HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Miami DDA-Affidavits of Publications and TearsheetsSubmitted into the public record for items) �0.li_+Di1•5 on � a-Cr 444 . City Clerk McClatchy The Beaufort Gazette The Belleville News Demcx at Bellingham I Jerald ( entte Daily Time, Sun I letald Idaho Statesman Bi adenton Herald l he (_ hallotte Obse, yet The State 1 edge, Enquirer Din ham The Herald -Sun Fort Worth Star Telegram The Fresno Bee The Island Packet Hte Kansas City Star Lexington l let alit -Leader The Teleg,aplt - Macon Men ed Sun -Star \liauti Herald El Nuevo Herald AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Modesto Bee The Sun \ens - Myrtle Beach Raleigh News & Observer Rod. HIT I The Herald The Sacramento Bee San Lois Obispo Tribune Tacoma The News Tribune Tri City Herald The )Wichita Eagle The Olympian Account t order Number Identification Order PO Amount Cols Depth 285% 578370 TRIM Budget Notice TRIM Budget Notice $1,600.00 3 10.18 in Attention: Yamilka Roa MIAMI DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 200 S. BISCAYNE BLVD SUITE 2929 MIAMI, FL 33131 hills@miamidda.com Copy of ad content is on the next page PUBLISHED DAILY MIAMI-DADE-FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared: Mary Castro, who on oath says that he/she is CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS of The Miami Herald, a daily newspaper published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of the advertisement that was published was published in said newspaper in the issue (s) of: Publication: Miami Herald 1 insertion(s) published on: 09/22/24 Affiant further says that the said Miami Herald is a newspaper published at Miami, in the said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each day and has been entered a second class mail matter at the post office in Miami, in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid or promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper(s).The McClatchy Company complies with all legal requirements for publication in chapter 50, Florida Statutes. r%•4 ci4 L/ o Sworn to and subscribed before me this 23rd day of September in the year of 2024 -mahh'a zd- k Gcl e Notary Public in and for the state of Texas, residing in Dallas County MARGARET KATHLEEN WILSIDN My Notary ID # 134916732 Expires May 24, 2028 41 Extra charvi. for Ir,aordimlra►eaffid ilc Legal document please do not destroy) 11101 -Mom( - gd R-T+ o ,old T s s +br it`t d into the ubliq rtcottl for it I„(s) - 4- ( I. 5 City Clerk BUDGET SUMMARY The Downtown Derelopmsnt Authority of the Cyr of lAwnl. Rar1d* Fiscal Year 2024-2026 T1■! PROPO D OPERATING RUDQrF EXPENDITURES OF T1■! DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE crry OF MIAMI ARE lI% MORE THAN LAST WANE TOTAL OP!RA11NO ['IMMURES Pd Not= la toy Rambasmulto dsEIIIL FWD MS Row pa ifla 1 UMW ADRIAN Tail Rooms 11,111.110 Room era ibtnon I MO Toil Rowan aid Rim t1,T11,1l0 Omits 4lnas Gaut Enema LI54,710 Lndentp, Macao sal Opabhns I,11R000 GAP nib a1 Dinned Itmloea 7,1551I0 ka, Oita i Ennals art 1,225A00 Maim UOURO Wham Dwrfopwn OVID fetal amnia Ezpinirs Rod Noon sit Roma 1TA00 1bM Eiardta n REM and Balemas II,T14ii0 76s Imitation, adsptsd, andler 16uI budgets ars an ills In tits ogles of Ms above mhrsnoad snip authority ea a pubis record. FYEOR 1 SUN610 IEPTEWII12.2 0I MIAMI HERALD Secret Service head says changes underway « after `failures' at Trump's Pennsylvaniay rally ITSTHAT WE HOLIMPORTANDT OURSELVES TO AT DONJAaoasON UPI The Suet Service's acting do amr said Friday the agency is instituting. "paradigm shift" in how it carriesat to minim in the waked its own "fail- ures" dung the fay 13 ammunition attempt against Donald Trump. During an update on the maim d the agency's in- ternal probe dare incident at a campaign r.Uy in the