HomeMy WebLinkAboutPre-Legislation #2Crystal Report Viewer Page.1 of 2 City of Miami Text File Report City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive' Miami, FL 33133 rwwv_miamigov.com File ID: 11-00800.. Enactment 11: R-11-0454 Version: 2 Type: Resolution Status: Passed Enactment Date: 10/27)11 Introduced: 8/23/11 Controlling Body: Office ofthe :City Clerk A RESOLUTION OF THEMIAMI WITH ATTACBMENT(S), AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACI-IED FORK -WITH MIAMI-DADE COUNTY FOR THE PROVISION OF PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SERVICES WITH SAID SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI THROUGH A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH AN OPERATOR, SUBJECT TO CITY COMMISSION APPROVAL AT A FUTURE MEETING; PROVIDING FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION, OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE OF THE MIAMI TROLLEY SYSTEM. WHEREAS, the City of Miami ("City") proposes to implement a.municipal trolley system to provide residents, .visitors, and commuters with a mode of public transportation that improves mobility and enhances connections to existing local and regional transit; and WHEREAS', the City has developed a municipal trolleysystem consisting- of four (4) interconnected routes to serve the Health/Stadium District, Biscayne/Brickell, Overtown/Allapattah, and Coral Way areas; and WHEREAS, the Miami Trolley' System will enhance connections to existing Miami -Dade Transit ("MDT') MetfoBus, MctroMover; and MetroRail service: and augment MDT bus service for a more efficient muttiniodal transportation system; and WHEREAS, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 09-0269.on May 28, 2009, and Resolution No. 10-0227 on June 10, 2010, authorizing the CitvManager to enter:into:anlnterlocalAgreement with MDT for the acceptance and use of Federal Transit Administration ,Section.5307 funds, in the amount of S4,084,282, provided.to the Cityby the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for the purchase of sixteen (16) Classic American Trolleys to provide municipal trolleyservice; and 1%HERCAS, the City Commission adopted Resolution; No. 08.0633 on November 13;•2008, Resolution No. 10-0159 on April 8, 2010, and Resolution No. 1 1-0050 on February 10,•2011,authorizing the City Manager to accept grant funds from. the HoridaDepartnrentof Transportation("FDOT") in the total amount of S852,185, for 50 % cif .the annual operations and maintenance costs of the Health District Trolley for a three (3)'year period; and WHEREAS, the'City Commission adopted Resolution No. 10-0269 on June 24, 2010 authorizing the City Manager to accept•5619,416, in: grant funds from FDOT for50% of the operations and maintenance cost for the first year cif service .for the Biscayne1Brickell Trolley; and WHEREAS, the City, Commission' adopted Resolution No.'11-0035 on January 27, 2011, authorizing the City Manager -to, .entcr`into a:Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement with FDOT for the purchase of approximately twelve (12) additional . Classic American Trolleys and ancillary capital equipment for the provision of municipal trolley service; and http:/legov.ci:1711 alni:-fi.us/Legi stat-Web/temp/rep61 CC.html 12/9/201,1 Crystal Report Viewer Page 2 of 2 WHEREAS„the City issued Request for Proposal No. 256244 on February I1, 2011, for Trolley Services for the HcaltthlStadium District and BiscaynefBrickell routes with additional optional routes (Overtop mtAllapattah and Coral Way) and for special events/charter services; and, WHEREAS, the operations and maintenance of the Miami Trolley Program will bc sustained by the twenty percent (20%) transit portion of the City's annual half -cent transit surtax proceeds which by Miami -Dade County Ordinance must be allocated to transit projects; and WHEREAS, no matching funds: and no contribution from the General Fund will be required For the operation of the Miami Trrolley System; and WHEREAS, an lnterlocal Agreement between [Miami -Dade County and the City for the provision of public transportation services is aprc-requisite for the implementation and, operation of the Miami Trolley System; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE. CITY OF MIAMI; FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings found in thetPreambleto this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated. as.if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The City Manager is authorised (I} to execute an Interlocal Agreement, in, substantially the attached form, with Miami -Dade County for the provision ofpublictransportation services through a professional services agreement with. an operator, subject' to City Commission approval at a future meeting, providing for the implementation, operation and maintenance of the Miami Trolley;System. Section 3. This' Resolutionshall become ,effective'immediatelyupon its adoption and signature of littp://egov.ci:rni4tni.fLus/LegistarWebitemPirep61CC.html Mayor. {2') 12/9/2011.