HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Correspondence-Miami River CommissionPolicy Committt ;
Governor of State of Florida
Mr. Rick Scott
Designee: Ms. Patricia IIanis
Choir of Miami -Dade Delegation
Representative Carlos Lopez-Cantera
Designee: Senator Anitere Flores
Chair of Governing Board of
South Florida Water Mauagentent
Mr. Joe CI dins
Designee: Ms. Sandy Batchelor
Miami -Dade State Attorney
M. Katherine Fernandez -Rundle
Designee: Mr. Gary Winston
Mayor of Miami -Dade County
Mayor Carlos Gimenez
Designee: Mr. Frank Ralzebre
Mayor of Miami
Mayor Tomas Regalado
City of Miami Commissioner
Commissioner Frank. C'arollo
Miami -Dade County
Commissioner Bruno Barreiro
Designee: Ms. Marlene Avalo
Chair of Miami River Marine
Mr. Richard Dubin
Designee: Mr. Orin Black
Chair of Marine Council
Mr. Ed Swakon
Designee: Mr. Phil Everingham
Executive Director of Downtown
Development Authority
Ms.. Alyce Robertson
Designee: Mr. Javier Betancourt
Chair of Greater Miami Chamber
of Commerce
Mr. Barry Johnson
Designee: Ms. Megan Kelly
Neighborhood Representative
Appointed by City of Miami
Dr. Ernest Martin
Neighborhood Representative
Appointed by Miami -Dade
Ms. Sally,: Jude
Designee: Ms. Jane Caporelli
Representative from
Environmental or Civic
Organirotion Appointed by the
Mr. I Ioracio Stuart Aguirre
Member at Large Appointed by
the Governor
Mr. Jay C:umichael
Member at t.arge Appointed by
Miami -Dole Commission
Ms. Sara Bahun
Designee: Mr. Christian I.:uach
Member at tsargi Appointed by
City of Miami Commission
Mr. Manny Prieuuc,
%lounging Director
Mr. Brett Bihcau
Assistant Managing Director
Ms. Ashley I. Chase
Miami River Commission
cjo Robert King High
1407 NW 76 ST, Suite D
Miami, Florida 33125
Office: 305-644-0544
email: miamiriver@hellsouth.net
January 11, 2012
Honorable Chairman Francis Suarez
3500 Pan American Drive
Miami, FL 33133
Re: PZ.2 - MRC Concurs with City Planning Department's
Condition for Consistency with Miami 21
Dear Chairman Suarez:
This letter serves as the Miami River Commission's (MRC) "official
statement" requested in City Resolution 00-320, regarding the January
12, Agenda Item PZ. 2, which impacts the Miami River.
During the MRC's December 5, 2011 public board meeting, Ms. Iris
Escarra, Mr. Joseph Milton, Mr. Eddy Frances, and Mr. Bill Eager,
presented the proposed "Miami River Apartments" plans. The MRC
agrees with the City of Miami's Planning and Zoning
Department's recommendation for approval with the condition
that the "Project shall comply with the Miami 21 Zoning Code".
Therefore the MRC respectfully recommends denial of the 4 requested
variances, waivers and or exceptions, by a majority vote.
One of your Planning and Zoning Department's required conditions in
their recommendation states, "Project shall comply with the Miami 21
Zoning Code", and the current proposal does not comply with Miami
21, therefore requires 4 pending variances, waivers and or exceptions,
which would deviate away from the requirements under Miami 21. In
addition to the 2 reductions in Miami 21's required waterfront building
and side yard building setbacks before you today, the proposal
includes the following 2 additional variances, waivers and or
exceptions from what is required by Miami 21, and are being
considered on an administrative level:
1) Sideyard public access required (Miami 21, "3.11 Waterfront
Standards, a. Waterfront Setbacks - 2)" to reach public riverwalk -
no public access proposed
2) Public Riverwalk width - 25-foot wide total public riverwalk
required by code (Miami 21, "Appendix B: Waterfront Design
Guidelines") with 14-feet wide proposed (44% reduction).
Applying for 11-foot wide reduction from required public riverwalk
width. Within the total 25-foot wide public riverwalk, Miami 21
Zoning Code requires a 15-16 foot wide unobstructed riverwalk
pathway ("circulation zone"), with only a 6-foot wide unobstructed
"circulation zone" proposed (60% reduction of requirement).
