HomeMy WebLinkAboutProc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 97, 1984Table 1. Incidence of woody plant species within 2-yr-old plantations of Leucaena leucocephala, Conocarpus erectus, and Acacia auriculiformis.
Tree species Ficus aurea
L. leucocephala
K8 cultivar
L. leucocephala
K28 cultivar
A. auriculiformis
C. erectus
4 4) (1.7) (0.0)
(2.9) (0.6) (0.6)
Mean no. of invasive woody plants/8 m2 quadrat (SD)a
Schinus terebinthifolius Baccharis halimifolia
Leueaena leucocephala
0.3 0.0
8.7 6.7
(2.3) (5.0)
zEach value is the mean of 3 quadrats, 8 m2 each in area. Values in parentheses are standard deviations.
native, both are aggressive and are found commonly in dis-
turbed areas, underscoring the fluidity of the term "weed."
It is also noteworthy that the relative abundance of volun-
teer leucaena, where encountered, was numerically very
close to the groundsel tree and that neither volunteer leu-
caena nor groundsel tree were as abundant as strangler fig
or Brazilian pepper tree under these experimental con-
ditions (Table 1).
Although the data generated in this study clearly show
very little weed potential for leucaena, it should be stressed
that both the K8 and K28 cultivars are relatively "domesti-
cated" forms of leucaena. It would not be reasonable to ex-
pect similar results from "wild" forms of leucaena and it is
also quite possible that different cultural conditions than
those used in the current study might have yielded different
results. Nevertheless, the results of this work indicate very
low weed potential for the K8 and K28 cultivars of leucaena
when grown under biomass cultivation conditions.
Literature Cited
1. Long, R. W. and O. Lakela. 1971. A flora of tropical Florida. Uni-
versity of Miami Press, Coral Gables, Florida.
2. Morton, J. F. 1976. Pestiferous spread of many ornamental and fruit
species in south Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort, Soc, 89:34B-353.
3, Patterson, J. and G. Stevenson. 1977. Native trees of the Bahamas.
Jack Patterson, Hope Town, Abaco, the Bahamas.
4, Ruskin, F. R. 1979. Tropical legumes: resources for the future.
National Acad. Sci., Washington, D.C.
5. U.S. Dept. Agr. 1971. Common weeds of the United States. Dover
Publications, Inc., New York.
6, Vietmeyer, N. and B. Cottom. 1977. Leucaena: promising forage
and tree crop for the tropics. National Acad. Sci., Washington, D.C.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 97:241-244. 1984,
Morton Collectanea,
University of Miami,
Coral Gables, FL 33124
Additional index words. Bischofia javanica, bishopwood.
Abstract. The bishopwood tree (Bischofia javanica Blume)
was introduced and promoted by E. N. Reasoner and Dr.
Henry Nehrling who greatly admired a large specimen at
Reasiner's Royal Palm Nurseries, Oneco. Dr. Charles Torrey
Simpson spoke well of the tree in 1914 but in his book,
Ornamental Gardening in Florida (1926), he wrote: "It seems
to be an excellent host for a smutty scale and now I am trying
to destroy it by girdling but it refuses to die." Despite this
warning, the tree was widely sold as an ornamental after
WW 1I. Soon it became obvious that the tree becomes too
big too soon; is not only subject to scale and leaf spot, but
has aggressive surface roots; fruiting branches successively
die back leaving holes in the crown; seedlings volunteer in
cultivated and natural areas. Removal and disposal of over-
grown trees is troublesome and costly, but the wood should
be salvaged, being durable in water and excellent for docks
and piling, and it is useful as firewood.
The bishopwood tree, Bischofia javanica Blume (syns.
B. trifolia Hook.; Andrachne trifoliate Roxb.) is a member
of the widespread and largely sinister family, Euphorbiaceae.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 97: 1984.
Among its few alternate names in English are: Java cedar,
red cedar, West Indian cedar and vinegar wood. In India, it
is called paniala, kainjal, boke, joki and several other dia-
lectal names. In Malaya, it is nira or thirippu; in Burma,
tayokthe; in Samoa, oa; in Fiji, tongogongo, no-ghor or koka
(1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 10).
