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February 1, 2010 based on October 16, 2009 Mediation
Stricken text represents deleted text; underlined text represents additional new
Policy LU-1.3.7.: The City will continue to use the City's Enterprise Zone, T-ax
Increment Financing District, Empowerment Zone, Commercial Business Corridors,
and Brownfield Redevelopment Area strategies to stimulate economic revitalization,
and encourage employment opportunities. (Policy CM-6.1.17.).
Policy LU- 1.3.8.: The City will foster or develop and implement job training,
vocational, and educational programs to assist the City's existing and future residents,
water dependent and water related businesses and uses along the Miami River, in
achieving economic self-sufficiency utilizing govemment resources as necessary, and
will continue to work with appropriate State and County agencies to direct training
programs and other technical assistance, to support minority and semi -skilled
residents of the city including. without limitation, their involvement in recreational and
commercial working waterfronts along the Miami River as defined by s 342.07 Fla.
Stat.. (Policy CM-6,1.18,).
Policy LU-1.4.10: The City will continue to develop modifications to existing
regulations with the intent of providing greater flexibility in the design and
implementation of mixed -use developments within the general Downtown area and
particularly along the Miami River up to and including 5th Street, in accordance with
neighborhood design and development standards adopted as a result of the
amendments to the City's Land D4evelopment Rrequlations and other initiatives.
Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan
Selective Goal Objective Policy Updates
February 2010
Port of-M+ r i-R4v-er
Goa! PA-3: The Port of Miami -River, -a group-- pri-vafeiy--owned and--operated-commercial
he Miami River, shall be encouraged to
nomically_.t iiayp f city's maritime
inde strial-base T�he-
"efter th- rRiiverr) ntinti -tfo provide -for water -dependent, water
related co ,
use devele enti-while-sacnawiedgin prose, e f the waterfront
e River
Objective PA-3.1: The City of Miami, through -its Land dDev apmt-rRegulations,
or water related land uses, and shall regulate its cxpansi-o -arid redevelopment-i4
soofdt-eat pp bJe- astaf-managem elf-and--conservation--plans
Policy PA 3.1.1: The City shall, thr tiorfe
that any residential development with-residentaa y
mixed use devet Skated--componeint--or
Policy PA 3.1.2: The City shall,-4 retrat}-+ts- Lland Ddevelopmeut Riegu I�t at ons
encourage the develapwient and ' er consistent with
the coastal manage ant and conservation elen tantc of thc CitGelrehensive Plan
4 ee4 G r, n_ n 4
Paiicy PA-3.1.3: The City shall, through its Land dDcvclopnnent r€Regulaticns,
encouragede-veleprent of compatible land uses in the vicinity of thc Port of Miami
tial-actverse impacts-afis+ng-trom the -Pert-- #-MA+ami-River
urn adjacent natural resources and land uses. and
Pat-iey--PAits Land Doveie;nt Relations --set
he River in order to
on industrial uses ire aflrapriate
Iq or adjacent non industrial properties-
:- he "Port of Wani-Pic" is simply a loyal name -a, sam,s44-epeatleat-ortva#sly-owhe al�s*: is set ies-:,te4-
the-MIa ;-niver, ard lo-aet-a'-P-srt g-of-th€ term T oLito'-' tho"P-GftYa4ng
Kier" uas a<ie-i -; €-for the >Ut eseef-satisfy r-s,-L!4-CoastLea
Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan
Selective Goal Objective Policy Updates
February 2010
aF?-inteccnsity bori . de water dependent or water rotated
uses-tit-are-eto-thee-ftuubllc and-and-provicteautatic access -to the River.
an intensit130441-s-fer-devel rovide wet stt-avahab1e-te
the general pubic.
Pett'-12,4-3.� : ?h r-e " be—;,a-nef loss of recreatioeve
nn t- , l reel ., , bited byby-DE-444
Policy PA 3.1.8: The City shall require from now re n a1-development !coat d
alenq--the-River-a recorded covenant ackrrowledgin a raceept+r -the-presence of
residential development.