- O(050 w w- Svbrn.lt (- Corresporcenex-frtiarrir River CormI ssion
Policy Committee:
Governor of State of Fhrrida
Mr. Rick Scott
Designee: Ms. Patricia Harris
Chair of Miami -Dade Delegation
Representative Carlos Lopez-C'.antera
Designee: Senator Arrilere Flores
Chair of Governing Board of
South Florida Water Management
Dist riot
Mr. Joe C'ollius
Designee: Ms. Sandy Batchelor
Miami -Dade State Attorney
Ms. Katherine Fernandez -Rundle
Designee: Mr. Gary Winston
Mayor of Miami -Dade County
Mayor Carlos Gimenez
Designee: Mr. Frank Balzchre
Mayor of Miami
Mayor Tomas Rcgalado
City of Miami Cutnntissioner
Cdxntnissioncr Frank Carona
Miami -Dade County
C'ommis.sioner Bruno Barreiro
Designee: Ms. Marlene Avalo
Chair of Miami River Marine
Mr. Richard Dubin
Designee: Mr. Grin Black
Chair of Marine Council
Mr. lid Svwakon
Designee: Mr. I'hil I:vcringham
Executive Director of Downtown
Development Authority
Ms. Alyce Robertson
Designee: Mr. Javier Betancourt
Chair of Greater Miami Chamber
Of Contmerte
Mr. Barry Johnson
Iksipncc. Ms. Megan Kelly
Neighborhood Representative
Appointed by City of Miami
Dr. Ernest Mani❑
Neighlxarinood Rcprescnlativc
Appointed by Miami -Dade
Ms. Sallyc Jude
Designee: Ms. Jane Caporelli
Representative from
Environmental or Civic
Organization Appointed by the
Mr. I Ioracio Stuart Aguirre
Member at Large Appointed by
the Governor
Mr. Jay ('armichacl
\lember al Large Appointed by
Miami -Dade Commission
Ms. S:ua Bahun
Designee: Mr. Christian ',mach
Member at large Appointed by
City of Miami Commission.
Mr. Manny 1'riccurt
Managing Director
Mr. Bien I3ilkau
Assistant %Ianaging Director
Ms. Ashley I-. ('h:ur
Miami River Commission
c% Robert King High
1407 NW T' ST, Suite D
Miami, Florida 33125
Office: 305-644-0544
Fax: 30.5-642-1136
email: miamiriver@bellsouth.net
www. m is mi rive rc omm ission .o rg
Your time and continued support for the Miami River are appreciated.
Horacio Stuart Aguirre
Miami River Commission
Submitted Into the public
record in connection with
item P2. 2 on 01 I_!21 2
Priscilla A. Thompson
City Clerk
Policy Committee:
Governor of State of Florida
Mr. Rick Scott
Designee: Ms. Patricia Harris
Chair of Miami -Dade Delegation
Representative Carlos Lopez-Cantcra
Designee: Senator Aniterr Flexes
Choir of Governing Board of
South Florida Water Management
Dirt ricl
Mr. Joe Collins
lksignee: Ms. Sandy Batchelor
Miami -Dade State Attorney
Ms. Katherine Fernandez -Rundle
Designee: Mr. Gary Winston
Mayor of Miauii-Dade County
Mayor Carlos Gitnencz
l)esignec: Mr. Frank Balzchre
Mayor of Mianri
M:ryrrr'fornas Regalado
City of Miami Commissioner
Commissioner Frank Carotin
Miami -Dade County
Commissioner Bruno Barreiro
Designee: Ms. Marlene Avalo
Chair of Miami River Marine
Mr. Richard Dubin
Designee: Mr. Orin Black
Chair or Mario: Council
Mr. lid Swakon
Designee: Mr. Phil tiveringham
Executive Director of Downtown
Development Authority
Ms. Alyce Rnictl:iin
Designee: Mr. Javier Betancourt
Clrair of Greuter 111iarni Chamber
of Coumterre
Mr. Barry Johnson
Designee: Ms. Megan Kelly
Neighborhood Representative
Appointed by City or Miami
Dr. Ernest Maliin
NrigIihorhood Representative
Appointed by Miami -Dude
Ms. sally: Jude
Designee: Ms. Jane Caporelli
Representative from
Environmental or Civic
Organization Appointed by the
Mr. Iloracio Stuart Aguirre
Member at Large Appointed by
the Governor
Mr. Jay ('armichael
Member at large Appointed by
Miami -Dade Connors:sron
Ms. Sara Babun
Designee: Mr_ Christian I :much
111cniber ut Large Appointed by
City of Miami commission
Mr. Manny Prieguc
t*rtatraging Director
NIL Brett Bihcau
Assistant Managing Director
Ms. Ashley 1.. Chase
Miami River Commission
c/o Robert King High
1407 NW T' ST, Suite D
Florida 33125
Office: 305-644-0544
Fax: 305-642-1136
email: miamiriver@hellsouth.net
www. m is m irivercomm iss i on .org
January 11, 2012
Honorable Commissioner Frank Carollo
3500 Pan American Drive
Miami, FL 33133
Re: PZ.2 — MRC Concurs with City Planning Department's
Condition for Consistency with Miami 21
Dear Commissioner Carollo:
This letter serves as the Miami River Commission's (MRC) "official
statement" requested in City Resolution 00-320, regarding the January
12, Agenda Item PZ. 2, which impacts the Miami River.
During the MRC's December 5, 2011 public board meeting, Ms. Iris
Escarra, Mr. Joseph Milton, Mr. Eddy Frances, and Mr. Bill Eager,
presented the proposed "Miami River Apartments" plans. The MRC
agrees with the City of Miami's Planning and Zoning
Department's recommendation for approval with the condition
that the "Project shall comply with the Miami 21 Zoning Code".
Therefore the MRC respectfully recommends denial of the 4 requested
variances, waivers and or exceptions, by a majority vote.
One of your Planning and Zoning Department's required conditions in
their recommendation states, "Project shall comply with the Miami 21
Zoning Code", and the current proposal does not comply with Miami
21, therefore requires 4 pending variances, waivers and or exceptions,
which would deviate away from the requirements under Miami 21. In
addition to the 2 reductions in Miami 21's required waterfront building
and side yard building setbacks before you today, the proposal
includes the following 2 additional variances, waivers and or
exceptions from what is required by Miami 21, and are being
considered on an administrative level:
1) Sideyard public access required (Miami 21, "3.11 Waterfront
Standards, a. Waterfront Setbacks - 2)" to reach public riverwalk -
no public access proposed
2) Public Riverwalk width — 25-foot wide total public riverwalk
required by code (Miami 21, "Appendix B: Waterfront Design
Guidelines") with 14-feet wide proposed (44% reduction).
Applying for 11-foot wide reduction from required public riverwalk
width. Within the total 25-foot wide public riverwalk, Miami 21
Zoning Code requires a 15-16 foot wide unobstructed riverwalk
pathway ("circulation zone"), with only a 6-foot wide unobstructed
"circulation zone" proposed (60% reduction of requirement).
Polky Committee.,
Governor of Stale of Florida
Mc Rick Scott
Designee: Ms. Patricia liens
Chair of Miami -Dade Delegation
Representative Cados Lopez-Canicra
Designee: Senator Anitcre Flores
Chair of Governing Board of
South Florida Water Management
Mr. Joc Collins
Designee: Ms. Sandy Batchelor
Miami -Dade Slate Allorney
Ms. Katherine Fcmanckz-Rundle
Designee: Mr. Gary Winston
Mayer of Miami -Dade County
Mayor Carlos Clinrcnct
Designee: Mr. Frank Ba'zany
Mayor of Miami
Mayor Torras Rcgaluck)
City or Miami Commissioner
('ommissioner Frank Carolio
Miami -Dade County
Commissioner Bruno Barreiro
Designee: Ms. Marlene Avalo
Chair of Miami River Marine
Mc Richard Dubin
Designee: Mr. Orin Black
Chair of Marine Council
Mr. Lid Swakon
Designer: Mr. Phil L-vcringham
Executive Director of Downtown
Development Authority
Ms. Alyce Robertson
Designer: Mr. Javier Betancourt
Chair of Greater Miami Chamber
or Commerce
Mr. Barry Johnson
Designee: Ms. Megan Kelly
Neighborhood Representative
Appointed by City of Miarni
Dr. Ernest Martin
Neighborhood Represeniative
Appointed by Miami -Dade
Ms. Sallye Jude
Iesrgncc: Ms. Jane C'aporelli
Representative from
Environmental or Civic
Clrganizution Appointed by the
Mr. Ilorrcicj Stuart Aguirre
Member at Large Appointed by
the Governor
Mr. Jay Carmichael
Member al Large Appointed by
Miami -Dade Comnrrssion
M. Sara f3ahun
Designee: Mr. Christian Larach
Member al Large Appointed by
City of Miami Ctsnnnissiou
Mr. Manny Pnceuci
Managing Director
Mr: Beal I3ihrau
Assistant ?damaging Director
Mc Ashley L. ('hase
Miami River Commission
c/o Robert King High
1407 NW 7th ST, Suite D
Miami, Florida 33125
Office: 305-644-0544
Fax: 305-642-1136
email: miamiriver@hellsoutlt.net
www. min tnirivereotom i&sion.org
Your time and continued support for the Miami River are appreciated.
Horacio Stuart Aguirre
Miami River Commission
Submitted into the public
record in connection with
item P.Z. 2 on 01112. II iz
Priscilla A. Thompson
City Clerk
Policy Committee',
Governor or State or Florida
Mr. Rick Scot
Designee: Ms. Patricia Harris
Clair or Mlani-Dude Delegation
Representative Carlos Lopez -Camera
Designee: Senator Mitere Flores
Chair or Governing Board or
Srwrlr Florida Water M1lanagemeut
Mr. Joc CoRini
I)csignce: Ms. Sandy Batchelor
Miami -Dade State Attorney
Ms. Katherine Fernandez -Rundle
Designee: Mr. Gary Winston
Mayor of Miami -Dade County
Mayor Carlos Gimenez
Designee: Mr. Frank 13alzehre
Mayor or Miami
Mayor Tomas Rcgalado
City or Miami Commissioner
Commissiunrr Frank Carnllo
Miami -Dade County
Commissioner Bruno Barreiro
Designee: Ms. Marlene Avalo
Chair of Miami River Marine
Mr. Richard Dubin
Designee: Mr. Orin Black
Chair of M1larine Council
Mr. did Swakon
lksignec: Mr. Phil Everingharn
Executive Director of Downtown
Development Authority
Ms. Alyce Robertson
Designee: Mr. Javier Betancourt
Chair of Greater Miami Chamber
of Commerce
Mc Barry Johnson
Designer: Ms. Megan Kelly
Neighborhood Representative
Appointed by City of Miami
I)r. Ernest Maitin
Neighborhood Representative
Appointed by Miami -Dade
M. Sallye Jude
Designee.: M. Jane Caporelli
Representative from
Environmental or Civic
nrganitaiiouAppointed by the
Mr. lkxucio Stuart Aguirre
Member at Large Appointed by
the Governor
Mc Jay Carmichael
Member at Large Appointed by
Miaml-Dade Commission
MS, Sala Bahun
Designee: Mr. Christian Larach
Member at Lame Appointed by
City or Miami C.ommissioln
Mr. Manny 1'riegucr
\lanaging Director
Mr. Brett Bibeau
Asrislant Managing Director
Ms. Ashley I . Phase
Miami River Commission
c/o Robert King High
1407 NW 7" ST, Suite D
Miami, Florida 33125
Office: 305-644-0544
email: miamiriver®hellsouth.net
January 11, 2012
Honorable Vice -Chairman Marc Sarnoff
3500 Pan American Drive
Miami, FL 33133
Re: PZ.2 — MRC Concurs with City Planning Department's
Condition for Consistency with Miami 21
Dear Vice -Chairman Samoff:
This letter serves as the Miami River Commission's (MRC) "official
statement" requested in City Resolution 00-320, regarding the January
12, Agenda Item PZ. 2, which impacts the Miami River.
During the MRC's December 5, 2011 public board meeting, Ms. Iris
Escarra, Mr, Joseph Milton, Mr. Eddy Frances, and Mr. Bill Eager,
presented the proposed "Miami River Apartments" plans. The MRC
agrees with the City of Miami's Planning and Zoning
Department's recommendation for approval with the condition
that the "Project shall comply with the Miami 21 Zoning Code".
Therefore the MRC respectfully recommends denial of the 4 requested
variances, waivers and or exceptions, by a majority vote.
One of your Planning and Zoning Department's required conditions in
their recommendation states, "Project shall comply with the Miami 21
Zoning Code", and the current proposal does not comply with Miami
21, therefore requires 4 pending variances, waivers and or exceptions,
which would deviate away from the requirements under Miami 21. In
addition to the 2 reductions in Miami 21's required waterfront building
and side yard building setbacks before you today, the proposal
includes the following 2 additional variances, waivers and or
exceptions from what is required by Miami 21, and are being
considered on an administrative level:
1) Sideyard public access required (Miami 21, "3.11 Waterfront
Standards, a. Waterfront Setbacks - 2)" to reach public riverwalk -
no public access proposed
2) Public Riverwalk width — 25-foot wide total public riverwalk
required by code (Miami 21, "Appendix B: Waterfront Design
Guidelines") with 14-feet wide proposed (44% reduction).
Applying for 11-foot wide reduction from required public riverwalk
width. Within the total 25-foot wide public riverwalk, Miami 21
Zoning Code requires a 15-16 foot wide unobstructed riverwalk
pathway ("circulation zone"), with only a 6-foot wide unobstructed
"circulation zone" proposed (60% reduction of requirement).
policy Committee;
Governor of Stale or Florida
Mr. Rick Scott
Designee: M. Patticia Ilamti
Chair of Muni -Dade Delegation
Representative Carlos Lopez-Cantcra
Designee: Senator Antcrc 1-lnres
Chair of Governing Board of
South Florida Water Management
Mr. Joe ('ollins
Designee: Ms. Sandy Batchelor
Miami -Dade State Attorney
M. }Catherine Fernandez -Rundle
Designer: Mr. Gary Winston
Mayor of Alianii-Dade County
Mayor Carlos Girnenez
lkrignec: Mr. Frank I3alzebre
Mayor of Miami
Mayor 1ornns Regales&
City of Miami Commissioner
Commissioner Frank Carullo
Miami -Dade County
Commissioner Rruno Barreiro
Designee: : Ms. Marlette Avalo
Chair of Miami River Marine
Mr. Richard Dubin
Designee: Mr. ()rin Black
Chair of \larine Council
Mr. Ed Swakon
Designee: Mr. Phil Evcringham
Executive Director of Downtown
Development Authority
Ms. Alyce Robertson
Designee: Mt. Javier Betancourt
Chair of Greater Miami Chamber
of Commerce
Mr. Barry Johnson
Designer: Ms. Megan Kelly
Neighhorhood Representative
Appointed by City of Miami
1)r. Ernest Martin
Neighborhood Representative
Appointed by Mianii-Dade
Ms. Sally(' Jude
Designee. Ms. Jane Caporelli
Representative from
Environmental or Civic
Organization Appointed by the
Mr. Iltwacio Stuart Aguirre
Member at Large Appointed by
(he Governor
Mr. Jay Carmichael
Member at Large Appointed by
%liami-Dade Commis -skin
Ms. Sara Batwn
Designer: Mr. Christian Lartch
Member at large Appointed by
City of Miami Commission
Mr. Manny Priegue,
Managing Direcior
Mr Bien I3il' au
A+�idant Managing Director
Ms. Ashley I.. Chase
Miami River Commission
cio Robert King High
1407 NW 7' ST, Suite D
Miami, Florida 33125
Office: 305-644-0544
Fax: 305-642-1136
email: miamiriver®hellsouth.net
www. m is m irive rc o mm iss i o n . o rg
Your time and continued support for the Miami River are appreciated.
ISO 0:4 *170A.
Horacio Stuart Aguirre
Miami River Commission
Submitted Into the public
record in connection with
item PZ- 2 on 0012112.
Priscilla A. Thompson
Gty Clerk
Policy Committee:
Governor of Slate or Horidn
Mr. Rick Scott
Designee: Ms. Patricia Ilanis
Chair of Miami -Dade Delegation
Representative Carlos Lo z-Cantcra
Designee: Senator Anitcre Ares
Chair of Governing Board of
South Florida Water Management
Mr. Joe Collins
Designee: Ms. Sandy Batchelor
Miami -Dade Stale Attorney
Ms. Katherine Fernandez -Rundle
Designee: Mr. Gary Winston
Mayor of Miami -Dade County
Mayor Carlos Gitncncz
Designee: Mr. Frank 13a1zebre
Mayor of Miami
Mayor Tomas kegaladll
City of Miami Commissioner
Commissioner Frank CarnUu
Miami -Dade County
Commissioner Bruno Barreiro
Designee: Ms. Marlene Avalo
Chair of Miami River Marine
Mr. Richard Dubin
Designee: Mr Chin Black
Chair of Marine Council
Mr. Ed Swakon
Designee: Mr. Phil Everingham
Executive Director of Downtown
Development Authority
Ms. Alyce Rohrnson
Designee: Mr. Javier Bciancowt
Chair of Greater Miami Chamber
of Coinmerce
Mr. Barry Johnson
Designee: Ms. Megan Kelly
Neighborhood Representative
Appointed by City of Miami
Dr. Ernest Martin
Neighborhood Representative
Appointed by Miami -Dade
Ms. Sallyc Jude
Designee: Ms. Jane C'aporelli
Representative from
Envirnnmental or Civic
Organization Appointed by the
Mc lioracio Stuart Aguirre
Member at Large Appointed by
the Governor
Mr. Jay Carmichael
Member at Large Appointed by
Minmi-Dade Commission
Ms. Sara Babun
Designee: Mr. Christian Larach
Member at Large Appointed by
City of Miami Commission
Mr. Manny Pricguez
Managing Director
Mr. Brett Bibcau
Assistant Managing Director
Ms. Ashley i.. Chase
Miami .River Commission
c/o Robert King High
1407 NW T' ST, Suite D
Miami, Florida 33125
Office: 305-644-0544
Fax: 305-642-1136
email: miatniriver@bellsouth.net
www. mix m i riven. o m m fissi o n . o rg
January 11, 2012
Honorable Commissioner Michelle Spence -Jones
3500 Pan American Drive
Miami, FL 33133
Re: PZ.2 - MRC Concurs with City Planning Department's `.2 p (NI §
1.;.-c71 4U
Dear Commissioner Spence -Jones: U
This letter serves as the Miami River Commission's (MRC) "official c `_
statement" requested in City Resolution 00-320, regarding the January 8 N
12, Agenda Item PZ. 2, which impacts the Miami River. c N
� L
Condition for Consistency with Miami 21
During the MRC's December 5, 2011 public board meeting, Ms. Iris
Escarra, Mr. Joseph Milton, Mr. Eddy Frances, and Mr. Bill Eager,
presented the proposed "Miami River Apartments" plans. The MRC
agrees with the City of Miami's Planning and Zoning
Department's recommendation for approval with the condition
that the "Project shall comply with the Miami 21 Zoning Code".
Therefore the MRC respectfully recommends denial of the 4 requested
variances, waivers and or exceptions, by a majority vote.
One of your Planning and Zoning Department's required conditions in
their recommendation states, "Project shall comply with the Miami 21
Zoning Code", and the current proposal does not comply with Miami
21, therefore requires 4 pending variances, waivers and or exceptions,
which would deviate away from the requirements under Miami 21. In
addition to the 2 reductions in Miami 21's required waterfront building
and side yard building setbacks before you today, the proposal
includes the following 2 additional variances, waivers and or
exceptions from what is required by Miami 21, and are being
considered on an administrative level:
1) Sideyard public access required (Miami 21, "3.11 Waterfront
Standards, a. Waterfront Setbacks - 2)" to reach public riverwalk -
no public access proposed
2) Public Riverwalk width - 25-foot wide total public riverwalk
required by code (Miami 21, "Appendix B: Waterfront Design
Guidelines") with 14-feet wide proposed (44% reduction).
Applying for 11-foot wide reduction from required public riverwalk
width. Within the total 25-foot wide public riverwalk, Miami 21
Zoning Code requires a 15-16 foot wide unobstructed riverwalk
pathway ("circulation zone"), with only a 6-foot wide unobstructed
"circulation zone" proposed (60% reduction of requirement).
Policy Cotnmi(tc:c;
Governor of State of Florida
Mr. Rick Scott
Designee: Ms. Patricia Harris
Chair of Miami -Dade Delegation
Representative Carlos Lopez -Canters
Ikadgnce: Senator Aniterc Flores
Chair of Governing Board of
South Florida Water 'lfanugement
Mr. Joe Collins
Designee: Ms. Sandy Batchelor
Miami -Dade State Attorney
Ms. Katherine Fernandez -Rundle
Designee: Mr. Gary Winston
Mayor of Miami -Dade County
Mayor Caries Gimcnez.
Designee: Mr. Frank Ilalzebre
Mayor of Miami
Mayor Tomas kcgalado
City of Miami Commissioner
Commissioner Frank Catullo
Miami -Dade County
Commissioner Bruno Barreiro
Designee: Ms. Marlene Avalo
Chair of Miami River Marine
Mr Richard Dubin
Designee: Mr. Orin Black
Chair of Marine Council
Mr. lid Sw•akon
Designee: Mr. Phil Everingham
Executive Director of 1iowutoµn
Development Authority
Ms. Alyce Robertson
Designee: Mr. Javier Betancourt
Chair of Greater Miami Chamber
of Commerce
Mr. Barry Johnson
Designee: Ms. Megan Kelly
Neighborhood Representative
Appointed by City of Miami
Dr. Irncst Martin
Neighborhood Rcprt�eutalivc
Appointed by %tianri-Dade
Ms. Sallee Jude
Designee: Ms. Jane Caporelli
Representative from
Environmental or Civic
Organization Appointed by the
Mr. liartcio Stuart Aguirre
Member at Large Appointed by
the Governor
Mr. Jay ('annichac)
Member at Large Appointed by
Miami -Dude Commission
Ms. Sara Bahian
Designee: Mr. ('hristiao 1 reach
Member at Large Appointed by
City of Miami Commission
Mr. Manny Priegucz
Managing Director
Mr. Brett Hilx:nt
Assistant Managing Director
Ms. Ashley L. Chase
Miami River Commission
c/o Robert King High
1407 NW 74 ST, Suite D
Miami, Florida 33125
email: miamiriver@bellsouth.net
www.mia mirivercomm ission.org
Your time and continued support for the Miami River are appreciated.
Horacio Stuart Aguirre
Miami River Commission
Submitted Into the public
record in connection th
item PZ- 2 on 01112112
Priscilla A. Thompson
City Clerk
Governor of Stale of Florida
Mr. Rick Scott
Designee: Ms. Patricia Hams
Cluur of Miami -Dade Delegation
Represent alive Carlos 1.oppctz-Cantcra
Designee: Senarcrr Anitcrc Flores
Chair of Govrruing Hoard of
South Florida Water Management
Mr. Joe Collins
Iesignee: Ms. Sandy Batchelor
Miami -untie Stale Attorney
M. Katherine Fernandez -Rundle
1)esignc: Mr. Gary Winston
Mayor of Miami -Dade County
Mayor Carlos Gitncnez
Designee: Mr. Frank Baltehre
Mayor of Miami
Mayor Tomas Rcgalado
City of Miami Cowmisiiouer
Commissioner Frank Carrillo
Miami -Dade County
Commissioner Bruno Barreiro
Designee: M. Marten Avalo
Chair of 'Miami River Marine
Mr. Richard Dubin
Designee: Mr Orin Black
Chair of Marine Council
Mr. Ed Swakon
Designee: Mr. Phil Fvcringham
Executive Director of Downtown
Development Authority
Ms, Alyce Robenson
Uestgrec: Mr. Javier Betancourt
Chair of Greater Miami Chamber
of Commerce
Mr. Barry Johnson
Designee: Ms. Megan Kelly
Neighborhood Representative
Appointed by City of Miami
Dr. Ernest Martin
Neighborhood Representative
Appointed by Miami -Dade
Ms. Sallyc Jude
Iksigrtce: Ms. Jane Caporelli
Representative from
Environmental or Civic
Organization Appointed by the
Mi. lloracio Stuart Aguirre
Member ut Large Appointed by
Ihe Governor
Mr. _b, Carmichael
Member at large Appointed by
Miami -Dade Commission
W. Sara Bahun
Designer: Mr Christian I -mach
Member at Large Appointed by
City of Miami 1o11111116sio11
Mi. Manny Pneguez
Managing Director
Mr. Brett Bihcau
A' aslant Managing Direttur
Ms. AthIcy L. Chase
Miami River Commission
c/o Robert King High
1407 NW Ta ST, Suite D
Miami, Florida 33125
Office: 305-644-0544
Fax: 305-642-1136
email: miamiriver®belisouth.net
January 11, 2012
Honorable Commissioner Wifredo "Willy" Gort
3500 Pan American Drive
Miami, FL 33133
Re: PZ.2 — MRC Concurs with City Planning Department's
Condition for Consistency with Miami 21
Dear Commissioner Gort:
This letter serves as the Miami River Commission's (MRC) "official
statement" requested in City Resolution 00-320, regarding the January
12, Agenda Item PZ. 2, which impacts the Miami River.