The tree is fast-growing, erect, to 60 ft, with cylindrical
trunk to 12 ft in circumference. The bark is light -brown to
grayish, shallowly and narrowly fissured, the surface readily
flaking. Evergreen in humid climates, deciduous in areas
of low rainfall, the alternate, spirally -set leaves have rather
rubbery petioles up to 7 inches long, flattened on the upper -
side, tinged with maroon at the base and apex, and the
blade is divided into 3 (or sometimes 4-5), leathery, elliptic
or obovate, pointed, recurved leaflets, to 6 inches long and
3 inches wide, irregularly saw-toothed, dark -green above,
paler beneath, with conspicuous veins and midrib, the latter
flat and white on the upper surface, tinged maroon beneath.
Petiolules are more or less maroon -tinted, the lateral ones
are very short and the terminal up to 3 inches long. Old
leaflets turn orange before they fall.
Male and female flowers are borne on separate trees.
The blooms are very small, 5-parted, pale -green or green-
ish -white, profuse, in loose axillary panicles or racemes.
Fruits are round, to 3/8 inch wide, brown -scurfy, with juicy,
greenish flesh, in pendent strands from 4 inches to 4 ft
F.g. 1. Bishopwood (Bischofia javanica Blume) has trifoliate leaves
with finely toothed leaflets, sprays of tiny flowers, and bunches of brown -
skinned, spherical, juicy fruits. (Photo by Julia Morton).
Origin and Distribution
Bishopwood is native to the Chinese provinces of
Kwangtung, Fukien, Kweichow, Yunnan and Hupeh; also
to Burma, India, the Andaman Islands, Malaysia, tropical
Australia and Polynesia (2, 13, 21). In India, it is said,
"Where tigers abound, they are usually found clearing their
claws by digging them into the soft, astringent bark of the
paniala. Inhabiting swamps, river banks and moist locali-
ties, the paniala, as its very name suggests, is a tree that grows
where there is plentiful moisture." "The paniala can stand
shade and moderate frosts, but no drought. It can struggle
through weeds characteristic of moist localities. The tree
ood healthy shoots." 'The
coppices well and throws up
paniala can be easily propagated by means of transplants pis cocherelli); coconut scale Aspi t_
raised from seed in nurseries. (8). Throughout its natural Florida red scale (Chrysompha u.s aonidum). (11, C. Dowl-
range it may occur from sea level to an altitude of 5,000 ft
ing and G. Gwin, Bur. Plant Inspection, personal com-
and is often associated with teak (21). In southern Florida, munications). On the honeydew excreted by scale insects
the rainfall is sufficient to satisfy the tree on non -swampy, there develops the sooty mold that offended Dr. Simpson.
well -drained limestone as well as on sand and marl. Other pests commonly found on this tree are the Keys white -
fly (Aleurodicus dispersus), mealy bugs, and thrips (G.
History and Status in Florida Gwin, Bur. Plant Inspection, personal communication). In
Asia, the tree is sometimes attacked by a small boring beetle
The tree was introduced by E. N. Reasoner and planted that penetrates to the heartwood (12).
at his Royal Palm Nurseries at Oneco (16). It was first
mentioned in the Proceedings of the Florida State Horti-
cultural Society in a paper by Charles Torrey Simpson pre-
sented at the 25th Annual Meeting of May 14-16, 1912. He
referred to it as "A rapid -growing tree with handsome tri-
foliate leaves which flourishes finely here." (18). Reasoner
merely listed it among tropical trees for southern Florida
in his paper at the 27th Annual Meeting in 1914 (17). He
wrote the famed plantsman, Dr. Henry Nehrling, that it was
a tree of "great beauty" and "an ideal shade tree." Dr. Nehrl-
ing visited the nursery and was greatly impressed by the
tree. He reported that he was "at once struck by its distinct
beauty, its outstanding individuality and its fine form"; that
"it was one of the most beautiful, one of the densest and
noblest exotic trees" it had ever been his good fortune to
see. He planted a specimen at his Palm Cottage Gardens in
its rowth disappointingly open and leggy but
Gotha, found g
it proved hardy. "The heavy freeze in early February, 1917,
only killed back some of its branches and it soon fully re -
Naples but it died fromlanted a waterlogging.seedlingHrecommended in its
in length (3, 5, 10, 14). They are considered edible in Fiji.
Tlside, light -brown, mall,sglossy,
averaging wedge-shaped
g 2,50 p
roundeder oz. (8)
planting as a "shade and avenue tree in extreme southern
Florida." (16).
It was planted in Miami and must have been distributed
by the United States Department of Agriculture, for there
was a 20-ft tree at the Agricultural Station in Bermuda in
1915 (6) and one over 60 ft high at the Agricultural Experi-
ment Station in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, in 1923 (7).
By 1926, Dr. Simpson was disenchanted. In his book,
Ornamental Gardening in Florida, he wrote: "It seems to be
an excellent host for a smutty scale and now I am trying to
destroy it by girdling but it refuses to die. It might make
a shade tree for roads but I think we have much better ones."
(19) . Nevertheless, Gaines B. Wilson, of Miami, in a paper
presented before the 50th Annual Meeting of the Florida
State Horticultural Society in 1937, included Bischofia
javanica among the trees in his "Recommended and Proven
List", as "Handsome, dark green glossy foliage. Introduced dense with head
years agobutrarely+
planted" (24).
Sturrock and Menninger included Bischofia javanica in
their Shade and Ornamental Trees for South Florida and
Cuba (1946) (22), and Nixon Smiley had nothing negative
to say of it in his chapter on Shade Trees in Subtropical
Gardening in Florida (1951) (20). In fact, this tree was
actively promoted by nurserymen and landscapers over the
several years of rapid real estate development immediately
after World War II.
Growing Awareness of Undesirability
Gradually, it became apparent that the tree is a prime
host for several foliage diseases and pests. Inspectors from
the Florida State Division of Plant Industry's Bureau of
Plant Inspection have recorded leaf spot diseases caused by
Phyllostica sp. and Cercospora bischofiae Yamamoto, and
green scurf, or algal leaf spot, caused by Cephaleuros vires-
cens Kunze (23). They have also identified heavy infestations
of tessellated, or palm, scale (Eucalymnatus tessellates); pyri-
form scale (Protopulvinaria pyri f ormis); oleander scale
(Phenacaspis cocherelli); false oleander scale (Pseudaulacas-
d`ntus destructor), and
Fig. 2. The bishopwood tree is a prime host for several foliage
diseases and pests, and sooty mold develops on honeydew excreted by
scale insects. (Photo by Julia Morton),
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 97: 1984.
In addition, it became evident that the tree was out-
growing its allotted space in home gardens, that it has ag-
gressive, far-reaching surface roots; also that branches that
bear fruit die back and in succeeding years other branches
fruit and die back, leaving large gaps in the crown, and
the tree becomes progressively more unsightly. Topping the
tree and rapid regrowth produce a temporary improvement
until the resumption of the branch fruiting -and -dying cycle.
Eventually the property owner cuts the tree down entirely
and, like Dr. Simpson, must take drastic steps to overcome
vigorous sprouting from the stump.
Fig. 3. An 11-year-old bishopwood tree with one-half bearing heavily.
The leaves on the bearing branches are yellowish; on the non -bearing
branches, deep -green. (Photo by Julia Morton).
Another serious disadvantage of the bishopwood tree is
that its fruits are eagerly consumed by migrating robins and
the resulting bird -distribution of seeds gives rise to volun-
teer seedlings, especially in hedges and shrubbery of culti-
vated grounds, but also as invaders in hammocks and other
natural areas (15).
Further, apart from its nuisance aspect as a weed, the
tree seems to have harmful properties. In the past few years
veterinarians have been reporting illness in several dogs and
cats that have chewed on the foliage of small specimens with-
in their reach.
No experienced, responsible nurseryman would grow the
tree today. Unfortunately, there are newcomers in the land-
scape trade who seeks fast-growing trees of any kind and avail
themselves of any left -over stocks of this species to achieve
"instant" effects in new housing and commercial develop-
ments. The property owner finds out too late that he has
acquired an undesirable tree and a disposal problem. One
unhappy householder in Cooper City reported that two
bishopwood trees planted by the builder's landscape con-
tractor 12 ft from the house and 4 ft from the driveway had
reached 25 ft in height in 3 yr and surface roots were
"spreading in all directions". Such a situation is common
and the householder has no recourse but to bear the cost
of having the trees taken out and the disappointment and
cost of having to replace these trees with suitable species
properly located. The tree should never have been adopted
for landscaping.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 97: 1984.
Fig. 4. Upper branches of this large bishopwood tree, receiving most
light, have fruited heavily, a few at a time, over the years and have died
successively. The tree is an ugly sight and a massive disposal problem.
(Photo by Julia Morton).
Potential Economic Uses
The main asset value of the bishopwood tree is as a
source of useful timber. It is cultivated in India, Burma,
Taiwan (12), East Africa and South Africa (21) for its
wood which somewhat resembles black walnut (12) but
has a strong vinegar odor when freshly cut. The heartwood
is dull red -brown, close -textured, usually with a wavy grain;
hard, strong, medium -heavy (45 lb/ft3), medium durable
indoors or out and especially under water. It is employed
for piling, bridges, boats, wells, railway sleepers, buildings,
furniture, carving and pencils (2, 5, 10, 12, 21). Durability
is extended by preservative treatment but the heartwood is
non -absorbent. When creosoted, sleepers last 15 yr, other-
wise only 4-5 yr.
The wood is easy to work and takes a good polish. It
does not warp if kiln -dried. Air -drying must be gradual, else
it may warp and crack (2). Some local woodworkers are al-
ready taking advantage of the available wood when these
trees are cut down and are pleased with bowls and other
objects made from it. It is to be hoped that this utility will
provide an additional incentive for removing bishopwood
trees from cultivated and wild areas. Branches unwanted for
carpentry should be salvaged for fuel. When thoroughly
dry, the wood burns with intense heat (William Graves,
Univ. of Fla. AREC, Homestead; personal communication).
Medicinal and other folk uses
The astringent leaf juice is applied on sores in India (5).
In Fiji, the leaf is eaten or the leaf decoction is imbibed to
relieve tonsilitis (1). Japanese investigators report an ascorbic
acid content of 136 mg/ 100 g (2).
The bark contains 16% tannin and yields a brown dye
commonly used in Samoa for making designs on tapa cloth
(9). In Fiji and the New Hebrides, the bark is boiled in
salt water and placed on cuts. The inner bark is rubbed on
urticaria caused by stinging hairs of nettle-like plants (1),
[probably Laportea spp.]
The bishopwood is another example of the many mis-
takes made in the past in introducing and utilizing exotic
fast-growing trees for landscaping in South Florida. These
mistakes are being repeated to the detriment of the property
owner, the community and the environment. It is time
for nursery and landscaping professionals to promote the
ideal of quality and suitability, rather ecies for pthan just speed of
ing. It1isin time echoice for Southf Florida landscaping to maturation ad Literature Cited
1. Altschul, S. 1973, Drugs and foods from little-known plants. Harvard
Univ. Press, Cambridge, Mass.
2. Anonymous. 1948, Wealth of India: Raw Materials. Vol. I. Goun.
Sci. & Indus. Res., New Delhi.
3. Backer, C. A. and R. C. Bakhuizen van den Brink, Jr. 1963. Flora
of Java (Spermatophytes only), Vol. I. N. V. P. Noordhoff, Gronin-
gen, The Netherlands.
4. Bailey, F. M. 1902. The Queensland flora. Pt. V. H. J. Diddams
Co., Brisbane.
5. Benthall, A. P. 1946. Trees of Calcutta and its neighborhood.
Thacker Spink & Co. (1933) Ltd., Calcutta.
6. Britton, N. L. 1918. Flora of Bermuda. Charles Scribner's Sons, New
7. Britton, N. L. and P. Wilson. 1923-24. Botany of Porto Rico and
the Virgin Islands. Vol. 5, Pts. 1-4, New York Acad. Sci., New York.
8. Chaturvedi, M. D. 1958. Where there's water, there's the paniala.
Indian Fanning 8(7):13.
9. Christopherson, E. 1935. Flowering plants of Samoa. Bul. 128,
Bernice P, Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii.
10. Dastur, J. F. 1951. Useful plants of India and Pakistan, 2nd ed,
D. B. Taraporevala Sons & Co., Ltd., Bombay.
11. Dekle, G. W. 1976. Arthropods of Florida and neighboring land
areas. Vol, 3: Florida armored scale insects. Florida Dept, Agr.,
Div. Plant Industry, Gainesville, Fla.
12. Howard, A. L. 1951. A manual of the timbers of the world, Macmil-
lan & Co., Ltd., London.
13. Lee, S. 1935. Forest botany of China. Commercial Press, Ltd.,
14. Long, R. W. and O. Lakela. 1971. A flora of tropical Florida. Univ.
of Miami Press, Coral Gables, Fla.
15, Morton, J. F. 1976. Pestiferous spread of many ornamental and
fruit species in South Florida. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 89:348-353.
16. Nehrling, H. 1944. My garden in Florida and miscellaneous horti-
cultural notes, Vol. 1. The American Eagle, Estero, Fla,
17, Reasoner, E. N. 1914. Flowering trees for Florida. Proc. Fla. State
Hort. Soc. 27:170.171.
18. Simpson, G. T. 1912. Native and exotic. Proc. Fla. State Hort.
Soc. 25:184.
19. Simpson, C. T. 1926. Ornamental gardening in Florida. Published
by the author, Little River, Fla.
20, Smiley, N. 1951, Subtropical gardening in Florida, Univ. of Miami
Press, Coral Gables, Fla.
21. Streets, R. J. 1962. Exotic forest trees in the British Commonwealth.
Clarendon Press, Oxford, England.
22 trees for South Florida and eCuba. Stuartnninger. Daily Shade DailyN News, Inc., Stuart,
23. Wehlburg, C., S. A. Alfieri, Jr., K. R. Langdon, and J. W. Kim-
brough. 2975. Index of plant diseases in Florida. Bul. 11. Fla.
Dept, Agr. & Consumer Serv., Div, Plant Industry, Gainesville, FL.
24. Wilson, G. B. 1937. Shade tree planting in southern Florida. Proc.
Fla. State Hort. Soc. 50:65,
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 97:244-247. 1984.
Divisions of Forestry dr Plant Industry, FDA CS,
P.O. Box 1269,
Gainesville, FL 32602
Division of Forestry, FDACS,
3125 Conner Boulevard,
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Additional index words. Acacia cyanophylla, Colletotrichum
gloeosporioides, Glomerella cingulata.
Abstract. Several species of Acacia are grown in Florida
as ornamentals. In recent years, more than a dozen
e d
of Gloeosporium sp. and/or Colletotrichum sp., with anthracnose-like symptoms on at (east three Acacia spp.,
have appeared in the files of Florida's Division of Plant In-
dustry. An additional report has been located in the
filClinic. of
the University of Florida Extension Plant Pathology
ports are from Brevard, Charlotte, Highlands, Lee, Martin,
Orange and Palm Beach Counties. An isolate of the pathogen
from Acacia cyanophylla in Highlands County has been identi-
fied as Glomerella cingulata (anamorph = Colletotrichum
gloeosporioides); the anthracnose pathogen apparently
parent) New
sponsible for damage to Acacia spp. in
lC- o- ntribution No. 570. Bureau of Plant Pathology. Trade names
are used in this article solely to provide specific information. Mention
of a trademark or proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee
Inrestry and/or Plant
imply its roduct by
the Divisions of approval to the exclusion ofoother products that
may also be suitable.
Guinea, and India. Inoculations have proven the patho-
genicity of this isolate to A. cyanophylla; providing the first
confirmation of anthracnose of acacia in Florida. Trials indi-
cate control may be achieved with a number of fungicides.
Chlorothalonil appears most effective.
The nearly pantropical genus, Acacia Mill. (Legumino-
sae, subfamily Mimosoidae), is comprised of ca. 800 species
of shrubs and small trees (8). Acacia spp. are used for timber,
tannin, soil reclamation, windbreaks, fuel, conservation, and
sometimes even cattle fodder where grazing is scarce (3, 8).
Many species are used as ornamentals also, due in part to
their often showy flowers. In the United States, acacias are
grown as ornamentals in several warmer areas including the
west coast, Hawaii, and southern Florida.
Few diseases significantly affect the use of acacias as
ornamentals. However, losses of up to 90% of nursery
seedling crops of A. dealbata Link. to anthracnose infections
[diseases "having characteristic limited lesions, necrosis, and
hypoplasia, generally caused by one of the Melanconiales",
sensu 1-Iawksworth et al. (6)] have been reported in Japan
(7, 14). Indeed, anthracnose of acacia has been included in
a listing of internationally dangerous forest tree diseases (14).
Ito and Shibukawa (7) originally described the anthracnose
pathogen as Physalospora acaciae Ito & Shibukawa (ana-
morph = Colletotrichum acaciae Ito & Shibukawa). The
organism was later determined by Terashita (13) to be
synonymous with Glomerella cingulata (Stonem.) Spaulding
& Schrenk (anamorph = C. gloeosporioides (Penz.) Sacc.).
Apparently, G. cingulata is responsible for damage to Acacia
spp. in Spain, New Guinea, and India (l, S) as 'wen. -Mena
(9), however, described a serious foliage disease of A. Longi-
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 97: 1984.