Rel-isyPA-3:1-9: The City shad work with-tbc Manatee i4otect�,o -° ;--tee ;tteee on
rssue it l T c ^'atine4e-wet anr�fnd dry-mnr�ari sl- s-
Objective PA 3.': Tkre-G+ty-o4-Miami chall coordinate
to -the Port of Mi
si rc u iation--reap .series -
tans Lion access.
fitem -sT n-e n-the-tfaffie
Poli-ey-PA-3,24:-The-Gity-of-Miomi shall, through-the-1nansportatten- m,, n f-the
Comprehensive Plan, coordinate rntermed t'
serving the Port of Miami River.
Objectiveon ,c City of Miami hslt Feetd e`
activities with those of ports fasi-lities' providers and regulators inol +rrg--th
Corps of Engineers, U.S. Coast Guard, and Miami
.. C+ty-4 to _t h-its-lntcrgoverRmentai Coordination
Policies, shall support and coordinate t1 othor governmental aacncics havino.
er to support and enhance thee -Miami River's economic
use-and-viability-fThe functt n*River-censt tent -with -the
future-geats-and objectives of thv Comprehensive Plan, perticularIy-vwith-respect to the
unique characteristics of the Port of Miami Rivar's locatieR and its economic position
l maritime-iadust y<, and the
these characteristics and needs with the maritime-ley that compler nted
often compotes with, the Port of Miami -Rive
prase -Nation of re%.reational and c
Statute 342. he River.
Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan
Selective Goal Objective Policy Updates
February 2010
Te Cit„ of Mior , i1-p ev+dc technical 3-srsr „t—to-wat —
de endent water related, cornmerci3l i FjCa-r and recreational busincs^cs a!onq
the-River-iri-theirip-u-rsuit-of-F.-wits- an4 ther-eeer em+e incent+ves.
----P-e y--1 - 4-2: In its commitnn&t-#e-s poTh the -water-de ater-
llotcd, commercial, 4 astrial and recreational wof tat4Fe+ s:-the-G of-M-ia �+
chaii coat+at c its supiaeftof the dry o the River.
Poli i s�3al� Facilitate mun+o+p.al-p-em+ttIhcl ter--wa r-
depe-ndent--eater-related, co crcial, inductria! and rc^rcati
ate- -the River-
-Pel+cy -344 v-of-fa;+awl-mall-ce tiaue-to-ceorpeate-and 3aordinate
rfaftnrr nr water leper den+ a,,ater related co mmmrere al, indistnal and rocYGat{Gn E
iwe�r-r,. Ei--R . #
-Florida Reg-i nat Plaon
Coastal Management
* * *
Goal CM-2: Improve public awareness, appreciation, and use of Miami's coastal resources
by preserving t itiafial-water-dependent and water -related uses, ensuring adequate public
access to such uses, and minimizing user conflicts.
Objective. CM-2.1: Wherever feasible, increase physical and visual public access to
Biscayne Bay, the Miami River, the City's shorelines, and publicly -owned islands.
Policy CM-2.1.1: Where appropriate and in the interest of public safety and promotion
of outdoor recreation opportunities on environmentally sensitive areas, future land
development regulations will require non -water dependent or related development or
redevelopment to maintain public access to the coastal and Miami River shorelines.
(See Parks, Recreation and Open Space Policy PR- 3.2.4)
Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan
Selective Goal Objective Policy Updates
February 2010
Policy CM-2.1.2: Where appropriate,-aii City owned; waterfront property, including the
Miami River shorelines, wilt -shall provide for public open spaces that allowpv+d
access to the shoreline, and the City will work with Miami -Dade County to provide
similar access to County owned public open spaces that provide access to the
shoreline where appropriate. (See related Parks, Recreation and Open Space Policy
PR-1.1.12. and CM-6.2.11)
Pal -icy -CM 2.1.3: Amend the Dewntawate e,=t t les = Plan to refloct charging
ce8c itiens---and needs and -semi; e to i aefa pr to in accordance with the
Downtown Waterfront Master Plana or other adop ed p what ink` do
way-#ron;t as appraprate (Sce Paco, Recreatian-and-Op ace-P- 4 PR 1.5.2.).
Policy CM-2.1.34: The City will continue development of the river- walk and bayLwalk
along City owned property as funds become available and will continue to require
development of the baywalk and riverwalk along private property through its land
development regulations. where appropriate. Whenever feasible the City will
encourage the riverwalk to interact with recreational and working waterfronts along the
Miami River,
Policy CM-2.1.45: The City shall continue to implement design guidelines along the
baywalk and riverwalk in accordance with the Miami River Greenway Action Plan and
other adopted plans as appropriate.
