HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Miami River Commission -Letter from Chairman Buermann to Miami City CommissionPolicy Committee: Governor of State of Florida Mr. Charlie Crist Designee: Ms. Patricia Hams Chair of Miami -Dade Delegation Representative Juan Zapata Designee: Representative Luis Garcia Chair of Governing Board of South Florida Water Management District Mr. Eric Buermann Miami -Dade State Attorney Ms. Katherine Fernandez -Rundle Designee: Mr. Gary Winston Mayor of Miami -Dade County Mayor Carlos Alvarez Designee: Mr. Tim Riera-Gomez Mayor of Miami Mayor Tomas Regalado City of Miami Commissioner Commissioner Frank Carollo Miami -Dade County Commissioner Commissioner Bruno Barreiro Designee: Ms. Marlene Avalo Chair of Miami River Marine Group Mr. Richard Dubin Designee: Mr. Orin Black Chair of Marine Council Mr. Ed Swakon Designee: Mr. Phil Everingham Executive Director of Downtown Development Authority Ms. Alyce Robertson Designee: Mr. Javier Betancourt Chair of Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce Mr. Barry Johnson Designee: Ms. Megan Kelly Neighborhood Representative Appointed by City of Miami Commission Dr. Ernest Martin Designee: Mr. Michael Cox Neighborhood Representative Appointed by Miami -Dade Commission Ms. Sallye Jude Designee: Ms. Jane Caporelli Representative from Environmental or Civic Organization Appointed by the Governor Mr. Horatio Stuart Aguirre Member at Large Appointed by the Governor Mr. Jay Carniichael Member at Large Appointed by Miami -Dade Commission Ms. Sara Babun Designee: Ms. Vilma Licea-Camejo Member at Large Appointed by City of Miami Commission Mr. Manny Prieguez Managing Director Mr. Brett Bibeau Miami River Commission c/o Robert King High 1407NWT°ST,Suite D Miami, Florida 33125 Office: 305-644-0544 Fax:305-642-1136 email: miamiriver@bellsouth.net www.miamirivercommission.org March 5, 2010, Honorable Chairman Marc Sarnoff City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Re: March 11, 2010 City Commission Agenda Item DI. 4 Impacting the Miami River Dear Chairman Sarnoff: This letter serves as the Miami River Commission's (MRC) "official statement" to all City Commissioners, requested in City Resolution 00- 320, regarding an item deferred to the March 11, 2010 City Commission agenda, which impacts the Miami River. Please find the enclosed May 8, 2008 and March 18, 2008- letters. Should you have any questions or require any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me anytime. Your support for the Miami River is appreciated. Sincerely, Miami River Commission SLJBMITTED INTO THE !'UREIC RECORD FOR ITEM J)r.4 ON 3=i-io . Assistant Managing Director Ms. Ashley L. Chase 10 - ao00iQ- Su bri i tta- P'iayni ivCr'Cornrnls's'on-Wterfo.ma►m1 C►ti Vial rvn &verrmc vn' Orvon I SS 10 n Policy Committee: Governor of State of Florida Mr. Charlie Cris( Chair of Miami -Dade Delegation Representative Juan Zapata Chair of Governing Board of South Florida Water Management District Mr. Eric Buermann Miami -Dade State Attorney Ms. Katherine Fernandez -Rundle Designee: Mr. Gary Winston Mayor of Miami -Dade County Mayor Carlos Alvarez Designee: Mr. Robert T. Villar Mayor of Miami Mayor Manuel A. Diaz Designee: Mr. Robert Ruano City of Miami Commissioner Commissioner Joe Sanchez Designee: Mr. Steve Wright Miami -Dade County Commissioner Conunissioner Bruno Barreiro Designee: Ms. Lubby Navarro Chair of Miami River Marine Group Mr. Richard Dubin Designee: Capt. Beau Payne Chair of Marine Council Mr. Ed Swakon Designee: Mr. Phil Everingham Executive Director of Downtown -Development Authority Mr. Dana A. Nottingham Designee: Mr. Adam Lukin Chair of Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce Mr. Barry Johnson Designee: Ms. Megan Kelly Neighborhood Representative Appointed by City of Miami Commission Dr. Ernest Martin Designee: Mr. Michael Cox Neighborhood Representative Appointed by Miami -Dade Commission Ms. Sallyc Jude Designee: Ms. Jane Caporelli Representative from Environmental or Civic Organization Appointed by the Governor Member at Large Appointed by the Governor Member at Large Appointed by Miami -Dade Commission Ms. Sara Bahun Designee: Ms. Elena Licea Member at Large Appointed by City of Miami Commission Mr. Manny Prieguez Managing Director Mr. Brett Bibcau OS -002'13c: I--JUI v► Miami River Commission clo Robert King High 1407 NWT 7' ST, Suite D Miami, Florida 33125 Office: 305-644-0544 Fax: 305-642-1136 email: miamiriver@bellsouth.net www.miamirivercommission.org May 8, 2008 Honorable Chairman Joe Sanchez City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida Re: Recommendation for Approval of PZ 1 - EAR Based Amendments to the Comp. Plan Recommended by the City of Miami's Planning Advisory Board With One Condition Dear Chairman Sanchez: On May 5, 2008 the Miami River Commission (MRC) updated our previous advisory recommendation based on the April 30, 2008 City of Miami Planning Advisory Board's (PAB) recommended Evaluation Appraisal Report (EAR) based amendments to the City's Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. The MRC, by a vote of 11-0, found the PAB's proposed EAR recommended amendments to the Comp. Plan to be consistent with the Miami River Corridor Urban Ihfill Plan with the following condition: • Not Deleting Comp Plan "Policy PR-1.5.8: Expand the existing Jose Marti Park to provide additional recreational opportunities for the area's residents, workers, and visitors." Your time and consideration are appreciated. Sincerely, Eric Buermann Chair, Miami River Commission SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMPZiON �--o. - Letter- Cfl ami C�,iver �'vvnmis.: c.� the entire river, and to discourage encroachment through its land development regulations. allo Miami River in appropriate locations. provid adjacent land uses while protecting th operations and potential improvements; Port of Miami River 1 Goal PA-3: The Port of Miami River,—a.-gFoup-of-prJvatety-ownedand-operated-commere-ial Fic , which encompasses the water dependent marine activity on the river, including shipping and the associated supporting marine industries zoned SD-4 on the Miami River, shall be encouraged to continue operation as a valued and economically viable component of the city's maritime industrial base. Objective PA-3.1: The City of Miami, , shall help protect the Port of Miami River from encroachment by non water -dependent or water -related land uses, and shall regulate its expansion and redevelopment in coordination with the City's applicable coastal management and conservation plans and policies. A\C Policy PA-3.1.1: The City sfaaimay ` ncourage the establishment and maintenance of water -dependent water -related uses along the banks of the Miami River along with water taxi andra r pleasure craft uses along mpatible uses. The City shall, esidential development along the e residential uses are compatible with of Miami River's economic function, Policy PA-3.1.2: The City shall.; s = • 'ts-nand-develeprnent-regalatiefsrencourage the development and expan Ian • the Port of Miami River consistent with the coastal management and conse ifiM elements of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Policy PA-3.1.3: Tt ity shall rough-its-tang-deveiepr4eet4eg latiens;-encourage development occtpatible land uses in the vicinity of the Port of Miami River:sees to ado ss-the- cbidifurther depletion of land zoned for marine industrial use and se -as -to mitigate po ntial adverse impacts arising from the Port of Miami River upon adjacent naturaht sources and land uses. ObjectiverPA 33.2: The City of Miami shall coordinate the surface transportation access to the Port of Miami River with the traffic and mass transit system shown on the traffic circulation map series. Policy PA-3.2.1: The City of Miami shall, through the Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan, coordinate intermodal surface and water transportation access serving the Port of Miami River. '-The'Pci: a' Ser3vV 8F-ii-simp1'f3fagal-n8m6-# rib enbri-sama-14-4Klapexld+!i Ad1eNd.Nivi-64;a11-sktipaiNj-e".9n enio-'Juc to '�3 o 6 - r.-F-ac+Gtylxitt±in-the asp: ::o ,� a o - +elorw. Tha idsaMication er-tAse%ahipping-ca't RoA �S{aral Rr+sF+va aaa-tA66 i errla p or,s5of aatvi:g ; S-Goa uatd-cagHtaliaa•goveata9-!i+9a-pw -olds, Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 66fiM„ Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.13 on 11-13-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk u .0 O ' p Y 70 O Q d ate, c,4 u o >- c • w en ~ 0 .O O O Q -0 u O (0 a c Ti t v O aH = u • 1= O ow w Vf L ' • Objective PA-3.3: The City of Miami shall coordinate its Port of Miami River planning activities with those of ports facilities providers and regulators including the U.S. Corps of Engineers, U.S. Coast Guard, the Miami River Commission, and Miami Dade County's Port of Miami and Miami -Dade County. Policy PA-3.3.1: The City of Miami, through its Intergovernmental Coordination Policies, shall support and coordinate with other jurisdictions and agencies having jurisdiction over the Miami River in order to support and enhance the Port of Miami River's economic importance and viability as a port facility. the functions of the Port of Miami River consistent with the future goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, particularly with respect to the unique characteristics of the Port of Miami River's location and its economic position and functioning within the local aritime industry, and the necessity for coordination of these characteristics and nee ith the maritime industry that complements, and often competes with, the Portf'iramr River. \f9 9,64 Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 67 Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 Submitted into the public ' record in connection with item PZ.13 on 11-13-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Policy CM-2.2.2: [Reserved] Goal CM-3: [Reserved) -Provide an adequate supply of land for water dependent uses. ' Objective CM-3.1: .[Resewed]Allow no net loss of acreage devoted to water dependent uses in the coastal area of the City of Miami. Policy CM-3.1.1: (Re:,erved)Future land use and development regulations will encourage water dependent uses along the shorelines. Goal CM-4: Ensure public safety and the protection of property within t/ Coastal done from the threat of hurricanes. Objective CM-4.1: Minimize the potential for loss of humanrlre and the destruction of property from hurricanes. \'4\ Policy CM-4.1.1: Enforce building code stands, at protect against the destruction of structures by hurricane winds and tidal sv�e1�, Policy CM-4.1.2: Continue to en ur hat all development and redevelopment conforms to proper elevation req ireis in the Coastal High Hazard Area, which is defined as the areas below t vation of the category 1 storm surge line, as established by a Sea, La and Overland Surges from Hurricanes (SLOSH) computerized storm sure del as depicted on the Future Land Use Plan Mapthat area -identified 3. - " _ :4-by-the-Fedcral-Emergency tvtanageme on-its-Flood-insura ' - e-Maps-(FORA}-except that on Virginia -Key, .where-a£eastal Cens-targtion-C inc (CCCL) has been -established: -either a °V-" zene-er-the Hazard Ar - See map following -page.) Poli eC 4.1.3: Measures-previding The City shall continue to implement measures for protection of City owned historic properties from destruction in the event of a major storm, and plans for each site's restoration in the event of destruction or major damage will remain in effect. Policy CM-4.1.4: Immediately subsequent to the event of a major storm, the adequacy of existing building standards and the appropriateness of land uses and development regulations in the Coastal High Hazard Area will be reviewed, and all modifications to standards, zoning or land use policies required to reduce future risk of loss of life and property damage will be adopted prior to the approval of long term, post disaster redevelopment plans. Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 90 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.13 on 11-13-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk o o a '�' E - o rm 1 0 c 77, 61 E v r c .4..E u .a 3 3 N o rl O 9- Policy LU-1.4.9: The City will continue to promote rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of r vacant and underutilized spaces and provide Incentives for rehabilitation of older c c c a 'v' buildings in downtown. •— o CO -a U o _ 4, Policy LU-1.4.10: The City will continue to develop modifications to existing regulations with the intent of providing greater flexibility in the design and implementation of mixed -use developments within the general Downtown area and particularly along the Miami River Downtown in accordance with neighborhood design and development standards adopted as a result of the amendments to the CitVs land development reaulations and other initiatives. Policy LU-1.4.11: The City will continue to streamline the development application for development approvals to simplify and standardize the process, viile ensuring that the regulatory intent of the approvals is maintained. Policy LU-1.4.12: The City will continue to implement the oiown DRI development orders for downtown and Southeast Overtown/Park West seek approval for future increments of development in a timely manner. Objective LU-1.5: Land development regulations, protect the city's unique natural and coastal resources, its neighborhoods, anO,i�s storic and cultural heritage. �.1 