Butler, Pa, Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe raid the preliminary results of its "mission as - name investigation" have cot 01med Met the agen- cy's own failures allowed a waddle aaunin to fore dints at Trump from a nearby rooftop. Rave told reporter. the nearly completed 'mange - non dire Butler incident allows the aaralak ration (tempt repmented "a faihne on the put of the United Sales Secret Serv- ice. "It's important Mud we hold an.dve. to acca rot for the failures d Jdy 13th and that we use the lessons leaned to make sure Mt we do not have another mission failure like this again," he said adding that due t0the "hyper -dynamic threat environment" now facing U.S. presidents, presidential candidates and others, he has instituted "a shift in paradigm in how we conduct our oper- Mims." The need for Improve- ments in communication. all other key aspects of the Suet Service's OP. - Mime capabilities was again in evidence when a Mud assassination at- tempt against Trump, at one ofhis Florida golf comes, was foiled lest Sunday. "As was demonstrated Aching Secrt Service Director Ronald Rowe said an internal investigation of the agency's Tailures' during the July D assassination attempt against fanner President Donald Trump in Butler. Pa., has led to a 'paradigm shift' in Secret Service operations. on Sunday in west calm Beach, the threat level is evolving and requires this paradigm shift," Rowe said The acting director on Friday ahoconfirmed .mpecified Suet Service personnel would be dis- ciplined ova the Butler incident and provided mare details alum how a break- down in communications between the agency and local law enforcement alfiaiab provided an oppor- tunity for a mina to shoot et the farmer president with a rile, gassing his TO ORDER PLEASE VISIT httprAgtores.stationamerica.com/spa NOTICE OF PROPOSED TAX INCREASE The Downtown Development Authority of the City of Miami, Florida has tentatively adopted a measure to increase its property tax levy. Last year's property tax levy: A. B. Initially proposed tax levy 12,966,277 Less tax reductions due to Value 240,277 Adjustment Board and other assessment changes C. Actual property tax levy 12,726,000 This year's proposed tax levy 13,545,420 All concerned citizens are invited to attend a public hearing on the tax increase to be held on: September 26th, 2024 5:05 P.M. City Commission Chambers at City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive, Dinner Key Miami, Florida, 33133 A FINAL DECISION on the proposed tax increase and the budget will be made at this hearing. right ea with a bullet "Linea! -sight lams wore acknowledged at not Inop My m illaud," Rowe Mid, while confirming earlier reports that the Secret Service gave too much "leeway' M local authorities. muting the me. He mad the agency will no lager BRow other. to do so. His remarks came just hatn after the Halle of Representatives unani- mously passed legislation that was aimed at hta<.a- hg Secret Service protec- tion far the two presidenlal nominees and thd, tuning mMei If signed into law, the measure would mandate the agency in "apply the sure standards" for deter- mining how many .gents are milked a protect President Joe Rider to bah the Reprblian candidate, Tramp, and Vice President Kan s a Harris, the Demo - ACCOUNT FOR THE FAILURES OF JULY 13TH AND THAT WE USE THE LESSONS LEARNED TO MAKE SURE THAT WE DO NOT HAVE ANOTHER MISSION FAILURE LIKE THIS AGAIN. Acting Secret .Service Director Ronald Rowe crane candidate. Rowe ded'ved to com- ment on the legislation, mi ng he hadn't had time to study is details. iv) wL SOLON MIAMI, FLORID AVI ELaa0ON ESPESMAL MAN ROF1ITSYON VIL U AK REFENANDOM SOLI RON Oal10ASTON S NOVANM 2024 tar sa • ■ tea ANaIY 00 Yn F01m Es'iN,. N„�a F,�w, aOl Oar w S"utl, ern 1, mnn wK u,yr,Anw.n1N raw Ms.n.M rePw.en..ell.Iraa V aae.�fa.nrr.n 00 ▪ e.aMn Asaao�rdennP.