HomeMy WebLinkAboutHEP-Substitution of Backup Documents for Item BC.11CITY OF MIAMI INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Members of the City Commission �2 P� acY2d-h•-#0,30--- From: Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Date: April 9, 2012 Subject: Substitution of backup documents for item BC.11 (HEP Board) References: Agenda for April 12, 2012 Enclosures: City Commission Memo, Application Summary, and Applications Please be advised that backup documents for item BC.11 (Historic and Environmental Preservation Board), scheduled for the April 12, 2012, City Commission Meeting, are being substituted to include more updated information. The reason backup documents are being resubmitted for item BC.11 is due to the reopening of the application process for applicants that had submitted their applications by the original deadline of February 24, 2012. The City Clerk's Office, after consultation with the City Attorney's Office, reopened the application process to allow for amended applications due to concerns that some applicants had not checked off all of the boxes in which they could qualify under. The documents being substituted include the following: • City Commission Memo regarding upcoming appointments. • Application Summary detailing the categories under which applicants qualified. • Applications, amended applications, and resumes submitted for the Historic and Environmental Preservation Board. The revised documents will be forwarded electronically and distributed at the April 10, 2012, agenda review meeting. C: Johnny Martinez, P.E., City Manager Julie O. Bru, City Attorney Rafael Suarez -Rivas, Assistant City Attorney Alexander Adams, Preservation Officer 12- 00051- NEP- .ub57f%f'v7�%on of l Al 'Dxuolents for l-fem OC. 11 (SUBSTITUTE) CITY COMMISSION MEMO REGARDING APRIL 12, 2012, BOARD APPOINTMENTS CITY OF MIAMI INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. To: Honorable Members of the City Commission c.� . From: Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Date: April 9, 2012 Subject: Historic and Environmental Preservation Board - SUB References: Agenda for April 12, 2012 Enclosures: Application Summary — SUB, Applications - SUB The Historic and Environmental Preservation (HEP) Board administers the environmental and historic preservation ordinances, and serves as a quasi-judicial instrument in certain areas. Members of the HEP Board must be experienced individuals representing specific professions related to the Board's responsibilities. The board consists of nine members and one alternate member qualified as follows: • One member shall be an architect registered in the state. • One member shall be a landscape architect registered in the state. • One member shall be a historian or architectural historian qualified by means of education or experience and having demonstrated knowledge and interest in county history or architectural history. • One member shall be an architect or architectural historian having demonstrated knowledge and experience in architectural restoration and historic preservation. • One member shall be an experienced real estate broker licensed by the state. • One member shall be a person experienced in the field of business and finance or law. • Three members shall be citizens with demonstrated knowledge and interest in the historic and architectural heritage of the city and/or conservation of the natural environment, and may also qualify under any of the above categories. • One alternate member shall qualify under one of the above categories. Our office advertised for applications in a newspaper of general circulation, as required by the City Code Sec. 62-187(c). Appointments must be made from individuals who have applied. Since Board members must be appointed to specific category positions; the incumbents, categories, and eligible applicants to the category are as listed in the summary sheet and shown below. Additionally, the City Clerk's Office reopened the application process to applicants that had submitted their applications by the original deadline of February 24, 2012, to allow for amended applications due to concerns that some applicants had not checked off all of the boxes in which they could qualify under. Seven (7) appointments are required at this time. • Chairman Francis Suarez has one (1) nomination for a seat currently held by: 1. Enid Lorenzo, incumbent, Citizen (Category 7), whose term expired on March 10, 2012.` This item was continued from the February 9, 2012, and March 8, 2012, Commission meetings. • Commissioner Michelle Spence -Jones has two (2) nominations for seats currently held by: 1. Gary A. Appel, incumbent, Architect or Architectural Historian (Category 4), whose term expired on September 16, 2011, has served since November 2002, and would require term waiver by a unanimous (5/5) vote of the commission.tt *Eligible applicants for this category are: Armando Cazo, and Jorge Kuperman, and Robert John Graboski. 2. Gerald C. Marston, incumbent, Landscape Architect (Category 2), whose term expired on March 10, 2012, has exceeded the number of allowed absences (4 in 2011), and would require a 4/5ths waiver of attendance; further, as he has served as a member since September 2001, he would require a term waiver by a unanimous (5/5) vote of the commission.$ *Eligible applicant for this category is: Gerald C. Marston. For your convenience, we are including a copy of the current membership of said board, including applications, amended applications, and resumes from each applicant. By copy of this memorandum, we are requesting the Agenda Office to place this issue on the April 12, 2012, Commission agenda. PAT:th c: Rafael Suarez -Rivas, Assistant City Attorney Elvi Gallastegui, Agenda Coordinator Alexander Adams, Board Liaison THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. tt This item was continued from March 10, 2011, April 14, 2011, May 12, 2011, June 9, 2011, July 14, 2011, October 13, 2011, November 17, 2011, December 15, 2011, January 12, 2012, February 9, 2012, and March 8, 2012, Commission meetings. 11 This item was continued from October 13, 2011, November 17, 2011, December 15, 2011, January 12, 2012, February 9, 2012, and March 8, 2012, Commission meetings. *Eligible applicants for this category are: THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Gary A. Appel Jorge Kuperman William E. Hopper Hugh A. Ryan Timothy Barber Hendrik Van Leesten Jeff Shimonski Enid Lorenzo Gerald Marston Robert John Graboski • Vice Chairman Marc David Sarnoff has one (1) nomination for a seat currently held by: 1. Dr. William E. Hopper, Jr., incumbent, Citizen (Category 7), whose term expired on March 10, 2012.1. *Eligible applicants for this category are: Gary A. Appel Jorge Kuperman William E. Hopper Hugh A. Ryan Timothy Barber Hendrik Van Leesten Jeff Shimonski Enid Lorenzo Gerald Marston Robert John Graboski • Commissioner Wifredo (Willy) Gort has two (2) nominations for seats currently held by: 1. Jorge Kuperman, incumbent, Architect (Category 1), whose term expired on March 10, 2012. *Eligible applicants for this category are: Armando Cazo, Robert John Graboski, C. Chloe Keidaish, and Jorge Kuperman. 2. Lynn B. Lewis, incumbent, Alternate Member - Law (Category 8), whose term expired on March 10, 2012, and per HEP application will require a 4/5ths employment waiver. *Eligible applicants for this category are: Lynn B. Lewis, Gary A. Appel, Timothy Barber, William E. Hopper, Hendrik Van Leesten, Enid Lorenzo, Hugh Ryan, Jorge Kuperman, and Robert John Graboski. • Commissioner Frank Carollo has one (1) nomination for a seat currently held by: ** 1. Jorge Zamanillo, incumbent, Historian or Architectural Historian (Category 3), whose term expired on March 11, 2010, has exceeded the number of allowed absences (6 in 2010; 5 in 2011), and would require a 4/5ths waiver of attendance. Mr. Zamanillo has not reapplied. *Eligible applicants for this category are: Timothy Barber, Jorge Kuperman, William Hopper, and Hugh Ryan. t This item was continued from the February 9, 2012, and March 8, 2012, Commission meetings. This item was continued from the February 9, 2012, and March 8, 2012, Commission meetings. § This item was continued from the February 9, 2012, and March 8, 2012, Commission meetings. • This item was continued from December 17, 2009, February 11, 2010, March 11, 2010, April 8, 2010, May 13, 2010, June 10, 2010, July 8, 2010, September 16, 2010, October 14, 2010, October 28, 2010, November 18, 2010, January 13, 2011, February 10, 2011, March 0, 2011, April 14, 2011, May 12, 2011, June 9, 2011, July 14, 2011, October 13, 2011, November 17, 2011, December 15, 2011, January 12, 2012, February 9, 2012, and March 8, 2012, Commission meetings. SUBSTITUTED CITY OF MIAMI INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Members of the City Commission From: 'riscilla A. Thompson Clerk Date: March 30, 2012 Subject: Historic and Environmental Preservation Board References: Agenda for April 12, 2012 Enclosures: List of members, Application Summary, Applications The Historic an s nvironmental Preservation (HEP) Board administers the environmental and historic prese ion ordinances, and serves as a quasi-judicial instrument in certain areas. Members of the HEP Bo • d must be experienced individuals representing specific professions related to the one alternate member qualifie rd's responsibilities. The board consists of nine members and • One member shall be an • One member shall be a Ian • One member shall be a histori education or experience and hav history or architectural history. • One member shall be an architect or knowledge and experience in architectu • One member shall be an experienced real • One member shall be a person experienced i • Three members shall be citizens with demonst historic and architectural heritage of the city and environment, and may also qualify under any of the • One alternate member shall qualify under one of the a, • ve categories. Our office advertised for applications in a newspaper of genera irculation, as required by the City Code Sec. 62-187(c). Appointments must be made fro 'ndividuals who have applied. Since Board members must be appointed to specific catego positions; the incumbents, categories, and eligible applicants to the category are as li ed in the summary sheet and shown below. s follows: hitect registered in the state. ape architect registered in the state. or architectural historian qualified by means of demonstrated knowledge and interest in county hitectural historian having demonstrated 1 restoration and historic preservation. tate broker licensed by the state. he field of business and finance or law. ed knowledge and interest in the conservation of the natural bove categories. Seven (7) appointments are required at this time. • Chairman Francis Suarez has one (1) nomination for a seat currently held b 1. Enid Lorenzo, incumbent, Citizen (Category 7), whose term expireon March 10, 2012.` *Eligible applicants for this category are: Gary A. Appel William E. Hopper Timothy Barber Jeff Shimonski Jorge Kuperman Hugh A. Ryan Hendrik Van Leesten Enid Lorenzo This item was continued from the February 9, 2012, and March 8, 2012, Commission meetings. SUBSTITUTED 2. Gerald C. Marston, incumbent, Landscape Architect (Category 2), whose term expires on March 10, 2012, has exceeded the number of allowed absences (4 in 2011), and would require a 4/5ths waiver of attendance; further, as he has served as a member since September 2001, he would require a term waiver by a unanimous (5/5) vote of the commission.I$ *Eligible applicant for this category is: Gerlad C. Marston. For y r convenience, we are including a copy of the current membership of said board, includinapplications and resumes from each applicant. By copy of this memorandum, we are reque g the Agenda Office to place this issue on the April 12, 2012, Commission agenda. PAT:th c: Rafael Suarez- Elvi Gallastegui, Alexander Adams, as, Assistant City Attorney enda Coordinator and Liaison #t This item was continued from October 13, 2011, November 17, 2011, December 15, 2011, January 12, 2012, February 9, 2012, and March 8, 2012, Commission meetings. SUBSTITUTED • Vice Chairman Marc David Sarnoff has one (1) nomination for a seat currently held by: 1. Dr. William E. Hopper, Jr., incumbent, Citizen (Category 7), whose term expires on March 10, 2012.1- *Eligible applicants for this category are: Gary A. Appel Jorge Kuperman William E. Hopper Hugh A. Ryan Timothy Barber Hendrik Van Leesten Jeff Shimonski Enid Lorenzo • Commissi. i er Wifredo (Willy) Gort has two (2) nominations for seats currently held by: 1. Jorge uperman, incumbent, Architect (Category 1), whose term expires on March 1 2012.1 *E • ible applicants for this category are: Armando Cazo, Robert John Grab. i, C. Chloe Keidaish, and Jorge Kuperman. 2. Lynn B. Lewis, ' cumbent, Alternate Member - Law (Category 8), whose term expires on Marc10, 2012, and per HEP application will require a 4/5ths employment waiver. *Eligible apple. ruts for this category are: Gary A. Appel, Timothy Barber, William E. Hoppe Hendrik Van Leesten, and Enid Lorenzo. • Commissioner Frank Carollo ha ' ne (1) nomination for a seat currently held by:** 1. Jorge Zamanillo, incumbent, ' ' torian or Architectural Historian Cate or 3 , whose term expired on March 1 2010, has exceeded the number of allowed absences (6 in 2010; 5 in 2011), an• ould require a 4/5ths waiver of attendance. *Eligible applicant for this cate.. Ty is: Timothy Barber. • Commissioner Michelle Spence -Jones has two ) nominations for seats currently held by: 1. Gary A. Appel, incumbent, Architect or Arc 'tectural Historian Cate or 4 whose term expired on September 16, 2011, has s• ed since November 2002, and would require term waiver by a unanimous (5/5) vo of the commission.tt *Eligible applicants for this category are: mando Cazo, and Jorge Kuperman. t This item was continued from the February 9, 2012, and March 8, 2012, Commission meet _s. This item was continued from the February 9, 2012, and March 8, 2012, Commission meetin § This item was continued from the February 9, 2012, and March 8, 2012, Commission meetings. This item was continued from December 17, 2009, February 11, 2010, March 11, 2010, April 8, t 10, May 13, 2010, June 10, 2010, July 8, 2010, September 16, 2010, October 14, 2010, October 28, 2010, No mber 18, 2010, January 13, 2011, February 10, 2011, March 0, 2011, April 14, 2011, May 12, 2011, June 9, 20 July 14, 2011, October 13, 2011, November 17, 2011, December 15, 2011, January 12, 2012, February 9, 20 and March 8, 2012, Commission meetings. tt This item was continued from March 10, 2011, April 14, 2011, May 12, 2011, June 9, 2011, July 14, 201 October 13, 2011, November 17, 2011, December 15, 2011, January 12, 2012, February 9, 2012, and March 8, 2012, Commission meetings. (SUBSTITUTE) APPLICATION SUMMARY DETAILING CATEGORIES APPLICANTS QUALIFIED UNDER Applicants for Historic and Environmental Preservation Board (includes amended applications from 4-2-2012) **Applications Received by Thursday, February 24, 2011, at 4:00 PM** AND **Applications Received by Monday, November 28, 2011, at 4:00 PM** AND **Applications Received by Friday, February 24, 2012, at 4:00 PM** AND **AMENDED Applications Received by Monday, April 2, 2012, at 4:00 PM** Note: Incumbents and appointments to be made for specific categories are highlighted. (UPDATED: 4.3.12) Employee of Miami Dade county or any municipality other than Gty of Miami (Waivable by 4/5th affirmative vote if a resident of City of Miami) Architect Registered in Florida. Landscape Architect Registered in Florida. Historian or Architectural Historian Qualified by Means of Education or Experience, & Having Demonstrated Knowledge & Interest in Miami- Dade Co. History & Architectural History Architect or Architectural Historian Having Demonstrated Knowledge & Experience in Architectural Restoration & Historic Preservation Experienced Real Estate Broker Licensed in Florida. Person Experienced in Field of Business & Finance or Law Citizen with Demonstrated Knowledge & Interest in Historic & Architectural Heritage of the city &for Conservation of the Natural Environment Alternate Member who Qualified Under One of listed Categories Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 Category 6 Category 7 Category 8 (1 Member) (1 Member) (1 Member) (1 Member) (1 Member) (1 Member) (3 Members) (1 Member) APPLICANTS 1 Armando Cazo NO 2 Gary A. Appel (Cat. 4) (Per 2- 885, 5/5 Term Waiver) NO 3 Gerald Marston (Cat. 2) (Per 2- 885, 5/5 Term Waiver) and (Per 2-886 4/5ths Attendance Waiver) NO 4 Robert John Graboski NO X X X 5 C. Chloe Keidaish NO X 6 Jorge Kuperman (Cat. 1) NO X X X X X 7 Lynn B. Lewis (Cat. 8) YES X 8 Timothy Barber NO X X X 9 William E. Hopper (Cat. 7) NO X X X 10 Hugh A. Ryan NO X X X 1i Jeff Shimonski NO X 12 Hendrik Van Leesten NO X X 13 Enid Lorenzo (Cat. 7) NO X X X Punted On: 4/9/2012 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. SUBSTITUTED Applicants tor Historic and Environmental Preservation Board * 25/2011(Applications Received by Thursday, February 24. 2011 at 4:00 p.m)** AND **11/29/2011(Applications Received by Monday. November 28, 2011 at 4:00 PM)** AND **02/27/2012 (Applications Received by February 23, 2012 at 4:00 PM)** Note: Incumben • nd appointments to be made are highlighted. (UPDATED: 2.24.12) Employee of Miami Dade county or any municipality • • er than City of Mia • Waivable by 4/5th affirmative . if a resident of City of Miami) Architect Registered in Florida. Landscape Architect Registered in Florida. Historian or Architectural Historian Qualified by Means of Education or Experience, & Having Demonstrated Knowledge & Interest in Miami- Dade Co. History & Architectural History Architect or Architectural Historian Having Demonstrated Knowledge & Experience in Architectural Restoration & Historic Preservation Experienced Real Estate Broker Licensed in Florida. Person Experienced in Field of Business & Finance or Law Citizen with Demonstrated Knowledge & Interest in Historic & Architectural Heritage of the City &/or Conservation of the Natural Environment Alternate Member who Qualified Under One of listed Categories Category 1 Cate: 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 Category 6 Category 7 Category 8 (1 Member) (1 Member) (1 Member) (1 Member) (1 Member) (1 Member) (3 Members) (1 Member) APPLICANTS 1 Armando Cazo NO 2 Gary A. Appel (Cat 4) (Per 2- 885, 5/5 Term Waiver) NO 3 Gerald Marston (Cat. 2) (Per 2- 885, 5/5 Term Waiver) and (Per 2-886 4/5ths Attendance Waiver) NO 4 Robert John Graboski NO X 5 C. Chloe Keidaish NO X 6 Jorge Kuperman (Cat. 1) NO X X 7 Lynn B. Lewis (Cat. 8) YES 8 Timothy Barber NO X X e William E. Hopper (Cat. 7) NO X 10 Hugh A. Ryan NO X 11 Jeff Shimonski NO X 12 Hendrik Van Leesten NO X 13 Enid Lorenzo (Cat. 7) NO X X X Printed On: 2/24/2012 APPLICATIONS FOR THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD (These applications were received before the February 24, 2012, 4:00 PM deadline.) THIS DOCUMENT ISA SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD Armando Cazo FIRST NAME 3461 SW 8 ST Miami FI, 33135 LAST NAME(S) ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Architect OCCUPATION Cazo Construction Corp. BUSINESS / EMPLOYER 305 669-8255 armando@cazogroup.com E-MAIL ADDRESS 305-448-1898 „ 01 in co 7 o ri rm w C r• cf+ Q, 0 Z TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS 3461 SW 8th Street, Miami Florida 33135 2913 SW 6th Street, Miami Florida 33135 CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ❑ YES ONO ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI' THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check "citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check 'alternate member. ° Q ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA ▪ LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR AR a,TECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING ® DEMONSTRATED ',�4 WLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAR:, sRATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. fir,► SIGNATURE El EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND ❑ FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND • INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ▪ ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES t-124-20�► DATE REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. E1 (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) ❑X NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF ETHICS COURSE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Plannin /HP/HEP Board Application 02/I010 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. ARMANDO CAZO, R.A., GENERAL CONTRACTOR PERSONAL DATA: DATE OF BIRTH: EDUCATION: HONOR SOCIETIES: REGISTRATION: Married, 2 children January 16, 1948 Associates of Arts Degree - M.D.C.C. Bachelor of Architecture - University of Florida University of Florida Gargoyle - College of Architecture - Honorary Society President's Honor Roll Dean's List Registered Architect - State of Florida Registration No. 7338 Registered General Contractor - State of Florida Registration No. CGC-007041 Real Estate Broker Registration No. BK 0356569 PROFESSIONAL AND SERVICE SOCIETIES: Miami Housing & Community Development Corp. President Dade County - Transportation Aesthetic Review Committee Member 1994 Dade County Planning Advisory Board Chairman (1991-1993) Dade County Planning Advisory Board Member (1986-1993) Builders Association of South Florida Legislative Committee Member American Institute of Architects (1976 - 1983) Latin Chamber of Commerce, Member & Advisor on Housing Matters (1976 - 1982) Latin American Jaycees - President (1979 - 1980) National Hispanic Association of Contractors Enterprise - Member (Director 1983 - 1985) Allapattah Business Development Authority Board of Directors City of Miami - Latin Quarter Review Board - Member THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. AWARDS Listed in "Outstanding Young Men of America" Honorary Mayor - City of Medellin Colombia Key to the City Honorary Mayor - City of Avilez, Spain Certificate of Appreciation Dade County H.U.D. Advisory Board - Plaque of Appreciation for Elderly Transportation Survey Dade County Mayor Stephen Clark - Certificate of Appreciation for Elderly Transportation Survey Pourbaix Award - Outstanding Member, Coral Gables, Jaycees -� Key Man Award - Coral Gables Jaycees 0 '�) om Latin Chamber of Commerce - Certificate of A(2CO t".) Appreciation o 7 = c� Robert L. Searly - Leadership Award sue'., w s~ p y s1 PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND: r 4' -- o r- aN 1993 - President CAZO, JARRO, JACOBS ARCHITECTS P.A. Architects, Planners, Interiors Owner/Secretary Engaging in Promotion Work, Client Relations, Budgeting, Supervision of Design and Construction Estimates 1976 - 1993 1979 - Present: 1980 - 1986 1983 - 1985 A. CAZO & ASSOCIATES Architect/Planners/Interiors Owner Engaging in Promotion Work, Client Relations, Budgeting, Supervision of Design and Construction Estimates CAZO CONSTRUCTION CORP. President Construction Management and Supervision, Budgeting, Job Estimates, Client Relations CAZO, RODRIGUEZ - TELLAHECHE & ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS, P.A. Secretary Engaged in Promotion Work, Client Relations, Supervision of Design, Cost Control and Budgeting CAZO/ARDAVIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Secretary 1974 - 1976 1975 - 1979 1973 - 1975 .gairmrsigsta THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Administration, Budgeting, Job Estimating, Client Relations ALVAREZ, CAZO, RODRIGUEZ & ASSOCIATES Architects, Planners, Interiors Vice President Engaged in Promotion Work, Client Relations, Supervision of Design and Budgeting. DOMUS CONSTRUCTION, INC. President Construction Management and Supervision Budgeting, Job Estimates, Client Relations. AVANCE CONSTRUCTION INC. Vice President Construction Management and Supervision PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: ARCHITECTURE AND RELATED WORK ARCHITECT ARMANDO CAZO, registered in 1976: the basis of the Firm which is today known as: CAZO + JARRO, JACOBS ARCHITECTS, P.A. The main objective of the firm is to maintain a service to the client, which is efficient, and at a personal level. In order to accomplish this goal, CAZO, JARRO, JACOBS ARCHITECTS, P.A.'S management has evolved to its present form of two associated architects, each personally responsible for the progress of all projects under his/her direction. In this way, our firm offers its clients the direct and personal attention, not of an employee, but a principal of the firm, who possesses the necessary experience and authority to make and carry out all decisions required by the project. CONSTRUCTION & RELATED WORK CAZO CONSTRUCTION CORP., formed by its President and Chief Executive, Mr. Armando Cazo, a registered Architect, who has been providing Construction and Construction Management Services since 1972. CAZO CONSTRUCTION CORP., has demonstrated a unique ability to organize, administer, and complete projects with efficiency, economy and speed, successfully completed construction projects in the South Florida area, varying from Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, Office and Residential. THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. March 19, 2010 • 1 VALLS GROUP 'Co Whom It May Concern Sent Via: Hand Delivered Re: Reference better: Armando Cazo/Cato Group Dear Sirs, Madam, It is our distinct pleasure to recommend Mr. Armando Cazo who for the past 30 years has provided outstanding and professional architectural and construction services for our rnmpany. As far back as 1979, Mr. Cazo and his firm completed architectural plans for more than 10 Residential and Commercial projects totaling more than 650 units and 200,000 sq ft. His plans and construction supervision were directly responsible for bringing all our projects within budget and completed on schedule. Armando Cazo's building and development and construction administration experience in South Florida is among the most impressive that !have encountered and it is for this reason that we have and continue to use his services almost exclusively. Cazo Group staff is competent, honest with enviable work ethic which reflects Armando's own Management style. We recommend Mr. Armando Cazo. President, and Principal of Cazo Group without reservation and hope that his firm is considered for your project(s). Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. R •� •} ctfuily y c • • phcr(1. Descalzo itd,1 % tV. 'oh Sttrr•1 Ik'nlh,.u.i• \%iami II 1 11 1 ; • Ti•I 1i1 • Luc c 1113• 44 ;•'+ II.'1 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL ARE 1 A �v INC.CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS COS NDOCUMENT. Mortgage and Real Estate Brokers and Counselors Visit us at areycoinc.com Alex Rey. CCL Licensed Real Estate Broker. Mortgage Broker E-Mai: arev@orevcoinc.com Telephone: 305-525-0186 Telephone: 305-525-0187 March 19, 2010 Mr. Armando Cazo Cazo Construction Corp. 3461 S. W. 8th Street Miami, FL 33135 Dear Mr. Cazo: We are pleased to provide you and your firm with a Letter of Reference. Our firm has been working with you, Armando Cazo, and Cazo Construction Corp. since 1992 and continues to do so. 21 SW 21 Rood Miami. Fl 33129 E-Mail: krevlliarevcoirlC.Corn Facsimile: 305-856-2613 As project managers we worked with you and Cazo Construction Corporation. in the construction of The West Perrin CDC Enterprise Center, a 5,000 SF office building, the 40,000 SF -Miami -Dade County Parks and Recreation' Goulds Gym, the 11,000 SF Walker Flex Space Warehouse, and, recently, in the construction of 55 affordable three and four bedroom single family homes in West Perrin. As principals and project directors we worked with you and Cazo Construction Corporation In the planning, design, entitlement and predevelopment of the 99 unit Village at Southland in the Goulds residential project and in the 550 unit, 200,000 SF TOD Mixed Used project in South Dade. Both projects are currently under development. You work to complete projects in a timely fashion and within approved budgets. your crews were knowledgeable and efficient with excellent supervision on the part of you and your senior staff. Your preparation of design, predevelopment and entitlement work was very professional and effective, successfully achieving the projects' objective as planned. We welcome the opportunity to continue working with you, Mr. Cazo, and Cazo Construction Corporation in the future. Si Alex 7;Ty President 2010-3-19 Coa& Cazo Const Document Name: Session2 PNLE ARPS PROPERTY SYSTEM - PROPERTY NAME / LEGAL INQUIRY (32) DATE: 02/24/2011 16:56:01 FOLIO NO: 01-4104-007-0020 LEGAL ADDR: 3461 SW 8 ST GRP FOLIO: PROP ADDR: 3461 SW 8 ST CANCELED: NO ORIGIN: DC BL PRESENT: YES ST EX: 00 00 CLUC: 13 OWNER NAME AND ADDRESS VALUE HISTORY ARMANDO CAZO &W ESPERANZA YEAR: 2009 2010 LAND: 162,000 151,875 3461 SW 8 ST BLDG: 109,540 107,258 MIAMI FL TOTAL: 271,540 259,133 ZIP: 331354107 HEX: 0 0 WVDS: 0 0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION TOTEX: 0 0 MILDRED PARK PB 16-68 NONEX: 271,540 259,133 LOT 7 BLK 1 GRSS TX: 5,418 6,273 LOT SIZE 25.000 X 135 CNTY TX: OR 16382-2217 0594 1 CITY TX: 1,906 2,239 OR 16382-2217 0594 00 SALE AMT: 150,000 SALE DATE: 05/1994 SALE TYPE: / / / NEXT FOLIO KEY: NEXT ADDRESS KEY: ACTION: 1-CONTINUE THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. ACTION: 01 XMIT: Date: 2/24/2011 Time: 4:48:09 PM THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Admitted in FL, CT, NY LL.M-Taxation Honorable Michele Spence -Jones Commissioner City Of Miami 3500 Pan American Dr. Miami, Florida 33133-0708 GARY A. APPEL Attorney at Law Bay Point Office Tower 4770 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 1 100 Miami, Florida 33137 Telephone: (305) 576-0033 Facsimile: (305) 576-0023 Email: ppel abtaxadiusters.net January 20, 2012 Via hand and/or overniwht delivery Re: Re -appointment for membership to the City of Miami Historic and Environmental Preservation Board Dear Commissioner Jones: Attached please find a copy of my application for re -appointment to the City of Miami Historic and Environmental Preservation Board. It has been an honor and privilege to serve on the Board. I hope to continue as your recommended appointee (and appreciate your prior appointment)! As my expertise lay in utilizing historic preservation as a tool for economic growth, I am pleased that the Board has taken action to make a number of properties and potential districts eligible for Federal and County tax credits/ahatements for restoring historic properties. I had also acted as the Board's liaison with our delegation in Tallahassee and the City of Miami Beach and Miami -Dade County Boards to successfully oppose most of the budgetary cuts that would have adversely impacted the City of Miami. In addition and among other volunteer activities, I am on the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Miami Design Preservation League. I understand that historic preservation and "economics" must be balanced...particularly in neighborhoods like Spring Garden and Buena Vista East. For example, allowing attached shutters and Tess expensive but code compliant roof replacements. Currently, 1 am investigating the possibility of listing on the National Register the current local Biscayne Blvd. MIMO Historic District. Seeking National Register listing is normally a local government function. However, Alexander Adams and his staff have been terrific in accomplishing more than I could have thought given limits on time and money. Therefore, given the troubled economic times we are in, I am looking into this pro-bono. I respectfully request being re -appointed to the Board and look forward to continued service. Sincerely, Gary A. Appel M19alCity d Miami HEM ete012O12 my d®mh hepb reappointment ktic.D C FIRST NAM THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. 1 APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PR)/A,I`BOARD �,cr dr T I, `� t q -9,il74o0.. NAME(S) ' ay q?>0/3(5zzi\trE-eud., 000 //1611,,', 3/.3 7 • ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE fitiG-' C %I'1'5^.44 f Lr--7'f h(r�sc.l`-`•,4 ci /.�e7,./ Iw1C rGk Cr, 4 itln4 OCCUPATION / / E-MAI ADDRESS / ] 04 ',yr , 11. a x6 4/145-le , f. BUSINESS / EMPLOYER TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE UST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" El YES 60 ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check ci�ere — - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check attemate member, ❑ ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA El LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA C___ 6 EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA/ HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING ❑ DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING ❑ DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF/BUSINESS AND ANCE OR LAW. CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE ° ABOVE CATEGORIES /c,t// SIGNATURE DATE REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS W,- }JS OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) Er NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION ID/CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF ETHICS COURSE Las den 0-e1 113C I - Cc, �� (7 vide zo `� ,0 u-e5t- cf rides • INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. PlanningiHP/HEP Board Application 02/2010 Professional Profile: GARY A. APPEL, Esq. THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Address: Bay Point Office Tower, 4770 Biscayne Blvd., Smite 1100, Mnmi, FL 33137 Telephone: (305) 576-0033 Facsimile: (305) 576-0023 E-Quit: gapveI xadiusters,.net Web Site: www.tziadiusters.net Professional Areas of Practice • Historic Preservation tax consulting and representation of taxpayers before the State Historic Preservation Office, the National Park Service and the Internal Revenue Service seeking Federal, State and Local tax credits and abatements for the rehabilitation of historic buildings • Ad Valorem tax consulting and representation of property owners before the Local Property Appraiser, Administrative Appeals Board and Circuit Court • Enterprise Zone Program consulting and representation of companies before the various agencies seeking Federal, State and Local tax credits and abatements for the creation of jobs and other economic activity in designated geographical areas • Commercial real estate brokerage and lease negotiations on behalf of landlords and tenants Professional Experience • Property Tax Adjusters, Inc., d/b/a/ Garth Realty Corporation, Miami, FL (principal - ad valorem tax consultant/historic preservation tax consultant/real estate broker. 1994-present) • Law Offices of Gary A. Appel, PA, Miami, FL (attorney: 1993-present) • Bates -Appel, Inc., Aventura, FL (principal - ad valorem tax and historic preservation tax consultant (1996-2003) • Real Estate Tax Services, Inc., Miami, FL (ad valorem tax consultant: 1993-1994) • Deloitte & Touche, New York, NY (Federal tax consultant 1992-1993) • Buchanan Ingersoll, P.C., Aventura, FL (attorney: 1992)7-1 • CB Richard Ellis, Inc., New York, NY (commercial real estate broker. 1984-1991) { c s. rn - '� Professional Licenses c7 O-1D Po �t rn • Florida Bar rn -a -< ill • Connecticut Bar = O • New York Bar -'. y - W r • Florida Real Estate Broker co o Professional Affiliations • City of Miami Historic Preservation and Environmental Board • Miami Design Preservation League- Vice Chairman -Executive Committee -Board of Directors • National and Florida Trusts for Historic Preservation • International Council of Shopping Centers • Carnegie Mellon Admissions Council Education • University of Miami Law School - LL.M. - Taxation • Fordham University School of Law — J.D.