Policy CM-2.1.58: [Reserved]
Policy CM-2.1.67: The City will incorporate provisions for public physical and/or visual
access to the shoreline in its waterfront zoning regulations (See Parks, Recreation and
Open Space Policy PR--3.2.3.)
Policy CM-2.1.78: As specified in the City of Miami Charter and related laws, and
more specifically the Waterfront Charter Amendment and 94nance 11000 (Zoning
Ordinance for the City of Miami} all new development and redevelopment along the
downtown waterfront is required to provide a waterfront setback, and those
developments within Special Districts (SDs) that require publicly accessible shoreline
walkways, will design them in conformance with the "Baywalk/Riverwalk Design
Standards." (See Parks, Recreation and Open Space Policy PR- 3.2.11.)
Policy CM-2.1.8g: The City will continue to work toward increased physical public
access to Virginia Key and Watson Island by pursuing appropriate development and
redevelopment as directed by the Virginia Key and Watson Island master plans.
Policy CM-2.1.94-0: The City will ensure that development regulations are not altered
so as to prohibit water dependent facilities or uses such as swimming, boating, and
fishing and will encourage and support such facilities and uses.
Objective CM-2.2: [Reserved]
Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan
Selective Goal Objective Policy Updates
February 2010
Policy CM-2.2.1: [Reserved]
Policy CM-2.2.2: [Reserved]
Port of Miami River Sub -Element
Goal CM-6: Development along the Port of Miami River (hereinafter referenced as the River)
shall continue to preserve water -dependent, water -related commercial, industrial, and
recreational uses along the River and provide for residential and mixed use development,
while acknowledging the presence of the waterfront industrial properties along the River.
Objective CM-6.1: The City of Miami shall implement the following strategies to
promote the preservation along the River of recreational and commercial working
waterfronts as defined in Florida Statutes 163.3178(2) (q) and 342.07, that will enhance
economic development and job creation.
Policy CM-6.1.1: The City of Miami shall provide technical assistance to water -
dependent, water -related, commercial, industrial, and recreational businesses along
the River in their pursuit of grants, other economic incentives: and employment
opportunities as available.
Policy CM-6.1.2: In its commitment to support the water -dependent, water -related,
commercial. industrial and recreational working waterfronts, the City of Miami shall
continue its support of the dredging of the River.
Policy CM-6.1.3: The City of Miami shall facilitate and expedite municipal permitting
for water -dependent, water -related, commercial, industrial and recreational working
waterfronts along the River by expediting the application process for such uses.
Policy CM-6.1.4: The City of Miami shall continue to cooperate and coordinate
planning for water -dependent, water -related, commercial, industrial and recreational
working waterfronts with the Miami River Commission, Miami -Dade County and South
Florida Regional Planning Council.
Policy CM-6.1,5: The City shall continue to use land development regulations
including zoning district designations to accomplish specific development objectives in
particular areas along the River. (See related Policy LU-1.6.5).
Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan
Selective Goal Objective Policy Updates
February 2010
Policy CM-6,1.6: The City may adopt a comprehensive plan future land use
amendment for specified properties listed in Appendix CM-1.1, along the River only if
the proposed amendment complies with policies within this sub -element that promote
recreational and commercial working waterfront uses per F.S. 342.07, and the
following conditions are met for the respective categories where the properties are
located. This policy and affected properties shall be analyzed during the Evaluation
and Appraisal Report (EAR) cycle:
CM Category A: The future land use designations of properties identified
in Appendix CM-1.1 for this category are intended to remain Industrial. Any
charges to the Future Land Use designation for properties identified therin will
only be considered as part of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report cycle.
CM Category B: The future land use designation of properties identified in
Appendix CM-1.1 for this category are intended to maintain a landuse designation
that preservers recreational and commercial working waterfront uses. The future
land use designation for any of the properties identified therein may be amended
through the large-scale comprehensive plan amendment process. Applications for
such amendments shall demonstrate that either of the following conditions exists:
1. The Development — redevelopment as industrial is not economically
feasible based on a market and site analysis using a professionally
acceptable methodology that has been peer reviewed: or
2. The Proposal includes an equivalent transfer or expansion of
industrially designated property offsite to another location on the River
within the City of Miami.
CM Category C: The future land use designation of properties identified in
Appendix CM-1.1 for this category are intended to maintain a landuse designation
that preservers and promotes recreational and commercial working waterfront
uses. The future land use designation of properties included in "Category C" may
be amended through the small-scale comprehensive plan amendment process if
the conditions defined in Section 163.3187(1) (c). Florida Statutes are met;
otherwise they may be amended through the large-scale comprehensive plan
amendment process . Applications for such amendments shall demonstrate that
either of the following conditions exists:
1. The Development — redevelopment es industrial is not economically
feasible based on a market and site analysis using a professionally
acceptable methodology that has been peer reviewed: or
Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan
Selective Goal Objective Policy Updates
February 2010
2. The Proposal includes an equivalent transfer or expansion of
industrially designated property offsite to another location cn the River
within the City of Miami.
Policy CM-6.1.7,: Within three years of the adoption of this policy, the City will review
and consider the submission to the Department of Community Affairs, of an application
for the Waterfronts Florida Partnership Program.
Policy CM-6.1.8.: Within 18 months of the adoption of this policy the City will work with
the Miami River Commission to identify relevant strategies from the Miami River Urban
Infiil Plan for implementation.
Policy CM-6.1.9.: The City shall encourage residential development along the River to
include recreational or commercial marine uses in order to stimulate job creation and
economic development.
Policy CM-6.1.16,: The City shall work to improve the economic vitality of the River in
cooperation with other concened public and governmental agencies and
organizations. (See fvDC-COMP PMR-1C)
Policy CM-6,1.11.: The City of Miami wit work with property owners along the River to
secure Enterprise Zone tax incentives to businesses for creation of jobs and
revitalization. Such incentives consist of the following and are based on availability:
Enterprise Zone Incentives
1. Jobs Tax Credit
2 Business Equipment Sales Tax Refund
3. Building Materials Sales Tax Refund
4 Property Tax Credit
1-5, Community Contribution Tax Credit Program
Policy CM-6.1.12.: The City will continue to use Brownfield redevelopment Area
strategies to stimulate economic revitalization to water -dependent, water -related.
commercial, industrial and recreational working waterfronts. Such incentives consist of
the following and are based on availability:
a. Financial Incentives
i. 35% Voluntary Cleanup Tax Credits
ii. $2500 Brownfields Bonus Refund
iii. Low -interest loans
iv. Sales Tax Credit on Building Materials
v. Up to 5 years of State Loan Guarantees of Loan Loss Reserves
vi. Site -Specific Activities Grant
Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan
Selective Goal Objective Policy Updates
February 2010
vii. National Brovvnfields Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund, Cleanup Grants,
and HUD Brownfield Economic Development Loans
b. Regulatory Benefits
i, Risk Based Corrective Action
ii. Cleanup Liability Protection
iii. Review of Voluntary Cleanup Projects at FDEP Conducted Separately
From Enforcement Mandated Cleanups by Repsonsible Parties
iv. Expedited Review and Response to Technical Reports and
v. CERCLA Site Clearance Issued by EPA
vi. Lender Liability Protection to the extend allowed by applicable laws
Policy CM-6,1.13,: The City will continue to use the Citv's Enterprise Zone,
Empowerment Zone, Commercial Business Corridors. and Brownfield Redevelopment
Area strategies to stimulate economic revitalization, and encourage employment
opportunities. (Policy LU-1 3 7.).
Policy CM-6.1.14.: The City will foster or develop and implement job trainind,
vocational, and educational programs to assist the City's existing and future residents,
and water dependent and water related businesses along the River, in achieving
economic self-sufficiency, and will continue to work with appropriate State and County
agencies to direct training programs and other technical assistance to support minority
and semi -skilled residents of the city including, without limitation. their involvement in
recreational and ccmmercial working waterfronts along the Miami River as defined by
s.342.07 Fla. Stat.. (Policy LU-1.3,8.).
Objective CM-6.2.: The City of Miami shall promote the co -existence of water -
dependent and water -related commercial, industrial, and recreational uses with
residential and mixed use development along the River in a way that minimizes and
alleviates user conflicts.
Policy CM-6.2.1.: The City shall require that any residential development with a
density greater than duplex residential or any mixed use development include a water -
dependent or water -related component or other amenities that promote enjoyrrent of
the River unless prohibited by the Miami -Dade Department of Environmental Resource
Management (DERM).
Policy CM-6.2.2.: The City shall encourage the development of the River consistent
with the coastal management and conservation elements of the City's Comprehensive
Plan (See Coastal Management Objective CM-4.1),
Policy CM-6.2.3.: The City shall encourage development of compatible and suitable
!and uses along the River so as to promote the co -existence of water dependent and
Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan
Selective Goal Objective Policy Updates
February 2010
water related commercial, industrial, and recreational uses with residential and mixed
use development.
Policy CM-6.2.4.: The City shall require increased appropriate setbacks on abutting or
adjacent non -industrial properties to buffer them from the waterfront industrial
properties while establishing minimal setbacks for waterfront industrial properties along
the River.
Policy CM-6.2.5.: The City shall provide an intensity bonus for developments that
provide water -dependent or water -related uses that are open to the public and provide
public access to the River.
Policy CM-6.2.6.: The City shall provide an intensity bonus for developments along
the River that provide wet -slips available to the general public.
Policy CM-6.2.7.: There shall be no net loss of recreational wet -slips within new
developments along the River, unless replacement wet -slips are prohibited by DERM.
Policy CM-6.2.8.: The City shall require from new residential deyeiopment located
along the River a recorded covenant acknowledging and accepting the presence of
existing marine industrial uses where the uses are abuttiqg or adjacent to the new
residential development.
Policy CM-6.2.9.: The City shall work with the Manatee Protection Plan Committee on
issues relating to wet and dry marine slips.
Policy CM-6.2.10.: Where appropriate and in the interest of public safety and
promotion of outdoor recreation opportunities on environmentally sensitive areas,
future land development regulations will require non -water dependent or water related
development or redevelopment to maintain public access to the coastal and River
shorelines. (See Parks, Recreation and Open Space Policy PR-3.2.4. and Policy CM-
Policy CM-6.2.11.: Where appropriate, the City owned waterfront property shall
provide for public open spaces that allow access to the shoreline. The City will work
with Miami -Dade County to provide similar access to County -owned shorelines, (See
related Parks. Recreation and Open Space Policy PR-1.1,12, and CM Policy CM-
Policy CM-6.2,12.: The City shall continue to implement design guidelines along the
baywalk and riverwalk in accordance with the Miami River Greenway Action Plan and
other City adopted plans as appropriate (See CM Policy CM-2.1.4).
Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan
Selective Goal Objective Policy Updates
February 2010
Objective CM-6.3.: The City of Miami shall coordinate the surface transportation
access to the River with the traffic and mass transit system shown on the traffic
circulation map series.
Policy CM-6,3.1: The City of Miami shall, through the Transportation Element of the
Comprehensive Plan, coordinate intermodal surface and water transportation access
serving the River.
Objective CM-6.4: The City of Miami shall coordinate its River planning activities with
those of deep water ports facilities' providers and regulators including the U.S, Corps
of Engineers. U.S. Coast Guard, The Miami River Commission, Miami -Dade County's
Port of Miami and other known working waterfront stakeholders, as applicable,
Policy CM-6.4.1.: The City of Miami, through its Intergovernmental Coordination
Policies, shall support and coordinate with other governmental agencies having
jurisdiction over the River to support and enhance the River's economic importance
and viability. The functions of the River shall be consistent with the future goals and
objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, particularly with respect to the unique
characteristics of the River's location and its economic position and functioning within
the local maritime industry.
Policy CM-6.4.2.: The City will participate with the Miami River Commission at Its
regular meetings to coordinate planning for the future growth and development of the
recreational and commercial working waterfront of the River.
Policy CM-6.4,3,: The City shall remain an active member of the Miami River
Commission, as established by Florida Statute 163.06,, and shall continue to consider
from the Miami River Commission written recommendations related to policies—,
planning, development, and other River issues within the scope established by the
Florida Legislature.
Policy CM-6.4.4.: The City will work with Miami -Dade County to encourage new
shipping to areas along the River, which have the existing physical characteristics and
can support future expansion for shipping activities.
Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan
Selective Goal Objective Policy Updates
February 2010