-1r.rryrMr,. fr 0,0. n dew doll aft rl,n via *Is Weeew Y Rpm en.43en VI Ssmoa.tA. you dw .,,.r..rragn,0paw ovia angn n Seel. ale Mew". w Y re Wows man Yes error.. PINE rr,n,p. an 4p,Mta s, M II Nan It ar,4 Mwo p.pNM4s.wY tonyom dw w„Pd. Foe b,00,paw Moe nub.l,Ilm.•paw4bwaw, n,4k0 d mav3wd NIYN nbeam am 1000, INw,M ANser, M.wwa AA II NON 1 Tw FMMlopa S"" "�'Ir, Fr. w�dlrT re.eMd AApwPrba. Fr. AISA11 a,m.n. thewY .raw.nN,En PNgwrn11rdtl00drpr.IFa.m6rea,,.,For,M raw. gabs sawn mrdY FARMpas Dw.P.smpawen,.nWatl 110.,,,aatlpdrMe,,,.Hm,an, Y3wpr.+. Y,Yp.wt.p.rl m tl.ae.n are w e p,.nr,,..aldw pro, Aw Yu N M con rr,l aural nr.e.,.,,. rrp•r rape FORM awn a.pa+l pepprrywr ln.tl,. r wrrw.ad paw pats eY M. wk,r1 tta,o pL0 A ,MMe plot P OO 11010a0x1.0 11 Men MM dour. N.. tin Km r lye VS Yam 3MW4N1 Poor gab .r,rYnw,n YcoMn.n 11.0PC.VONI.w.e„n aeM.b,a, W w w w ,viva n .,MN3 r. an ion msaremirmaau®w wY Frr'wM•Y„alnawMnd. .a SO.n.am pannen 6130 Sun. t",w reM,.,ln{ IL 131.e� .a.p Alma0.4 KAM raa13. M BUDGET SUMMARY The Downtown Development Authority of the City of Miami, Florida Fiscal Year 2024-2025 THE PROPOSED OPERATING BUDGET EXPENDITURES OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI ARE 26% MORE THAN LAST YEAR'S TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES Remus Sources Ad Valorem Tax Ley/ Reimbursements GENERAL FUND 0.4505 &Nlage per $1000 S 13,550,000 3,019,190 Total Bermes 16,569,490 Reserve and Crryaw 5,169,210 Total Revenues and Balances 21,738,700 Operating Expenditures General 6penees Leadership Advocacy and Operations Welty of Lie & Enhanced Berko Ads. Culture & Entertainment Urbaism Business Development Total Operating Expenditures 3,854,710 2,116,000 7,355,190 1,225,000 2,800,000 3,710,000 21,061,200 Fund Balances and Rowan 677,500 Total Expenditures, Rennes, and Bllkntes 21,738,700 The tentative, adopted, end/or final budgets are on file in the office of the above referenced taxing authority as a public record. Submitted into the public :eccrd for itm(s) 4- u' City Clerk McClatchy The Beauto,t ( ;.:. ette The Belleville News -Dena x-rat Bellingham Herald ( entie Daily Times Sun Tel ald Idaho Statesman . Bradenton He, alit The Utailotte Observer The Stare Ledger Emluiret Dtu ham I The Herald Sun Fort \\ orth Star -Telegram The liesno Bee I he Island Packet The Kans., ('itv Star Le.yirgton Het aid -Leader The Telegraph Varon \leiced tiun-Star \liami I lei ald FI Nuevo Herald AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Modesto Bee The Sun \ews - \Irrtle Beach Raleigh News & Observer Rock Hill The Herald The Sacramento Bee San Luis Obispo Tribune Tacoma I The News Tribune Tri City- Herald The Wichita Eagle The Olympian Account # Order Number Identification Order PO Amount Cols Depth 285% 578370 TRIM Budget Notice TRIM Budget Notice $1,600.00 3 10.18 in Attention: Yamilka Roa MIAMI DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 200 S. BISCAYNE BLVD SUITE 2929 MIAMI, FL 33131 hills@miamidda.com Copy of ad content is on the next page PUBLISHED DAILY MIAMI-DADE-FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared: Mary Castro, who on oath says that he/she is CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS of The Miami Herald, a daily newspaper published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of the advertisement that was published was published in said newspaper in the issue (s) of: Publication: Miami Herald 1 insertion(s) published on: 09/22/24 Affiant further says that the said Miami Herald is a newspaper published at Miami, in the said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each day and has been entered a second class mail matter at the post office in Miami, in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid or promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper(s).The McClatchy Company