(Evening Division) • Carnegie Mellon University - B.S. (History and Managerial Economics) Additional Historic Preservation Endeavors • Volunteer lecturer at professional seminars and public meetings on Historic Preservation • Co-author of the Amendment to the Miami Beach National Architectural District extending the period of significance to 1950 making over 100 buildings eligible for Federal tax benefits • Co-author of the Nomination to the National Park Service certifying the Local Miami Beach Ocean Beach Historic District making over 100 buildings eligible for Federal tax benefits Gary Aoaet From: Sent To: Cc: Subject: Charles Bohl [cbohl@miami.edu] March 30, 2011 6:18 PM Gary Appel Elizabeth M. Plater Zyberk Thank You! THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Gary, Thank you for sharing your expertise and putting together the terrifically relevant and useful handouts on preservation for the real estate students last Friday. You and Allan were a great tag -team, but I also think it would be great to have you for 'your own session next semester as there is a lot more you could go into. You got us thinking about a preservation course or mini -course that would be a series these types of classes where a mix of practitioners, historians, and developers contribute their expertise and take students through case studies. We are also doing short 1/2-day and 1-day "executive ed" courses for practitioners and this would be an excellent topic for one of those as well. Great stuff! -:Thanks again, 'eharles C. Bohl, Director e Program in Real Estate Development and Urbanism School of Architecture University ami http:L/mredu.arc.miami.edu/Default.htm of can r. '`izabeth Plater-Zyberk, dean hool of Architecture 1 10 :C Wd LZ NVf ZIO1 UEMC 2006 Board of Directors Robert A. Flanders President tel:(305)758-5766 fax: (305)756-6337 ptlataitazisacam A(tyson Warren Vice Resident tat (. )7ef-S7so oct cam David Treece Secretary -Treasurer fol: (305)754-0956 fax (305)751-006S didlniameacicam Upper Eastside Miami Council, Inc. 801 NE 74th Street Miami, FL 33136 Upper Rathide Miami Council, Inc. Asliailo/Riscayne Boulevard Historic District Prorcy/lBusiness Owner's Townisad Meeting Monday May t5, 2006 S-7 Ptil Agenda David Treece, UEMC - Meethng Protocol Bob Flanders, UCMC - Wekaome (reference 4 & A Session) Nancy Liebman - Panel Moderator Panel fLiosited to test minutes each) Nancy Liebman, UEL Chair, former Miami Beach Commissioner - The struggle Tony Goldman, preservationist developer - Entrepreneur in a historic district Michael Belush, Principal Pfau+er Mang Beach - Incentives, Zoning, Parking Teri D'Amico, Interior Designer & Randall Robinson, Exec. Director North Beath Development Corp - Matto Co SSdeshow Kathleen Kauffman, Miami's Him Preservation Officer - The reality of uric preservation In Miami r f Gary Appel, attorney, Miami Historic Preservation Board Virg Chair - Historic preservation tax credits Questions & Armors Session MiMo//iscaytse Boulevard devard Historic Dis rict iiiES Resident's Towrnhai! Meeting Monday May- 15, 2006 7-9 PM Agenda Sane as above except Tony Goldman UEMC & BCCC gratefut(y acknowledges the contributions and participation of all, including Miami Mayor Manny Diaz, Commissioner Johnny Winton & Frank Balzebre, Chief of Staff - Commissioner Winton's Office, Miami Planning Director Ana Getabert-Sanchez, Assistant Planning Director Carmen Sanchez, Miami's Upper Eastside N.E.T. Adminisl,aior Maria Mascarenas, and their staffs. -r, • 70 o t7 C./1 --+ c� c▪ _ �nr a cm - THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION -< < ter n TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL YID ▪ rn CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS �o Z • rri DOCUMENT. --n —.. t..' r— `e7 Cr) O O al MIAMI BEACH MI MIBEACH recovery 1111111131-1/ Miami Beach Business Academy The Miami Beach Business Academy is a free program open to all current or prospective businesses to guide them through some of the basic interactions with the City of Miami Beach as they establish their business in our community. Spring 2011 Sessions Session 1 - Friday, February 11, 2011, 8:30 a.m. d = ' Historic Tax Credits Joyce Meyers, Miami Beach Planning Department Kathleen Slesnick Kauffman, Historic Preservation Chief, Miami -Dade C.quri 4aryA.Appel,Esq. r rsa Session 2 - Friday, April 1, 2011, 8:30 a.m.n' Licensing (Business Tax Receipts) Amy = in Manny Marquez, Miami Beach Finance Department T r N o c— Session 3 - Friday, June 10, 2011, 8:30 a.m. Building Department and Code Compliance Kristin Tigner, Miami Beach Building Department o Robert Santos-Alborna, Miami B each Code Compliance Division D z o m-Fo Session 4 - Friday, August 12, 2011, 8:30 a.m. Q w Special Events Max Sklar, Miami Beach Tourism and Cultural Development Department w m Q J ill I-- R Z w Z All Sessions are 1.5 hours and will take place at: 0 m Miami Beach City Hall = Ln o Q Q 1- 1- U 0 1700 Convention Center Drive First Floor Conference Room For further information, please contact Lynn Bernstein at 305.673.7010 or via email at lynnbernstein@miarnibeachfl.gov. O Dire I, 's Off (850) 488-1480 • FAX 4883353 3siorie Pensacola Preservation Some (85 595.59115 • FAX 595-5989 IIDA DEPARTMENT SianIny Relation ialeciikan dainc Cop Make ofG lAEa s Mika of li.iodnlitivamm Widen ofLinerandInformation Services Mika eflietabg ofAdninnintiveServices January 11, 2001 OF STATE Mr. Gary A_ Appel Bates -Appel, Inc. One Tumbeay Place 19495 Biscayne Boulevard Smite 301 Avea4:ua, Florida 33180 Dear Gary: FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Kat erina Harris Sharp tiSteie DIVISION OF HISTORICAL RESOURCES OF } _ MEMBER Of a ^^ ��pp FLORIDA CASKET . Sale Board ofEicalino Trestles of the Internal ImplavenamotTnnt Prod . • Athoiniabutkai Ccamoirm FloridaLand and Ware As terry S Siting Board Division of Bond Helm� �` Dew:Wien of Rename Depmtmmtof Lew Enicimoarat Depertmeot ofl-Tghvray Safety and Mobs Vehida Despermanaofvetanne Albin I am very pleased to advise you that on Jaanary 4, 2001, the Keeper of the National Register appioved the additional documentation fin. the Miami Beach Architectural District. This information extends the period of significance to 1950 and clarifies the list of emoting resources in the dishict Once .again, I want to thank you for your perseverance in pursuing this matter. Sincerely, ca- Barbara E. Matti& Deputy state Historic Preservation Officer fir Survey & Registration RA cry Bailing • son south Brcoorigh Street • Tanalsaseg, Rodncla 32 0250 • hop / /www flh m O Archaeological Research 0 Ellainric Prffiratkm 0 l,hodcal 3M>wn= (850) 487-2299 • FAX: 41422D7 (850) 487- i • FAX ?Z2.0496 (850) 488-1484 • FAX: 911-2503 0 Palm Beach Regional Office El St Angel:Line Regional Office O Tampa Regismal Office (561) 279-1475 • FAX 7 9-1476 (904) 825 • FAX: 825-5014 (813) 272- 843 • FAX 272-2340 0 z Ln 0 oc z FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Glenda E. Hood Secretary of State DIVISION OF HISTORICAL RESOURCES December 9, 2003 Janet Snyder Matthews, PhD. Associate Director for Cultural Resources National Park Service Washington, D. C. Dear Jan, THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. This letter is to introduce you to Gary Appel, from Miami, who has been so instrumental in the development of our historical resources in Miami Beach. Gary has been working with us and the City of Miami Beach for the past few years and has helped to bring hundreds of new resources into new historic districts. He is, as well, on the City of Miami's Architectural Review Board and a member of the board of the Miami Design Preservation League. He has also been a good friend for a number of years. He will no doubt be dealing with the Park Service in ever-increasing amounts in the future and, I trust, with your good offices. I expect that you are settling in and enjoying the benefits of Washington's cultural scene and people. Please keep in touch as your time permits. rfrtruly 4 Walt Mather 500 S. Bronough Street . Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 • Mrtp://www.flheritage.com 0 Director's Office 0 Archaeological Research 0 Historic Preservation O FIistmical Mrmaeninnn (250) 245-6300 • FAX 245-6435 (850) 245-6444 • FAX: 245-6436 (850) 245-6333 • FAX: 245-6437 (850) 245-6400 • FAX: 245-6433 0 Palm Beach Regional Office 0 St. Augustine Regional Office 0 Tampa Regional Office (561) 279-1475 • FAX 1476 (904) 825-5045 • FAX: 825-5044 (813)172-3843 • FAX 272-2340 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. JJ.A �� �/ % APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD ti C� r� Mlegsiz�I4 FIRST NAME LAST NAME(S) S' & MAN 6Oex, iJ i IvM. ) �174a+, 3'3133 ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE L u la 5C.AFT A244-1 t 1-"EL be. 14 AIR STC e L_ . eat OCCUPATION E-MAIL ADDRESS GUI-Tls -t tzQ6'E •Sry Dl a , ! Lk . BUSINESS / EMPLOYER +4 -606 - -b 1- ZocZ G 106'413.212 b Pus . 3 D - 9- 2- - 1 -7'14 TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI' YES 1:00'-- ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check 'citizen.' - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check "alternate member.' 11 ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA ''LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA rn PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAI ENVIRONMENT. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. LI (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF ETHICS COURSE I4j i, i, -tj e /4 T14E (p v 124 /3UT Al D AR) r Receive- A -Er -ri Ft (A[ s OF Ccv111 1" L-t.TL D L1 INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. 4-1 m co at PlanningMPMEP Board Application 02/2010 XJ rn n rn 0 Rerlistr,itir i Registered Landscape Architect in the States of Florida. Ohio and Missouri Afflliatiui American Society of Landscape Architects Education Master of Landscape Architecture Harvard University Graduate School of Design Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture Michigan State University (with honors) Eniploymerrt 2010 to Present Curtis + Rogers Design Studio, Inc. 1991-2010 Wallace, Roberts &Todd, LLC 1985-1991 Sasaki Associates, Inc. 1981-1985 Edward D. Stone, Jr. and Associates 1976-1881 Walquist/Marston 1974-1975 Labrenz, Reimer, Inc. 1972 -1973 Sasaki, Dawson, DeMay Associates, Inc. 1969-1972 Richard A. Gardiner & Associates, Inc. Gerald C. Marston, FASLA flirector of Design THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Mr. Marston is a landscape architect with over 35 years of experience as a practicing professional and educator. He currently leads the design team at Curtis + Rogers Design Studio, Inc. Mr. Marston's professional background includes senior design project management and principal in charge with three of the most prestigious planning and design firms in the United States. He is a proven design collaborator and stresses the practice of proposing and evaluating alternatives and the obligation of the designer to prepare a final solution which solves the functional issues while providing an aesthetic which pleases the client. He has extensive and wide ranging experience in landscape planning and design of civic spaces, plazas and parks. ivic Exl)eriei;t; Key Biscayne Landscape Master Plan; Key Biscayne, Florida Key Biscayne Crandon Park: Key Biscayne, Florida Beach Street USA; Virginia Beach, Virginia Disney Contemporary Hotel and Meeting Facility; Orlando, Florida Estero Island Streetscape; Fort Myers, Florida Flagler Corridor Streetscape; Miami, Florida Georgia International Maritime and Trade Center, Savannah. Georgia Miami Beach Historic Convention Village - Civic Impressions; Miami Beach, Florida Ocean City Boardwalk Renovation; Ocean City, Maryland Orlando Centroplex; Orlando, Florida Overtown Pedestrian Mall; Miami, Florida Sunrise Civic Center; Sunrise, Florida St. Joe Company; Tallahassee, Florida Cnmrnerr sal Fwhprionce Antigua; British West Indies Estero Island Streetscape; Fort Myers, Florida Sistrunk Urban Design; Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Sistrunk Streetscape Improvements; Ft. Lauderdale Florida Miami Rambla; Miami, Florida Ocean City Boardwalk Renovation; Ocean City, Maryland Park Experience Boynton Beach Intracoastal Park; Boynton Beach, Florida Boynton Beach Boat Club Park; Boynton Beach, Florida Bayfront Park Historic Rock Garden Restoration; Miami, Florida Bayfront Park Renovation; Miami, Florida Boynton Intracoastal Waterway and Boat Club Parks; Boynton Beach, Florida Chapman Field Master Plan; Miami -Dade County, Florida Coral Gables War Memorial Youth Center; Coral Gables, Florida Fairchild Tropical Garden; Miami -Dade County, Florida Greynold Park Bird Watching Tower; Miami -Dade County. Florida Greynold Park Swimming Hole; Miami -Dade County, Florida Haulover Park Master Plan; Miami -Dade County, Florida Homestead Atoll Pool Park Master Plan; Homestead, Florida Master Plan for Matheson Hammock Park; Miami -Dade County, Florida Off Highway Vehicle Trails Feasibility Study; Miami -Dade County, Florida Overtown Greenway Plan; Miami, Florida Plantation Central Park; Plantation, Florida R. Hardy Matheson Preserve; Miami -Dade County. Florida Simpson Park Master Plan; Miami, Florida Trail Glades Gun Range Master Plan; Miami -Dade County, Florida Vizcaya Orchidarium; Miami, Florida Virginia Key Beach Park; Miami, Florida Volunteer Park & Equestrian Center; Plantation, Florida r-1 CO THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. ilLerttttcate Of artictpation Gerard -Marston TLis•is to certify that the abovementionedindividual has attended a briefing on Sunshine Law, Public Records, and the Miami -Dade County Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance. The two (2) hour briefing was conducted on April 27, 2010 for the City of Miami by the Miami -Dade County Commission on Ethics and Public Trust in compliance with the City of Miami Ordinance #13125. Robert Meyers, Executive Director Commission on Ethics and Public Trust Document Name: Sessionl PNLE ARPS PROPERTY SYSTEM FOLIO NO: 01-4128-005-0031 LEGAL ADDR: GR-P FOLIO: PROP ADDR: CANCELED: NO • ORIGIN: DC BL PRESENT: OWNER NAME AND ADDRESS ELIZABETH J KEELER & GERALD C MARSTON 3856 MAIN HWY COCONUT GROVE FL ZIP: 331336543 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 3RD AMD COCONUT GR PK PH 4-17 PORT OF LOTS 13-14-15 & 32 BLK Q. DESC BEG AT MOST SLY COR LOT 14 TH N 50 DEG. E49.87FT TO MOST ELY COR LOT 14 N 55 DEG W41.43FT <MORE> NEXT FOLIO KEY: NEXT ADDRESS ACTION: 1-CONTINUE YEAR: LAND: BLDG: TOTAL: HEX: WVDS : . TOTEX: NONEX: GRSS TX: CNTY TX: CITY TX: SALE AMT: SALE -DATE: SALE TYPE: KEY: - PROPERTY NAME / LEGAL INQUIRY DATE: 02/16/2011 3856 MAIN HWY 3856 MAIN HWY YES ST EX: 00 00 CLUC: 01 VALUE HISTORY 2009 2010 327,561 214,175 203,468 194,544 531,029 408,719 25,000 25,000 0 0 25,000 25,000 506,029 383,719 7,241 7,355 2., 525 359,000 04/1997. / THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION • TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. 2,417 295,000 02/1995 / (32) 16:42:30 180,000 07/1989 / ACTION: 01 XMIT: Date: 2/16/2011 Time: 4:35:16 PM Robert John THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. RECEIVED 2012JAN30 AMI0:32 APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD • CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI. FL. Graboski FIRST NAME 6011 North Bayshore Drive. Villa #9, Miami, FL 33137 LAST NAME(S) ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Architect Robert@villagearchitects.com OCCUPATION Village Architects of Key Biscayne, Inc. E-MAIL ADDRESS BUSINESS / EMPLOYER 305.772.5250 TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) 305.361.5335 BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" 0 YES ❑X NO ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI.' THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check "citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check "alternate member" Q ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. SIGNATURE ❑ EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND ❑ FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ▪ ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE 1-1 ABOVE CATEGORIES DATE REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS Q RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVA-ION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) El NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION 0 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF ETHICS COURSE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Plana ng/HP'HEP Board Applicattun 02/2010 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD C. Chloe Keidaish, AIA / LEED AP FIRST NAME 2101 Brickell Ave. 4304, Miami FL 33129 LAST NAME(S) ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Architect chloe(g»studioXarch.com OCCUPATION Studio X Architects E-MAIL ADDRESS BUSINESS / EMPLOYER 305 439 3809 786 888 4520 TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, ''NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" YES J NO ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE EUGIBLE: - Nominees for the profess:onal positrons who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requiremen! should also check citizen." • Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check "alternate member.` ❑X ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. SIGNATURE E EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN TI lE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ,V 144, O X i I'J ALTERNATE MERIBtiif41t1QWI IE��INDER ONE OF THE ABOVE CATiw�GOR�� 1.I VT'' L0 :g }lq 81 hOH 110Z DATE w REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ❑ (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) C] NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF ETHICS COURSE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. l3 '111V11ll JO ,41131O Alla t;OSdW0111 11 V]1I3S1):1d LO:9WV 81MIN II0Z PlanrongIHP/HEP Board Application 02/2010 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. w o =C)} r a. ual Miami Florida TI iiteto AN o N _�� merit etrnpnitan Center Certificate of Completion This is to certify that Chloe Keidaish has satisfactorily completedthe studies and ftgfi ed the requirement: for "Professiona Dr. Howard Frank, Director Metropolitan Center and Ethics Seminar for Lobbyists" November 9, 2011 ti ee�' Cen • ' 0, Executive Director, iami- 1 - Commission on Ethics & Public Trust College ofArts and Sciences Robert Meyers, Former Executive Director, Miami -Dade Commission on Ethics & Public Trust 4 contact hours THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. C. CHLOE KEIDAISH, AIA / LEED AP THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. C. CHLOE KEIDAISH, AIA 1 LEED AP SUMMARY Ms. Keidaish is an award -winning architect with extensive experience managing and designing large-scale, mixed -use, high-rise projects in Miami, Milan and the Middle East. Notable clients include Hines, The Related Group, Aldar, Emaar, Abu Dhabi Investment House, and Qatari Diar. Ms. Keidaish is a graduate of Harvard University and the University of Miami. She also studied at the Architectural Association in London. Ms. Keidaish is a registered architect in the United States and has held senior positions at SOM and Arquitectonica. She specializes in Residential, Mixed -Use, Commercial and Hospitality Design. EXPERIENCE 8/2010-PRESENT STUDIO X AhCNITECTS Miami, FL Principal 7/2008 — 7/2010 SF(JDMORE nvistwi i .MERRILL (SOM) Chicago & Dubai Project Manager I Middle East 8/2004 — 2/2008 AROUJTECTONICA Miami, FL Vice President 8/1998-8/2004 BERMELL© AJANIL 3 PARTNERS Miami, FL Senior Associate EDUCATION University of Miami Master of Architecture, MA. in Communications Harvard University Bachelor of Liberal Arts, cum laude, Art & Architecture Architectural Association Foundation in Architecture PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Registered Architect in the United States (FL, GA, IL, NC, TN, DC) USGBC: LEED Accredited Professional American Institute of Architects National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. PROJECTS 7/2008 — 7/2010 SKIDMORE OWINGS & MERRILL ISOM) Chicago & Dubai Project Manager / Middle East Alder Corporate Headquarters- Ducal. UAE This was the first project assigned to me at SOM. As Project Manager, I led the winning design competition for Alder HQ's Interior Fit -Out. 1 oversaw the project from Programming through Schematic Design. I served as the primary contact with Aldar, the contractor, the consultants and the design team. I attended all project meetings in Abu Dhabi. made presentations to the CEO and Chairman of Aldar and assisted with the LEED certification efforts. Emitter Plot 30-37 Dubai, UAE Following the success of the Burj Dubai, SOM was asked to design a second mixed -use tower, 1000-ft tall, in the Downtown Burj Dubai District. As the Project Manager, I served as the primary contact with Emaar and coordinated the design team to ensure the Concept Design was completed on schedule. Following completion of the Concept Design, the project went on hold due to the current economic crisis. Banco Santander Miami Miami. FL. This project was a design competition for a 500,000 SF AAA office tower in Miami which would also serve as Banco Santander's Headquarters in this region. As Project Manager, I served as the primary contact with the client; coordinated the design team, consultants, marketing and graphics for the design proposal; and wrote the technical proposal, including project schedule, fees, and construction cost estimate. Lusml Towers, ONHC Doha. Oster This project was a design competition for twin hotel and residential towers for Qatar National Hotel Company. As Project Manager, I attended the on -site meetings, met with the client, coordinated with the design team and personally delivered the competition submittal to Doha. This project was a 19-story office design competition for Abu Dhabi Investment House, managed by Projacs. As Project Manager, I coordinated the competition submittal with the design team and personally delivered the competition submittal to Abu Dhabi_ Dubai, UAE Unusual for SOM. I served the dual role of Project Manager and Lead Architect for this 30,000 SF private residence for a prominent Emirati family in Dubai. The villa includes a Majilis, Home Theater, Entertainment Room, Spa, Library, Gardens, and six -car garage. THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. PROJECTS 8/2004 — 2/2008 AROU?TECTON►CA Miami, FL Vice President L. Versslne served as the Lead Architect and Project Manager for two residential towers, 40 & 22- stories, for Hines in Milan. I oversaw the project from Concept Design through Design Development and attended project meetings in Milan every three weeks for 18 months. I was responsible for coordinating the project with the client (Hines), the masterplan architects (KPF), the executive architects (Jacobs), the local architects, consultants and my design team. The project was approved by the Municipality of Milan and is currently under construction. Beirut 6rte Beirut, Lebanon I served as the Lead Architect and Project Manager for three 14-story buildings, the site was literally on the infamous "Green Line` in Beirut's Central Business District. 1 oversaw the project from Concept Design through Design Development and attended project meetings in Beirut every three months for 18 months. I was responsible for coordinating the project with the client (ADIH), the executive management (Projacs), the local architects and my design team. The project was approved by Solidere and is currently under construction. Sharm Ei-Sheikh Resort Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt 1 was recommended to Qatari Diar for this project as the Lead Architect and Project Manager by the local architectural firm I was working with on Beirut Gate. As a result of this recommendation, we received this project and two others from Qatari Diar. I oversaw the Concept Design for the resort Master Plan, which included a 300-key full -service hotel, a 150-key boutique hotel, private villas, spa, retail souk and staff housing. I also coordinated the Concept Design with the theming architects for the Luxor in Las Vegas. I attended the initial site visit in Egypt, and made regular presentations to the CEO of Qatari Diar in Doha. The project has been featured in QD's brochures and pavilion at Cityscape Dubai. Qatar Manna District Doha, Qatar Following the design of the Sharm EI-Sheikh resort, we were asked to design two additional towers for Qatari Diar in the Marina District. The projects were designed to the maximum 30-stories according to local district zoning codes, but when presented to Sheich Jassmim Bin Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jabor Al Thani, we were asked to double the towers' heights. I oversaw the Concept Design and presented the project to Qatari Diar's CEO and the Sheikh. THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. PROJECTS 8/2004 — 212008 ARQU? TEC TDN'CA Miami, FL Vice President Uubar Wafarfmn? Dubai UAE This project was done for Omniyat Properties, known for developing more wild and whimsical projects with star -architect firms. I served as the Lead Architect and Project Manager for the three 54-story mixed -use towers, designed to appear as one dramatically waving form. I attended all client / consultant / architect meetings in Dubai and led the design team in Miami. The project was approved by the master developer Nakheel, and has been featured in Omniyat's pavilion at Cityscape Dubai and Cityscape Abu Dhabi. Bricks'? C/UCenfre Brickell CitiCentre is one of the most ambitious projects proposed in Miami in the last decade. The project is composed of three 76/72/69-story towers, and includes 2,424- residential units, office and retail space. The project was approved by Miami City Commission for a Major Use Special Permit and is on hold due to the current economic crisis. 300 Grove Bay Rssidsnces Miami, FL 300 Grove Bay Residences was the Related Group's first venture into ultra high -end luxury residential units in Miami. Located on a controversial hospital property. the site required rezoning from Institutional use to Residential. As the Lead Architect and Project Manager. I led the development of the design, coordinated with city planners and hosted numerous community meetings to gain neighborhood support and address their concerns. 1400 6lscayne Boulevaro AMlanrl, FL This was a typical project during the Miami development boom. The project is composed of two towers, 61&65-stories tall, and includes 300-residential units on top of a parking podium lined with retail at the base and office space above. As the Lead Architect and Project Manager, I led the design and presented the project to Miami City Commission for a Major Use Special Permit. t770 N Bayahore Orin" Miarni, FL This was another typical project during the Miami development boom. The project is composed of a single tower, 52-stories tall, and includes 300-residential units on top of a retail base. The detached parking structure is lined with loft -style units. As the Lead Architect and Project Manager, I led the design and presented the project to Miami City Commission for a Major Use Special Permit. THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. PROJECTS 8/1998 — 8/2004 SERMELLO AJAMIL & PARTNERS Miami. FL Senior Associate Skyline on Brickell Miami FL Skyline on Brickell is the first project for which I served as the Lead Architect and Project Manager. It is a 40-Story, 360-Unit Residential High -Rise on Miami's prestigious Brickell Avenue, and it is also my home. Initially commenced in 1999, I oversaw the project from Concept Design through Construction Administration, including city approvals, value engineering and permitting. Construction was completed in 2004. As a resident of this building for the past six years. I have learned a tremendous amount about building operations after the project is closed out. The 1800 Club Mlarnl, FL Based on the success of Skyline on Brickell, I was asked by the same client to serve as the Lead Architect and Project Manager for this 40-Story, 450-Unit Mixed -Use, High -Rise project on Margaret Pace Park in Miami. I oversaw the project from Concept Design through Construction Documents and presented it to the Miami City Commission for a Major Use Special Permit. It also won a Design Award from the Society of American Registered Architects. Construction was completed in 2007 and its success led to rapid development of that neighborhood. Premiere Tower Mlaml. FL The development arm of the architecture firm I worked for asked that I serve as the lead architect for this project comprised of two twin 52-story towers in Miami's Mary Brickell Village. The project was approved by Miami City Commission for a Major Use Special Permit. It also won a design award from the Society of American Registered Architects. but remains on hold due to the current economic crisis. AFtlalrrN, FL I served as the lead designer and project manager for this 18-Story, 95-Unit Residential Development in Miami's Upper East Side. The project was approved by Miami City Commission for a Major Use Special Permit. but remains on hold due to the current economic crisis. Fout SarlS0115 Notel £ Tower Miami, FL As part of the Construction Documents team for the Four Seasons Hotel & Tower, I worked with the joint venture design team, Handel Architects, to translate the design concepts into working drawings and to make sure the plans complied with local budding codes. This project was completed in 2003 and remains the tallest building in Miami at 240m. THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. DESIGN AWARDS Society of American Registered Architects: 2004 Design Award Society of American Registered Architects 2002 Design Award PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS Managed large-scale, mixed -use projects in the Miami. Milan and the Middle East. Extensive business development in the MENA region. Managed budgeting, scheduling, planning, design. with authority to direct and monitor all activities on complex projects. Defined. monitored and maintained control of the scope of work and services for the project including project schedule and work plan. Prepared and negotiated client and consultant proposals. fees. schedules. and contracts. Primary coordinator of all communication between the client and design team insuring timely resolution of client concerns and management of business issues including contracts and additional services. Responsible for the clear and timely communication of information to the project team and to insure compliance with the project teams goals. Monitored the performance of the project team and approach, to assure that quality standards and design goals were being met. Established, maintained, and documented regular project related meetings including client, internal team and consultants meetings. Responsible for meeting or exceeding the financial goals established for the project. CIVIC INVOLVEMENT Harvard Club of Miami , Current Member City of Miami Zoning Board: Member June 2005-January 2007 Habitat for Humanity: Global Village Team — July 2000 PAWS Half Marathon Team Chicago, 2010 Miami Corporate Run: Team Captain 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. CONTACT C. Chloe Keidaish, AIA / LEED AP 2101 Brickell Ave # 304 Miami, Florida 33129 USA Tel. 001 305 439 3809 ckeidaish@gmail.com THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. CLIENT:QATAR NATIONAL HOTEL COMPANY FIRM: SOM ROL E. PROJECT MANAGER PROJEC C MIXED -USE HOTEL / RESIDENT IAL / OFFICE / RE 1AIL PHASE: DESIGN COMPETITION AL WATANIYAH ABU DHABI, UAE CLIENT. ABU DHABI INVESTMENT HOUSE FIRM: SOM ROLE: PROJECT MANAGER PROJECI: 19 SEORYOFFICETOWER PHASF: DESIGN COMPE III ION THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. BANCO SANTANDER MIAMI MIAMI, FLORIDA CE IENT: BANCO SANTANDER FIRM: SOM ROI F; PROJECT MANAGFR PROJECT: 500,000 SF AAA Of F ICE. TOWER 1,000 F 1 TALL DESIGN COMPETITION THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. ALDAR HQ ABU DHABI, UAE CLIENT: ALDAR FIRM: SOM ROI F:PROJECT MANAGFR INTERIOR FIT-OU1 PHASES: CONCEPT AND SCHEMA1 IC DESIGN THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. DUBAI VILLA DUBAI, UAE CLIENT: CONFIDENTIAL FIRM: SOM RCM F:LFAD ARCHIIFC1 / PROJEC E MANAGER PROJECI:30,000 SE PRIVATE RESIDLNCE INCLUDES MAJALIS, HOME I HEAIER, SPA, I.IBRARY, GARDENS AND 6 CAR GARAGE PHASES: CONCEPT & SCHEMAIIC DESIGN THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. DUBAI VILLA DUBAI, UAE CLIENT: CONFIDENTIAL FIRM: SOM ROL E: I FAD ARCHITECT / PROJFC T MANAGER PROJECT: 30,000 SF PRIVATE RESIDENCE INCLUDES MAJAI IS, HOME THEATER. SPA, LIBRARY. GARDENS AND 6 CAR GARAGE PHASES CUNCEPT & SCHEMAT IC DESIGN i f i_ •_ .► Z.'�UP a".. U. 1. ..'i"'..r ::: MI .... OR MD ! , 7Mr1 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION I* TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. DUBAI VILLA DUBAI, UAE CLIENT; CONFIDENTIAL FIRM: SOM ROI F. I FAD ARCHITECT / PROJFCT MANAGER PROJECT: 30,000 SF PRIVATE RESIDENCE INCLUDES MAJAI IS, HOME THEATER, SPA, L IBRARY, GARDENS AND 6 CAR GARAGE PHASE SE. CONCEPT & SCHEMATIC DE SIGN THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. LE VARESINE MIL AN, IIALY CLIFNI: HINES FIRM: ARQUITECIONICA ROl E: 1 FAD ARCHITEC1 /PROJFC1 MANAGER PROIEC I: 40 & 22 STORY MIXED -USE 1OWERS USGBC I EED PRE -CERTIFIED SILVER PHASES: CONCEPT DESIGN DEVILOPME NI THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. DUBAI WATERFRONT DUBAI, UAE CLIENT: OMNIYAT PROPERTIES FIRM; ARQUITECEONICA ROLE: 1 EAD ARCHITECT / PROJEC I MANAGER PROJET: 54 STORY MIXED -USE TOWERS 500 RESIDENTIAI UNITS / 200-KFY HOTEL / 150 SERVICED APARTMENT S SPA / RETAIL / RESTAURANTS / MELTING SPACE PHASES: CONCEPT / SCHEMATIC DESIGN APPROVED BY NAKHEEL THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. QATAR MARINA - MIXED USE DOHA, QATAR CLIENT: QATARI DAR FIRM: ARQUITECTONICA ROLE: l FAD ARCHIT FC 1 / PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT: 29 STORY MIXED -USE TOWER / 1 15.6 M 126 HOTEL KEYS / 56 SERVICED APARTMENTS / 42 CONDO UNITS PHASE: CONCEPT DESIGN PRESENT LD AT THE SHEIK' I'S PAL ACE THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. QATAR MARINA - COMMERCIAL DOHA, QATAR CLIENT• QATARI DIAR FIRM: ARQUITFCTONICA ROLF:1 EAD ARCHITECT / PROJECT MANAGER PROJEC T. 29•STORY/ 120 M OFFICE TOWER PHASE: CONCEPT DESIGN PRESENTED Al THE SHEIKH'S PALACE THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. SHARM EL -SHEIKH RESORT SHARM El -SHEIKH, EGYPT CLIENT: QATARI DIAR FIRM: ARQUITECTONICA ROIF:I FAD ARCHITECT / PROM( i MANAGER PRUIEC 1:450 KEY MAIN HOTEL / 150 KEY BOU I IQUE HOTEL SPA / RE IAII / RESTAURANTS, PRIVAI I VILLAS / EMPLOYEE HOUSING PHASES: CONCEPT MASTER PLAN APPROVED BY QATARI DIAR THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. BEIRUT GATE BEIRUT. LEBANON CLIENT: ABU DHABI INVESTMENT HOUSE FIRM: ARQUIIECTONICA ROI F. l EAD ARCHITECT / PROJF CT MANAGER PROJECT: THREE 14 STORY MIXED USE TOWERS PHASE: CONCEPT DESIGN / SCHEMATIC DESIGN APPROVED BY SOLIDERE THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. BRICKELL CITICENTRE MIAMI, FLORIDA CLIENT: REILLY DEVELOPMENT FIRM: ARQUITECTONICA ROLF: LEAD ARCHITECT / PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT: 76 / 72169 SIORY MIXED USE TOWERS / 2,424 UNITS PHASE: CONCEPT DESIGN APPROVED BY MIAMI CITY COMMISSION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. 300 GROVE BAY RESIDENCES MIAMI, FLORIDA CLIENT: THE RELATED GROUP FIRM: ARQUITECTONICA ROI F: L EAD ARCHITECT / PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT: 25! 30 / 35-STORY RESIDENT IAL TOWERS 1,200,000 SF FLOOR AREA / 300 UNITS PHASES:CONCEPT DESIGN THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. 1400 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD MIAMI, FI ORIDA CLIENT: BISCAYNE DEVELOPMENT FIRM: ARQUIT EC 1 ONICA ROI FT FAD ARCHITECT / PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT: 61 / 65 -STORY MIXED -USE TOWERS / 850 UNITS PHASE: CONCEPT DESIGN THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. 1770 N BAYSHORE DRIVE MIAMI, FLORIDA CLIENT: CERVERA REAL ESTATE FIRM: ARQUITECTONICA ROI E: IFAD ARCHITECT / PROJECT MANAGER PROJLCT:47-STORY RESIDENTIAL TOWER / 648 UNITS PHASE: CONCEPT DESIGN THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. SKYLINE ON BRICKELL MIAMI, FLORIDA CLIENT. BCOM FIRM: BERMELLO AJAMII. & PARTNERS ROI F: l FAD ARCHITFC T / PROJECT MANAGER PROJEC1:40 STORY RESIDE NTIAL1OWLR / 360 UNITS CONCEPT DESIGN - CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION COMPLETED 2004 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. THE 1800 CLUB MIAMI, FLORIDA CI IENT. BCOM FIRM: BERMELLO AJAMIL & PARTNERS ROI F: LEAD ARCHITECT / PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT:40-STORY RESIDENTIAL TOWER / 450 UNITS PHASES: CONCEPT DESIGN - CONS I RUL LION DOCUMENTS SOCIETY OE AMERICAN REGISTERED ARCHITECTS. 2002 DESIGN AWARD COMPL ETED 2006 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. PREMIERETOWERS MIAMI, FLORIDA CLIENT: BAP /GGM DEVELOPMENT FIRM: BERMEILO AJAMII & PARTNERS ROL F. L FAD ARCHITECT / PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT: TWIN 52-STORY MIXED -USE TOWERS / 560 UNITS / OFFICE / RETAIL PHASES: CONCEPT DESIGN APPROVED BY MIAMI Cli Y COMMISSION OR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT SOCIE I Y CM AMERICAN REGIS I ERED ARCHI EECTS: 2004 DESIGN AWARD THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. SoHo MIAMI, FLORIDA CLIENT: BANYA GROUP FIRM BERMELLO AJAMIL & PARTNERS ROI F: I FAD ARCHITFC T / PROJEC T MANAGER PROJECT. 