HomeMy WebLinkAboutII.A. Project DescriptionMAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMVI PROJECT DESCRIPTION ARTICLE [L Project Description Zoning Ordinance No, 11000 1. Section 13042,1 Application forms; supplementary materials ?. Section 1702.2.1 General Report 3. Section 1702.2.2 Major Use Special Permit Concept Plan 4. Section 1702.2.3 Development Impact Study • • CAPtTAL AT l3RICKEt::t:: FIKJA SMA MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT Section 1304.1.1 Application forms; supplementary materials (a) Statements of ownership and control of the proposed development of activity, The Disclosure of Ownership and Ownership Affidavit are provided in Article 1. (b) Statement describing in detail the character and intended use of the development or activity. Capital at Erickell f/kla SMA is located on South Miami Ave. between Southwest 14th Street & Southwest 14th Terrace, Miami, Florida. The development consists of a parcel with a net lot area of 121,259 square feet (2.784 acres). The gross lot area is 164,643 square feet (3.78 acres). The property fronts Southwest 14t" Terrace on the South, Southwest 14th Street on the North, Southwest 1st Avenue on the West and South Miami Avenue on the East. The zoning designation for the property is SD-7. The Project is a mixed use project containing a 52 story tower and a 56 story tower. There will be 542 residential units, 364 hotel rooms, 209,022 SF of office, 11,048 SF of retail and 6,856 SF of restaurant and 1,053 parking spaces. The gross lot area is 164,014 SF (3.77 acres) and net lot area is 120,683 SF (2.77 acres). Tower 1 with 52 stories faces SW 1$t Avenue and Tower €l with 56 stories faces South Miami Avenue. The two towers will be engages to a 12-story pedestal compound of retail, office, condo, residential lofts and a parking garage. The Project has been designated to compliment the ongoing development within this emerging neighborhood. The ground floor takes advantage of the urban context and introduces a plaza containing sitting areas and water features. Vehicular access to the site is provided and distributed around the site to address all five components (residential, hotel, office, retail and restaurants) of the development program. Vehicular access for the residential is provided off of SW 14th terrace. This entrance is appropriately sited due to the residential component lining the parking garage along this street. Vehicular access for the office condo is provided off of SW 14t'' street. Service access for the site will be provided off of SW 1st Avenue. All loading areas as well as trash pick up are internalized within a service court at the ground level off of SW 15t Avenue. • • • 2 Within the pedestal, the ground level ,will house retail facing SW 14 r1 Terrace, The 2 , 3` and 4r levels will house part of the amenities for the residential to include a gym, gym bathrooms, spa, business center, media room and lounge, The 13th level of the complex will contain the outdoor amenities to include an elevated pool deck, pool, spa, pool bathrooms, bar, planters, concept gardens, and pool cabanas. The pool is configures to provide Olympic size swimming lanes apart from the well proportioned swimming and wading area. North of the pool deck, there is a trellis element that not only provides a connection between the east and west pool deck gardens, but also provides the necessary buffer between the deck and the existing Miami -Dade People Mover to insure the proper distance for safety as suggested by the Miami -Dade Transit Authority. Tower 1 is topped with a series of bi-level loft units that become part of the final crown of the building which also contains grand penthouse and Tower 11 is topped with a sky lounge & restaurant. The crowns of the building give the project a signature and a unique addition to the already prominent Brickell skyline. The Architects while designing the buildings considered the scale and massing of the evolving neighborhood piecing both towers to maximize viewing corridors and strategically anchoring both prominent corners of the site. The Architects provided a plaza fronting South Miami Avenue in order to break up the scale of this large city block. The tops of the towers give the project a signature and unique design for the Brickell Area. The garage which is exposed along Southwest 1st Avenue and Southwest 14th Street has been articulated with raised stucco bands that are painted and scored creating an artistic pattern that enhances the garage facade. Much consideration was given to the placement of Tower 11 and the program facing Southwest 14th Street due to the existing People Mover so that the design would comply with the requirements of the Miami Dade Transit Authority. This building complex has a proposed height of 662:0" (633.0' N.G.V.D.) to the highest point (c) General location map, showing relation of the site or activity for which special permit is sought to major streets, schools, existing utilities, shopping areas, important physical features in and adjoining the project or activity and the like. The following exhibits are included with the Major Use Special Permit Application: (1) Aerial: Aerial photograph of the surrounding area indicating the project site. ......... . ;2 Area Context lap/Site Aerial. Map of the _project area indicating buildings and their functions that surround the site including projects under construction in the area. (3) Location Map: Map of the surrounding street system indicating the project location, (d) A site plan containing the title of the project and the names of the project planner and developer, date, and north arrow and, based on an exact survey of the property drawn to a scale of sufficient size to shown The general information requested is shown on the Level 1-Ground Floor plan, provided under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. The site plan includes the following: (1) Boundaries of the project, any existing streets, buildings, watercourses, easements and section lines; The boundaries of the project and the location of existing streets and easements are shown on the Survey located under Tab 5 of the Supporting Documents. (2) Exact location of all buildings and structures; The exact location of all existing buildings located on the property is shown on the Boundary Survey under Tab 5. The location of the building to be constructed is shown on the Level 1-Ground Floor Plan, located under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (3) Access