6443 Biscayne Boulevard and
621-a625 and�645 NE 64t1 Terrace
FILE NO. 06-01433xc
Pursuant to Article 6, Section 612 of Ordinance 11000, as amended, the Zoning
Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, the subject proposal to allow surface parking in
R-3 "Multifamily Medium -Density Residential District" with an SD-I2 "Buffer Overlay
District" has been reviewed as follows:
NOTE: This Special Exception includes the following Class II Special Permits:
Class II Special Permit as per Article 6, Section 609.3.1, for development of new
construction within the "Biscayne North Overlay District".
Class It Special Permit as per Article 15, Section 1512, to request a waiver of City of
Miami Parking Guides and Standards for reduction of the required back up space
from twenty-three (23) feet to twenty-one (21) feet and six (6) inches.
Class II Special Permit as per Article 15, Section 1512, to waive the one (1)
requirement for stall width abutting a wall.
Class II Special Permit as per Article 9, Section 923.2.1, reduction of the required
loading berth dimensions from (2) 12' x 35' to (2) 10' x 20' and to reduce the
required height of the stall from none (9) feet and six (6) inches to nine (9) feet.
Class I Special Permit, as per Article 9, Section 927. Temporary structures, such as
construction fence, covered walkway and if encroaching public property must be
approved by other city departments.
Class I Special Permit, as per, Article 9, Section 906.9 Temporary special events
such as ground breaking ceremony.
Class I Special Permit, as per, Article 9, Section 918.2, to allow temporary off-street
offsite parking for construction crews working on the proposed new commercial -
residential project during construction.
Class I Special Permit, as per, Article 9, Section 920.1.2, to allow for construction
trailer(s) and other temporary construction offices such as watchman's quarters,
leasing and sales centers
Class 1 Special Permft, as per. Article , Section I OE 6 3 6 3) to allow temporary
development sign.
*** This petition will be subj -t to City Cow issiou approval
The flaw a g findings have been made:
• It is found that the proposed six (6) stories residential balding along with a four story
parking garage which includes an additional underground parking floor will be
developed on several lots with an S- 1 2 "Buffer Overlay District" designation. The
land immediately to the west is proposed for an office -use building; the property is
zoned C-1 Restricted Commercial and SD-9 "Biscayne North Overlay District". The
property is located at the northeast corner of Biscayne Boulevard and NE 64th Terrace.
It is also found that the vehicular access to the proposed underground parking will be
from the existing SD-9 "Biscayne North Overlay District" and the R--3 "Multifamily
Medium -Density Residential with an Ski-12 `Buffer Overlay District" designation_
• It is found that the proposal has been reviewed for aesthetic impact and the submittal
does not include proposed materials and colors. The subject project had been
reviewed by the Internal Design Review Committee (IDRC) and some of the concerns
of the IDRC such as: overall height, parking and traffic circulation along NE 64th
Terrace are still a concern (please see attached Internal Design Review Committee
▪ It is found that the proposed plans sr swing the parking garage does not clearly
identify where the office and residential parking will be located as part of the proposed
parking garage in the current R-3 "Multifamily Medium -Density Residential" district
along with an SD-12 "Overlays Buffer Overby District".
It is found that the proposed SD-12 "Buffer Overlay District" for this proposal does
not follow the Special Limitations described under Section 612 of Zoning Ordinance
11000 because it is not a surface parking to serve the abutting district and also it
provides vehicular access to and from the residential area. The twenty (20) foot
landscape buffer and the six (6) foot height wall can not be provided as presented,
• It is found that the proposed basement parking along with the proposed six (6) stories
garage above ground and residential building are not in scale and character with the
surrounding area.
* It is found that the proposed parking layout will create a potential for circulation
conflicts with the proposed loading and residential parking,
Its a found that the request for waiver of the one ( l ) foot for stall width ;zzlt
appropriate more specifically in the ground level near the proposed loading,
It is found that the request for the reduction of the required loading berth dimensions
from two (2) i 2`x 35' to two (2) 10' x 2O and the height reduction from fifteen (15)
feet to nine (9) feet will be appropriate. In addition, the proposed loading does not
clearly show how the maneuvering will work in a safe manner in such a tight space.
It is found that the proposal does not provide an adequate landscape buffer to the
adjacent residential area and neither to Legion Park, to the north.
It is found that the submitted landscape plan doss not specify any of the botanical
names, spread and height of the proposed trees; hedges and ground cover. it is also
found that there is no landscape depicted along Biscayne Boulevard as part of the new
mixed -use project.
Based on these findings, the Planning .Department is recommending denial of the
application as presented,
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6443 13i.SCAYNI:, Bi.v
08--0 -2006
The following comments represent the unified vision of the Pre -Application Design Review Committee, which
consist of all staff members in the Urban Design and ].,and Development Divisions,
The following comments ate in response to the applicant's revision of the project from a 68 unit residential use
to a combination of residential and office space, and the subsequent alternations in the design_
• The change of use is appropriate.
• The changes to the west elevation of the nine story building are appropriate.
• The addition of another level of parking fronting Legion Park is unacceptable. Explore alternatives to
this solution such as mechanical parking or an additional level of underground panting.
• Please verify the parking calculations with the Zoning Department, and strive to .reduce the amount of
parking provided in this project.
9 The reconfiguration of the garage entrances and loading bays is an improvement over the previous
• The rendering of the north elevation of the parking garage suggests that a green wall will be used to
screen the parking garage from Legion Park. Provide details of this wall and indicate the location of
planters, species of plant, and irrigation systems.
• In accordance with the City of Miami Tree Protection Ordinance, all native tree species shall be
protected and accommodated into the design of a building, or, if this is not possible, relocated. In
keeping with this ordinance, the applicant shall protect or relocate the two existing gumbo limbo trees
and the sabel palm.
• Clarify how traffic circulation will occur along NE 64t'' Terrace.
• Verify all right of way improvements with the Public Works Department.
It is our intention with these comments to aid in expediting Special Permit applications with your
voluntary efforts in making the necessary changes; thereby, avoiding any preventable delays
particularly prior to a project's submission to the Large Scale Development Committee or the
Urban Development Review Board.