HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-David Snow-Planning Department/o-- 000a/ - Subm`i I Ia) - oGZVi SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMDON3-!i10 , ncw-Plan.,lny lieparfinerif Miami River GOP Background September 2005 -Amend Port of Miami River Sub -Element through EAR Process • 3 properties change FLUM designations (3 court cases) • DCA and ALJ found the FLUM change to be consistent • 311 District Court of Appeals reversed this decision and recommended the City revise the Port of Miami River Sub -Element's GOPs -City adopts 2005 EAR document as per Florida Statute November 13th , 2008 - City of Miami Commission Adopts EAR -Based Amendment River Policies. January 6th, 2009 - Department of Community Affairs (DCA) issues Notice of Intent (NOI)/Statement of Intent (SOI). - Miami River Sub -Element remains an outstanding subject to be mediated. October 16th, 2009 - Mediation in Tallahassee between City of Miami, DCA and Intervener. October 23rd - November 4th, 2009 - Discussion with effective parties as follow-up to mediation between DCA and Intervener. January 6th, 2010 - All efforts regarding Miami River mediation postponed. SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM ON v NIB County Ma 3 Court Cases A. Coastal on the River B. Brisas del Rio C. Hurricane Cove Cite of Miami Miami River Future Land Use December 2009 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMflT.9 ON-uio if Industrial 16% Miami River Future Land Use Acreage Totals 1% o Single Family Residential 5% o DiPlex 1% t7Median Density Mamiy Residential 5% • High Density Multifamily Resider ial 2% o Mediun Density Restricted Commercial 5% C7 Restricted Commercial 38% CI General Com mernial .5% • CBD 4% ■ Major trisliktional, Fac ies 8% ❑ Light Industria12% o Industrial 16% 0 Parks & Recreation 14% SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMm4ON -(1O. A Vision for the Miami River • Preservation of "Recreational and Commercial Working Waterfronts" and Promote Access to waterfronts per F S.342.07 •342.07 Recreational and cosaamrr al working waterfronts; legislative findings; ddlallisos.- '') As used to this sroction, the tam "reaestunnal and cornmcrrinl working waterfront* means e parcel cr panda da of** properly War vide aoc ss for water -dot c trunacial activities, in luthng hotels and motels as defined in s (1). or provide yams far die fie to the navigable wags of the state. Recreational and cwomcrcial wetting waterfronts require direct access so or a bodies art, over. or adjacent to a navigable body of water The tam includes water -dap dart facilities that are opal to the public sod offer public seeress by to the waters ai the %Kate or that arc support facilities to recreational, commercial, research, or governmental eels. Them include public lodging cetabliahma t , docks wharfs, lilts, wet and dry marinas, boat ramps, boot haulmit and repair facilities, fishing fatalities, twat construction facilities, and other rpx,n structures over the water As used in this ncetiorn, the UMW hair the sortie meaning as in s `(39). seaports rat excluded from the definition. Flexiblfty in compatible uses • Example: Durham Paris, Spring Garden Stimulate economic growth potential and recreational/commercial opportunities. • Continue to promote viable marine uses: • Example: Merrill Stevens, An611lean Marine, Norseman Shipbuilding, P b L 7bwing and Transportation Inc. • Support messes already existing: • Example: Fero Isle. Robert Ming High, Health District, Garcia's Seafood • Impm a vacant or blighted properties with rec eabonal and commercial wonting waterfront uses Create an active and vibrant nverfront through mixed -uses • Example.. Hurricane Cove, Garcia's Seafood, Neo Vertika SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM'ON 3 iHo, Miami River GOP Highlights Strategies to Promote Preservation of Recreational and Commercial Working YIIatarironb •Coastal Management Element Policy CM-6.1.1 through CM-6.1.14 respond to MA's Notice of Intent/Statement of Intent (NOI/SOI) issued January 6th, 2009 •Strategy Highlights: oEconomic Development Assistance - CM-6.1.1 Examples: Jobs Tax Credit, Business Equipment Sales Tax Refund, Property Tax °Support Future Dredging of the River — CM-6.1.2 °Expedited Permitting — CM-6.1.3 °Continue Coordination with Miami River Commission, Miami -Dade County and South Florida Regional Planning Council — CM-6.1.4 °Encourage Residential Development to Include Recreational and Commercial Marine Uses — CM-6.1.9 °Enterprise Zone. Empowerment Zone, Commercial Business Corridors and Brownfield Redevelopment Tax Incentives for Economic Revitalization of the River CM-6.1.13 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM 9-E a ON . Miami River GOP Highlights oastai Management Element Policy CM-6.21 through CM-6.2.12 responds to DCA's Norms Intent/Statement of Intent (NOI/SOI) issued January 6th, 2009 ote Co -Existence of Water -dependent and Residential Uses Along the River by: Strategy Highlights: oAny density greater than Duplex must include a water -related component - CM4.2.1 °intensity Bonus for developments. - CM-6.2.5 and CM-6.2.6 oMust provide water -dependent uses that are open to the public and access or °Must provide wet -skips available to general public °Encourage development of compatible uses through Land Development Regu °Relieve setback requirements for waterfront Industrial uses. - CM-6.2.4 olio-Mif4Ass of recreational wet -slips. - CM-6.2.7 °Continue 10 require new residential developments to record a covenant ackn industrial uses abutting properties. - CM-62.8 Mew developments maintain public access to coastal and River shorelines. - CM-6.2.10 olrrlplement design guidelines along the baywaik and riverwalk for new development, - CM-6.2.12 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMiiLi ON a io Miami River GOP Highlights ntergovemmental Coordination •Coastal Management Element Policy Ch4-6.4.1 through CM-6.4.4 •Strategy Highlights: °Coordinate with other governmental agencies having jurisdictions over the °Continue to actively participate in the Miami River Commission. °Continue to Work with Miami -Dade County to encourage new shipping areas el the River. the Miami River continues to be revitalized the proposed GOP strategies will provide protection to recreational and commercial working waterfronts. In admen to the listed strategies, efforts to meet the concerns of DCA and the Intervener, t of Weft through a successful mediation session established categories and criteria to provide eoderrded protection to Industrial Future Land Use properties. SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR lTEML9.ON1' -1. Miami River GOP Highlights Protection of Industrial Future Land Use for Commercial Working Waterfronts -Policy CM-8.1.6 establishes conditions that must be met to allow a land use change on specific properties along the Miami River. -Provide additional protection to preserve Industrial/Light industrial future land use • Category A (Industrial on Industrial) °Future land use designations to remain "Industrial" with existing industrial use. ()Future Land use change considered only every 7-years at the time of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) • Category B (Commercial on Industrial) oFuture Land Use change allowed through a large-scale amendment process. Amendments must demonstrate either of following conditions exists: 1. Market and Site analysis or 2. Transfer of industrially designated property to another location on the River with the City of Miami *Category C (Vacant on Industrial) °Propertiees must present a vacant or blighted condition °Future Land Use change allowed through a small-scale amendment process. Amendments must demonstrate either of ioNowing conditions exists: 1. Market and Site analysis or 2. Transfer of Industrially designated property to another location on the River with the City of Miami SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM DION Miami River GOP Highlights •The City of Miami portion of the Miami River is made up of approximately 244.30 screw •The following table identifies the specific property totals that will be protected under Catsgclries A, B and C: Category Parcels Acreage Percentage A 45 27.82 11.3% B 28 10.17 4.2°/a C 33 14.34 5.9% Total 106 52.33 21.4% •The Total ru fiber has been calculated based on the total River acreage (244.30). This number Iles been calculated based on City of Miami's GIS data. The Irdavarer has establ shed different calculated data . 'Ogler propedties along the Miami River not listed within these categories have a future land use designation other than Industrial/Light $ndustnal in ervea r del Iw asfrijWsd 120 pastels et 82 acres. • calculdlota dohiy lager as a mutt of submerged lards 421 peroele nods up of Non-lndueriM"Future Land Use designations SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM'iriON 3-a-io , • . I _dranr- rd: Wilfre.do Gort 1 - I Ffl I -• ••••••• 111••=, 1•MION .111,9`• 1 3 ink evoito seter,mmgirimumfd,,_iiiii City of Miami River Properties Commercial Working Waterfront Cateporiej December 2009 Area JL hld .1••• • !IA • .Or 1 • 4 ••• /h. W+6 M-,••••—• CIE 14' I Richard. P. Dinn tkiL I .11a • Semor SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM al: ON .o-0-10 iami River GOP Highlights — Based on Mediation Efforts issues elocatye GOP's to Coastal Management Element • DCA suggested on March 16, 2009 that the City locate these policies within Management Element to comply with F.S 163.3177(6)(g)2 •The City is following Florida Statutes when presenting River policies in this element •The City will address the need for water -dependent and water -related facilities including strategies to preserve recreational and commercial working waterfronts within the Coastal Management Element •Other Municipalities that have publish GOPs within the Coastal Management Element: •Lee County •Paim Beach County •City of Jacksonville •Panama City Including the word "Port" with Miami River • The City will induded the 'Port of Miami Rive' title within the Coastal Management su element. SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMTn_ON i 1io , A Mr H. r. , ; r #iii_ i 1-.,i _ 44°n. • t s i ,i, # rw-o ttT-A-.-. ? 1 rm V qg "`rqP r r, .w.sn..7 fl w.we �i,rNrrM `hr, 7_rm_ me I, f N.WHIT. 1 141117114 •T Sarr^n •M J•M 4,4 „45 Mw,,,H ST .1I 14.461711/7 Nov Mc, TIR uvr„a. kltkats M..r,.<,. H.. ,,,, M. t•THST # E 9 ow �.. a. . �� �_ n .. a. a .n. - r..' • .-.... ...cc...._.. L _ ,�.. ..�• qM• . �. s �..� s� ... • _.. a .a • _ _ .IM.. r per ~r v„ ?. f0 ..,.w 44311, 1.11114.1 worwwr .2147 rt. if 4 } # SPFl *III Si ..- Richard`R Dun • 1, Mw7rH •T % . r.wrlH■T 3 ..non Q f 1 3 3 SW1■, ST 3 .10711 WA NOS. ST 2 G i■ **Sils SF City of Miami River Properties Commercial Working Waterfront Categories December 2009 ■ POST -:.vo • . r ■ • • •• • ••• •• • Runk Camillo N 3 .mn 1 .,.ml ^.�.....r. f.I.my c 4 3 t a • MJ,1,,!. ■. 1 • 1 d�-0TQ •. i C• II ■ • 1 MarcM. • M.Amof• • SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR TEM,_vON �=�� .