complies with all legal requirements for publication in chapter 50, Florida Statutes. nit a-f—c-/ Sworn to and subscribed before me this 23rd day of September in the year of 2024 Notary Public in and for the state of Texas, residing in Dallas County •s""'. MARGARET KATHLEEN WILSON My Notary ID # 134916732 :�' Expires May 24, 2028 Extra charge for lost or duplicate affidavits. Legal doarment please do not destroy) Submit.!ed into the puoii`e' record or item(s)(,Sk{ i -E - S Cn City Clerk NOTICE OF PROPOSED TAX INCREASE The Downtown Development Authority of the Clty of Mlaml, Florida heal tentatively* adopted a measure to Increase Its property tex levy. Last year% property tax levy:: A. Initially proposed tax Ieiy 12 908,277 B. Lees tax reductions due to Value 240,277 Adjustment Board and other assessment changes C. Actual property tax leery 12,7E6,000 Tile yresr's proposed tax levy 13,646,420 All concerned citizens are Irwtted 1D attend a public hearing on the tax Increase to be held on: September 20thp 2024 ROI P.M. City Commhslon Chambers at Clty H■II 5.;00 Pan American Drive, Dinner Kay Ylaml, Florida, 33133 A FINAL DECISION an the proposed tex Increase and the budget wit be made st tide hearing. w MAMA I SUNOR'IEPTIWran. 2024 Secret Service head says changes underway « after `failures' at Trump's Pennsylvania rally 10 DON144.0100N un The Secret Service's acting director said Friday the agency is instituting a "paradigm shift" in how it Hies oat its mission in the wake of is own "fail- ures" during the July 131 emanation attempt against DaaN Trump. During an update on the status of the agency's in- ternal probe of the incident at a campaign rally in the Bader, Pa., Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe said the preliminary results of is "mission as- surance imveetigation"have co limed that die agen- cy's own failures allowed a world -be assassin to fire slob at Tromp from a nearby rooftop. Rowe told reporters the nearly completedinvestiga- tion of the Baler incident slows de anamaadm nempt repenented "a failure an the part of the United Stales Secret Serv- x'eIt's important that in hold ourselves to accormt fade failures of July 13t h and that we use the lessons learned to make slue that we do nor have another mission failure like this again," he said, adding that due to the "hyper -dynamic threat environment" now facing U.S. presidents, presidential candidates and others, he has instituted "a shift in paradigm in how we conduct our ape, atio s." The need for improve- tnena M communications and other key aspects of the Suet Service's oper- ational capabilities was again in evidence when a second assassination at- tempt against Trump, at one of his Florida golf comae, was foiled last Sunday. "As was demonstrated Acting Sects Service Director Ronald Rowe said an Internal investigation of the agency's failures' during the July 13 assaakMBon attempt against former President Donald Trump in Butler. Pa.. has led to a'paradigm shift' in Secret Service operations. an Sunday in Wert Palm Beach, the threat levels evolving and requires this paradigm shift," Rowe said. The acting director on Friday also confirmed unspecified Secret Service personnel would be dis- ciplined over the Butler incident and provided mare details abort how a break- down in communications between the agency and kcal law enforcement omcws provided an upper - Nifty for a sniper to shoot t the farmer president with a rifle, gating his TO ORDER PLEASE VISIT httprJatorea.Btadonamericacom/spa o PHONE: 306-233-3343 TOW r EMAIL atephen®atatienamericacom NOTICE OF PROPOSED TAX INCREASE The Downtown Development Authority of the City of Miami, Florida has tentatively adopted a measure to increase its property tax levy. Last year's property tax levy: A. Initially proposed tax levy 12,966,277 B. Less tax reductions due to Value 240,277 Adjustment Board and other assessment changes C. Actual property tax levy 12,726,000 This year's proposed tax levy 13,545,420 All concerned citizens are invited to attend a public hearing on the tax increase to be held on: September 26th, 2024 5:05 P.M. City Commission Chambers at City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive, Dinner Key Miami, Florida, 33133 A FINAL DECISION on the proposed tax increase and the budget will be made at this hearing. tight ear with a bullet. "lino( -fight issues were acknowledged but not properly mitigated," Rowe said, while confirming earlier lepers that the Secret Service gave too much "leeway" to local author -hies in securing the rit e. He said the agency will longer allow others to do an. Ma remarks ale just hour after the House of Representatives unod- moody wed legslatioh that was aimed at incteas- hng secret service protec- tion for the two presidential nominees and des running mass. If signed into law, the measure would mandate the agency to "apply the same standard" for deter- mining how many agents are required to protect President Jce Bider to bah the Republican candidate, Truth, and Vice President Kamala Harris, the Demo - WWI HERALD IT'S IMPORTANT THAT WE HOW OURSELVES TO ACCOUNT FOR THE FAILURES OF JULY 13TH AND THAT WE USE THE LESSONS LEARNED TO MAKE SURE THAT WE DO NOT HAVE ANOTHER MISSION FAILURE LIKE THIS AGAIN. Acting Sena Senior Director Ronald Rowe made candidate. Rowe dedined to com- ment on the legislation, saying he hadn't had time to study is details. VIL SOUTH MIAMI. FLOEID AVI ELEK5TON ESPESYAL AMANNMMI IWNSIITISVON V1L LA AK 000IKA0DOM SOU ION OILIGASYON 5 NOVANM 2024 NAYARpWAr4mk. 244 Warn nog La1, ranw.RMMpaw sew,t4an 44 mum.MY erwma..erwY Ton rn norm minran ,m pa,+Iwaa,.aY NwmilimFw IYdI atl,a p*mu Fe.... MY • I* ablio lace. aowaepm n aw.a a1MYnd b rmihpn an Owe ...ow nlw low, tow Mir Mrwdj. MY Y pa nenpdt dep.mm a d.p0e 1160.00. t,1e,m Y Ono ane.Y rmm,e,m m, guru pmN Um*. an Ma Ilnb who Ma,wal w le p.c.. a,pn cape pnbn rpdnen on dep,.Mrel ws II YON II M___ as Fa pMM1aVe.ttY Esb ,a Y Owe a.n,d1 KonK10001 an pR b mob W LYa a pm a tovison a.4 mob Kan*. RR a tl Wel w, iaa tYYpn.meal Sm. Main of MI 1 NON II aal.rnra a ben ebaagm Fa wl...FM 0M,N11tl on peaprq.w — a.6d111Npenm. Two nor gaA trbb MDR ErevaYN da eon iron orie rnlenr Opens IMm0.m.,n, ,1wi omp.Y.p Mann mein PP up e)Do.,NYMF te en.M pa. tli,. ,snareYpTa r,ko,S nYla1MwY Mpwbalwl _nonpots, npgrapaa 1p6alit ca a hou tl lit Fee& Ia. eneK0NA ANA ,onomal mycn l.psat PmPMN.n inward+mfrs.. pro, pw Y QnMin.n tram pbealMidrtpl., nnu FON10 II rONrnKm II sans Y demon Y 1r M. non boo Gookoni Y non 10566t-0a Poo On saMm apmawn p.p0Ywa macron .w,W W,on VI 4 m b .41Y .. M.I. mu on can, Oneumaimandoret w Fn.o.lamb Noe eel, bra Ake AR,.0. lea 9W an.."adp„ non 61b Saw, rang. A Rtrw oC rCRM BUDGET SUMMARY The Downtown Development Authority of the City of Miami, Florida Fiscal Year 2024-2025 THE PROPOSED OPERATING BUDGET EXPENDITURES OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI ARE 26% MORE THAN LAST YEAR'S TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES Revenue Sources M Valorem Tax Levy Reimbursements GENERAL FUND 0.4505 Wage per 91000 6 13,550,000 3,019,490 Told Revenues 16,569,490 Reserve and Darryl:MN 5,169,210 Total Revenues and Balances 21,738,700 Operating Expenditures General Expenses Leadership, Advocacy and Operations Quality d L6e 6 Enhanced Services Arta, CuAure & Entertainment Urbanism Business Development Total Operating EswMsures 3,854,710 2,116,000 7,355,490 1,225,000 2,800,000 3,710,000 21,061,200 Food Balances and Flamm 677,500 Told Expenditures, Reserves, led Balances 21,738,700 The tentative, adopted, and/or final budgets are on file in the office of the above referenced taxing authority as a public record.