Law Department
Matter ID No.
Date: 12/20/11 Requesting Department: CIP/Transportation
Commission Meeting Date: 1/12/12 • District(s) Impacted: ALL
Type: i1 Resolution [ Ordinance n Emergency Ordinance C Discussion Item Li Other
Subject: Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with
Limousines of South Florida d/b/a LSF Shuttle to provide Municipal Trolley Operations Services.
Purpose of Item:
To authorize the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement (Agreement) with Limousines of South
Florida, Inc. d/b/a LSF Shuttle to provide Municipal Trolley Operations Services for the City of Miami per the
compensation schedule set forth in Article V of the Agreement. Funds are to be allocated from the City's share of the
Transit Surtax.
Background Information:
The Capital Improvements Program (CIP) and the Office of Transportation procured through the Purchasing
Department a Request for Proposals (REP) No. 256244,1 on February 11, 2011 to procure a qualified and experienced
company to provide Municipal Trolley Operations Services for the City of Miami (City). On March 29, 2011, four (4)
Proposals were received in response to the RFP: American Coach Lines of Miami, Inc. d/b/a Coach America (Coach
America), First Transit, Limousines of South Florida d/b/a LSF Shuttle (LSF Shuttle), and Safeguard America, Inc.
d/b/a Americas Transportation (Americas Transportation). All firms were deemed responsive as part of the due
diligence effort provided by the Purchasing Department.
The Evaluation Committee (Committee) convened on April 29, 2011 to evaluate the responses to the solicitation, and
again on June 2, 2011 to conduct oral presentations with all four (4) Proposers. The RFP required each Proposal to
respond to the Submission Requirements which included Experience and Key Personnel, Financial Capability,
Equipment and Facility, Service Plan and Capability, Programs and Plans, and Fees for Services. Based on the results
of the Committee's evaluation, LSF Shuttle was determined to be the top -ranked finn. continued.. .
Budget Impact Analysis
NO Is this item related to revenue?
YES Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below.
General Account No:
Special Revenue Account No: Fund 15600
CIP Project No:
NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds?
Start Up Capital Cost:
Maintenance Cost:
Total Fiscal Impact:
Final Approvals
Risk agement
Dept. Directo
City Manage
tf using dr receivin
capital funds
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On July 28, 2011, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 11-0323, endorsing the findings and recommendations
of the Evaluation Committee and authorized the City Manager to negotiate an Agreement with LSF Shuttle.
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