18-STORY RESIDENTIAL TOWER/95 UNITS PHASES' CONCEPT DESIGN APPROVED BY MIAM' CITY CuM:MPv11'. FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT JORGE THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. RECEIVED 2012 FEB -2 PM 2: 06 APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRISCRWMINIAOARD CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI. FL. KUPERMAN FIRST NAME 137 GIRALDA AV - CORAL GABLES FL. 33134 LAST NAME(S) ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE ARCHITECT, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, REALTORj.kuperman(d,jskarchitecturalgroup.com OCCUPATION E-MAIL ADDRESS JSK ARCHITECTURAL GROUP BUSINESS / EMPLOYER 305-332-7482 305-448-1986 TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIA MI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" YES LINO ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI' THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check "citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check alternate member" Li ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA Ei EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA EI LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING ❑ DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. LI ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING LI DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. ❑ SIGNATURE PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS O RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ❑ (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) O NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION • CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF ETHICS COURSE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. PtanningittP/HEP Board Application 02/2010 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL From: Hannon, Todd CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 11:42 AM To: Martinez, Maribel Subject: FW: Additional info for HEPB Application. FYI. This is the same address that was in Mr. Kuperman's previous application. Thanks Maribel! From: Jorge S. Kuperman, AIA[mailto:j.kuperman@jskarchitecturalgroup.com] Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 11:39 AM To: Hannon, Todd Subject: Additional info for HEPB Application. Dear Todd, As per your request, in connection to my application for the HEPB, this is to inform you that I own real estate property in the City of Miami; the address is 1847/49 NW 21 Street. The ownership has been under two different corporations of which I am the only stockholder / manager, JSK International, Inc. owned it between the years 1992 up to last month, then the title was transferred to 1847 NW 21 Street, LLC of which I am the Manager. Please let me know if you need any additional information, Best Jorge Jorge S. Kuperman, AIA Member of the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board - City of Miami JSK Architectural Group 137 Giralda Av. Coral Gables - FL. 33134 305-448-1986 Lti Copyright and Confidentiality Statements: All contents and images contained within this electronic document are the exclusive property of JSK Architectural Grouo and or JSK International, Inc. Reproduction, use or modification, in part or in their entirety, is not permitted without expressed written permission from JSK Architectural Grouo. This email and any attachment are confidential. It is intended solely for the use by the intended recipient, and any unauthorized disclosure, reproduction, distribution, use, or retention of its contents is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please call us at 305-448-1986 or email us at informations jskarchitecturalgrouo.com and delete this message immediately file:///Cl/Users/mamartinez/Desktop/FW%20Additional%20info%20for%20HEPB%20Application..htm[2/24/2012 12:54:45 PM] THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Jorge S. Kuperman, AIA, NCARB 137 Giralda Avenue Coral Gables FL 33134 305-674-8549 i.kuperman@jskarchitecturalaroup.com Jorge S. Kuperman, AIA is the founder of JSK Architectural Group. He is a licensed Architect, General Contractor and a Realtor, he is certified by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, (NCARB) for practicing throughout USA. Jorge is a past President of the American Institute of Architects. During the course of his practice he received important awards and accomplishments. His designs include several building types for both public and private area clients. In 1980 Kuperman graduated with a Masters Degree in Architecture and Urban Design from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina and in 1981 he relocated to USA where he started his practice. Some aspects of Jorge's experience and representative projects can be seen at www.iskarchitecturalclrouo.com and www.jskarchitecturaloroup/projectsamples PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES: ▪ Member of the Environmental & Historic Preservation Board City of Miami �t Member of COTE, Commission for the Environment of the Florida Association of the American Institute of Architects. aM Member of the Holocaust Memorial Committee part of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation. ▪ Past Member of the Planning Board of the City of Miami Beach ▪ Past President of the Miami Chapter of the American Institute of Architect, (AIA Miami) ▪ Past State Director for the Florida Association of the American Institute of Architects. ▪ Past Vice President of the Venetian Islands Homeowners Association. THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. LYNN B. LEWIS HAND DELIVERED City Clerk's Office City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 LYNN B. LEWIS A I ROPESSIONAL ASSOCIATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW SUITE 505 501 BRICAELL KEY DRIVE MIAMI. FLORIDA 33131 February 8, 2012 TELEPHONE 305-374-OI40 TELECOPIER 005-374-7071 E-w+z L: Iynn ewiselblpe.00m -o N 7 t-7 N -tcsr 02 Up 0 cri rn C7 rn r▪ Ti Attn: Priscilla A. Thompson, Clerk RE: Application for Historic and Environmental Preservation Board Dear Ms. Thompson: Attached is the completed and signed Application to serve as a member of the Historic and Environmental Preservation Board. The required and an optional attachment are also included. Please let me know if anything else is required to complete these Application. Very truly yours, MallaS Lynn . Lewis LBL/sf Enclosures cc: Commissioner Gort (by email) THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD Linn Lewis FIRST NAME LAST NAME(S) 501 Brickell Key Drive, Suite 505, Miami, Florida 33131 91 o c'' - -23 ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Attorney OCCUPATION Lynn B. Lewis. P.A. Iynnlewis@lblpa.com E-MAIL ADDRESS -GO a n jn7 L '- y _ O -P'1 -13 BUSINESS / EMPLOYER TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) 786-543-8874 305-374-0148 BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS None CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" E YES El NO ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check "citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check "alternate member." ❑ ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA El LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING ® DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING pi DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. 1 i. ilv-,S ® EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND ❑- FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE 1-1 OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE ❑ ABOVE CATEGORIES -reb rin.a.n� 7A 1 l SIGNATURE DATE REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS ❑x RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) • NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION ❑ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF ETHICS COURSE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. 7J o_ C7 c7, n rn ▪ 70 m m CD ny I VD Fri 3c-)D 7.7 r •C rn _ • Z {mil x0 3 0 .- 1 -v Planning/HP/FIEF Board Application 02/2010 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Projects Related to Historic Preservation The City of Miami is home to 2 National Historic Landmarks. National Historic Landmark status is the highest designation, awarded on a national level by the US Park Service, to sites which are important to the history of this country. Vizcaya Museum and Gardens is one of these National Historic Landmarks. Vizcaya Museum and Gardens fronts on Biscayne Bay and is a 5 minute drive from Downtown Miami. Because of this, the neighborhood surrounding Vizcaya has been in high demand for redevelopment. When new development occurs close to Vizcaya, there is the possibility that the new development will impact the Vizcaya National Historic Landmark and the visitors' experience at Vizcaya in a negative way. My involvement as a lawyer in defeating one such proposed new development which threatened the Vizcaya National Historic Landmark, caused me to consider whether there could be a proactive protection given to National Historic Landmarks in Miami's Code. Such protection would not adversely affect private property rights and would also put proposed developers on notice, before they designed their projects, of the special considerations required when developing near a National Historic Landmark. This evaluation led me to propose View Corridor protection for National Historic Landmarks, which came to be codified as part of Miami 21. Not only is Miami's View Corridor legislation protecting the National Historic Landmarks unique to Miami, there is nothing comparable in Florida. This View Corridor Protection legislation puts Miami on par with other cities which protect their heritage sites and National Historic Landmarks. Having protected the View Corridors of and from its National Historic Landmarks makes Miami a leader in developing creative solutions for Historic Preservation within the City. Since 2009, I have served as pro bono counsel to, and worked with, a group of citizens who have volunteered time and resources to save the Miami Marine Stadium, a public property which has received historic designation from the City of Miami HEP Board and has also been designated one of the 11 most endangered historic places by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. N:\Gen\HistoricProjects.wpd THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. L 1 N B. LEWIS Lynn B. Lewis, P.A. Suite 505, 501 Brickell Key Drive Miami, Florida 33131 AREAS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Tel: 305-374-0148 Fax: 305-374-7071 Email: lynnlewisAlblpa.com Real Estate: Commercial real estate transactions; Zoning matters before various municipal Boards and Commissions; Comprehensive planning matters before various municipal Boards and Commissions, and regional and state agencies; Legal aspects of Historic Preservation; Condominium regulatory practice including conversion to condominium; Creation of municipal legislation and Development Agreements; Commercial lease negotiation and drafting, and representation of landlords; Construction lending; Mechanics Lien matters; and HUD multi -family housing financing. Banking: Commercial and real estate lending on behalf of lenders; Bank regulatory matters before United States national bank regulators, Federal Reserve Board, and State banking regulators; Bank Secrecy Act and Know Your Customer Regulatory Compliance; Other Regulatory and Community Reinvestment Act Compliance. SPECIAL COMPETENCE Professional concentration in representing both commercial real estate developers and inward -bound investors in Florida commercial real estate. This representation has frequently started with the initial property acquisition, obtaining entitlements and development rights, the legal aspects of obtaining financing, and representation of the owner in landlord/tenant matters, construction and lien law matters. This makes me well -versed in all aspects of the legal framework for, and constraints on, development and its municipal regulation. Additional practice focus on achieving historic designation, advocacy for protection of historic sites and Landmarks, and creation of historic preservation legislation. Professional concentration in representing both international and purely domestic banks in starting and growing their businesses in Miami. In addition to a transactional practice with these banks, I have served as a Director of two national banks, General Counsel to a national bank and a member of the Audit Committees of two banks. This makes me well -versed in understanding market and regulatory compliance considerations on banks which finance businesses in the South Florida market. THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS Juris Doctor, University of Miami School of Law, 1979 Bachelor of Arts, University of Georgia, 1974, Magna Cum Laude Bilingual (English/Spanish) PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Lynn B. Lewis, P.A., Attorney at Law (Partner, Shareholder) 1988 to Present Hornsby & Whisenand, P.A. (Partner and Chairman of Real Estate Department) 1983 to 1988 Context Industries, Inc. (a publicly -traded real estate development company) General Counsel 1981 to 1983 Smathers & Thompson, Attorneys 1979 to 1981 ACTIVITIES Brickell Area Association Board Member 1987 to Present President, 1991 Commission of the City of Miami, Transition Team Member, 1994 Community Partnership For Homeless, Inc. Board Member 1994 to Present Corporate Secretary 1995 to Present Audit Committee Chair 1995 to Present Executive Committee Member 1995 to Present Strategic Planning Committee Chairman National Research Committee Chairman 2010 to Present Downtown Miami Community Development Corporation Board Member 1993 to 2004 Vice Chairman 1993 to 2004 Friends of Miami Marine Stadium, Inc. Counsel Special Real Estate Counsel to City of Miami, Law Department The Vizcayans, Inc. Special Zoning Counsel THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD 'Timothy Barber FIRST NAME LAST NAME(S) 5400 NW 22 Avenue, Bldg C. Ste 101. Miami, FL 33142 ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Q c.n Executive Director Iharberiathchlackarchives.org e� rn (l OCCUPATION The Black Archives History & Research Foundation of South FL, Inc. BUSINESS / EMPLOYER TELEPHONE (HOME) 305.636.2390 —n-4.F o rn p y rr*+--► _ t-t1 3 r c 0" TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) :c 305.636.2317 E-MAIL ADDRESS BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS X 19 NW 2 Avenue, 251) NW 9 Street, 171 NW 1 1 Street CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" El YES QNO ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check "alternate member." ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING Q DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. .44:1' SIGNATUR -' DATE EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE X OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES z Y/z / REQUIRED ATTACHMENT'S Q RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF ETHICS COURSE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. PLnnInw HP HEP Bcard AOolic.t on O.L 1010 Intern Assistant Archivist Archivist/Curator/Historian Executive Director THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Education: Timothy A. Barber 5400 NW 22nd Avenue Bldg C, Ste 101 Miami, FL 33142 [barber a thehlaekarchives.org (786) 368-7663 * (305) 636-2390 The Georgia Archives Institute and the Atlanta Regional Consortium for Higher Education, Morrow, Georgia 2004. Master of Applied Social Science degree, concentrated areas of History and African American Studies, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, Florida. Fall 2003. Bachelor of Arts degree in English, Minor in Education, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee. Florida, Spring 2002. Specialized Associate of Science degree in Electronic Engineering Technology. Bauder College, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, Fall 1993. Work Experience: Florida Memorial University Adjunct History Professor ':Miami Gardens, FL 9/2005-2010 • Facilitate class lectures in HIS 103 African American History • Facilitate class lectures in HIS 200 History of the American People • Acquaint and inculcate students with the necessary and appropriate historical skills and knowledge needed to grasp, interpret, and identify the temporal sequencing of events within the historical context of transformations and constancy • Administer tests and exams • Evaluate and create measuring tools, to report student competency in the course subject • Report student competency and attendance results to the University for posting The Black Archives History & Research Foundation of South Florida, Inc. Miami, FL 9/2003-1 /200 t I /2004-8/2006 8/2006-8/2009 8/2009-Present • Survey, catalog, and maintain historical artifacts and documents • Create finding aids, guides and other descriptive publications • Research people, places. and things to validate historical significance • Serve as reference service personnel and assist researchers • Lecture students of higher education • Present reports to different advisory committees throughout the city • Assist with the Teaching with Historic Places Program in Dade County • Assist in designating historical significant buildings in ;Miami -Dade County • Association of African American Museums 2007-2010 Boards & Committees • Overtown Community Oversight Board 201 1 • Miami Dade County Public School African American Advisory Board 2005-Present • City of Miami Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Board Chair 2007-2009 Historic cYc Environmental Preservation Board 2004-201 1 • D.A.SH. One Community. One Goal Advisory Board 2004 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. .70 rn C] rn in REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUMEICV) NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF ETHICS COURSE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. PlanningMPMFP Board Application 07/1010 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Erttficat oartictpattott Presenteb to Witriam 3-hopper This is to certify that the abovementioned individual has attended a briefing on Sunshine Law, Public Records, and the Miami -Dade County Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance. The two (2) hour briefing was conducted on April 21, 2011 for the City of Miami by the Miami -Dade County Commission on Ethics and Public Trust in compliance with the City of Miami Ordinance # 13125. Robert A. Thompson Community Outreach Coordinator Commission on Ethics and Public Trust Biographical Sketch: Dr. William E. Hopper, Jr. A. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Florida Memorial University Miami Gardens, Florida January 4, 1984 to present University of Miami School of Medicine Miami, Florida Department of Oncology Division of Cell Kinetics May 16, 1982 -December 31, 1983 Department of Medicine Division of Genetic Medicine August 15, 1980 - May 15, 1982 University of South Carolina Department of Chemistry Columbia, SC July 1980 - August 1980 September 1974 - July 1990 EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Dean, School of Arts and Sciences (current) Professor of Chemistry. and Environmental Science (current) Faculty Senate President (three terns) Director, Center for Urban Environmental Studies (current) Director, Environmental Justice Institute of Florida Director of Institutional Research Dean of the Faculty Special Assistant to the President for Institutional Research, Planning, Assessment, and Self -Study Chair, Tenure and Promotions Committee Chair, Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Research Associate Research Assistant Professor Teaching Associate Graduate Assistant (teaching and research) Florida International University, Miami, FL MS in Environmental Science, 2001 University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC PhD in Chemistry, with emphasis in Biochemistry, 1980 MS in Chemistry, with emphasis in Biochemistry, 1977 Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK BS with Honors in Chemistry, 1974 FUNDED GRANTS: —n rn co -v CO rm c-) rn rn United Negro College Fund, 2005 ($40,000) - Grant to increase minority participation in ecology (SEEDS) United Negro College Fund/The Ecological Society of America, 2004 ($3500) - Faculty Development grant to develop course materials for Ecology of South Florida South Florida Water Management District, 2000 ($300,000); Contract for establishing Center for Urban Environmental Studies, community outreach, and environmental research NIOSH - Deep South Center ($16,500); Subcontract for establishing program for estimating exposure of farm workers in southern Miami -Dade County to pesticides United Negro College Fund/The Ecological Society of America, 1997/1998/1999/2000/2001/2002/2003 ($11,000/$12,500/$12,500/$12,500/$14,000/$11,000/$3,000) - Development of an Ecology curriculum and formation of an Ecology Club US Environmental Protection Agency ($4400), Subcontract from the University of South Florida - Development of community education programs dealing with household toxic wastes US Army Corps of Engineers, 1996 ($35,000), Subcontract from the University of Miami - Geographic Information System (GIS) model of toxic threats to sea grass communities in Biscayne Bay United Negro College Fund, 1995 ($96,000) - Establishment of an Institute for Environmental Justice Education and Research and Environmental Studies Curriculum (PEJER) US Department of Energy, 1995 ($4000), Subcontract from the University of South Florida - Planning grant to determine possible cxposurc of minority communities to electromagnetic radiation United Negro College Fund, 1992 ($65,000) - Establishment of an Institutional Effectiveness Center at Florida Memorial College (LOD) US Department of Education, 1985 ($243,000) - Improvements to the Science Program at Florida Memorial College American Cancer Society, 1983 ($4000) - Studies on the Anti -tumor Properties of Auromomycin z 2 B. HISTORIC PRESERVATION EFFORTS 2 z 8 -N Morningsidc Civic Association: re Treasurer, 1997, 1998 y a o Secretary, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2009, 2010, 2011 a Y z President, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 a coHistorian and Archivist, 2000 to present 1.1.1 w Home lour Co -Chair, 2009 z ALA Tour Guide, 2010 0 CO Home Tour volunteer, 1985 to present o CC z House on Home Tour three times Co-authored neighborhood history (with Gail Meadows) for Miami's Historic Neighborhoods, edited by Becky Roper Matkov Created "Doors of Morninngside" poster Currently working on second edition of The Historic Homes of Morningside Trinity Episcopal Cathedral Restoration Committee Chair, 1992 — 2000 Authored Virtual Tour Architectural History Established web site on the life and works of Richard Kiehnel, "Father of Miami's Distinctive Architecture" and founder of the South Florida Chapter of the ALA. Working on web site and DVD slide show of vintage Miami area postcards Volunteer at the City of Miami Preservation Office scanning tax assessor's photographs from 1934-1955, establishing addresses, saving to CD, and mapping to GIS. C. OTHER SERVICE Miami -Dade County Environmental Quality Control Board member - 1997 to present City of Opa-locks Brownfields Task Force, Chairman - 1996 - 2000 City of Miami Police Department survey analyst - 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION coy t)pM TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL �fy3 CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. � nuN it APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATkN BOARD 0 vr\L IN • 'R• . i FIRST NAME AST NAME(S) --,A,� , . Y 13-)- v 5 13 /-vI . .� `� ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE f� iSultli.4 av IA-f i.., Milo C a01 CD • � rt o `) OCCUPATION E-MAIL ADDRESS c\N1/4{ j 4351. A. eo-s WY'SdwWtio, W,/ R,�n.,.JJ („ / 3ef BUSINESSEMtaOY� LAC '3 0S - cif S-8-- 199 i 3 o5 5 76 - 0 5,?3 TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS 67 D O St.i i 0 eve_ 7,4' N E s ' ) s f CITY CODE SECTION 2-8134(E) STATES, °NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? NC) THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check 'citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check alternate member.' ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL t ENVIRONMENT. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. ABOVE CATEGORIES ..Z ft/2 SI NATUR DA 1 REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ❑ (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) 111 NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PAMELA BURNS Print Form THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. PlanrnalHP/HEP Boa,d Application 0 l/7008 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD Jeff Shimonski 0 FIRST NAME LAST NAME(S) 7330 SW 55 ave, Miami, FI 33143 c> r ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Horticulturist jeff@tropicaldesigns.com OCCUPATION E-MAIL ADDRESS Jungle Island I �+ 1 vfn 3 f'1 r cry N o 03 r BUSINESS / EMPLOYER 305-773-9406 TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? NO THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check 'citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check 'alternate member." ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING 1-1 DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. SIGNATLI?. EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES DATE 02/24/2012 01:26 3054007291 JUNGLEISLAND PACE 02 REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, 0 RGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CA El NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION INSTRUCTION: i F13R SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND P AAtI_ WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLE 11175 OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AIAERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PAMELA BURNS EFT gift= THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. rrl m rTi NannIng/IPME P Beard Applkatlon O1/?,00$ From: Sent: To: Subject: FYI. Hannon, Todd Friday, February 24, 2012 11:45 AM Martinez, Maribel FW: Address for Jeff Shimonski From: Jeff Shimonski [mailto:jeffs©jungleisland.com] Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 11:44 AM To: Hannon, Todd Subject: Address for Jeff Shimonski Hello Todd, My work address and title is below. Email is jeffs@jungleisland.com Please don't hesitate to call if you need anything else. Regards, Jeff Jeff Shimonski Vice President - Horticulture Jungle Island 1111 Parrot Jungle Trail Miami, FI 33132 305-400-7218 305-400-7290 fax jeffs c(x7jursaieisland.corn THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. file:///Cl/Users/mamartinez/Desktop/FW%20Address%20for%20Jef %20Shimonski.htm[2/24/2012 12:56:42 PM] THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Jeff Shimonski Tropical Designs of Florida P.O. Box 5177 Pinecrest, Florida 33256 Revised: February 14, 2012 Experteiic e President, Tropical Designs of Florida 1995 - Present RECEIVED 2012 FEB 21 AN I1: 28 PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON CITY CLERK CITY OF MI:?M1. FL. Tropical Designs provides consultant services for tropical and sustainable site development, tropical horticulture, arboriculture, animal exhibit design, development of tropical integrated pest management programs and expert witness testimony in South Florida and internationally. Selected projects include: Qatari Bair protect in Sharm El Sheikh. Egypt, Miami MetroZoo's Neotropical exhibit in Miami Florida, Garden of the Groves Park in Grand Bahama Island, The Ginger Factory in Yandina, Australia, Landscape Management Systems in Guam, Tahiti Beach Homeowners Association in Coral Gables, Florida, and Hotel Escalante in Naples, Florida. www.tropicaldesigns.c m is a horticultural website created in 1997 to highlight tropical natural history subjects including; tropical plants, tropical arboriculture, tropical animals, Integrated Pest Management practices, composting, the planning and construction of theme parks, hurricane horticulture and hurricane and typhoon tree recovery. Many of my published articles can be found on this site. www.MalaysiaFlora.com is website on the flora, fauna and geography of Malaysia and Borneo that was created in 2009. Featured on the site are my articles and photos on plants, insects, animals and other subjects related to that part of the world. Vice President Horticulture, Jungle Island June 2007 - Present Responsible for ongoing site development and management including horticulture, management of the site in a continued sustainable manner, exhibit design and construction, and general facilities management including general park maintenance, night security and housekeeping. Site Landscape Director, Director of Horticulture, Parrot Jungle Island 2002 - June 2007 1 directed the growing and installation of plant material for this facility. I was responsible for mature tree relocation and installation and ongoing maintenance of this new 18- acre park located between downtown Miami and South Beach through innovative horticultural techniques to create a tropical theme park featuring tropical animals, a lush tropical canopy and dense foliage. This entire landscape project was designed, installed and maintained in a fully sustainable manner. The title of Site Landscape Director included exhibit construction coordinator, site project manager, and art director for faux rock exhibits and project manager for the Ichmura Miami Japanese Garden. The responsibilities as director of Horticulture and Maintenance for Parrot Jungle Island included ongoing landscape design, plant growing, selection, installation, and all other horticultural aspects of the site. Other tasks included ongoing construction, exhibit design and management of general park maintenance, housekeeping, night security, and general facilities management. Jeff Shimonski - Bio 1 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Director of Horticulture, Parrot Jungle &c Gardens 1975 — 2002 Hired and supervised crew of fifteen in the areas of horticulture and landscape maintenance, design and construction of new exhibits. Responsibilities included development and establishment of an integrated Pest Management program. maintenance of the plant collections and grounds, implementation of new designs for grounds and animal exhibits, design and construction of off -ground exhibits, and onsite composting operation (held license). In 1992 was responsible for site restoration including landscaping and reconstruction of exhibits after Hurricane Andrew. Crew Chief, Environmental Enterprise Inc. 1974 —1975 Coordinated and managed projects for landscape contractor and supervised crew of three employees. Affiliations US Environmental Protection Agency, GreenScapes Landscape Program US Environmental Protection Agency, Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program Association of Zoological Horticulture Society of Municipal Arborists Chair of the Editorial Review Board of City Trees, the Journal of Municipal Arboriculture, 2012 to present American Society of Consulting Arborists International Society of Arboriculture, Certified Municipal Arborist # FL-I052AM Pacific N.W. Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture, Certified Tree Risk Assessor # 1645 American Mosquito Control Association Florida Mosquito Control Association Florida Agricultural Council Region 5 Advisory Council Member. University of Florida IFAS 2010 to present Honorary Member of the Montgomery Botanical Center, Coral Gables, Florida 2008 to 2010 Advisory Board of the John C. Gifford Arboretum, University of Miami, Florida 2007 to present Cil ,., Commercial Urban Horticulture Advisory Committee, Miami, Florida 2009 to present - yrFri Co - Board of Director for the Barnacle Society at the Barnacle State Historical Site, Miami, Florida<� . n 1997 through 2001 L r— • R7 �xo Frio tV Jeff Shimonski - Bio 2 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Cori f eTc/1c•c°s 'Pcr/7c!(s' • City of Miami Green Commission Urban Forestry Working Group 2007 to 2010 • Urban/Community IPM. 2005 National Meeting. EPA Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program • The Benefits of using Compost in Landscape Development, 2003 Advanced Topics in Compost Utilization, University of Florida Collier County Cooperative Extension Service Selected Public'ationsiPresentation.s • Creating a Sustainable Landscape Successfully, October 2011, Tree Care Industry Magazine • Successful Relocation of Mature Trees with comments on Sustainability and Tree Resistance to Hurricanes, Presentation to the Florida Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture, March 2011 • Some Thoughts on Topping and Tropical Trees, July/August 2010, City Trees: Joumal of the Society of Municipal Arborists • integrated Pest Management and Mosquito Larvae Control in a Zoological Theme Park, Spring 2010, Wing Beats: Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association • An Experiment in Arboriculture and Mosquito Control. March/April 2009, City Trees: Journal of the Society of Municipal Arborists • A Municipal Specialist's Travels in Egypt, Part 1: Touring Urban Plantings, November/December 2008, City Trees: Journal of the Society of Municipal Arborists • Integrated Pest Management & Plant Health Care, A Case Study for Sustainable Tropical Site Development & Horticulture without the use of Pesticides or Conventional Fertilizers, 2008 American Public Gardens Association Annual Conference • Looking back at a Successful Big Tree Relocation Project with Comments on Ficus Species and Hurricanes, Trees Florida Conference 2008 • Some Observations on Relocating Tropical Trees, July/August 2007, City Trees: Journal of the Society of Municipal Arborists • Ficus Species and Hurricane Horticulture, March/April 2007, City Trees: Journal of the Society of Municipal Arborists • Sustainable and Eco-efficient Landscape Design, EPA GreenScapes: Building Sustainable Sites from the Ground Up - Soil, 2006 ASLA Annual Meeting and Expo/ 43`1 IFLA World Congress • Parrot Jungle Island. A Zoological Theme Park built upon IPM and Plant Health Care practices: Featuring the ongoing development of an onsite mosquito larvicide program, 2005 Conference Proceedings Association Of Zoological Horticulture • Creating Islands in Aquatic Ecosystems, July/August 2005, Association of Zoological Horticulture Newsletter • Relocating a Theme Park with a Compost Foundation, December 2002, Biocycle Joumal of Composting & Organics Recycling • How the use of Compost and Mulch has been an Important Component of a Successful Integrated Pest Management Program, 2001 Conference Proceedings: Association of Zoological Horticulture • German Cockroach Control through IPM, April 2000, Newsletter Association Of Zoological Horticulture • Composting at Parrot Jungle and Gardens, March 1996, Biocycle Journal of Composting and Organics Recycling • Saving Large Fallen Trees after Hurricane Andrew, 1994 Conference Proceedings: Association of Zoological Horticulture • An IPM plan for the Control of Phtyophagous Mites on Musoid Plants. April 1991, The Heliconia Society Bulletin Jeff Shimonski - Bio 3 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. • An IPM program for Growing Tropical plants using Cultivation techniques, 1991 Conference Proceedings, Association of Zoological Horticulture Regularhv Published .-article's • Monthly garden column for the Biscayne Times newspaper in Miami Florida, 2006 to present. • Tree of Merit article for City Trees: Journal of the Society of Municipal Arborists, bimonthly for the year 2008. Ec111Latio7al Programs • Certified in the use of a Resistograph for wood diagnosis and decay detection by 1ML, Inc. 2010 • Identification of the Larval Mosquitoes of Florida, Florida Mosquito Control Association 2005 Dodd Short Course • Municipal Compost Management, Independent Study Program Cornell University 1991 Grants • $21,000 grant in 2005 from the Center of Agricultural Partnerships for a study on mosquito larvae control at Parrot Jungle Island. Awards and Designations • Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce 2001 Environmental Business Practices Award • Council of Sustainable Florida Award 2002 • Alliance Partner in the US Environmental Protection Agency's GreenScapes Landscape Program • 2010 Jungle Island designation as Gold -level member in the US Environmental Protection Agency's Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program. • Author's Citation Award from the Society of Municipal Arborists for articles in the journal City Trees 2010 JetT Shimonski - Bio 4 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. ► EC'EI`,`EID 20I2FEB23 nHI0:35 APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRES it3tiARD ' !TY OF MIAMI, FL. encc;k Var 1.e€5\-QIN FIRST NAME LAST NAME(S) HOS NW \qi`' Skre.RA �arh� F►o�,4 3.3136 ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE fes�a trr I (AWN{ a 1 OperaiVorc (-Gr-l1►o.nw amyl- 55";i u►lr:en ehdr;ke sredc•C ow• OCCUPATION`` ll C E-MAIL ADDRESS Si GC &ec CS\.A( Q )Qvednrn?M►A COre olvAlo BUSINESS / EMPLOYER ( 05) CM- \ r t, TELEPHONE (HOME) CM)S) 59,0_8460 TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ❑ YES ONO ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI' THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check alternate member.' El ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA ▪ LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING ❑ DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING • DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. J.._.a fv1. Y , SIGNATURE ❑ EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND ❑ FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND r_f INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE u OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE d ABOVE CATEGORIES 2/2V 2.oi2 DATE REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS �Jl RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF ETHICS COURSE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. PlarningiHPfHEP Board Application 02/2010 From: To: Subject: Date: Dear Mr. Hannon, Hendrik M.K. Van Leesten Hannon, Todd Historic Preservation Board Application Friday, February 24, 2012 4:28:19 PM THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. With regards to the question within the Historic Preservation Board Application on employment. I am not an employee of the City of Miami or an Employee of Miami Dade County or any city or municipality located within Miami Dade County. Sincerely, Hendrik M.K. Van Leesten Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Hendrik M.K. Van Leesten 405 NW 19th Street Miami, FL 33136 Office 305.590.8464 Mobile 305.987.1773 hendrik u/sredc.com EXPERIENCE nimempkr.) 