and traffic flow and how vehicular traffic will be separated from pedestrian and other types of traffic; Vehicular access for the residential portion of the project is from Southwest 14th Terrace. Vehicular access for the office condo and retail portion of the project is from Southwest 14th Street. Access to the parking garage is located at the lobby. The service drive for the project, as well as the loading areas are located off of Southwest 1st Avenue. A detailed analysis of the site access and traffic flow is provided in the Traffic Impact Analysis located under Tab 2 of the Supporting Documents. (4) Offstreet parking and offstreet loading areas; The offstreet parking facility will include 1 underground parking level as well as 11 parking levels above the ground floor structure with a total of 1,102 parking spaces. The garage is shown on the underground parking level plan and the Second 3 • • (5) Ihru TweAh flOor parking level" plan, -provided under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. The Zoning Ordinance requires five (5) loading bays. There will be four (4) loading bay 12 ft. x 35 fL and one (1) loading bay 12 ft. x 55 ft. The clearance for all loading bays is 15 feet. Service areas are shown on the Level 1-Ground Floor Plan, under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. Recreational facilities locations; The parking roof- level 13m, will serve as a recreation deck for the development and will include indoor and outdoor amenities. It will include indoor recreational facilities such as lounge, and pool bathrooms. Exterior facilities will include a swimming pool with a pool deck, spa, benches, cabanas, ottomans, gardens and planters. These facilities are shown on the Level 13-Pool Deck located under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (6) Screens and buffers; Landscaped areas are indicated on the Landscape Plans — Ground Floor and Landscape Plan — Pool Deck located under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (7) Refuse collections areas; Waste collection will be provided by a containerized compactor system located within the service area. These facilities are shown on the Level 1-Ground Floor Plan, located under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (8) Access to utilities and points of utilities hookups, Access and connections to site utilities are discussed in the Site Utility Study located under Tab 3 of the Supporting Documents. (e) Tabulations of total gross acreage in the project and the percentages thereof proposed to be devoted to: (1) The various permitted uses: Total Residential and Non -Residential (SD-7) Sq. Ft. = 121,259 S.F. (Net area) • • (2) Ground coverage by structures: 5 Building Footprint m 93,059 S.F. Ground coverage by the structures is 76. 7 % of the total net lot area. (f) Tabulation showing the following: (1) The derivation of numbers of offstreet parking and offstreet loading spaces shown in (d) above; The total number of offstreet parking spaces required is 1,016 spaces and the total number of spaces provided is 1,102 spaces. Derivation of the number of offstreet parking is shown under the Project Fact Sheet, within the Project Summary, located under Tab 6. (2) Total project density in dwelling units per acre. As per SD-7 the maximum project density is 500 units per acre. The designated site is 2.784 acres (net area), which allows for the construction of 1;392 units. This project will provide 542 residential units, plus the 364 hotel keys. (g) If common facilities (such as recreation areas of structures, private streets, common open space, etc.) are to be provided for the development, statements as to how such common facilities are to be provided and permanently maintained. All common facilities to be provided will include the swimming pool, spa, club room, gym, business center, media room and pool bathrooms. The common areas will be maintained by the Owner and ultimately by the condominium associations. (h) Storm drainage and sanitary sewerage plans. Storm drainage, water distribution, waste water and solid waste generation provisions are discussed in the Site Utility Study located under Tab 3 of the Supporting Documents. Architectural definitions for buildings in the development; exact number of dwelling units, sizes, and types, together with typical floor plans of each type. Detailed information and breakdown of square footage of all uses are found under Unit Areas calculations, included under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. All drawings are located under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (i) • • Plans for signs, if any. The project will obtain signage approval at a later date. (k) Landscaping plan, including types, sizes and locations of vegetation and decorative shrubbery, and showing provisions for irrigation and future maintenance. The landscape plans showing vegetation are found on Landscape Plan - Ground floor, and Landscape Plan — Pool Deck. All landscape plans are located under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (I) (m) Plans for recreation facilities, if any, including location and generai description of buildings for such use. The 13th Level will contain a swimming pool, spa, a recreation deck, Bathrooms. The Gym and Spa will be located on the Tower II at the 15th floor with a private outdoor terrace with direct connection to the level 13 amenities. Wrapping around the Tower ll and integrated to the hotel function an array of several Ballroom facilities will be provided. Such additional data, maps, plans, or statements as may be required for the particular use or activity involved. The details of the spaces and calculations used to compute the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) are shown on the Project Data Sheet, provided under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (n) Such additional data as the applicant may believe is pertinent to the proper consideration of the site and development plan. Elevations depicting the architectural character of the building on the Buildings Elevations North, East, and South & West Elevations. All elevations are located under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. 