HomeMy WebLinkAboutAward Agreement#$ AWARD AGREEMENT CITY OF FORT LAUDERDALE PROCUREMENT SERVICES. DEPARTMENT 100 N. ANDREWS AVENUE, ROOM 619 FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33301 (954) 828-5933 ao >; ► �.y:; F LLE City Commission Approval: 10/7/08 Pur-7, CAR 08-1392 Period Covered: 10/7/08 10/6/09 Contract No.: 683-10073-1 Vendor: MBE_ WBE._ Rehrig Pacific Company 7452 Presidents Drive Orlando, FL 32809 Attn: Rob Eck or Lisa Perkins 407-857-3888 Fax 407-857-0999 Email: Reck@RehrigPacific.com Invoice To: City of Fort Lauderdale Accounts Payable 100 N. Andrews Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Payment Terms: 2%10/N30 Delivery: 45 Days ****************************************************************************** MOBILE REFUSE CARTS AND PARTS Prices per attached specification Pages 65, 66, 67, 68, 69 and 70 Attached letter from Rehrig Pacific Company dated 9/25/08 is also a part of this Award Agreement Insurance Coverage Required: Yes _ No X Authorized for Purchases: Under$25,000 Over X Extension Options: Yes X No _ Years: 4 We, the undersigned contractor, hereby agree to perform in accordance with the terms, conditions and specifications of Invitation to Bid 683-10073. The contract signor must be an officer of the company or authorized to bind your company to the terms, conditions and specifications set forth in the agreement. Authorized Signature R a e RT F. Sates ire Qt� sin t�t-i v � Printed Name and Title Date Department Contract Co-Ordinator: Greg Slagle, Sanitation (954) 828-5341 Procurement Specialist: Rick Andrews, CPPB Kirk . Buffington, CP, C.P.M., MBA Director of Procu went Services Rehrij Pacific Company f>'d Contact Lisa Perkins loerliinanerehriu rrai ilir_cool Pli 603-490-8722 Fax 603-895-4743 CU?-r For, _auled a etc Fe!--i0r47_,, Addre55 625 W. Mockingbird Lane Dallas, TX 75247 Stern 0 Line Iteni Notes Unit Price Qty; Url l Total Price Atic 683-10073-1-01 Mobile Supplier Product First Offer - $47.75 3000; eacn .$143,250.00 Y Garbage Code: RC.•e51J BLACK Cart, 55 Galion, Craver Letter and Cafe( Statement 9r Black qua iiricaliznsantraductio,. document afe general Cid P0CS 3Dplicabis to th8 w'•ole b•t suc-rnzsion. ✓Gec s eats ant f.rSi test aopl."_atre to at1 RCIC•55 models 58a-10073-:-C: Mobile Supplier Product Yet a Waste Code; RC( •96U-VW Cart. 75 'GREEN Gal ion. 4 4,1 Vents, Spec Veets anti An5i test C*ior appl._abit to all ROC•95 Green models First Offer - $51.40 300 e eacn $154,200.00 Y 681-10073-1-C3 Mobile Supplier Product Commercial Code: ROC-95U GRAY Cart. 95 Garton. Vlaranty applcable to all Coro:- Grar POC•65, an ROC95 cars and pals First Offer - 550-80 1000 t eacn "$50,800.00 Y 5ea-10073-1-04 mobil Supplier Product Recyoe Cade: RC:•55 YW Blue Cart. 65 Gaiiol. 4 Attachments applicable to Aa Vents, ail RCC-95 and ROC-55 Caor 5r ue .arts First Offer - •$48.35 3003 i eacn $145,050.00 Y 583.10073-1-05 MDDire Supplier Product First Offer - $51.40 3000;.each 15154,200.00 Y Royce Code: RO:•95U-YW BLUE Cart, 96 Gafnnt, 4 Attachments applicable to Air Vents, ail cans and bin_ C 4or Moe 583.10073-1-06 Curbside "Supplier Product Recycling Code: RB-1B OLLIE Bm. 13 Caron, Documents app:,cacie to Cc,ror Oi :e 18 gallon tins First Offer - $6.95 10000 / eacn $69,500.00 Y 583.10073-:-07 u0 Saari Supplier Product. " First Offer • •$13:75 580 reach $6,875.00 Reoai, Part Code: tC'1 -dS LIO for 55 Ga r n POC-55 Lid can De vied Ca -bags to. every ROC-55 n oe_W. Cad Axa,•a6 a :n Black.6 Navy N,5LCry Cm: is a general bic ^oc ani Icable 4!9_'.. -. , or,_ .!Pr -•Gor. a etc to the whole bta SUL.?tr55ion 583-10073-1.O6 Lid Hirge Supplier Product Pin Spaie Code: Lid . nge on Repair Part for 55 C.rd Hirge pins can :,e Gaon used with all 2r out ROC. Mobile 65 or ROC-95 :arzs Cart First Offer - $0-25 500 / each $125.00 583-10073-1.09 Wheel SupWier Product Spare Code: ROC.65 Wheel Repair Pact Repair Kit lot 65 Gallon Wheel repai part kit Garbage comes Birth spacers, and Cart pins First Offer • $4.25 500 / each $2,125.00 683-L0073-1-1c Arse Scare Supplier Product Repair Part Code: ROC•65 Ar!e for 65 Galion A.,:re can be used for ROC - Garbage 65's & 951. Cart First Offer • 53.00 500 / each S1.500.00 583-10073-1-i1 lute Supplier Product Spacer Code: n/a Spare Repair Part r1tA spacers come for 55 nneei kits Garton Garbage Cart First Offer - $0.00 500 / each $0.00 583-13C73.:•i2 Retain rig Supplier Product Mr Spare Code: ^1a Repair Part ror 55 fri;t dr. the ROC-65U and Gal on ROC.95J -repels. U Garbage '`+odels r,a'.e a plastic oar Ca'L First Offer - 50.00 SCJ r each $0.00 583.13C?3-1-1a Wheel Supplier Product LockIrr Pin Code: RC{: i'irtee! Pr: Spa! e Repair Part NO change ror wheel pros. Ior 85 Wheel pins are part or the Gan!pn r.neer kit. Garbage Cart First Offer • S0.00 500 r each $O.00 S8i-10073-1.14 ^_ Spare 'Supplier Product Repair Part Code: ROC•95L0 for 96 Galion Yard ROC-25 Lid can be used Waste Cart r;r every ROC•95 rcCel. Ava•4b‘e rn Green. Gay. Cr Nary First Offer - 815.00 5C0 / each S7.500.00 583-10073-:-15 0 Hinge Supplier Product Pin Spare Cole: rva Repair Pint ror 96 Same as b83-1.0073-1-05 Ga=On Yard waste Cart First Offer - S0.00 5C3 / each $0.00 b85-10073-1-Se Wheel Supplier Product First Offer - $4.50 503 / each $2,250.00 Spate Code: kG(-951: Whee: e.t g EC- C117 Sr For .3u0e'dn:e Repair Part for 96 ROC-95U Wheel Kit :an Galion Yard de used _-n all the P.00- WaSte Cart 951,1 :models Fisted :n did package 51: t8'-,an?3 563.10073-1-17 tune Scare Supplier Product Code: First Offer - 1.0-00 5C0 1 each 40.00 Repair Part for 96 tame as 683-1C073-1-1' Galion Yard Waste Cart 68-13073-1.16 t.x4 Supplier Product Code: First Offer - $0.00 50 1 ea -Oh $0.00 SD3cer Spate Cones rift'. 683.1007-1 Repair Paet 10 for 95 Garion'vard Waste Cart 683-10673-.-19 Retaining Supplier Product Cade: First Offer - $0.00 50 1 each $0.00 Oar Spare Repair Part !WA. Models Quoted due for 96 not nave a metal bar G8 ion Yard Waste Cart 58'_-i0073-.-20 An Vent Supplier Product Spare Code: ROC Air Vent Repair Part lot 95 ROC 4, Vent can C-e Used Gaiion Yard in anv FOC-?S or RUC-65 Waste Cart tiara Waste model First Offer - S0.13 SCO 1 each 475.00 683-10673-:-21 Wheel Supplier Product Code; First Offer - $0.00 SCO r each $0.00 Locking Pm Spare 5arne as 683-1U073.1-13 Repair Part for 95 Gallon Yard Waste Cart 663.-10073-1-22 d Soare Supplier Product Code: First offer • -40-00 50-7 1 each $0.00 R&Dalr Part for 96 Same as 683-!CC73-1-14 Gaon Commercial Cart 683.10073-1-23 . d Hoge Supplier Product Code: First Offer • $0.00 SC-O t each 40.00 Pin tpare R05air ra,. Sane as 60 • :C073-:-C•5 tni ?6 Gaon Commercial Carl 683.10673-1-21 Wheel Supplier Product Code: First Offer - $0.00 5C01 each 50.00 Spare Repair Part Same as 683- W073-1.16 for 35 GaisDn Cs— .iner Ciat Cart 683-10073-1.25 Axle 503re Supplier Product Code: First Offer - $0.00 5CU 1 each 40.00 Repair Part - ror 96 Same as 683.10073-I.10 Gar ion .At :) : _ :CCi - - : — 0C� PF= -Lily a' Fon L.au7e;ye etc eel-:oc-a Commercial Cart 583-10073-1-26 ;are Supplier Product Code: First Offer - $0.00 SOO / each $0.00 Spacer Spare Same as 683.10073•1-13 Repair Part for 96 Gaiton Commercial Cart b82-10073-1.27 Retaining Supplier Product Code: First Otter - $0.00 SOO r each $0,00 Oar Spare Repair Part nea on ROC-9SU mode's MI 95 Carron Commercial Cart 583.10073.1.2d Wheel Supplier Product Code: First Offer • SO.00 SCJ: earn 50.00 t._:kin; Dill Spare Nu cna•ge c. .,neel c:ns. Repair Pa:t 'Wheel c.ns ace part of the lGr B6 wnee, ki.. Caron C^rlmercial Cart b83-10073-1-29 '::0 Spare Supplier Product Code: First Offer - $0.0D SOO I path $0.00 Repair Part foi 55 Same as 682-10073.1-07 Gallon Recycling Cart 501-10073-1-30 vd Hinge Supplier Product Code: First Offer - $0.00 SCO r each $0.00 Pin Spare Repair Pat Sarni as 5a3-10073.1-O for 55 Ga! an Ra cycl ng Carl 693.10073-1-31 Y.reel Supplier Product Code: First Offer - $0-00 5001 eat') $0.00 Spate Repair Part Same as 693-10073-1-09 for 55 Gallon Recycling Cart 683-10073-1-32 Axte Scare Supplier Product Code: First Offer - $0.00 5001 each $0.00 Repair Part foi 65 Same as 683.10073.1-10 Callon Recycling Cart 602-10073-1.33 hire Supplier Product Code: First Offer - $0.00 SCO 1 Each $0.00 Sh3cer Sbara Par. Cf tete kit Repair. Pa, rot 65 Ga: an Recychng Ca•t S83.1007 3-1.3+i Retain:ng 5uppher Product Code: First Otter • $0.00 SCFJ r each $0.00 Atg-: 26-6 p-ice: =C:T ='.:• cr.{ -? +iE':It a eic :.. .. . Bar Spare Repair Part tilt, RG:-650 & ROC.95U for 65 nave pfa$tic Dais Garon Recycling Cart 583.10073-1.35 tir Vent Supplier PrOduCt Cede: FirSt Offer - S0.00 5001 each $0.00 Spare Repair Part Same as 683.10073-1•20 foi 65 Galion Recycling Cart 683.10073-1-3c ;Yheel Supplier Product Code: First Offer - $0.00 503 1 each SO-00 Lcckino P+n Ep?tre Same as 683•1C073-i-13 Repair Part lot 55 Gat lon Recycling Cart 683-L0073-11-37 LAG Spare Supplier Product Code: Repair Part MI 95 Sent as 683-10073-1-14 Galion R.Kycl ing Cart First Offer - f0.00 500 l each $0.00 58-10073-1-38 ;_,d Wye Supplier Product Code: First Offer - -10.00 5C0 1 each $0.00 Pin Spare Repair Part !Arne as 6/33-10073-:-05 for ?6 c;a on R.ecvC1 ing Call 683•10C?3 -39 wheel Supplier Product Code: First Offer • b0.00 5C0 r earn $0.00 Spelt R Epari Part same as 683- .0Q23-1-lb f of 96 Galion R.trydmg Cart 683-10073-1-40 As:e Scare Supplier Product Code: First Offer - .i0.00 500 / each S0.O0 Repair. Pait for 96 Same as 683.10073-;-13 Gai ion Re cycling cart 685-10873.1-41 tr.=e Supplier Product Code: First Offer • 10.00 500I each $0.00 oa Car Space Same as 683.10073- -1O Repair Par. for 96 Gai ion Recycing Carl 681-i0073-1-42 Retaining Supplier Product Code: First Offer - $0.00 SOO ! each $0.00 Bar Spare Repair Par NIA on P.00-65l1 and for .45 ROC-95U n1odelS Ganon .to;:.; 26:e. - .." EC" P.= = .u. _t' :r Fort Lauleslete Etc `8'.--0:73 Recycling Cart 682•10073-1-43 Alt Vent Supplier Product Code: First Otter - $0_00 SO0 f each $0.00 Spare Repair Part Same as 683-10073-I-20 for 96 Gat ton Recycling Ca=l 503.10073-1-4i Wheel Supplier Product Code: Lcvzking Ptn Spare Same as 683-L0073-1-13 Repair Part tot 96 Gai'on Recycling Carl First Otter - $0.00 599 / each $0.09 ;tg: •:c2/ Vendor ?ota. $737,450.00 PF Der.o:._L' p.