HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegislation-SUBTHIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. City of Miami Resolution Legislation City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com File Number: 16452 Final Action Date: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE FINAL ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA ("MIAMI DDA"), ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED IN AMENDED COMPOSITE EXHIBIT "A," IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $20,499,700.00, AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AD VALOREM TAX LEVY AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS INCOME FOR THE MIAMI DDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2024, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2025; AUTHORIZING THE MIAMI DDA TO MAKE TRANSFERS BETWEEN ACCOUNTS FOR NECESSARY AND PROPER PURPOSES; AUTHORIZING THE MIAMI DDA TO INVITE AND ADVERTISE REQUIRED BIDS; PROVIDING THAT THIS RESOLUTION BE DEEMED SUPPLEMENTAL AND IN ADDITION TO THE RESOLUTION MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2024, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2025, FOR THE OPERATIONS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI. WHEREAS, Section 14-59 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended ("City Code"), provides that the Downtown Development Authority of the City of Miami, Florida ("Miami DDA") shall submit its final annual budget for its operations to the City Commission for approval; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Miami DDA approved and adopted the Miami DDA's proposed annual budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 on July 12, 2024, pursuant to Miami DDA Resolution 015/2024, in the total amount of $21,738,700.00 as set forth in Amended Composite Exhibit "A," attached and incorporated; and WHEREAS, on September 7, 2024, pursuant to Resolution No. R-24-0314, the Miami City Commission ("City Commission") approved the Miami DDA's proposed annual budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 in the total amount of $21,738,700.00 to become the Miami DDA's tentative budget; and WHEREAS, on September 26, 2024, the Miami DDA proposed an amended reduced annual budget for the Fiscal Year ("FY") commencing October 1, 2024, and ending September 30, 2025, in the total amount of $20,499,700.00; and WHEREAS, the Miami DDA requests the City Commission's approval of the tentative budget to become the final annual budget for the Fiscal Year ("FY") commencing October 1, 2024, and ending September 30, 2025, in the total amount of $20,499,700.00, as set forth in Amended Composite Exhibit "A," attached and incorporated; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF City of Miami Page 1 of 2 File ID: 16452 (Revision:) Printed On: 9/24/2024 16452 Legislation -SUB THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. File ID: 16452 Enactment Number: MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The Miami DDA tentative annual budget, attached and incorporated in Amended Composite Exhibit "A," in the total amount of $20,499,700.00, for the operations of the Miami DDA to become the final annual budget, for the Fiscal Year commencing October 1, 2024, and ending September 30, 2025, is approved and adopted, and appropriations are made from the Downtown Development District ad valorem tax levy and other miscellaneous income for the Miami DDA. Section 3. The abovementioned operating expenditures are merely anticipatory and thus, the Board of Directors of the Miami DDA is hereby authorized' to withhold any of these appropriated funds from encumbrance or expenditure should such action appear advantageous to the economic and efficient operation of the Miami DDA. Section 4. The Miami DDA is authorized' to make transfers between the detailed accounts comprising any of the amounts appropriated in Section 2 above so that any available and required balance in such accounts may be used for other necessary and proper purposes. Section 5. Subject to Chapter 18 of the City Code, the Miami DDA is further authorized' to solicit bids for the purposes of procuring any materials, supplies, equipment, and services embraced in the amounts appropriated in Section 2 above for which formal bidding is required with such bids being returnable as required by law. Section 6. This Resolution shall be deemed supplemental and in addition to the Resolution making appropriations for the operations of the City of Miami for the Fiscal Year commencing October 1, 2024, and ending September 30, 2025. Section 7. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.2 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: 1 The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all legal requirements that may be imposed, including but not limited, to those prescribed by applicable City Charter and City Code provisions. 2 If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten (10) calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. City of Miami Page 2 of 2 File ID: 16452 (Revision:) Printed on: 9/24/2024 City of Miami Legislation Resolution SUBSTITUTED City Hall 3500 Pan American Dr" Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov File Number: 16452 Final Acti • Date: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMEN ), APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE FINAL ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE D'd NTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA ("M MI DDA"), ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED IN COMPOSITE EXHIBIT "A," IN E TOTAL AMOUNT OF $21,738,700.00, AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS F •M THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AD VALOREM TAX L AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS INCOME FOR THE MIAMI DDA, FOR THE CAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2024, AND ENDING SEPTEMBE :0, 2025; AUTHORIZING THE MIAMI DDA TO MAKE TRANSFERS BEEN ACCOUNTS FOR NECESSARY AND PROPER PURPOSES; AUTHO ING THE MIAMI DDA TO INVITE AND ADVERTISE REQUIRED BIDS; PROVIDI • THAT THIS RESOLUTION BE DEEMED SUPPLEMENTAL AND IN ADDITION T' HE RESOLUTION MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEG! ► ING OCTOBER 1, 2024, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2025, FOR THE OPE TIONS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI. WHEREAS, Section 14-59 of the Code of t - City of Miami, Florida, as amended ("City Code"), provides that the Downtown Developme Authority of the City of Miami, Florida ("Miami DDA") shall submit its final annual budget for it operations to the City Commission for approval; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directorof the Miami DDA approved and adopted the Miami DDA's proposed annual budget for Fis•:I Year 2024-2025 on July 12, 2024, pursuant to Miami DDA Resolution 015/2024, in the totamount of $21,738,700.00 as set forth in Composite Exhibit "A," attached and incorpor- -d; and WHEREAS, on Septe .er 7, 2024, pursuant to Resolution No. R-24-0314, the Miami City Commission ("City Com' fission") approved the Miami DDA's proposed annual budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 in t' - total amount of $21,738,700.00 to become the Miami DDA's tentative budget; and WHEREAS, e Miami DDA requests the City Commission's approval of the tentative budget to become e final annual budget for the Fiscal Year ("FY") commencing October 1, 2024, and endin► eptember 30, 2025, in the total amount of $21,738,700.00, as set forth in Composite Ex► .it "A," attached and incorporated; NO , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, F ORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are ted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The Miami DDA tentative annual budget, attached and incorporated in Composite Exhibit "A," in the total amount of $21,738,700.00, for the operations of the Miami DDA to become the final annual budget, for the Fiscal Year commencing October 1, 2024, and ending September 30, 2025, is approved and adopted, and appropriations are made from the SUBSTITUTED Downtown Development District ad valorem tax levy and other miscellaneous income for the Miami DDA. Section 3. The abovementioned operating expenditures are merely anticipatory and thus, the Board of Directors of the Miami DDA is hereby authorized' to withhold any of thes appropriated funds from encumbrance or expenditure should such action appear advant-4eous to the economic and efficient operation of the Miami DDA. Section 4. The Miami DDA is authorized' to make transfers between the d:. iled accounts comprising any of the amounts appropriated in Section 2 above so that : ny available and required balance in such accounts may be used for other necessary and p .per purposes. Section 5. Subject to Chapter 18 of the City Code, the Miami DDA ' • further authorized' to solicit bids for the purposes of procuring any materials, supplies, equient, and services embraced in the amounts appropriated in Section 2 above for which fo al bidding is required with such bids being returnable as required by law. Section 6. This Resolution shall be deemed supplementand in addition to the Resolution making appropriations for the operations of the City .f Miami for the Fiscal Year commencing October 1, 2024, and ending September 30, 2 Section 7. This Resolution shall become effectiv- mediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.2 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNES ge . Wy ng III, C y or -y /17/2024 The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all legal requirements that may be imposed, including but not limited, to those prescribed by applicable City Charter and City Code provisions. 2 If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten (10) calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission.