HomeMy WebLinkAboutOAB Applications-ResumesCity of Miami OAB/OVERTOWN COMMUNITY OVERSIGHT BOARD APPLICATION FORM FOR APPOINTED MEMBERS To be completed by the RECOMMENDER and to be submitted by 4:00 P.M. on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2009 to the office of the OVERTOWN NEIGHBORHOOD ENHANCEMENT TEAM (N.E. T.), at 1490 N. W. 3RD AVENUE; the office of the DISTRICT 5 COMMISSIONER at 3500 PANAMERICAN DRIVE or the office of the CITY CLERK at 3500 PAN AMERICANDRIVE. Note: A person may recommend himself/herself. A. I nominate a. c , eta for appointment to the OAB/Overtown Community Oversight Board. He/she meets the eligibility requirements because he/she is 18 years of age and also meets one or more of the following qualifications: - j 1. Resides in the Overtown Area at i 1 t i w , �S4 C O U i f' or 2. Is the current owner of property in the Overtown Area located at: NI 3. Is an employee or board member of c 14— C U.Irii er �JiSDI'Comm, community development corporation or conununity based okganization located in and provides services to the Overtown Area, at the address fboo N. W. ;r J ehu� , or 4. Owns or is an employee of a business in the Overtown Area located at: or Now Out Wa 5. Nominee's Info: Phone number 30s 51 .3 57 Cell phone 7'8 — 7/�-- -13 3 O '1 FAX Number 36 - (-3557' E-mail GiXPQ oV 8Yt1 or 06(F yOtop1Com B. Please provide a short statement of qualifications of the person you are recommending for appointment: o Csi ice.' C air• Cr C C. Please provid? your contact information for the purpose of clarifying the above and sign below Phone number 6-1-35S Cell phone 7 $4-' I S~ Ci3 3 g FAX number -3o5-751-2 - E-mail Lcy Yged ovevne-066) yGlut00,Chin D. Please sign Signature Printed Name c, c, oq-zit--oq Date Signed FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: NOMINEE'S ADDRESS INSIDE BOUNDARIES? Y N N/A NOMINEE MEETS AGE REQUIREMENTS Y N N/A NOMINEE'S PROOF OF QUALIFICATION SUBMITTED: City of Miami OAB/OVERTOWw COMMUNITY OVERSIGHT BOARD : APPLICATION FORM FOR APPOINTED MEMB1 RS 7n be completed by the RECOMMENDER and to be submitted by 4:011 P.M. on THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 24 2009 to the office of the OVERTOW.\ NEIGHBORHOOD ENHANCEMENT TEAM (A'. E. T.), at 1490 N. N! .?xn .4 V1 . pUE; the office of the DISTRICT 5 COMI_AIISSIONER at 3500 PAN.AMERICAN DRIVE or the office of the CITY CLEW at 3500 P.4N AMERICAN DRIVE. Note: A person may recommend himself/herself. A. 1 nominate Terrance Cribbs-Lorrant for appointment to the OABIOvertown Community Oversight Board. He/she meets the eligibility requirements because he/she is 18 years of age and also meets one or more icf; the following qualifications: 1. Resides in the Ovenown Area at N/A or Is the current owner of property in the Overtown Area located at: NIA Is an employee or board member of Work America Inc.fE3etter Communities of America Inc. communi-y development corporation or community based organization located in and provides services to the Overtown Area, ate he address 430 NW 9th Street Miami. FL. 3.3136 , or : , 4. Owns or is an employee of a business in the Overtown Area located at: N/A 5. Nominee's Info: Phone number FAX Number 786.623.1564 Cell phone 786.623.1564 . ' E-mail bettercommunitiesofamericaliDgmail.com B. Please pre fide a short statement of qualifications of the person you are recommending for appointment: Ma. Vance Cribbs-Ldrrant has been an active member in the Overtown community since 2003: providing support social Se?vice ''in the form of HIV/AIDS Prevention/Intervention. Youth Organizing. Non -Violence and Domes -di.: /,dvocate Scrvic aka number of presentations/symposiums surrounding personal development. Mr. Cribbs-L6rran j#has remained fltfutl:lxirriproving and empowering youth that attend Booker T. Washington. Phyllis Wheatly Elernentary Dunbar Ele., >- l edrick—ENelas Elem. and Jose De Diego through the assistance of his work with Work America's PEACE;Project and as — a qtembervrihe Overtown Youth Advisory Board (OCOB). Mr. Cribbs-Lorrant most recent project has been the writing of t Youth'8 Fhe Move Summer Training Project Proposal: ran by Work America Inc. Mr. Cribbs-Lorrant i prepare to C % cantinueb s service to the community at -large by ensuring the well-being of every resident is priority withlei ery decision. o cf) a _ C�-t C. Please provtZle your contact information for the purpose of clarifying the above and sign below D. P se sign 1-e: Sian .Phone number 786.623.1564 Cell phone 786.623.1564 E-mail: bettcrcommunitiesofamericar.?gmail.com FAX number Printed Name FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLS'; 'NOMINEE 5'ADDRESS'=1NSIDE,'BOUNDARIES?