2012 FEB 23 AM 10: 35 PRISCILLA A. THG PS0:1 CIT Y ITY CLERK OF M1AM, FL. Hendrik M.K. Van Leesten has more than 1 1 years professional experience as an Urban Planner and Real Estate Development professional in both the public and private sectors. Areas of expertise include market and financial analysis, Real Estate Acquisitions, Community Redevelopment Agency tax increment financing (TIF), and analyzing projects for redevelopment and repositioning. 02/11 — Present Jamii Builders L.L.C. Operations and Compliance Manager Opa-Locka, Florida • Assist with the preparation of Grant reports and provides oversight to ensure compliance with grantors contracts and expenses requests, as well as all administrative and financial reporting requirements for all grants quarterly and semi-annually. Creates and manages a master construction schedule to meet expectations for quality, efficiency and timely completion of each phase; oversee Master Schedule development and tracking to ensure data is current and accurately reported. Responsible for cost accounting, budget management and analysis for Construction Department. Coordinates all facets of construction to meet overall organizational goals for operations including site prep and special projects. Manages interdepartmental communications, meetings and construction activities working with the VP Business Development & Training and VP Construction. Oversees Special Projects Operations to ensure that construction services are performed efficiently and on schedule, and that internal and external communications are managed appropriately. Acts as liaison between property owner, architect, and city planning/zoning officials to ensure that rezoning activities and site plans were feasible for submission. Prepared, coordinated, and submitted rezoning and variance applications for properties located in strategic redevelopment districts. 01/09 — 4/10 State of Rhode Island O.H.C.D. Principal Planner/Neighborhood Stabilization Program Coordinator Providence, RI • Responsible for management, distribution, and tracking of $ I9.6mm in federal funds provided to the State of Rhode Island under the Housing and Economic Recovery Act (I IERA) of 2008 for land banking, homeownership assistance, development financing, acquisitions, dispositions, redevelopment, & demolition of foreclosed, vacant, and abandoned properties. • Prepared Quarterly reports for HUD, developed database for tracking properties and calculating program income. • Acted as liaison between City Agencies, non profit and for profit developers, and the State of Rhode Island. • Analyzed potential development transactions and determined which projects had the greatest impact on the neighborhoods. Performed site visits and of approved NSP projects pre, post, and O D O Z 0 v, c w o Km MO m Z O m Z• r - nz _ to c D m Z O c o Po Co 0E,� ▪ z - = D � k7-; during construction & development phases to ensure that Housing Quality Standards (H.Q.S.) was achieved. 07/05 —12/08 Stad Real Estate Development Corp. Miami, Florida Community Redevelopment Analyst Responsible for the identification and market feasibility analysis of potential development sites for retail, commercial, mixed use or infill residential developments. • Provided clients with independent research and comprehensive project coordination services including: highest and best use determination, feasibility analysis (purchase or ground lease site), site suitability, development and operating budgets to ensure potential development sites met the client's investment criteria. • Performed advanced financial analysis for proposed real estate investment and/or development projects, including the preparation of cost/benefit analyses, income and expense projections, debt financing calculations, and pro forma analyses. • Fostered community relation activities including updates/communication with local residents, stakeholders, politicians, and community groups • As a sub -consultant completed retail, office, industrial and residential demand analysis for the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) of West Palm Beach, Florida which was used for projecting incremental tax revenue growth within the CRA district. • Developed highest and best use analysis for parcels of land owned by the City of Jacksonville and located within the CRA district and downtown corridor. 06/04 — 07/05 Miami Dade County Miami, Florida Budget Analyst/Community Redevelopment Agency Manager (Office of Budget & Management) Real Estate Asset Management Development (General Services Administration) • Responsible for the oversight and management of 12 Community Redevelopment Areas within Miami -Dade County by analyzing and addressing the physical, social, and economic problems associated with slum and blighted areas. • Fostered and encouraged local government to improve the physical environment (i.e. buildings, streets, parks, utilities) through rehabilitation, conservation, or clearance/rehabilitation utilizing Tax increment Financing Funds (TIF). • Authorized local community redevelopment agencies to expend public funds as a means to improve and eliminate slum, blight, and substandard housing conditions. • Identified and assessed development potential of property to meet County's priorities, and department capital facilities needs while applying knowledge of private real estate market trends & practices to identify revenue generating uses for excess property. • Developed short and long-term strategic plans for managing County property in order to maximize revenue, reduce management costs, and foster responsible, coordinated community development objectives. 10/03 — 06/04 City of Providence Director of Real Estate (Providence Redevelopment Agency) Providence, Rhode Island • Responsible for the creation, implementation, and administration of all industrial, residential. and commercial property acquisitions and dispositions. • Coordinated the preparation of contracts for real estate appraisals, title examinations and condemnation proceedings. • Managed all real estate functions internally including negotiations with Engineers, • Analyzed appraisals, and conducted the negotiations for the purchase, leasing. or disposition of real property. O )'Om nzov, c m • m O Gl m cn n • m D c 712 - D w m Lc' c m D -to z o c ,0 m m n— -I D C O z • Conducted site visits and inspections of property in portfolio and in the acquisitions pipeline. • Feasibility Analysis, Pro -forma Analysis, and Site Plan Development/Review. 10/01 —10/03 Equity Investment Analysts Miami, Florida Acquisitions & Development Analyst • Responsible for the identification, acquisition and assemblage of potential development sites for retail, commercial, mixed use or residential development for a National Real Estate Corporation (top 5% firm) • Catalogued a minimum of 5 projects during each reporting period, with minimum estimated project cost of $3 million each. • Provided clients with comprehensive project coordination services including: feasibility analysis, site suitability, development and operating budgets. • Provided independent research and analysis to ensure potential development sites meet the client's investment criteria • Determined highest and best use, and feasibility 10 purchase, or ground lease site • Performed advanced financial analysis for proposed real estate investment and/or development projects, including the preparation of cost/benefit analyses, income and expense projections, debt financing calculations, and pro forma analyses. • Created database of residential, and analyzed over $15 billion of property for $100 million fund. 01/01- 10/01 City of Ft. Lauderdale CRA Community Redevelopment Agency Project Manager Ft. Lauderdale, Florida • Assisted with the creation of the City of Ft. Lauderdale's $45 mm CRA strategic finance plan. • Responsible for the acquisition and management of all land, commercial, residential, and mixed use properties in district. • Identified potential redevelopment opportunities through property and pro -forma analysis. • Coordinated demolition, repair, maintenance, and rehabilitation of city owned property. • Executed all contracts pertaining to acquisition related activities. • Supervised disposition of property sites, closing of properties. • Directed staff in clearing lien and title issues, created budget & project management schedules, and coordinated with Contractor, Engineer, and Architect. • Managed the Zoning Design, Site Plan Analysis, and Urban Planning aspects of redevelopment. EDUCATION December 2012 University of 11orida, Masters Certificate, Construction Project Management, Gainesville, FL Boston University, Bachelor of Science in Urban Affairs, Boston, MA. PROFESSIONAL LICENSES Hendrik M.K. Van Leesten Examples of Redevelopment and Planning Work THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. City of Fort Lauderdale Community Redevelopment Agency As Project Manager for the City of Fort Lauderdale's CRA 1 assisted with the creation of the City of Fort Lauderdale's first strategic finance plan for the Community Redevelopment agency totaling $45 million. Responsibilities included the identification, negotiation, and acquisition of properties located within the commercial corridor on Sistrunk Boulevard. The targeted properties were mainly boarded up, vacant, undenitilized residential properties, commercial properties or vacant land. The intent of the acquisitions of properties both on the Boulevard and North and South of the Boulevard was to provide adequate parking for the commercial and retail development underway or planned and created proformas and reviewed and analyzed requests for proposals submitted by prospective developers of properties located within the C.R.A. area. City of Providence Redevelopment Agency As Director of Real Estate for the City of Providence Rhode, Island, I was responsible for the sales of all (City of Providence) Redevelopment Agency owned Vacant Land, Residential. and Commercial Property. In some cases, properties were acquired through imminent domain. Regularly created Requests for Proposals, and reviewed and participated in the selection of prospective developers for various Providence Redevelopment Agency requests for proposals and proposed development projects. Miami Dade County Community Redevelopment Agency As Budget Analyst for Miami Dade County responsibilities included management and oversight of 12 Community Redevelopment Agencies within the County. Negotiated and conveyed information related to localized agreements with the various C.R.A.'s; attended C.R.A. Board meetings, and ensured that projects within the C.R.A_ district were being developed within budget and on schedule: attended (Tax Increment Finance) TIF committee meetings and made suggestions and analyzed prospective projects to determine TIF growth. City of West Palm Beach Community Redevelopment Agency In my duties as a Consultant, there was a need to complete retail, office, industrial and residential demand analysis for the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) of West Palm Beach. Florida which was used for projecting incremental tax revenue growth within the CRA district. City of Jacksonville Community Redevelopment Agency Developed highest and best use analysis for parcels of land owned by the City of Jacksonville and located within the CRA district and downtown corridor. This analysis was used to determine the market value of the City owned parcels. State of Rhode Island Office of Housing Community and Development As Principal Planner 1 was responsible for the management, distribution, and tracking of $19.6mm in Neighborhood Stabilization Funds (NSP) provided to the State of Rhode Island under the Housing and Economic Recovery Act (HERA) of 2008. I managed the State of Rhode Island's expenditure goals and federal regulations of NSP funds to 11 cities and towns statewide. Reviewed & approved neighborhood plans and NSP funding applications for the redevelopment of foreclosed, vacant, and abandoned properties. Lastly, I also reviewed sub -recipient agreements and ensured compliance with the State of Rhode Island's HUD contract; setup and processed all disbursements utilizing the Disaster Recovery Grant Reporting System (DRGR) and submitted activity and Quarterly Performance reports. With my assistance the agency committed nearly all resources allocated to the State of Rhode Island under the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 within 12 months. • Committed over $5.3 million to create 69 units of housing available to persons earning at or below 50% of Area Median Income. • Assisted a total of 76 households with acquisition financing, promoting homeownership of foreclosed properties in NSP target areas. • Acquired a total of 129 units through the NSP Land Bank, to be rehabilitated and/or redeveloped, primarily for affordable housing. • Supported a total of 96 units, including many held in the Land Bank, with Acquisition/Rehabilitation resources. Neighborhood Stabilization Program Projects Partial List of Neighborhood St b1iaVon Program Acquisitions for Homeownership, Rental Rehab, Land Bank, and Developments Property Address t GeV Iown 1 State ' Llevetoper t HomeoemersnlplRentel Number of units 118-120 Railroad Street Central Falb R I REACH R 3 395 Central Street Central Falb R t REACH R 3 50-52 Pacific Street Central Falb R I PC DC R 3 541-543 Pine Street Central Falb RI REACH R 3 81-83 Pacific Street Central Falb R I PC DC R 2 28 Carpenter Street Cumberland RI CHA R 2 78 Anthony Street E Providence R I City of EP R 1 698-710 Main Street Pawtucket R I PC DC R 8 85 Lo nsdale Avenue Pawtucket R 1 PC DC R 2 109-113 Delane Street Providence R 1 Nickerson Ctr R 5 118 Potters Avenue Providence R 1 SWAP H 1 12-14 Osborn Street Providence RI SHCDC R 3 1380 Broad/24-28 Cala Providence R1 OMNI R 14 14 Harriet Street Providence RI SWAP H 2 2-4 Vale Street Providence RI SHCDC R 3 32 Yale Avenue Providence RI WNW R 3 367 Friendship Street Providence R 1 SWAP H 3 39Btmside Providence RI SWAP H 2 500PrairieAvenue Providence RI SWAP H 2 5-7lnkermanStreet Providence RI SHCDC R 2 5-7 Osborn Street Providence RI SHCDC R 3 5-7 Wendell Skeet Providence R I W EHDC R 2 83-87 Candace Street Providence RI SHCDC R 3 64 Ocean Street Providence R I SWAP R 3 65 Camden Avenue Provdenca R I SHCDC R 0 72-74 Pekin Street Prondenoe RI SHCDC R 3 853-855AdvelsAvenue Providence RI P&P R 3 90Miner Street Providence RI SWAP H 2 1-3 Sisson Street West Warwick RI HOH R 2 32 Melrose Street West Warwick R I HOH R 2 70 Pond Street West Warwick RI PVCHC H 1 Total 91 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. NOT A RESIDENT OF CITY OF MIAMI Per Sec 2-I$4(b), Residency Waiver Rquired APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD LOREN 20 FIRST NAME LAST NAME(S) g3.)I S-(z). InoA(E. /Y7tc4)9i , Fla 33/ 7G, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE tv co 'VA if r-W Bt-okrk L%a L(c`.), & 0 OCCUPATION E-MAIL ADDRESS / -n 7-6 r" ) Lf BUSINESS / EMPLOYER ( 6-Jc'�c- TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" YES [y�i NO ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check alternate member." ❑ ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. SIGNATURE ❑ EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. • ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE • ABOVE CATEGORIES DA REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS NOT A RESIDENT OF CITY OF MIAMI Per Sec 2-1$4(b), Residency Waiver Rqulred RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) El NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF ETHICS COURSE NOT A RESIDENT OF CITY OF MIAMI Per Sec 2-114(b), Residency Waiver RgWnd INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. N —<f7r ‚ili Planning/HP/HEP Board AppIIc ion 02120I0 NOT A RESIDENT OF CITY OF MIAMI Per Sec 2-I$4(b), Residency Waiver Rquired THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Objective: ENID A. LORENZO To continue representing the City of Miami's historic and Environment Preservation Board In its pursuit to preserve and protect Miami's history and heritage. Experience: 2005-Present City of Miami Historic and Environmental Preservation Board Miami, FL. Board Member: • In conjunction with other hoard members: The evaluation of information and decision making in matters concerning the designation of historic buildings and districts, preserving the integrity of the same and protecting the environment, thus helping to guard and retain the character of the city's architectural, historical and archaeological heritage. We also promote education on Historical and Preservation matters. Educational Workshops: January 13, 2012 - 0ctober 26, 2007 - January 16, 2012 - Basics of Preservation, Coral gables, FL. Florida trust for Historic Preservation Workshop Professional Development Series, Palm Beach, FL Becoming Better Preservation Commission Miami, FL. Employment History: Present - Owner Kendall A.L.F. II • Residential Facility for elderly persons, who require assistance in daily activities. 1992 - Present Licensed Insurance Broker, Miami FL NOT A RESIDENT OF CITY OF MIAMI Per Sec 24140), Residency Waiver Rquired THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. ENID A. LORENZO • Specializing in Marketing, Consulting and Sales of Life, Health and Annuity Products. • Consistently ranked in the top 3 in performance and Sales. 1976 - 1991 Eastern Airlines Incorporated, Miami International Airport, Miami, FL. Sales and Marketing Representative • Promoting Eastern Airlines Services on a local and nationwide level • Consistently garnishing awards for top performance. Community Interest: Dr. Lucia Lorenzo Foundation Miami, FL President: • Non-profit Organization created in memory of Dr. Lucia Lorenzo who provided free medical care for needy children • Fundraising activities to provide benefits for under privileged children. Education: 1978 - 1981 Florida International University Miami, FL. • Continuing education courses in Business and Languages 1976 - 1978 University of Miami Miami, FL. Bachelors in Business Administration & Management 1974 - 1976 Associate in Arts in Political Science 1992 Registered Florida Insurance License 2010- Present Courses in Elder Care and Management NOT A RESIDENT OF CITY OF MIAMI Per See 2-$14(b), Resideney Waiver RgWred ENID A. LORENZO Languages: • Fluent English, Spanish and French Professional Associations & Organizations: • Florida Trust for Historic Preservation • A.L.M.A Association for Assisted Living Facilities • Dade Association of Health Insurance Underwriters • Dr. Lucia Lorenzo Foundation THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. AMENDED APPLICATIONS FOR THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD (These applications were received before the April 2, 2012, 4:00 PM deadline.) AMENDED THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD V-13TNAM 9)1t9T �GL- \ % --(LAST NAME(S) u Q. aA%-Zs 40,42-1 ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE t (\9IuA °c Awl I . Ft— 3313 4— E-MAIL ADDRESS _ r, LSO -a o, OCCUPATION U t.L (Oe 1\42-C-4 tcc2C o� BUSINESS / EMPLOYER l Z V2-60 of 3cQl 53 TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) 220 m C7 rn rn 1 BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY dF MIA1III LENTS CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" I' DYES NO ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI' THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check "citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check "alternate member." LARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. /ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING L 71JEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. Li EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND y' INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE f- OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. X. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE 'ABOVE CATEGORIES 2c Nuked* 2-0 \Z SIGNATURE DATE AMENDED • . REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION : CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF ETHICS COURSE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. •1anning/IIP/HEP Board Applicalru 02/2010 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. March 28, 2012 Ms. Priscilla A. Thompson, Qv1C City Clerk Office of the City Clerk 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 RECEIVEn 2012 MAR 30 NI I: 03 PRISCILLA A. THOHPSO!? C'TCITY CLERK Dear Ms. Thompson: Thank you for your letter of March 22, 2012. I have included an amended copy of my application form for the Historic and Environmental Preservation Board that also checks the box for "Historian or Architectural Historian qualified by means of education or experience, and having demonstrated knowledge and interest in Dade County history and architectural history" at the suggestion of the Historic Preservation Officer. Sincerely ''�Uilliam E. Hopper, PhD 527 NE 56'h Street Miami, FL 33137-2622 AMENDED 73 T n =,r APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATIO$ BOARD I LLr _ FIRST NAME 56a &t e-r ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE ►4.I,' 1--TE OCCUPATION LAST NAME(S) t+Mti.1t-FL 33(31- ea deco e eorr E-MAIL ADDRESS ;* BUSINESS 12 r ,R-no-t/ DeID, - YLE1-4 Qt f Z_ UN l it-S (i�l USINESS / EMPLOYER (30,6-) erso?) 62e TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" L YES INNO ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI) THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check "citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check "alternate member." ID ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA C LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING A DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING Ili DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. - NATURE EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND C FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND .wrINTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES D TE CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. AMENDED REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS Li RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS UST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) ❑ NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF ETHICS COURSE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. f anning/HP/NEP Board Appi canon 02/2010 AMENDED THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD JORGE 0 KUPERMAN FIRST NAME LAST NAME(S) 137 GIRALDA AV - CORAL GABLES FL. 33134 ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE ARCHITECT, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, REALTOR j.kupemian@jskarchitecturalgroup.com t' - .-f(: -Q _ OCCUPATION E-MAIL ADDRESS JSK ARCI IITECTURAL GROUP BUSINESS / EMPLOYER 305-332-7482 305-448-1986 f TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IE5) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS COMERCIAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1847/1849 NW 21 STREET OWNED BY 1847 NW 21 STREET, LLC OF WHICH THEIJNDERSIGNED IS THE PRINCIPAL MANAGER. CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" YES ONO ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check "citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check alternate member." El ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING 0 DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND EJ FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE EI OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES AMENDED -REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS 0 RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) D NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF ETHICS COURSE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Planning/t-IP/HEP Board Application 02/2010 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. certificate oarticipatiurr Pregentebto Jorge 3Cuyerm.an This is to certify that the abovernentioned individual has attended a briefing on Sunshine Law, Public Records, and the Miami -Dade County Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance. The two (2) hour briefing was conducted on October 20, 2011 for the City of Miami by the Miami -Dade County Commission on Ethics and Public Trust in compliance with the City of Miami Ordinance # 13125. Robert A. Thompson Community Outreach Coordinator Commission on Ethics and Public Trust i AMENDED THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD JORGE El KLIPERIVIAN FIRST NAME LAST NAME(S) 137 GERALDA AV - CORAL GABLES FL. 33134 ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE ARCHITECT, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, REALTOR OCCUPATION E-MAIL ADDRESS JSK ARCIIITECTURAL GROUP j.kupermati@jskarchitecturalgroup.cum 1rs' y, fi: f �' ({? BUSINESS / EMPLOYER 305-332-7482 305-448-1986 r3 TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS COM.ERCIAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1847/1849 NW 21 STREET OWNED BY 1847 NW 21 STREET, LLC OF WHICH THE1J DERSIGNED IS TIIE PRINCIPAL MANAGER. CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" YES ONO ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should olso check citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check alternate member." Q ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING l DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING ❑x DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA rzm PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND 129 FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE 0 OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE ❑K ABOVE CATEGORIES AMENDED -REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS ❑K RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. U (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) LI NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF ETHICS COURSE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Pknning/HP/FIEP Board AppllcaUon 02/2010 THIS DOCUMENT ISA SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. certificate o Vregenteb to acrticipativn Jorge 3Cuperman This is to certify that the abovementioned individual has attended a briefing on Sunshine Law, Public Records, and the Miami -Dade County Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance. The two (2) hour briefing was conducted on October 20, 2011 for the City of Miami by the Miami -Dade County Commission on Ethics and Public Trust in compliance with the City of Miami Ordinance # 13125. Robert A. Thompson Community Outreach Coordinator Commission on Ethics and Public Trust expansion and improvement of existing facilities. Interacting with the Company's properties department in order to assess, determine and advice them in areas of concession and leases. Some projects included Most significant projects were: Consolidated Rental car facilities in Atlanta, Ga, Ft. Lauderdale and Ft. Myers. 1983 - 1989 De Leon Architects Assoc: Held position of Project Architects with the following duties and responsibilities: coordinated and assisted production team in assembling construction documents, conferred with engineering sub consultants and recommended changes to project for proper disciplines coordination, participated of Principal Architect - Client meetings, prepared reports and recommendations. Followed up permitting process, took care of additional requirements from permitting agencies, met with personnel from permitting agencies to arrive to fast solutions to encountered compliance problems, participated along with project architects of the assembly of project manuals, specifications and products and materials search and recommendation. Made job site inspections and reports, as part of the contract administration for compliance with construction documents. 1982 - 1983 Lemuel Ramos & Assoc.: Was part of the staff of draftsman that worked on the construction documents of some of the stations for the Metrorail Systems, spent long periods of time working on the technical offices of The Kaiser Group who was in charge of the whole Metrorail production team, as a liaison between the Architect office and field offices coordinating details and Assembling documentation, produced "red lined" drawings and marked discrepancies and omissions, passing comments to production teams for corrections, reported frequently to project architect, assisted to staff meetings for reports on scheduling and status of documentation. 1981 - 1982 Perez Vichot & Assoc: Part of the production team for the preparation of construction documents particularly making interpretation of presentation drawings and converting these ideas into working drawings. Made corrections to reflect comments on drawings from approving agencies. 1980 - 1981 Buigas, Dorta Duque & Assoc: As a junior draftsman got involved in the basics of working drawings, at the same time my representation, hand drawings and artistic skills were put to the benefit of the architecture department for the production of rendering, color perspectives, isometrics, and in general three dimensioning representations of projects as well as two dimensioning artistic concept of elevations and site plans. Helped marketing department by assembling, preparing diagrams and sketches of selling brochures and general advertising products used by the organization. MEMBERSHIP TO PROFESSIONAL AND COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS Past President of the Miami Chapter of the AIA, American Institute of Architects. Past Vice President of the Venetian Islands Homeowners Association Past Member Architecture Committee member for instrumentation of the Geo Bond for the beautification of Venetian Islands Current Board Member of the Planning Board, City of Miami Beach. Past Board Member of the Miami Beach, North Shore Youth Center Committee. Past Member Board of Directors of the Miami Dade County Empowerment Trust THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Jorge S. Kuperman, AIA is the founder of JSK Architectural Group. He is a licensed Architect, General Contractor and a Realtor, he is certified by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, (NCARB) for practicing throughout USA. Jorge is a past President of the American Institute of Architects. During the course of his practice he received important awards and accomplishments. His designs include several building types for both public and private area clients. In 1980 Kuperman graduated with a Masters Degree in Architecture and Urban Design from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina and in 1981 he relocated to USA where he started his practice. Jorge has successfully completed a number of architectural projects for clients with varying design needs_ Most notably, he has designed many rent a car facilities in Miami International Airport, Hollywood Ft. Lauderdale International, Southwest Florida International and Hartsfield Jackson International Airport in Atlanta, Recently Jorge, nurtured a strong relationship with Newslink of Florida, a major airport concessionaire, designing 4 restaurants and 3 retail locations at the North Terminal at Miami International Airport which have ranged from 6,000 to 12,000 square feet and from $800K to $2 million, in addition Ice Box Caffee was also designed by JSK at the same airport terminal. Jorge's experience also encompasses having designed three of the major rental car locations at the new rental car facility, (Miami Intermodal Center) in Miami International Airport, including Global Rent A Car, Royal Rent A Car, Family Rent A Car and All Day Rent A Car encompassing their garage facility for about 400 cars, customer service and administration areas for a total of 50.000- square feet, $3-million. Under Jorge's THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. leadership, JSK Architectural Group, recently completed a condominium conversion for Casa Bella, a complex consisting of several buildings in Hialeah, FL Jorge holds a Master of Architecture from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, he is a Registered Architect in the State of Flonda, hold a Certificate from NCARB, (National Council of Architectural Registration Boards) that allows him to obtain reciprocal licenses in any State, Canada, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, also he is he is a registered Architect in Argentina and is a Certified General Contractor in Florida and a Licensed Real Estate Salesperson also in Florida. Jorge's experience in the construction field would bring, no doubt, a high quality level to Architectural Projects. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES: • Member of the Environmental & Historic Preservation Board City of Miami • Member of COTE, Commission for the Environment of the Florida Association of the American Institute of Architects. • Member of the Holocaust Memorial Committee part of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation. • Member of the Board of Directors of the Coral Gables Business Improvement District • Past Member of the Planning Board of the City of Miami Beach • Past President of the Miami Chapter of the American Institute of Architect, (AIA Miami) • Past State Director for the Florida Association of the American Institute of Architects. • Past Vice President of the Venetian Islands Homeowners Association. THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. LYxx H. Lswls BY EMAIL wgort®miamigov.com LYNN B. Lswis A PRomslolr4L AssOCMTiorr ArroRaisis AT LAw SUITE 505 GOI DBIGEELL Kay DYivs MIAMI. FLORIDA 03131 Commissioner Wifredo Gort City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 RE: Application to Serve TELEPaoNs 306-374-OI48 TELEcorl ea 300-3?4-7O71 E-NAIL : fymiewiserbtpe.aom March 19, 2012 on City of Miami Historic and Environmental Preservation Board Dear Commissioner Gort: I have just realized that I made a typographical error in the Application I submitted in early February to serve another year on the HEP Board, if you are willing to nominate me again. Attached is an Application which I respectfully request you substitute for the one I originally filed. y t ly yours, 4. B. Lewis LBL/sf Enclosure cc: Rafael Suarez -Rivas, Esq. Frank Castafieda r C17 CT rn C) rri 71 AMENDED THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD Lynn Lewis FIRST NAME LAST NAME(S) 501 Brickcll Kcy Drive, Suite 505, Miami, Florida 33131 .-3 .tea ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Attorney OCCUPATION Lynn B. Lewis, P.A. BUSINESS / EMPLOYER Iynnlewis@Iblpa.com E-MAIL ADDRESS TELEPHONE (HOME) 786-543 8874 TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) 305-374-0148 BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS None CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, 'NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI' D YES ENO ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check "alternate member.' ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING 1-1 DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. SIGNATURE C EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA r PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE ❑ OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES DATE ,oArey J ' /- AMFNfFn • REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS © RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE. ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS UST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) El NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF ETHICS COURSE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. JlinningMP/HEP Board AppAcalron 02/2010 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. LYNN B LEWIS Lynn 8. Lewis, P.A. Suite 505, 501 Briekell Key Drive Miami, Florida 33131 AREAS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Tel: 305-374-0148 Fax: 305-374-7071 Email: lynnlewisalblpa.com Real Estate: Commercial real estate transactions; Zoning matters before various municipal Boards and Commissions; Comprehensive planning matters before various municipal Boards and Commissions, and regional and state agencies; Legal aspects of Historic Preservation; Condominium regulatory practice including conversion to condominium; Creation of municipal legislation and Development Agreements; Commercial lease negotiation and drafting, and representation of landlords; Construction lending; Mechanics Lien matters; and HUD multi -family housing financing. Banking: Commercial and real estate lending on behalf of lenders; Bank regulatory matters before United States national bank regulators, Federal Reserve Board, and State banking regulators; Bank Secrecy Act and Know Your Customer Regulatory Compliance; Other Regulatory and Community Reinvestment Act Compliance. SPECIAL COMPETENCE Professional concentration in representing both commercial real estate developers and inward -bound investors in Florida commercial real estate. This representation has frequently started with the initial property acquisition, obtaining entitlements and development rights, the legal aspects of obtaining financing, and representation of the owner in landlord/tenant matters, construction and lien law matters. This makes me well -versed in all aspects of the legal framework for, and constraints on, development and its municipal regulation. Additional practice focus on achieving historic designation, advocacy for protection of historic sites and Landmarks, and creation of historic preservation legislation. Professional concentration in representing both international and purely domestic banks in starting and growing their businesses in Miami. In addition to a transactional practice with these banks, I have served as a Director of two national banks, General Counsel to a national fignk7tnd a member of the Audit Committees of two banks. This makes me v4UTrv+erraed in understanding market and regulatory compliance consideration b ks which finance businesses in the South Florida market. .=,D _ n I Cam. rri LI1 J THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS Juri8 Doctor, University of Miami School of Law, 1979 Bachelor of Arts, University of Georgia, 1974, Magna Cum Laude Bilingual (English/Spanish) R$OFESSIQNAL ASSOCIATIONS Lynn B. Lewis, P.A., Attorney at Law (Partner, Shareholder) 1988 to Present Hornsby A Whisenand, P.A. (Partner and Chairman of Real Estate Department) 1983 to 1988 Context Industries, Inc. (a publicly -traded real estate development company) General Counsel 1981 to 1983 8mathers Thompson, Attorneys 1979 to 1981 ACTIVITIES Hrickell Area Association Board Member 1987 to Present President, 1991 Commission of the City of Miami, Transition Team Member, 1994 Community Partnership For Home1esa, Inc_ Board Member 1994 to Present Corporate Secretary 1995 to Present Audit Committee Chair 1995 to Present Executive Committee Member 1995 to Present Strategic Planning Committee Chairman PTational Research Committee Chairman 2010 to Present Downtown Miami Community Development Corporation Board Member 1993 to 2004 Vice Chairman 1993 to 2004 Friends of Miami Marine Stadium, Inc. Counsel Special Real Estate Counsel to City of Miami, Law Department The Vizcayans, Inc. Special Zoning Counsel THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Proiects belated to Historic Preservation The City of Miami is home to 2 National Historic Landmarks. National Historic Landmark status is the highest designation, awarded on a national level by the GS Park Service, to sites which are important to the history of this country. Vizcaya Museum and Gardens is one of these National Historic Landmarks. Vizcaya Museum and Gardens fronts on Biscayne Bay and is a 5 minute drive from Downtown Miami. Because of this, the neighborhood surrounding Vizcaya has been in high demand for redevelopment. When new development occurs close to Vizcaya, there is the possibility that the new development will impact the Vizcaya National Historic Landmark and the visitors' experience at Vizcaya in a negative way. My involvement as a lawyer in defeating one such proposed new development which threatened the Vizcaya National Historic Landmark, caused me to consider whether there could be a proactive protection given to National Historic Landmarks in Miami's Code. Such protection would not adversely affect private property rights and would also put proposed developers on notice, before they designed their projects, of the special considerations required when developing near a National Historic Landmark. This evaluation led me to propose View Corridor protection for National Historic Landmarks, which came to be codified as part of Miami 21. Not only is Miami's View Corridor legislation protecting the National Historic Landmarks unique to Miami, there is nothing comparable in Florida. This View Corridor Protection legislation puts Miami on par with other cities which protect their heritage sites and National Historic Landmarks. having protected the View Corridors of and from its National Historic Landmarks makes Miami a leader in developing creative solutions for Historic Preservation within the City. Since 2009, I have served as pro bono counsel to, and worked; wi.tih, a group of citizens who have volunteered time and resource CO seam the Miami Marine Stadium, a public property which has=imigeiiEd historic designation from the City of Miami HEP Board andm:Ws ano been designated one of the 11 most endangered historic jp.atesay the National Trust for Historic Preservation. ---� -o 7 0 3 T"3 r rn CJ► 3 N:\Gen\HistoricProjects.wpd THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. LYNN B. LEwis HAND DELIVERED City Clerk's Office City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 LYNN B. LEWIS A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION ATTORNEYS AT LAw SUITE SUS 5OI $RICH ELL KEY DRIVE MIAHI, FLORIDA 13131 March 20, 2012 TELEPHONE 305-374-OI48 TELECOPIER 305-n74-7O71 E:44JA ultrierwisUIblpe.com O 7 r - cP Attn: Priscilla A. Thompson, Clerk RE: City of Miami Historic and Environmental Preservation Dear Madame Clerk: Enclosed is my Application to serve Historic and Environmental Preservation correct scrivener's errors. Also enclosed is a copy of the March City of Miami Law Department, on point. Board on the City of Miami Board, as amended to 20, 2012 opinion of the We understand that this is sufficient for your good purposes. Should you require anything further, we trust not hesitate to advise me by phone at 305-374-0148 or by lynnlewisOlblpa.com_ Thank you. V truL urs, 11). Ly B. Lewis LBL/sf Enclosures cc: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Frank Castaneda Rafael Suarez -Rivas, Esq. Office's you will email to AMENDED THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATI9M1OARD Lynn Lewis 'C~ f. r` FIRST NAME LAST NAME(S) 501 Thicket' Key Drive, Suite 505, Miami, Florida 33131 ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Anorney Iynnlewis@Iblpa.com OCCUPATION Lynn B. Lewis, P.A. E-MAIL ADDRESS BUSINESS / EMPLOYER TELEPHONE (HOME) 786-543-8874 TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) 305-374-0148 BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS None CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" 0 YES D NO ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check 'citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should alsochetk alternate member." • ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA ❑ LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING • DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVA-RON. 6, (er.,►5 EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA • PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND LI FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND • INTEREST IN THE HtSTORK AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE 11 ABOVE CATEGORIES March 19, 2012 (clarifying/correcting clerical DATE error in 2/8/12 application) REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION. WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTMTIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS rzn UST OF ANY PUBUSHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. 0 (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) Ej NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF ETHICS COURSE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 AlT: PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON AMENDED THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. P awingMPMEP Board Appfic nm 02/2010 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. LYNN B. LEWIS Lynn B. Lewis, P.A. Suite 505, 501 Brickell Key Drive Miami, Florida 33131 AREAS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE RECE VEn Tel: 305-374-0148 Fax: 305-37 Il 20 PM 2' 38 Email: lynnlewiselblpa.com 'RISCIL! A T. THOMPS CITY CLERK CIT Y Cr MI, till. Fl.. Real Estate: Commercial real estate transactions; Zoning matters before various municipal Boards and Commissions; Comprehensive planning matters before various municipal Boards and Commissions, and regional and state agencies; Legal aspects of Historic Preservation; Condominium regulatory practice including conversion to condominium; Creation of municipal legislation and Development Agreements; Commercial lease negotiation and drafting, and representation of landlords; Construction lending; Mechanics Lien matters; and HUD multi -family housing financing. Banking: Commercial and real estate lending on behalf of lenders; Bank regulatory matters before United States national bank regulators, Federal Reserve Board, and State banking regulators; Bank Secrecy Act and Know Your Customer Regulatory Compliance; Other Regulatory and Community Reinvestment Act Compliance. SPECIAL COMPETENCE Professional concentration in representing both commercial real estate developers and inward -bound investors in Florida commercial real estate. This representation has frequently started with the initial property acquisition, obtaining entitlements and development rights, the legal aspects of obtaining financing, and representation of the owner in landlord/tenant matters, construction and lien law matters. This makes me well -versed in all aspects of the legal framework for, and constraints on, development and its municipal regulation. Additional practice focus on achieving historic designation, advocacy for protection of historic sites and Landmarks, and creation of historic preservation legislation. Professional concentration in representing both international and purely domestic banks in starting and growing their businesses in Miami. In addition to a transactional practice with these banks, I have served as a Director of two national banks, General Counsel to a national bank and a member of the Audit Committees of two banks. This makes me well -versed in understanding market and regulatory compliance considerations on banks which finance businesses in the South Florida market. THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS Juris Doctor, University of Miami School of Law, 1979 Bachelor of Arts, University of Georgia, 1974, Magna Cum Laude Bilingual (English/Spanish) PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Lynn B. Lewis, P.A., Attorney at Law (Partner, Shareholder) 1988 to Present Hornsby & Whisenand, P.A. (Partner Department) 1983 to 1988 and Chairman of Real Estate Context Industries, Inc. (a publicly -traded company) General Counsel 1981 to 1983 Smathers & Thompson, Attorneys 1979 to 1981 ACTIVITIES Brickell Area Association Board Member 1987 to Present President, 1991 real estate development Commission of the City of Miami, Transition Team Member, 1994 Community Partnership For Homeless, Inc. Board Member 1994 to Present Corporate Secretary 1995 to Present Audit Committee Chair 1995 to Present Executive Committee Member 1995 to Present Strategic Planning Committee Chairman National Research Committee Chairman 2010 to Present Downtown Miami Community Development Corporation Board Member 1993 to 2004 Vice Chairman 1993 to 2004 Friends of Miami Marine Stadium, Inc. Counsel Special Real Estate Counsel to City of Miami, Law Department The vizcayans, Inc. special Zoning Counsel THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Projects Related to Historic Preservation The City of Miami is home to 2 National Historic Landmarks. National Historic Landmark status is the highest designation, awarded on a national level by the US Park Service, to sites which are important to the history of this country. Vizcaya Museum and Gardens is one of these National Historic Landmarks. Vizcaya Museum and Gardens fronts on Biscayne Bay and is a 5 minute drive from Downtown Miami. Because of this, the neighborhood surrounding Vizcaya has been in high demand for redevelopment. When new development occurs close to Vizcaya, there is the possibility that the new development will impact the Vizcaya National Historic Landmark and the visitors' experience at Vizcaya in a negative way. My involvement as a lawyer in defeating one such proposed new development which threatened the Vizcaya National Historic Landmark, caused me to consider whether there could be a proactive protection given to National Historic Landmarks in Miami's Code. Such protection would not adversely affect private property rights and would also put proposed developers on notice, before they designed their projects, of the special considerations required when developing near a National Historic Landmark. This evaluation led me to propose View Corridor protection for National Historic Landmarks, which came to be codified as part of Miami 21. Not only is Miami's View Corridor legislation protecting the National Historic Landmarks unique to Miami, there is nothing comparable in Florida. This View Corridor Protection legislation puts Miami on par with other cities which protect their heritage sites and National Historic Landmarks. Having protected the View Corridors of and from its National Historic Landmarks makes Miami a leader in developing creative solutions for Historic Preservation within the City. Since 2009, I have served as pro bono counsel to, and worked with, a group of citizens who have volunteered time and resources to save the Miami Marine Stadium, a public property which has received historic designation from the City of Miami HEP Board and has also been designated one of the 11 most endangered historic places by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. N:\Gen\HistoricProjects.wpd AMENDED THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. RECEI'tIEf 2012 APR -2 PM 3: 03 APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL .- RWATION BOARD FIRST NAME LAST NAME(S) ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE L1,ci1.%JSGA'1 a e. mi ( 4'l pa-4 M `b-pao e c r4 1... - OCCUPATION E-MAIL ADDRESS Cu ! 4 v t t z6oto BUSINESS / EMPLOYER 305 - 411 - 200 Z - 44Z - ill 4 TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI' U YES [ NO ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should also check 'citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check alternate member." J ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA 1NDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING J DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL.,BESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. SIGNATURE V/uL EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND Li FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES 2.1�. DATE AMENDED REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS 2 RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS • LIST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. • (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) • NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION • CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF ETHICS COURSE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. Mann ng/t IPA ICI' Board Application 02/2010 f Reiji-liotrimi Registered Londscape Architect in the States of Florida: LA 000081, Ohio and Missouri At! ilia Felllow-American Society of Landscape Architects Master of Landscape Architecture Harvard University GSD Bachelor of Science in Landscope Architecture Michigan State University Employrnent 2010 to Present Curtis + Rogers Design Studio, Inc. 1991.2010 Wallace, Roberts & Todd, LLC Principal 1985-1991 Sasaki Associates, Inc. Senior Associate 1981-1985 Edward D. Stone, Jr. and Associates Vice President 1976-1981 Wolquist/Marston 1974-1975 Labrenz, Reimer, Inc. 1972 -1973 Sasaki, Dawson, DeMay Associates, Inc. 1969-1972 Richard A Gardiner & Associates, Inc re5 Gerold C. MUIston Director of Design Mr. Marston is a landscape architect with over 35 years of experience os o practicing professional and educator. He currently lends the design team at Curtis + Rogers Design Studio, Inc. Mr. Marston's professionol background includes senior design project management and princ pal in charge with three of the most prestigious planning and design firms in the United States He is a proven design collaborator and stresses tie practice of proposing and evaluating alternatives and the obligation of the designer to ampule u flout sulutiun which solves the functional issues while pruviding an aesthetic which pleases the client. Mr. Marston hos worked on many projects for Miami -Dude County varying in size and scope. Ocean City Boardwalk, Ocean City, Maryland Time Square; Estero Beoch, Florida Disney Contemporary Hotel & Meeting Facility; Orlando, Florida Coral Gables Youth Center; Coral Gables, Florida Homestead City Hall, Homestead, Florida Sunrise Civic Center; Sunrise, Florida Fairchild Tropical Gorden Moster Plan; Miomi, Florida Haulover Beach Master Plan; Miami, Florida Matheson Hammock Master Plan; Miami -Dade County, Florida Volunteer Pork; Sunrise, Fronde Boylan Inlrocostol Pork; Boyton Beach, Florida R. Hardy Matheson Preserve; Miami-Dode County, Florida Trail Glades Trap and Skeet Range; Miami•Dade County, Florida Viscayo Orch darium; Miami, Florida Plantation Central Pork, Plantation, Florida Beach Street USA; Virginia Beach, Virginia Flogler Corridor Streetscope; Miami, Florida Georgia International Maritime and Trade Center; Savannah, Georgia Key Biscayne Landscope Master Plon; Key Biscayne, Florida Key Biscayne Crandon Boulevard Landscape; Key Biscayne, Florida Lyric Theater Plaza and Site Design; Miami, Florida Miami Rambla; Miami, Florida Orlando Centroplex, Orlando, Florida Overtown Pedestrian Mall; Miami, Florida Overtown Greenway MaslerPlan; Miami, Florida Overtown Greenwoy Phase I Design Development; Miami, Florida Port Columbus Entry/Welcome Zone Landscape & Monuments; Columbus, Ohio Sistrunk Streetscope Improvements; Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Sunrise Civic Center; Sunrise, Florida St. Ice Company; Tallahassee, Florido Virginia Key Beach Park; Miami, Horida Fort Lauderdcle International Airport - landscape Muster Plan; Ft Lauderdale/Hollywood, Florida Miami Beach Historic Convention Village Civic Impressions, Miami Beoch, Florida Miami International Airport - Landscape Master Plan; Miami, Florida Miami International Airport - Pork One Moster Plan; Miami, Florida Miami International Airport - Centrol Boulevard Landscape; Miami, Florida Miami Inlemotionol Airport - Centrol Boulevard Entrance Node; Miami, Florida Miami International Airport - West Cargo Area; Miami, Florida Lubbock International Airport • Entrance Master Plan; Lubbock, Texas Dayton Plaza of Flight; Dayton, Ohio "A's a.7:4r 2J rq C) m n • DOCUMENT. AMENDED THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC FIRST N AfyylE 13 2 V `c RECEI VED 1012APR -2 Ph . PRISC_t „ r - 15 AND ENVIRONMENTAL P 001ADON BOARD &AST NAME(S) IAv►1 37/ ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE (3IL11.�••�<c�,r OCCUPATION S$ILek-toPI - BUSINESS / EM'LOYER 3�---//tiz NA .., , l -LoC . 1. E-MAIL ADDRESS �pv.�V►+cfl., Cv,JR.A,.. I Rio 41r1Lt 3a r- qr 7 Sr ' 1)11?- 7 c TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS 4f d u / V f4 i 7 4 is N . CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" [� YES g10 ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement should oho check "citizen." - Nominees who meet ony of the categories listed should also check alternate member." ❑ ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA El LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY EANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING E DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. E EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND i_L',,,ANTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE L I OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. or ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDER ONE OF THE , ABOVE CATEGORIES AMENDED REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS 11 RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS UST OF ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. (IF NOT INCLUDED IN RESUME/CV) NO MORE THAN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF ETHICS COURSE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON '° N THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION -4nr TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL ��p N rn CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS 3�y G DOCUMENT. rr11 _ rn XV2a .*, I--L 0 tit 'lann.ng/Hp,HEP Board Appl.catlon 02/2010 137_0 5 13 Ave FL 33143' 10 �9 y�-uyk3 E c t TWA/ S SS— 6. A . , i-Ast)Nfy F/,rsiL S dJC url l ve S 1$y 19A)C49551^c,•\ IQ ✓`I `'oa Z Co/0 ta✓4Sor� RI;, ram) Sr._( R�'^(/l-•r I`a.,, ika) R; PrywrAis f LLC Ca Pe. v � y f^ �ot -zoos - Z OJ I - V4)1/4.t 14e% I Ns+. Ex PGv (J Ja r J c^[ - .- — I rfc-rvvc 7,703_20v7._ l'....t L NP�t LJ Assn. Pr( 5 aujt 051 - PrtsalV - /'U/Cl 7 0 ) - a k- .I �� P, ..PCI- V 1 y ) h V ti 7 I - '.. Pr1Sr7rJn�1.. f n1" c - /.Ili/ +IY,i - DdQdSV1) Ot., --lo ve THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL F— O 0 z w w 2 H Lu ca Q w w u DOCUMENT. APPL Armando FIRST NAME SUBSTITUTED ATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD 3461 SW 8 ST Miami 33135 LAST NAME(S) ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZI Architect OCCUPATION Cazo Construction Corp. BUSINESS / EMPLOYER 305 669-8255 TELEPHONE (HOME) ODE armando@cazogroup.com E-MAIL ADDRESS 305-448-1898 TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) a rn -tc=r CO (') o -. N Zc ?� _ 4^? BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES 0 WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS 3461 SW 8th Street, Miami Florida 33135 2913 SW 6th Street, Miami Florida 33135 CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI- • E COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, A BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" YES ❑x NO ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPAU THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE C PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirem - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check alternate member." Q ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR AR ❑x DEMONSTRATED ARCHITECTURA SIGNATURE TECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING WLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN RATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. POSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. should also check 'citizen.' EXPERIENC REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERI _ CED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND ❑ FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMON • INTEREST IN THE HISTORI OF THE CITY AND/OR CON ENVIRONMENT. ATED KNOWLEDGE AND ND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE VATION OF THE NATURAL ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALI UNDER ONE OF THE 1-• 1 ABOVE CATEGORIES DATE - f24 D 11 REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS SUBSTITUTED RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. NAL ATTACHMENTS LIST 0 NY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. EI (IF NOT I LUDED IN RESUME/CV) 0 NO MORE THA TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION El CERTIFICATE OF C PLETION OF ETHICS COURSE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, ' ' INT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERKS OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 35.1 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE IAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PR CILLA A. THOMPSON c, --n rri co ID .�' 1� r -o r cr Z Planning/HP/HEP Board Application 02/2010 SUBSTITUTED ARMANDO CAZO, RA, GENERAL CONTRACTOR PERSONAL DATA: TE OF BIRTH: •' EDU • TION: HONOR S • • IETIES: REGISTRATION: Married, 2 children January 16, 1948 Associates of Arts Degree - M.D.C.C. Bachelor of Architecture - University of Florida University of Florida Gargoyle - College of Architecture - Honorary Society President's Honor Roll Dean's List Registered Architect - State of Florida Registration No. 7338 egistered General Contractor - State of Florida istration No. CGC-007041 Estate Broker Re ation No. BK 0356569 Re 9i PROFESSIONAL AND SERVICE SOC 1.13 0 CO C IES: Miami Housi President Dade County - Review Committee Dade County Plan (1991-1993) Dade County Planning (1986-1993) Builders Association of Sout Legislative Committee Membe American Institute of Architects Latin Chamber of Commerce, Me Housing Matters (1976 - 1982) Latin American Jaycees - President (1 National Hispanic Association of Contra Enterprise - Member (Director 1983 - 19 Allapattah Business Development Authority Directors City of Miami - Latin Quarter Review Board - M & Community Development Corp. nsportation Aesthetic ember 1994 ni Advisory Board Chairman visory Board Member Iorida 976 - 1983) er & Advisor on 9 - 1980) rs • and of ber SUBSTITUTED AWARDS PROFESSIONAL BACKGR UND: Listed in "Outstanding Young Men of America" Honorary Mayor - City of Medellin Colombia Key to the City Honorary Mayor - City of Avilez, Spain Certificate of Appreciation Dade County H.U.D. Advisory Board - Plaque of Appreciation for Elderly Transportation Survey Dade County Mayor Stephen Clark - Certificate of Appreciation for Elderly Transportation Survey Pourbaix Award - Outstanding Member, Coral Gables, Jaycees Key Man Award - Coral Gables Jaycees a n -n rri Latin Chamber of Commerce - Certificate of �� co Appreciation o 1=" = t� Robert L. Searly - Leadership Award zn' . rrn`� T1 4. p1 -n -L o r J' p� 0, JARRO, JACOBS ARCHITECTS P.A. Z ects, Planners, Interiors Secretary in Promotion Work, Client Relations, Supervision of Design and Construction 1993 - President C Arc Own Engagi Budgetin Estimates 1976 - 1993 1979 - Present: 1980 - 1986 1983 - 1985 • A. CAZO & ASS ► IATES Architect/Planner Interiors Owner Engaging in Promoti Budgeting, Supervision Estimates Work, Client Relations, Design and Construction CAZO CONSTRUCTION COR'. President Construction Management and S Budgeting, Job Estimates, Client Re ervision, ions CAZO/ARDAVIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Secretary OCIATES CAZO, RODRIGUEZ - TELLAHECHE & ARCHITECTS, P.A. Secretary Engaged in Promotion Work, Client Relations, Supervision of Design, Cost Control and Budge SUBSTITUTED 1974 - 1976 Administration, Budgeting, Job Estimating, Client Relations ALVAREZ, CAZO, RODRIGUEZ & ASSOCIATES Architects, Planners, Interiors Vice President Engaged in Promotion Work, Client Relations, Supervision of Design and Budgeting. 1975 - 979 DOMUS CONSTRUCTION, INC. President Construction Management and Supervision Budgeting, Job Estimates, Client Relations. 1973 - 1975 AVANCE CONSTRUCTION INC. Vice President Construction Management and Supervision PROFESSIONAL RIENCE: ARCHITECTURE AND RELATED WORK ARCHITECT ARMANDO CAZ. registered in 1976: the basis of the Firm which is today known as: CAZO + JARR JACOBS ARCHITECTS, P.A. The main objective of the firm is to 'aintain a service to the client which is efficient and at a personal level. In o 'er to accomplish this goal, CAZO, JARRO, JACOBS ARCHITECTS, P.A.'S managem - t has evolved to its present form of two associated architects, each personally res•.nsible for the progress of all projects under his/her direction. In this way, our fir offers its clients the direct and personal attention, not of an employee, but . rincipal of the firm, who possesses the necessary experience and authority to mak nd carry out all decisions required by the project CONSTRUCTION & RELATED ORK CAZO CONSTRUCTION CORP., formed by its President a Armando Cazo, a registered Architect, who has been prov Construction Management Services since 1972. Chief Executive, Mr. ng Construction and CAZO CONSTRUCTION CORP., has demonstrated a unique abili t o organize, administer, and complete projects with efficiency, economy and sp. -d, successfully completed construction projects in the South Florida arevarying from Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, Office and Residential. SUBSTITUTED arch 19, 2010 VALLS GROUP To Whom 1t May Concern Sent Via: H Id Delivered Re: Reference I.ettc. -: Armando Cazo/Cazo Group Dear Sirs, Madam, ti Ci CI- 141 ten o r'F• cf? .7 r O It is our distinct pleasure to recoi mend Mr. Armando Cazo who for the past 30 years has provided outstanding and professi al architectural and construction services for our company. As far back as 1979, Mr. Cazo and his firn -ompleted architectural plans for more than 10 Residential and Commercial projects totalir more than 650 units and 200,000 sq ft. His plans and construction supervision were direly responsible for bringing all our projects within budget and completed on schedule. Armando Cazo's building and development and con ruction administration experience in South Florida is among the most impressive that 1 ha encountered and it is for this reason that we have and continue to use his services all 'st exclusively. Cazo Group stall is competent, honest with enviable work ethic which reflect rmando's own Management style. We recommend Mr. Armando Cazo, President, and Principal of -ro Group without reservation and hope that his firm is considered for your project(. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. It ,` ctfully y II - Cl * ophe. Descalzu C.E.O. Inn I',11'. 8th Stn1.I R.nlluarw• ‘tiarrn 11 1 %1 1 ; • T,•I ii1;-J-16.4.!Ili • Ian: 81;.141-4.110) SUBSTITUTED AREYCO, INC. Alex E-MaA: Telephone: ' 525-0186 Telephone: 525-0187 Mortgage and Real Estate Brokers and Counselors Visit us at areycoinc.com , CCL eel Estate Broker, Morlgage Broker March 1 • . 10 Mr. Armando azo Cazo Construe ' • n Corp. 3461 S. W. 8"' Stre t Miami, FL 33135 Dear Mr. Cazo: We are pleased to provide ou and your firm with a Letter of Reference. Our firm has been working you, Armando Cazo, and Cazo Construction Corp. since 1992 and continues to do s 21 SW 21 Road Miami, FL 33129 E-Mat krev@orevcoinc.com Facsimile: 305-856-2613 As project managers we worked wi ' you and Cazo Construction Corporation. in the construction of The West Perrine CDC terprise Center, a 5,000 SF office building, the 40,000 SF-Miumi-Dade County Parks and ' - creation' Goulds Gym, the 11,000 SF Walker Flex Space Warehouse, and, recently, in e construction of 55 affordable three and four bedroom single family homes in West Pe ne. As principals and project directors we work Corporation in the planning, design, entitlement Village at Southland in the Goulds residential projec Mixed Used project in South Dade. Both projects are c with you and Cazo Construction d predevelopment of the 99 unit nd in the 550 unit, 200,000 SF TOD ently under development. You work to complete projects in a timely fashion and wi crews were knowledgeable and efficient with excellent su and your senior staff. Your preparation of design, predeve work was very professional and effective, successfully achieving as planned. n approved budgets. your rvision on the part of you ment and entitlement e projects' objective We welcome the opportunity to continue working with you, Mr • azo, and Cazo Construction Corporation in the future. Si ce Alex President 2010-3-19 Cam & Cam Const Document Name: Session2 SUBSTITUTED PNLE ARPS PROPERTY IO NO: 01-4104-007-0020 GR FOLIO: CAN ED: NO ORIGIN: DC 0 ER NAME AND ADDRESS ARMANDO AZO &W ESPERANZA 3461 SW 8 MIAMI FL LEGAL D MILDRED PARK LOT 7 LOT SIZE 25.000 OR 16382-2217 0594 1 OR 16382-2217 0594 00 NEXT FOLIO KEY: ACTION: 1-CONTINUE ZIP: SYSTEM - PROPERTY LEGAL ADDR: PROP ADDR: BL PRESENT: 331354107 CRIPTION PB 16-68 BLK 1 135 NEXT YEAR: LAND: BLDG: TOTAL: HEX: WVDS: TOTEX: NONEX: GRSS TX: CNTY TX: CITY TX: 1,906 SALE AMT: 150,000 SALE DATE: 05/1994 SALE TYPE: RESS KEY: 3461 3461 YES NAME / LEGAL INQUIRY (32) DATE: 02/24/2011 16:56:01 SW 8 ST SW 8 ST ST EX: 00 00 CLUC: 13 VALUE HISTORY 2009 2010 162,000 151,875 109,540 107,258 271,540 259,133 0 0 0 0 0 0 271,540 259,133 5,418 6,273 2,239 / / ACTION: 01 XMIT: Date: 2/24/2011 Time: 4:48:09 PM SUBSTITUTED Admitted in CT, NY LL.M-Taxation GAILY A. APPEL Attorney at Law Bay Point Office Tower 4770 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 1100 Miami„ Florida 33137 Telephone: (305) 576-0033 Facsimile: (305) 576-0023 Email: gappeI taxadiusters.net January 20, 2012 oi).�c r �'o Licensed Florida`1i~e l m' to Broker Honorable Miche : pence -Jones Via hand and/or overnight dedivery Commissioner City Of Miami 3500 Pan American Dr. Miami, Florida 33133-070 Re: Re -appointment membership to the City. of Miami Hi Dear Commissioner Jones: c and Environmental Preservation Board Attached please find a copy of my applica Environmental Preservation Board.. It has continue as your recommended appointee (and a for re -appointment to the City of Miami Historic and honor and privilege to serve on the Board. I hope to iate your prior appointment)! As my expertise lay in utilizing historic preservation the Board has taken action to make a number of pro and County tax credits/abatements for restoring historic liaison with our delegation in Tallahassee and the City o Boards to successfully oppose most of the budgetary cuts that of Miami. In addition and among other volunteer activities, I Board of Directors of the Miami Design Preservation League. a tool for economic growth, I am pleased that es and potential districts eligible for Federal perties. I had also acted as the Board's Beach and Miami -Dade County uld have adversely impacted the City n the Executive Committee of the I understand that historic preservation and "economics" must neighborhoods like Spring Garden and Buena Vista East. For example, less expensive but code compliant roof replacements. balanced...particularly in g attached shutters and Currently, I am investigating the possibility of listing on the National Reg' the current local Biscayne Blvd. MIMO Historic District. Seeking National Register listing is .rurally a local government function. However, Alexander Adams and his staff have been terrific ' I • complishing more than I could have thought given limits on time and money. Therefore, given - troubled economic times we are in, I am looking into this pro-bono. I respectfully request being re -appointed to the Board and look forward to continued service. Sincerely, Gary A. Appel MABriteity of Mini FEPB eta in2012 thy Giuliani hepb reappointment IeUaDOC SUBSTITUTED ATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PR is* c5 Tilp BOARD A-A/0--1. I AST NAME(S) QO\t1/1 j-4/1/4jCI‘i PfliCje)/ ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP DE 4,454140 00 ti-P41P k/c fc k (recc, OCCUPATION 5 /e$s,1', BUSINESS / EMPLOYER E-MAIL. ADDRESS "a f ee,4544 a X6 4/1141, BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS tt/ )c CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DA CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN ARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY N OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMP THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COM PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirements • also check 'd4ae . - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check alternate member / ❑ YES AO ❑ ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA ❑ LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING ❑ DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. SIGNATURE OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. gi EXPERIENCED R L ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORI TRSON EXPRIE,N NANCE OR LAVW , IN THE FIELD OF : USINESS AND CMZEN WITH DEMONSTRA INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AN LI OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVA ENVIRONMENT. KNOWLEDGE AND RCHITECTURAL HERITAGE ON OF THE NATURAL ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES U 1 ER ONE OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES • REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. ATTACHMENTS LIST OF Y PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. (IF NOT I UDED IN RESUME/CV) LJ NO MORE THA ' O (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION aCEFMFICATE OF CO ' LETION OF ETHICS COURSE - I lJ aC A Q : Q�( 1)6I I coo o P rD v id e de -r INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, ' ' INT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: SUBSTITUTED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI PAN AMERICAN DRIVE IAMI, FL 33133 ATT: P CILLA A. THOMPSON —o c a-nD —4. —o Cfa CD 0:C Wd LZ NV ZIOZ Planning/HP/HEP Board Application 02/2010 Professional Profile: GARY A. APPEL, ddress: bone: Profes •Hi • Ad Valorem A • Enterprise Zone Federal, State in designated g • Commercial real estate Esq. SUBSTITUTED Bay Point Office Tower, 4770 Biscayne Blvd., Suite 1100, nand, FL. 33137 (305) 576-0033 Facsimile: (305) 576-0023 gapnei(a.taiiadiusters.net Web Site: www.taxaadinsters.net al Areas of Practice Preservation tax consulting and representation of taxpayers before the State Historic Preservation e, the National Park Service and the Internal Revenue Service seeking Federal, State and credits and abatements for the rehabilitation of historic buildings consulting and representation of property owners before the Local Property Appraiser, Appeals Board and Circuit Court consulting and representation of companies before the various agencies seeking d Local tax credits and abatements for the creation of jobs and other economic activity 'cal areas erage and lease negotiations on behalf of landlords and tenants Professional Experience • Property Tax Adjusters, Inc., (principal - ad valorem tax • Law Offices of Gary A. Appel, PA, • Bates -Appel, Inc., Aventura, FL (prin (1996-2003) • Real Estate Tax Services, Inc., Miami, FL • Deloitte & Touche, New York, NY (Federal • Buchanan Ingersoll, P.C., Aventura, FL (atto • CB Richard Ellis, Inc., New York, NY (commerc Professional Licenses • Florida Bar • Connecticut Bar • New York Bar • Florida Real Estate Broker Garth Realty Corporation, Miami, FL oric preservation tax consultant/real estate broker. 1994-present) FL (attorney 1993-present) - ad valorem tax and historic preservation tax consultant valorem tax consultant 1993-1994) consultant 1992-1993) : 1992) real estate broker. 1984-1991) Professional Affiliations • City of Miami Historic Preservation and Environmental Board • Miami Design Preservation League- Vice Chairman -Executive C • National and Florida Trusts for Historic Preservation • International Council of Shopping Centers • Carnegie Mellon Admissions Council Education • University of Miami Law School - LL.M. - Taxation • Fordham University School of Law — J.D.(Evening Division) • Carnegie Mellon University - B.S. (History and Managerial Economics) -Board of Directors Additional Historic Preservation Endeavors • Volunteer lecturer at professional seminars and public meetings on Historic Preservation • Co-author of the Amendment to the Miami Beach National Architectural District extending the significance to 1950 making over 100 buildings eligible for Federal tax benefits • Co-author of the Nomination to the National Park Service certifying the Local Miami Beach Oc Historic District making over 100 buildings eligible for Federal tax benefits SUBSTITUTED Charles Bohl [cbohl@miami.edu] March 30, 2011 6:18 PM Gary Appel Elizabeth M. Plater Zyberk Thank You! Thank you fo sharing your expertise and putting together the terrifically relevant and useful hand • is on preservation for the real estate students last Friday. You and Allan we - a great tag -team, but I also think it would be great to have you for your own sessi next semester as there is a lot more you could go into. You`got us thinking -bout a preservation course or mini -course that would be a series of ,these types of cla es where a mix of practitioners, historians, and developers can -contribute their ex.ertise and take students through case studies. --.:We are also doing short 2-day and 1-day "executive ed" courses for practitioners and this would be an excel t topic for one of those as well. :Great.: stuff! Thanks again, rles C. Bohl, Director to program in Real Estate Development .nd Urbanism School of Architecture University ami htt•: mredu.arc.miami.edu Defau .htm zabeth Plater-Zyberk, dean khool of Architecture 10 :e Wd Lz Nnf zloz a31n111SEMS UEMC loos off Directors Robert te,:(05) 66fax (305)75 Atlyson Warren Vice ant let t.)rof-e780 xieniciertoomsamozc David Treece Sec emery -Treasurer bat (305)754-90556 laic (305)751-0068 Upper Eastz)de Miami Council, Inc. 801 NE 74th Street Miami, FL. 33138 Upper EQstside Mai Council, Ina MiMofSiscayne Boulevard Historic District Property/rosiness Owner's Tovvaihal1 Meeting Monday May tS, 2006 S 7 PM Agenda David Treece, UEMC - Meeting Protocol Bob Flanders, UCMC — Welcome [reference CI &A Session] Nancy Liebman - Panel Moderator Panel (Lioxled to teen minutes each) Nancy Liebman, UEL Chair, former Miami Beard Commissioner — The struggle Tony Goldman, preservationist developer - Entrepreneur in a historic district ichael Belush, Principal Planner Miami Beach — inaesdives, Zoning, Parking Teri D'Amico, Interior Designer & Randall Robinson, Exec. Director North Beach Development Corp - MI1iMo Co S8deshow Kauffman, Miami's Historic Preservation Officer— The reality of historic preservation in Mtn Gary Appel, : ' •.. ey, Miami Historic Preservation Board Vice Chair - Historic preservation tax credits Questions & Answers Session MiMof Bisc •. ne Boulevard Historic Dis#ri t UES Resident's Town?Townh Meeting Monday May 15, 2006 7-9 FM Same as above - - Tony Goldman UEMC & BCCC gratefully acknowledges the contrib Miami Mayor Manny Diaz, Commissioner Johnny W Commissioner VOnton's Office, Miami Planning Di Planning Director- Carmen Sanchez, Miami's Upper Mascarenas, and their staffs. ons and participation of all, including & Frank Batzebre, Chief of Staff - Ana Gelabert-Sanchez, Assistant E- .ide N.E.T. Adminibl dtor Maria Nd L Z Nnf d 10l MIAMI BEACH MIAMIBEACH recovery 11101111171. ami Beach Business Academy The Mi i Beach Business Academy is a free program open to all current or prospects businesses to guide them through some of the basic interactions with the Ci •f Miami Beach as they establish their business in our community. S•rin• 2011 ''. sions Session 1 — Friday, ebruary 11, 2011, 8:30 a.m. f`Historic Tax Credits Joyce Meyers, Miami Beac Planning Department Kathleen Slesnick Kauffman, storic Preservation Chief, Miami -Dade Cgurci ,,,Kathleen k ary A. Appel, Esq. o teC3Fr- rn 1.3 n -1 < :m -cay' L -o r N o Session 2 — Friday, April 1, 20 1, 8:30 a.m. Licensing (Business Tax Receipts Manny Marquez, Miami Beach Finance artment Session 3 — Friday, June 10, 2011, 8: a.m. Building Department and Code Complia e Kristin Tigner, Miami Beach Building Department Robert Santos-Alborna, Miami B each Code Complia e Division Session 4 — Friday, August 12, 2011, 8:30 a.m. Special Events Max Sklar, Miami Beach Tourism and Cultural Development De. artment All Sessions are 1.5 hours and will take place at: Miami Beach City Hall 1700 Convention Center Drive First Floor Conference Room For further information, please contact Lynn Bernstein at 305.673.7010 or via email at lynnbernstein©miamibeachfl.gov. SUBSTITUTED Erika Mahn Whims of Utica a of bridals of A DFdAST jr OF ti'TAtE Sy atfolooadiulalltelaticon glaction Corporation • t altoalARM lbsounas nalbskrundoo Services Serving January 11, 2001 Mr. Gary A. Appel Bates -Appel, Inc. OneTumbe ry place 19495 Biscayne Boulevard Suite 301 Aveiltra, Florida 33180 Dear Gary: FLORID1A DEPAflS ENT OF STATE Katherine Harris Secretary tefState DIVISION OF HISTORICAL RESOURCES I am very pleased to advise you that on January 4, 2 appInved the pipliticamil documentation for the Miami won extends the period of significance to 1950 resource's in the district Once .again, I want to thank you matter. Sincerely, el- 22t Barbara E.Mattick Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer for Survey & Registration BOMBER OF'ME FLORIDA CABINET Sizes Board ai d:indica Trustees of tbe internal huvrov'haffitRma Adrobriairsioncomeeii Camelhairs 5, Aadda Lend and Wits Adgx}ir y Cessisiinion ; Siting Board Misim of Band Roams Dep.etmeei of Revenue Defatmeeat of Law lmfia+ noeat Dv:en fret rfl-Bgirway Safety and Mwt: vehicles Depmdmeatofvaet>rs Abdo SUBSTITUTED the Keeper of the National Register Architectural District This clarifies the list of contributing ui- perseverance in pursuing this RA G>ay smarmg • 500 South Bra ongh Street • Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 • htIp //www►ilhe^ corm CI Director's Office 0 Arcbaeolagiesl Research 0 Histaric Preservation O 13istorical Museums (83J) 418-1480 • PAX: (850) 4-9 • FAX:414-2207 (850) 4ID 2333 • FAX 922-0496 (850) 488-1484 • FAX: 921.2503 3stor c Pensacola Preservation Boas 0 Palm Beach xegiaeml Office a St: Augustine Real Office 0 Tampa Segloml Office (850) 595 • FAX: 595-5989 (561) V3-1475 • FAX: 279-1476 (904) 8 • FAX 825.5044 (813) 272-3843 • FAX: 272 2340 -v n rn Janet Snyder Associate Director National Pam Service Washington, D C Dear Jan, SUBSTITUTED FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Glenda E. Hood Secre azy of State DIVISION OF HISTORICAL RESOURCRS December 9, 2003 ews, Ph.D. Cultural Resources This letter is to induce • n to Gary Appel, from Miami, who has been so instrumental in the development of our histori • urces in Miami Beach. Gary has been working with us and the City of Miami Beach for the . • • few years and has helped to bring hundreds of new resources into new historic districtm is, as well, on the City of Miami's Architectural Review Board and a member of the board of the ' . • " Design Preservation League. He has also been a good friend for a number of years_ He will no doubt be dealing with the future and, I trust, with your good offices. I benefits of Washington's cultufal scene and peop truly Service in ever-increasing amounts in the that you are settling in and enjoying the Please keep in touch as your time permits. Walt Marder 500 S. Bronough Street • Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 • http://www.flheritagge.com 0 Duainr's Office 0 Archaeological Research 0 Historic Preservation 0 f sto icai Museums (850) 245-6300 • FAX 245-6435 (850) 245-64.49 • FAX 245-6436 (850) 245-6333 • FAX: 245-6437 (850) 245-6400 • FAX: 2 0 Palm Beach Regional Office 0 St. Augustine Regional Office O Tampa Regional Office (561) V9-1475 • FAX 279-1476 (904) 825-5045 • FAX 825-5044 (813) 272-3843 • FAX 272 2340 ' SUBSTITUTED AP ICATION to.' ��Y OFM!r . % �, F. FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRES '1,_ 1d BOARD ! 2 • M Age iz�&J FIRST NAME LAST NAME(S) 65 c MAl N L1foN-U2Ah'-r 6.0z47JJU L GolZJE� Fi-0121 OA 5- 135 ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, . P CODE LAds.l 0 5 ` — F 1-4 1 TEL CMG M AdZ STI,N @ &MIL L. . cam OCCUPATION EMAIL ADDRESS GUV-Tls t - • ezpC--�i bl`1 5tv Di 17 , 114C.. BUSINESS / EMPLOYER +•1-3o6 -4-61- Zoo 6-7S&41521 Z b b - 4- 4- 2 - 1 7'14 TELEPHONE (HOME) TEL EPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(I - ) TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAM FADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, Y BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ❑ YES DNID-- OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPA THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? THE HISTORIC AND PLEASE CHECK ALL - Nominees for the professional - Nominees who meet any ARCHITECT REGISTERED Q''LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL MEANS OF EDUCATION ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE , • MPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBL - positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and require nt should also check 'citizen." of the categories listed should also check "alternate member." IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA ❑ EXPERIENt D REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA PERSON EXPE • NCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LA HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING CITIZEN WITH DEMON ' RATED KNOWLEDGE AND KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY INTEREST IN THE HISTOR AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE HISTORY. 1] OF THE CITY AND/OR CON ' VATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. HISTORIAN HAVING KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALI • S UNDER ONE OF THE RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. ❑ ABOVE CATEGORIES /� 2. 16 • 11 I. DEMONSTRATED HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL DEMONSTRATED ARCHITECTURAL SIGN 1 DATE Awl CU Plzt34T REV' tboArzio Wtkw 2 • REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS SUBSTITUTED O RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. O + IONAL ATTACHMENTS LIS (IF N F ANY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. INCLUDED IN RESUMUCV) • NO MORE AN TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION O CERTIFICATED OMPL FTION OF ETHICS COURSE mil: 1 M 14E, (A 0 t /30T Al D SOD r Recol ve- t. rtrtotOF Cov+1 wcxT1.D►v INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FO, PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON rr▪ i MIC N Plan ning/HP.'HEP&iard Appl.010 rn 0 rn R Archit . - A RPgistrat inn stered Landscape t in the States of Florida, Ohio nd Missouri American Sou. of Landscape Archit- is Eciucation Master of Landscape Architecture Harvard University Graduate School of Design Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture Michigan State University (with honors) Lmployrnent 2010 to Present Curtis + Rogers Design Studio, Inc. 1991-2010 Wallace, Roberts &Todd, LLC 1985-1991 Sasaki Associates, Inc. 1981-1985 Edward D. Stone, Jr. and Associates 1976-1881 Walquist/Marston 1974-1975 Labrenz, Reimer, Inc. 1972-1973 Sasaki, Dawson, DeMay Associates, Inc. 1969-1972 Richard A. Gardiner & Associates, Inc. q'5 Gerald C. Marston, FASLA SUBSTITUTED Director of Design Mr. Marston is a landscape architect with over 35 years of experience as a practicing professional and educator. He currently leads the design team at Curtis + Rogers Design Studio, Inc. Mr. Marston's professional background includes senior design project management and principal in charge with three of the most prestigious planning and design firms in the United States. He is a proven design collaborator and stresses the practice of proposing and evaluating alternatives and the obligation of the designer to prepare a final solution which solves the functional issues while providing an aesthetic which pleases the client. He has extensive and wide ranging experience in landscape planning and design of civic spaces, plazas and parks. CIVIC Exi Key Biscayne Landscape Master Plan; Key Biscayne, Florida Key Biscayne Crandon Park; Key Biscayne, Florida Beach Street USA; Virginia Beach, Virginia Disney Contemporary Hotel and Meeting Facility; Orlando, Florida Estero Island Streetscape; Fort Myers, Florida Flagler Corridor Streetscape; Miami, Florida Georgia International Maritime and Trade Center, Savannah, Georgia Miami Beach Historic Convention Village - Civic Impressions; Miami Beach, Florida cean City Boardwalk Renovation; Ocean City, Maryland ando Centroplex; Orlando, Florida Ov town Pedestrian Mall; Miami, Florida Sunn Civic Center; Sunrise, Florida St. Joe ' mpany; Tallahassee, Florida Cr,mmerct. Experience Antigua; British est Indies Estero Island Str cape; Fort Myers, Florida Sistrunk Urban Des t • ; Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Sistrunk Streetscape I . rovements; Ft. Lauderdale Florida = 3 Miami Rambla; Miami, F ida Ocean City Boardwalk Ren. ation; Ocean City, Maryland r N Park Experience en Boynton Beach Intracoastal Park; ' . ynton Beach, Florida Boynton Beach Boat Club Park; Boy on Beach, Florida Bayfront Park Historic Rock Garden R• oration; Miami, Florida Bayfront Park Renovation; Miami, Flori Boynton Intracoastal Waterway and Boat b Parks; Boynton Beach, Florida Chapman Field Master Plan; Miami -Dade Co. ty, Florida Coral Gables War Memorial Youth Center; Cora ables, Florida Fairchild Tropical Garden; Miami -Dade County, F . ida Greynold Park Bird Watching Tower; Miami -Dade nty, Florida Greynold Park Swimming Hole; Miami -Dade County, . rida Haulover Park Master Plan; Miami -Dade County, Florida Homestead Atoll Pool Park Master Plan; Homestead, Flori Master Plan for Matheson Hammock Park; Miami -Dade Cou , Florida Off Highway Vehicle Trails Feasibility Study; Miami -Dade Coun Florida Overtown Greenway Plan; Miami, Florida Plantation Central Park; Plantation, Florida R. Hardy Matheson Preserve; Miami -Dade County, Florida Simpson Park Master Plan; Miami, Florida Trail Glades Gun Range Master Plan; Miami -Dade County, Florida Vizcaya Orchidarium; Miami, Florida Virginia Key Beach Park; Miami, Florida Volunteer Park & Equestrian Center; Plantation, Florida 0 f�'1 rrt This•is to certify that the Public Records, and The two (2) hour • Miami Dade Miami Or • SUBSTITUTED mentioned•individual has attended a briefing on Sunshine Law, •-Dade County Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance. g was conducted on April 27, 2010 for the City of Miami by the Commission on Ethics and Public Trust in compliance with the City of #13125. Robert Meyers, Executive Director Commission on Ethics and Public Trust • Document Name: Sessionl G CAN ELIZAB GERALD C 3856 MAIN COCONUT GR LIO NO: FOLIO: : NO ' ORIGIN: DC NAME AND ADDRESS J KEELER & TON LEGAL 3RD AMD COCONUT PORT OF LOTS 13-1 DESC BEG AT MOST SL TH N 50 DEG.E49.87FT COR LOT 14 N 55 DEG W NEXT FOLIO.KEY: ACTION: 1-CONTINUE SUBSTITUTED ARPS PROPERTY SYSTEM -. PROPERTY NAME / LEGAL INQUIRY (32) DATE: 02/16/2011 16:42:30 01-4128-005-0031 LEGAL ADDR: 3856 MAIN HWY MAIN HWY ST EX: 00 VALUE 2009 327,561 203,468 531,029 25,000 0 25,000 506,029 7,241 PROP ADDR: 3856 BL PRESENT: YES ZIP: 331336543 CRIPTION PK PB 4-17 15 & 32 ELK Q. COR LOT 14 0 MOST ELY .43FT <MORE> NEXT '.RESS Date: 2/16/2011 Time: 4:35:16 PM YEAR: LAND: BLDG: TOTAL: HEX: WVDS: . TOTEX: NONEX: GRSS TX: CNTY TX: CITY TX: SALE AMT: • SALE DATE: SALE TYPE: KEY: 2, 525 359,000 04/1997. / 00 CLUC: 01 HISTORY 2010 214,175 194, 544 408,719 25,000 0 25,000 383,719 7,355 2,417 295,000 02/1995 / 180,000 07/1989 / ACTION: • 01 XMIT: Robert John FIRST NAME 6011 North Bayshore ► ive, Villa #9, Miami, FL 33137 SUBSTITUTED RECEIVED 2012 JAN 30 AM 10: 32 APP CATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL P RIAM NIBOARD PRI CITY CLERK CITY OF HAM FL. Graboski LAST NAME(S) ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZI • ODE Architect OCCUPATION Village Architects of key Biscayne. BUSINESS / EMPLOYER 305.772.5250 Robert@villagearchitects.com E-MAIL ADDRESS TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) 305.361.5335 BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) • WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-D ' E COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, AN :OARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" LI YES LINO ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPAL! EREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI7 THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE CO PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check "alternate member." Q ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA �] LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION, SIGNATURE SED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. ould also check "citizen." ❑ EXPERIENCED AL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA • PERSON EXPERIEN IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRA • INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC A OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSER ENVIRONMENT. D KNOWLEDGE AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE ION OF THE NATURAL ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES DER ONE OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES DATE SUBSTITUTED REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPT NAL ATTACHMENTS LIST O (IF NOT I NY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. LUDED IN RESUME/CV) 0 NO MORE THA TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION Q CERTIFICATE OF C PLETION OF ETHICS COURSE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, ' ' INT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI PAN AMERICAN DRIVE IAMI, FL 33133 ATT: PCILLA A. THOMPSON Planning/HP/HEP Board Application 02/2010 SUBSTITUTED Robert John Graboski 6011 North Bayshore Drive, #9 0 Miami, FL 33137 305.772.5250 0 Robert@villagearchitects.com 25 January 2012 tn: City of Miami Historic & Environmental Preservation Board I hav Environmenta application to co As a practice remodeling of comm buildings present a cha from retail to office while restrictions. Design solutio character while allowing a dif design. My experience with resident remodeling and additions to contribut also worked on the historical designatio appreciating the character of the historic create an addition that blends in without bei The balance created between the old and new s emphasize the significant features of the residenc In all projects there is an aspect beyond the b includes the natural and living environment. These na often ignored or discarded and I believe we should be co environment. Preservation of the built and natural enviro hand in hand. I appreciate your consideration of my resume for another HEPB and look forward to your response. ust finished my second term on the City of Miami Historic and reservation Board and would like to re -submit my inue on the board for another term. Architect, my experience includes renovation and cial buildings in Historic Districts. Commercial nge in that the uses of the same building can vary ach new use presents its own requirements and are needed that are sympathetic to the original ent and varied program from the original projects includes new infill, homes in historic districts. I have of a single family home. While "ct, there is a responsibility to mistaken for the original. uld be complimentary and t structure and it ral elements are too cious of our entire ents should go rm on the • SUBSTITUTED bjective: Position on the City of Miami Historical & Environmental Protection Board Regis Robert John Graboski 6011 North Bayshore Drive, #9 4 Miami, FL 33137 305.772.5250 0 Robert@villagearchitects.com tions: 91596 L . DAP Education: BA Arcecture University f Miami, 1990 Community Service: Morningside Ci Association Professional Experience: 2003-current Village Archite s of Key Biscayne Inc. Principal Architect -Sanders Residence, iami Beach, FL -Soyka Residence, ningside -Pizza Rustica, Miami 1999-2003 Robert John Artitecture, In Architect -Biscayne Place Apartments, -Urban Residence, Portofino PH -Pepper Residence, Morningside -Camargo Residnece, Miami Beach, 1995-1997 Studio Lido, Inc. Project Architect - Nemo Restaurant, Miami Beach, FL - Jarrett Residence, Miami Beach, FL 1994-1995 Seckinger & Myers, Project Architect - Van Dyke Building, Miami Beach, FL - Blank Residence Key Biscayne, FL Miami, FL Miami, FL Miami Beach, FL Mi Beach, FL • SUBSTITUTED APP CATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD C. Chloe Keida AIA / LEED AP FIRST NAME LAST NAME(S) 2101 Brickell Ave. 4 , Miami FL 33129 ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, Z1 CODE Architect chloe@studioXarch.com OCCUPATION E-MAIL ADDRESS Studio X Architects BUSINESS / EMPLOYER 305 439 3809 786 888 4520 TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(I TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIA IADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, Y BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" El YES ONO ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPA. THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI' THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST B OMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBL - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and recruit ent should also check "citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check "alternate member." Q ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA EXPERIE ED REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING ❑ DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. SIGNATURE PERSON EXP FINANCE OR L ENCED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND CITIZEN WITH DEM• TRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN THE HIST• ' C AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE OF THE CITY AND/OR C • ERVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. '4\f1W ALTERNATE M ❑ ABOVE CATEc,OR 14d 11 DATE RIMER ONE OF THE Lp :g WI 81 ON t 'Z A REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS SUBSTITUTED RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. NAL ATTACHMENTS LIST 0 NY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. (IF NOT I CLUDED IN RESUME/CV) NO MORE TH TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION CERTIFICATE OF C► PLETION OF ETHICS COURSE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FOR ' RINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 00 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: • RISCILLA A. THOMPSON '1d'II.3HIW AO A )48313 A113 NOSdW0H1'V V 1I3S1 LO :8 WV 81 AON 110Z G]Al1'38 Planning/HP/HEP Board Application SUBSTITUTED W 03 ttxt ternational Miami, Florida .A aTION NOSA Cer r IT19651. 'hrra�t�= clr I Matt Tenter cate of Completion This is to certify that Chloe Keidaish has ratisfadorily completed the studies and fugilled the requirements for rofessiona Dr. Howard Frank, Director Metropolitan Center and Ethics Seminar for Lobbyists" November 9, 2011 Be Cen . ' . a, Executive Director, iami- - Commission on Ethics & Public Trust College of Arts and Sciences Robert Meyers, Former Executive Director, Miami -Dade Commission on Ethics & Public Trust 4 contact hours SUBSTITUTED C. CHLOE KEIDAI AIA / LEED AP SUMMARY EXPERIENCE EDUCATION SUBSTITUTED C. CHLOE KEIDAISH, AIA / LEED AP Ms. Keidaish is an award -winning architect with extensive experience managing and designing large-scale, mixed -use, high-rise projects in Miami, Milan and the Middle East. Notable clients include Hines, The Related Group, Alder, Emaar, Abu Dhabi Investment House, and Qatari Diar. Ms. Keidaish is a graduate of Harvard University and the University of Miami. She also studied at the Architectural Association in London. Ms. Keidaish is a registered architect in the United States and has held senior positions at SOM and Arquitectonica. She pecializes in Residential, Mixed -Use, Commercial and Hospitality Design. 8/2010-ESENT STUDIO X ARCHITECTS Miami, FL Principal 7/2008 — 7/2010 SKIDMORE OWINGS & MERRILL (SOM) Chicago & Dubai Project Manager / Middle East 8/2004 — 2/2008 • RQUITECTONICA Miami, FL Vic President 8/1998 — 8/2004 BER LO AJAM!L 8 PARTNERS Miami, FL Senior As iate University of Miami Master of chitecture, M.A. in Communications Harvard University Bachelor of Li ral Arts, cum laude, Art & Architecture Architectural Association Foundation in Arc ' ecture PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Registered Architect in the United States (FL, GA, IL, NC, TN, USGBC: LEED Accredited Professional American Institute of Architects National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) PROJECTS SUBSTITUTED 7/2008 — 7/2010 SKIDMORE OWINGS & MERRILL (SOM) Chicago & Dubai Project Manager / Middle East Aldar Corporate Headquarters Dubai, UAE This was the first project assigned to me at SOM. As Project Manager, I led the winning design competition for Alder HQ's Interior Fit -Out. I oversaw the project from Programming through Schematic Design. I served as the primary contact with Aldar, the ontractor, the consultants and the design team. I attended all project meetings in Abu -bi, made presentations to the CEO and Chairman of Aldar and assisted with the LE certification efforts. Emaar ' at 36-37 Dubai, UAE Following t - success of the Burj Dubai, SOM was asked to design a second mixed -use tower, 1000- =II, in the Downtown Burj Dubai District. As the Project Manager, I served as the primary •ntact with Emaar and coordinated the design team to ensure the Concept Design - completed on schedule. Following completion of the Concept Design, the project - nt on hold due to the current economic crisis. Banco Santander Mia Miami, FL This project was a design c petition for a 500,000 SF AAA office tower in Miami which would also serve as Banco S- tender's Headquarters in this region. As Project Manager, I served as the primary contact h the client; coordinated the design team, consultants, marketing and graphics for the sign proposal; and wrote the technical proposal, including project schedule, fees, an ' onstruction cost estimate. Lusail Towers, QNHC Doha, Qatar This project was a design competition for in hotel and residential towers for Qatar National Hotel Company. As Project Manage , attended the on -site meetings, met with the client, coordinated with the design team a • personally delivered the competition submittal to Doha. Al Wataniyah Tower, ADIH Abu Dhabi, UAE This project was a 19-story office design competition for ' u Dhabi Investment House, managed by Projacs. As Project Manager, I coordinated t competition submittal with the design team and personally delivered the competition sub • al to Abu Dhabi. Dubai. UAE Unusual for SOM, I served the dual role of Project Manager and Le- Architect for this 30,000 SF private residence for a prominent Emirati family in Dubai. Th• villa includes a Majilis, Home Theater, Entertainment Room, Spa, Library, Gardens, and s -r garage. PROJECTS SUBSTITUTED 8/2004 — 2/2008 ARQUITECTONICA Miami, FL Vice President Le Varesine Milan, Italy served as the Lead Architect and Project Manager for two residential towers, 40 & 22- stories, for Hines in Milan. I oversaw the project from Concept Design through Design evelopment and attended project meetings in Milan every three weeks for 18 months. s responsible for coordinating the project with the client (Hines), the masterplan a ects (KPF), the executive architects (Jacobs), the local architects, consultants and my . • •• ign team. The project was approved by the Municipality of Milan and is currently under struction. I served as th- ead Architect and Project Manager for three 14-story buildings, the site was literally on t - infamous "Green Line in Beirut's Central Business District. I oversaw the project from • •ncept Design through Design Development and attended project meetings in Beirut e ry three months for 18 months. I was responsible for coordinating the project with the ent (ADIH), the executive management (Projacs), the local architects and my desig team. The project was approved by Solidere and is currently under construction. Sharm El -Sheikh Resort Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt I was recommended to Qatari D for this project as the Lead Architect and Project Manager by the local architectural fi I was working with on Beirut Gate. As a result of this recommendation, we received this 'roject and two others from Qatari Diar. I oversaw the Concept Design for the resort Mas - r Plan, which included a 300-key full -service hotel, a 150-key boutique hotel, private vi s, spa, retail souk and staff housing. I also coordinated the Concept Design with the the ing architects for the Luxor in Las Vegas. I attended the initial site visit in Egypt, and m- •e regular presentations to the CEO of Qatari Diar in Doha. The project has been feat, ed in QD's brochures and pavilion at Cityscape Dubai. Qatar Marina District Doha, Qatar Following the design of the Sharm El -Sheikh resort, were asked to design two additional towers for Qatari Diar in the Marina District. The p •'ects were designed to the maximum 30-stories according to local district zoning code- but when presented to Sheikh Jassmim Bin Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jabor Al Thani, we re asked to double the towers' heights. I oversaw the Concept Design and presented the • eject to Qatari Diar's CEO and the Sheikh. PROJECTS SUBSTITUTED 8/2004 — 2/2008 ARQU!TECTONICA Miami, FL Vice President Dubai Waterfront Dubai, UAE This project was done for Omniyat Properties, known for developing more wild and whimsical projects with star -architect finis. I served as the Lead Architect and Project nager for the three 54-story mixed -use towers, designed to appear as one d - • atically waving form. I attended all client / consultant / architect meetings in Dubai and d the design team in Miami. The project was approved by the master developer Nakh - and has been featured in Omniyat's pavilion at Cityscape Dubai and Cityscape Abu Dha Bracket! Citi ntre Miami, FL Brickell CitiCent . is one of the most ambitious projects proposed in Miami in the last decade. The proje is composed of three 76/72/69-story towers, and includes 2,424- residential units, • and retail space. The project was approved by Miami City Commission for a Majo se Special Permit and is on hold due to the current economic crisis. 300 Grove Bay Residence Miami, FL 300 Grove Bay Residences wa- he Related Group's first venture into ultra high -end luxury residential units in Miami. L. ted on a controversial hospital property, the site required rezoning from Institutional us to Residential. As the Lead Architect and Project Manager, I led the development of the • ign, coordinated with city planners and hosted numerous community meetings to gai neighborhood support and address their concerns. 1400 Biscayne Boulevard This was a typical project during the Miami develop -nt boom. The project is composed of two towers, 618,65-stories tall, and includes 300-re •ential units on top of a parking podium lined with retail at the base and office space as e. As the Lead Architect and Project Manager, I led the design and presented the proje • Miami City Commission for a Major Use Special Permit. 1770 N Bayshore Drive Miami, FL This was another typical project during the Miami development b• ,m. The project is composed of a single tower, 52-stones tall, and includes 300-residentia nits on top of a retail base. The detached parking structure is lined with loft -style unit- As the Lead Architect and Project Manager, I led the design and presented the project Miami City Commission for a Major Use Special Permit. PROJECTS SUBSTITUTED 8/1998 — 8/2004 BERMELLO AJAMIL & PARTNERS Miami, FL Senior Associate Skyline on Brickell Miami, FL kyline on Brickell is the first project for which I served as the Lead Architect and Project nager- It is a 40-Story, 360-Unit Residential High -Rise on Miami's prestigious Brickell Av ue, and it is also my home. Initially commenced in 1999, I oversaw the project from Con • .t Design through Construction Administration, including city approvals, value engine ' g and permitting. Construction was completed in 2004. As a resident of this building the past six years, I have teamed a tremendous amount about building operations - `er the project is closed out. The 1800 Club Miami, FL Based on the succ - of Skyline on Brickell, I was asked by the same client to serve as the Lead Architect a • • roject Manager for this 40-Story, 450-Unit Mixed -Use, High -Rise project on Margaret Pa - Park in Miami. I oversaw the project from Concept Design through Construction Doc, ents and presented it to the Miami City Commission for a Major Use Special Permit- also won a Design Award from the Society of American Registered Architects. Constr ' ion was completed in 2007 and its success led to rapid development of that neighborho Premiere Towers Miami. FL The development arm of the architectur- irm I worked for asked that I serve as the lead architect for this project comprised of two in 52-story towers in Miami's Mary Brickell Village. The project was approved by Miam ity Commission for a Major Use Special Permit. It also won a design award from the . iety of American Registered Architects, but remains on hold due to the current economic • sis. I served as the lead designer and project manager for t 18-Story, 95-Unit Residential Development in Miami's Upper East Side. The project -s approved by Miami City Commission for a Major Use Special Permit, but remains a hold due to the current economic crisis. Four Seasons Hotel & Tower Miami, FL As part of the Construction Documents team for the Four Seasons otel & Tower, I worked with the joint venture design team, Handel Architects, to trans e the design concepts into working drawings and to make sure the plans complied with al building codes_ This project was completed in 2003 and remains the tallest building i Miami at 240m. SUBSTITUTED DESIGN AWARDS Society of American Registered Architects: 2004 Design Award Society of American Registered Architects: 2002 Design Award PROJE MANAGEMENT SKILLS Managed large-scale, mixed -use projects in the Miami, Milan and the Middle East. ensive business development in the MENA region. Mana activiti d budgeting, scheduling, planning, design, with authority to direct and monitor all n complex projects. Defined, mo ' ored and maintained control of the scope of work and services for the project includin project schedule and work plan. Prepared and nego '-ted client and consultant proposals, fees, schedules, and contracts. Primary coordinator of timely resolution of client contracts and additional se communication between the client and design team insuring ncems and management of business issues including es. Responsible for the clear and ti - ly communication of information to the project team and to insure compliance with the ject teams goals. Monitored the performance of the proj team and approach, to assure that quality standards and design goals were being -t. Established, maintained, and documented client, internal team and consultants meetings ar project related meetings including Responsible for meeting or exceeding the financial • 'als established for the project. CIVIC INVOLVEMENT Harvard Club of Miami , Current Member City of Miami Zoning Board: Member June 2005-January 2007 Habitat for Humanity: Global Village Team - July 2000 PAWS Half Marathon Team Chicago, 2010 Miami Corporate Run: Team Captain 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 SUBSTITUTED CONTACT C. Chloe Keidaish, AIA / LEED AP 2101 Brickell Ave # 304 iami, Florida 33129 USA Tel: 01 305 439 3809 ckeidais • gmail.com LUSAILTOWERS DOHA, QATAR C L ILN I: QATAR NATIONAL NOM COMPANY FIRM: SOM ROTE. PROJECT MANAGER PROJEC MIXED -USE HOT EL / RESIDENT IAL / OFFICE / RE IAIL PHASE: DESIGN COMPETITION SUBSTITUTED AL WATANIYAH ABU DHABI, UAE CLIENT. ABU DHABI INVI SI MENI HOUSE FIRM: SOM ROLF: PROJECT MANAGE R PROJEC I: I9 SIORY OI F ICE TOWEF PHASE DESIGN COMPS I I I ION BANCO SANTANDER MIAMI MIAMI, FLORIDA CLIENT: BANCO SAN1ANDFR FIRM: SOM ROI F: PROJFC1 MANAGER PROJEC1:500,000 SF AAA OFFICE TOWER 1,000F1TALL DESIGN COMPLIITION SUBSTITUTED ALDAR HQ ABU DHABI, UAL SUBSTITUTED CLIENT• ALDAR FIRM: SOM ROl I:PROJ[CT MANAGER INTtRIORFII-OUI PHASES: CONCEPT AND SCHEMATIC DESIGN SUBSTITUTED DUBAI VILLA DUBAI, UAE CE IENT: CONFIDENTIAL FIRM SOM ROI F: FAD ARCHITFC T / PROJFC T MANAGER PROJECT:30,000 Sf- PRIVATE RESIDENCE INCLUDES MAJALIS, HOME 1HEAlER, SPA, LIBRARY, GARDENS AND 6 CAR GARAGE PHASES: CONCEPI & SC HEMAI IC DE SIGN SUBSTITUTED a wili 44. .. -sp. 4. op ::: — — f '4:: 11111117.AXPOIIIIP:11111:17 air amila i ir: • :"1.141.1 it lift .