HomeMy WebLinkAboutExtension of Time Letter & CC R-07-0549Direct. Fax: e 3.;ijE 96; yard€sagtiaw on August 1, 2008 Ms. T. eresita Fernandez City of 'Miami Hearing Boards Office 444 S.W. 2.'" Avenue, 7"' Floor Miami, Florida 33130 Re: 6443 Biscayne Blvd - Extension of Time for Special Exception Dear Teresita: On September 27, 2007, the City of Miami City Commission approved a Special Exception to allow parking on R-3 properties with an SD-12 Overlay, pursuant to Resolution 07- 0549 for the subject property. A copy of the approved Resolution is enclosed. On behalf of the owner, we are requesting a one year extension of the Special Exception. Since the approval of the Special Exception last September, the demand for market rate residential units has decreased significantly, The approved design contains a substantial amount of residential units which makes the project not feasible at this time, therefore, the owner needs additional time to obtain a building permit. Unfortunately, the bank's in our community are not currently lending money for residential projects. In accordance with Section 1606.2 of the City's Zoning Ordinance, we are requesting a one year extension until September 27, 2009, in which to obtain a building permit. Should you have any questions, please call me at (305) 579-0683, En' cc: Michael Luis ,224vg 7-'?' 8. y of la Legislation Resolution: R-07-0549 City Hi 3500 Pan American Drive Mlami, FL 33133 www.miarnigov.corn File Number: 06-01433xc Final Action Date:WV/207 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), APPROVING A SPECIAL EXCEPTION, REQUIRING CITY COMMISSION APPROVAL, AS LISTED IN ORDINANCE NO. 11000. AS AMENDED, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, SUPPLEMENT 14, TO ALLOW PARKING ON R-3 PROPERTIES WITH SD-12 OVERLAY TO SERVE ADJACENT COMMERCIAL USES, FOR THE PROPERTIES LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 6443 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD, 621-625 AND 645 NORTHEAST 64TH TERRACE, MIAMI, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Miami Zoning Board at its meeting on November 13, 2006, item No, Z.7, following an advertised public hearing, adopted Resolution No. ZB 06-1257 by a vote of six to one (6-1), RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of a special exception requiring City Commission approval as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, Zoning Ordinance No. 11000. as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, requires City Commission approval of the Special Exception as hereinafter set forth: and WHEREAS, the City Commission after careful consideration of this matter, and notwithstanding the decision of the Zoning Board, finds the application for the Special Exception meets the applicable requirements of Zoning Ordinance No. 11000, as amended, and deems it advisable and in the best interest of the general welfare of the City of Miami and its inhabitants to affirm the decision of the Zoning Board and grant the Special Exception as hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMl, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted toy reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The decision of the Zoning Board to recommend approval of a Special Exception, requiring City Commission approval as listed in Ordinance No. 11000, as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Article 4, Section 401, Schedule of District Regulations, to allow parking on "R-3" properties with "SD-12" overlay to serve adjacent commercial uses for the properties located at approximately 6443 Biscayne Boulevard, 621-625 and 645 Northeast 64th Terrace, Miami, Florida, more particularly described in "Exhibit A," attached and incorporated, is affirmed and the Special Exception granted, Section 3, This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor. {1} City of heitiitygi Page I of 2 Ptinied 011: la/25/2007 Fi{ff Number 86-01433xY Enac R-07-0549 Footnotes (1) if the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted, If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. C:fiy of:Viand Page 2 of 2 Printed Oat; 10/25/2007 r"N 5 Li [rt,PMMl, FLOP.CA 2308ono t itMi, FLORIDA 33138 J S 20405f nt D SCMP t o ¢" ;J fa '.. Jc (7 ▪ t t'�C G>§Zi'.. €he/ 5 /gr�`k C ei "tG' EgUi7ft F'c3 ? i�t <' �"'' orOec. ; n eu`,, ;3r._xtUl rnoa �� p , 9 tin = tl3•ai�s .i� ;.'. ,. st it :� `3 file ,, %r=s C,S n c -,q' r.,f tn, P�attc ecc.reS as Ariie)rrt act;e t;aa=r,tyterF,,,A.,,�ver'aTen... 'Qs fctlow`s: ; Sector; 10, c,wr;st4¢, S3 lath, Zane 42 _3,n ct o,r,t 1367 5G ;apt ;;r.h o' th at we a„c@ t' °rve.t 112,04 feet, },,.torn Sono 0. of r;.e foot to. scat, tner,� c g, ,1� �� €e®'.: SYiar=c� North 4.a of one foci.; .;;ri ;t1 5cy,r,r;sney path': 988.?C! 'eet :.tars= of she So•�tr�»resf ;,�.neP PVjrae l 1.hct porcei of iced dtsr.''b* ! .33 fOilowl ornmencc rat o p s' Ee.t • inrr�ce run East st co-r fret, the No,thecs; f4 ipr Gcvteentreni. L ct 5) of Section 78, Township 5.3 Socha, Runge f ?3ert nr3;; n� mence North 5200 feet: thence ,Nast 112,00 feat., thcr3ce South 52.0Q feet to Poir;1 o y, .. i r +and bzJrsg in nt:o_r'ti—Dade County, Fioridu �G, of the .SS AND arXCEPTING from the nhove descriDed property toifowirtg: The 'West 30,00 feet of Lot 5. ARL1f�GaTON, occording to the plat thereof, as recorded in Pict i;ao-4 J, Page P. b5 c Pec0r55 Di' titan},-0od,a County. Flroitlo. Township 53 South, Runge 42 The Welt 4.5,00 feet of the portion of Subdivision ,L" of Government Lot 5, 5ectlon IS, rp tlSos h. Roe County, Soil. occord'er<55 to the pot theraott as recorded in Plut $c�rak °'A", pag4 1 of the Public Records am, Oodeaa€, as Fivrido, tying }forth of the Westerly eoxte sforf of 'Public hRecoiorhds oftie of t.©a ARuflti, Nrfdccording to the recorded in Plot Hoak 7, 9 To rc l t� with lying o Pnrcel iv: A stria; of land m,ecssuring 25 00 feet Montt and South and 125.DC feet East and %nest, l n tc ens north c Tracts "It- orad "L" as shown on a Plat of Subdivision of Government Lot 5 in Section 18, Towrishep 53 South, Range 42 Fast, ore retarded en Pict book "A", ct. Page 1, of the Puolic Records of Miosni -0 0e County Flooriec in Adoother r£so:ak -eferrd to, descrt.ed and thdfaated as tract "PAOn" nd certain plat ottaahed io 0 9 55, at "-oge 145 of the Public-ecorde of Code County, a iofido; _NSF ori5 6K„ei3t The°xe4t 45 000 feet of the South 25.00 feet of 5ubdivislor "C.," 4i Govornmerei Lot 5, Section 18, inn w34iG .. 53 out ,• Por,ge 42 East, cccord4)9 fa the plat thereof, oe recorded in Plot Stook `A`, at Poge 1, of the Puo±ic Records of Dace 0ounty, FtardCa. h i•: 0 - +r,t-4. ?c 4 of ARL NGTON SUB5t' iS10N according to the plot ?hereof as recorded in Pict Boots 7, coge. 44 o` the ubitC F•cnrds of Dade County. Flo;oda• now known as fiiornl—Dole Cau:ty, Florida. ANC) v Jess the South 7.5 feet thereof. in LEGION ARK,,aacQ according to the Pat thereof. recorded in Tat eoc'k 35. age __.-'43,- o-` the Public Records of I�iarnl—Dade County, nd Lots 1 Qnd 2. less the South 7.5 feet thereof. of Afif.1NGT[i+i RE5UBC11N53UN, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in mint Bonk 7 Page 44. of the Public Records of Miami —Dade County, Florld53aSauih, Range 42 i+vst. according to the nd A portion of Subdivi5tar, .C.. of Oorerrrnent Lot 5 of Section 18, Plot thereof, as recorded in Plot cook A. dt Pine 1, of the Puhiio Records: of ittlarrtt—flare Cmurty. slorida. teeing more � grt,cuiQriy described �s iotiOwa: to Sage of the P Putific Corner of tLAlberni—Dada fCounty,foF Florida; thence a Ne9'44 50®Vr. atom; the Korth line oft 9t_,ais 4 and 2 oe .m of the Public Records o 2 of sa,c AFtUtdG7ON far 112,00iyfeet f1 the NorthwesteNortconfer of seld Lot 2; thencePLAT LEGION PARK,r25,00 cceordlnfge1Oiohehptat .hte•section with the westerly extension of the North line of Lot 0 of of NDEDMani Florida: thence S$9the pi't. thereof. as recorded in Plat Book 39. face S.3, of the Public Records of Ml©mN-Rode County. - ono the Westerly extension of said Lot G for 112.00 feet to %he Northwest ocrner of said Lot 0; thence SU0'00'90"W, o;or:y the ~Wet line of ea,a Lot D for 25.00 feet to the Paint 01 eeginriing.