During the MRC's December 5, 2011 public board meeting, Ms. Iris
Escarra, Mr. Joseph Milton, Mr. Eddy Frances, and Mr. Bill Eager,
presented the proposed "Miami River Apartments" plans. The MRC
agrees with the City of Miami's Planning and Zoning
Department's recommendation for approval with the condition
that the "Project shall comply with the Miami 21 Zoning Code".
Therefore the MRC respectfully recommends denial of the 4 requested
variances, waivers and or exceptions, by a majority vote.
One of your Planning and Zoning Department's required conditions in
their recommendation states, "Project shall comply with the Miami 21
Zoning Code", and the current proposal does not comply with Miami
21, therefore requires 4 pending variances, waivers and or exceptions,
which would deviate away from the requirements under Miami 21. In
addition to the 2 reductions in Miami 21's required waterfront building
and side yard building setbacks before you today, the proposal
includes the following 2 additional variances, waivers and or
exceptions from what is required by Miami 21, and are being
considered on an administrative level:
1) Sideyard public access required (Miami 21, "3.11 Waterfront
Standards, a. Waterfront Setbacks - 2)" to reach public riverwalk -
no public access proposed
2) Public Riverwalk width — 25-foot wide total public riverwalk
required by code (Miami 21, "Appendix B: Waterfront Design
Guidelines") with 14-feet wide proposed (44% reduction).
Applying for 11-foot wide reduction from required public riverwalk
width. Within the total 25-foot wide public riverwalk, Miami 21
Zoning Code requires a 15-16 foot wide unobstructed riverwalk
pathway ("circulation zone"), with only a 6-foot wide unobstructed
"circulation zone" proposed (60% reduction of requirement).
Policy Committee:
Governor of State of Florida
Mr. Rick Scott
Designee: Ms. Patricia I I irris
Chair of Miaari-Dade Delegation
Representative Carlos Lopez -Canters
Designee: Senator Arti(cre Flores
Chair of Governing Boars of
South Florida Water Management
Mr. Jrk Collins
Designee: Ms. Sandy Batchelor
Miami -Dade Slate Attorney
Ms. Katherine Fernandez -Rundle
Designee: Mr. Gary Winston
Mayor of Miami -Dade County
Mayor Carlos Girnenez
Designee: Mr. Fronk Italzchrc
Mayor of Miami
Mayor Tomas Regalado
City of Miami Commissioner
Commissioner Frank ('arallu
Miami -Dade County
Commissioner Bruno Barreiro
Designee: Ms. Marlene Avaio
Chair of Miami River Marine
Mr. Richard Dubin
Designee: Mr. chin Flack
Chuir of Marine Council
Mr. Ed Swaknn
Designee: Mr. Phil Everingham
Executive Director of Downtown
Development Authority
Ms. Alyce Roberson
Designee: Mr. Javier Bctancourt
Chair of Greater Miami Chamber
of Commerce
Mr. Barry Johnson
Designee: Ms. Megan Kelly
Neighborhood Representative
Appointed by City of Miami
Ih Tunes! Marlin
Neighborhood Representative
Appointed by Miami -Dade
Ms. Sallye luck
Designee: Ms. Jane ('atxxelli
Representative from
Environmental or Civic
Organization Appointed by the
Mt. I i, racin Strait Aguirre
Member at Large Appointed by
the Governor
Mr Jay Carmichael
Member at Large Appointed by
!Miami -Dade Commission
h1s. Sara) Batson
Designee! Mr. ('hrisiian I.anach
Member at Large Appointed by
City of Miami Commission
Mr. Manny Pricguez
Managing Director
Mi. Bien ilihcau
Assistant Nlaiw rig Director
Ace. Ashley I.. ('hasc
Miami River Commission
c/o Robert King High
1407 NW 7" ST, Suite D
Miami, Florida 33125
Office: 305-644-0544
Fax: 305-642-1136
email: miamiriver@bellsouth.net
Your time and continued support for the Miami River are appreciated.
••••4: t3=ie
Horacio Stuart Aguirre
Miami River Commission
Submitted Info the Publie
record in connection with
item 122 2 on 0///Z//2
Nrisciila A. Thompson
City Clerk