Policy LU-1.5.1: Development orde-'the city will be consistent with the goals, objectives and policies contained in tM Natural Resource Conservation and Coastal Management elements of the Mi or rehensive-Neighborhood-Plan -MCNP. ��v Policy LU-1.5.2: Land u igulations and development policies will be consistent with the intent and pure s /of Miami -Dade County's Waterfront Charter Amendment, Shoreline DevelopR,[�k eview Ordinance, arid4he-rules of the Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserve Management Area. and other appropriate requirements regarding waterfront access and r e cement. Polio 411.5.3: Notice of application for special permits shall be provided to any NET reJ?d homeowners associations fifteen days prior to issuance of the special perrftit and after issuance of the decision with explanation of appeal procedures. Policy LU-1.5.4: Notice of application requirinq public hearings shall be provided to any NET registered homeowner and neiahborhood associations and to owners within the applicable City regulations. Objective LU-1.6: Regulate the development or redevelopment of real property within the city to insure consistency with the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Policy LU-1.6.1: The 'Interpretation of the Future Land Use Plan Map' section of this element, which follows these land use goals, objectives and policies, establishes the • Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan iiilliAtteci into the public Goals Objectives Policies fak ;din connection with May 7, 2008 PZ.13 on 11-13-08 *cilia A. Thompson city Clerk 8 ii Policy Committee: Governor of State of Florida Mr. Charlie Crist Chair of Miami -Dade Delegation Representative Juan Zapata Chair of Governing Board of South Florida Water Management District Mr. Eric Bucrinann Miami -Dade State Attorney Ms. Katherine Fernandez -Rundle Designee: Mr. Gary Winston Mayor of Miami -Dade County Mayor Carlos Alvarez Designee: Mr. Robert T. Villar Mayor of Mianii Mayor Manuel A. Diaz Designee: Mr. Robert Ruano City of Miami Commissioner Commissioner Joe Sanchez Designee: Mr. Steve Wright Miami -Dade County Commissioner Commissioner Bruno Barreiro Designee: Ms. Luhby Navarro Chair of Miami River Marine Group Mr. Richard Dubin Designee: Capt. Beau Payne Chair of Marine Council Mr. Ed Swakon Designee: Mr. Phil Everingham Executive Director of Downtown Development Authority Mr. Dana A. Nottingham Designee: Mr. Adapt Lukin Chair of Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce Mr. Barry Johnson Designee: Ms. Megan Kelly Neighborhood Representative Appointed by City of Miami Commission Dr. Ernest Martin Designee: Mr. Michael Cox Neighborhood Representative Appointed by Miami -Dade Commission Ms. Sa!lye Jude Designee: Ms. Jane Caporelli Representative from Environmental or Civic Organization Appointed by the Governor Member at Large Appointed by the Governor Member at Large Appointed by Miami -Dade Commission Ms. Sara Babun Designee: Ms. Elena Licea Member al Large Appointed by Cily of Miami Commission Mr. Manny Prieguez Managing Director Mr. Brett Bihcau River Commission c/o Robert King High 1407 NW 76 ST, Suite D Miami, Florida 33125 Oft -lice: 305-644-0544. Fait: 305-642-1136 email: miamiriver@bellsouth.net www.miamiriyercommissiOn.org March 18, 20008 Honorable Mayor Manny Diaz City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Re: Convening Public Meeting Regarding City Administration's Draft Non -EAR Recommended Amendments to the Port of Miami River Sub -element in the City's Comprehensive Plan Dear Mayor Diaz: I respectfully recommend the City of Miami convene a public meeting to discuss the future of the Port of Miami River sub -element in the' City's Comprehensive Plan. In February the City of Miami's PJlanning Department deferred the City administration's proposed draft Non -EAR recommended amendments to the Port of Miami 'River sub -element to their April 16 meeting. I realize the tight time schedule, andlif you concur the MRC may co -convene the suggested meeting in a,timely fashion, which should take place before the item is further considered. Your time and consideration are appreciated Sincerely, Eric Buermann Chair, Miami River Commission Cc Honorable Mayor Alvarez Honorable Chairman Bruno Barreiro Honorable Chairman Joe Sanchez City Manager Pete Hernandez Planning Director Ana Gelabert Sanchez Submitted into the public record in connection with item DI.4 on 03-11-10 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk