank you, Barbie. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Madam Chair. Chair King: Hold on one second. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: There's a lot of information here. Do you want to wait until the presentations are done for the questions to be asked or can we interrupt them? Chair King: 1 think we should wait until the presentation is done. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay. Chair King: I'm writing down my questions. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I am too. I am too. Chair King: So, I think we should wait and get the presentation over with and then we can ask staff questions. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay. Mr. Carasquillo: Good morning, thank you. Good morning, Madam Chair, Commissioners. Let's focus on there is a critical issue with Morningside and its flooding and drainage. So, let's focus on the parkportion and then we'll go to the neighborhood. So that picture that you see there, its after a 24 hour rain event. The park has -- is very dys functional and drainage, it doesn't percolate, and we have a problem. The level of service is not where it needs to be for the residents. What are we going to do about this? So, one of the first things that we'll do is implement a park drainage management plan. Thatplan essentially is going to establish highpoints, low points, walking areas, playing field areas to have those at a higher elevation. The low points will be focused to establish infrastructure, the collection of the runoff of the storm waters to convey them to the bay. Next. Let's talk about the neighborhood, the adjacent neighboring areas. You're going to see three slides there. The first slide on the left side is the current conditions. The darker the area; the more severe the flooding is. Slides two and three are split in two phases, and it is a project that came from the storm water master plan. Slide number two includes e#Ytration trenches and a series of pipes with larger diameter with more capacity that will collect quicker the storm waters and will connect to a five foot diameter outfall that connects from the City ofMiami Page 37 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 neighborhood all the wav up to the ocean. That flow will go by gravity. On slide number three we're stepping up the game by including injection wells that include -- that will pump most of the storm water into the shallower aquifers and also would include a larger capacity pump station to eliminate the flooding situation as quick as possible. Next. On July 2021, City Manager provided Commission with a memo delineating the most important projects under the sea level rise resiliency. Projects number four and five on that memo, phase one and phase two, those are the improvements to the neighborhood. One is 16 -- $13 million for phase one and the next one is $19 million. I need to emphasize these are late 2020 U.S. dollars. You know how the economy is going. Next. Let's talk about the pool situation. January 2020, Commission passed resolution. R-20-009. The basis -- basically directs that any capital improvement projects in Morningside Park keeps the pool at the current location. On May 2020, the general plan put the pool back in the existing location. January 2021, the City allocated the funds to move forward with the design and the analvsis of the pool design. On May 2021, something very interesting happened. As the Cio, started looking at criterias, there was a criteria that came up that basically states the following. If the repairs of the rehabilitation of the pool exceeds the market value of that pool, it triggers to rehabilitate that pool to a new building code and FEMA standards. Next. So, looking at the pool, existing conditions on the existing location. On the left side, you have the existing location, the existing conditions of the pool. On the right side, you have the pool if we have to bring it to standards. These standards are based on a FEMA VE flooding zone. And we're going to talk about that a little more. The VE criteria establishes that the base flood elevation of the pool has to be at 11 feet. That 11 feet goes to the lowest horizontal structural member that supports that pool. From there you have the 6 feet of water depth and then it goes up. That is the scenario if the pool is put to standards in that location. That is a front view of the pool with an ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant platform. At that elevation, that is a scenario, it probably varies between 160 to 179 feet. It's got a big landing in the middle. It's going to be difficult for a wheelchair to go from top to bottom, but that is what the standards will require. Next. In looking at the current conditions of the underdeck of the pool, I am showing you some pictures of the level of deterioration that has erosion from high waves impact for many years and corrosion to some of the metal, rebar, you see beams, vertical piling, structural members, and essentially the pool has to be demolished. Next. This is AE zone classification, which establishes that base flood elevation. is the finished floor elevation. The presented picture there is putting the pool close to the community center. Next. That's another view. And we wanted to show advantages. If we keep the pool at the existing location, it will be a resilient system. It will be sustainable to sea level rise impacts. It will remain the character of the originality and it will be close to the bay. If the pool is installed or built closer to the community center, it will have better benefits as far as expenditures on operation and maintenance costs. It will be easier to access, especially looking at senior citizens, grandpas that come with their children, they don't have to go through the level of difticuhy to access the pool. It will be resilient as well. Next. So before Igo to the shoreline, there have been some commentary about switching from VE to AE, and this is a very difficult process. It's not 60 days. It's not like buying a 2x4 at Home Depot and then you get the AE classification off the bat. There's a lot of adjustments and considerations. When a regulatory entity look at this, they're going to look at the elevation of the seawall at 6 and AVD feet. And that doesn't mean that that pool will be built shallower because we are just -- the Feds are going to change the classification from VE to AE. During the review process, these are the steps. The seawall has to be designed, it has to be procured, it has to be permitted, it has to be procured, it has to be built. Once it's finished, a set of drawings, as built, have to be certified with the application to change that category from VE to AE, at six feet. FEMA might come back and say this is too low. You have to raise that bulkhead, I don't know, nine feet, ten. feet, to make it base flood elevation compliant and then at that time the pool might be installed at a lower elevation. Those are questions that we don't know the answers until the process is ongoing. There City ofMiami Page 38 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 might be a six-month review, and they might have to -- we might have to come back and adjust the elevation from six to whatever thev decide. So that's one of those gray areas that the permitting goes through. Next. Oh., sorry. Let's go back: one back, Barbie. Living shoreline and bay walk improvement. The bay walk is going to be proposed 12 feet wide. It's going to have a similar material that you see at Alice Wainwright. It's an organic material. It percolates. It's really nice. The bay, walk is going to be raised also. So basically, at what we have on the plan right now, the bulkhead elevation, the distance -- the elevation between the bulkhead and the walkway, it's about six inches. So, you're basically walking, and six inches is where the bulkhead is going to be. We will engage in permitting efforts to try to mitigate some of those mangroves. The living shoreline provides a series of benefits. It's going to have marsh grass plantings, which are up to three feet high. It will be easier to maintain. No mangroves, as Barbie stated before. And a very important aspect of the shoreline is that it's going to provide resilient and sustainability support to the seawall. We are replacing three or four seawalls, as we speak, because of the impact of the waves and the deterioration. So that shoreline is going to provide a better protection to it. Thank you. Ms. Hernandez: So today we took these pictures. I had staff go out there and take some pictures on February 14th, and this is currently, as you can see, the stars where that -- where we were standing and this is the different views north, east and south. As you can see the shoreline, what it looks like today due to some of the mangroves, buttonwoods, sea grapes. Just wanted to, you know, emphasize that currently right now there are some blocked views. We would like to clear some of that up. That's part of the plan is to clear that up because we know the views are beautiful and we can just go out there and sit there and look when you've had a hard day, or especially now during COVID, as we all learned that being outside was one of the best things to do. We would recommend to remove, we have -- and this is just a certain plantings, we would relocate, I'm sorry, nothing is going to be removed, we would be relocating, and this was a study, a vegetation study done, buttonwoods and sea grapes, we would relocate them along with the palms as well. We would also be applying for a permit to try to trim down the mangroves. This is the plan that Angel was speaking about in regards to having some walkways. What we did was we wanted to, because you can hardly see this, it's very -- drawing -wise, we wanted to show you from a ground level what that might look like. And so this is what, when we talk about marsh grass, he said two to three feet, this is what it would look like. And this is actually at a lower elevation. We would be bringing up the pathway a little bit higher. You can see that on the Cross Section A. And then Section B, we are also proposing to do a boardwalk out there that actually goes out to the water. This is from looking -from Section C. And then looking from Section D. So that you can see that people can still access the water, they can still -- on dry season, use the area as well. These are some of the benefits that co -- that are aligned with our strategic goals, our comprehensive plan, our resiliency 305 strategy. So, I just wanted to point that out, that we're also in line with some of the things that have been approved here at commission. We wanted to make sure that we're consistent. As far as cost, these are preliminary cost, ballpark figures right now. These are today's costs. Know that ever, day and every, you know, as years pass, things do get more costly. This is -- the top part is Morningside Park improvements. The middle one is a neighborhood improvement drainage plan. And then the bay walk and shoreline improvements are at the bottom. As far as timing, we're looking and please keep in mind that duration means design, permitting and construction, and these are the times we're looking at. It doesn't mean that things can't happen together, but that all depends on the funding. And again, this is, I wanted to make sure that we saw the plan again because I know there was a lot of information, as Commissioner de la Portilla [sic] had stated. We appreciate, you know, everyone's passion for the park and we know that we need to fix the flooding because we want to make sure it's usable. We want to make sure that we also fax the shoreline issue. That's one of -- that would be one of our first phases. We would City ofMiami Page 39 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 recommend doing this in phases so that we're not, as we just spoke about with the Marine Stadium and the costly, we would do it in phases with the shoreline being first and maybe the pool right there with it so we can go back to providing leisure, swimming classes, field trips, make sure no kids are being drowned in the pool. Chairwoman, sorry about that. So, we're providing a plan that staff believe is the most cost-efficient and the least amount of time is what we're doing. And before you is the resolution that we have provided to approve the plan. Chair King: Thank you.1 have a couple of questions. One, does this resolution amend the resolution that requires the pool to stay where it is? Ms. Hernandez: It rescinds any resolution conjlicting with it, so the answer is yes. Chair King: Okay, and I'd also like to address, you mentioned aquatic therapy. Ms. Hernandez.- Aquatic aerobics, yes. Chair King: Okay, I have like three parks in my district. Is there aquatic therapy going on in those parks? Ms. Hernandez:1 would need to find out the specifics of each of those aquatics, but we could provide aquatic aerobics at any facility. That just takes -- that helps with arthritis. Chair King: I mean because you made it a point to say, that you would like to provide aquatic therapy at a pool that hasn't been working for, I don't know -- Ms. Hernandez: Six years. Chair King: Six years, and proposal would take another three years, but I haven't heard of any aquatic therapy going on in any of the pools that are functioning in my district. Ms. Hernandez: I will look and I will see. Chair King: I would appreciate that. Ms. Hernandez: Usually, pools have those tvpe ofprograms. Chair King: Okay, well, I just want to make sure that -- Ms. Hernandez: Okay. I will get that information for you. Chair King: -- the pools in my district has that. Okay, and the third thing that I want to address, the timeline for the pool is approximately three years and the construction won't even begin until maybe December of this year? Ms. Hernandez: That's if the -- that's with the pool relocated next to the community, center. Chair King: Okay, but I want to address the, flooding zone category. Mr. Carrasquillo: Classification. Chair King: Classification. It's VE, and architects have come to me and have said if you change that VE to AE, and I heard you kind of mention it, then would we be able to keep the pool in the same location if we got that classification changed? City ofMiami Page 40 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Mr. Carrasquillo: You can't keep the pool at that location regardless. Chair King: No, no, no. But without -- Ms. Hernandez: Right. Chair King: -- without the monstrosity that you have, that ramp, 1 think you, and I said it to staff already, I think you made it purposef lly ugly to dissuade people. Mr. Carrasquillo: We're engineers, so we are not -- Chair King: I mean. Ms. Hernandez: I'm a parks director, I don't draw. Chair King: Right. So -- but with the classification change, would you have to construct the pool as you have recommended in the plan? Mr. Carrasquillo: So, I read the email and it's misleading. It's not a pool. It's a complex. It's a facility, and that facility, you have a pool, you have locker rooms, you have bathrooms, you have rooms for meetings. The lifesaver is there. He's got his equipment. Ms. Hernandez: Lifeguard. Mr. Carrasquillo: So, it's a complex, and it was permitted as such. So, it's not a pool like a residential that you have the pool on the ground level and the palms are up there. It's a whole one piece, which makes it more complicated to do what that -- Chair King: Okay, but if we didn't have all of that and we paired that down a bit because — Mr. Carrasquillo: The answer is yes, Commissioner. Ms. Hernandez: What he was stating before was that it's not just a 60-day, process. You need to apply for the process from my understanding,and this is from layman's term, is that you need to apply, to turn it into an A. TV ? Mr. Carrasquillo: Oh yeah. Commissioner Russell: AE. Mr. Carrasquillo: Yeah, so -- Ms. Hernandez: AE, som,. Mr. Carrasquillo: -- when you're submitting for an AE classification, you have to build a seawall first. Then you have to submit that you're proving that it meets the criteria to avoid three feet of wave impacts or higher. The classification drops from three higher to AE, which is less than three feet. Once you have proven that that is built, they might come back and say it's six feet, you have to raise that seawall even more for you to be able to build a pool.faeility at a lower elevation. Chair King: Has it been done, this classification change? Has it been done? City ofMiami Page 41 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Mr. Carrasquillo: Not that know in Miami, but it has been done. Those classifications have been done, yes. I don't know about the pool facilities per se. Commissioner Russell: Madam Chair. Chair King: Commissioner. Commissioner Russell: On that same thread, just a question. The switch from VE to AE, the berm that's being proposed and the landscaping that's being proposed, wouldn't that achieve the same height levels as a wall? Or are you going lower with the berm? Mr. Carrasquillo: For VE compliance, yes, because it's a City Ordinance. Commissioner Russell: Right. Now, where we can, where we have natural shorelines, we're trying to encourage the maintenance and keeping of those shorelines. We're not trving to encourage walls where they're not necessary. We want as much natural public access to the water as possible. And so in Alice Wainwright, if we had a natural shoreline there, I would have loved to have kept and encouraged it, but we had a wall there. And its not my first choice, but it's what we had, so we embellished that wall and strengthened that wall. Same thing with our parks downtown. But in this case, we have a beautiful natural shoreline and if we can maintain and keep it, it's great. To apply,from VE to AE could delay this pool process even further. Where its being proposed still has water views. It is elevated and it's still -- oh it's only just a few feet back from the shoreline than what it is now, you would still have water views from the deck of that pool. So, I don't want that people to think we're hiding the pool in a way that you won't be able to see the bay anymore, but this solution they're proposing seems to get its there sooner, less expensive, easier maintenance. I really hope we don't build a wall at this park. Chair King: Commissioner Diaz. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Thank you, Madam Chair. Mr. Castillo, right? Mr. Carrasquillo: Carrasquillo. Angel, call me Angel. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I know you as Angel, I'm sorry. What's your last name? Mr. Carrasquillo: Carrasquillo. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Carrasquillo. I'm sorry. I'll remember from now on. I'm sorry. I thought it was Castillo. Angel, you spoke about --you spoke in your presentation about a resolution, City of Miami Commission Resolution R-20-000 that specifically instructed your department to put the pool in its current location. Mr. Carrasquillo: That if any capital expenditures or rehabbing will be done on the site, that the pool remains at the existing location. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: At the existing location. Mr. Carrasquillo: Yes, sir. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yet you move, forward with changing, you see basically didn't do -- pay attention to the resolution, you concocted a plan that puts the pool in a different location. Or was that resolution rescinded by this Commission? City ofMiami Page 42 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Mr. Carrasquillo: This meeting right here, rescinded that. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No, but you're putting the cart before the horse. You went ahead and spent money developing a totally new plan with a pool somewhere else going against an existing Commission Resolution, right? Ms. Hernandez: Based on the request that was at the December Commission Meeting, we were requested to come back with an updated plan. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Right, but 1 didn't know until today that there was an actual city resolution that mandated that you put the pool in the same location. Because that sort of changes things for me in a way, right? Because the commission gives direction and then you guys do -- go and do what you want. Ms. Hernandez: So -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: We have community meetings. What you want means this. You have community meetings. We'll talk about community meetings. We have community meetings, and how many people attend those meetings? Ms. Hernandez: Over 100 people attend those meetings. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Total? Ms. Hernandez: Yeah. And all the meetings you've had? Ms. Hernandez: No, no, no. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: One meeting you have 100 people. Ms. Hernandez: Each meeting. Mr. Carrasquillo: The one meeting in December the 13th, was over 100 people. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Over 100 people. Mr. Carrasquillo: Yes, sir. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay, and they gave you input into what they wanted -- what percentage wanted the pool where it is and what percentage wanted the pool somewhere else? Ms. Hernandez: It seems it's a little divided. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: It's 50-50? Ms. Hernandez: What I keep hearing is it's divided. The community is divided. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Divided means 50-50, right? Ms. Hernandez: Right, yes. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: It's an even split, right? Okay. Yet you went ahead and you did --put the pool in a different area. Why? City ofMiami Page 43 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Ms. Hernandez: We provided this so that its the least expensive. Based on the --from that resolution in 2020, the OCI Department did research, studies that they spent money on, to provide the information on where the pool would be as far as the height. Before moving forward on that, I think it's important that everybody understands that based on that information, the pool would have been at the 18 feet. We don't want to move forward on something like that without showing the Commission or the community where the pool would end lip being, because then it looks like, well, why did you do this? Why did you put this pool so high? So, we're just communicating what, from the research that was done, what could potentially be out there. Mr. Carrasquillo: Commissioner, when, we saw the magnitude of the elevations and the impact on the platform, we said, what are we doing? What is this? We have to bring this back so they see what it means. If you put elevators in, there, which you can Ms. Hernandez.- Right. Mr. Carrasquillo: -- it might meet ADA compliance, and if floods, then you're going to have those shafts, you're going to have to pump it, you have electrical components, mechanical lubrication, it's just, it's just. Ms. Hernandez: And if you guys are okay with that, I'm all -- that's the highest it would ever go. So, zf you're okay with that, we're okay with it., but we wanted to provide you the information. We're not, I'm not, we're not here to say, you know, this is whatpersonally we want. This is based on information that we have gathered, put together, and providing to you. So we're giving an alternative to what was provide -- to what the information has brought, the results of the information. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: You also outlined a number of things, if I may Madam Chair, through you. You also outlined a number of things, including permitting and cutting of mangroves and permitting and other things of that nature that you know are very difficult to obtain from the State of Florida, correct? You know that? Mr. Carrasquillo: Yes, sir. Ms. Hernandez: Absolutely. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Almost impossible, right? Mr. Carrasquillo: Yeah. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: And yet you propose it. Mr. Carrasquillo: No, this plant is proposing zero -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: The trimming of mangroves. The trimming of mangroves is proposed in the plan, is that correct? Ms. Hernandez: Yes, we will be requesting a permit to trim the mangroves. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: And do you know how difficult that permit is to obtain? Ms. Hernandez: Absolutely, sir, but it has been done before. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: But do you know how difficult it is? City ofMiami Page 44 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Mr. Carrasquillo: It is difficult. Ms. Hernandez: Yes, sir. Mr. Carrasquillo: It is difficult. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay. Mr. Carrasquillo: Yeah, we understand. Ms. Hernandez: We know. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: And if it's 50-50 in the community meetings, I'm almost done, it's 50-50 in the community meetings, why did you just not simply leave the pool there? Ms. Hernandez: We could if that's what you all -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: What's the cost differential? What's the difference? Ms. Hernandez: About a million dollars from what I understood. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: A million dollars more. Mr. Carrasquillo: One and a half, if the pool is built at the existing location, conceptual, it's about seven and a half million dollars. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: What's the difference between building it in the existing location? Mr. Carrasquillo: Six million. Ms. Hernandez: It's one million dollars is the difference. (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: One million dollars. What's the total cost of the project? All phases from beginning to opening day. Everything. Ms. Hernandez: So, for the park improvement, it's about 20 -- 23 -- between $23 million and $29 million. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay. For everything? Ms. Hernandez.- For everything, without the shoreline. Now the shoreline, you add the shoreline, it's between $13 to $14 million. We're looking at different grants to help with that. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: That's $43 million. What else? Ms. Hernandez: And then the neighborhood -- the Morningside neighborhood improvements, which is a stormwater drainage plan, that's the neighborhood. This is not -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: It's part of the plan. City ofMiami Page 45 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Ms. Hernandez: But we would not, that's not something that is part of the park part. That's the neighborhood, surrounding neighborhood, which is this part right here. I'll show you in a second. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: It was in your presentation. Ms. Hernandez: Right. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I know. Ms. Hernandez: This one. This part right here. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: You've given us a presentation (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Ms. Hernandez.- These are all the pumps that would be associated. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay, of course. Mr. Carrasquillo: Commissioner, I think -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I'm sorry, I'm just trying to get to the number. Mr. Carrasquillo: Sorry. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: So, it's $43 million plus what's the cost of that? Ms. Hernandez: The high end is $34, and the low end, if you allow me to get back to that slide, is $33. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: That's $76 million all said and done over the number of how many years? Opening day? Ms. Hernandez: Well, that depends on the phasing of it. So, the shoreline and the pool can be done at the same time it -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: How do you envision it? Ms. Hernandez: I would do -- I would recommend that we do the shoreline and the pool at the same time, so I would say three and a half years. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I would agree with that. Ms. Hernandez.- Three years, three and a half years. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Three and a half years. Okay. So, the intended cost way after we're gone, probably, way after we're gone and there will be other commissioners here, this is going to cost $76 million. Ms. Hernandez: It will potentially cost up to $76 million. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: For the million dollar difj"erence of the pool, it doesn't matter to me. I think a million dollars out of $76 million is not a lot of money, and I think -- Ms. Hernandez: I would count the drainage of the neighborhood on that, as part of the parkplan. City ofMiami Page 46 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Well, 43 million still. Ms. Hernandez: Okay. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: 43 million, I million. Okay. So, I have concerns about what you're proposing and maybe we'll debate it. I'm done with my questions. I just wanted to sort of get to the point of this is something that the community doesn't really -- what appeared to this morning when the people were testifying today was overwhelming support for moving the pool. Right? Chair King: For moving it? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yes. But, there's people that you brought in, Commissioner Russell, right? Commissioner Russell: I brought nobody in? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Well, the people that came because you want to move the pool. Commissioner Russell: No, it's not that I want to move the pool. I'm listening to my experts, and I've received over 120 e-mails in support of this new plan, which moves the pool, and only five against. It's not 50-50. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Well, but do they know the details? Ms. Hernandez: I'm sorry. I didn't receive those emails. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No, well, in the community meetings, it's 50-50, right? Because you went to --you were at the community meeting, right? Ms. Hernandez: Based on the community meeting, we went to November 21. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay, so it's a split decision. Arthur Noriega (City Manager): Commissioner, ifI may? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: So, in my opinion -- yes. Mr. Noriega: Can I -- I kind of see where this is headed. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yeah. Mr. Noriega: So, I'm going to give you my personal perspective on this, having extensive conversations with OCI, with the Parks Department, and having been a seven-year former parks employee myself, and having worked in aquatics, and seeing the design, I say, I think that leaving the pool in its existing location and the design requirements and the elevation requirements, forget the million dollar cost, there's also a cost added to the overall maintenance of that facility because of the size and scale of'it, right? And because of'the location and its proximity to the shoreline. I, having listened to them, having obviously listened to the Homeowners Association as well, by the way they voted to support this plan, I think for us the sensible decision is to approve the plan as presented. The relocation of'the pool, to me, makes sense. for all the reasons that were highlighted as part of this presentation. And I think if we're going to be practical, and when you look at the holistic sort of current condition of the park and the way this plan is laid out, you're not going to solve every -- you're not City ofMiami Page 47 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 going to ever design this to everyone's satisfaction. You're never going to get 100 percent consensus. But everything that I've heard is that the -- there is a majority of the residents in the area that were, you know, very present in those meetings and certainly have given a lot of input since, inclusive of the Homeowner's Association, they support the plan. And 1 think that, you know, if we're going to do right by this extensive process that we've engaged in, the timing that its taken to put this entire thing together, you know, let's follow the lead of the people that have put the sweat equity into this from a design perspective and our professionals, they've listened to the individuals and the residents in the neighborhood. And I think, you know, the smart decision is to kind of continue to head down this path. It may need to be tweaked, here and there, as we get into this. This is not a -- this is not set in stone by any means. Ms. Hernandez: Correct. Mr. Noriega: But I think the pool relocation, which seems to be the bigger issue at this point, even more so than the shoreline. You know, I think the smart move for us is to adhere to the letter of the recommendation made here. A million dollars may not seem like a lot, but I'm telling you that beyond the million dollars, I think that million dollar number is going to grow, but beyond the million dollars, the cost to maintain that building with the elevations presented, then your scale of the building as opposed to the one presented in this plan is going to be considerable. It is going to cost a lot more. So,, I would encourage you to ask any additional questions. I am certainly willing to meet with you one-on-one and kind of discuss this a little further. But this plan is certainly supported by me, and staff, and I would hope that we get the support of the Commission as well. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Madam Chair, I don't know what the will of the Commission is. I know a lot of them want to speak on this, butt would like a deferral on this if possible, at the next meeting, if you want to give me an opportunity to --1'm not -- I'm not convinced. Number one, its a 42-acre park, right? So, it's a park for all of Miami. It's our largest park, right? Ms. Hernandez: Absolutely. It's for everybody. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Is it our largest park? Ms. Hernandez: I'm sorry? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Is it our largest park? Ms. Hernandez: It is one of the largest parks that we own and operate. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Right, that you own and operate. 42 acres. Ms. Hernandez: Right. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: So, it's Miami's park. Ms. Hernandez: It's Miami's Park. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Right. You have professional staff,' your staff',' Mr. Manager, telling us that it's 50-50 in the means that thev want it. We have activists come here today that want the pool, and what Commissioner Russell is proposing. It's your district, but it's Miami's Park. And I think.for the future, it's such an investment to go down a road and not know where we're going, to be uncertain, at least I would like a deferral to have an opportunity to take a look at it and see, maybe even go out City ofMiami Page 48 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 there and take a look and speak to some of the people out there. I think it's an important, and maybe I'm sure you'll do the same. I'm sure you've already done it. Chair King: I've done it many, many times. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: 1 have not heard your opinion. 171 defer also to you, Madam Chair. But this is my thinking right now.1 think that --1 know it's been a long process, and 1 apologize to the people that have been here and talked about this today and continue to talk about it, but we do want to get it right. All we're trying to do is get information to get it right. We just don't want to make a mistake and find out, when it's too late, that we made a mistake, we need to change it. And I'm concerned about the bay view, impacting the bay view for the pool. I want the loop in there, but that's my personal preference. I think the loop is more conducive to interactivity with other community members. But at the end of the day, those are details. The shoreline, the pool location, those are more important details to me. So, I want to take a second look. 1 prefer a deferral, but you know, I'll listen to the will oj'the body. Chair King: Commissioner Reyes. Commissioner Reyes: Thank you. Chair King: Sorry. Commissioner Reyes: Thank you. Now, I think that most of the questions have been answered, butt have -- the manager made a very, significant point. If we fix, and I have that problem also in one of my parks, if we keep, I mean, let's say that -- that the pool remains in the same place that it is, and it is fixed, right? What's the maintenance cost for that pool once it's fixed versus having a new pool with all --1 mean, the investment on fixing it, but -- and bring it up to par, of being useful, then you would still have an old pool that requires an extensive amount of maintenance. I do believe that many people, I mean, this is, and everybody has their own rights and all that. I had that problem with Shenandoah Pool. Nobody was happy. I mean, there was not a total consensus where the pool should be built. But some people wanted it just next to their property, so they, will have a huge backyard pool, and some other people didn't want it near them. We are never going to be making -- and we're never going to make everybody happy -- everybody -- and that's the right. But also, we have to understand what are the consequences of having, I mean, accepting one plan or the other, the long-term consequences. We have to take into consideration the maintenance of that old pool if we are going to repair it, because I mean, still when even we repair, it's just like an old car. You see, you are still going to have problems with it in the long run. Now, I also had a concern, and the commissioner, Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla brought it up, about bay view being obstructed. And that is, I mean, it got to me, many people say, well, now we have such a view of the bay. Building the pool at that area obstructs the view of the bay? Mr. Carrasquillo: Neither of the locations -- Ms. Hernandez: Yes. Mr. Carrasquillo: Neither of the locations obstructs the view of the bay. Commissioner Reyes: Okay. Mr. Carrasquillo: One is going to be further -- Commissioner Reyes: But -- City ofMiami Page 49 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Ms. Hernandez: No, the current -- if it stays, does it obstruct the view? Is that what you're asking? Commissioner Reyes: Yes. Ms. Hernandez: The answer is yes, it obstructs the view because it's there. Commissioner Reyes: Okay, and how about -- Ms. Hernandez: It's currently obstructing it. Commissioner Reyes: -- how about by rebuilding the existing pool that you have to build all that big old deck and all of that. And also on top of it, you have to go 18 feet up? Mr. Noriega: Yeah, let's clam something. Currently in this presentation, nor was it part of the original idea is -- and rebuilding the existing pool is not an option, because the code won't allow for it. So, the idea is either you build a brand new pool at the current location, at the elevation presented as part of those cross sections, or you relocate the pool to where it's recommended on this plan. To keep the pool at the same location, it will impact the views because obviously the elevation is considerably higher than even the existing pool, let alone the new proposed pool set back towards the back of the park. Commissioner Reyes: So, the rebuild of the pool is out of the question. Okay, fantastic. I got that straight. Now, building it at where it is now, it will require a higher elevation. Mr. Carrasquillo: New standards. Commissioner Reyes: Higher elevation. So, the bay view would be more, would be blocked. Mr. Carrasquillo: You're talking 30-something. Commissioner Reyes: I mean, it would be more obstructed that if it is relocated. If it is relocated to a new site, the view of the bay will be obstructed? Mr. Carrasquillo: The new location -- the proposed location by the community center will not block the view to the bay. Commissioner Reyes: Okay, that takes care of the bay, view blocked. Another thing that Commissioner Diaz -de la Portilla also touched in it, and I was wondering I had people complaining that all those mangroves are going to block the view of the bay. And by planting mangroves, I mean all the mangroves that you have to plant -- Ms. Hernandez.- We're not planting mangroves. Commissioner Reyes: Could you please explain why you have to plant those mangroves? Ms. Hernandez: No, we're not proposing to plant mangroves. Commissioner Reyes: You are not -- Ms. Hernandez: No. City ofMiami Page 50 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Mr. Carrasquillo: No sir. Ms. Hernandez: No sir, we're not -- Mr. Carrasquillo: No mangroves. Ms. Hernandez: -- proposing to plant mangroves. Commissioner Reyes: Those mangroves are already there. Ms. Hernandez: Those exist currently right here. Commissioner Reyes: There's six there now, okay? Ms. Hernandez: Yes sir. Commissioner Reyes: They are going to be untouched, but trimmed. Ms. Hernandez. We're going to request to trim them. Commissioner Reyes: The trim permit in order to provide an additional view to the -- Ms. Hernandez: Correct. Commissioner Reyes: I mean, (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Ms. Hernandez: Yes, sir. Commissioner Reyes: Okay, okay, that takes care of that question. Another thing that you mentioned, Angel, that we're going to have injection wells, and you said -- we are going to be injecting this whatever -- overflow that we have from king tide and all that. That is saltwater, right? Mr. Carrasquillo: Right, Commissioner. So, on the neighborhood area, the project that involves -- there's a project on the master plan, storm water master plan. that includes deep injection wells -- Commissioner Reyes: Deep injection wells. Mr. Carrasquillo: -- to pump it into the aquifer. Commissioner Reyes: Aquifer, okay. But that also is going to include salt water that is going to be injected into our aquifer, which is fresh water? Mr. Carrasquillo: Most likely we'll be pumping to a shallow aquifer, brackish water, which is a combination of salt water and fresh water -- Commissioner Reyes: Okay. Mr. Carrasquillo: -- so no issues with permitting those. Commissioner Reyes: Okay, no, no, I was wondering that we were not going to mess up our aquifers. Okay. Commissioner Russell: Madam Chair? Quick comment. City ofMiami Page 51 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Commissioner Reyes: I think that we have to do something. I mean, it is about 10 years, and we're going to go back and forth. We're going to go back and forth on this. And the residents are the ones that are suffering. The children are the ones that are suffering, because I, by aesthetic, I wanted a pool at this location, and then the other group wants it on another location. Well, I think that is about time that we pay attention to our experts, you see. And take into consideration the consequences that we will have, like obstruction of the -- of bay view will be greater by leaving it in the same place, which I am totally against. Chair King: Thank you. What 1 don't want to see happen is that we debate this to death. We need to fix the park but I want to make it clear that I would like to explore the option of the VE to the AE. I don't think that we should make a decision because, oh, it might take too long to get the designation. If there's a way that we could keep the pool in the existing location by changing the classification, I think that everyone would be happy with that. But what I -- you said you want to do the improvements to the park in phases. So, is there -- can we get the drainage issue, can we get the flooding of the park addressed while we are trying to figure out -- why not? Mr. Carrasquillo: Commissioner, to do that you have to calculate runoffvolume of water flowing at certain elevations. The minute that you start raising the seawall or some other areas, the amount of water increases and maybe this infrastructure won't have enough capacity. And those permitting agencies will ask you for calculations proving that they have the right capture at certain elevations. Chair King: But this -- this isn't -- this isn't an issue that has just been risen today. This isn't a solution that we just received yesterday, because this has been a debate ongoing, and the pool has been closed for how long? Ms. Hernandez: Six years. Chair King: Okay. All I'm saying is 1'd like to explore the options without holding -- so now you're saying we can't do anything unless we decide what happens with the pool today. Mr. Carrasquillo: It's just the drainage portion. Commissioner Russell: No, it's true. Chair King: But the drainage is the major problem. I run in there and I'm in mud. I'm sinking in quicksand. That's -- Mr. Noriega: Madam Chair. Chair King: It's just taking so long for this. Mr. Noriega: Madam Chair, look, I'm going to give you my, you know, neophyte version of the civil engineering involved here, and I'll try to explain it in layman's terms, right? Everything you do, everywhere you put a building impacts drainage, impacts outflow. So, any drainage plan is dependent on an overall site design. Ms. Hernandez: Right. Mr. Noriega: You can't just design the drainage and then start adding pieces to it or moving pieces around because then you have to change the design of the drainage plan. So that's part of the issue of why Angel is saying that in order to change that elevation designation, you need to do the seawall first, right, to determine what the elevations are, and then submit those to FEMA, and then they make a determination City ofMiami Page 52 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 as to whether or not you can change the flood zone designation. That is a multiyear process that ultimately, you know, you're not going to be able to get to that solution as to whether, you're not even going to have an answer for it -- Chair King: Shame on the City, because it's been many, many years that the pool has been closed. The pool has been closed for many, many years, and we should have done that. And now were at the last minute, and you're saying to us that, no, it's a take it or leave it or build this monstrosity, and that's not fair. It's not good government. Ms. Hernandez: Absolutely. Chair King: It's not good government. Commissioner Reyes: You are right. Chair King: And that here we are, it's a take it or leave it, and, you know, yeah, we've heard fNom so many people, I've heard from so many people, and it is a 50-50 split. I've heard ftom the residents, the association, move the pool, but I've also heard from many people from my district and others, keep the pool where it is. And I'm on the keep the pool where it is side, if it's feasible, not if it's not feasible. If it's feasible, but I don't think that we as the body have done our due diligence to see if we could keep the pool here. And now I am feeling trapped, that I have to make this decision because I do not want the pool to go unattended any, longer. I want improvements made to the pool and I just do not feel like we are in a good spot right now. Commissioner Russell. Commissioner Russell: Thank you, Madam Chair, and I -- trust me, I feel your frustration. And these are the hard decisions we're going to have to make because I wanted the pool to stay where it was. I voted with its to keep the pool where it would - -]prefer it there. But listening to the science and what has to be done to keep it there makes me realize I have to make the hard decision that is going to make me lose a lot of friends in that area because they wanted the pool there. And my only hope is that once it's done and built, they're going to love the new idea and hope/ally look back and say, we made the right decision. We have to make those hard decisions, but what the science I have learned, the only way to shore it up, and even then you're still going to have storm surge and the elevator shafts and all the maintenance problems, everything points toward just moving thatpool a little bit. It's not a drastic move. It's not way on the other side of the park. It's a little bit back and a little bit over, it's a safer spot and we can go now. To get to this VEIAE conversion, we need a concrete seawall. We don't want that. We want a natural shoreline as much as possible. By the way, we have three parks in my district already, at least that we've applied for the permit for mangrove trimming and received it. We are able to trim mangroves. It is possible. So that's not just a fanciful, you know, wish list to get this vote through. But I would like to move forward because we have had this fight back and forth for years now, and we will just be kicking the can again. And at the end of the day, we have to make a hard decision. All the science to me points to just moving the pool a little bit and going forward and allocating as much money as we possibly can to getting this park back up and running. Commissioner Reyes: Madam Chair, let's see if we can, would you be comfortable sitting and having a comparison, you see, a very in-depth analvsis of what would -- one option versus the other one. And so I think that will be helpful. So that way we can make our decision. Where are the pros and cons of every single one of the -- of the -- I mean of the two alternatives that we have? Chair King: Well -- City ofMiami Page 53 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Commissioner Reyes: And I do it real fast instead of kicking the can. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Would you like a motion to defer? Chair King: We -- well, I think you -- you wanted to defer, but ].just want to say for the record, you know, as an attorney, you can get an expert to say this, and you can get an expert to say that. So, I'm not -- Commissioner Reyes: Are you saying that they are hired guns? Chair King: I'm not, I'm just saying. I'm just saying. Commissioner Russell: This is our administration. Chair King: You can get an expert to say X and you can get an expert to say the complete opposite and they're both experts. So -- Ms. Hernandez: I don't want you to feel trapped. Chair King: Well, that's how I feel. I feel right now because the most important thing for the community is for the improvement -- Ms. Hernandez: Absolutely. Chair King: -- to the park. That's the most important thing. But right now, our experts are saying that the only way we can move forward is if we move the pool to a different location. Ms. Hernandez: It's not. You could -- you could leave it. It's just going to take longer and be a little more costly. That's all that we're saying. I got to the City March 22nd last year. I haven't even made a year yet. Chair King: Well, I've only -- Ms. Hernandez.- No, I'm with you, I'm with you and I felt the same way. Morningside has been a hot topic. It's always stayed on the top of the list as it comes to the parks and recreation. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Is it higher than Curtis Park? Ms. Hernandez: That one's up there too, sir. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I figured. Ms. Hernandez: There's a few up there. And I understand that. We made the recommendation based on the information that's out. This is what we have. It's not saying that we can't. No one here is saying no. What we're letting you know is that this is the best solution to start moving it forward. If during the research something can, we can bring that back up. We can start looking, but if we can start moving on a conceptual plan, then I would recommend we approve it as is, knowing that we can start looking into the other sections. But as Angel stated, we do need to fix the Shoreline to have -- to raise that seawall. Mr. Carrasquillo: Commissioner, this brings a sentimental value to a lot of people. It's not the poll, it's personal. It's part of their growing and everything. I don't need to City ofMiami Page 54 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Chair King: Well, it may not be personal to staff. Mr. Carrasquillo: Well -- Chair King: It is personal to the community. Mr. Carrasquillo: But 1-- look and I am not pushing, right? So, I see at the complex when a 75-year-old person is going to go up there with grandchildren, how is that person going to go from there? Chair King: Right, I don't -- I don't agree with the complex the way it is, the way it's proposed. I think that's too much. Mr. Carrasquillo: I understand. Chair King: Whatever the will oj'the body is. Commissioner. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: We can kill the proposal and have them come back -- have the Administration come back with a different -- Chair King: No, I don't want to kill -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Or, or, or we can defer it and we can talk about it some more with the staff and everyone else and get more answers to our questions, which is what -- the sensible thing to do is to defer it, I think. Chair King: If we defer it, I'd like to defer it to a date certain. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: The next (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Okay, we want to do two meetings from now? Not the next one, but the one after that? Chair King: Commissioner Russell? Commissioner Russell: If the will is there to push it forward today, I'd love to push it forward today. There's been a lot of eompromise. Even the loop road was eliminated. That's a compromise we brought back. It's a slightly smaller version of the loop road so we can have more open playing fields. This whole thing is a product of compromise. And I think it's gotten to a place where we simply need to make the decision. I won't vote for a concrete wall to eliminate that natural shoreline. And for me, that's the big change on VE to AE, and that affects where the pool is. And I didn't want to move the pool, but I'm okay with it. It's a hard decision, but I'm ready to make it. I don't know what else we can learn between now and a month from now or two months from now, other than losing more time. The hardest part is going to be putting all the money together. This -- the actual design should be the easiestpart. None of these specialists have a dog in the fight, but every one of our administrative specialists is telling its the right thing to do, and begrudgingly, I want to listen to them. I would rather do something else, butt want to listen to them. And I don't want to be the one because of -- I don't want to make this a popularity, contest of who wants the pool where by public opinion. It's about science, it's about the right decisions, it's about the sight lines, it's about what we want. Even the Nature Conservancy, they're bringing hundreds of'thousands of dollars to encourage us for natural shorelines and they're going to continue to help us leverage funds and continue to improve this park. But we got to go. [just don't know what else, I don't know what else we're going to do. And I know it feels like a cornered trap because there are no other options. I don't think any other options are going to come about. So, if the will is here, I'm ready to move it today. If not, the sooner the better. City ofMiami Page 55 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Commissioner Reyes: Well -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Can we -- Commissioner Reyes: Madam Chair. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Can we move -- Commissioner Reyes: Madam Chair, 1-- Chair King: Commissioner Reyes. Commissioner Reyes: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) the vibes that I have, I don't think that the Chair or Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla, they are convinced in what they're going to be voting on. And I would share what it is asking is to have a little more time to compare the pros and cons of both. I agree with you 100 percent that, you see, what really convinced me that, I mean, the pool should be moved is that 18 feet wall, you see, that has to be built. I mean, I'm not too sure that we have to do that and how high we have to, I mean, that we have to place the pool. I'd rather see it -- keep it what it was. I voted for it, and I was one of the proponents of that resolution, but we have to also analyze and follow the advice of our experts, you see. And I agree with you, Madam Chair, that you got experts that can say one thing and one other, but that is when they are hired, and we have -- also, that's what they said about politicians and attorneys, that -- that we are influenced and we go one way, or the other, you see. And it's the same thing that they're saying, okay. I am an expert, I used to do economic feasibility analysis and I had a had reputation because I call it the way I saw it. But what I'm trying to say, Madam Chair, if you are more comfortable giving it a little bit more thought, I will back you up. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: So, Madam Chair, I want to move that we defer until April 14, 2022. Chair King: April 14. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Well, because we have to -- Commissioner Reyes: No, no, no. Commissioner Russell: (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Well, it could be then May, it could be March 24th. The next meeting is March 10th. Okay, we -- that's not enough time. Chair King: March 24th -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay. Chair King: -- will be the latest I will go out. And then we have to move. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I move that we defer to March 24th, 2022. Chair King: Commissioner Russell. Commissioner Russell: I was hoping that the Parks Director and the Capital could get together with you over the next two weeks. Chair King: I would support going to our next meeting, but if you -- City ofMiami Page 56 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Commissioner Russell: That would be my preference, too. Chair King: Because I'm set on where I am with, this. My position is that -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Then I'll move again that we defer to March 10, 2022. Commissioner Russell: Second. Chair King: Second. I got a second. Commissioner Russell: Yes. Chair King: All in favor? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Three is the charm. The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Commissioner Russell: Thankyou, everyone. Chair King: Thank you. Okay, so it is now -- Commissioner Reyes: Lunchtime. Chair King: It is now 12:24. We're going to adjourn this meeting and begin the Omni CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) meeting. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Correct. Mr. Hannon: And Chair, just for the record, we're going to recess the City Commission meeting, and Chair Diaz de la Portilla, if you can just give us two minutes so we can get the tape ready. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Reset the tape. City ofMiami Page 57 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 REA RESOLUTION 11502 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING Office of APPROPRIATIONS AND MAKING DE -APPROPRIATIONS AND Management and RE -APPROPRIATIONS RELATING TO THE GENERAL FUND FOR Budget THE 2021-2022 FISCAL YEAR OPERATING BUDGET AS ORIGINALLY AUTHORIZED PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION NO. R- 21-0402 ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 23, 2021 ("ADOPTED OPERATING BUDGET"), AND AS PREVIOUSLY AMENDED PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION NO. R-21-0408 ADOPTED OCTOBER 1, 2021 ("AMENDMENT #1 TO ADOPTED OPERATING BUDGET'), AND AS PREVIOUSLY AMENDED PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION NO. R-21-0462 ADOPTED NOVEMBER 18, 2021 ("AMENDMENT #2 TO ADOPTED OPERATING BUDGET'), AND AS PREVIOUSLY AMENDED PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION NO. R-21-0512 ADOPTED DECEMBER 9, 2021 ("AMENDMENT #3 TO ADOPTED OPERATING BUDGET'), AND AS PREVIOUSLY AMENDED PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION NO. R-22-0025 ADOPTED ON JANUARY 13, 2022 ("AMENDMENT #4 TO ADOPTED OPERATING BUDGET'), AND AS PREVIOUSLY AMENDED PURSUANT TO ADOPTED ON FEBRUARY 10, 2022 ("AMENDMENT #5 TO ADOPTED OPERATING BUDGET'), ALL AS SET FORTH IN THE ATTACHMENT "A" THERETO, ALL AS ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED (COLLECTIVELY, "COMPOSITE ATTACHMENT A" AND WHICH CONSTITUTE "OPERATING BUDGET AMENDMENT #6"); AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO MAKE ANY NECESSARY CHANGES TO ADJUST, AMEND, AND APPROPRIATE THE ADOPTED OPERATING BUDGET, FIVE- YEAR FINANCIAL PLAN, STRATEGIC PLAN, AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN REGARDING CITY OF MIAMI SERVICES AND RESOURCES AS NECESSARY AND LEGALLY ALLOWED; RATIFYING, APPROVING, AND CONFIRMING CERTAIN NECESSARY ACTIONS OF THE CITY MANAGER AND DESIGNATED OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENTS TO UPDATE THE RELEVANT FINANCIAL CONTROLS, PROJECT CLOSE-OUTS, ACCOUNTING ENTRIES, AND COMPUTER SYSTEMS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH AND FOR GRANTS AND OTHER FUNDING SOURCES IN PROGRESS AND FOR NECESSARY RELATED DOCUMENT NEGOTIATIONS AND EXECUTIONS, ALL IN FORMS ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY; PROVIDING FOR APPLICABLE EFFECTIVE DATES. ENACTMENT NUMBER: R-22-0079 MOTION TO: Adopt with Modification(s) RESULT: ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATION(S) MOVER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner SECONDER: Joe Carollo, Commissioner AYES: King, Carollo, Russell, Diaz de la Portilla, Reyes Note for the Record. For minutes referencing Item Number RE.4, please see Item Number RE.]. City ofMiami Page 58 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 RE.5 RESOLUTION 11515 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION OPPOSING Commissioners SENATE BILL 1024 ("SB 1024") AND HOUSE BILL 741 ("HB 741") (COLLECTIVELY, "BILLS") PROPOSED DURING THE CURRENT and Mayor LEGISLATIVE SESSION AS THE BILLS WOULD HARM THE ADVANCEMENT OF CONSUMER SOLAR ENERGY PRODUCTION AND USAGE WITHIN THE STATE OF FLORIDA; DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO INCLUDE OPPOSITION TO SB 1024 AND HB 741 AS ONE OF THE CITY'S 2022 LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES; DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO TRANSMIT A CERTIFIED COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE OFFICIALS NAMED HEREIN. RESULT: DISCUSSED Note for the record: A motion was made by Commissioner Russell to approve Item RE.5, however, motion died for a lack of second. Note for the Record: For additional minutes referencing Item Number RE.5, please see "Public Comments for all ltem(s)." Chair King: The February 24, 2022 Commission Meeting is reconvened. Welcome back, everyone. We are now on RE.5. Yes. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Chair King: It's a resolution to oppose SBI024 and HB741, Consumer Solar Energy. Commissioner Russell: Madam Chair? Chair King: Commissioner Russell. Commissioner Russell: Thank you. I'll be happy to make the motion in a moment, but I'd like to make the case for the item. I had an excellent conversation this afternoon with our governmental liaison from FPL (Florida Power and Light). I've enjoyed working with him for years, especially when we have hurricanes, and our residents need help, FPL has been there in a snap to make sure we get everything we need. In this particular case, I feel that FPL is looking out for its pocketbooks at the expense of our residents' ability to put solar on their roofs. And by his admission to me, if this bill were to pass, the long-term results of this are that a resident with solar panels on their roof would lose the revenue they're gaining from FPL when they sell their electricity back by up to 60 percent. By up to 60 percent. This was his statement to me today. Let's say, for example, right now they're making 10 cents a kilowatt, when this is done, they'll be making 4 cents a kilowatt. And so, this is a disincentive to put solar on your house. The idea that the cost gets passed on to the (Comments made in Spanish not translated) and the towers who don't have the ability for solar I do not believe is true. I believe it affects the bottom line of FPL. But what our priority should be is making sure our residents have the best incentive and the best return for putting solar on the rooftop. And it's not partisan. I was talking to Mayor Logo who's got solar panels all over his rooftop and he sells it back to FPL. This would affect him in a negative way on the money, he's able to earn and pay off those solar panels and net meter with his house. So, I do believe we have a reason to oppose this in its current form at the state level. So, I would -- with that I'm happy to hear. i-oni others, but I'll be happy to make the motion when it's time. City ofMiami Page 59 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Commissioner Reyes: Madam Chair? Chair King: Commissioner Reyes, you have to talk into the mic. Commissioner Reyes: It is not necessarily like that from what I do understand. Right now, if you have solar panels, you get -- you can sell -- you sell it at a cost higher per kilowatt like anybody else pays. And this, what it does, 10 years from now, is going to do is that then what is produced by solar panels, that they are going to buy it but at the same rate that people pay. You see, right now, we are -- it is true that we're subsidizing those people that have solar panels because the -- the FPL is buying at a higher rate, you see. That's what I do understand. That's what I understand. It is not that you're going to lose that whatever is produced and then FPL is going to get that benefit without paying whoever has the solar panel. Now they're paying a different rate. They're paying a much higher rate. Commissioner Russell: No, they're paying the same rate. They're paying the same rate. Commissioner Reyes: No, they're going to pay the same rate in 10 years from now. That's how it is. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Madam Chair. Chair King: Please. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yes. So, we can get again into the details. I have both bill analysis here, I don't know if you've read them or not, but they both say this really is -- FPL is going to do is going not to -- it's not going to impact their bottom line. It will not impact their bottom line. What FPL will do is pass on the cost to the abuelitas and abuelitos that you mentioned. That's what will happen. So instead of going through all the bill analysis, I read them both last night. I'll give them to you, I'll give them to the Clerk and give them to you so you can read them. And both analysis, both the Senate Bill 1024 and House Bill 741 say the same thing. It is a spreading of the cost for solar energy for people that can afford it and the spreading of that cost impacts people that cannot afford it. So, in my district, in Commissioner King's District, in Commissioner Reyes' District, and in Commissioner Carollo's District, this would adversely impact our constituents. In your district, the people that live, that have wealth, and can afford luxuries like solar panels, renewable energy is important, we want to make it affordable for everyone, but that's not the case today. That's not the case. The only people that can put solar panels in their homes are the people that have wealth and means to do it. Today, 10 years from now, they'll be affordable, oil will be gone, all these things that you're predicting are going to happen may or may not happen. But today, this has an adverse negative financial impact on the people I represent, that elected me, and I can never vote for any resolution that will support this. On top of that, second, ifI may, Madam Chair, what it does also is that you once again bring up an item that has nothing to do with the City Commission. Commissioner Russell: It affects my residents directly. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No, the residents are not directed -- you are -- this is a campaign issue. 4'you -- you're not a State Senator you're not a State Representative, you're a City Commissioner. So what we do here is the work the city commissioners do every once in a while on an issue that we all agree on, right? On an issue that's of major importance for the whole City, we get together and we say, let's do a resolution to urge Tallahassee or Washington to do this or do that. We've done City ofMiami Page 60 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 that with things that you have proposed. American Rescue Plan is a great example of that. But we have a list of legislative priorities in Tallahassee. The session ends the first week ofMarch, in a couple of weeks, and our lobbying team, which we're paying a lot of money, is working hard to get our priorities, our appropriations items done, and now we're going to saddle them with additional stuff that, number one, is going to pass. You know it's going to pass. It's cleared three committees in the Senate already. It's ready for floor action in the Senate and it's going to clear another committee today in the House and its, going to be heard because both leadership in both the House and the Senate support it. So, it's going to pass and that's a reality. And to me to vote for something that takes away from my constituents, for people who want to put solar panels in their home that can afford it when they can't, I can never support it. Commissioner Russell: Thankyou. Madam Chair. Chair King: Commissioner Russell. Commissioner Russell: I just need to respond and every time it's brought up I will respond. Chair King: Please. Commissioner Russell: This is not -- but if he brings it up, I will respond. Chair King: Okay. Commissioner Russell: In my very first meeting as a commissioner in 2015, I brought up a resolution urging the governor to support President Obama's Clean Power Plan. We've been doing this for seven years. It's not about running for office. Its about advocating for what we care about for our constituents and that's why we've been put in office. We may disagree on this because you may feel that your constituents are differently impacted by this than my constituents. I disagree. I think there's new programs that almost anyone can put solar on their roof and actually net meter out their entire electric bill without money out of pocket. And this actually would upset the balance of that formula because you will earn less for the -- with a net meeting that you sell back to FPL than what you buy from them. And so that's why I'm bringing it. But I understand. I don't mean to get in an argument with you. If the support is not therefrom this body, we're not there. I'll make the motion if it dies without a second, that's fully fair. That's democracy in action. But the accusation that this is political, Finjust advocating for my residents, and always have. I'll move the item. Chair King: Do I have a second? I don't think I need a second for discussion because we discussed it. So, the motion dies for a lack of second. Yes. Commissioner Reyes: Next. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Your timing is impeccable, Commissioner Carollo. Commissioner Reyes: Yes, it's impeccable. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I love it. Chair King: Okay. We are -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: It died already. The solar energy one. Commissioner Reyes: It died. City ofMiami Page 61 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Vice Chair Carollo: I mean, I'm not getting my discount to put one up. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: You were doing solar panels? Commissioner Reyes: You're going to get it at a regular rate. Vice Chair Carollo: Well -- Commissioner Reyes: Not at a preferred rate. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: How many solar panels do you have at Little Havana, Commissioner? Vice Chair Carollo: Not enough. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yeah, I agree. Vice Chair Carollo: Not enough. You know, what they do in Tallahassee, sometimes there's very little we could do. But this one, I, you know, I wish they would do more up there so that it becomes more accessible to people. What was the vote? Commissioner Russell: It died for lack of second, but it will decrease the amount our residents get from having -- from FPL by 60 percent. Commissioner Reyes: What, what, what, excuse me -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I thought we voted on it already. Chair King: That's right, let's not -- let's not -- Commissioner Reyes: That's right, but just for future legislation, try to lower the cost of the solar panel and you will do a better service for the people. Chair King.- I don't think that's Commissioner Russell. He was just ttying to advocate, and I don't think it was politically motivated, just so you know. Commissioner Russell: I know, but Joe seems to like solar. I was just seeing if he was going to reconsider the item. We can move on. Thank you. City ofMiami Page 62 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 RE.6 RESOLUTION 11488 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION Commissioners AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND and Mayor EXECUTE A PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT ("AGREEMENT"), IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, BY A FOUR -FIFTHS (4/5THS) AFFIRMATIVE VOTE, BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND ELBA MONTES, F/K/A ELBA HERNANDEZ, FOR THE ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 713 SOUTHWEST 63 COURT, MIAMI, FLORIDA ("PROPERTY") FOR A PURCHASE PRICE OF FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($500,000.00); FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE ANY AND ALL OTHER NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING AMENDMENTS AND MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGREEMENT, ALL IN FORMS ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, AS MAY BE NECESSARY TO EFFECTUATE THE ACQUISITION OF THE PROPERTY; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM PROJECT NO. 40- B213414, DISTRICT 4 PARK AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING LAND ACQUISITION, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED FIVE HUNDRED FORTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($545,000.00) TO COVER ALL COSTS OF THE ACQUISITION OF THE PROPERTY, INCLUSIVE OF THE COST OF SURVEY, ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTS, TITLE INSURANCE, ATTORNEYS' FEES, DEMOLITION, SECURING THE PROPERTY, PROJECT SIGNAGE, AND ALL RELATED CLOSING COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE ACQUISITION. ENACTMENT NUMBER: R-22-0080 MOTION TO: Adopt RESULT: ADOPTED MOVER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner SECONDER: Joe Carollo, Commissioner AYES: King, Carollo, Russell, Diaz de la Portilla, Reyes Note for the Record. For minutes referencing Item Number RE.6, please see Item Number RE.l. City ofMiami Page 63 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 RE.7 RESOLUTION 11140 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH Commissioners ATTACHMENT(S), APPORTIONING THE REMAINING MIAMI and Mayor FOREVER BOND LIMITED AD VALOREM ("MIAMI FOREVER BOND") FUNDS ALLOCATED TO SEA LEVEL RISE MITIGATION AND FLOOD PREVENTION ("SLRMFP") IN THE TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED OF AMOUNT OF ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-SEVEN MILLION, EIGHT HUNDRED SIXTY-FIVE THOUSAND, SEVENTY- TWO DOLLARS ($177,865,072.00) TO EACH COMMISSION DISTRICT AS INDICATED IN EXHIBIT "A," ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED, FOR THE COMMISSIONER OF EACH DISTRICT TO ALLOCATE AND APPROPRIATE BY FUTURE RESOLUTION(S) TO ELIGIBLE PROJECTS; FURTHER APPORTIONING FIVE MILLION DOLLARS ($5,000,000.00) FROM EACH COMMISSION DISTRICT'S APPORTIONMENT FOR A TOTAL AMOUNT OF TWENTY-FIVE MILLION DOLLARS ($25,000,000.00) TO FUND CITY-WIDE SLRMFP PROJECTS AS INDICATED IN EXHIBIT "A," ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED, FOR THE CITY COMMISSION TO ALLOCATE AND APPROPRIATE BY FUTURE RESOLUTION(S) TO ELIGIBLE CITY-WIDE PROJECTS; ALL ALLOCATIONS OF MIAMI FOREVER BOND FUNDS BY THE CITY COMMISSION TO ELIGIBLE PROJECTS ARE SUBJECT TO THE CITY OF MIAMI TAKING ANY AND ALL NECESSARY ACTIONS TO AMEND THE MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN AND COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, RULES, REGULATIONS, AND AUTHORIZATIONS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, FEDERAL LAWS, STATE LAWS, THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, AND THE MIAMI FOREVER BOND VALIDATION ORDER. ENACTMENT NUMBER: R-22-0081 MOTION TO: Adopt RESULT: ADOPTED MOVER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner SECONDER: Joe Carollo, Commissioner AYES: King, Carollo, Russell, Diaz de la Portilla, Reyes Note for the Record. For minutes referencing Item Number RE.7, please see "Order of the Day" and Item Number RE.1. City ofMiami Page 64 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 RE.8 RESOLUTION 11516 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH Commissioners ATTACHMENT(S), ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE PROJECT TITLED "MIAMI FOR EVERYONE RENTAL and Mayor ASSISTANCE PROGRAM," ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED AS EXHIBIT "A" ("PROGRAM'), AND ALLOCATING AND APPROPRIATING FUNDING IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED FIVE MILLION DOLLARS ($5,000,000.00) FOR THE PROGRAM TO PROVIDE ASSISTANCE TO MIDDLE CLASS CITY OF MIAMI ("CITY") RESIDENTS WHO ARE UNABLE TO ABSORB DRAMATIC RENT INCREASES; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE AND APPROPRIATE, AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED TWO HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED FIFTY-ONE DOLLARS AND NINETEEN CENTS ($250,251.19) TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE PROGRAM. ENACTMENT NUMBER: R-22-0082 MOTION TO: Adopt with Modification(s) RESULT: ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATION(S) MOVER: Joe Carollo, Commissioner SECONDER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner AYES: King, Carollo, Russell, Reyes ABSENT: Diaz de la Portilla Note for the Record: For additional minutes referencing Item Number RE.8, please see "Order of the Day." Chair King: Okay, so we're going to take up RE.8 now, Miami Forever for Everyone Rental Assistance Program. Can we have someone from staff, the Mayor's Office? We had a few questions this morning that we'd like to clear up. One of the questions was we wanted to make sure that this money was going strictly for rental assistance. Oh, Nick, you have to speak into the mic. Nik-olas Pascual: Good afternoon, Nikolas Pascual, Chief of Staff to Mayor Francis Suarez. The way that the program is currently set up, they would be receiving a gift card which has some merchant restrictions on it, so you wouldn't be able to withdraw money or buy alcohol with it, but you could use it, for example, to purchase gas, groceries, or medicine, if needed so. Now, I will -- so essentially that would give the residents additional money to pay for rental assistance, but if the will of this body is to have it be switched to be a check directly to the landlord, I spoke to George about it, and we can also have it so that it's strictly for rental assistance. So, the thought process behind it was that if you're saving money on your gas and medicine, and groceries -- Commissioner Reyes: Madam Chair -- Mr. Pascual: --you can move that money towards the rental system. Commissioner Reyes: That is what was announced when we had that press conference that it was going to be. for rental assistance. Nobody talked about gasoline or groceries or going to the movies. You see, it was strictly -- City ofMiami Page 65 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Mr. Pascual: For rental assistance. Commissioner Reyes: --for rental assistance. Those people that were victim of an increase. Mr. Pascual: The rent increases by more than 20 percent. Commissioner Reyes: That's right. Mr. Pascual: And then this is for the 80 to 100 AMI (Area Median Income). Commissioner Reyes: 80, oh, it was below. Mr. Pascual: Well, below, correct. Commissioner Reyes: Below 100, from 80 to 60. Mr. Pascual: Correct, exactly. So, but again, if the will of the body is to have it be a check that is sent directly to the landlord to cover rent, we're more than willing to do that with it. We were partnering up with MasterCard on the debit cards. Vice Chair Carollo: See, the problem is, Nick, that all that you're saying is fine and dandy, but we should have been told that from the beginning that it was much more than rental assistance. And in fact, I will go even a little further. I remember that before the rental assistance was announced, the Mayor said on TV that it was going to go to affordable housing. Then I didn't hear any, more on that. It went to rental assistance, which isfine because its also -- Mr. Pascual: Correct. Vice Chair Carollo: -- very much needed. But the problem is now that this is wide open. And it's wide open to many other areas, and frankly, I don't want to get even into the area of the potential of abuse with cards, with anything else where it -- from my point of view, this should be limited strictly to rental assistance, which is what was announced, and there should be, one, a limit, whatever amount of months we agreed on that it's going to be for, and -- Mr. Pascual: For six months. Vice Chair Carollo: Six months is fine, and there's a reason that I'm saying that. Secondly, it should be broken down into the districts so that each of us has some say- so in each of our districts. I don't know who's going to end up handling this, and then this is going to be like, you know, a food card again, a gas card, whatever, that, you know, how was it going to be given out? Each of us know our district needs even more so. So, we should be on top of that for our own districts to working with whomever. You know, a quarter of a million bucks is a lot of money, to give anybody to handle this. That's $50, 000 per district. But -- Mr. Pascual: Correct. That was going to be handled by Community Development, in- house, and where there's financial obligations that we have to pay the department because a lot of their funding is federal so they're tied up on certain things that they're allowed to work on. Vice Chair Carollo: Now, the -- Mr. Pascual: So, it will be handled in-house and I have no problem dividing it upper district. City ofMiami Page 66 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Vice Chair Carollo: The other part is that if in six months, like we had before, we have monies that are still available, that we have the option in each of the districts to -- the amount of monies that are available, to turn that into affordable housing, like I understood originally the Mayor was thinking about. Mr. Pascual: Right, I would consider that a f iendly amendment, Commissioner. Vice Chair Carollo: They are friendly amendments. Mr. Pascual: Yeah. Vice Chair Carollo: I mean, there's nothing here -- Mr. Pascual: At all. Vice Chair Carollo: -- that is not unfriendly. Because we're keeping the spirit of both needs. The spirit of providing the funds for people that truly need rental assistance, and then if there's money left over, it's in affordable housing. So, what I would like to propose is that we have it strictly for rental assistance going directly to landowners. This way we know that the money didn't, you know get lost in -- Commissioner Reyes: Be misused. Vice Chair Carollo: -- something else, and that it is broken up through the same guidelines that we always use in determining what districts are the poorest on -- Chair King: API (Anti -Poverty Initiative). Vice Chair Carollo: -- API, and that if within six months time from the time that this is passed, there're monies left over, that each individual district has the option of whether to go on with the program for additional time or to convert the remaining dollars into affordable housing -for the district. Commissioner Reyes: Madam Chair? Chair King.- Yes. Commissioner Reyes: I also want to include that we should define who is eligible. And when you say rental assistance, it's going to be rental assistance of those people that have -- that their rent has been increased or people that are residents that have not been able to pay because of COVID or because of whatever reason is in arrears -- Mr. Pascual: That is a hardship. Commissioner Reyes: -- you see. We. have to clearly define who is going to be eligible, because -- but just by naming and rental assistance, that could be anybody who would come in and apply for assistance. That have to be those people that have been a victim Of a rent increase within the last three or four months, or six months, or people that because of an economic hardship have not been able to pay in the last three or four months, whatever we decide the time. Vice Chair Carollo: I think, and you're very correct, Commissioner, I think if we would put some guidelines -- Commissioner Reyes: Yes. City ofMiami Page 67 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Vice Chair Carollo: -- and I'm willing to be very generous. Mr. Pascual: Yeah, currently -- Vice Chair Carollo: -- anyone that has had a rent increase that they could show within the previous 60 days or going to the following 60 days of S percent or more, that's very generous, could apply -- Commissioner Reyes: For that amount. Vice Chair Carollo: --,for that amount, or anyone that can show that they had a hardship where either through layoffs, because of the economy, or of health, they have not been able to work or have been, laid off oj'work, those are the others that can apply for it. Mr. Pascual: Okay, so currently the program, just so you get the parameters that were put in there as a baseline was that they had to be residents of the City of Miami for at least three years. Vice Chair Carollo: Well, of course. Commissioner Reyes: Of course, of course. Mr. Pascual: Because we didn't want someone that recently moved in just in the last year to receive funding. Vice Chair Carollo: Yeah. That I saw and I thought it was very good, yeah. Mr. Pascual: As well as showing proof that your rent has gone up and we had the baseline at 20 percent increase. Vice Chair Carollo: 20 percent increase? Mr. Pascual: 20 percent increase before you received financial help and it would be up to a thousand dollars a month for six months that you can receive. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay well look, I would go along with that that the Mayor's proposing that's stronger than, you know, what we're given or saying as a possibility, and I'll go along with that. Commissioner Reyes: 171 go along with that too. Also -- Vice Chair Carollo: 20 percent. Commissioner Reyes: -- but we have to also define the income range, you see 80 -- below 80 AMI Mr. Pascual: Correct. The program is from 60 to 100 AMI, so anyone that falls in that group. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay. Commissioner Reyes: Okay. Vice Chair Carollo: That I'm fine with, so we include that as part of Chair King: City or County? Are you using City or County? City ofMiami Page 68 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Commissioner Reyes: But also, let me ask you something -- Mr. Pascual: Excuse me? Commissioner Reyes: -- I don't want to limit it from 60 as a --1'm going to give you an example, and you have it also, Commissioner. You have that. We have, and you do too, we have a lot of seniors. Mr. Pascual: Correct. Commissioner Reyes: Seniors that they are living in a senior housing and unfortunately they have been victim of rent increases, you see, as high as <$90 a month, you see. Mr. Pascual: Correct. Commissioner Reyes: Now those seniors, f you say 80 percent of AMI, those seniors will not qualify because 80 percent ofAMI, it is ,$48,000 a month -- a year. Those seniors, they are 20 percent or less ofAMI. So, I would say below 80 percent. Mr. Pascual: The thought process behind that was because we still have some senior rental assistance programs that are active that have over two million dollars that are still available for the seniors and we were trying to catch -- Commissioner Reyes: Then we have to define that the seniors, they have another program that we will have -- Mr. Pascual: Help them with. Commissioner Reyes: Okay? Mr. Pascual: Okay. Chair King.