• li i a101.111.. ins DUBAI VILLA DUBAI, UAE CLIENT: CONFIDENTIAL FIRM: SOM ROLE: LEAD ARCHITECT / PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT: 30,000 SF PRIVATE RESIDENCE INCLUDES MAJAI IS, HOME THEATER, SPA, LIBRARY, GARDENS AND 6 CAR GARAGE PHASES: CONCEPT & SCHEMATIC DESIGN SUBSTITUTED DUBAI VILLA DUBAI, UAL CLIENT; CONFIDENTIAL FIRM: SOM ROI F. I FAD ARCHITECT / PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT: 30.000 SF PRIVAI E RESIDENCE INCI S MAJAI IS, HOME THEATER, SPA, l IBRARY, GARDENS AND 6 CAR GARAGE PHASE SE: CONCEPI & SCHEMA' IC DI SIGN SUBSTITUTED LE VARESINE MILAN, IIALY CLIENT: HINES F IRM: ARQUITECTONICA ROL E: [FAD ARCHITECT / PROJECT MANAGFR PROJECT:40 & 22-STORY MIXED- USE TOWERS USGBC. I EED PRE -CERTIFIED SILVER PHASES: CONCEPT DESIGN DEVELOPMENT SUBSTITUTED DUBAI WATERFRONT DUBAI, UAE CLIENT:OMNIYAT PROPERTIES FIRM: ARQUIIFC FONICA ROLE: LEAD ARCHITECT / PROJEC I MANAGER PROJET: 54 STORY MIXED USE I OWERS 500 RESIDENTIAL UNITS! 200-KEY HOTEL / 150 SFRVIi Ell APARTMENTS SPA / RETAIL i RESTAURAN 1 S / MEETING SPACE PHASES: CONCEPT /SCHEMATIC DESIGN APPROVED BY NAKHEEL SUBSTITUTED QATAR MARINA - MIXED USE DOHA, QATAR CLIENT: QATARI DIAR FIRM: ARQUITECTONICA ROLE: LEAD ARCHITFCT / PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT: 29 STORY - MIXED -USE TOWER / 1 15.6 M 126 HOTEL KFYS / 56 SERVICED APARTMENTS / 42 CONDO UNITS PHASE: CONCEPT DESIGN PRESENTED AT THE SHEIKH'S PAI AC[ QATAR MARINA - COMMERCIAL DOHA, QATAR CLIENT: QATARI DIAR FIRM: ARQUI I EC I ONICA ROLE: l E AD ARCHITEC T / PRO IFCT MANAGER PROJECT 29- STORY / 120 M orFICE TOWER PHASE: CONCEPI DESIGN PRESENTED AT THE SHEIKH'S PALACE SUBSTITUTED SHARM EL -SHEIKH RESORT SHARM FL -SHEIKH, EGYPT CLIENT: QATARI DIAR FIRM: ARQUIT ECTONICA ROl F: l FAD ARCHI FELT / PROW( T MANAGER PROJEC I : 450 KEY MAIN HOT EL / 1 SO KE Y BOU I IQUE HOTEL SPA / RE TAIL / RESTAURANTS, PRIVAI E VILLAS /EMPLOYEE HOUSING PHASES: CONCEPT MASTER PL AN APPROVE D BY QATARI DIAR BEIRUT GATE BEIRUT, LEBANON CLIENT: ABU DHABI INVESTMENT HOUSE FIRM: ARQUI I ECIONICA ROl F. l EAD ARCHITECT / PROJEC T MANAGER PROJECT:THREE 14 STORY MIXED USE TOWERS PHASE: CONCEPT DESIGN / SCHEMATIC DESIGN APPROVED BY SOLIDERE SUBSTITUTED BRICKELL CITICENTRE MIAMI, FLORIDA CLIENT. REILLY DEVELOPMENT FIRM: ARQUITECTONICA ROLC:LFADARCHITECT /PROJEC f MANAGER PROJEC I: 76 / 72 /69 -STORY MIXED -USE TOWERS / 2,424 UNIT'S PHASE- CONCEPT DESIGN APPROVED BY MIAMI CITY COMMISSION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT SUBSTITUTED 300 GROVE BAY RESIDENCES MIAMI, FLORIDA CLIENT:THE RELATED GROUP FIRM: ARQUII ECFONICA ROl F: EAD ARCHITECT / PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT: 25/ 30 / 35-S1 ORY RESIDLN I IAL TOWERS 1,200.000 SF FLOOR AREA / 300 UNITS PHASES: CONCEPT DESIGN SUBSTITUTED 1400 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD MIAMI, FI ORIDA CLIENT: BISCAYNE DEVELOPMENT FIRM: ARQUII EC FONICA ROI F:l FAD ARCHITECT / PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT: 61 / 65 -STORY MIXED -USE SOWERS / 850 UNITS PHASE: CONCEPT DESIGN r SUBSTITUTED 1770 N BAYSHORE DRIVE MIAMI, FLORIDA CLIENT: CERVERA REAL ESTATE FIRM: ARQUITECTONICA ROI C. I FAD ARCHITECT / PROJFC T MANAGER PROJECT :47 STORY RESIDEN fIAL TOWER / 648 UNITS PHASE: CONCEPT DESIGN SUBSTITUTED SKYLINE ON BRICKELL MIAMI, FLORIDA CLIENT. BCOM FIRM: BERMELLO AJAMIL & PARTNERS ROL F: l EAD ARCHITECT / PROJECT MANAGER PROJEC T:40-STORY RESIDENT IALIUWLR / 360 UNITS CONCEPT DESIGN -CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRAT ON COMP! ETED 2004 SUBSTITUTED THE 1800 CLUB MIAMI, FLORIDA CLIENT: BCOM FIRM: BERMELLO AIAMIL & PARTNERS ROI F. L FAD ARCHITECT / PROJECT MANAGER PROIEC1:40 STORY RESIDENTIAL TOWER /450 UNITS PHASES: CONCEPT DESIGN - CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS SOCIETY Of AMLRICAN REGISTERED ARCHITECTS. 2002 DESIGN AWARD COMP( E I ED )006 e SUBSTITUTED PREMIERE TOWERS MIAMI, FLORIDA CLIENT: BAP / GGM DEVELOPMENT FIRM: BERMEL.LO AJAMIL & PARTNERS ROL E. l EAD ARCHITECT / PROJFC T MANAGER PROJECT:TWIN 52-STORY MIXED -USE LOWERS / 560 UNITS / OFFICE / RETAIL PHASES: CONCEPT DESIGN APPROVED BY MIAMI CI Y COMMISSION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT SOCIETYOF AMERICAN RFGISIFRED ARCHIIEC IS:2004 DESIGN AWARD SUBSTITUTED SoHo MIAMI, FLORIDA CLIENT: BANYA GROUP FIRM: BERMELLO AJAMIL & PARTNERS ROL F: I FAD ARCHITECT / PROJEC T MANAGER PROJECT: 18-STORY RESIDENTIAL TOWER/ 95 UNITS PHASES: CONCEPT DESIGN APPROVED BY MIAMI CITY COMMISSION FOR MAJOR USE SPEC IAL PERMI I t ` SUBSTITUTED RECEIVED 2012 FEB -2 PM 2: 06 APPL TION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRWKP1QARD CITY CLERK KUPERMAN �'ITY OF MIAMI. FL. FIRST NAME 137 GIRALDA AV - C L GABLES FL. 33134 ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP • DE ARCHITECT, GENERAL CO OCCUPATION LAST NAME(S) RACTOR, REALTOR j.kuperman@jskarchitecturalgroup.com JSK ARCHITECTURAL GROUP BUSINESS / EMPLOYER 305-332-7482 E-MAIL ADDRESS 305-448-1986 TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) ' WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DA ► COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY . •ARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ❑ YES LINO ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY EREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI' THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COM • SED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement s •uld also check "citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check "alternate member.' ❑X ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA O LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING • DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. 0 EXPERIENCED R. L ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENC ` IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND ❑ FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRA INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AN ® OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVA ENVIRONMENT. KNOWLEDGE AND RCHITECTURAL HERITAGE ON OF THE NATURAL ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES U ' ER ONE OF THE 1-1 ABOVE CATEGORIES DATE fft? - Ki/o17,- • 1 REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS SUBSTITUTED RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIO L ATTACHMENTS LIST OF A PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. (IF NOT INC DED IN RESUME/CV) NO MORE THAN 0 (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION 0 CERTIFICATE OF COM ETION OF ETHICS COURSE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, P T, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERKS OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 350PAN AMERICAN DRIVE AMI, FL 33133 ATT: PRI ILLA A. THOMPSON Planning/HP/HEP Board Application 02/2010 om: Hannon, Todd S : Friday, February 24, 2012 11:42 AM To: Martinez, Maribel Subjec FW: Additional info for HEPB Application. SUBSTITUTED FYI. This is - same address that was in Mr. Kuperman's previous application. Thanks Maribel! From: Jorge S. K erman, AIA[mailto:j.kuperman@jskarchitecturalgroup.com] Sent: Friday, Febru - • 24, 2012 11:39 AM To: Hannon, Todd Subject: Additional info • HEPB Application. Dear Todd, As per your request, in conneion to my application for the HEPB, this is to inform you that I own real estate property in the City of Miami; th..ddress is 1847/49 NW 21 Street. The ownership has been under two ifferent corporations of which I am the only stockholder / manager, JSK International, Inc. owned it between t years 1992 up to last month, then the title was transferred to 1847 NW 21 Street, LLC of which I am the Manager. Please let me know if you need any additio information, Best Jorge adiNoc Jorge S. Kuperman, AIA Member of the Historic & Environmental Preservation Board - City of Miami JSK Architectural Group 137 Giralda Av. Coral Gables - FL. 33134 305-448-1986 MI Copyright and Confidentiality Statements: All contents and images contained within this electronic document are the exclusive property of . A itectural Grou • and or JSK International, Inc. Reproduction, use or modification, in part or in their entirety, is not permitted without expressed written pe ission from JSK Architectural Group. This email and any attachment are confidential. It is intended solely for the use by the intended recipient, and a unauthorized disclosure, reproduction, distribution, use, or retention of its contents is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, pleas. .lI us at 305-448-1986 or email us at information(aiskarchitecturalgroup.com and delete this message immediately file:///Cl/Users/mamartinez/Desktop✓FW%20Additional%20info%20fot%20HEPB%20Application..htm[2/24/2012 12:54:45 PM] SUBSTITUTED Jorge S. Kuperman, AIA, NCARB 137 Giralda Avenue Coral Gables FL 33134 305-674-8549 I- kuperman(jskarchitecturalgroup_corn Jorge S. Kup= man, AIA is the founder of JSK Architectural Group. He is a licensed Architect, General Contractor and = Realtor, he is certified by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, (NCARB) for pr. ticing throughout USA. Jorge is a past President of the American Institute of Architects. During the course of 'is practice he received important awards and accomplishments. His designs include several building •es for both public and private area clients. In 1980 Kuperman graduatewith a Masters Degree in Architecture and Urban Design from the University of Buenos Aires, A • ntina and in 1981 he relocated to USA where he started his practice. Some aspects of Jorge's experie e and representative projects can be seen at www.iskarchitecturalgroup.com an w.'skarchitectural•rou•/•roectsam•les PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS AND C MUNITY SERVICES: Member of the Environmental & Historic reservation Board City of Miami Member of COTE, Commission for the vironment of the Florida Association of the American Institute of Architects. Member of the Holocaust Memorial Committee pa of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation. Past Member of the Planning Board of the City of Mia Beach Past President of the Miami Chapter of the American Insti . to of Architect, (AIA Miami) Past State Director for the Florida Association of the America nstitute of Architects. Past Vice President of the Venetian Islands Homeowners Associa SUBSTITUTED LYNN B. LEWIS A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW SUITE 505 501 BRICKELL KEY DRIVE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33131 LYNN B. L is February 8, 2012 HAND DELI RED City Clerk's •ffice City of Miami 3500 Pan Americ. Drive Miami, Florida 133 TELEPHONE 305-374-014n TELECOPIER 305-374-7071 E-MAIL lynnlewis6Ibpa.com -v cn _1 c.) -n -ce)�7 r rag rn n up rn — r- m -' �o = inar o r cn o Attn: Priscilla A. ompson, Clerk RE: Application for H. toric and Environmental Preservation Board Dear Ms. Thompson: Attached is the comple -d and signed Application to serve as a member of the Historic and nvironmental Preservation Board. The required and an optionattachment are also included. Please let me know if anythi else is required to complete these Application. Very tr yours, 'S Lynn . Lewis LBL/sf Enclosures cc: Commissioner Gort (by email) SUBSTITUTED APP CATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD Lynn Lewis FIRST NAME LAST NAME(S) v 501 Brickell Key Dri Suite 505, Miami, Florida 33131 n Cwet r) ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, Z CODE Attorney OCCUPATION Lynn B. Lewis, P.A. BUSINESS / EMPLOYER lynnlewis@Iblpa.com E-MAIL ADDRESS TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) 786-543-8874 305-374-0148 BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IE ' TO WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS None CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-. DE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, A BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" Q YES ENO ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPAL THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirem - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check alternate member." POSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. should also check "citizen." ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA EXPERIENC LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. • wS SIGNATURE REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERT' CED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND 0 FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONS • INTEREST IN THE HISTOR OF THE CITY AND/OR CONS ENVIRONMENT, TED KNOWLEDGE AND ND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE ATION OF THE NATURAL ▪ ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIF . UNDER ONE OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES DATE SUBSTITUTED EQUIRED ATTACHMENTS ESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIO L ATTACHMENTS LIST OF A ❑x (IF NOT INCL PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ED IN RESUME/CV) NO MORE THAN 1 (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION CERTIFICATE OF COMP ION OF ETHICS COURSE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRI , SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 N AMERICAN DRIVE MI, FL 33133 ATT: PRIS LA A. THOMPSON I1 rn ?tanning/HP/HEPBoard Application 02/2010 SUBSTITUTED LYNN B. LEWIS ynn B. Lewis, P.A. ite 505, 501 Brickell Key Drive Mi. i, Florida 33131 AREAS PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Tel: 305-374-0148 Fax: 305-374-7071 Email: lynnlewis@lblpa.com Real Esta•=: Commercial real estate transactions; Zoning matters before various municipal Boards and Commissions; Comprehensive planning matters before vario municipal Boards and Commissions, and regional and state agencies; Leg aspects of Historic Preservation; Condominium regulatory practice inclu•'ng conversion to condominium; Creation of municipal legislation and •-velopment Agreements; Commercial lease negotiation and drafting, and r=•resentation of landlords; Construction lending; Mechanics Lien matt- s; and HUD multi -family housing financing. Banking: Commercial a . real estate lending on behalf of lenders; Bank regulatory matters befor• United States national bank regulators, Federal Reserve Board, and State •anking regulators; Bank Secrecy Act and Know Your Customer Regulatory ompliance; Other Regulatory and Community Reinvestment Act Compliance. SPECIAL COMPETENCE Professional concentration in repr- enting both commercial real estate developers and inward -bound investors 'n Florida commercial real estate. This representation has frequently s •rted with the initial property acquisition, obtaining entitlements an• development rights, the legal aspects of obtaining financing, and reesentation of the owner in landlord/tenant matters, construction and 'en law matters. This makes me well -versed in all aspects of the legal fr- ework for, and constraints on, development and its municipal regulation. dditional practice focus on achieving historic designation, advocacy foprotection of historic sites and Landmarks, and creation of historic pre--rvation legislation. Professional concentration in representing both inte ational and purely domestic banks in starting and growing their busine-.es in Miami. In addition to a transactional practice with these banks, have served as a Director of two national banks, General Counsel to a n- ional bank and a member of the Audit Committees of two banks. This makes 'e well -versed in understanding market and regulatory compliance considerat ons on banks which finance businesses in the South Florida market. SUBSTITUTED EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS Juris Doctor, University of Miami School of Law, 1979 Bachelor of Arts, University of Georgia, 1974, Magna Cum Laude ilingual (English/Spanish) ESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Lynn Lewis, P.A., Attorney at Law (Partner, Shareholder) 1988 to resent Hornsby & Whisenand, P.A. (Partner and Chairman of Real Estate Department) 1983 to 1988 Context Industri-s, Inc. (a publicly -traded real estate development company) General Counsel 198• to 1983 Smathers & Thompson, A. orneys 1979 to 1981 ACTIVITIES Brickell Area Association Board Member 1987 to Present President, 1991 Commission of the City of Miami, Tra sition Team Member, 1994 Community Partnership For Homeless, Board Member 1994 to Present Corporate Secretary 1995 to Present Audit Committee Chair 1995 to Present Executive Committee Member 1995 to Present Strategic Planning Committee Chairman National Research Committee Chairman 2010 to Pre ent Downtown Miami Community Development Corporation Board Member 1993 to 2004 Vice Chairman 1993 to 2004 Friends of Miami Marine Stadium, Inc. Counsel Special Real Estate Counsel to City of Miami, Law Department The Vizcayans, Inc. Special Zoning Counsel SUBSTITUTED Projects Related to Historic Preservation The City of Miami is home to 2 National Historic Landmarks. ational Historic Landmark status is the highest designation, a -rded on a national level by the US Park Service, to sites which ar important to the history of this country. Vizcaya Museum and Gar• s is one of these National Historic Landmarks. Vizcay- Museum and Gardens fronts on Biscayne Bay and is a 5 minute drive f •m Downtown Miami. Because of this, the neighborhood surroundi Vizcaya has been in high demand for redevelopment. When new velopment occurs close to Vizcaya, there is the possibility hat the new development will impact the Vizcaya National Hist• is Landmark and the visitors' experience at Vizcaya in a negative •y. My involvement a- a lawyer in defeating one such proposed new development which threatened the Vizcaya National Historic Landmark, caused me consider whether there could be a proactive protection given to N ional Historic Landmarks in Miami's Code. Such protection would n t adversely affect private property rights and would also put pro••sed developers on notice, before they designed their projects, •f the special considerations required when developing near a National Historic Landmark. This evaluation led me to p •.ose View Corridor protection for National Historic Landmarks, which came to be codified as part of Miami 21. Not only is Miami's Vi- Corridor legislation protecting the National Historic Landmarks u que to Miami, there is nothing comparable in Florida. This View Corridor Protection legisla ion puts Miami on par with other cities which protect their he tage sites and National Historic Landmarks. Having protected t e View Corridors of and from its National Historic Landmarks m- es Miami a leader in developing creative solutions for Historic eservation within the City. Since 2009, I have served as pro bono counsel t• and worked with, a group of citizens who have volunteered time and esources to save the Miami Marine Stadium, a public property whi• has received historic designation from the City of Miami HEP Boa • and has also been designated one of the 11 most endangered histo.'c places by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. N:\Gen\HistoricProjects.wpd SUBSTITUTED I*�1im, 111111 L } '7.f.4. Ft APPLI TION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD Lintothy Barber FIRST NAME LAST NAME(S) S I(X) NW 22 Avenue, Bldg ', Ste WI, Miami. EL 33142 -0 p ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CO. Nsf Executive Director tharher(atheblackarchives.org Cl01 OCCUPATION E-MAIL ADDRESS :_t r - -Gy O ril The Black Archives History & Research Fo dation of South FL, Inc. � -0 L. t� BUSINESS ! EMPLOYER p T -e r• q F TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) 6it: ,t)$ :y 305.636.1390 23I BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO ' ICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS 819 NW 2 Avenue, 250 NW 9 Street, 171 NW 11 Street CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE • UNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY BO ' D OF THE CITY OF MIAMI' n YES XNO ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THE' IN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMPO ' OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement shou ..!so check "citizen.' - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check 'alternate member.' ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA EXPERIENCED REAL , TATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIENCED I HE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED ' OWLEDGE AND X DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY 1_7INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND A' ITECTURAL HERITAGE HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATIO • • F THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING C DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UNDE NE OF THE ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION- X ABOVE CATEGORIES ._ /Z it) / / SIGNATURE/, DATE SUBSTITUTED REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIO L ATTACHMENTS LIST OF A (IF NOT INC PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. DED IN RESUME/CV) 111 NO MORE THAN O (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION CERTIFICATE OF COM ETION OF ETHICS COURSE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, P • T, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 350 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE AMI, FL 33133 ATT: PRIG ILLA A. THOMPSON Planni ,, HP '4E? Board Applicacon cr) C w C rn v Timothy A. Barber 5400 NW 22nd Avenue Bldg C, Ste 101 Miami, FL 33142 tharber'ii:thebl ackarchives.org (786) 368-7663 * (305) 636-2390 cation: The Georgia Archives Institute and the Atlanta Regional Consortium for Higher ucation. Morrow, Georgia 2004. Mast• of Applied Social Science degree, concentrated areas of History and A an American Studies, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, Florida, Fall 2003. Bachelor of A degree in English, Minor in Education, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FIo '.a, Spring 2002. Specialized Associa of Science degree in Electronic Engineering Technology, Bauder College, Ft. Lauderdal: Florida, Fall 1993. Work Experience: Florida Memorial University Adjunct History Professor Miami Gardens, FL 9/2005-2010 • Facilitate class lectures in HIS 1 African American History • Facilitate class lectures in HIS 200 , istory of the American People • Acquaint and inculcate students wi the necessary and appropriate historical skills and knowledge needed to gra interpret, and identify the temporal sequencing of events within the hist cal context of transformations and constancy • Administer tests and exams • Evaluate and create measuring tools, to report st 'ent competency in the course subject • Report student competency and attendance results to e University for posting The Black Archives History & Research Foundation of South FIo • a, Inc. Mi.• i,FL Intern 9/2003-1/2004 Assistant Archivist /2004-8/2006 Archivist/Curator/Historian : `006-8/2009 Executive Director 8/2 • t 9-Present • Survey, catalog, and maintain historical artifacts and documents • Create finding aids, guides and other descriptive publications • Research people, places, and things to validate historical significance • Serve as reference service personnel and assist researchers • Lecture students of higher education • Present reports to different advisory committees throughout the city • Assist with the Teaching with Historic Places Program in Dade County • Assist in designating historical significant buildings in Miami -Dade County C w C m v • • • • • • Create and design exhibits Provide historical support Develop community out reach archival programs e0/ Provide supervision for service learning, intern, and volunteer studetltis E� Conduct historical tours in Miami /s'O /Q p Write and administer federal, local, private and state grants �'/l C/ -9 3' Office Management, supervise staff, and calculate payroll r,,Tr q , 4.- Southeastern Regional Black Archives Research Center and Museum Intern Tallahassee, FL 06/2003-09/2003 • Surveyed, cataloged, and maintained historical artifacts and documents Created finding aids, guides and other descriptive publications Designed museum exhibits erved as reference service personnel Florida A Office of Int Advisor & Pro University ational Services and Summer Sessions m Assistant International Servic • Assisted with other Historical • Maintained corres • Registered universi • Prepared financial wai • Collaborated and report students • Prepared flyers, newsletters distribution • Organized annual study abroad co Colleges and Universities • Maintained files and tracking informat • Assisted students who are applying for i • Assisted with governing university regulate • Participated with the Orientation of counselo campus • Observed overall operation of camps to ensure sa' , of students • Screened prospective counselors and directors back:.und checks through FDLE & Summer Sessions Tallahassee, FL 05/02-09/03 S4 r• v'-n . cruiting students to study intemationally from host university and Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) ndence with HBCU consortium members tudents who are studying overseas rs for students t coordinator of the program on issues dealing with other program publications for public erences with other Historically Black n on students rnships with U.S. Department of State over summer programs nd summer camp participants on Certifications, Workshops and Conferences • Member of the Society of American Archivist • Florida History Network Conference Presenter • Restore America Conference • Birmingham Civil Rights Institute Leadership Initiative • Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau Certified Heritage Tourism Guide • Member of the Association of African American Museums • Florida History Network Conference Presenter • SAA EAD Workshop • SAA Style Sheets Workshop and Training • SAA Archival Management Training • U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services' forum • Florida History Network Conference Tallahassee 2004 2005 2006 2007 007 7 20 2008 2008 2008 2009 2010 CFO • Association of African American Museums 2007-20I 0 Boards & Committees SUBSTITUTED • Overtown Community Oversight Board 2011 • Miami Dade County Public School African American Advisory Board 2005-Present • City of Miami Historic & Environmental Preservation Board Board Chair 2007-2009 Historic & Environmental Preservation Board 2004-201 I D.A.S. H. One Community, One Goal Advisory Board 2004 SUBSTITUTED APPL ATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD William E. Hopper FIRST NAME LAST NAME(S) 527 NE 56th Street, Mia ' FL 33137-2622 ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP . •DE Professor/administrator OCCUPATION Higher education/Florida Memorial 'versify BUSINESS / EMPLOYER (305) 877-1479 casadeco@comcast.net E-MAIL ADDRESS (305) 626-3701 TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) N rn co BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) • WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, 'NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-D E COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, A BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI- YES QNO ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPAL I THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? THE HISTORK AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE C PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requireme should also check citizen.' - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check alternate member.' ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING LI DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION- URE POSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSI77ONS BELOW. EXPERIENCE • ' EAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIE ED IN THE HELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMON INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC 0 OF THE CITY AND/OR CONS ENVIRONMENT. TED KNOWLEDGE AND D ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE ATION OF THE NATURAL ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFI : UNDER ONE OF THE ® ABOVE CATEGORIES �C� SUBSTITUTED REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. NAL ATTACHMENTS l !ST (IF NOT NY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. LUDED IN RESUME/CV) NO MORE THA TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION CERTIFICATE OF CO 'LETION OF ETHICS COURSE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, P T, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 35 • ' PAN AMERICAN DRIVE AMI, FL 33133 ATT: PRI ILLA A. THOMPSON Planning/HP/HEP Board ApolicatIon 02/2010 This is to certify that the Public Records, and the The two (2) hour briefin Miami -Dade County Miami Ordinanc SUBSTITUTED patton Taresenteb Hopper above tioned individual has attended a briefing on Sunshine Law, Mia- jade County Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance. as conducted on April 21, 2011 for the City of Miami by the mmission on Ethics and Public Trust in compliance with the City of Robert A. Thompson Community Outreach Coordinator Commission on Ethics and Public Trust a3l111ils9ns Biographical Sketch: Dr. William E. Hopper, Jr. A. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Florida Memorial University Miami Gardens, Florida anuary 4, 1984 to present University of Mi School of Medicine Miami, Florida Department of Oncology Division of C..ell Kinetics May 16,1982 -December 31, 1 Department of Medicine Division of Genetic Medicine August 15, 1980 - May 15, 1982 University of South Carolina Department of Chemistry Columbia, SC July 1980 - August 1980 September 1974 - July 1990 EDUCATION Dean, School of Arts and Sciences (current) Professor of Chemistry and Environmental Science (current) Faculty Senate President (three terms) Director, Center for Urban Environmental Studies (current) Director, Environmental Justice Institute of Florida Director of Institutional Research Dean of the Faculty Special Assistant to the President for Institutional Research, Planning, Assessment, and Self -Study Chair, Tenure and Promotions Committee Chair, Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Research Associate Research Assistant Professor Teaching ssociate Graduate A istant (teaching and research) Honda International University, Miami, FL MS in Environmental Science, 2001 University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC PhD in Chemistry, with emphasis in Biochemistry, 1980 MS in Chemistry, with emphasis in Biochemistry, 1977 Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK BS with Honors in Chemistry, 1974 FUNDED GRANTS: O_ rn co 0 -o CO .3 fn rri rrt 0 United Negro College Fund, 2005 ($40,000) - Grant to increase minority participation in : ology (SEEDS) United Negro College Fund/The Ecological Society of America, 2004 ($3500) - Faculty De .lopment grant to develop course materials for Ecology of South Florida South Florida Water Management District, 2000 ($300,000); Contract for establishing Cen r for Urban Environmental Studies, community outreach, and environmental research NIOSH - Deep South Center ($16,500); Subcontract for establishing program for estimating expos of farm workers in southern Miami -Dade County to pesticides United Negro College Fund/The Ecological Society of America, 1997/1998/1999/2000/2001/200 003 ($11,000/$12,500/$12,500/$12,500/$14,000/$11,000/$3,000) - Development of an Ecology curri and formation of an Ecology Club US Environmental Protection Agency ($4400), Subcontract from the University of South Florida - Development of community education programs dealing with household toxic wastes C CO C rn US Army Corps of Engineers, 1996 ($35,000), Subcontract from the University of Miami - Geographic Information System (GIS) model of toxic threats to sea grass communities in Biscayne Bay United Negro College Fund, 1995 ($96,000) - Establishment of an Institute for Environmental Justice Education and Research and Environmental Studies Curriculum (PEJER) US Department of Energy, 1995 ($4000), Subcontract from the University of South Florida - Planning grant to determine possible exposure of minority communities to electromagnetic radiation 'ted Negro College Fund, 1992 ($65,000) - Establishment of an Institutional Effectiveness Center at Florida Memorial College (LOD) US artment of Education, 1985 ($243,000) - Improvements to the Science Program at Florida Mea nda! College Amen.:. ancer Society, 1983 ($4000) - Studies on the Anti -tumor Properties of Auromomycin B. HISTO PRESERVATI • N EFFORTS Morningsidc Civic sociation: Treasurer, 19 • 1998 Secretary, 2001, •002, 2003, 2009, 2010, 2011 President, 1999, 2► 44, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Historian and Arch t, 2000 to present Home Tour Co -Chair, . 009 AIA Tour Guide, 2010 Home Tour volunteer, 19 t to present House on Home Tour three • . es Co-authored neighborhood . ry (with Gail Meadows) for Miami's Ilistoric Neighborhoods, edited by Becky Roper ov Created "Doors of Morning ide" po er Currently working on second edition . The Historic Homes ofMorningside Trinity Episcopal Cathedral Restoration Committee Chair, 1992 — 2000 Authored Virtual Tour Architectural History Established web site on the life and works of Richard Architecture" and founder of the South Florida Working on web site and DVD slide show of vintage Volunteer at the City of Miami Preservation Office scanning 1934-1955, establishing addresses, saving to CD, and C. OTHER SERVICE ehnel, "Father of Miami's Distinctive pter of the AIA area postcards assessor's photographs from ping to GIS. Miami -Dade County Environmental Quality Control Board member - 1997 to pr nt City of Opa-locka Brownfields Task Force, Chairman - 1996 - 2000 City of Miami Police Department survey analyst - 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005 . . r- SUBSTITUTED AP CATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATIgN BOARD N FIRST NAME 137- o S ► 13 Ave. ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZI • ODE vi1,= OCCUPATION BUSINESS / EMPLOYER 3 oS- f s- /99 TELEPHONE (HOME) NA AST AST NAM E(S) rtl if f f� kAR 100o @ as I Cam E- MAIL I4S1, le..10^ 6rovvolv, a./ 21o., ; R AaAtztc 3o5 778'—o5L? TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE UST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) coo SIB t o t6vc- 7yg' 1 it 5 WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-D CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, AN E COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN OARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPAL' EREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE CO PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement ould also check 'citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check alternate member." ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA EI LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING ❑ DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. SIGNATUR 1 NO SED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. EXPERIENCED L ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIEN IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND ❑ FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRA INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC A i(e3 OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERV ENVIRONMENT. D KNOWLEDGE AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE ON OF THE NATURAL ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES DER ONE OF THE 1-1 ABOVE CATEGORIES J DAT 2�/P SUBSTITUTED EQUIRED ATTACHMENTS ESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIO L ATTACHMENTS LIST OF A PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. (IF NOT INC. DED IN RESUME/CV) NO MORE THAN 0 (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, ' INT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 0 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 • PAMELA BURNS Planning/HP/HFP Board Application 2008 SUBSTITUTED APP ► CATION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD Jeff Shimonski FIRST NAME LAST NAME(S) 7330 SW 55 ave, Miami, 33143 ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP . • DE Horticulturist jeff@tropicaldesigns.com OCCUPATION E-MAIL ADDRESS Jungle Island BUSINESS/ EMPLOYER 305-773-9406 TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) - r— c7 —11 m co N 03 CD C7 WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI- E COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, A BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALI THEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE C PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requireme - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check 'alternate member." El ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING ❑ DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING ❑ DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. SIGNATU/1 NO POSED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. hould also check "citizen." LI EXPERIENCE ► • EAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIE ED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND ❑ FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONST INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC ❑X OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSE ENVIRONMENT. TED KNOWLEDGE AND D ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE ATION OF THE NATURAL ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFI UNDER ONE OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES • .q), DATE 02/24/2012 01:26 3054007291 JUNGLEISLAND PAGE 02 REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. DP11 • AL ATTACHMENTS LIST OF (IP NOT IN Y PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/ORARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. UDED IN RESUME/CV) 0 NO MORE THA O (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION INSTRUCTIONI 1 FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, P , SIGN, AND I SAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CI_E 3Ir'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 35 ' ` PAN AI AERICAN DRIVE IAMI, FL 33133 ATT: -APAELA BURNS IsHntPO6'1f• ;tanning/HP/NEP Bid Application 07/7rop$ om: Hannon, Todd Se Friday, February 24, 2012 11:45 AM To: Martinez, Maribel Subjec FW: Address for Jeff Shimonski FYI. From: Jeff Shimo i [mailto:jeffs@jungleisland.com] Sent: Friday, Febru • 24, 2012 11:44 AM To: Hannon, Todd Subject: Address for Je Shimonski Hello Todd, My work address and title is be • Email is jeffs@jungleisland.com Please don't hesitate to call if you n=-. anything else. Regards, Jeff Jeff Shimonski Vice President - Horticulture Jungle Island 1111 Parrot Jungle Trail Miami, FI 33132 305-400-7218 305-400-7290 fax jeffst@jungleisland.com SUBSTITUTED file:///Cl/Users/mamartinez/Desktop/FW%20Address%20for%20Jeff%20Shimonski.htm[2/24/2012 12:56:42 PM] SUBSTITUTED Jeff Shimonski Tropical Designs of Florida P.O. Box 5177 Pinecrest, Florida 33256 evised: February 14, 2012 Ex 'rience Preside . Tropical Designs of Florida 1995 — Pr: nt Tropical Desig horticulture, arbo programs and expe Qatari Dair project in Garden of the Groves Landscape Management Florida, and Hotel Escalant RECEIVED 2012 FEB 21 AM II: 28 PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON CITY CLERK r.!TY OF MIAMI. FL. provides consultant services for tropical and sustainable site development, tropical ulture, animal exhibit design, development of tropical integrated pest management witness testimony in South Florida and internationally. Selected projects include: harm El Sheikh, Egypt, Miami MetroZoo's Neotropical exhibit in Miami Florida, ark in Grand Bahama Island, The Ginger Factory in Yandina, Australia, stems in Guam, Tahiti Beach Homeowners Assoclatlon in Coral Gables, Naples, Florida. www.tropicaldesigns.com is a h. 'cultural website created in 1997 to highlight tropical natural history subjects including; tropical plants, opical arboriculture, tropical animals, Integrated Pest Management practices, composting, the planning . construction of theme parks, hurricane horticulture and hurricane and typhoon tree recovery. Many of m ublished articles can be found on this site. www.MalaysiaFlora.com is website on the ora, fauna and geography of Malaysia and Borneo that was created in 2009. Featured on the site are m articles and photos on plants, insects, animals and other subjects related to that part of the world. Vice President Horticulture, Jungle Island June 2007 — Present Responsible for ongoing site development and managemen ' eluding horticulture, management of the site in a continued sustainable manner, exhibit design and con ction, and general facilities management including general park maintenance, night security and houseke •ng. Site Landscape Director, Director of Horticulture, Parrot gle Island 2002 — June 2007 I directed the growing and installation of plant material for this facility. I s responsible for mature tree relocation and installation and ongoing maintenance of this new 18- acre pa located between downtown Miami and South Beach through innovative horticultural techniques to cr e a tropical theme park featuring tropical animals, a lush tropical canopy and dense foliage. This enti landscape project was designed, installed and maintained in a fully sustainable manner. The title of S , Landscape Director included exhibit construction coordinator, site project manager, and art director for rock exhibits and project manager for the Ichmura Miami Japanese Garden. The responsibilities as director of Horticulture and Maintenance for Parrot Jungle Island in ded ongoing landscape design, plant growing, selection, installation, and all other horticultural aspects of th. ite. Other tasks included ongoing construction, exhibit design and management of general park mtenance, housekeeping, night security, and general facilities management. Jeff Shimonski - Bio 1 SUBSTITUTED Director of Horticulture, Parrot Jungle & Gardens 1975 - 2002 Hired and supervised crew of fifteen in the areas of horticulture and landscape maintenance, design and onstruction of new exhibits. Responsibilities included development and establishment of an Integrated t Management program, maintenance of the plant collections and grounds, implementation of new de s for grounds and animal exhibits, design and construction of off -ground exhibits, and onsite com • mg operation (held license). In 1992 was responsible for site restoration including landscaping and recons ction of exhibits after Hurricane Andrew. Crew Chie 1974 -1975 nvironmental Enterprise Inc. Coordinated and m ged projects for landscape contractor and supervised crew of three employees. Affiliations US Environmental Protection .ency, GreenScapes Landscape Program US Environmental Protection Age , Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program Association of Zoological Horticultur Society of Municipal Arborists Chair of the Editorial Review Board of City T • s, the Journal of Municipal Arboriculture, 2012 to present American Society of Consulting Arborists International Society of Arboriculture, Certified Muni 'al Arborist # FL-1052AM Pacific N.W. Chapter of the International Society of Arbo ulture, Certified Tree Risk Assessor # 1645 American Mosquito Control Association Florida Mosquito Control Association Florida Agricultural Council Region 5 Advisory Council Member, Un rsity of Florida IFAS 2010 to present Honorary Member of the Montgomery Botanical Center, Coral Gables, Flor 2008 to 2010 Advisory Board of the John C. Gifford Arboretum, University of Miami, Florida 2007 to present Commercial Urban Horticulture Advisory Committee, Miami, Florida 2009 to present --r C",N "r— r i3 0 177 Board of Director for the Barnacle Society at the Barnacle State Historical Site, Miami, Flor -11'<n rV 1997 through 2001 1 _ rrl r- 0 Jeff Shimonski - Bio • • • SUBSTITUTED Conferences/Panels • City of Miami Green Commission Urban Forestry Working Group 2007 to 2010 • Urban/Community IPM, 2005 National Meeting, EPA Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program The Benefits of using Compost in Landscape Development, 2003 Advanced Topics in Compost Utilization, University of Florida Collier County Cooperative Extension Service Selec d Publications/Presentations • C - . ' g a Sustainable Landscape Successfully, October 2011, Tree Care Industry Magazine • Succe I Relocation of Mature Trees with comments on Sustainability and Tree Resistance to Hurrican Presentation to the Florida Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture, March 20 • Some Thoug on Topping and Tropical Trees, July/August 2010, City Ties: Journal of the Society of Mun ipal Arborists • Integrated Pest agement and Mosquito Larvae Control in a Zoological Theme Park, Spring 2010, Wing Beats: al of the American Mosquito Control Association • An Experiment in Ar. • iculture and Mosquito Control, March/April 2009, City Trees: Journal of the Society of Municipa borists • A Municipal Specialist's vels in Egypt, Part 1: Touring Urban Plantings, November/December 2008, City Trees: Journal of + - Society of Municipal Arborists • Integrated Pest Management Development & Horticulture wi American Public Gardens Associat lant Health Care, A Case Study for Sustainable Tropical Site out the use of Pesticides or Conventional Fertilizers, 2008 Annual Conference • Looking back at a Successful Big T Relocation Project with Comments on Ficus Species and Hurricanes, Trees Florida Conference 2 • Some Observations on Relocating Tropic • Trees, July/August 2007, City Trees: Journal of the Society of Municipal Arborists • Ficus Species and Hurricane Horticulture, Mar 'April 2007, City Trees: Journal of the Society of Municipal Arborists • Sustainable and Eco-efficient Landscape Design, . • GreenScapes: Building Sustainable Sites from the Ground Up - Soil, 2006 ASLA Annual Meet! and Expo/ 43`d IFLA World Congress • Parrot Jungle Island, A Zoological Theme Park built u. IPM and Plant Health Care practices: Featuring the ongoing development of an onsite mosqui larvicide program, 2005 Conference Proceedings Association Of Zoological Horticulture • Creating Islands in Aquatic Ecosystems, July/August 2005, As ' ciation of Zoological Horticulture Newsletter • Relocating a Theme Park with a Compost Foundation, Decem 2002, Biocycle Journal of Composting & Organics Recycling • How the use of Compost and Mulch has been an Important Componen • f a Successful Integrated Pest Management Program, 2001 Conference Proceedings: Association o ' oological Horticulture • German Cockroach Control through IPM, April 2000, Newsletter Ass. ,'.tion Of Zoological Horticulture • Composting at Parrot Jungle and Gardens, March 1996, Biocycle Journal o Composting and Organics Recycling • Saving Large Fallen Trees after Hurricane Andrew, 1994 Conference Proceedings: sociation of Zoological Horticulture • An 1PM plan for the Control of Phtyophagous Mites on Musoid Plants, April 1991, The • eliconia Society Bulletin Jeff Shimonski - Bio SUBSTITUTED • An IPM program for Growing Tropical plants using Cultivation Techniques, 1991 Conference Proceedings, Association of Zoological Horticulture Regularly Published Articles Monthly garden column for the Biscayne Times newspaper in Miami Florida, 2006 to present. Tree of Merit article for City Trees: Journal of the Society of Municipal Arborists, bimonthly for the year 2008. Educat . ial Programs • Certifi- in • Identific Dodd Sho • Municipal Grants the use of a Resistograph for wood diagnosis and decay detection by IML, Inc. 2010 n of the Larval Mosquitoes of Florida, Florida Mosquito Control Association 2005 ourse Co • 1st Management, Independent Study Program Cornell University 1991 • $21,000 grant in 2005 fro the Center of Agricultural Partnerships for a study on mosquito larvae control at Parrot Jungle Isla . Awards and Designations • Greater Miami Chamber of Commerc 001 Environmental Business Practices Award • Council of Sustainable Florida Award . 12 • Alliance Partner in the US Environmenta o otection Agency's GreenScapes Landscape Program • 2010 Jungle Island designation as Gold- vel member in the US Environmental Protection Agency's Pesticide Environmental Stewardshr . • ogrant. • Author's Citation Award from the Society of icipal Arborists for articles in the journal City Trees 2010 Jeff Shimonski - Bio 1 SUBSTITUTED APPLI FIRST NAME RECEIVED 2012 FEQ 23 AM I0: 35 TION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRE$'1Q1 *AIM TY OF i•.;r\.t11, FL. HOS Nw \ ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP DPerAk;or:.. Lb�.� OCCUPATION BUSINESS / EMPLOYER (los)c\ r 11'13 TELEPHONE (HOME) Von `eeSker, LAST NAME(S) Stre4 Mat,: \tor3-3136 E f_,.�t,,. 1 LIWNf R 1flar614/- 55a.;; `1 ` 1s leler114Q Srecic.0 Owe E-MAIL ADDRESS kJQV O(rnQhi Orpb(A. iu+� BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) (3OS) SCko_gq TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) WHICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-D • ' E COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, AN OARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" YES ONO ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPAL HEREIN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE CO PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requiremen hould also check "citizen." - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check alternate member.' ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY rn MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING 1-1 DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. SIGNATURE SED OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. EXPERIENCE EAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA PERSON EXPERIE ED IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONST INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC 1� OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSE ENVIRONMENT. TED KNOWLEDGE AND D ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE ATION OF THE NATURAL ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFI UNDER ONE OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES v 2 21 20 i2 DATE SUBSTITUTED EQUIRED ATTACHMENTS ESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. OPTIO L ATTACHMENTS LIST OF A ❑ (IF NOT INCL UBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ED IN RESUME/CV) 0 NO MORE THAN • (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION 0 CERTIFICATE OF COMP ION OF ETHICS COURSE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FORM, PRI , SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 3500 N AMERICAN DRIVE MI, FL 33133 ATT: PRIS LA A. THOMPSON Planning/HP/HEP Board Application 02l2010 SUBSTITUTED From: Hendrik M.K. Van Leesten To: Hannon, Todd Subject: Historic Preservation Board Application Date: Friday, February 24, 2012 4:28:19 PM Mr. Hannon, With not an located ards to the question within the Historic Preservation Board Application on employment. I am ployee of the City of Miami or an Employee of Miami Dade County or any city or municipality w . in Miami Dade County. Sincerely, Hendrik M.K. Van L. ten Sent via BlackBerry T-Mobile SUBSTITUTED r, Hendrik M.K. Van Leesten 2012 FEB 35 405 NW 19th Street 23 AM 10: Miami, FL 33136 PRrSClLLA h THpiKr'St?4 Office 305.590.8464 er T Y cL ERr( r obile 305.987.1773 CITY O Mtn►. ... he rik(a)srcdc.com EXPE NCE Hendrik M. Van Leesten has more than 11 years professional experience as an Urban Planner and Real Estate Develo • ' ent professional in both the public and private sectors. Areas of expertise include market and financial ana sis, Real Estate Acquisitions, Community Redevelopment Agency tax increment financing (TIE), an nalyzing projects for redevelopment and repositioning. 02/11 — Present amii Builders L.L.C. Opa-Locka, Florida Operations and Compli : ce Manager • Assist with the prepa , 'on of Grant reports and provides oversight to ensure compliance with grantors contracts and e '-nses requests, as well as all administrative and financial reporting requirements for all grants • uarterly and semi-annually. Creates and manages a mas construction schedule to meet expectations for quality, efficiency and timely completion of ea phase; oversee Master Schedule development and tracking to ensure data is current and accura reported. • Responsible for cost accounting, b .et management and analysis for Construction Department. • Coordinates all facets of construc •n to meet overall organizational goals for operations including site prep and special projects. Manages interdepartmental communicate. s, meetings and construction activities working with the VP Business Development & Training a • VP Construction. Oversees Special Projects Operations to = ' sure that construction services are performed efficiently and on schedule, and that intern- and external communications are managed appropriately. Acts as liaison between property owner, architect, d city planning/zoning officials to ensure that rezoning activities and site plans were feasible for bmission. • Prepared, coordinated, and submitted rezoning and vari: - applications for properties located in strategic redevelopment districts. 01/09 — 4/10 State of Rhode Island O.H.C.D. Principal Planner/Neighborhood Stabilization Program Coordinator • Responsible for management, distribution, and tracking of $19.6mm the State of Rhode Island under the Housing and Economic Recovery land banking, homeownership assistance, development financing, acq Providence, RI federal funds provided to t (HERA) of 2008 for itions, dispositions, redevelopment, & demolition of foreclosed, vacant, and abandoned propertie • Prepared Quarterly reports for HUD, developed database for tracking properti program income. • Acted as liaison between City Agencies, non profit and for profit developers, Rhode Island. • Analyzed potential development transactions and determined which projects had the atest impact on the neighborhoods. Performed site visits and of approved NSP projects pre, pos d and calculating an e State of SUBSTITUTED during construction & development phases to ensure that Housing Quality Standards (H.Q.S.) was achieved. 07/05 —12/08 Stad Real Estate Development Corp. Miami, Florida ommunity Redevelopment Analyst Responsible for the identification and market feasibility analysis of potential development sites for retail, commercial, mixed use or infill residential developments. • vided clients with independent research and comprehensive project coordination services inc ding: highest and best use determination, feasibility analysis (purchase or ground lease site), site s. "lability, development and operating budgets to ensure potential development sites met the client's vestment criteria. • Performe • . dvanced financial analysis for proposed real estate investment and/or development projects, inc ding the preparation of cost/benefit analyses, income and expense projections, debt financing sale ' . tions, and pro forma analyses. • Fostered commu ty relation activities including updates/communication with local residents, stakeholders, politi ns, and community groups • As a sub -consultant . 'mpletcd retail, office, industrial and residential demand analysis for the Community Redevelop ent Agency (CRA) of West Palm Beach, Florida which was used for projecting incremental '-venue growth within the CRA district. • Developed highest and best analysis for parcels of land owned by the City of Jacksonville and located within the CRA distri d downtown corridor. 06/04-07/05 Miami Dade Cou ' Miami, Florida Budget Analyst/Community Redevelopme Agency Manager (Office of Budget & Management) Real Estate Asset Management Developmen General Services Administration) • Responsible for the oversight and manage nt of 12 Community Redevelopment Areas within Miami -Dade County by analyzing and addre ing the physical, social, and economic problems associated with slum and blighted areas. • Fostered and encouraged local government to imove the physical environment (i.e. buildings, streets, parks, utilities) through rehabilitation, consation, or clearance/rehabilitation utilizing Tax increment Financing Funds (TIF). • Authorized local community redevelopment agencies expend public funds as a means to improve and eliminate slum, blight, and substandard housi - conditions. • Identified and assessed development potential of props to meet County's priorities, and department capital facilities needs while applying knowledge • Irivate real estate market trends & practices to identify revenue generating uses for excess prope • Developed short and long-term strategic plans for managing unty property in order to maximize revenue, reduce management costs, and foster responsib coordinated community development objectives. 10/03 — 06/04 City of Providence Director of Real Estate (Providence Redevelopment Agency) Pro nce, Rhode Island • Responsible for the creation, implementation, and administration of all industrial, idential, and commercial property acquisitions and dispositions. • Coordinated the preparation of contracts for real estate appraisals, title examin ons and condemnation proceedings. • Managed all real estate functions internally including negotiations with Engineers, • Analyzed appraisals, and conducted the negotiations for the purchase, leasing, or dispositio 0 real property. • SUBSTITUTED • Conducted site visits and inspections of property in portfolio and in the acquisitions pipeline. • Feasibility Analysis, Pro -forma Analysis. and Site Plan Development/Review. 10/01 — 10/03 Equity Investment Analysts Acquisitions & Development Analyst Miami, Florida Responsible for the identification. acquisition and assemblage of potential development sites fbr retail, commercial, mixed use or residential development for a National Real Estate Corporation (top 5% firm) • atalogued a minimum of 5 projects during each reporting period, with minimum estimated p ect cost of $3 million each. • Pro 'ded clients with comprehensive project coordination services including: feasibility analysis, site s Provid client's i • Determine • Performed a projects, includ financing calculat Created database o 01/01- 10/01 bility, development and operating budgets. independent research and analysis to ensure potential development sites meet the stment criteria ighest and best use, and feasibility to purchase, or ground lease site ced financial analysis for proposed real estate investment and/or development the preparation of cost/benefit analyses, income and expense projections, debt s, and pro forma analyses. sidential, and analyzed over $15 billion of property for $100 million fund. Ci of ' Lauderdale CRA Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Community Redevelopment Ag y Project Manager • Assisted with the creation of t • Responsible for the acquisition use properties in district. • Identified potential redevelopment o • Coordinated demolition, repair, mainte • Executed all contracts pertaining to acqu • Supervised disposition of property sites, el • Directed staff in clearing lien and title issue and coordinated with Contractor, Engineer, an • Managed the Zoning Design, Site Plan Analysis, EDUCATION December 2012 University of Florida, Masters Certificate, Construction Boston University, Bachelor of Science in Urban Affairs, Boston, MA. City of Ft. Lauderdale's $45 mm CRA strategic finance plan. d management of all land, commercial, residential, and mixed ortunities through property and pro -forma analysis. ice, and rehabilitation of city owned property. tion related activities. ng of properties. created budget & project management schedules, rchitect. d Urban Planning aspects of redevelopment. PROFESSIONAL LICENSES ect Management, Gainesville, FL funds to 11 plications SUBSTITUTED Hendrik M.K. Van Leesten xamples of Redevelopment and Planning Work Ci As Pr Fort La million. within the c up, vacant, un acquisitions of p adequate parking proformas and revie properties located wi f Fort Lauderdale Community Redevelopment Agency ct Manager for the City of Fort Lauderdale's CRA I assisted with the creation of the City of rdale's first strategic finance plan for the Community Redevelopment agency totaling $45 ponsibilities included the identification, negotiation, and acquisition of properties located mercial corridor on Sistrunk Boulevard. The targeted properties were mainly boarded rutilized residential properties, commercial properties or vacant land. The intent of the rties both on the Boulevard and North and South of the Boulevard was to provide the commercial and retail development underway or planned and created d and analyzed requests for proposals submitted by prospective developers of the C.R.A. area. City of Providence Rede opment Agency As Director of Real Estate fo e City of Providence Rhode, Island, I was responsible for the sales of all (City of Providence) Redev: spment Agency owned Vacant Land, Residential, and Commercial Property. In some cases, properti= were acquired through imminent domain. Regularly created Requests for Proposals, and review- I and participated in the selection of prospective developers for various Providence Redevelopment ency requests for proposals and proposed development projects. Miami Dade County Community Rede lopment Agency As Budget Analyst for Miami Dade County sponsibilities included management and oversight of 12 Community Redevelopment Agencies within 'e County. Negotiated and conveyed information related to localized agreements with the various .R.A.'s; attended C.R.A. Board meetings, and ensured that projects within the C.R.A. district w being developed within budget and on schedule; attended (Tax Increment Finance) TIF committee m tings and made suggestions and analyzed prospective projects to determine TIF growth. City of West Palm Beach Community Redevelopment ency In my duties as a Consultant, there was a need to comp! retail, office, industrial and residential demand analysis for the Community Redevelopment Agenc (CRA) of West Palm Beach, Florida which was used for projecting incremental tax revenue growth in the CRA district. City of Jacksonville Community Redevelopment Agency Developed highest and best use analysis for parcels of land owned the City of Jacksonville and located within the CRA district and downtown corridor. This analy was used to determine the market value of the City owned parcels. State of Rhode Island Office of Housing Community and Development As Principal Planner I was responsible for the management, distribution, and tr king of $19.6mm in Neighborhood Stabilization Funds (NSP) provided to the State of Rhode Island un, - r the Housing and Economic Recovery Act (HERA) of 2008. I managed the State of Rhode Island's expenditure goals and federal regulations of N cities and towns statewide. Reviewed & approved neighborhood plans and NSP funding for the redevelopment of foreclosed, vacant, and abandoned properties. SUBSTITUTED Lastly, I also reviewed sub -recipient agreements and ensured compliance with the State of Rhode Island's HUD contract; setup and processed all disbursements utilizing the Disaster Recovery Grant eporting System (DRGR) and submitted activity and Quarterly Performance reports. With my istancc the agency committed nearly all resources allocated to the State of Rhode Island under the Hoing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 within 12 months. • mitted over $5.3 million to create 69 units of housing available to persons earning at or belo 50% of Area Median Income. • Assiste. 4 total of 76 households with acquisition financing, promoting homeownership of foreclosed . operties in NSP target areas. • Acquired a to . of 129 units through the NSP Land Bank, to be rehabilitated and/or redeveloped, primarily for affo able housing. • Supported a total •f 96 units, including many held in the Land Bank, with Acquisition/Rehabilitati. . resources. Neighborhood Stabilization Program ' ojects Partial List of Neighborhood Stabilization Program Angel- s for Homeownership, Rental Rehab, Land Bank, and Developments "Property address Cttyi!own I State I eloper t HomeownersmpJkentai 'Number or units 118-120 Railroad Street Central Falls R I R H R 3 395 Central Street Central Falls R I REA. R 3 50-52 Pacific Street Central Falls R I PC R 3 541-543 Pine Street Central Falls RI REACH R 3 81-83 Pacific Street Central Falls R I PC DC R 2 26 Carpenter Street Cumberland RI CHA R 2 78 Anthony Street E. Providence R I City of EP R 1 698-710 Main Street Pawtucket R I PC DC R 8 85 Lonsdale Avenue Pawtucket R I PC DC R 2 109-113DelaneStreet Providence RI Nickerson Ctr R 5 118 Potters Avenue Providence RI SWAP H 1 12-14Osborn Street Providence RI SHCDC R 3 1380 Broad/24-26 Calla Providence RI OMNI 14 14 Harriet Street Providence R I SWAP 2 2-4 Vale Street Providence RI SHCDC R 3 32 Yale Avenue Providence RI avail R 3 367 Friendship Street Providence RI SWAP H 3 39 Bumsde Providence RI SWAP H 2 500 Prairie Avenue Providence RI SWAP H 2 5-7InkermanStreet Providence RI SHCDC R 2 5-7 Osborn Street Providence RI SHCDC R 3 5-7 Wendell Street Prcmden a R I WEHDC R 2 63-67CandaceStreet Providence RI SHCDC R 3 64 Ocean Street Providence R I SWAP R 3 65 Camden Avenue Providence R I SHCDC R 72-74 Pekin Street Providence RI SHCDC R 853-855AtwetsAvenue Providence RI D8P R 3 90 Miner Street Providence RI SWAP H 2 1-3 Sisson Street West Warwick RI HOH R 2 32 Melrose Street West Warwick R I HOH R 2 70 Pond Street West Warwick RI PVCHC H 1 Total 91 SUBSTITUTED NOT A RESIDENT OF CITY OF MIAMI Per Sec 2-884(6), Residency Waiver Rquired APPLI TION FOR HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD FIRST NAME 93a 5 . LL). /nor ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP C ° OCCUPATION LLF BUSINESS / EMPLOYER LoREN7D LAST NAME(S) Inic4,rp , Fla - 33 17(- �,1-3 .73 - c) -11 [n rn E-MAIL ADDRESS / =u - r" u, TELEPHONE (HOME) TELEPHONE (BUSINESS) BELOW PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER PROPERTY(IES) TO HICH YOU HOLD TITLE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS CITY CODE SECTION 2-884(E) STATES, "NO EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DAD • UNTY,-FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY THEREIN OTHER THAN CITY OF MIAMI EMPLOYEES, SHALL SERVE, OR BE APPOINTED TO, ANY B •' D OF THE CITY OF MIAMI" YES [�NO ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY TH IN OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI? THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD MUST BE COMP PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT THE CATEGORIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE ELIGIBLE: - Nominees for the professional positions who meet the demonstrated knowledge and requirement sho - Nominees who meet any of the categories listed should also check alternate member. ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA ▪ LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA HISTORIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED BY MEANS OF EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, AND HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST IN DADE COUNTY HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING ❑ DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION. f(At kc - ( -t fr) SIGNATURE D OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BELOW. also check "citizen." LI EXPERIENCED REA• TATE BROKER LICENSED IN FLORIDA 'PERSON EXPERIENCED THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATE 'INTEREST IN THE HISTORIC AND OF THE CITY AND/OR CONSERVATI ENVIRONMENT. NOWLEDGE AND CHITECTURAL HERITAGE OF THE NATURAL ALTERNATE MEMBER WHO QUALIFIES UN 0 ABOVE CATEGORIES DA ONE OF THE REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS NOT A RESIDENT OF CITY OF MIAMI Per Sec 2-SS4{b), Residency Waiver Rquired RESUME WHICH INCLUDES EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. NAL ATTACHMENTS LIST • • NY PUBLISHED WORK OR PROJECTS RELATED TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND/OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY. ❑ (IF NOT CLUDED IN RESUME/CV) NO MORE TH TWO (2) LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION CERTIFICATE OF PLETION OF ETHICS COURSE NOT A RESIDENT OF CITY OF MIAMI Per Sec 2-I$41b), Residency Waiver Rqulred INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL COMPLETE FOR PRINT, SIGN, AND MAIL WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: SUBSTITUTED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI 00 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 ATT: • RISCILLA A. THOMPSON _1 t7 T N f p Fri cn CD rn _ r r- u1 O Planning/HPIHEP Board Application 0 10 • NOT A RESIDENT OF CITY OF MIAMI Per Sec 2-$$4(b), Residency Walser Rquired ENID A. LORENZO Obi tive: To contin In its pursu to preserve and protect Miami's history and heritage. representing the City of Miami's historic and Environment Preservation Board Experience: 2005-Present City of Miami Historic and Environmental Preservation Board Miami, FL. Board Member: • In conjunction with o The evaluation of informatio designation of historic buildings and protecting the environment, the city's architectural, historical an education on Historical and Preservati Educational Workshops: er board members: and decision making in matters concerning the d districts, preserving the integrity of the same us helping to guard and retain the character of archaeological heritage. We also promote matters. January 13, 2012 - Basics of Preservation, Coral g. ' les, FL. October 26, 2007 - Florida trust for Historic Preserv. % on Workshop Professional Development Series, ' m Beach, FL January 16, 2012 - Becoming Better Preservation Comm sion Miami, FL. Employment History: Present - Owner Kendall A.L.F. II • Residential Facility for elderly persons, who require assistance i • aily activities. 1992 - Present Licensed Insurance Broker, Miami FL SUBSTITUTED NOT A RESIDENT OF CITY OF MIAMI SUBSTITUTED Psr S•c 2-U4(b), R.sidsncy Waiv•r Rquired ENID A. LORENZO • Specializing in Marketing, Consulting and Sales of Life, Health and Annuity Products. Consistently ranked in the top 3 in performance and Sales. 1976 1991 Eastern Airlines Incorporated, Miami International Airport, Miami, FL. Sales and Marketing Representative • Promo g Eastern Airlines Services on a local and nationwide level • Consisten . garnishing awards for top performance. Community Interest: Dr. Lu 'a Lorenzo Foundation Miami, FL President: • Non-profit Organization crea in memory of Dr. Lucia Lorenzo who provided free medical care for edy children • Fundraising activities to provide i • nefits for under privileged children. Education: 1978 - 1981 Florida international Un ersity Miami, FL. • Continuing education courses in Business and ► • nguages 1976 - 1978 University of Miami Miami, FL. Bachelors in Business Administration & Management 1974 - 1976 Associate in Arts in Political Science 1992 Registered Florida Insurance License 2010- Present Courses in Elder Care and Management Lan: ages: NOT A RESIDENT OF CITY OF MIAMI Per Sec 241114(b), Residency Waiver Rqulred ENID A. LORENZO Fluent English, Spanish and French Professiona ssociations & Organizations: • Flor 'a Trust for Historic Preservation • A.L.M. Association for Assisted Living Facilities • Dade As • ciation of Health Insurance Underwriters • Dr. Lucia L enzo Foundation