Date: 11/15/2011
Requesting Department: FIRE -RESCUE
Commission Meeting Date: 01/12/2012 District Impacted: ALL
Type: Z Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Emergency Ordinance ❑ Discussion Item
❑ Other
Subject: Technical Service Support for Physio-Control Automated External Defibrillators. Sole Source No. 11-
Purpose of Item:
Law Department
Matter ID No.
A resolution of the Miami City Commission, with attachment(s), by a four -fifths (4/5ths), affirmative vote,
pursuant to Section 18-92(a)(1) and (3) of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, after an
advertised public hearing, ratifying, approving and confirming the City Manager's finding of a sole source;
waiving the requirements for competitive sealed bidding procedures and approving the purchase, from Physio-
Control, Inc., for Technical Service Support for Physio-Control Automated External Defibrillators ("AED"),
for the Department of Fire -Rescue, for a term of three (3) years, effective October 1, 2011 and expiring on
September 30, 2014, in an amount not to exceed $125,610.00, payable in annual installments of $41,870.00,
allocating funds from account code no. 00001.184010.546000.0000.00000 subject to the availability of funds
and budgetary approval at the time of need; further authorizing the City Manager to execute a Technical
Service Support Agreement, in substantially the attached form, for said purpose.
Background Information:
Budget Impact Analysis
NO Is this item related to revenue?
YES Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below.
General Account No: 00001.184010.546000.0000.00000 /4I10(0,1 r02 r» 20 ( 2.
Special Revenue Account No: Y � — 1
CIP Project No:
NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds?
Start Up Capital Cost: $
Maintenance Cost: $ 41.870.00 (Annually)
Total Fiscal Impact: $ 41,870.00
Final Approvals
CIP Budge&j
If using or receiving capital funds v
Grants Risk Management
Purchasin � �GG/� ept. Director
Chief 1e � G`� / City Manager
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Subject: Technical Service Support for Physio-Control Automated External Defibrillators. Sole Source No. 11-
Background Information:
Since 1984, the Department of Fire -Rescue has been purchasing from Physio-Control, Inc., various
types of life support equipment, such as the LIFEPAK series of Automated External Defibrillators
(AED). This life support equipment is used daily in the diagnosis and treatment of life. threatening
situations and must be maintained in proper working condition at all times. Historically, the City of
Miami has deemed Physio-Control, Inc., as the sole source provider of the maintenance program for the
LIFEPAK AED, pursuant to Resolutions: 84-656, 88-801, 98-566, 02-980, 04-0059, 05-0528, and 08-
According to Physio-Control, Inc., they are still the "sole source provider for the LIFEPAK
defibrillator, defibrillator/monitor, and monitor/defibrillator family of products [...] and factory
authorized services." As such, Physio-Control, Inc., doesn't utilize the services of authorized resellers
for the sale or maintenance of the LIFEPAK AED. This statement was confirmed by market research
which revealed that Florida government agencies such as: Town of Davie, Miami -Dade County, City of
Miami Beach and City of Deltona have all entered into sole -source agreements with Physio-Control,
Inc., for the maintenance services of LIFEPAK AED.
Approval of this sole -source procurement will enable the Department of Fire -Rescue to continue
receiving Technical Service Support from Physio-Control under a new three (3) year term agreement,
effective October 1, 2011 and expiring on September 30, 2014, with an annual installment amount of
$41,870, for .a total amount of compensation of $125,610.00. Funds for this procurement will be
allocated from the Department of Fire -Rescue general fund account no.
00001.184010.546000.0000.00000. In comparison with the previous maintenance agreement, the City
will be saving approximately $4,500 per year, which equals about $13,500 fora term of three (3) years.
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