- Nick. Mr. Pascual: Yes? Chair King: Are you using the City's AMI? Mr. Pascual: The City's AMI, correct. Chair King: Yes. Just making sure. Mr. Pascual: Yes. Vice Chair Carollo: Well -- Commissioner Reyes: No, no, we are not -- are you using the City AMI? What is the City AMI? Mr. Pascual: For 60 percent? Commissioner Reyes: No, no,.for the AMI City AMI. Mr. Pascual: I'm not 100 percent sure. I would ask George on that question. City ofMiami Page 69 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Commissioner Reyes: You see, when you do make a statement and that makes sure, because most of the time, and correct me ifI'm wrong -- Chair King: We use the County -- Commissioner Reyes: -- Mensah, when we use the term AM], we use the County AM], which is $60, 000. And that has been my -- that has been my battle since 1 came here. The first day that I came here, I'm saying, you're doing it wrong. So, we have to be very careful when we say AM]. Mr. Pascual: George just corrected me. We're using the County A.W. Commissioner Reyes: Yes. Chair King: Wait, it's a City program. It's our program, so I don't think -- Commissioner Reyes: We should — Chair King: -- and its the Miami Coin, so I don't think that we should be held to Coun ty 's AMI. Commissioner Reyes: County AML I agree -- Chair King: This is for -- this is for the City of Miami and it's for City of Miami residents, so we should use the Citv's AML Vice Chair Carollo: Absolutely. Commissioner Reyes: Absolutely. Vice Chair Carollo: The other area that I want to make sure that it's clear and is part of this resolution, that the priorities for these funds will be focused first and foremost on seniors, residents, and on families with children. Commissioner Reyes: Yep. Vice Chair Carollo: So that should be the focus. I mean, in all frankness, there might be some young guys like you and, well, like you and your -- UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Vice Chair Carollo: -- yeah, out there. You know, I look to the dais, and I didn't see such young guys anymore that might need help, but, you know, you guys could find -- guys like you, should I say, could find ways that senior or families that have children will not. So, I want the focus to be first and foremost on the top of the feeding line, seniors and families with children. Chair King: We can't hear you. Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): Sorry, on the record. Chair King: You have to speak into the mic. Introduce yourself please. Eddy Leal: Good afternoon, Eddy Leal from the Mayor's office. IfI could have, Commissioners, ten seconds to confer with my Chief of Staff. I have an idea that I think I vetted it briefly with the City Attorney's Office that I think would be -- would City ofMiami Page 70 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 bring all the issues kind of together and I think it addresses the gamesmanship that is possible in the application process. Just 10 seconds. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay if you go over 10, we'll be putting the motion and voting. Chair King: Todd, put the timer on. Put the timer on, Todd. Vice Chair Carollo: Madam City Attorney, I hate to interrupt that lovely conversation Victoria Mendez (City Attorney): We were talking about this item. Vice Chair Carollo: I know, I know. Ms. Mendez: I was explaining to him his option, which he's about to tell you. Mr. Leal: Yes. Wait, did I rnake the 10 seconds? I did not see anything, but here's the idea. Vice Chair Carollo: Ten and a half,' we'll let you go. Mr. Leal: Thank you. So, I heard the conversation, Commissioners, and I understood the gamesmanship and the concern. I would propose that, as you consider priority, because this is a reasonable amount of money, but as we all know, the need overwhelmingly exceeds the supply that this funds could do. What I would suggest is that we wait until there's in fact an eviction proceeding filed because then -- why I say it is because then there's no potential collusion between the landlord and the tenant trying to figure out, well if you apply I can get you more money and who do we give priority when presumably there's been in filing and you've posted a three-day -- excuse me, you've posted a three-day notice and the filing has occurred, then the numbers are there, there is some record that we can make a determination. It is a little bit later in the game because the filing has occurred, but it really helps. I know that some of us are very, stickler about the paperwork and getting everything formalized. That is a way where you formalize a process because there's been a filing that has occurred and there's a three-day notice and it's an idea. Vice Chair Carollo: Well, look, I'm willing to go along with that, but let me tell you what I see with that. It's going to limit tremendously the amount of people that are going to be able to apply and be helped, and I think you're going to have a lot of money left over after six months. Chair King: Well wait, let me let me say something. That'sflawed because once there is a filing, the landlord is here. Commissioner Reyes: That's right. Chair King: And the landlord is not going to be willing to pull that eviction back without some assurance that they're going to receive the assistance. And landlords are very skeptical of these kinds of programs. So, you have a tenant here in a very tenurable situation because they're facing eviction and as we have seen, no offense to staff',' the City doesn't work timely. So, with the eviction, the landlord is now out maybe three months, it takes another month or two to get the assistance, so the landlord has not been paid for potentially five months now. And then if it doesn't work out, they still have to move forward with the eviction, and it's been taking some time. So, I don't like that, to wait until someone is being evicted. Commissioner Reyes: Madam Chair. City ofMiami Page 71 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Vice Chair Carollo: That and I will say that I'm not so sure if Mr. Leal has the power of attorney from the Mayor to make such wide changes. I don't know. Do you have that or not? Chair King: 1 think the assistance certainly could be available for someone facing eviction, but 1 don't think we should wait for someone who has -- has received an eviction complaint.) think that's troublesome. Commissioner Russell: I agree. Vice Chair Carollo: You're right, Chair. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: You're absolutely right. Commissioner Reyes: Madam Chair. George Mensah (Director, Housing and Community Development): Madam Chair. Commissioner Reyes: Okay, hold on a second. You see, I want to add to what Madam Chair is saying. Once a landlord places an order of eviction, that person -- that landlord, finished with the tenant. You see, if you will say that we will probably help the person evicted to find -- I mean -- or give them some money, to be able to give a month, security, or whatever, that is different. But that will not stop them. But we have, we have now, at this moment, I can take you to Robert King High, I can take you to Smathers, and you can line up all those people that live there and they have received notice of rent increases. All of them, you see. And those are people that at this moment, they are the most affected part of our population because they are retirees that have a fixed income that the purchasing value of that fixed income has been substantially reduced by the inflation rate that we are experiencing at this moment that is close to 8 percent, you see. So, I think that we have to take care of those people. Mr. Leal.' I understand and I hear you loud and clear in terms of the potential delay. I just offer this because I have seen this work. Chair King: Right, well is -- I -- I practiced that and when my landlord -- when my client who's a landlord comes to me to evict someone, I don't even askfor the money I ask for a possession which means I only have to give them five days to respond and -- Mr. Leal: I have filed evictions as well. Chair King: Right? So, you understand what I'm saying Mr. Leal. What) -- no, no, what I was going to offer, ifI may, and I'll leave it like that, (UNINTELLIGIBLE) were just having a conversation and I know they give me enough rope to hang me upstairs. I know, commissioners. Vice Chair Carollo: You're doing a pretty good job Mr. Leal: What I was trying to say, the landlord typically, if it's only for a monetary component, they will say, if I can get the three or four months that I have not paid, and I get maybe a month or two in addition, and the landlord makes an agreement with the person tendering the money, in this case it would be the City of Miami, then you keep that person in that home, the landlord recovers all that's past due, and then some, it is a good incentive. I agree with you, most landlords, they just want the person out get me possession. But if that person can recover three or four months of City ofMiami Page 72 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 past due rent, maybe a month or two in addition, and sign an assurance that they will not take any actions against that person, you have really preserved that location. I agree with you. The system takes time to review. It takes time for us to get an application. But in that scenario, the landlord, if it's being incentivized by monetary impact, you're saying, I'm walking away, I'm taking possession, I'm walking away with possession only, but in my scenario, you would be getting the three months of past rent, two additional months, and an assurance that that person has paid you in fill. I agree some landlords would say,1 don't want to hear about that person anymore, but in some cases -- Chair King: Right, in some cases, but in most cases, what happens on the sixth month? Because there's no -- Mr. Leal: Oh, no. Chair King: What happens for the sixth month? You understand? Mr. Leal: Yeah, of course. Chair King: So -- Mr. Mensah: Madam Chair. Mr. Leal: Thank you. George Mensah: Madam Chair, I wanted to, this is George Mensah, Director of Housing and Community Development. I wanted to remind the Commission, the City Commission. Chair King: We can't hear you, George. Just pull it closer. Mr. Mensah: Okay. I just wanted to remind the Commission that we still have an emergency rental assistance program right now from the Treasury. We received $40 million for ERA-], which has been spent. We received additional $22 million. The first $9 million came to Commission, which was approved, and about 3 days ago, received an additional $6 million. That is still ongoing. That is helping residents who are in eviction or when we pay up to 12 months of rent and 3 months advanced rent. So, this program is still going and we'll be meeting with each of you to try to help us to get -- to move it out there because the momentum has gone down and so be reaching out to -- to help its, you know, when you go to radio or TV (television) that you can mention the program because we still need to make sure we spend those funds. So, this program is supposed to be different from the program we're currently running -- Chair King: Yes, I -- Mr. Mensah: -- because not everybody -- Chair King: Right, I understand. Mr. Mensah: -- can qualify, yeah. Chair King: I'm a co-sponsor of 'the Mayor's -- I love the concept of'-- well, I didn't like the gift card and you can just go spend the money on anything because then they'll get the gift card and then go to George and get rental assistance. So, I think, you know, for what the Mayor intended, it's for rental assistance and it's for people that got resat increases, and I just -- maybe we need -- we need to bake it a little City ofMiami Page 73 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 longer. Maybe its not ready because I support it, just, you know, my colleagues have some concerns and, you know, the eviction part. Mr. Pascual: Drop that. We can drop that. Chair King: Yeah, that's just not. Mr. Pascual: Yeah, but as far as it being direct payments to the landlords, that's -- we're more than happy to do it. Chair King: Right, I think direct payments to the landlord is appropriate. Commissioner Reyes: Let's finish this up. Vice Chair Carollo: I just have one or two questions to the City Attornev before we vote on it. Mr. Pascual: Okay. Vice Chair Carollo: And this is just to protect the City more. The -- Madam City Attorney, from what 1 understand, the City coins, they've identified and held those harmless, correct? Ms. Mendez: Yes. Vice Chair Carollo: Have you checked to see that this all been signed? Ms. Mendez: Yes, Commissioner. When you asked me to do that, it's all signed. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay, now, that's number one, which is important. Two, the whole harmless is only as good as the financial standing of the people that are giving it, or the corporation. And forgive me, but I'm not that knowledgeable on all the crvptocurrency or the Bit-- City Coin or all that. I'm just trying to look at it from a business point of view that before we spend this, we're safe and we're not facing down the line any lawsuits that we don't know about right now. Am I correct in what I've asked, that the whole harmless is only as good as the financial standing, unless there's a bond from the people that are giving it? Ms. Mendez: You are correct that if they were to go belly up or, you know, or be insolvent, it could be a little more difficult in collecting. You are correct. Vice Chair Carollo: Well, do we know the financial standing? I mean, frankly, I don't even know who .r behind this Citv Coin. Do we know their financial standing -- Ms. Mendez: My understanding -- Vice Chair Carollo: -- right now? Ms. Mendez: -- is that the Administration did due -- due diligence on the corporation, the Delaware Corporation, and the persons involved in the -- to make sure that they were reputable. Vice Chair Carollo: Well, last time I asked the Administration on that, I didn't like the answers. I don't want to get into it, it had to do with a_forrner employee. But Mr. Manager, seeing that the Miami Coin has dropped tremendously, I think it's down to - City ofMiami Page 74 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Arthur Noriega (City Manager): Four -tenths of a cent. Vice Chair Carollo: Yeah, I don't know, its, down by what, 95 percent or something like that? Mr. Noriega: Well, from its peak, correct. But when it IPOd (Initial Public Offering), it was less than one -tenth of a cent. Vice Chair Carollo: Yeah, well, its peak usually is, unless it's something that keeps going when you first do your first IPO. Mr. Noriega: Right. Vice Chair Carollo: (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Mr. Noriega: From its conception, it's up about 350 percent. Vice Chair Carollo: So, you know, if it's down so much, now these people might have made their money early on, so they might have a lot more money than when they first started, so they might be in a healthier situation. But looking at it, that this has dropped some 95 percent, it concerns me as to what their financial circumstances could be. Do we have any idea that if, for any reasons in the future, any unforeseen reason, suits begin of this, that -- and they include the City of Miami, that these people are going to be able to hold up the contract that they gave us, that they would hold us harmless,, that they would pay our attorney fees? Mr. Noriega: I'd have to see kind of what specific -- I haven't seen the language, so I don't -- and I certainly don't have it in front of us in terms of whatever the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) is. So, I don't know how airtight that language is relative to, you know, our defense, but obviously if they went belly up, that's sort of pointless at that point. So, I know we've collected the $5 million, so the issue is what liability do we have if they're sued or we're sued, right? Vice Chair Carollo: Yeah, but my concern, to put it plainly, is here we get this money, we're spending it in a rightful way that's going to help our residents the most, but what if somebody that lost amount, or a group of them, or some savvy attornev, Mr. Winker here, might -- he's not here, but say a Mr. Winker, a Mr. Winker type, will get a handful of these people and decides to sue them, and he's going to include the City of Miami, because we agreed for the 30 percent we were getting that they were going to use our name. And you see where I'm getting at. And I have no idea if this could happen or not. I'm only askingjust to what level ofprotection does this whole harmless really goes to? Before we spend five and a quarter million dollars, that we spend it, and we might not have it for legal fees if ever we need it. Then again, maybe the best thing to do is spend it because they could go and try to get an injunction to try to freeze it before we spent it. Ms. Mendez: Commissioner, I think that the agreement as we drafted made sure that we made no representations, made sure that we were not partners with them, it was a gift. We -- there were -- we covered that because you and Commissioner Reyes both brought up the fact that this could be di�cult for us in the future, so we made sure that our agreement was tight. We think it is, but I understand your concerns and we should be okay. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay, well -- Ms. Mendez: The other thing is that anything that -- because I know that some of the concerns may be -- well, we'll talk about additional ones, but I think we're okay. City ofMiami Page 75 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Vice Chair Carollo: Okay, but I needed to ask these questions before I would vote to spend this money. I think the Mayor had the best intentions when he brought this up, and while it might have lost millions to others, and I feel for them, you know, its brought us some money. I hate to see who were the ones that lost it, but 1 would imagine that the majority of those people were investment funds and what have you that it's not like you're Joe the Plumber that put in $1, 000 into it,1 would imagine. At least 1 would hope so. So, you know, I've asked nay questions, it's on the record. Both of your statements are on the record. And I will now present a motion with the amendments that both 1 and the Chair and Commissioner Reyes have presented. Commissioner Reyes: Yes. Mr. Hannon: Chair Commissioners, I just want to make sure we captured the amendments correctly, so whenever you have a moment, I'd just like to make sure we're all on the same page. Vice Chair Carollo: Go ahead. Go ahead. Mr. Hannon: Thank you, Commissioner Carollo. Vice Chair Carollo: Go ahead. Mr. Hannon: So,, one of the amendments is -- is it the $5,,250,251.19 that would be broken up, or divided up, excuse me, divided up into the five districts using the City's AMI? Is that the correct amount? Vice Chair Carollo: Yes. Ms. Mendez: The City's APT Chair King: API Vice Chair Carollo: API Mr. Hannon: I'm sorry. Chair King.- The City's API Mr. Hannon: Yes, APL Chair King: And when considering the AMI, we're using the City's AMI Mr. Hannon: Okay. Another amendment that I have is that if the six months expire and there's still money available, that money can either be used for affordable housing or it can be -- or the commissioner can continue with that program for an additional amount of time. Vice Chair Carollo: For each district. Mr. Hannon: For each district. Vice Chair Carollo: For their funds, yes. Mr. Hannon: Now, was there going to be any additional definition as to who would be eligible? There was a mention of if someone was impacted by the economy because of a hardship such as a layoff for health, or are we just going to stick with just rent only? City ofMiami Page 76 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Vice Chair Carollo: I think -- Mr. Hannon: Only Vice Chair Carollo: -- we were fine with the wording that was there, but Commissioner, ij'you want to add something to it. Commissioner Reyes: 1 want to make clear that the -- who is -- who is -- who qualifies for it, and we are using the -- since we are using the City AM], which I think is thirty - something -thousand dollars. Mr. Pascual: 39 Commissioner Reyes: How much is -- Mensah, now, $39, 000? $39, 000? I would say that has to be below -- below 80 percent City AMI That's old people that are making (Comments made in Spanish not translated) $31, 000. Vice Chair Carollo: I will accept that. Comm issioner Reyes: Okay, $31,000. Vice Chair Carollo: I will accept that. Commissioner Reyes: Below 80 percen.t.1 know I say below, but that also reaches those people that are right at the bottom. Okay. Vice Chair Carollo: And included in that, Mr. Clerk, clearly stated that priority will be given to seniors -- Mr. Hannon: Yes. Vice Chair Carollo: -- and families with children. Commissioner Reyes: That's right. Mr. Hannon: Yes, seniors, residents, and families with children. Vice Chair Carollo: No, seniors and families with children. Commissioner Reyes: All have to be -- everybody has to be a resident. Mr. Hannon: Everyone has to be a resident. Vice Chair Carollo: Only residents, and part of that is what the Mayor originally put into it, that they would have had to be living in the city for three years. Mr. Hannon: And I'm sorry, I just want to make -- crystal clear. So, the individual who are eligible would be those that have been impacted by a rent increase only, not due to a hardship such as layoff or health. The eligibility pertains to the rent increase only. [just want to make sure that's clear. Chair King: Yes. Yes. Mr. Hannon: Understood. Understood. Thank you. Thank you, Commissioners. Chair King: Okay. Do I have a motion? City ofMiami Page 77 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Vice Chair Carollo: Three years. Mr. Hannon: As stated in the original resolution. Vice Chair Carollo: Yeah. Yeah. That's a motion -- Chair King: A second. Vice Chair Carollo: -- (UNINTELLIGIBLE) seconder. Chair King: All in favor? The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Chair King: Motion carries unanimously. Mr. Hannon: Thank you. As amended. Chair King: As amended. Mr. Pascual: Thankyou, Commissioners. Chair King: Thank you. City ofMiami Page 78 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 RE.9 RESOLUTION 11528 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH Office of ATTACHMENT(S), DECLARING THE OFFICIAL INTENT OF THE Management and CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA ("CITY") TO ISSUE TAX-EXEMPT AND Budget TAXABLE SPECIAL OBLIGATION BONDS IN THE EXPECTED TOTAL MAXIMUM PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF SIXTY-ONE MILLION, TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($61,200,00.00) IN ORDER TO, AMONG OTHER THINGS, REIMBURSE ITSELF FROM THE PROCEEDS OF SUCH SPECIAL OBLIGATION BONDS FOR FUNDS ADVANCED BY THE CITY FOR CERTAIN EXPENSES INCURRED WITH RESPECT TO CERTAIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS AT THE MIAMI MARINE STADIUM AND THE ASSOCIATED WELCOME CENTER AND MUSEUM COMPLEX; ESTABLISHING CERTAIN RELATED DEFINITIONS OF TERMS; AND AUTHORIZING CERTAIN FURTHER AND INCIDENTAL ACTIONS BY THE CITY MANAGER, IN CONSULTATION WITH THE CITY ATTORNEY AND BOND COUNSEL, AND SUCH OTHER APPROPRIATE OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AND AGENTS OF THE CITY, AS THE CITY MANAGER DEEMS NECESSARY, ALL AS REQUIRED FOR PURPOSES OF SECTIONS 103 AND 141-150 OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OF 1986, AS AMENDED; FURTHER AUTHORIZING RELATED AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY'S MULTI- YEAR CAPITAL PLAN PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 13, 2021, AS SUBSEQUENTLY AMENDED. MOTION TO: Defer RESULT: DEFERRED MOVER: Joe Carollo, Commissioner SECONDER: Ken Russell, Commissioner AYES: King, Carollo, Russell, Diaz de la Portilla, Reyes Note for the Record: Item RE.9 was deferred to the May 26, 2022, City Commission Meeting. Note for the Record. For additional minutes referencing Item Number RE.9, please see "Order of the Day" and "Public Comments for all ltem(s)." Chair King: So we will now move on to our PH.1, which requires a four -fifths vote. Do I have a motion? Todd B. Hannon (City Clem): Ma'am? Chair? Vice Chair Carollo: PH? Mr. Hannon: PHI alreadypassed. (MULTIPLE PARTIES SPEAKING IN UNISON) Mr. Hannon: PFL 1, yes ma'am. Vice Chair Carollo: Yes. City ofMiami Page 79 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Chair King: Oh, okay. Pay attention. Resolutions now. Commissioners, Vice Chair, and Commissioner DLP (Diaz de la Portilla), do you have any items in the resolutions that you would like to? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: We already pulled RE -- ifI may, Madam Chair? We already pulled RE.8, correct? Off the list? Chair King: Yes. That has been deferred. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: The rental assistance? For clarification, that's been pulled. Anything else that's been pulled already? Vice Chair Carollo: RE.8. Mr. Hannon: Chair? I'm sorry, Chair RE.8 is in play. You're just going to be pulling it. Chair King: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm -- you know what -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: We're pulling it -- Chair King: -- the way this thing is, it's confusing. It's RE (Resolution) whatever. Okay, RE.8 is in play. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: The rental assistance. Chair King: Yes. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Are you -- are you -- Chair King: I'm asking you if you have anything else other than. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I want to be clear. Chair King.- Right, okay. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) I'm thinking you're going to want to move everything at the same time. Chair King: No, just with the -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay. Chair King: We're now on resolutions. Just what we have left remaining from the resolutions. What has been deferred was RE.2. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay. That's what I was asking actually. Chair King: Yes. I'm sorry. What has been deferred is RE.2 and that's it. The rest are Vice Chair Carollo: I would like RE.9 to be deferred. Let me explain why, Chair. Four years back, since you have been here, I have been asking.for the Administration, obviously we have a new administration, even though there are some holdouts from the previous ones, to give me a study to show how much we're going to be losing, or if they think we're going to make money, how much were going to make in a five-year projection. Nobody would give me that. And I'm going to tell you why I think nobody City ofMiami Page 80 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 will give me that, because the five year projection is going to have to show losses every year. I also said four years back, three years back the last times that we discussed this, that this was not going to cost $45 million, that it was going to cost over $60 million minimum. And sure enough, I am right. Now we're told it's over $61 million. That's an over 25% increase. And I submit to you that by the time it's said and done, it's going to be over $70 million, if not more. So 1 want to be able to give Mr. Noriega the opportunity to study this, to give its something solid so that we know what we're voting on. What is it truly going to cost, and not a penny over, and how much is it going to cost every year on the losses we're going to have here. The stadium that we have now, the -- what remains of that stadium, since day one, it opened, it lost money. Now, this is -- you know, a structure that's right by the water, salt water, that the elements are going to be hitting it constantly the minute you open it, you're going to have to be maintaining it every year. Not only that, security, other activities that you have. And I know it sounds great, Jimmv Bujfet, I mean Barney, were holding hands, Kumbava, but we're talking about a heck of a lot of money that we're going to bond out, but you know what? Our number one priority in this town is affordable housing. Nobody wants to come and see that we put bonds out to get additional money for that in this aspect. Chair King: So you'd like to defer it? Vice Chair Carollo: I'd like to defer it until -- Chair King: Until? Vice Chair Carollo: -- the Administration is ready in no less than 60 days to come back and give its a whole, realistical [sic] outlook into the first five years on the cost to the city. We have the Knight Center right now that 1 don't know how its doing financially, but it's got 5, 000 seats. This is going to compete indirectly with the Knight Center. Unidentified Speaker: No. Vice Chair Carollo: It's going to compete with -- it will, it will, it will. It's going to compete with Bayfront Park and the open air auditorium that we have that sits about 2,600, you can bring in up to 10, 000 people there. We have other places in Miami that there could be competition. So, we need to see also the impact that this will have into other areas. But look, I mean, I'd like to be a dreamer too. You know, I'd like to build NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) here in Miami and, you know, shoot spaceships to other planets and the moon. But I need to know what is the reality of what it's going to cost. Because all these dreamers that come here and give you all these ideas, Don Johnson, well, I knew Don .Johnson when he was filming. And we spent a lot of time together, including with others in the cast that we partied together back when I was a very young commissioner. Commissioner Reyes: You did what? Vice Chair Carollo: Partied together in Miami and talked about other more serious things. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: You actually owned a linen jacket and a t-shirt and all that? Vice Chair Carollo: The -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Did you shave? City ofMiami Page 81 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Vice Chair Carollo: So, you know, it's not that we don't want to look back and enjoy history, but you can't bring everything back into history again, unless you're that guy in Russia that he wants to make the Soviet Union and put it back together again. So what I'm asking is that before we move forward, we need to have a lot of questions answered here that 1 don't want in the future when this becomes another major white elephant, that, you know, whoever', here then, and all the wonderful people that have been promoting this are no longer here, that they're blaming those scoundrels that sat up here at the time that approved this whole thing. And further, I'd like the City Attorney to come back to us, because 1 know the one thing they're going to hit as with, and that is that the county could take it all back. And they haven't in all these years, by the way. But they could take it all back if we don't have a marine stadium there. That's why we've got to do that. Well, I m going to tell you this. What that contract with the county and the city states from many years back is that we need some kind of stadium there, not that stadium. It doesn't say that it's got to be X amount of seats. We could do something there with bleachers, frankly, and it would meet the intent of'the contract. So I think, Madam City Attorney, we should also have you study that and have you come back together with the manager when he's ready, with a legal opinion on that also. Because we need to know everything that pertains to this. Mr. Candela is a wonderful man. I've known him for many years. I've known his brother, the doctor, for -- even more years before. That's not the issue. Jimmy Bufet, wonderful singer, love his music. That's not the subject. The subject is that, you know, this is real money that we're talking about, and it's notpennies. And ifI could say something else, too, before we start bonding so much out. We're living in a world today, if you haven't seenn the news beginning late last night, that we don't know which way our world is going. We don't know what's going to hit us tomorrow, what our economy is going to be like. In fact, before this meeting is over, it could be at the end, Mr. Manager, I'd like the IT (Information Technology) Director here because I'm very, very concerned as to what safeguards our city has if we're going to be hit by a cyber-attack. And I'm going to tell you now, I will bet my right and left hand that we're in real bad shape. So,1 want him to tell its where we're at and right tomorrow, if we can, I'd like to have a meeting, or should I say that you have a meeting with the Police Chief, the IT Director, and others, to see which way we need to go and beef up our IT department so that we could protect ourselves and our citizens in the best way possible. If you need to be directed at individuals that can give you an assessment, free, I'll be happy to provide you individuals that can do that. I already have a pretty good assessment of how weak we are in the city. This is why I'm bringing this up now, because I strongly suspect that in the weeks, months to come, our country, many of our cities, might be facing cybernet attacks. And this could affect us in so many ways that our lives could change overnight. Imagine if our power grids are knocked out and they're not going to go back on in four five, seven days like after the hurricanes. I think that gives you a pretty, good idea of the mess that we would be facing. And then if on top of that, our own city has been hit in a way that our public safety departments, police, fire, won't be able to have the direct communications with each other. That's going to make it even uglier. So, Mr. Manager, I hope that you've been listening to some of this, and we start. We're behind the eight ball right now, but that we try, to do something as best we can quickly. But I would like to have the best person that we could have later on today at the end of the meeting from IT to direct some answers to us on the questions that I've proposed here and others that members of the body might have when he comes before us. Chair King: Thank you. So we are going to -- so on the table now -- oh I'm sorry Commissioner Russell, you wanted to say something. Commissioner Russell: Thank you, Madam Chair. Thank you, I just wanted to respond to Commissioner Carollo, and I'm encouraged to not have heard that you are against a restoration of the Miami Marine Stadium and you want to get the numbers correct and make sure we're doing the right thing and the smart thing, because there's City ofMiami Page 82 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 a lot of emotional support for it. My office has received almost 100 e-mails in support, zero against, but they don't know the numbers like you do and like we should. And I've been working with the Administration on this for years, I know we have already spent over $6 million on the restoration to make sure the foundation is shored up, getting ready for the next part. And the profitability projections show that we can be in the black, even only hosting less than two concerts a month, even one and a bit, maybe 15 concerts a year. But it's not just for concerts. I would love to have Jimmy Buffett be the very first performer to come back. It's also a sporting venue. In that basin right now, and even through the MRC, the Miami Rowing Club that's there. We have world - class Olympic training level for crew, for kayaking, and we have one of the state's most amazing groups for dragon boat racing, including a group of women who have recovered from cancer, and they do dragon, boat racing there. This could be an amazing venue for sporting events, and I trust you to be the one on this dais to really studv the numbers and make sure we're getting the bang for our buck. So I would support your deferral on the item and encourage for your support as the city briefs you further. But I've asked to co-sponsor this and I'm obviously very much in favor of bringing the Marine Stadium back to life. It was Tomas Regalado's first campaign promise when he was a city commissioner to get it done. Vice Chair Carollo: Well, there are many things that Tomas knows about and has done well. Finance is not one of his stronger parts. So, he has others, but that's not one of them. What I'm trying to do is, before this body makes a decision, particularly during very, difficult times. Frankly, I m not so sure that we should be making any major decision in dollars like this, at this point, unless it's absolutely a vital need for the city, for the reasons that I ve stated and others. But I want to make sure that we have all the information we need, because, as you said, and you started by saying, people are dealing with this from an emotional level. And it's a minor group of people. I guarantee you go into Commissioner King's District, you go into my district, you go into Diaz de la Portilla's District, I dare say you go into Commissioner Reyes' District, and they don't even know what we're talking about. That's not where their concern is. Their concern is how are they going to pay their rent? How can they get an affordable place to live in, that they could move into. Commissioner Russell: I apologize, Madam Chair, I forgot to mention one thing. The legal side of it, and I have studied that reverter clause, I am very concerned that it is a use it or lose it clause, that if we do not bring back a Miami Marine Stadium as it's known, we could be very much subject to losing that land. Vice Chair Carollo: Yeah, but this is why I've asked the City Attorney to give us an opinion on that, because I know that that's going to be an issue that we're going to be dealing with, too, and I know that clause has been there, and I've known it for many years, but that clause doesn't say that its this stadium. It doesn't say the amount of seats or anything else. So, I want to be able to get that clarified, and if the City Attorney feels in a legal opinion that I am correct in what I'm stating, that also gives us the opportunity for additional thoughts on what to do. But -- Commissioner Reyes: Madam? Yes, I -- Chair King: Commissioner Reyes. Commissioner Reyes, we can't hear you. Commissioner Reyes: Okay, I'm a numbers guy. It's been my training. But I -- I agree with you. We have to have a very detailed projections of-- of what is going to be the revenues, maintenance, and cost. And when are we -- during the construction period, how long it is before we start recouping the money and being able to -- I mean, be (UNINTELLIGIBLE). I do understand that. I don't agree in -- in your statement that it is going to compete with the Hyatt, for example. They're different venues. This is a water venue that people that are going to -- most of the activities that are going to City ofMiami Page 83 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 take place there. Ij'we -- if we bring the right management company to it, because when we were running it, we were losing money. You see, like many things that we do. If we have the right management company, I believe, and that's another thing that I want the administration to figure out, where there's going to be a lot of demand for many water -oriented activities, like before we had jet ski races, and we had a bunch of things that were water -oriented. To a certain extent, it will compete with Bayfront Park. That, I agree with you. But I think that we should look into it, look into the potential of activities, water -oriented activities that would take place there, and make a conservative, extremely conservative analysis of costs and revenues and when are we -- if we could get in the red and be able to pay for those funds. 1 mean, I do agree with it. You have a very sensible request that I will support it. But having said that, I believe, it's my opinion, that we shouldn't destroy that stadium, we should do evervthing that is possible to restore it to its height. That means heydays. Not only because of the e-mails that we get, but for the potential it has. It is a unique -- it's a unique stadium in the United States. I don't think we have another area in the United States that has a marine stadium. Chair King: Right. Commissioner Reyes: I don't think -- Vice Chair Carollo: No, that I agree. Commissioner Reyes: I don't think -- and so, we will -- I think that Commissioner, I know and I understand your concern, which they, are very valid. They are very valid concerns. But I also want you to consider that we should do everything that is possible, you see, to rebuild. I know people that don't live in his district, that they go by and they say, this is a crying shame. You see, it's a crying shame. I mean, it has been declared historic, right? It's a historic place. We cannot -- we cannot demolish it. So, I -- Vice Chair Carollo: I don't necessarily -- Commissioner Reyes: Okay, but you don't agree with it? It could be, you know, we go through a process, we can do it. But I believe that we have to do, I mean, we have to do a. lot o f effort to restore that stadium and bring it where it will be the structure that once was, which is unique in the United States. Chair King: I -- I -- Commissioner Reyes: But I second your motion. And Mr. Manager, how fast can you bring that analysis? Arthur Noriega (City Manager): My request is going to be that we defer the item to the May 26th meeting. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay. Commissioner Reyes: Okay. Chair King: Okay, so, let's get back to -- we have on -- Mr. Hannon: Chair, -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: We need to move -- Mr. Hannon: -- my apologies -- City ofMiami Page 84 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: -- on RE.9. Mr. Hannon: -- we have a motion and a second on the de/erralfor RE.9. Commissioner Reyes: (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Chair King: Motion and a second to defer. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yes. Chair King: Second? Mr. Hannon: We have the motion and second, we just need a vote. Chair King: All in favor? The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Chair King: Motion is deferred to the May 22nd Commission Meeting. Mr. Hannon: May 26th. Chair King: May 26th Commission Meeting, I'm sorry. END OF RESOLUTIONS City ofMiami Page 85 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 FR - FIRST READING ORDINANCES FRA ORDINANCE First Reading 11135 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING Commissioners CHAPTER 8 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, and Mayor AS AMENDED ("CITY CODE"), TITLED BICYCLES, SKATEBOARDS, SCOOTERS, AND OTHER SIMILAR DEVICES," MODIFYING AND PROVIDING FOR ADDITIONAL SAFETY MEASURES AND OTHER REGULATIONS; AND ADDING DIVISION 2 TO PROVIDE FOR THE PERMANENT MOTORIZED SCOOTER PROGRAM; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. MOTION TO: Indefinitely Defer RESULT: INDEFINITELY DEFERRED MOVER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner SECONDER: Christine King, Commissioner AYES: King, Russell, Reyes ABSENT: Carollo, Diaz de la Portilla Note for the Record. For minutes referencing Item Number FR.], please see "Order of the Day. " FR.2 ORDINANCE First Reading 11529 AN ORDINANCE BY THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING Commissioners CHAPTER 2/ARTICLE X/SECTION 817 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, TITLED and Mayor "ADMINISTRATION/CODE ENFORCEMENT/ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS, FINES; LIENS," TO AMEND AND PROVIDE THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD A GUIDELINE FOR MITIGATION OF CODE ENFORCEMENT LIENS BY HOMESTEAD AND NON - HOMESTEAD PROPERTY OWNERS, INCLUDING TIME FRAME LIMITATIONS AND PERCENTAGES OF MITIGATION ALLOWED; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVE DATE. MOTION TO: Pass on First Reading RESULT: PASSED ON FIRST READING MOVER: Joe Carollo, Commissioner SECONDER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner AYES: King, Carollo, Russell, Reyes ABSENT: Diaz de la Portilla Note for the Record. For minutes referencing Item Number FR.2, please see "Public Comments for allltem(s). " Commissioner Reyes: Now we go to -- Chair King: Now we are on FR.2. Vice Chair? City ofMiami Page 86 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Vice Chair Carollo: FR.2. Let me get this in a minute. FR.2 is an ordinance, and it's an ordinance to make sure that we're going to be following the part of the Code that we were already, included, I'm not inventing the wheel here, we've had apart in the Code that puts down how the City should give any discount out, for liens and fines. The problem that I've been finding is that throughout the years its become a total joke. And our residents that are homeowners that might make a mistake, not knowing, are the ones that are getting hit hard. And then all the commercial, the investment property, the people that are savvy, in some cases, to your surprises, they might have half a million dollars in liens, a million dollars, a million and a half, even two million, and then they come up to our boards, and those are brought down to five thousand, ten thousand. I mean, it's a joke. And then the people that recommended to our boards, which are, you know, our regular citizens, you know, some are bureaucrats that have been there for many years. They've established a relationship with people. Thev don't want to get anybody mad at them. And they're recommending this constantly to our board members to vote on it. And the excuse is, well, this is what we've done before. Well, then why do we have laws that people could laugh at them, and then we have individuals that are habitual offenders, that they know the inside, in and out. And they don't care how much money they amass in liens because they know how to throw it out the door. I mean there was recently, and I hate to say this, with what's happening in Ukraine today, but a Russian guy that -- how many properties did he have altogether, Mr. Manager? Sixteen or so? And, I mean, it's a joke with this guy. And there are others like him that are habitual offenders, and they're gaming us. They're laughing at us. The regular resident ofMiami, the regular homeowner, doesn't know the ins and outs, doesn't have the contacts, and they're the ones that are getting hurt all the time. So, on the other hand, all of us are getting hurt because if we're putting liens on properties because people haven't cared, that should mean something. I mean, it's not a game. And apparently, it's what's become in the City of Miami for far too long. So, this is going to give no options to those that are in positions to recommend, or to vote, but to follow what's in the Code. And they could only give certain discounts, depending on when people pay up to a certain time, and then that's it. They got to pay it all. There's nothing else that they could do. The only -- and this could be put if you like for a second reading, Madam City Attorney, the only change that I would make in this is there -- there might be some that are just so blatantly not give a hoot in being habitual offenders. I mean, these are the top of the feeding chain of the habitual offenders, that I would put a separate paragraph here, or sentence, that the Manager who would have the option, even with the dates that we put down, that he finds that even during that time, the board has given a lower recommendation, that he has the right to say no, that it should be higher. But that should only apply for extreme habitual offenders. And again, what do we mean by habitual offenders? It's individuals or corporations that not necessarily have committed those of in the same corporation, the same name, but you can connect them all. They've been involved. Commissioner Reyes: Okay, Madam Chair. Chair King: Yes. Commissioner Reyes: I do understand, Commissioner, the intent of this ordinance. I have seen many a times, and I had a case that -- in my neighborhood, that Vicky can attest to it. You see, there are absentee owners, particularly in neighborhoods, that they take a -- have a house,.for example, and they convert it into a rooming house. And the inspectors come, and they cite them, and the fines keep on creeping, and when there is to -- gets to an amount, whatever amount it is, or thev have too many citations, they come to the Code Enforcement Board and they ask for mitigation with the promise that they are going to fix, and they're going to do it. So, the fine is mitigated. It's mitigated. Yeah, let's say that the fine goes back then to $1, 000 or $2, 000 or whatever it is, $3,500, they'll pay it because they are making a bundle, you City ofMiami Page 87 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 see, that is the cost of doing business. And then the cycle restarts again. Then they get cited again, and then comes another two, three years that they -- and you know that, Vicky. You know that that happens, okay. And those are the ones that I really personally detest the most, those absentee owners. Now, I agree that something's got to be done about it. But in this ordinance, the only thing that I'm afraid of, Commissioner, is the small business owner, and please, I want the City Attorney and the Manager to explain to me. If] am a small business owner and I am renting from a landlord and there is a violation that it is not from my business, but it is the landlord's violation, how is that going to affect me? Vice Chair Carollo: That goes against the landlord. Commissioner Reyes: It goes against the landlord. Vice Chair Carollo: Yeah. Commissioner Reyes: It's a small business owner have nothing to worry about it. I want to make it clear. Vice Chair Carollo: No, that goes against the landlord. Commissioner Reyes: It goes against the landlord. Vice Chair Carollo: Yeah. Butl'm glad that you've seen the same thing I have. Commissioner Reyes: No, no, this is -- Vice Chair Carollo: And, you know, it's outrageous. Commissioner Reyes: It is. Vice Chair Carollo: Why do we even bother right now to provide liens, fines, if some in this city, and it's usually the same absentee landowners -- Commissioner Reyes: That's right. Vice Chair Carollo: -- that have made a mockery of this. Robert Santos-Alborna: So, Commissioners, good afternoon. I'm Robert Santos -- and Chairwoman, I'm Robert Santos-Alborna, I'm the Code Compliance Director. I wanted to address, both of you touched upon the cycle of violations that, you know, seems like they're coming through and through again. So, one of the things that we've done is through both internal standard operating procedures and working with the City Attorney, addressing both recurring and repeat violators. So, a recurring violation is one that we see the kind of mouse game that they, you know, they clean something, they bring their commercial vehicle, Commissioner, plays, and then they -- we issue an NOV (Notice of Violation) and they come back and bring it back and forth. So, we're addressing that, that once it happens three times within a specific period, we're going to come and adjudicate. To Commissioner Carollo's point, once that respondent is adjudicated, now we treat them as a repeat offender. And the violations are immediate, per Florida Statutes 162. We don't have to provide them reasonable time to comply. They've already been adjudicated, so they know, and they start accruing right away. And to your point, Commissioner, they are not eligible to come back jor mitigation. So whatever fines they accrue, up to the City, $1, 000 to $5, 000 per violation, once its a repeat violator, they are not eligible. for a mitigation hearing. City ofMiami Page 88 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Vice Chair Carollo: Yeah, but Mr. Director. Mr. Santos-Alborna: Yes sir. Vice Chair Carollo: 1 thinkfirst of all you're new here, but you're not new to the job you have, and I think you've been doing your very, very best to tackle a very difficult position within the city. Mr. Santos-Alborna: I appreciate that. Vice Chair Carollo: And I thank you for it. But we're not talking about the small fines that you're talking about here. We're talking about liens overall that, you know, is out of your hands that have been, accumulated for, in some cases, years, and they don't care. And it's like the commissioner says, they decide when it's convenient for them, they come before the board, boom, they get it out and then they start the whole process again. Or it's, you know, when they're going to sell the property. So, no matter what they owe, they just paid, you know, a few dollars, and, you know, they sell the property, and then the new guy starts it all over again. Mr. Santos-Alborna: Now, I completely understand the point and the effbrt being that once they accrue a number, you know, a certain level of fine, the assumption is they're going to come here and significantly reduce. significantly reduced. So, I addressed the second half, which is these people that have a cycle of doing this, we are putting an end to the cycle under the repeat violator, okay? So,, the ones that -- and I completely understand, Commissioner, that we want to create a framework so that when there are certain accruals that gets to a certain level, that they don't come here and mitigate 99 percent, okay. I understand and I spoke with the Manager and my, chain of command, my Assistant City Manager and I really would like to kind of address and work with them. One of my concerns, and I'm putting it on the table, is a time frame. There are times, and it doesn't happen all the time, but there are times in which a compliance may be delayed because of a, you know, a building process or it's a complex zoning issue that requires a site plan review. And when that happens, it may take longer than anyone expected. And based on the matrix that I saw, if it's more than nine months, the mitigation goes to zero, and I think I d like to -- I have a concern with that because we're driven by compliance and that's our goal. Vice Chair Carollo: Yeah, but look, I keep hearing that we're driven by compliance, and you know what? Some of the same scoundrels that have been laughing in our face, and they'll enter into contracts and agreements, they're going to do the -- and they violate that, and we don't do anything. We don't do anything. The problem is, whether it's building, whether it's any of the other departments, they don't follow up. They're too busy in other areas and don't follow up. In some cases, you know, they're friends, so they want to make sure they're helped out for whatever the reason. So, you know -- Mr. Santos-Alborna: So, this -- Vice Chair Carollo: -- this is what's been in the Code. Mr. Santos-Alborna: So those -- Vice Chair Carollo: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) in the Code, you know, we've taken out exactly what's in the Code to proceed with it. The only thing is that we haven't. forced our employees to do it. But when -- I'm glad the Chairman mentioned the $10,000, because that's the most you ever get, usually. And these are the ones that are a million or more dollars, you know, or even two million dollars, if they're owed that they'll come before our boards and what our attorneys will recommend, $10, 000, $5, 000 -- City ofMiami Page 89 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Commissioner Reyes: Or less. Vice Chair Carollo: -- or less. And you know what? This stops now. It can't go on anymore because all these individuals don't even live in our cio,. They're here exploiting our city to see how much more they can stick in their pockets. And they don't care about our city. They don't care about our residents. And either we have laws that we've (UNINTELLIGIBLE) them when we put fines, or if not, let's do away with fines all together. This way, our local residents, our seniors, aren't, you know, shocked when one of your people gives them a notice for something minor. And they have notices threatening them on all kinds of stuff. Mr. Santos-Alborna: Well, clearly I recommend against that as well, but Commissioner, to your point about the scoundrels and the ones -- the ones that work outside of the process and take advantage, what I m saying to you is that we've begun a process identif�ing those repeat violators, and I am saying to you that statutorily they are not eligible for mitigation. And so, once we go through that process, then we'll use the hammer. But I did want to put on the table that one concern is with some of the internal delays, no fault of anyone, some of those may be complex. The way the matrix is reflected right now -- Commissioner Reyes: Madam Chair? Vice Chair Carollo: Yeah, but ifI can. Commissioner Reyes: Sure. Vice Chair Carollo: And here's the flip side to what you're saying. Property owners, whether residential, commercial, investment property, they have the opportunity to ask, before it gets to fines and liens, to askfor all kinds of extensions. Mr. Santos-Alborna: Yes. Vice Chair Carollo: And you go into the record and you'll see that there are people that get all kinds of extensions. Mr. Santos-Alborna: Understood. Agreed. Vice Chair Carollo: Extensions that have gone for years. Mr. Santos-Alborna: Ad nauseam. I understand. Vice Chair Carollo: Yeah. So, knowing that already, what is in the Code already, but we're going to say that, hey, you got to stick to it, its extremely fair because this is after the fact, after they've been given -- usually when someone gets a lien like that, it's because they've gone through all kinds of extensions and they just have laughed at the whole process and haven't done anything. So, what you're stating in essence happens before in them getting all the extensions. That's why what this does is just cuts it where you're not going to keep this same game going on now for a few more years down the road. You've had, through your normal process, all the extensions that a board would want to give. And usually, our boards are pretty lenient in giving extensions. And I think we all know that. So -- Chair King: So are we ready? Do we have a -- Commissioner Reyes: No, no, I just want to add something and my -- I understand what you're saying. And it's the truth, it is the truth, that permits in the City of Miami City ofMiami Page 90 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 takes a long time, some time to get it. You see, the process -- the process, it is -- it is time consuming because we are not that eff cient issuing permits. And I know that your concern that it's because of our own bureaucracy that the time that is given here Mr. Santos-Alborna: Correct. Commissioner Reyes: -- will be -- Vice Chair Carollo: Yeah, but again -- Chair King: Commissioner. Vice Chair Carollo: -- this time is different. This time is after the boards have given you all kinds of extensions -- Commissioner Reyes: Yes, but that's what -- Vice Chair Carollo: -- to get your (UNINTELLIGIBLE) Commissioner Reyes: -- I was going to say. Chair King: Commissioner Russell would like to speak. Commissioner Reyes: Oh, he would like to speak? Chair King: Yes. Commissioner Reyes: But he's always talking. I mean, why do you allow him to speak? Go right ahead, Commissioner. Chair King: Commissioner. Commissioner Russell: Thank you, Madam Chairwoman. I understand what you're trying to accomplish here, Commissioner Carollo, and we have to go after the bad guys. I have a little worry, and I want to study this legislation better, because my worry is the unintended consequences on the good guys. And we've cracked down hard on -- with Code over the last few years and you've led that effort and I'm sure it's led to a tot of better compliance in places but I've also had very good restaurants getting shut down in the middle of dinner service that didn't deserve it because we are -- we are trying to be so to the letter of law and get the bad guys. I'm worried about the unintended consequences of this, of say encouraging people to pick up distressed properties that they're willing to clean up and fix and I want to penalize them with the burdens of the previous owner. There may be other cases, and this may be good legislation. I'm just not readv yet and so I want to be supportive of it and you but I'm worried about what this does to the good guys. Vice Chair Carollo: That's fine Commissioner. This is first reading so I want to move forward with it. When you say that you're concerned with people wanting to pick up distressed property and not be burdened with what someone else did. In other words, we're going to let some scoundrel make money that he should have paid the City of Miami for his fines. Commissioner Russell: The previous owner. Vice Chair Carollo: Yeah, the previous owner, because he's the one that's going to gain by that So, that's exactly what we're trying to stop from happening. That City ofMiami Page 91 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 individuals like that don't getaway with that. But this is solid where it protects the people that want to do right in the city. It fidly protects our homestead properties, but it is geared to those, and those are the ones are going to be jumping the most, those that have abused, have laughed, and have made a mockery out of our system. Commissioner Russell: I'll support you on first reading. I want to study it more carefully, though, for second. I can't guarantee I'll be there with you on second. Vice Chair Carollo: It's moved. Second. Chair King: So, it's been -- I have a motion and a second. All in javor? The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): Sorry, the title? The Ordinance was read by title into the public record by the City Attorney. Victoria Mendez (City Attorney): Commissioner Carollo, you wanted this item for March 10th? Vice Chair Carollo: Well what's the earliest (INAUDIBLE). Ms. Mendez: The only -- I mean March loth is the earliest, butt need to ask Todd if advertising has already gone out. Mr. Hannon: The deadline for the publicationn that we normally use has passed. So, if you wanted to use a more expensive publication, we could potentially entertain that, but I would have to contact them. Vice Chair Carollo: Well, a more expensive publication is just a matter of a few dollars. Mr. Hannon: It would most likely, be the Miami Herald. So, it'd be considerably higher. Vice Chair Carollo: Not necessarily. You could use the Diario Las A,merieas. You could use the Miami Times. The Miami Times is one too. Ms. Mendez: It's based on timing. It's based on timing -- Mr. Hannon: Yes. Ms. Mendez: -- Commissioner. So, the Miami Herald, because it's more sophisticated, will give its the exact amount of time. Others need more time to print. Vice Chair Carollo: Alright, well. Mr. Hannon: So, if we want to use the Herald, then we can reach out to them to see if we can make their deadline. Vice Chair Carollo: That's fine. Mr. Hannon: We would have to have it published by Monday. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay, that will be fine. March 10. City ofMiami Page 92 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Ms. Mendez: Okay, and then if there is -- if there's a problem, Todd, you'll tell us -- Mr. Hannon: Yes. Ms. Mendez: -- today and it would have to be March -- the second meeting in March. Mr. Hannon: Yes. Yes. Ms. Mendez: But we'll double check right now and let you know. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay. Chair King: Okay. So, were going to move now to BU.I. Mr. Hannon: So my apologies, again it was moved by Commissioner Carollo, seconded by Commissioner Russell. Vice Chair Carollo: Right. Mr. Hannon: It passed 4-0. Vice Chair Carollo: Commissioner Reyes seconded. Mr. Hannon: Reyes. Reyes. Commissioner Russell: No, I didn't second. Vice Chair Carollo: Itpassed -- Mr. Hannon: Thankyou. Vice Chair Carollo: 4 -- Mr. Hannon: 4-0. Yes. Vice Chair Carollo: On first reading. I4LIIMe] aaIWi9N=F_1111z[exe7:I111z/_1►IN*i City ofMiami Page 93 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 AC - ATTORNEY -CLIENT SESSION ACA ATTORNEY -CLIENT SESSION 11512 UNDER THE PARAMETERS OF SECTION 286.011(8), FLORIDA Office of the City STATUTES, A PRIVATE ATTORNEY -CLIENT SESSION WILL BE Attorney CONDUCTED AT THE FEBRUARY 24, 2022 MIAMI CITY COMMISSION MEETING. THE PERSON CHAIRING THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING WILL ANNOUNCE THE COMMENCEMENT OF AN ATTORNEY -CLIENT SESSION, CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC, FOR PURPOSES OF DISCUSSING THE PENDING LITIGATION IN THE MATTER OF RT & S INVESTMENT GROUP, LLC VS. CITY OF MIAMI, CASE NO. 14- 32239 CA 27, PENDING IN THE ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, TO WHICH THE CITY IS PRESENTLY A PARTY. THE SUBJECT OF THE MEETING WILL BE CONFINED TO SETTLEMENT NEGOTIATIONS OR STRATEGY SESSIONS RELATED TO LITIGATION EXPENDITURES. THIS PRIVATE MEETING WILL BEGIN AT APPROXIMATELY 10:00 A.M. (OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS THE COMMISSIONERS' SCHEDULES PERMIT) AND CONCLUDE APPROXIMATELY ONE HOUR LATER. THE SESSION WILL BE ATTENDED BY THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION, WHICH INCLUDE CHAIR CHRISTINE KING, VICE-CHAIRMAN JOE CAROLLO, AND COMMISSIONERS ALEX DIAZ DE LA PORTILLA, KEN RUSSELL, AND MANOLO REYES; CITY MANAGER ART NORI EGA, V; CITY ATTORNEY VICTORIA MENDEZ; DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEYS JOHN A. GRECO AND BARNABY L. MIN; SENIOR ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY CHRISTOPHER A. GREEN, AND ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEYS ERIC EVES AND BRANDON FERNANDEZ. A CERTIFIED COURT REPORTER WILL BE PRESENT TO ENSURE THAT THE SESSION IS FULLY TRANSCRIBED AND THE TRANSCRIPT WILL BE MADE PUBLIC UPON THE CONCLUSION OF THE ABOVE -CITED, ONGOING LITIGATION. AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE ATTORNEY -CLIENT SESSION, THE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING WILL BE REOPENED AND THE PERSON PRESIDING OVER THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING WILL ANNOUNCE THE TERMINATION OF THE ATTORNEY -CLIENT SESSION. MOTION TO: Withdraw RESULT: WITHDRAWN MOVER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner SECONDER: Christine King, Commissioner AYES: King, Russell, Reyes ABSENT: Carollo, Diaz de la Portilla Note for the Record. For minutes referencing Item Number AC.1, please see "Order of the Day." END OF ATTORNEY -CLIENT SESSION City ofMiami Page 94 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 BU - BUDGET BU.1 BUDGET DISCUSSION ITEM 11364 MONTHLY REPORT Office of I. SECTION 2-497 OF THE CITY CODE OF ORDINANCES Management and (RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE DIRECTOR OF MANAGEMENT AND Budget BUDGET) II. SECTION 18-502 (CITY'S ANTI -DEFICIENCY ACT) III. SECTION 18-542 (FINANCIAL INTEGRITY PRINCIPLES) RESULT: DISCUSSED Chair King: Good afternoon, Madam Director. Marie Gouin (Management and Budget, Director): Good afternoon, Chair, Commissioners. This is -- this is an update for projections for fiscal year 21-22 through the end of.Ianuary. Since the books are closed,for the month of.Ianuary, and the fiscal year is about 33.3 percent complete. So, we're looking at the projections. On February, 22nd, I did send an e-mail to the commissioners and their chief of staff with the tables of the revenues, the expenditures, also this presentation that's up in the screen. Since we are about 33.3 percent of the budget has been utilised, really we don't -- it's just a guide because we're not -- not all the revenues and the expenses are linear. So, if you go to slide -- I can go through each of the revenue -- through each of the pages, or the slides, I can just do the summary, and just show you the highlights of the -- of the --just do that? If you look at the summary, right now through the end of January, revenues have exceeded expenditures by $22.3 million. With this, though, we also had a deficit in the Internal Service Funds, which due to claims and workers' comps for health insurance to the tune of $9.6 million. And also, based on our financial integrity principles, we have to set aside $5 million. And there's also a $2.1 million for transportation trust, which can only be used for transportation -related expenses, which leave us a net year-end surplus of $5.6 million. And just keep in mind, this is early in the fiscal year, so looking at what's happening right now between revenues and expenses, we are projecting a $5.6 million surplus at the end of the fiscal year. Do we have any questions? Commissioner Reyes: Yes, I did ask you and I want to hear it again. Do you still believe that this trend, it's going to continue, that we are going to be -- we're going to have a surplus because our revenues are -- keep on increasing at a faster pace than our expenses? Ms. Gouin: At this point, it's --yes. At this point, it looks like revenues are coming higher and we are spending less, but a lot can change. Commissioner Reyes: Yes, I know. Ms. Gouin: We still have --yeah. Commissioner Reyes: And with all this. Ms. Gouin: The unknowns. City ofMiami Page 95 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Commissioner Reyes: The uncertainty that we have now -- Ms. Gouin: Yes. Commissioner Reyes: -- that could very well change. Ms. Gouin: Yes. Commissioner Reyes: Yes, I know. Okay. Okay I just wanted to hear it. Ms. Gouin: Okay. Commissioner Reyes: Okay. Chair King: Commissioner Russell do you have any? No? Okay. Do we need to take some action to accept your report or it's just -- Ms. Gouin: No. Chair King: -- a report? Ms. Gouin: Yeah, just a report. Chair King: Okay. Well thank you so much. Ms. Gouin: Okay thank you. END OF BUDGET City ofMiami Page 96 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 DI - DISCUSSION ITEM DIA DISCUSSION ITEM 11128 A DISCUSSION REGARDING THE BULKY TRASH COLLECTION Department of COST STUDY REPORT. Solid Waste MOTION TO: Indefinitely Defer RESULT: INDEFINITELY DEFERRED MOVER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner SECONDER: Christine King, Commissioner AYES: King, Russell, Reyes ABSENT: Carollo, Diaz de la Portilla Note for the Record. For minutes referencing Item Number DIJ, please see "Order of the Day. " END OF DISCUSSION ITEM City ofMiami Page 97 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 PART B: PZ - PLANNING AND ZONING ITEM(S) PZ.1 ORDINANCE First Reading 10957 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH Department of ATTACHMENT(S), AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 10544, AS Planning AMENDED, THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN, PURSUANT TO SMALL SCALE AMENDMENT PROCEDURES SUBJECT TO SECTION 163.3187, FLORIDA STATUTES, BY CHANGING THE FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION FROM "LOW DENSITY RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL" TO "MEDIUM DENSITY RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL" OF THE APPROXIMATELY 1.75 ACRES DESCRIBED HEREIN OF REAL PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 600 NORTHWEST 42 AVENUE, 4251, 4253, AND 4255 NORTHWEST 6 STREET, AND 601 NORTHWEST 43 AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, ALL AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A"; MAKING FINDINGS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. MOTION TO: Continue RESULT: CONTINUED MOVER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner SECONDER: Ken Russell, Commissioner AYES: King, Russell, Reyes ABSENT: Carollo, Diaz de la Portilla Note for the Record: Item PZ.1 was continued to the March 24, 2022, City Commission Meeting. Chair King: So at this time, I'm going to open the public comment period. Anyone who would like to -- anyone who would wish to speak on items for this agenda may come forward. Ines Marrero: Good morning, Madam Chair. My name is Ines Marrero and I am an attorney with offices at 701 Brickell Avenue, and I wanted to request a deferral on behalf of the applicant ofPZ.I and PZ.2. These item -- this item is in Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla's district and it also touches on Commissioner Reyes' district, and we want time to meet with them and also time to do some outreach with the neighbors, and their of have been advised. And we would request a deferral at the pleasure of the Board, but preferably to the March 24th meeting. So those are -- it's PZ I and PZ.2, which is a companion item. Chair King: Madam City Attorney? Victoria Mendez: Yes. Tin sorry, Chair, I was -- Chair King: She would like to defer PZ.1 and PZ.2, applicant. Ms. Mendez: If you are fine with that, that is fine, that is totally fine. Chair King: You have to speak into the mic, Todd is having a fit. Ms. Mendez: I don't know what's wrong with my mic today. City ofMiami Page 98 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Commissioner Reyes: Through the Chair. Ms. Mendez: It's not picking up -- Commissioner Reyes: As a matter of fact, I welcome because what you are looking is for more, I mean, public input (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Ms. Marrero: Thank you. Chair King: So, may I have a motion? Commissioner Reyes: I move it. Chair King: Commissioner Russell, second? Commissioner Russell: Second. Chair King: All in favor? The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Chair King: Motion carries unanimously. PZI and PZ2 have been deferred to the March 24th meeting. Ms. Marrero: Thank you. Chair King: You're welcome. PZ.2 ORDINANCE First Reading 10958 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH Department of ATTACHMENTS, AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS OF ORDINANCE Planning NO. 13114, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED ("MIAMI 21 CODE"), BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM 74- L," GENERAL URBAN TRANSECT ZONE — LIMITED, TO 75-1_," URBAN CENTER TRANSECT ZONE —LIMITED, OF THE PROPERTIES GENERALLY LOCATED AT 600 NORTHWEST 42 AVENUE, 4251, 4253 AND 4255 NORTHWEST 6 STREET, AND 601 NORTHWEST 43 AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, ALL AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A"; FURTHER ACCEPTING THE VOLUNTARILY PROFFERED COVENANT, ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED AS EXHIBIT "B"; MAKING FINDINGS; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. MOTION TO: Continue RESULT: CONTINUED MOVER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner SECONDER: Ken Russell, Commissioner AYES: King, Russell, Reyes ABSENT: Carollo, Diaz de la Portilla Note for the Record: Item PZ.2 was continued to the March 24, 2022, City Commission Meeting. City ofMiami Page 99 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Note for the Record. For minutes referencing Item Number PZ.2, please see Item Number PZ.1. PZ.3 ORDINANCE First Reading 9385 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING Commissioners ORDINANCE NO. 13114, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY and Mayor- PZ OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED ("MIAMI 21 CODE"); MORE SPECIFICALLY BY AMENDING ARTICLE 2, SECTION AND SECTION 2.2.2 TO CLARIFY THAT THE MIAMI 21 CODE PROVIDES A HIGHER STANDARD OF ZONING FOR THOSE PROPERTIES LOCATED IN THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT ZONE AND PROVIDING THAT ALL SUCH PROPERTIES SHALL REMAIN SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE MIAMI 21 CODE; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVE DATE. MOTION TO: Continue RESULT: CONTINUED MOVER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner SECONDER: Christine King, Commissioner AYES: King, Russell, Reyes ABSENT: Carollo, Diaz de la Portilla PZ.3 ORDINANCE First Reading 9385 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING Commissioners ORDINANCE NO. 13114, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY and Mayor- PZ OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED ("MIAMI 21 CODE"); MORE SPECIFICALLY BY AMENDING ARTICLE 2, SECTION AND SECTION 2.2.2 TO CLARIFY THAT THE MIAMI 21 CODE PROVIDES A HIGHER STANDARD OF ZONING FOR THOSE PROPERTIES LOCATED IN THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT ZONE AND PROVIDING THAT ALL SUCH PROPERTIES SHALL REMAIN SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE MIAMI 21 CODE; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVE DATE. MOTION TO: Reconsider RESULT: RECONSIDERED MOVER: Alex Diaz de la Portilla, Commissioner SECONDER: Joe Carollo, Commissioner AYES: King, Carollo, Russell, Diaz de la Portilla, Reyes City ofMiami Page 100 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 PZ.3 ORDINANCE First Reading 9385 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING Commissioners ORDINANCE NO. 13114, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY and Mayor- PZ OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED ("MIAMI 21 CODE"); MORE SPECIFICALLY BY AMENDING ARTICLE 2, SECTION AND SECTION 2.2.2 TO CLARIFY THAT THE MIAMI 21 CODE PROVIDES A HIGHER STANDARD OF ZONING FOR THOSE PROPERTIES LOCATED IN THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT ZONE AND PROVIDING THAT ALL SUCH PROPERTIES SHALL REMAIN SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE MIAMI 21 CODE; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVE DATE. MOTION TO: Pass on First Reading RESULT: PASSED ON FIRST READING MOVER: Ken Russell, Commissioner SECONDER: Alex Diaz de la Portilla, Commissioner AYES: King, Carollo, Russell, Diaz de la Portilla, Reyes Note for the Record: For additional minutes referencing Item Number PZ.3, please see "Order of the Day/" Vice Chair Carollo: No, I have to bring something back that I had gone along with deferring earlier. And that's my item on PZ 3 that has to do with the RTZ (Rapid Transit Zone) zones. Commissioner Reyes: The what? Vice Chair Carollo: RTZ zones. The County, apparently, is moving forward in many areas within the City of Miami. Chair King: That item was deferred. Vice Chair Carollo: Huh? Chair King: That item was deferred, PZ.3. Vice Chair Carollo: Right. Chair King: You're bringing it back? Vice Chair Carollo: Yes. Victoria Mendez (City Attorne)): If you want, we could talk about it in a minute, and you can make a decision on whether you want to go forward on first reading. The County, has a rapid transit corridor, which they have been utilizing to -- Chair King: Right, I'm -- but is it -- because we deferred it, do we have to do anything? Because we deferred it to -- Vice Chair Carollo: Yeah, we would have to Chair King: the 3124 meeting? City ofMiami Page 101 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): Right now, if you just want to discuss PZ.3, but if you actually want to vote on particularly -- on passing it today, then we would want to reconsider. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Reconsider. Ms. Mendez: Right, so -- Mr. Hannon: If you just want to discuss it, that's fine for its. Ms. Mendez: But I just want to tell you what's happening, and then you can decide what you want to do. Chair King: Go ahead, please. Ms. Mendez: So basically, the County has been asserting its rights under the rapid transit corridor. And on March 1st, they're going to also look at other properties they want to add to that rapid transit corridor. Some are county properties, which I'm sure wouldn't be a problem. Some are by Brick -ell City Center, and then there's one by Brickell. The thing that I -- that is problematic in these particular properties is that if' the County is asserting jurisdiction over all these properties, you, the City, is not collecting all the fees associated with that, the zoning, building, everything is going through the County. Vice Chair Carollo: And we're having the impact. We're taking the impact and we're having to pay our police, our fire, and other City service. Chair King: So, as the staff briefed me, our staff was making efforts, they thought they were very close to coming to a resolution with the County, that's not the -- that's not the issue anymore? Ms. Mendez: So, we have made some strides on the bigger legislation that was being proposed by Oliver Gilbert, Commissioner Oliver Gilbert, he's been very cooperative with the City on his legislation. That's the bigger legislation. This in particular is a different legislation that's happening, that they're just putting certain properties. We were just made aware of this, so staff wasn't aware, we weren't totally aware of these particular little properties. The other one that we've been really concerned about is Vizcaya. And this legislation is basically just asserting our rights under our Zoning Code. The County claims that they're doing it under transportation. We claim that they're doing it under zoning. And our zoning is the one that trumps theirs. That is our position. I just wanted, you know, the Commission to know that there's other properties that they were looking at for March I st and eventually we -- you, need to make a decision how we want to go forward with this with regarding the County. Chair King: What is your recommendation? Ms. Mendez: I would -- Chair King: To me it sounds like were headed to court. Vice Chair Carollo: Yes. Ms. Mendez: I would -- I would assert our Zoning Ordinance and have the County work with us on some of these big projects. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: So bypassing it today we have more leverage to negotiate with them, is that what you're saying, basically? City ofMiami Page 102 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Ms. Mendez: By, passing it today we -- we're on first reading and we can -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay, so 171 move to reconsider the item. Vice Chair Carollo: 1 second that. Commissioner Reyes: I second. Chair King: Okay. All in favor? The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Vice Chair Carollo: I now move -- well, we should have public hearing again just in case and be safe on PZ.3. Chair King: Todd? Mr. Hannon: I'll defer to the City Attorney. The public --yes. Chair King: Okay. I'll open public comment for PZ.3. See no one here for public comment on PZ.3. Commissioner Reyes: Move it. Commissioner Russell: I have a comment. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I'll second it. Commissioner Russell: I'll make the motion. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: It's been made, I'll second it. Chair King: Okay, I have a motion and a second. All in favor? Mr. Hannon: And Chair, it is an ordinance. Chair King: It's an ordinance, so it needs to be read into the record. Commissioner Russell: Discussion. Chair King: Okay, let -- read it first. The Ordinance was read by title into the public record by the City Attorney. Chair King: Commissioner Russell. Commissioner Russell: Thank you. The City Attorney didn't mention one of their RTZ properties. One of'the largest and the largest missing piecing -- piece of the bay walk is the Genting property, the old Miami Herald property. They've declared RTZ, yet it has no requirements for the bay walk, so they could supersede our code and our charter and actually break up thatfive-mile linear bay walk. Chair King: Ah, so you're in favor of litigation. City ofMiami Page 103 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Commissioner Russell: I want to make sure they are held -- Chair King: Right, that bay walk -- Commissioner Russell: -- to our standards, to our standards. Chair King: Okay. Commissioner Russell: And so, they told its that they are now putting in a bay walk requirement, but we have no assurance. Chair King: Okay. Commissioner Russell: We have no set for timing, responsibility, and anything. So I am in favor. Chair King: Well my position is I don't want us to be six months from now and we've taken no action. So, if you reasonably see that we're headed to litigation let's just go. Let's just go. Ms. Mendez. I think we have -- I think you all have enough friends in the County Commission that we can work on this before it goes to litigation, but we will if you let me, if we need to. Chair King: Okay. Vice Chair Carollo: Can we advertise this so it comes baekfor March IOth also? Mr. Hannon: Yes sir. I would like to clarify for, nay apologies, but just briefly, I'd like to clarify for FR.2 that we will also be able to use the less expensive publication to notice FR. 2 for the March IOth City Commission meeting. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay. Chair King.- Great. Vice Chair Carollo: That's fine. Chair King: Okay, that -- Vice Chair Carollo: One last item, ifl could. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: We have to vote on this, right? Vice Chair Carollo: Yes. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: So let's vote on it. Chair King: Okay. Vice Chair Carollo: Thank you. Okay. (COMMENTS MADE OFF RECORD) Vice Chair Carollo: No, you missed the public comment. Chair King: We closed -- City ofMiami Page 104 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Vice Chair Carollo: We closed it. Okay, go for the vote. Go ahead. Mr. Hannon: My apologies. Actually, PZ.3 is noticed by the hearing -- the Off ce of Hearing Boards. Mr. Planning Director, will you be able to meet any deadlines that you have for notification regarding PZ.3 for the March IOth City Commission meeting. Chair King: Oh, I'm sorry. Go ahead. Cesar Garcia -Pons: Good afternoon, Cesar Garcia -Pons, Planning Director. I don't think so for March IOth. We could definitely meet it for March 24th. Vice Chair Carollo: Excuse me? Mr. Garcia -Pons: 1 don't think we could meet it for March 10th. I'm sure we can meet it for March 24th (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Vice Chair Carollo: Can you make a little effort? Mr. Garcia -Pons: So, we've done this once before. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yes, but that's the problem. The deadlines are always so far away from when you can do it. Isn't that a problem? Ms. Mendez: Right, it's not -- Vice Chair Carollo: It is a problem. Ms. Mendez: It's not his fault. It's pursuant to Florida Statute 166.041. Chair King: Right. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: And what's the -- tell me what the statute says? Ms. Mendez: It says that before second reading, at least 10 days before. So then when we put it on the -- when we send it to the newspaper, they have certain internal deadlines. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I know their internal deadlines. It could be published by Monday, and we make it to 10 days, right? It could be published by it's published by Monday, do we make the 10 days? Mr. Garcia -Pons: It's just a matter of -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No, it's a question to the City Attorney, I'm sorry, sir. If it's published by Monday, do we meet the 10 days? Ms. Mendez: If published by Monday -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: By Monday. Ms. Mendez: I believe Monday -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Monday. Ms. Mendez: -- it does. The problem is -- City ofMiami Page 105 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: It does. Ms. Mendez: -- that it doesn't -- you're not able to meet it based on the internal deadlines of the publication. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: But that's not true. Let me tell you why.1 can place an ad in the Miami Herald tomorrow morning and they will publish it by Monday. Ms. Mendez: I leave that to the experts. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I can. I do -- this is what I do for a living. So, to me, it's shocking that the City ofMiami cannot because I'm sure you give them a lot of business, right? Chair King: Well -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: It's always the same issue. Chair King: -- I understand. Best eff"orts. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: It's always the same issue. Chair King: We would like it to go for March 10. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Sorryfor the venting. Chair King: Best efforts. Mr. Garcia -Pons: Happy to just again, sir, this is a short month, so we lost three days. Before it was possible because we had the extra three days. I don't think it's possible. We'll try our best. Chair King.- Best efforts. Best efforts is all we can ask. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Give it a shot. Chair King.- Thank you so much. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Old college try. Vice Chair Carollo: Last but not least, I had asked the manager if -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Don't we have to vote -- Commissioner, we have to vote on it, I think. Vice Chair Carollo: That's right. I'm glad you're here to keep (UNINTELLIGIBLE) I don't know why I'm moving so far ahead. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: You're so anxious to get to the other one. Chair King: I think it is the will of the body. Let's vote on it. Vice Chair Carollo: Yes. Chair King: So, it's read into the record, we don't have to do that. Okay, all in favor? City ofMiami Page 106 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Chair King: Commissioner Russell? Yes? So -- Vice Chair Carollo: Last two things, Mr. Manager. 1 had asked -- Chair King: Motion passes unanimously. It passes unanimously. Okay. PZ.4 RESOLUTION 11466 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH Department of ATTACHMENT(S), MAKING FINDINGS AND APPROVING WITH Planning CONDITIONS A REDUCTION OF THE WATERFRONT SETBACK REQUIREMENTS PURSUANT TO SECTION 3(MM)(III) OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, FOR A PROJECT GENERALLY LOCATED AT 700, 725, AND 708 NORTHEAST 24 STREET, 2347 NORTHEAST 7 AVENUE, 2395, 2341, 2311, 2301, 2344, 2328, 2320, AND 2336 NORTHEAST 6 AVENUE, 2340, 2330, AND 2320 NORTHEAST 7 AVENUE, AND 711 NORTHEAST 23 TERRACE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, ALL AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A"; MAKING FINDINGS; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ENACTMENT NUMBER: R-22-0083 MOTION TO: Adopt with Modification(s) RESULT: ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATION(S) MOVER: Ken Russell, Commissioner SECONDER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner AYES: King, Carollo, Russell, Diaz de la Portilla, Reyes Note for the Record: For additional minutes referencing Item Number PZ.4, please see "Public Comments for all Item(s)." Chair King: Okay, we are now on our PZ (Planning and Zoning) items and it is the last item of the day, PZ.4, Commissioner Russell. Commissioner Russell: And I do believe we still have a pocket item. Commissioner Reyes: Oh my God. Vice Chair Carollo: Yes, and I need to disclose that my staff met with the owner, and I don't know if the attorney for the owners, and I don't know if the owners were there too. Iris Escarra: No, it was just myself. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay, so it was just the attorney for the owners, my staff, not me. Commissioner Reyes: Let me ask you -- Chair King: Me as well. Commissioner Reyes: -- we met about this, right? City ofMiami Page 107 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Ms. Escarra: Mh-mm. Commissioner Reyes: I want to -- its also a disclosure that we have met, I met with Ms. Escarra. We didn't talk much about this, we talk about family, but we had a meeting about this, I want to disclose that to you. Commissioner Russell: Same disclosure. Chair King: Same disclosure for myself. Commissioner Russell: I met with the applicants but have not -- this doesn't bias my decision. Thank you. Ms. Escarra: Good afternoon, everyone. Iris Escarra and Carlos Diaz on behalf of the applicant. This is actually a waterfront setback that's in the Charter that actually requires that the property have 25 percent aggregate side setbacks as well as a 50- foot building setback. The project that's being proposed is a two -tower project that you all saw approximately in September of 2021 with the road closure. We're actually before you because the 25 percent side aggregate setback is being distributed throughout the site. Ninety-nine feet of it are open to the sky, the remaining 63 feet are actually within the view corridor at the end of the dead-end streets. In addition to that, of the two towers, one of the towers is fully compliant with the 50 foot step back. However,, the northerly tower, because of the narrowness of the site, is asking for an encroachment only of the balconies above the 35 feet to allow them to go at certain portions up to 8 feet because they're like wavy balconies. So, we're asking to be able to encroach at different opportunities up to 8 feet. We have received the recommendation from the City staff and we're in support of it with all the conditions. There is only one modification that the applicant would ask is on Condition Number 5. We've proffered a sculpture garden and an art wall that we're doing as part of the project. We would ask the Board to consider its not having to go before the Art in Public Places Board for the proposed art. It's just another step in the process that we would like to be able to -- since it's proffered art and not required to go before the APIB [sic] board, we would like to be able to have that, that we administratively submit it to the City -for review and consideration. Commissioner Russell: Madam Chair. Chair King.- Commissioner Russell. Commissioner Russell: Thank -you. I'd like to proffer the motion. Commissioner Reyes: (INAUDIBLE). Chair King: Motion and a second. Commissioner Russell: And I'd like to proffer an amendment that the selection of art not have to go to the AIPP board. I think AIPP is very valuable when people are fulfilling their art in public place requirement, but this is different. This is art that will be going on -- on private property. I'd like them to be able to curate it as they wish and just see that whether it's from a financial perspective it meets the threshold or the requirement, that's fine. I don't want us as a city to be involved in the selection of'your art on your project. Furthermore, I am okay with the encroachment into the buffer zone. It doesn't actually encroach into the public access portion of the bay walk, so I'm perfectly fine with that. It's balconies way up high -- Ms. Escarra: Correct. City ofMiami Page 108 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Commissioner Russell: -- going into a little bit of their buffer zone. And of course, this concept, I really hoped and wanted that the bay walk legislation that I -- that we had passed on first reading was coming in this meeting. It was my understanding it was going to be here in conjunction because this is one of the largest pieces of the bay walk that's going to be -- that's opened in a long time. Commissioner Reyes: This doesn't have nothing -- Commissioner Russell: It does, very much so. Commissioner Reyes: Okay, but this one you -- Commissioner Russell: If I could finish, Commissioner, please. Madam Chair. Commissioner Reyes: I just wanted to clarify. Commissioner Russell: Madam Chair. Chair King: Go ahead. Commissioner Russell: This -- Chair King: I'm sorry, Commissioner Russell, go ahead. Commissioner Russell: This is the largest piece of the bay walk that's being completed and it's being done by a private company and under that new legislation that would allow all of it to become part of our parksystem and ensure an easement goes there. In this case they are proffering an easement -- Ms. Esearra: We do have an easement. Commissioner Russell: Right, under the new legislation it would be required and so that -- that completes our bay walk faster and better and as we want to see it. So, I have asked for that legislation to come back as soon as possible on the next possible agenda. Chair King.- So we have a motion and a second. All in favor? The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Commissioner Reyes: I am going to -- I second it, but let me tell you this, I'm not going to support this -- the bay walk becomes a park because I think it's fraud. Chair King: Okay. Commissioner Carollo? Commissioner Reyes: Yes. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Madam Chair, can -- okay, I just want to, before you vote, before you finish the vote. Chair King: I thought you just voted. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yeah, I know, but it hasn't been finalized. You haven't announced the vote yet. Chair King: Motion passes. City ofMiami Page 109 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Does it? Chair King: Yes. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay. Chair King: It's four, maybe five, but it passes. Commissioner Reyes: It passed already. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No, you haven't called it yet, right? Chair King: I'm calling it. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I'm just -- I had a question, all I had was a question, that's all. Chair King: One question? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yeah, one, of Commissioner Reyes, because you brought up a -- Chair King: Well, let me -- go ahead. Go ahead. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: For the purpose of clarification, he made a point that connects us to the bay walk. I want him to elaborate on the point so I understand it. That's all. Chair King: Okay. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Is that okay? Chair King: Yes, it is. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Thank you. Thank you for being kind to me. Commissioner Reyes, can. you clarify a little bit what you were explaining? Commissioner Reyes: Huh? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: You were explaining the connection to bay walk? Commissioner Reyes: Yes, because they had -- and I think it came from Iris also, which is very innovative, and she likes, I mean, she finds all the -- she can circumvent everything that happens in the city. Commissioner Russell has proposed that the bay walk, which is a sidewalk with about two feet o f grass,, is going to be -- should be designated as park. I think that is totally a farce and I think that ulterior motive is to use it as a no net loss -- replacement for not net loss and I don't agree with it because I don't think that a sidewalk with a -- because if that's the case, my sidewalk with my Swale is also park. You see, that's what I m saying. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Okay. Commissioner Reyes: And we already voted, it passed, when that comes in, I will make, I will make that argument again. Chair King: Okay, we didn't get Commissioner Carollo's vote. City ofMiami Page 110 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Vice Chair Carollo: Yes. Chair King: Oh, so motion passes unanimously. Vice Chair Carollo: Yeah,1 gave -- Chair King: Okay. Vice Chair Carollo: -- it to the Clerk. Ms. Escarra: Thank you everyone. PZ.5 ORDINANCE First Reading 11324 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING Department of ORDINANCE NO. 10544, AS AMENDED, THE FUTURE LAND USE Planning MAP OF THE MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN, PURSUANT TO SMALL SCALE AMENDMENT PROCEDURES SUBJECT TO SECTION 163.3187, FLORIDA STATUTES, BY CHANGING THE FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION FROM "MEDIUM DENSITY RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL" TO "RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL" OF THE ACREAGE DESCRIBED HEREIN OF THE REAL PROPERTIES AT 8038 NORTHEAST 2 AVENUE (WESTERN PORTION) AND 165 NORTHEAST 80 TERRACE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, ALL AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A"; MAKING FINDINGS; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. MOTION TO: Defer RESULT: DEFERRED MOVER: Manolo Reyes, Commis SECONDER: Christine King, Commis AYES: King, Russell, Reyes ABSENT: Carollo, Diaz de la Portilk Note for the Record. Item PZ.5 was deferred to the April 28, 2022, City Commission Meeting. Note for the Record. For minutes referencing Item Number PZ.5, please see "Order of the Day. " City ofMiami Page 111 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 PZ.6 ORDINANCE First Reading 11325 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING THE Department of ZONING ATLAS OF ORDINANCE NO. 13114, THE ZONING Planning ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, BY "75-0," CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM URBAN CENTER -OPEN, TO 76-8-0," URBAN CORE -OPEN, FOR THE PROPERTIES LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 8038 NORTHEAST 2 AVENUE (WESTERN PORTION) AND 165 NORTHEAST 80 TERRACE MIAMI, FLORIDA, ALL AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A"; MAKING FINDINGS; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. MOTION TO: Defer RESULT: DEFERRED MOVER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner SECONDER: Christine King, Commissioner AYES: King, Russell, Reyes ABSENT: Carollo, Diaz de la Portilla Note for the Record. Item PZ.6 was deferred to the April 28, 2022, City Commission Meeting. Note for the Record: For minutes referencing Item Number PZ.6, please see "Order of the Day. " PZ.7 ORDINANCE First Reading 11307 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING Commissioners ORDINANCE NO. 13114, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY and Mayor- PZ OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED; MORE SPECIFICALLY BY "DENSITY, AMENDING TABLE 4, TITLED INTENSITY AND PARKING," TO CHANGE THE AMOUNT THAT THE PARKING RATIO MAY BE REDUCED WITHIN A TRANSIT ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT AREA OR WITHIN A TRANSIT CORRIDOR; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVE DATE. MOTION TO: Continue RESULT: CONTINUED MOVER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner SECONDER: Christine King, Commissioner AYES: King, Russell, Reyes ABSENT: Carollo, Diaz de la Portilla Note for the Record: Item PZ.7 was continued to the March 24, 2022, City Commission Meeting. Note for the Record. For minutes referencing Item Number PZ.7, please see "Order of the Day.: END OF PLANNING AND ZONING ITEM(S) City ofMiami Page 112 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 NA - NON -AGENDA ITEM(S) NA.1 RESOLUTION 11577 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION OPPOSING City Commission SENATE BILL ("SB") 1834, HOUSE BILL ("HB") 1557, AND ANY SIMILAR LEGISLATION THAT WOULD LIMIT CLASSROOM DISCUSSIONS ON SEXUAL ORIENTATION AND GENDER IDENTITY AND ALLOW PARENTS TO SUE SCHOOL DISTRICTS THAT PERMIT DISCUSSION OR LEARNING ABOUT THESE TOPICS OR THAT OTHERWISE DISCRIMINATES AGAINST PERSONS BASED ON SEXUAL ORIENTATION OR GENDER IDENTITY; URGING GOVERNOR RON DESANTIS AND THE MEMBERS OF THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE TO OPPOSE SAID LEGISLATION; DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO INCLUDE OPPOSITION TO SB 1834, HB 1557, AND ANY SIMILAR LEGISLATION TO THE CITY OF MIAMI'S 2022 LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES AND AMEND THE 2022 LEGISLATIVE PACKAGE TO INCLUDE THIS ITEM; DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO TRANSMIT A CERTIFIED COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE OFFICIALS NAMED HEREIN. MOTION TO: Adopt RESULT: FAILED MOVER: Ken Russell, Commissioner SECONDER: Christine King, Commissioner AYES: Russell NAYS: King, Carollo, Diaz de la Portilla, Reyes Note for the Record: For additional minutes referencing Item Number NA.1, please see "Order of the Day" and "Public Comments for all Itent(s)." Chair King: So it seems as if we need to have some discussion on Commissioner Russell's pocket item, which is opposing SB (State Bill) 1024 in-house bill, what number is the house bill? Commissioner Russell: 1557. Chair King: 1557. Commissioner Russell: I will go ahead and start if I can. Chair King: Go ahead, Commissioner Russell. Commissioner Russell: Thankyou. And this is not to disparage anyone's beliefs of what should happen in their own home or what they should be teaching their children. There's a few elements of these bills that are very problematic. One is this pushes against the concept of home rule and the process that should be followed where parents who may have a grievance with a school go to the school, go to the PTA (Parent Teacher Association) meeting, go to that school board. This is setting a statewide legislation creating not only a mechanism to sue by a parent, but this really chills even discussions within classrooms, or even where children's privacy could be violated. Now, there is a very good argument to say that parents should be teaching these things at home, not schools. This isn't about teaching sexual orientation. This has a lot to do with what could happen to a child if they are outed in school, and this City ofMiami Page 113 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 gives the responsibility of the teacher to call that parent and talk to that parent about that child's sexuality. That child could be going home to a very abusive household. We have an epidemic of trans/gay youth who are evicted from their homes and end up homelessness and on drugs because of very difficult home situations. I don't want the school to be the police of that. And these bills force that. I'm going to give you a personal story that will probably embarrass my son. He was in preschool when 1 got a call from his teacher. And apparently he liked putting fingernail polish on. And apparently that was a problem for the school. They said he was confusing children who were going through a process of figuring out their gender identity, meaning boys are boys and girls are girls, and it's wrong for him to do that and he wouldn't be allowed to come to school if he did it anymore. And that was very embarrassing for my son. I felt it very intrusive for a teacher or a principal to call in home and talk about that. I don't want that to happen and this bill mandates that. This bill has our teachers becoming the police of our children's sexuality. There should be no discussion, but the bill doesn't say that. And so this didn't come from me. This came from our LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer) Advisory Board, which we all formed together, unanimously I believe, and have appointed to. And they have put this together for us. This is -- I don't want to take credit for this bill, this comes fiom our board. But I do believe in it, I agree with it, and so I'd be happy to move the item. Commissioner Reyes: Through the Chair, Madam,, I don't want to be the one that's carrying the torch against this. I think this is a political move. And I believe that I have -- I'm going to give you an example. I have two grandchildren. One is five, and the other one is two. I don't want no teacher inciting a discussion on how they feel, if they are girls or boys. I think that is a process that every child should grow into it. It is my belief, whatever path they pick, I would respect it, and I will encourage them to be themselves. But I don't want no -- I don't want to give any teacher -- and I was a teacher, you see. I was a teacher. I taught for many, many years. I don't want any teacher to be not only -- not only on sexuality, but on political belief or anything. I don't want to indoctrinate anybody, or trying to. I don't think that a five -year -old should be talking about their sexuality. I think that is a process. It's a natural process that has been like this forever. And this could also provide a teacher authority, to do things that they don't have to do, that they shouldn't be doing. So I will leave it at that. I'm not going to vote in favor of the bill. I will not vote in favor of that. Chair King.- Commissioner? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Thank you, thank you, Madam Chair. You have two pocket items today. You have a pocket item and you have the resolution, I think, RE.5, right? Commissioner Russell: I only have one pocket. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: You have one pocket item and you have RE.5 as well, right? These are two -- RE.5 is the -- Commissioner Russell: Yes, it's also a closing statement. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: It's a net metering issue. What I begin -- I'm beginning to see issues that have nothing to do with this Commission being brought up before this Commission. I see this as political in nature, Commissioner. You're not a state legislator, you're not a state senator, you're not the Governor of Florida. We are a City Commission and we should be spending our time focused on city issues, not on opposing, really, resolutions in Tallahassee, bills and Senate -- House bills in Tallahassee that really, we have -- it's not a binding resolution, it has no impact other than to make apolitical statement and have us make apolitical statement. So, I'm City ofMiami Page 114 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 beginning to see this agenda for the first time, a disturbing pattern ofpolitical issues that are relevant to Tallahassee. You've done it with Washington, I get that, that was American Rescue Plan dollars, and that's different. That's nonpartisan in essence. But these are very partisan issues, as you well know. And you're bringing partisanship to this Commission. I'm voting no against this. I'm also going to vote no against RE.5, because 1 think they're both issues that have nothing to do with this Commission. We have a very lengthy agenda of issues that are really important to the City of Miami, that are really important to this Commission, that are relevant to this Commission, and those are things 1 want to jocus my time on. Chair King: Okay. Commissioner Russell? Commissioner Russell: I would like to respond to that. And I would like to reiterate that these are not items that I have generated. These are items that have been recommended by the boards that we have appointed. The Climate Resilience Committee put together this resolution in opposition to solar limitations. We -- it does affect us as a city. We are trying to encourage rooftop solar, and this bill actually limits, and I don't want to get too much into RE.5. Chair King: Well, let's stay with your pocket item. Commissioner Russell: Okay, right. Chair King: Let's just remain with the pocket item. Commissioner Russell: But the theme of the statement is that I'm bringing these for political purposes. I am bringing both of these items as recommended by boards appointed by this body, that this city take a position on these issues because it does affect our residents and I do believe that -- that our voice makes a difference and hopefully it does affect how Tallahassee feels about things. It's not meant to be partisan, it's meant to support the boards and our residents. So, if there is support for my Pocket Item, PI. 1, I really appreciate it and I think many of our residents do as well, but if not we will see where -- Vice Chair Carollo: I would respectfully request that we leave this item for the end of the meeting. Chair King.- Pocket item one? Commissioner Russell: Which item? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yes, I agree with that. Commissioner Russell: That is fair. I am happy, to table it. Vice Chair Carollo: Thank you. Chair King: Okay, we will table Pocket Item 1. [Later...] Chair King: All right, we have a pocket item that remains. It is the last item of 'the day. Pocket Item 1, Commissioner Russell's Pocket Item. Commissioner Russell: Yes, thank you. 171 be happy to make the motion. Chair King: Do we have a motion? City ofMiami Page 115 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Commissioner Russell: I'm sorry, yes. Chair King: We have a motion. Commissioner Reyes: What is the pocket item? The one about a -- Chair King: It was -- Commissioner Reyes: About what? Chair King: The school legislation. Commissioner Russell: I'll give you one more anecdote to hope to earn a second on this motion. Chair King: I thought you had a second. We don't have a second? Commissioner Russell: I don't believe I have a second, do I? Chair King: Todd, did we have a second? Commissioner Reyes: No, you didn't have a second. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No, it was for later conversation. Commissioner Russell: Yeah, it was tabled. Chair King: I see. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yeah. Commissioner Russell: I withdrew. Chair King.- I'll give it a second. Commissioner Russell: Thankyou. Commissioner Reyes: Okay. Commissioner Russell: If]` may, Madam Chair? Chair King: Please. Commissioner Russell: When I was in school, there was a young man who was gay and was bullied, and I saw him once get chased throughout the school. A mob chased him violently. He had no one to go to, and I don't know what his home situation was like and if he could go home and get any but if he were, under these bills, if he were to go to his school, to his principal, to his counselor, to his teacher he would not be able to talk about his sexuality. He would get bullied without recourse and this is important but there's also a legal angle to this that makes it not partisan even though it just passed today in the House, it's going to the Senate where even Republicans have concerns about the cause of action that's created here, allowing parents to site school boards instead of the normal process they would have. If someone has a problem, and I absolutely agree with you, Commissioner Reyes, no one should be indoctrinating children to any form of sexuality whatsoever in class. And if that happens, there is recourse for a teacher that is acting inappropriately. But this Bill City ofMiami Page 116 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 goes far beyond that. And my worry is for the kids and their rights and their ability to express themselves if they have gay parents. All of that starts to get taken away and it's punitive. And so, I want them to feel a part of our community, their family is a part of our community, and that their sexuality is not an issue in school at all. And so, by making it punitive to where someone could sue the school system if something like this is brought up or that they don't have recourse when they're getting bullied, I --1'm really against that. And so,1 do hope it does not pass in the Senate. There is a chance it will not pass in the Senate because of that cause of action that the House forced in there. And I hope, even the -- the incoming Senate President has expressed her concerns about exactly that. And so, I --1 hope, for our sake, if we make our thoughts known on this, we tell our residents how we feel about this issue. And hopefully we do ajject the legislation. Commissioner Reyes: Madam Chair, because he had a (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Sir, I was a teacher for many, many, many years. And as you said, you are using the example oj'a student being bullied. And you said, well, no student should be --1 mean, we shouldn't be coaching children and talking about sexuality, blah, blah, blah, okay. Let me tell you, you said that if that happens, if a teacher does that, there are recourses. But I'm going to tell you, and I'mgoing to assure you, that at the school that I was teaching, there were recourses for bullying. Not only bullying for -- because of your sexual orientation, bullying because of anything, any type of bullving. That is anti -bullying in every single school. It is extremely, extremely, hard. So, what I don't want is open up the door for a teacher to be -- I mean, free to talk about sexuality to my grandson, which is five years old, because that is what it says here that in primary, school you don't talk about that. And it is my, belief that we shouldn't be doing that, and that's why I m going to vote against it, you see. Commissioner Russell: I respect that, hut would like to clam. Madam Chair, I'm sorry. Chair King: Right. I think Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla wanted to say something. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yes. The problem with these resolutions urging other governments to do certain things is that it puts them in a position for the media and others who misrepresent what we believe about an issue. So that we, as we used to say in Tallahassee, go on the board on something that has nothing to do with us, with our power or our jurisdiction. I think that you're putting this Commission in a bad place by forcing a vote on this. You're telling people that we're against measures to stop bullying that we're against good things that government is doing. This bill does not doing any of the things you say it does. Number one, besides the fact that it's going to pass in Tallahassee. Again, I also have the bill in-house. I also sent it to the Clerk so you can read it and you can inform yourself of how it really does. It's been made into an issue that is controversial. No one here favors or supports discrimination against any group, regardless of race, color, sexual orientation, ethnicity. None of its want that. And we all understand the tragedies that have occurred, and we're being made more and more aware as the years pass what happens when children are bullied and cannot express who they are. But for you to bring this before us, when we have no jurisdiction over this matter or it's all issue that's not before us, I think it's irresponsible, Commissioner, frankly. And I think, to be honest, and I know you don't agree with me, Madam Chair, we're not always going to agree, I would like to agree most of the time, but we're not always going to agree, that it is politically motivated. It's two issues today that are Senate campaign issues or that are different issues that have nothing to do with this body. Commissioner Russell: Three. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I'm sorry, which one, I'm sorry? City ofMiami Page 117 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Commissioner Russell: Apparently, we're standing with Ukraine as a City. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: No, no, because those are issues that universally people agree. These are issues that are losing, and people disagree with because if it's going to pass a Senate, it's going to pass the House. So, we're talking --1 said earlier, I said earlier there were issues that we support because as a Commission and as a body, as a city, we respect, we universally agree to stand with Ukraine. We universally agree to stand with the American Rescue Plan, right, that you sponsored. We universally agree with, you know, what's happening in Venezuela and other countries, right? So, we can universally or unanimously agree on things, and that's different Whatyou're bringing in is a divisive issue in Tallahassee today, as you know, it's very divisive. It's a partisan issue, and we're a nonpartisan, commission. But to try to paint it that because we're going to -- I'm going to vote against this, because I don't think it's our role to stick our nose in somebody else's business, the Florida Legislature. Commissioner Russell: Unless we all agree. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Unless we all agree. That's why we're representative democracy. That's why we have five commissioners. But you're putting us in the position of voting against something and trying to create a perception that we're against -- you know, that we're against something that's probably wrong, that is wrong. So, I'm going to vote against but for that reason. But I don't want it to be misconstrued by the media that I believe in any, way, shape, or form that bullying any child is proper or correct. It is improper, it is immoral., and regardless of the reason. Commissioner Russell: And I'm not implying that. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: And irrespective -- I know, but by -- some people interpret it that way. We live in the real world. We don't live in a fantasy world here. Commissioner Reyes: Madam Chair. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: We live in the real world and people can interpret or misinterpret things, right, in the real world. So that's why this is wrong. That's why this is wrong. And to continue, and I hope and will follow the trend over the next six months of your campaign, we'll follow that trend, but if every Commission meeting, we're going to come up with different resolutions urging Washington to do this and Tallahassee to do that, then we're wasting time. Instead of addressing the real issues that are impacting our city that's under -- that are under our jurisdiction, affordable housing, transportation, environmental issues that you care about and that we all care about. Those are the things we should be addressing, things that are tangible and deal with us and what we do, and its our responsibility. That's why I'm going to vote against it. I just want to make that very clear because I know how the press tends to write things and I know how the press misconstrues arguments. And we have to be clear that we don't want bullying anywhere, but the parental rights are important. Commissioner Reyes: It is. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: The parents have rights as much as education bureaucrats have rights, right? But parents have rights, too. So there's a lot of details on the bill that we can talk about, but that's not what we're here to do. If I were in Tallahassee, I would have a great debate with you about it. But I'm not in Tallahassee. I'm back in Miami, and I would love to have debates about Miami. Commissioner Reyes: Madam Chair. City ofMiami Page 118 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Commissioner Russell: Thankyou, Madam Chair. Chair King: Commissioner Russell had his -- Commissioner Russell: Yeah, I'd like to respond to both Commissioner Reyes and Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla. Once again, you bring it up. I have never brought up once on this dais that I'm running jor office, who I'm running against, what I'm running for, what I stand for, never. But throughout our history, our body has always weighed in on things that are important to our residents, even outside of our jurisdiction, even outside of our country. And mavbe we've had an effect. Maybe by pressuring for TPS (Temporary Protected Status) when Trump was in office, that led to that, who knows if we had ann effect or not. But it's interesting to me that we do have a very diverse dais, predominantly conservative, yet often we -- we take on controversial things. And that shows the rest of the world that were not just thinking about party, we're thinking about our residents, and we're thinking about the world as a whole. So, I'm okay with bringing items, not for politics, but because we care about it. This body banned conversion therapy in the City ofMiarni. That's a big thing. And it may be considered outside our jurisdiction, but I don't believe it is, and I believe it's made a difference in people's lives. As far as bullying, I am absolutely not saying that this legislation that's in Tallahassee encourages bullying. What I'm saying and in the case of the child that got bullied in my school,, had they, gone to the school leaders under this legislation, those educators, the teacher,, the counselor, the principal, would have been required to call their parents and say, your child is getting bullied because they, are gay. Because if they said, why are you getting bullied? And you said, oh, because they're chasing me because I'm gay. Under this legislation, they would be required to advise the parents. And we don't know what that kid's home life is like. It's not our job as schools to be outing children to their home life. It's their business. And so, 1 just think the legislation shouldn't be happening at all, and that's just why I want to support the kids. Commissioner Reyes: But everybody wants to support -- Chair King.- Okay. Okay. Right. Right. Commissioner Reyes: Hold on a second. Chair King.- Okay, I think -- Commissioner Russell: So, I said my piece. Chair King: Right. He said his piece, and I think we understand, and I think it's readv .for -- Commissioner Reyes: No, I want to elar f) one thing. Chair King: More? Because I understand how you feel. Commissioner Reyes: No, no, (UNINTELLIGIBLE) I want to clarify, one thing -- Chair King: Okay. Commissioner Reyes: This has nothing to do with being anti-LGBT -- I mean, homosexuals, being anti -anybody that has a different color of'slcin or a different belief. This is not because it is conservative or liberal. It's the parent's right and my right that I don't want anybody to be teaching sexuality to my kid in primary school. And I've been a teacher, and I know how many times teachers, they think that they City ofMiarni Page 119 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 have the power to do whatever they want in the classroom. And I want to place that constraint. And let me tell you this, you see, and I repeat it, and I repeat it, every time that a child is bullied at a school, the parents are called and they, are told that their children have been bullied. And they call also the parents of the child that is bullying, and they tell them why people -- why they are bullying the other students. That happens now. So, I mean, I think that this is not the place to discuss this. Chair King: Okay. Vice Chair Carollo: Can 1? Chair King: Vice Chair? Vice Chair Carollo: Real quick. Chair King: Real quick. Vice Chair Carollo: But I think you'll need to know how I really feel. Chair King: Okay. Vice Chair Carollo: I'm really hurt with all of you. I said I'm really hurt with all of you because we're having this deep conversation and none ofyou came to join me at the Gaya Festival in Little Havana this weekend. I didn't see you there neither, Russell. None of you guys came. So, I hope next year each one of you comes and joins us there. It's a great festival. It got expanded. Now I know that you can't be every place at every time. Commissioner Russell: My staff was there. Vice Chair Carollo: Huh? Commissioner Russell: My staff was there. Vice Chair Carollo: Well, good. So, I hope that we, you know, see all of you there next year. Chair King.- Okay. Vice Chair Carollo: That's all I've got to say. Chair King: Okay. So, we have a motion and a second. All in favor? Commissioner Russell: Aye. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay, who made the motion? Commissioner Russell: I did. Chair King: And I seconded. Commissioner Russell: Mr. King [sic] seconded, and you're going to be the third vote. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay. It's a motion, it's a second. I'm -- UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Can you give me a second? City ofMiami Page 120 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Chair King: In the middle oj'a vote? Vice Chair Carollo: (INAUDIBLE) bringing this up now. Commissioner Russell: They had a rhythm going, we had momentum. Vice Chair Carollo: No, we have a problem of something else -- Commissioner Russell: ]figured. Vice Chair Carollo: -- the Countv again. I've heard from both sides, I think you all know a lot of my beliefs, I tend to be very conservative in international matters, especially in the area ofseeurity, but I m more liberal, ifI may use the word, on local issues. And I think most immigrants, especially immigrants like the majority of us here that have left on communist regimes and dictatorships, their politics as such. I have heard all sides of the spectrum on this, and 1 try to have kept myself as non partisan as I possibly can. This is why in this last election, even with the local Democratic Party coming against me, why, I don't know, because these are nonpartisan elections, and I certainly didn't receive any support from the local Republican Party. I still won the Democratic vote in my district. I won the Republican vote, and I won the Independent vote, not by the same percentages, but some higher, some lesser, and 1 thinkpeople have seen in my district that I have tried to be non partisan. This I tend to agree with Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla, that it's a political issue. I'm not saying that you're politicizing this, Commissioner Russell, that's not what I'm saying, but it's a political issue in Tallahassee that has become very partisan in many parts of Florida and with the media. My vote in this is not going to be a partisan vote in any way. If people have a want to sue, I think they have a right to site. And by what is being proposed in Tallahassee, as I understand it, is so that they will not have the right to sue. Am I correct or not? Or did 1 miss something? Chair King: Commissioner Russell? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: The Bill allows for parents to sue. It's a parental rights bill. Vice Chair Carollo: So it does allow it. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: He's urging opposition to that bill. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay. So your position again, Commissioner Russell, is that you don't.feel that parents have a right to sue or explain that area again to me, maybe I missed it. Commissioner Russell: They already have their inherent rights under the law. This is actually creating an unnecessary pathway, a cause of action which is unnecessary to create and that's why Kathleen Passidomo has actually expressed concerns. This may notpass at the Senate level, itpassed at the House, butt could be wrong about that -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: You are. Commissioner Russell: -- but that's my understanding that this cause of action portion Commissioner Reyes: (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Commissioner Russell: -- about the lawsuit is the part that's controversial even amongst Republicans in the Senate side. City ofMiami Page 121 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Senator Passidomo is voting for the bill. You're wrong. Commissioner Russell: I -- Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: And you'll see. Chair King: 1 think the discussion that Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla is having with Commissioner Russell is exactly his argument for why we should not take up these matters because he's saving and you're saying one -- someone is going to vote, someone's not going to vote. We don't know what they're going to do in Tallahassee. Commissioner Russell: No, I didn't say she's not going to vote. Chair King: Right. Commissioner Russell: I just said she has expressed concern on the record. Chair King: Right. So, we're here in Miami and I think that we can bring to our constituency concerns that we have that is occurring in Tallahassee, not necessarily for us to decide and we can't decide because Tallahassee is going to do what Tallahassee is going to do, but you have shared your concern. My concern is if my child is being bullied, I want to know. If my child -- and I do have a bonus child that went to public school and was bullied because of his sexual orientation, I want to know. Because whoever's bullying my child, they're going to get bullied back. Commissioner Reyes: Absolutely. Chair King: But what you're -- what concerns me is that the teacher or the administration doesn't have to say. If my child was bullied, I need to know immediately. But this is your item. I seconded it so we could discuss it. I think we've discussed it enough, so we should just vote. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yes. Commissioner Reyes: Absolutely. Amen. Chair King: All in favor? Commissioner Russell: Aye. Chair King: All against? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Nay. Commissioner Reyes: Nay. Vice Chair Carollo: Nay. Chair King: Motion fails. Against. Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): I believe the motion jails 1-4 Chair King: 1-4. Mr. Hannon: Understood. City ofMiami Page 122 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Chair King: And only because, for me, I believe parents have a right to know what is happening to their child in school. And parents should know their child. So, its not something that the school is going to tell the parent. And then we have other avenues to protect our children, the Department of Children and Families and so on and so forth. So,1 don't --]just don't think that the school would -- should withhold something as important as a child is being bullied, or hurt, or harmed. Commissioner Russell: Never said that. Chair King: Right, well -- Commissioner Russell: It's about the sexuality, not the bullying. And so, if a teacher even recognizes that a hid overhears a kid saying they're gay, they now are required to call the parents and let them know that, and I don't think that's their business. So, I agree, bullying should be told if a kid's getting bullied, yes. ]just don't think that our schools are meant to be the police in sexuality -- Commissioner Reyes: (Comments made in Spanish not translated). Chair King:1 don't think so either, our school -- but the parents should alreadv know, it shouldn't come as a surprise to a parent who their child is. Commissioner Russell: Listen, I respect this body's decision and I don't think we should shy away from difficult discussion. This does affect the kids in our neighborhood and it's a complicated issue. Commissioner Reyes: That was the last one, correct? Chair King: That, was the last one -- Commissioner Russell: We're done. Chair King.- -- I believe. Are we done? Commissioner Russell: Yes. NA.2 RESOLUTION 11578 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION City Commission AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT A DONATION, IN THE FORM OF A SCULPTURE, AS WELL AS ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE INSTALLATION OF SAID SCULPTURE ("DONATION"), FROM ASOCIACION DE EMPRESARIOS Y PROFESIONALES GALLEGOS DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS, CORP. ("DONOR") FOR THE PURPOSE OF INSTALLING SAID SCULPTURE AT A CERTAIN LOCATION IN DISTRICT 3 OF THE CITY OF MIAMI; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE ANY AND ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, TO ACCEPT SAID DONATION. ENACTMENT NUMBER: R-22-0084 City ofMiami Page 123 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 MOTION TO: Adopt RESULT: ADOPTED MOVER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner SECONDER: Joe Carollo, Commissioner AYES: King, Carollo, Russell, Diaz de la Portilla, Reyes Vice Chair Carollo: Ifl may now, Madam Chair, and I truly apologize, and I'm trying to keep any pocket item within your request. Chair King: Well, hold on a second. Todd is -- here. Vice Chair Carollo: Yeah. That -- Chair King: They can't hear you. They can't hear you. Vice Chair Carollo: I'm sorry, I'm trying to keep pocket items within your request that they would be an emergency item. Chair King: Emergency items only. Vice Chair Carollo: 1 believe this one is. We are being offered a gift of a statute from Galicia, Spain. It's a very special monument and statue. The governor that they call President of Galicia will be coming here within a few weeks, and this is why we have an emergency because we would like to be able to see if we could put this sculpture up when he's here so that we could inaugurate it with his presence here. This has to do with something that's known worldwide and very dear to all of Spain, but especially the province of Galicia in Spain, and that's having to do with the Camino a Santiago. We have a member of the Association of Empresarios y Profesionales Gallegos de Estados Unidos, the Association of Professionals and Businessmen of Galician background in the United States. And I'd like to have Alejandro Perez Esperon come up and just say a few words. I passed out, or should I say the Clerk passed out the resolution with a rendering ofwhat the monument would look like. As you can see, it is very expensive. I think it is arriving any moment now by ship to Miami. And they would like to place it in Little Havana, in 13th Avenue, between 8th and 9th Street. Chair King: Okay, well, I'm going to accept this as Pocket Item 2. Do we need to read it into the record, have the City Attorney read it into the record? Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): It's the will of the commission. Chair King: Okay, then we don't need to. And I'm going to open public comment for Pocket Item 2, to accept a donation in the form of a sculpture. Is there anyone here for public comment? Alejandro Perez: Good morning, my name is Alejandro Perez. I apologize for my Galician accent. I come into -- on behalf of the Empresarios Gallegos here in Miami. We want to present and we want to request a permit to approve the Crusader and that is a significant monumentfor us, for the Camino de Santiago, because actually we love the City of Miami, so we want to be part of the Miami city, and we want Miami to be part of our history, too. So, sorry, can I give this? (COMMENTS MADE OFF RECORD) Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Give it to the clerk right there. Got to follow protocol here. Vice Chair Carollo: He's getting to be really official. City ofMiami Page 124 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Have you noticed? Vice Chair Carollo: Yeah. You sounded like the sheriff; not like the clerk. That's good. Chair King: Go ahead, sir. Mr. Perez: Yeah, so basically this is one donation that the Empresarios -- the Association of Empresarios (UNINTELLIGIBLE) Gallegos, here in Miami, want to be -- to the City of Miami, and that should be part of one specific event that we're going to make next month between 17 and 19. The most important representatives of our governments in Galicia come through the City ofMiami to create a bridge between both city, economics, social, and cultural relationships. So that's the reason that we are here. Chair King: Thank you. Thank you so much. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Sir, I'm sorry, what's the height? Just curious. Mr. Perez: I'm sorry? Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: The height? (Comments made in Spanish not translated). Mr. Perez: It's around, it's a little low, about three meters, around eightfeet. Commissioner Diaz de In Portilla: Eight feet. Chair King: Commissioner Reyes, you have a question? Commissioner Reyes: Well, I -- it is a beautiful -- let me tell you, it's a beautiful sculpture. And it has great significance for me because I am a Pichon de Gallego. You see, I'm from Galician ancestry. And I've been to Santiago and Vigo, and I always wanted to do the Camino de Santiago, but it got me a little late in my life. I don't think that I can walk it, you see, and they don't let me ride in a car. You know, you have to either go on horse or back. Mr. Perez: Well, I hope that -- Commissioner Reyes: But I -- but I've been to -- I totally support this. I want to co- sponsor this. Credit to Commissioner Carollo. And the location is in -- you want it in Little Havana? Mr. Perez: Yes, and actually the idea is that when the people talk about the Camino de Santiago, the majority ofpeople think that it's only one. And in reality, it's actually seven. Commissioner Reyes: Seven of them. Mr. Perez: Now, we're going to create a new one from Miami, because it's a new world -- Commissioner Reyes: Okay. Mr. Perez: -- and the majority of people come from America to Santiago, and the first steps is the City, of Miami. And now you have the opportunity to start -- City ofMiami Page 125 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Commissioner Reyes: Absolutely, let me know. Mr. Perez: -- the Camino de Santiago from Miami. Commissioner Reyes: Let me know that -- if it is -- if I physically endure it, I would be more than glad. I've been in Santiago a couple of times, and as a matter offact, last time, it was the day of Santiago, when all the pilgrims were coming, and it was a beautiful sight. Mr. Perez: Actually, this monument is made with a special stone from our area, and we -- the artists create the four principal stamps, on the four face of the monument going to appear Miami, United States, Spain, and Galician stamps. Chair King: Oh, that's wonderful. Thank you so much. Is anyone else here to speak on this item, Pocket Item 2? Seeing none, I'm going to close the public comment. We have two pocket items. Commissioner Reyes: Do you want to make the move? Chair King: Pocket Item 1. Commissioner Reyes: I move it. Commissioner Russell: Second. Chair King: All in favor? Aye. Mr. Hannon: My apologies, Chair. So the motion and the second is for Pocket Item number 1. Chair King: One and two. Commissioner Reyes: One and two. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Yes. Chair King.- Yes. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I would like to be included as a co-sponsor also. Vice Chair Carollo: Which is Item 2? Chair King: Yours is two. Vice Chair Carollo: Mine is two. Chair King: Yours is two. Vice Chair Carollo: Which is one? Chair King: Pocket Item I belongs to Commissioner Russell. Commissioner Reyes: Which one is -- Vice Chair Carollo: (INAUDIBLE) which was -- Commissioner Reyes: Which one is -- City ofMiami Page 126 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Vice Chair Carollo: Which is that? Commissioner Russell: That's opposing House Bill 1834 and 1557. Commissioner Reyes: Which one is that? Vice Chair Carollo: What House Bill is that? Chair King: House -- he wants to know what House Bill again. Vice Chair Carollo: We're opposing a bill, I'm just asking what bill. Commissioner Russell: Yes, that's the one about giving the parents the right to sue school districts over discussions over sexual orientation? Commissioner Reyes: It is the -- is that bill that precludes teachers to coach children - - I mean school children and talk about their sexual orientation? Commissioner Russell: It's -- there's nothing in it about coaching children. Commissioner Reyes: Well., it's about discussing sexual orientation. And I'm going to be very honest with you, I'm going to be very blunt. I have respected, and I respect everybody's right to pick and choose the religion, sexual orientation, or whatever. But I have -- Chair King: Commissioner Reyes, hold on a second. Commissioner Reyes: No, no, but because you're including both -- Chair King: No, no, no, I'm not going to include pocket item one. Commissioner Reyes: Oh, okay. Chair King.- So I think we have a consensus for Pocket Item 2. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: Madam Chair. Chair King: So I have a motion and a second. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: I would like to be included as a co-sponsor of Pocket Item 2. Commissioner Reyes: Co-sponsor. Chair King: Commissioner DLP (Dias de la Portilla) would like to co-sponsor. Commissioner Reyes is a co-sponsor. I'll be a co-sponsor as well. Vice Chair Carollo: And Commissioner Russell will be a co-sponsor. Commissioner Reyes: You should come with me. Commissioner Russell: Sure, unanimous, why not. Commissioner Reyes: Come with me. Chair King: Commissioner. City ofMiami Page 127 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 Commissioner Russell: It's like the next one. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla: He's going to join us. Chair King: Okay. Vice Chair Carollo: Now, you guys can walk, but since 1 heard Commissioner Reyes, that he might not make it, I've been given a special card from the Archbishop and the Governor that they'll make a special exception for one vehicle that I'll have, so I think I can make room for you. Commissioner Reyes: Is that a tricycle or what? Vice Chair Carollo: No, its, a vehicle. I'll make room for you. Chair King: So all in favor? The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Commissioner Russell: For 2? Chair King: The motion carries. NA.3 DISCUSSION ITEM 11579 DISCUSSION BY COMMISSIONER REYES REGARDING TOW City Commission TRUCKS OPERATING ILLEGALLY IN THE CITY OF MIAMI. RESULT: DISCUSSED Commissioner Reyes: Madam Chair, can I ask the City Attorney a question? Chair King: Please, go ahead. Commissioner Reyes: Yes, Madam City Attorney, I remember that I think it was a couple of years back, that we passed a resolution that was prohibiting those tow trucks, that they were not part of the City, of Miami, that they were not authorized with the City of Miami, to pick up and when there was an accident or that to operate within the Cite. I have received many complaints that they keep operating at -will. Could you please look into that resolution and see what action can we take? Victoria Mendez (City Attorney): Okay. Commissioner Reyes: Okay, could you please do that? So, we -- we are going to need to get Chief -- oh, talking about the devil. Chief, could you please come? I guess you heard what I said. Manny Morales: Yes, sir. Good afternoon, Manny Morales, Interim Chief of'Police. So, to your question if I missed a little bit in the past between the office and here. 4' you could recap. Commissioner Reyes: Yes. I have received many complaints from companies that have been authorized by the City ofMiami, they are part of the City ofMiami, that there is still -- I mean, even though we had a resolution that prohibited those people that were not, I mean, selected by the City ofMiami to go and tow automobiles in certain areas, City ofMiami Page 128 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 particularly accidents and all of that. And that's what they call pirates. And a (Comments made in Spanish not translated). But they're still doing it at -will. I want to know if -- I want the City Attorney to just take a look at it and see rf it's still in effect and then you will have -- you will know what to do about it. Mr. Morales: Of course, Commissioner. So, we are required by our City Charter to request a rotation record, its, separated by different areas of the city based on the bid of' -- Commissioner Reyes: Yes. Mr. Morales: -- so when we have it, what we do not allow by State Statute is unsolicited approachment [sic] of tow truck drivers to people that are either stranded in the middle of the road or are in an, accident scene. So if 'an officer there, and an unsolicited record comes up -- Commissioner Reyes: Well -- Mr. Morales: -- the officer needs to take action. Commissioner Reyes: Okay, I would like for you to revisit that and request --1 mean, and take action because I had information that even with an officer there, that those tow trucks have come and towed cars away -- Mr. Morales: Okay. Commissioner Reyes: -- they've taken business away from those that paid license to the City. Mr. Morales: Commissioner, I know that there has been some confusion in reference to self -request, right? So if -- Commissioner Reyes: Well, if that's the case, but -- Mr. Morales: Correct, like AAA, or if you have a service -- Commissioner Reyes: Oh, absolutely. Mr. Morales: -- and you request it, you're allowed to -- we do not allow, and I'll verify, how prevalent it is and what kind of enforcement we're doing against it, is to allow what you said, the unsolicited pirates -- Commissioner Reyes: That's right. Mr. Morales: -- to come in and poach when it should be going to a rotation record. Commissioner Reyes: Just make sure that the officer, I mean, verifies that it is unsolicited, that the person is soliciting AAA or whatever. Mr. Morales: Absolutely. We'll take your request -- Commissioner Reyes: I had many complaints about it and I said, well, let's bring this up. Thank you, Madam Chair; for allowing me to do this. Chair King: Thank you. Mr. Morales: You're welcome. City ofMiami Page 129 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 NA.4 DISCUSSION ITEM 11580 DISCUSSION BY VICE CHAIR CAROLLO REGARDING THE City Commission INVASION OF UKRAINE BY RUSSIA, STATING THAT THE CITY OF MIAMI STANDS IN SOLIDARITY WITH UKRAINE. RESULT: DISCUSSED Vice Chair Carollo: I had asked if we could bring the IT (Information Technology) person to go over security. It's late. I really would want, unless the majority of this Commission feels differently, that tomorrow you meet with our top IT officials, police, and fire chiefs, to go over our internet security in this City. 1 don't think it's up to part where we have the type of security that we should have, and it's required. So, if you could do that and get back to us individually. Arthur Noriega (City Manager): Yeah, so I was going to -- Vice Chair Carollo: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) have an open body -- Mr. Noriega: Yeah. Vice Chair Carollo: -- on what you discussed with them and what actions to take. Mr. Noriega: Yes, so ]discussed it with our IT Department, fire and police, and] think it is best served in a one-on-one setting. We'll brief you fully on where we stand now. Vice Chair Carollo: Yeah. Mr. Noriega: And that, well, were not doing it inn a public forum. Vice Chair Carollo: That's why I'm asking. Mr. Noriega: Yeah, yeah, we've already had the discussion. Vice Chair Carollo: Okay, thank you. Last but not least, we all know what has happened today in Ukraine is a horrible act by a ruthless dictator that is going to cost a lot of lives, a lot of blood, and is going to affect us. How closely, time will tell, but as a City, there's not a heck of a lot that we could do. If the sanctions that our federal government and the rest of the free world is putting, is not having any, effects, I don't know what resolution we could do here that is going to have any effect. The only thing that I would like to ask my colleagues if at least we could finish this meeting, all of us getting a picture with this sign behind us, and if the City Manager would be so kind to request of our IT people, our Communications Department, to then put that photo in our Twitter, our Instagram, and whatever other social medias we have. Commissioner Diaz de In Portilla: On the City of Miami Twitter account. Vice Chair Carollo: On the City of Miami, of course. Commissioner Russell: Bring it down below. They can't (INAUDIBLE). Chair King: And the City of Miami Commission meeting for February 24, 2022, is officially adjourned and it's my mother's 80th birthday. City ofMiami Page 130 Printed on 0411112024 City Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 2022 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m. City ofMiami Page 131 Printed on 0411112024