HomeMy WebLinkAboutOAB ApplicationsCity of Miami OAB/OVERTOWN COMMUNITY OVERSIGHT BOARD APPLICATION FORM FOR APPOINTED MEMBERS To be completed by the RECOMMENDER and to be submitted by 4:00 P.M. on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2010 to the office of the OVERTOWN NEIGHBORHOOD ENHANCEMENT TEAM (N.E. T.), at 1490 N. W. 3RD AVENUE; the office of the DISTRICT 5 COMMISSIONER at 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE or the office of the CITY CLERK at 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE. Note: A person may recommend himself/herself: A. I nominate jC. vt't e S 1442-t!" tl for appointment to the OAB/Overtown Community Oversight Board. He/she meets the eligibility requirements because he/she is 18 years of age and also meets one or more of the following qualifications: 1. Resides in the Overtown Area at j d 00 NW N O It-4 lei YEt2, or 2. Is the current owner of' property in the Overtown Area located at: or 3s employee or board member of community development CZ) c.<1corfpratifr or community based organization located in and provides services to the Overtown Area, at the address ;y� o , or 4.O-0an employee of a business in the Overtown Area located at: W to -r 0 � . 0 W 5. aom.ge=s Info: o (.) O EC 0 Phone number 305 J' 2 5*313 O Cell phone 78(0 `J' 4)4 n 672 3 FAX Number E-mail e r to ‘e. -i we. rt i r-� P� B. Please provide a short statement of qualifications of the person you are recommending for appointment: mac{. YQ2vs 11aco A.7 clew/?op".et.cl - - M al; 17z •! +e o Cot Re -fa3c y,i2z-tr5 k+v".01-4-%1"e4.1Q-• . it, -10Vi elj0�t14�1�" �t✓o ]) U S pUtrCw� -Chu" c o w4vvv� v vC f 1 ►•1 p Y. o/.1 Q -& 04l:•+ C. Please provide your contact information for the purpose of clarifying the above and sign below Phone number 3 o. 32S S 7; o Cell phone 7 a (o -C44 to '7 Z FAX nrollber E-mail es/ t.. r i jw t ct) w.t? SI , ►tc'f— Pleas sign here: Signature Cr- Ne a- hts.w4►, Printed Name Date Signed FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: NOMINEE'S ADDRESS INSIDE BOUNDARIES? Y N N/A NOMINEE MEETS AGE REQUIREMENTS Y N N/A NOMINEE'S PROOF OF QUALIFICATION SUBMITTED: 4 City of Miami OAB/OVERTOWN COMMUNITY OVERSIGHT BOARD APPLICATION FORM FOR APPOINTED MEMBERS To be completed by the RECOMMENDER and to be submitted by 4:00 P.M. on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2010 to the office of the OVERTOWN NEIGHBORHOOD ENHANCEMENT TEAM (N.E. T.), at 1490 N.W. 3RD AVENUE; the office of the DISTRICT 5 COMMISSIONER at 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE or the office of the CITY CLERK at 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE. Note: A person may recommend himself/herself A. 1 nominate .E.IS;e vbb4rd for appointment to the OAB/Overtown Community Oversight Board. He/she meets the eligibility requirements because he/she is 18 years of age and also meets one or more of the following qualifications: 1. Resides in the Overtown Area at 1 to ID NiJ LOl /}lam 1\-4:4n1 i (1 33Mp 2. Is the current owner of property in the Overtown Area located at: 1(p10 Nlv 4iii A Mda );/ri 3313 "u N � c 3. Is an employee or board member of s}, ji%'r1 Vor(gi 14.55:ot1aij corinnueiay Melo,n:pt corporation or community based organization 1ocatej in and provides services to the Overtowe�Ara atMe a.I•ess ►'3Zg N.k) .S AVE- Mr 1-1 3313(or fir- pp rn Off:► fV [T� 4. Owns or is an employee of a business in the Overtown Area located at: '" -, t11 10• N l 4m i = 7E O N rn r cn W O - 2 or 5. Nominee's Info: Phone number (1$(9)290-47ly FAX Number Cell phone E-mail B. Please provi e a shortstatementtement of quali 'cations of the person you are recommending for appointment: As2y...) SA- 0-,--/P•<-, .LN - P' tN .144 _ %'LLB or C. Please provide your contact information for the purpose of clarifying the above and sign below Phone number OW) IAD- 1171y Cell phone J4$ G 32- 7317 FAX number .$057.0((-J-dl'1 E-mail /-1/4-e. LA/7"/w,, p�q D. Please sign here: Signature & L i E /7/0,1 0/4 (/ Printed Name /2/2.40 Date Signed FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: NOMINEE'S ADDRESS INSIDE BOUNDARIES? Y N N/A NOMINEE MEETS AGE REQUIREMENTS Y N N/A NOMINEE'S PROOF OF QUALIFICATION SUBMI II ED: City of Miami DAB/OVERTOWN COMMUNITY OVERSIGHT BOARD APPLICATION FORM FOR APPOINTED MEMBERS To be completed by the RECOMMENDER and to be submitted by 4:00 P.M. on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2010 to the office of the OVERTOWN NEIGHBORHOOD ENHANCEMENT TEAM (N.E. T.), at 1490 N.W. 3RD AVENUE; the office of the DISTRICT 5 COMMISSIONER at 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE or the office of the CITY CLERK at 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE. Note: A person may recommend himself/herself A. I nominate 41Cef C . f 71 He/she meets the -eligibility requiremen qualifications: I. Resides in the Overtown Area at {j 7W1 j i ; for appointment to the OAB/Overtown Community Oversight Board. s becae/she is 18 years of age and also meets one or more of the followin //36 IV'W. 301, q, 2. Is the current owner of property in the Overtown Area located at: 3. Is an employee or board member of ( JIGS Ar�1- �.• evelopment corporation or community based organization located in and provides services to the Overto Ana, R+the address o o ap a r � =moo • 3 or 4. Owns or is an employee of a business in the Overtown Area located at: 5. Nominee's Info: Phone numbe FAX Number ell phone E-mail . -o r v+ B. Please provide a short statement of qualifications of the person you are recommending for appointment: 0 M r e Re i nald mu•u tnq a[ Q r +; me r7' S f B e gin+ o Ne ,_c a mm l Ch,rL s-t-taf1i !.0 4C7 / d ! C af£ d 4 o rCi al 1< m over+aon C'_o rnrgunH- C. T E_i (i d p-fe ra tt ct._ C. Please provide your contact information for the purpose of clarifying the above and sign below � Phone number -3 $5 'W`�'] Cell phone ' ,�`" '— (p t/p " T a (- FAX number E-mail bJ v y e e 19'��.� e ko'fma i �I ' 01 D. Sign Please sign here: renLYrt s inted Name a -,rIto Date ed 1� FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: NOMINEE'S ADDRESS INSIDE BOUNDARIES? NOMINEE MEETS AGE REQUIREMENTS NOMINEE'S PROOF OF QUALIFICATION SUBMITTED: Y N N/A Y N N/A Feb 25 10 07:2Sp `; 't �yy'lSil�il+Ia.*�eA"�.ny( "1. �`�Ai,•t F. . t•�?�'±�?� �r �r:rr� . �',S''wii�'i.�•r���c' T w jNrer To be completed by the RECOMMENDER end to be submitted by 4:00 P.M on THURSDAY P B$I�ARY 25, 2010 to the office of the OVERT OWN NF1'CH,BO RHOOD ENHANCEMENT TEAM (N.E. T.), at 1490A! W J1 DDE; the office of the DISTRICT 5 COMMISSIONER at 3500 PAN AMER'ICAN DRIVE or the office of ee li LEA at rn Rl 0- N 0 n '} r�n 3500 PAR AMERICANDRIVE. Note_ A person may recommend himselfPhersetf. � —r i A. I nominate A`:`��1�A t.�: t1�A,t�e for appointment as youth member of the 0AI l tc om pity Oversight Board. He/she meets the eligibility t quirements because hc/shc is more than 14 years of age lira t1 t,19 is of age and also meets both of the fallowing qualifications- v r cn CJ1 1. Resides in the Ovettown Area at the address � � l� t.s - $'t^ I-1r-44 3 i 2. ; and 2. Attends the accredited institution E2 in the Overtuvai Arca located at the address t ?_cao. t.a w Cp=-A+- r x F e 3761 3. Nominee's Info: Phone number '7% . 2r1'. 7// 7 Cell phone E FAX Number E-mail 1)— 365coo }-v $. Please provide a short statement of qualifications of the person you arc recommending for appointment: ^ru A- t�11, . • cat- - g-acTE'5 dF '.5.9/- : ACt./C)�t-LY µIre L7 AQE Tyr �xriC � �c•s t ct- Lr A , 1-1= s w41'E SNP I+AS (...-+=rH rt•te= T�F..ac'; 4TZA[+ t'A5Le..a-r sr cS.1tA t C}+s-f-W.E'er wx�r 1-(12 -- «c J�{i rA�+c_£ Ar.+ca A4i-r/ce_AC--r.s. €g. A IU C. Please provide your contact information for the purpose of clarifying the above and sign below Phone number 2:455.Cell phone ' 5. S134 • 4494" FAX number 1166,fin. '")) 78 E-mail 50+traxt.c - s t4 ikyr ►�t�tz s� D. Pleas- hkre' Si Printed Name Date Signed Feb 25 10 07:00p p.2 City of Miami 0_4R/OVERTO14''V COMMUNrTY OVERSIGHT BOARD APPLICATION 1FORM FOR APPOINTED MEMBERS To he completed by the .RECOMMENDER owl to be submitted bi' 4:00 P.M. on Til URSDA 3 : SEPTFMBrR 24. 2009 to the office rrf the OVERTOH'N NE1Ct18ORHOOI) EA'HANCE4IE'VT TE.IM (21'.E.T.), nt 1490 R', K:3"" .'11`C1+LTE the office of the DISTRICT 5 COMMISSIONER at 3500 PAN .9iWERICAN DRIVE or the office of the CITY CL ERI.; rrr 3,111/ P.-IN AMERICA"' DRIVE, Note: A person may recom r+C.vd hinnclf/herself. A. 1 nominate Terrance Cribb ¢tram far appointment to the OAB/Ovcrtown Community C'sersight Board. Hefshe meets the eligibility requirements bet.ause he/she is IS years of age and also meets one nr more ;till the foliowirt^ qualifications: I- Resides in the Overtown Area at I/A , or 2. Is the current owner of property in the Ovcnown Areu located al: N/A or; 3 Is an employee or board member of v. r :-,`4mcricn,InS13ener Communities Of America Inc. communi y development corporation or community based organization located in and provides services to the Overtown Arcu, 01 he address 430 n i, J9'" Street Miami FL. 33 136 , cr ea'a WC7 �O ns or is tm employee of a business in the Ovcnwt ot Area located at: > 2C z cc X 1'IA _ ti��� f U Z U 1:• NsEninee's Info: Phone number _ 756.633.L6a Cell phone 7$6 66'3.15Cr1 - i N •cf•._0 FAX Number - Email benercorm-nuniticsofamericiu?ie;mail.cOm OC Cr5 �- -J O > U o cn 0 [3N Please prc4de a short statement of qualifications of the person you are recommending for appointment: aL6r. Tat' ance Cribbs-Ldrrmt has been ate a:live member in the Overtnwn community since 2003; providing suppon social ?viecOn the form of Ill V/AIDS Prevention/Intervention. Youth Organiain.g, Non -Violence and Domcstic'Advocate rvieei nrt`$a number of presentations/synoniuins surrounding personas development- Mr. Crtbbs-Lt rrsni has remained t tahfut b tcproving and empowcrins you.h that attend RookerT. Washington. Phyllis Wheat!' Elementary, Dunbar Er., Pedriek talas Elem. and lose De Dings, thrnugh the assistance of his work with Work America's PEAC13Project and as a ember is the Ovenrwn Youth Advisors Board (OCOB). Mr. Crtbbs-L6rront most recent project has besot ihr writ inv of t cjYoutll t`t -hc Move Summer Training Project Proposal; ran by Work America Inc. Mr, Cribbs-Ldrrari j` prepare to caurinue'b eArvicc to ncc community at -In rte.by ensuring; the well-being of every resident is priority with:c‘ cry decision, -t= -, C. Please provide your contact information for ri. a purpose of din -it -Ong the above and sign below .Phone number 786.623.1564 Cell phone 7xp Al. ,Life! FAX number E-mail: hencrcommuniriesofamSricm@]nnil,emu • D. Sign ..4.7.", %L r ►0;9- f Printed Name Dat Siened � FOR•OFFIciALiUSE ON LY: -NOMTNEE S AOiDRESS1NSiDE:BO1 NDARIESI. '• + - NOMTNCE MEI TS AGE!REQU1R E):1ENTS, -v. : NOMINEE:S'..PROOF OF,QUALIFICATi'ON SURMITTED: Y N N/A Y N N/A Feb 25 10 07:03p Sep, 24. 2(:Q9 1O:47AM Belainte Tt:eclty Center No. 1641 f' 2 p.3 4 City of Miami OAB/OV Id'TOWM COMMUNITY OVERSIGHT BOARD APPLICATION FORM FOR APPOINTED MEMBERS To be completed by the RECOMMENDER ,ttad to be submiUed by 4:00 P.M. on THURSDAY, SPPTEMBER 24, 2009 co the eke of the O VERTOR74 NEIGR'BORB,?0.D ENHANC.EMENT TEAkf E,.T.), at 7490IV Jr. ?D AVEIVUE: tier office of the DISTRICT S CO1i MLSSIOIIE'R or 3300 PANAMERfCA.ti MIZE or the office of the CITT aERK at 3500 PAN AMERICA.NDRIVE. Note: APerson may recommend himaelf/kerself A. I nominate Jet? for appointment to the 0A/3/Overton% Co,mmnntty Oversigbi Board. Hclshc mats the elgibihty requitement" because he/sbe n 18 yeas of age and also meets oat, of more of the following qualifications: I. Resides in the Ove crown Arta at z bJhe cturaat ow»e1 or property ir. the Over-loamArea located et: a J.4/3i4)/ t 3aM,.,I Lam-/,r 0 � +'v') i • jag�mployee or board member of cxmmauntty development I. = Q temp ion cr camoranity based organization located in and provides services to the Overtown Area, at the address - J ---.� �y in U wri'f qr is an employee of a busia: is in the Qvertown Arca located at: N *.� "- CC � � U :t 3 scc _in's Info; Phone numb-r ),� 7 l Ccl1 phone o N Q oC M t1 CI or FA]C1.hunber ` E.tnail_ jr A fl.�1 B. Please provide a vbort statement of qualifications of the person you are rocotumending £or appoimatdtr. .C. / r I' ;'P',rn - 10� Sail e, !�J 4dIt 2 re✓r�.r ,7.. /, f are- i' t. �, �//7�hvn;,jlJ rl1tC rrt Please provide your coast= infanaerion i )r the c gf e Eying the above and sign below Phoacnuml>'er r0457 / CeIIphonc FrIX number Z6�4J)i'7 f10 5 �° 5"�1 . PrirtadNatne rgrdt i llDS14c f'oa°OFFICIAL-USE ONLY: NOMINEE'S PR SS1NSIDEBOIINDAPJ S?" _ NOMINEE ) EET3'AC.rE ItE12UIREME 1TS •NOMD E'S YkOOF OF'QUAUFICATION SIJBMTIIED: y • N' I Z1 Wd .'zz d3S 601 NIA Feb 25 10 07:00p p.4 City of Miami OAB/OVERTOWN COMMUNITY OVERSIGHT BOARD APPLICATION FORM FOR APPOINTED MEMBERS !e, he completed by the RECOMMENDER and to be submitted by 4:00 P.M. on THURSDA Y, SEPTE111 BER 24. 2009 to me office of the OVERrOl+'A'NEIGHBORHOOD ENHANCEMENT TEAM(N.E.T.), or aa9O N.W. 3RD AVENUE"; the office of the DISTRICT 5 COMMISSIONER at 3500 PAN AMERICAIY DRIVE or the office of the CITY CLERK at 3500 PAN AME• RICA,V DRIVE. Notcc A person only recommend hir.rsrlf/hers'e ff. A. ] nominate Dcidrio Davis-1_indspy for appointment to the DAB/Ovcrlewn Cninr.iuniry Oversight Board, He/she meets th e cligibiliry requirements because he/she is IS years of age and also mccts one Or more of the following qualifications: I , Resides in the Ovenovm Area at „1950 NW 3'weMiami, FL 331 or 2. Is the current owner of property in the Overtown Area located at: 1950 NW 3Td Ave.Miami. FL. i31 36 or 3. gs an employee or board member of Villas of Si. Agn s Board Member cornmuniry development c,t;otpa atiori or community based organization located in and provides services to the Overtown Area, at the address Q19 NW 3'd Avr.Miami,FL 33136 or C') UJ �4, as or is an employee of a business it the Ovcrtown Area located at: F - J 4' W ul U N5. twiAtcc's Info: Phone number 305-43E3-9979 Cell phone 786-2]$-9$73 • 11.1 CO FAX Number E-mail rlrlwvis-lirtris ty(ThrecI ate] OrLI&P riadavi a)aol.corn o en U B. Nleas rovide a short statement of qualificatio s of the person you are recommending for ❑ppointrnent: 1 have an ex9ensive background in administrative support. 1 have worked as a Personal Assistant to Connres,swomat arric P. Meek was the Administrative Assistant for Chief Judge Alan D. Kuker (State of Florida, Workman's Compensation). and was the Markctinr, Suacrvisor for Channel 2 Public Television Station's :lightly Business Report for four (4) years. 1 spent a year with continental Airlines as a Reservation Sales Agent at Washington -Dulles International In lderndon, VA. [also workias an.itp96 Sercanner with_ TSA for one year. I currentl am employed by Celebrity Cruises, Inc at the Port of Miami for thej t five (5)Ceara,: C. Plcasc provide }'our contact information for the purpose of clarifying the above and sign below D. Please sign here: Signature Phone number FAX number Cell phone E-mail ,)eidritr Davis -Lindsay September 23, 2009 Printed Name hate Signed FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: • NOMINEE'S ADDRESS INSIDE BOUNDARIES? NOMINEE MEETS AGE REQUIREMENTS NOMINEE'S PROOF Or QUALIFICATION SUBMITTED: Y N N/A• Y N N/A 02/25/2010 15:45 NEW HORIZONS CMHC 4DMIN.OFFICE iFAX13056356378 P.002/002 City of Miami OAB/O VERTO WN COMMUNITY OVERSIGHT BOARD APPLICATION FORM FOR APPOINTED MEMBERS To be completed by the RECOMMENDER and to be submitted by 4:00 P.M. on THURSDA Y, FEBR UAR Y 25, 20I0 to the office of the OVERTOWN NEIGHBORHOOD ENHANCEMENT TEAM (N.E. T.), at 1490 N.W. 3'P° AVENUE; the office of the DISTRICT 5 COMMISSIONER at 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE or the office of the CITY CLERK at 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE. Note: A person may recommend himself/lrerself A. I nominate � �'" '=t= `A-k,I. for appointment to the OAB/Overtown Community Oversight Board. He/she meets the eligibility requirerr'ents because he/she is 18 years of age and also meets one or moref t)ie2following qualifications: I. Resides in the Overtown Area at w n —n �or 2. Is the current owner of property, in the Overtown Area located at: nr- 4-4 3. Is an employee or board member of con*prit/ corporation or community based organization located in and provides services to the Overtown ILtipat , or 4. Owns or is an employee of a business in the Overtown Area located at: -R -v r u= 0 co 0 nr loprr'4gt add* 5. Nominee's Info: Phone number Cell L hone , P I5 5`� _�er FAX Number E-mail 3JiS C. (:� C A -AA 0.) 1-0t L .C.() 441 B. Please provide a short statement of qualifications of the person you are recommending for appointment: C 041P- 0 )7- j fl E . Iy 5ti �c j-tl> ci1iG �N �»R ��IIEtv?— It�tt c ti i - _• :S > Ersiag l ti ( It+vN 11lu;�I L I7I Pq Ca 0 �-12� I �Z. � I f` TS -70 Art-Ci\J S �' t w c Tk 11a1� 0 i1 , t G It— 3.)P i0+ r I N /N- nf1 C, tkG 1 & kes I c1�,TS I N A 1-0 &1.& Ai r f ft i Tt{ K-C `,:).E ffEa )k C. Please provide your contact information for the purpose of clarifying the above and sign belo 3 ! Phone number Cell phone FAX number E-mail D. pC.19rf-\_ Printed Name Date Si: d el t.. .. ,'1 u4 =, p �d , . q �1 le .1itrr'ilV rii 0 w 1/� 'at� t a ,� 14 P lit`,t 17 i r 1::C• ` .rail. 'w t '; fa t ,, rJ v ', `.. � r1 r,a 1 ! ft• tN t '_ tI ((.A, I' I � ' t j'4 i 1Ij�': i 1. , � 1 ri#, 4 Y �, 1 l , ! 't ' F � ' f'"!P ; 14 •� 6 ` ),-A. . � lt'�i'p n lti.irn Fr.nu RilidtF :.1�'I1l« . J r 'i51;1 m , a it i (1 �� � r �� r : I ! 9� kk. 11i�11 Fl E;I 1 I I {II' -)) ' �� It Y�. .fi t ir ra i;�,,. , rE. ,` l' Fit 4 a ial, i i• r , n ri _ai +i 0, ��; ALI V tII .!l a it I ld r r4 r, t I't` 1 li toill , ,{ 1 i 1 ±4r� Eltl f