Date: 3/25/2010
Commission Meeting Date:5 I. Jc Z fU
"1�'1,'1GEf"1E"dT BUDGET
Requesting Department.;:fl FizzLL
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District Impacted: All
Type: X Resolution (1 Ordinance ❑ Emergency Ordinance (1 Discussion Item
❑ Other
Subject: Grant Funded Positions
Purpose of Item:
Jw Department
Matter ID No.
The Department of Fire -Rescue is requesting to utilize Grant Funding (FEMA & UASI ) to increase
its Table of Organization by six (6) Civilian positions. These positions will be paid for with grant
dollars and are needed to adequately address the Programmatic and Financial management activities
of the Grant awards. These positions will be terminated once the grant funding ceases.
Background Information:
Budget Impact Analysis
NO Is this item related to revenue?
YES Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below.
General Account No: 11000.181000. 5t Z000 0000. Qiooce
Special Revenue Account No: P-18-800013-T-1-A-1648-E-Re2ular salaries & wages-
CIP Project No: 0-18100
NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds?
Start Up Capital Cost:
Maintenance Cost:
Total Fiscal Impact:
If using or receiv
Grants e
Final Approvals
capital funds
APR X 1 2010
Risk Management/ ",s, ' //(�4e I,
Dept. Director
City Manager
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Background Information:
The City's financial needs have increased while the revenue stream has been severely challenged. This crisis
situation has accentuated the need to properly administer and protect all Special Revenue funding sources.
Over the past ten (10) years there have been numerous FEMA and UASI grants that have been awarded to the
City, which have added to the work load of applying for, managing and complying with numerous audit
requirements. Just within the past 12 months we have dealt with Financial Audits from the Florida Office of
the Inspector General, the City's External Auditor (mandatory annual single audit) and the City's Internal
Auditor. Within that same 12 month period we have dealt with two (2) Programmatic Audits (1 from the State
and 1 from the Federal Government). Due to the enormous amount of workload and backlog, we have
requested multiple extensions for various grant awards (for example, the 2005 UASI grant has resulted in five
(5) extension requests and we are still backlogged on this grant.)
UASI Grants: three (3) positions have been requested; this program has grown to include eight (8) grants
totaling $108,998,353.00. (2003-2004 are closed but must face audits, and 2005-2010 [1 in application phase]
are active and require numerous ongoing Programmatic and Financial management activities, to adequately
comply with the grant guidance).
1) Position #1 This is the Program Manager Position needed since we are reducing consultant
dependency. This position will be instrumental in developing the annual Investment
Justifications, updating the Regional Strategy, developing the Regional Budgets, maintain the
Budget Workbooks, assisting with updating and maintaining current grant programmatic
processes, assisting with updating Regional Planning, Training and Exercises.
2) Position #2 This is an Administrative Aide II position needed to assist with new grant
requirements that include maintaining an inventory list of every item bought in the Region
for all the Grant years and routinely inspecting the inventory. This position will also be
used to complete the newly enforced Environmental Historical Preservation Forms for
various UASI project line items. This position will also be tasked with maintaining
Regional Credentialing (to comply with the National Incident Management System),
maintain the Regional UASI Emergency Notification program and Web EOC.
3) Position #3 This is an Administrative Aide II position needed to assist with maintaining
Project Line Item Balance Sheet for each UASI Award year (some awards have nearly 100
Projects each) and completing a monthly reconciliation of the projects. This has not been
done previously which has proven to be problematic as the grants near expiration where
reimbursements, closeouts and audits are required.
FEMA Grants: Three (3) positions have been requested, the program includes numerous active
Public Assistance, Hazard Mitigation awards and several recently closed awards, totaling
$88,582,960.39 (that require large amounts of paper work, project line item balance sheets, proper
reconciliation and closeout of Citywide project work sheets).
1) Position #1 This is a Fiscal Assistant position needed to assist with maintaining a Project
Line Item Balance Sheet for each of the FEMA awards and completing a monthly
reconciliation of the projects. This has proven to be problematic as the awards near
expiration where closeouts, reimbursements and audits are required.
Background Information:
2) Position #2 This is an Administrative Aide II position that is needed to liaison with various
City Departments to insure that the award requirements are disseminated, understood, and
complied with (including the proper completion of Project Worksheets and other various
forms and processes [by the Departments] at the onset and throughout the duration of the
award). This position will also assist with tracking required paperwork among various
City Departments and assist with Quarterly reports to the Grantor.
3) Position #3 This is Fiscal Assistant position needed to assist with the compilation and
verification of reimbursement packages before they are submitted to the Grantor. This
position will assist with conducting spot check audits of the UASI and FEMA in house
financial processes and assist with ongoing Audit requests from Internal and External
These positions will be paid for with grant dollars and are needed to adequately address the
Programmatic and Financial management activities of the Grant Awards. These positions will be
terminated once the grant funding ceases.