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Zoning Substantial Compliance Plans
CITY OF MIAMI MODIFICATION APPLICATION `ION Panning . Zon ng Department 444 S.W. 2,a Avenue, =,1 Hoot - Miami, FL 33130 305,41 6_t 400 Ordinance / Resolution / Permit # Receipt # NIODIFICAT1ON APPLICATION This is to request that the permit, resolution or ordinance captioned above be € onsidered for modification and that said modification be reviewed in order to determine whether it is substantial, non -substantial or in substantial compliance with fhe approvals obtained, as described in the documents attached. Applicant Name City / State / Zip Zoning District: Address of property: Nature of proposed use: Address Phone / Fax C-1ISD-6/ & R-3 6443 Biscayne 61vd. (64 Park Place) M1xed-use The following is attached in support or explanation of this application: a) Legal description of property and Ior survey, and /or floor plan. b) Previously approved plans and revised plans. c) Description of modifications d) Revised zoning calculations e) Other (specify) Section 2215.1. Substantial changes dented; changes prior to notice of pudic hearing. Substantial changes affect the essential part of the application, riot justthe form of the application, as determined by the Zoning Administrator and the Planning and Zoning Director, Such determinations shall be made upon a request to review proposed modifications to applications for the following items • Class 11 Special Permit J Variance Special Exceptions • Major Use Special Permit • Zoning Atlas Amendment The proposed changes are: See attached Plans The review will be conducted by persons defined in Section 2202,1(e), using the following criteria: (a) The requested change exceeds the zoning regulations • (b) The footprint of the building is proposed to be moved by more than ten (W') feet in any horizontal direction (c) The height of the building or any portion thereof is proposed to be incased by more than five (5°) feet or five (5%) percent of the height of the building, whichever is greater, in a vertical direction; or ✓ (d) The Zoning Administrator shall refer the proposed change to the Director of the Plannin a and Zoning Department in order to apply the applicable criteria as set forth in section 1305, where at such time the Planning and Zoning Director shall determine if the proposed changes result in substantially the same project and are still in compliance with the findings in the original application. Zoning Administrator's findings and conditions: Name azyk Date 4,20107 Signature ❑ Substantial d Non -Substantial ✓ Substantial Compliance Adrienne L Pardo Tel, (305) 579-0683 Fax 305-901-5683 pardoa(gl aW.carat April 13, 2O07 Ms. Lourdes Slazyk Zoning Administrator City of Miami 444 SW 2"`I Avenue Miami, Florida 33130 Re: 64 Park Place, 6443 Biscayne Blvd., Mianhi, Florida Dear Lourdes, On behalf of Grec/Luis II, Ltd., we are requesting that you approve the attached plans signed and sealed on March 30, 2007 from Vertex Architecture, as being Substantially in Compliance with the plans which were filed with the Hearing Boards for approval of the Special Exception to allow parking in the SD-12 Overlay property. The change in the plans is as a result of comments issued by the Fire Department, which is requiring that the elevator bay be located closer to the office building portion on Biscayne Boulevard in order to eliminate the dead end corridor situation. I am also enclosing a drawing of the south elevation as originally submitted (Current Elevation) as compared to the Proposed Elevation, which shows that the only change in the design of the building is that the elevator bay portion of the building is closer to Biscayne Boulevard. Thank you very much for your attention to this matter and please call me if you have any questions. cc: Mr. Mike Luis Ms. Teresita Fernandez Mr. Carlos Bravo MAA179585822/v1 PARDOA Sincerely, Adrienne L. Pardo PROPOSED ELEVATION CURRENT ELEVATION 64 PARK PLACE CLASS Il PERMIT REVISION 6443 BISCAYNE BLVD. N11AMI, FL 33138 :Is Fat„ „�.1,1e01. , r �t 64 Palk Place Class €I Persil ffbvtsarr. c+11,,14 SHE "64 PARK.PLACE -LVO 5t S':l 161.iIrfo .. _ .. 64 Park Pace Gass II Permit F ev+isior S:I E Pi AN L6{ Ai K.)N PI A-U REED PLAN M3 aCS11Vi4?. 'chiFer.G.l=ra vdth oi'1 :K ArcI eitLre- 64 Park Place Glans II Permit Revision NtAIKGED SITE PLAN, LEGAL uLSG'niNT:O'v, 70N ING IAlA A'-O.1 :,RtP1i- 1ST F.L.0441 2414 .1144 :11411 F'..1104< kASSIVEI F/ €4 CA CULa ONS.. SASEM O"CFLOORST ..... . .. F400F1.... ......... i2 41 FLOOR 't II 1 Fi.OUFi........,. ..61 li f• L00R (111 FLOOR _. lal EL2)01 1 ES€DEO1 l IAL 2.319 S.F. 'S,314 S.F. 13,4155E ............. 15,@47 S.F. 4U,354 S.F. 27H FLOUR CI 'FI FLOOR 8THKLp4R TTH.lTH FLUOR-9 RETA31..,, 2.436 S.F. 7 621 S,F. 4 621 S F 4028E 5.402 SF 25,446 S.F. OFFICE LOBBY?' CORRIDOR TOTAL 04 S.F. I... .... 204 b Fl -Lin S.F. i�,108 S F. 766 S.E. i 065 S F 692 S,F 6,006 5 F. l :344 § F 1,. 21.380 S 0. 1. 1 i44a,F 210326E 3t35.F , 6040S.1-.. 13SF. 5815SF 1. ... 4115F !814S E,.,.1 69,17SF 71485SF.1 CITYLl1' 141F..M1 4u.41244 .4V:c41 tu'chile„lm'S 'SIHI [t . aM SifaVI 64 Park Place Class If Permit Revision Otis 0636 ViD1,1}. A.; niter la. I 57 3 3,0',. G4 Park Pace LltblAer P`'.;:wtin .hltec.tur, ,1,..11 A ..•••,,11- 64 Park Place Oass El Permit Re,,Asion F A-0.5 art /_i-..EN r FLOOR PLAN 15T FLOOR PAN ir FrCh'ilnluture :yi1 1;cliitvctrir, =� 64 Park Place 3 F.z Class IF Permit Revisiull HA5G.M'r,'.rJF & JSl PLAN Ortitt O133E3 V'eUex A� l�itac;ure. ln.'. ..................................................................... 64 Park Place Gloss II PEorrnO Rovf51an 3RD FLOOR PLAN 64 Park Place 41 H FLOOR PLAN Cass kl Perm1: R visinn 57H FLOOR PLAN .]..5TH. FLOOR PLAN 6TH FLOOR PLAN h.h SCALE: VIE:5,1,0' / 2 1 7TH FLOOR PLAN Arthitecti `Jar ,..,L 260 5 eckire- In.'.. 64 Park Floe Ciss;011 STIi L 5.H FL[h'7R A-4 MAIN ROOF PLAN 9TFI FLOOR PLAN i -` 8TH FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 0. ROOF PLAN / 2 `, 10TH FLOOR PLAN s„ALF, 1, o 1 an !a': n1 1;iLlf�! ;ril 64 Park Place C;€ass [I Permit Revi,/,iO// errs - 07-H FLoa. aE : � 64 Park Place maw v Revisiu NOR -Fr r y ? w< «r. 0636 WEST ELEVATION . SCAL11© "c Ch5^, 11 Permit Revisk,r / 2 EAST ELEVATION sr