• Y N N/A NOMINEEMEETS AGE REQUIREMENTS , . ' Y N NiA NOMINEES PROOF OF; QUALIFICATION SUBMITTEa: Sep.24. 2009 10:47AM Belatonte Tac}1cy Center 1o,11647 r 2 City of Miami DAB/OVERTOWN COMMUNITY OVERSIGHT BOARD APPLICATION FORM FOR APPOINTED MEMBERS To be completed by the RECOMMENDER and to be submitted by 4:00 P.M. on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2009 to the office of the OVERTOWN NEIGHBOIJHOOD ENHANCEMENT TEAM (NE,T.), at 1490 N.W. 3!t° AVENfjF; the office of'the DISTRICT 5 COMMISSIOISTR at 3500 PA1% 4111E1R.ICAN DRIVE or the office of the CITY CLERK at 3500 FAN AMERICAN DRIVE. Note: Aperson may recommend himseffherse1f. A. I nominate ta2j e/c2 l J /%2c1 f/2 for appointment to the OAB/Overtown Community Oversight Board. 1-Ielshc meets the eligibility requirements because he/shc is 18 years of age and also ranee s one or more of the following qualifications: 1. Resides in the Overtown Area at or 2. Mlle the owner of property in Ovtrtawn Area loeated at: _. -' `4/g /1/0 /9 ( Ph? ram. _ , Imo -employee or board member of c ,�fptrrttion or community based organi2ation located in and provides services to the OvertownArea, at the address �:_-_- ,or ckt Orris' g.r is an employee of a business in the Overtown Area located at: or community development Nominee's Info: Phone number 0 "j_ �_ _ Cell phone FAX Number E-mail Ziei/L,�/- e6/72 n 13. please provide a short statement of qualifications of the person you are recommending for appointment: .C_ Please provide your contact information for the FOR'OFricLL.USE ONLY: NOMINEE'S ADDRPSS:INSIDE BO[ N•DARI3S? NIA NONIINEI~ 1v4EE"l'S AGE REQi1iREMEN7'S. � . . �:'y' � N; NIA •NOMINEE'S PROOF OP': QUALIFICATION SUBM1T:t ED: Phone number FAX number E-mail 444%2• r eiy; 61 . c cla fying the above and sign below " , 7 / Cell phone Printed Name lj 'IW) ip }. pi0Si�et�v ! 1 3SItc 1.:ZI d3S 6OOZ City of Miami OAB/OVERTOWV COMMUNITY OVERSIGHT BOARD APPLICATION FORM FOR APPOINTED MEMBERS To be completed by the RECOMMENDER and to be submitted by 4:00 P.M. on THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 24. 2009 to the office of the Ol'ERTOWN NEIGHBORHOOD ENHANCEMENT TEAM (N.E. T.), at 1490 N. W 3H1' AVENUE; the office of the DISTRICT 5 COMMISSIONER at 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE or the office of the CITY CLERK at 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE. Note: A person may recommend himself/herself A. 1 nominate Deidria Davis -Lindsay for appointment to the OAB/Overtown Community Oversight Board. He/she meets the eligibility requirements because he/she is 18 years of age and also meets one or more of the following qualifications: 1. Resides in the Overtown Area at 1950 NW 3rd Ave Miami. FL 33136 or 2. Is the current owner of property in the Overtown Area located at: 1950 NW 3`d Ave.Miami FL 33136 or 3. Is an employee or board member of Villas of St. Agnes - Board Member community development corporation or community based organization located in and provides services to the Overtown Area, at the address 1950 NW 31-6 Ave.Miami, FL 33136 , or 4, Owns or is an employee of a business in the Overtown Area located at: 5. Nominee's Info: Phone number 305-438-9979 Cell phone 786-218-9873 FAX Number E-mail ddavis-lindsaynrccl.com Or deidriadavis@aol.com B. Please provide a short statement of qualifications of the person you are recommending for appointment: I have an extensive background in administrative support. I have worked as a Personal Assistant to Congresswoman Carrie P. Meek. was the Administrative Assistant for Chief Judge Alan D. Kuker (State of Florida, Workman's Compensation), and was the Marketing Supervisor for Channel 2 Public Television Station's Nightly Business Report for four (4) years. 1 spent a year with Continental Airlines as a Reservation Sales Agent at Washington -Dulles International in Herndon. VA. I also work as an Airport Scrgener with TSA for one year. I currently am employed by Celebrity Cruises, Inc at the Port of Miami for the past five (5)yea ' rTt -ca C. Please provide your contact information for the purpose of clarifying the above and sign below -11 Phone number Cell phone FAX number E-mail r- J D. Please sign here: Signature Deidria Davis -Lindsay Printed Name O September 23, 2009 Date Signed FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: NOMINEE'S ADDRESS INSIDE BOUNDARIES? Y N N/A NOMINEE MEETS AGE REQUIREMENTS Y N N/A NOMINEE'S PROOF OF QUALIFICATION SUBMITTED: