HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlans64 PARK PLACE 6443 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD C-1 RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL WITH SD-9 OVERLAY DISTRICT AND R-3 MULTIFAMILY MEDIUM -DENSITY RESIDENTIAL WITH SD-12 OVERLAY *SUBJECT TO CITY COMMISSSION APPROVAL OF THE SD-12 OVERLAY DESIGNATION FOR THE R-3 PROPERTY, APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL EXCEPTION PERMIT WITH CITY COMMISSION APPROVAL SUBJECT TO COMPLIANCE WITH ZONING ORDINANCE 11000 and THE CITY CODE, AS AMENDED, AND TO ALL APPLICABLE CRITERIA, CONSIDERATIONS AND/OR OTHER REGULATIONS. The proposed development "64 PARK PLACE" project will be comprised of approximately 25,352 square feet of office floor area, approximately 2,450 square feet of retail floor area and 47 residential units. The residential portion of the project required 57 parking spaces and will provide a total amount 80 parking spaces with a surplus of 23 parking stalls. The retail and office portion of the project requires a total of 84 combined parking spaces and providing 84 parking spaces. Pursuant to Ordinance 11000, as amended, Supplement 14, the Zoning "64 PARK PLACE " at 6443 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD, Miami, Florida, has been reviewed to allow the following application for Special Exception Permit with CITY COMMISSION APPROVAL to allow parking on an R-3 with SD-12 overlay property to serve adjacent commercial uses, subject to all applicable criteria; This Special Exception Permit encompasses the following Special Permits and requests: CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 6, Sub -Section 609.3J, Class II, to allow a new development in the Sd-9 Zoning overlay district; CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per Article 15, Section 1512.Class II Special Permit for Waiver of Design Standard and Guidelines, Sub -Section 1512.1(b). Criteria to be considered in the granting of waivers of design standard and guidelines, to request a waiver of Parking Guide and Standard, City of Miami for reduction of required backup space for parking. Required 23 feet Proposed 22 feet 6 inches Request for waive 6 inches CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per Article 15, Section 1512, to request a waiver of City of Miami Parking Guides and Standards for reduction of the required extra one (1) foot where a side of a parking stall abuts a wall; CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9. Section 923, Sub -Section 923.2. Sub - Section 923.2.1. Reduction in stall dimensions by Class 11 Special Permit; criteria and limitations on reductions, to allow reduction in dimensions of two (2) loading berths dimensions as follow: Required: Two (2) 12' wide x 35' long x 15' high Proposed: Two (2) 10' wide x 20' long x 9' high CLASS 1 SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9, Section 927. Temporary structures, occupancies, and uses during construction, criteria for special permits, to allow temporary structures, occupancies, and uses reasonably necessary for construction such as construction fence, covered walkway and if encroaching public property must be approved by other city departments; CLASS 1 SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9, Section 906, Sub -Section 906.9. Temporary special events; special permits; criteria, to allow temporary carnival, festival, fair or similar type event on privately owned or City -owned land such as a ground breaking ceremony; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9, Section 918, Sub -Section 918.2. Temporary off-street offsite parking for construction crews, criteria, to allow temporary off-street offsite parking for construction crews working on a residential/commercial project under construction; CLASS 1 SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9, Section 920, Sub -Section 920.1.2, Limitations on occupancy of mobile bottles, to allow parking of mobile homes, trailers or manufactured homes, when authorized for security or other purposes in connection with land development such as construction trailer(s) and other temporary construction offices such as watchman's quarters, leasing and sales centers; CLASS 1 SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 10, Section 10.6, Sub -Section (3) SD-9 District, to allow temporary development sign; REQUEST, for waiver of CHAPTER 36 NOISE, Section 36-6 Construction Equipment (a) permitting the operation of construction equipment exceeding the sound level of a reading of 0.79 weighted average dBA at any time and/or day subject to the City Manager Exception pursuant to Section 36-6 (c) and all the applicable criteria; The requirement to record in the Public Records a Declaration of Covenants and/or Restrictions providing that the ownership, operation and maintenance of all common areas and facilities will be by the property owner and/or mandatory property owner association; And the requirement to record in the Public Records a Unity of Title or a Covenant in lieu of a Unity of Tit M F A. VEGA P.E. Date Z lag Supervisor . Y ETC/-1 C LI /y Y WONT ODA: NON DE oau r. 1:« APS ON. 022A05l w 4CSh1 521. 6F9, 0+5 N.B. 5P}n 45- 1 2.2135 oor: SURVE* DAPS: :2-0+-2GJ0 *:.45 HISCatNE R4U.Evhrtn. 6N,6, -LG4 „n "]•..] R029= DENTF.C_ O e hF REES Lnrti191ic!FcnvO,5 5A-11_, •CD n:.le . v+'D OR*R ::AIPAp0 342NTCN', o No- d Nero, , leara.a r- Pa, Do. T, No, e ,, ,i_no a e eer -N Eba:Fo1.34 Innrord of t LI1, el Im>a 11"g r0UnmSoeClriuler, 'E000.ai, N 10e aio,Info, oa ._corded :n Plal °c... olt DE: ot Nr, ., 55.1, iS. Tuon,. 52 nolo T11 AA AL In iNnoorroorl Lot 5 - FCCN FJrA2, L,Cnf `.�„-y. Akah'Ct951. tlDPgpl J IN_Ias_ OS caear<eo I. Plol flnex %. N Ile, Ux, ��lV, +z an. „cccle.ao•>_o n.Cuobf tl:rvi r"n3ia� <pe N1 eona_:. 'ol 6nol, as-ats4:0110p "y aSmAli 125. Nat o1l rnl e 4er1= ,2 E n of Goev " got No, i uIo�eR.ea -_ _ '•rn„�1,,. i al rea�r55. no.. on >, col 'u o .ner, s u Nod., fon.dpci a 110 rod' vyl)•.gnc linoY Sg. u, opt o of Ins e Ne.n. ds v. _cee Co, 71y. o4:Pr� .. 25.00 foot "C' r'. Ld 5, 5,-.Lion LEI. - - e Gyt onoron - G.� sexc: IQ P., Book .t J1. + n. —yam pLot 2 et 1 of :IRI.55 n4CN c51f40INSION o 1 1 t- �. - - a. No ..._.... . • niti, nor.o, Ba, l.rce os e.B ,, E[1upN PARK .co,ped n .:, 9co, No C ool l MOiNGTSN SESLIM1w51OII e u No.!,'.E.Ic DooneVoo1 leic+ • ek of too n. ou, c toe Pon,fiett+, ur pu a-'- Joan da 1,.rioLON. 1 come P Latf , n' lARLINGICOL u o to m - 1 Dea ' aece.-. ,: o _oma c eweu s�slWS ARurw oN e .<yd COO. ,eat L... el .,�,F ,.o, o ,.- zs.,:a :e., le too D_... g c sE "Jib'oNoPe' olds o info Mont, o •1 L NEN „'r0N4,MEN5 ;CASED `; 42,5El0 nol. CALac;;) ; N[=E C4'2 'J,i01nORIaG U!at PCs>=OW: GURVATVRE, - vT; ar, n str. *Pl D, C/Kin... N let NELP ' `1/N5.,N..L 22 roDoDI c & M Sm riv E._pOk ELEva I1025 Oil-DF r � 10T • :uae;:, Pae..FrnN: N. ;0u61054, otf_ 00' o NO EADYNDUNT., EASEMENT ONION: A, Hoof: aw£Pm.o.,.Hoof:? FE:m r-E NO 'i ,BES: . C Y rpEMEbh OR fir.,' 1.N.R :4 -"v'NYS AND, FVIa .ArFEiT E ,. D :t'Ci�rtis'. NRPCY'EMf IIIE ANC firkiNE2 VEND NOi 0:2.,52, 0 2.0 51ADA-,e -E' o"F ERTHE OF,INAL - -- - ce" 'acvm0.rr - - - x-eae r Iy R1,, ANO 1ce!5 l"Noortuu 121, 51,001.2. 9ah7c 0% v0O0E55:-en' s 1,F5CRS AND a 0 6pi HEM- 001411-5, .lu!:cS'NeYl.F 11510,, rOP.SDAN"E'£C:!0h- 5 2-622, F1.f1UOA s1a 0IE"5. IIROJOS©M OF LAND CORP SII ee01;1g Se..• ce, 64 PARK PLACE CLASS it PERMIT REVISION 6443 BISCAYNE BLVD. MIAMI, FL 33138 CM( OF PIIAM4 HEAP!1:71 @OAROS PLANS 11cV3EW 20,2 • RCF+ITECTURE AICAdectl. with a PVn 102550 5.'H 50th Straet Miairs 64 Park Place Gm; i.aFs II, 0,1. 272E S.'N 24 Ave . Rt5 G 1w ^rvit Grove, FL 33s95 �i051 b54.19:v Cass li Perrnft Rev'Isksn Co uianl'. GQVR SHEET 0636 .. NE Gast, TERRACE JnL.7 1:i' L ELI A2hltetture v ah a P0111[ . Archit. a.Inc. s vu 5bt SIree1..__ 64 Park. Place 5nxx a���,m IM E. 2725 S tv z<1 S¢:Ite i. O...Et Fire, Fl 151,518o0.1919 Class II Permit Revision C nsulfi 1 FVilONS SITE PLAN, LOCATION PLAN AERIAL IMAGE 0,2020. 0636 ,o1.0m FFF A-0 .......................... ........... ,PARK PLACE ENLARGED SITE SCALE. 1,1.t._p^ ._. ae re Att.,?:'-.t LEGAI')LSI-RInT�DN T il6, U„ la [. twv: TFirianCE _ .. F?A LKn N HO AK[H1V Itf • !l sx, "1' . crry OF EtlAtitl E!RPCe P.c:I WIf942E65 AFCiiITECTIURE Arch/tedwe with n Point Vertex Arrry_11eooW?o. ioo 44.,15,1 5. W. 51)ih S00E1- 64 Park Place 501za3nII "° .17•ZA s C;Hr1 Ft :111,3 IIe,11 Class 11 Permit Revision SNLANG50 SITE RAN, LEGAL OESCRIP I ION, ZONING OA FA BUILDING- TeoPC,$T= 0- GRFENSPACL CFV 07 91lAE9i 9 ARLaS APcnITFCT RE Arcaitecame Mel a Point Voles Se hitectum t119. o2505 W. beta Seeei 64 Park Place awe ryli3EcE, FL 3.1,0S 42ue Lv1s u_ W. Gray, R.212E Fi ll_ is pre. 00-la i 30`'h n5.4.rOr9 Class II Permit Revision ZONING CALCULATIONS mx r A-0.2 9636 5A5EME7i2 F201)5 'Sr FLOOR IRO ',LOCH i,.A.R CALCULAT30N5 RES€©ENTIAL RETAIL 8ASEMEN7 FLOOR 1ST FLOOR 2NS.1 FLOOR ,3RD FLOOR 4TF3 FLOOR 5TH F0QQf 6Tt1 FLOOR 7TH FLOOR 87HFsocR 7Ol At. 2,440 S_F. ._..h.... 2,453 S.F. 2.320 S F v_.,..., .., ...._ 4.726.._SF. ..,. 15,055 S F --- _ 4,916 S.F. ........_ -�- __ __.. 14J3k SF. — � � 5,109 s.F. 4H FI-043t 5TH FLOOR 67H-STH FLOORS OFFICE 5,109 5.5. 5,109 5.F_ 5 109 S.F. 39274 S F_ 2,453 S.F. I 25,362 S F. LOBBY!CORRIDOR 19355. 1,280 S.F. _. 304 s.r, 1,064 S F. TOTAL _ 183SF 6_173 SP 2624S5. 5,179 S. F. 2 666 6.F. 21598 S,f_ 2,666 S.F. 837 S F. 837 S.F. 837 S F_ 10,554 S.F. 22,511 S.F. 5,946. S.F. 6,546 S.F 5 946 S Fl 77.760 S_FE cm,' OF MIAMI 82.118nls 6oAnas 1020 3_V1ENAIOV 2 .22'58 Rk51,11 F[:CT11RE Arehitaolure wAh a Poi 6hItectu e,, Inter W 56th Street 64 Park Place 84sh+v FL331_8 Cfnv 241n.1.�11. 2738 5 W '2R Axe . S Cot.. Grove. FI. 33133233 51 f1,141N Cala1Gant 01 _^n21011 A-©.3 ARCIfiTECT Wrhltectuie *lb n Paint av MejunaTo Gard nu, 64 Park Place 6m 1519 w vzssw 59450 riOCMWE G854, Fl ]3133 305185a-!319 Cfass A Pem13t Revision R 5:15ibNS PROJECT RENDERINGS p]1n,2WE I 6 _ L 186+SP. nr^£o A-0.4 0636 OV tFIAM! HLA2:=•2a2. t[2r.HDS t3.A2-222,riaV222 M. X: I N (= C. NI:; T- _, .221 A hrteciusa vn33 a Pont Vertex Art�?ILedrne, I t ua2'6 S.VVrr 6fn 5creeI 64 Park Place sari eIumn>e alga. Mier., 41.:31i9 hoc n,LW '7i26,9. Lk. t.enorL TO133. rnV6iq-4 11 �1Fa1:1 Class II Permit Revision EXISTING CONDITIONS _IF Npfj. a.,-o,iasSH 0636 ra. area 9. A S.P. 1 alai�a mr A-0.5 ' hKIEe seACES iaC nts,...,{;*mONAt -o^FT AI&E .,,, rAAAAIN6 SPAC[ NAMI3Lf:$ [AAAAENT FLOOR: 10 SIAEA:S (( 1 1T28IDS S6 54I) 'T FLOOR: S I.5 f B - . �.A.21B) 2NO FLOOR. 0 SP-ACES i5 f D4109 105.113 300 FLOOR. ,. SPA2F5 1.1141351DA l4l.154.154 14)_ TOTAL. 3. I2,.1m..,,.].1G9.1.) ), 4:iPA(;ES f201e O�� ?F.5`- 102151.2 PFR10h0 SPACES. 165 SPA2E5 LAILAI Alt �� BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN SCALE _ _ O.e0ITV 1111 03g131 m . HLA,-11 10110E *L3 .40c.. Mai' 1 :i.AC;lni1.00f x SST FLOOR PLAN SCALE. 1116 r O Architecture with a Point 00ttcx A Chiteduru, FRC, 10250 5.01 G00. S000 64 Park Place e.as 011101», ana Mia,e!. 2.3:1110 LuiA31. UP, 2728 S.W 24 Ave...AAt4C. c wl 4rat<e_ F11133 11,00 4 Class II Pelmit Revision BASFMFNT 8 1ST FLOOR PLAN DOC A.1 2ND FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 116,1'47 C:T'• Ft1tAlAl 20,„ 3RD FLOOR PLAN „1. SCALE: 1.:18,1:-A ARCefrFCTURE ArchAect t with e PoME vertex Nchit ore. lac, :Os:: SW sot: S met Swln l;.,re 64 Pack Place O44] U SCWIK Ix�. A mi. FL', flX GcW 14 nsi4V6.. y.�ue C. uccrvit 1354- 9-14 1� j]451 II5494h4 Class II Permit Revision CO11 US d1t AFAISIONS 22:417 & 3Ru FLOOR PLAN IN.. MEWS c3A.S ' 0636 A-2 { 4TH FLOOR PLAN CYF+' OF NAME Ha.a.i„a eo�s+ua 5TH FLOOR PLAN PL...A.i.+;ev:.: p6v z -ztss k. -0 Tama 1 CTURE ArthaFctura with a Paint Vertex A r latacluse. Inc, 40250 S. W. ,adifi SV4t1 Skirt, IC 64 Park Place as4Ic,FL313 cayran PAbm�, FL.1.311 Luie 2]]lf ,SiV 1A Ave.,e.Saar as . iaao, FL 3313R f.tan N94-1919 Class it Pennrt Revision ftsvreau�a 4TH & 5TH FLOOR PLAN c,ozr 0838 5TH FWOR PLAN SCALE: 1116,1 9"J�- 7TH FLOOR PLAN SCALE 1116'=Y-0' ARCHITECTURE 0 mrrhiiettvre With a Pokes raw 1.7.1 Rea.' Rrditect re, loos. 10259 a W. 55111 S0001 64 Park Place Crec Loic A, 0.1 2128 0.01. 2h Ave., 01.10o [. co tat f,9lrun, ttlet�8 _ fal ea4-1019 Class E€ Permit Revision e'ttt & 7TH £5A631 PLAN ...P7.:.zn z1ros m G.dxur�s�: i 0636 A-4 MAIN ROOF PLAN STH ELOOR PLAN l J CA-5J SCALE v1s„m1...a. R-5 STH FLOOR PLAN SCALE. 1148"'=1'0" ROOF PLAN 10TH FLOOR PLAN A'8 SCAL E'. 11'rb"A 1`6' CISV OF KAM! {'r.AN032201CW 535 2 . 7f Ardrltoctu5 with a Paint a.Wnnai,isrvmm�n x��an x ArdatecSsre. €11C. ;02505.0H. SSNI Sveei 64 Park Place r11 ,31.asianl sm�a. 27GrW Lci911..23 03H5.W roe. F31513C Coa 30Ga5a Fl]3133 f�rMv aSslA1V CW$5 i3 POtlnit Revi0300 rxrwrrr. BTF€ -1 CTH FLOOR PLATYS If 21124 2l a 6636 u+_ ns.rC -c. nr,. A-5 SOUTH ELEVATION "! SCALE'. 4:;7::1,_ir !i1 NORTH ELEVATION SCALE, 111l : l.:...,.�__ r. it-':., j - V'+c s CR'� 4(I MlFtMI LEE L;n vl.:' d�v 7. ARCkIre61 11RE Arrltitecture with a Point Vertu, A1ch leciurP Inc__ 10250 S W-.SRIP S4eet main-c>31e6 64 Park Pace 444A4u:24L. mia. Pi a3122 on1r. iw line IL LL znbSw. ,A..S 1:A1,4.Grove, 1b�t t305]22,a1a Class II Permit Revision REVISIONS t;LEVAT]ONS TFE o nt uaa I rt "'""l': 0636 � _tisv ., Mturx A-6 r;1 WEST ELEVATION l�7)scATF: vas,Ne- 2 \j EAST ELEVATION pHCMIfFOTURE AMchlterttrro with a fain€ 1/erteH Afc 5G1 L 5,reeM - IfrG. 10250 6 N;. SSIh [ 64 Park Place 6fi43 elstayne 31vd 1li4uai fi. 33436 oAIN Gres24 v .3 n :utG 43 FL N919 i3 i< �ao� 9!44y919 Class II Perrnil Revision ELEVATION* 07.rz0iNNNN ;S:.LEV_ MACE COLONNADE ot•FIC GA!'tK€NG • RETNE.,OF:^FC S GI.F.V. MAC3i. GARDEN DECK EL EV_ i OBEY RE:510EN13AL UNITS RESIDER 'f1AL{9NI-TS F> 41GCNTI PARKIN-54. EliESIRENTI4 I''ARKIN4: OFiir10E & RE FWIL PAR4G T'n]1kLfit av VERTICAL TRELLIS DETAIL © GARAGE WALL W_ SCALE. N.T.S. 3 ECFlEATIGN 6CCK -SPAN r1: OFTIC & FtEjh`1IL PARKi G I 43 VN3'rS C1 DIAGRAMAT€CAL SECTION A e SCALE: u1y,I,-0„ Archaocture willwilia a Poini Veliex A%L8ltieclure, €ru. 10210 8 VY `d[h Stn10E 64 Park Place FI42 alscn41,o t1^w. 142Oml. f'L 0113e Gros Luis N. LW. 0'2tl 3 W. 24 Ano.. & RO C Coconut C wFL 3,3,33 1.195}F54-4191P Class El Permit Revision C.Lnsullmtt SECTION ciry OF A&IA541 i30,41133 _ rxr.oL2tlori. 1'L,'-:<S P,EVIi.W own. m 41 4 A-8 L LEGEND «. (t) SLUNG GLASS BOOR OATH ALUMINUM FRAME. 1',, ft'l:laPlrv¢3 �FfFlY NlINCOW f DOOR WITH ALUMINUM FRAME COL. 0,e !H'2r44EI LN4IE COI OR (GLAZING; 011. ( ) PAINTED STUCCO (4� PANTED STUCCO cGioR2ICFwY3 i5 Y ALUMINUM RAILING W#TH METAL MESH not on iFALJNGT M RE GO[.Li1c IMFS`RI rwll >ICN f CEP, OF 69LR2,11 hr)r. rl^ A0.'.'311-5 FLA ARCnI, FCTW ArchReel.re With a PofnS Vertex AahRedure, I3u. 10259 SW 5811-i Sheet 64 Park Place pnna [isu'7ylie NW. urfirm_ Fe. a,na Gcec221 E,,. 2C>x 5, aanee„ MI 1, Ctt 30) C, 9l3 as (.3D5}854,'1918 Class II Permit Revision {iLNGIa3ME ie Ofl G9kM ELEVATION UETAfl_S 9i2LL.2fd�0 r un,insP, ' 0636 C. ralauPam - inpnrsei. nyRrc�h p,m,�area NET Cmraik,k, Are-prho vk�iskai.,g1wmv anmk .Hmi er Mak A,m:A of ]B :Nirar iec,asm a king'akar.l.xn erts. Accordlr.p ,r 4,e enara.is.I.ruen.lgr:,a;: aa.ri zenaval z.. calm e.Or.>at oru mad I.' sr azet t16 1711)7 replkenta, initigatiorr. a 3. Tne:me,:ryer,rdziameni i 1 'nS I a! Ilj aane:n anatuk -f:al »Larta,V ll In1'rrn:�l9; rr+fil:a Ck,aa Rua: a:rl. [!i x aeF;en kpalka Fern c. Tka orN of 12 rnw„ks. This eumtls Me rapiaLem,km EXISTING TREE DISPOSITION LIST l5 xrt c�I EX€STING TREE DISPOSITION PLAN Cpr" OR R+rAA9 o anR;aas urI -rxlnsvy 0 VERTEX] A2CH1'rE(:TIJWr Architecture wlih a Paint lert x Amnitectule _ Inm safe streml � 64 Park Place C•111 BVacayne Bl,•R. IAien,i, FL 3313.9 Ow ar. Cirsc Lvio :I, Ltu. 21?2- S.NI2A ave., Sul33 0.5)t154,-l..i31.'43 1?d51 »54-1949 Permit Set ContilitaaL aosEaBr:nc .1311 VIS; ama EXISTING TREE DISFOSITION PLAN ITLE LA-1 6 1ST FLOOR rPLANTING PLAN scams; vrs=r.�r Mardrs ARCHITEG fU1tF RrchiteL1ute wah a Point Uert_rr ric'ssm''h' +ai,ot.W. et 64 Park Place w1a €aard Mia111, s. 3ar38 C cb S C or r1 roam,. 3:1133 .. 54 FL 33513 ��So5,i a54-i!!tA Permit Set 0525 5RQ FLOOR PLANTING PLAN SCALE'. 1116'=1' Lr' ClTV OF MIAE11 JET O to r V�rz7eT '.. AF[':�i17ECTARE I PoNchltecture wish a Nara 1ex Architecture. 1llc, Ip2rA S W. nth sve® .51-11 R. 3.,55 64 Park Place Mlam:, EL.:f"fIO caner sus3a Ara . Foe C Co�of p2,) �`<-'aI331 5 Consular!: ._.emu. r!....-.i DETA(l. A PAN ViFW ROOT BARRIER €NSTALLATIO*€ DETAIL PLANT€' G S. BRACING DETAIL UNDER 3"CALIPER SHRUB SPACING DIAGRAM PLANTING & BRACING DETAIL OVER 3" CALIPER -7..'Err4 Or MIAMI O 'l.Rlt- SHRUB INSTALIATiON qETAIl"°"- I VERTEX ral.iEf.IFETURE krchdec9tre with 2 Pont. Venes Arch222t2r2,, Inc. 1 G�.Pp 9'f!-Sblh Elraet , 64 Park Place 144112!4444l4 N,vo- �{TTL FL 335]R Gre.; Lws II, . 61 02N5.W 21 Ave.., 1113C C.-mil Grove. FI. 33133 (3a51 flu-�o1fl Pe1Trli3 Set LANDSCAPE SPECIf[CATION5 AND PLANT LIST G526 / 1ST FLOOR ��IRRIGATION PLAN , 5_ALEy119"=1 0" • V��3EX 1 Ak9MITECTUF E Arshctechaa Wlth a Pnfnt rah .06 Inc. I 64 Park Place Fnaa ei9�ar,�o awn. c,ac"4a I tt 2 vy 4 Ave ., fiulh c0co(.0 0.ve. -M13 13 ,.RW3aswte�a cmr, ar nil>atl `V�1 1i•I V Y�?V 7 9Pf�lF wr _ 1R-1 6TH FLOOR 1RRIGATiON PLAN 3RD FLOOR \, IRRIGATON PLAN VERTEX I IAµCF+EFECTURE Achilc:ciure n I a Poittt Afrnen Vn ,xArchltncture, Inc. .:3S0 S W. 66th aueai 64 Park Place eaQl rni. FL 36 Mlnni, FL �3"36 1�2t �JEw xa Aye.,SZG t Permit Set CaivwIrone v,08tN96RG a DESIGN �Ir ntuisKMS id :w� ccu.cwriu+ I 3140 & 6TH FLOOR 1RRIGATON FLAN CO, r'ilnitt CJ .r,L3 F— .wtrtr vitc cIJ::1';: : I,U x1 -� h str OS26 IR-2 MELTLERDETALL 4- - I24.rn:::;2:4 SPRINKLER ON RISER DETAIL FOR SHRUB AREAS ANTI -SIPHON PRESSURE VACUUM BREAKER DETAIL -4. TYPICAL, SOLENOID VALVE ASSEMBLY IRREGULAR AREAS: ODD CURVES nhihKg-7,„, 'rechltee END FEED LAYOUT GrriP/d ,../7,1 ; . . ARCkITECTLRE .! ArCilKe.:Eit,,,WT a P0i11 10?so Stmet ' W ill 01,11 palLy,..4_____I'l ., .' r-,--,--124L:JINI;;' : • el q_ _,,,,2„ _ _ _ ,Ir,",,,,,,,:, ,,,,„ ,,:,"„:„:7:77.,,,,,,t'7,7,r, Techline CENTER FEED LAYOUT Techilrie LINE FLUSHING VALVE IRREGLAAR AREAS, TRIANGULAR LL, ip 3 CITY OF MIAMI ' 64 Park Race 0440 H,ncayrre Blvd. Kam,. 4: 331:3F: cz.viter_ Ltd 0.01 44 Ave . Suila C Coco.04000, 01,13142 INe!:85.9.-EM Ltonselent " 4 • IST FLOOR IRRIGATION PLAN crear:1 ! RUO i BLEEVAL,LLISILNIDETAIL 2" DISC FILTER Ted -dine -START CONNECTION Ted -trine AIRA/ACULIM RELIEF 11-3 ,,, ..........,....,