2. Section 1702.2.1 General Report. Property ownership and beneficial interest within the boundaries of the area proposed for Major Use Special Permit. Statement of Ownership and beneficial interest within the boundaries of the area proposed for Major Use Special Permit are provided in Article (2) The nature of the unified interest or control. The nature of unified interest or control is indicated in Article I. (3) Survey of the proposed area showing property lines and ownership. A copy of the Surveys is included under Tab 5 of the Supporting Documents. • • (4) Map of existing features, including streets, alleys, easements, utilities lines, existing land use, general topography, and physical features. The existing site features and utility lines are shown on the Boundary Survey of the property located under Tab 5. The site features and the utilities are also described in the Site Utility Study, located under Tab 3 of the Supporting Documents. (5) Materials to demonstrate the relationship of the elements listed in (4) preceding to surrounding area characteristics. The drawings submitted with this Application are located under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (6) Existing zoning and adopted comprehensive plan designations for the area on and around the lands proposed for Major Use Special Permit. The existing zoning designation for the property pursuant to City of Miami Ordinance No, 11,000. The zoning designations for the property are SD-7(High Intensity). The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use designation for the property is Central Brickell Rapid Transit Commercial -Residential District. The zoning and the comprehensive plan designations are consistent with one another, 3. Section 1702.2.2 Major Use Special Permit Concept Plan. a. Relationships of the concept plan to surrounding existing and proposed future uses, activities, systems, and facilities (transportation, recreation, view corridors, pedestrian systems, service systems and similar uses. Article 1l contains a written narrative of this project outlining proposed uses, activities and architectural character. This narrative also contains descriptions of the project's relationship to traffic, pedestrian movements, and transportation access. Building elevations, sections and perspectives showing the proposed materials, vertical profile and height, and orientation to streets are included in the drawings submitted with this Application. The list of drawings submitted is found under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. b. Existing zoning and adopted comprehensive plan principles and designations. The project conforms with the SD-7 zoning district designation for the property. The comprehensive plan future land use designation conforms with the land use designation currently in effect for the property. 4. Section 1702,2,3 Developmental Impact Study. (a) A traffic analysis shall be submitted for an area within approximately 1/4 mile of the site, or an area including the major intersections to be impacted by the site, whichever is larger, The Traffic mpad Analysis is included under Tab 2 of the Supporting Documents, (b) Economic impact data shall be provided, including estimates for construction costs, construction employment, and permanent employment and shall demonstrate that the proposed development is favorable to the economy, public services, environment and housing supply of the City. The Economic Impact Study is included under Tab 4 of the Supporting Documents. (c) A housing impact assessment. Over the last several years prices of urban housing have increased dramatically; despite the recent slow down in the economy. Subsequently, a substantial amount of people within metropolitan areas has begun to return to the city to live. This has created a shortage of multi -family housing along with an upward surge of housing prices. Contrarily, the cost of construction has not kept pace with these increases, which has made it economically affordable to construct new buildings for sale. This pattern remains the same in South Florida where there continues to be an increased demand for housing, particularly in Miami -Dade County. (d) A description of proposed energy conservation measures shall be provided, including only those measures that are proposed in addition to the minimum requirements in State Energy Code. Architecturally, the building envelope will be comprised of insulated walls and roof. Tinted glass will be used throughout the building. Electrically, all exterior and landscape lighting will be controlled by means of time clocks and photocell switches. Energy saving lamps, ballasts and fixtures are being considered at cores and public spaces. (e)- Historic Buildings There are no historic structures located on the property (f). Environmental Zone The property is not located within an environmental preservation district. 8 • a P 01 SPINNAKER .. ,r 3 g32 _. fi�I€� �..,U www.ti e pti"tna e1','r00p nc.0 P Fax ii 4i-2., _r=€-z RE: C. S1 ir?t1T?lE'.iltal 1..tn pact -\na1'.is Staten "fo Whom It May C;titreerr?•,: air S= Date: cptember After review and consideration of th=e proposed project M1_`SP application provided to me b'y C,Sreenberb ie z> and 3 rig PFullerton-c pUrban �1'ratt _� s .u�., prepared by Greenberg 7 rs�.z. i� ..��., I)iaz:�.r�;hiteci.., C�abi Development Inc.,1�ncI..b�ta resource Chrortp, Spillis Candela DMJNI, and Kimely Horn & Associates, dated August 200-7, my comments are as follows. Based on the design elements and potential impact of the development in the context of the environmental and social conditions of the study area, this .p.IAS takes into consideration the following environmental issues: the economy, public services, environment and housing supply within the City of Miami. A complete economic impact analysis p.rovided by Sharpton, Brunson & Company P.A. is included in thc MUS.P application, Tab 4. 1n summary the report states that the increase in employment opportunity as a measure of full time jobs, wages, local taxes, direct expenditures, indirect expenditures and output generated by the project are determined to be a positive economic result of the proposed project. Please see Tab 4 of the MUSP application for further analysis. 'file Projects' relationship to traffic flow, pedestrian movement and transportation access is thoroughly examined by David Plummer & Associates and can be found under Tab 1 in the MUSP application. By channeling redevelopment to areas like this with existing infrastructure, the impact on natural resources can be protected. Communities with at least ten basic services within a half mile radius reduce the impact of vehicular traffic, improve productivity, alleviate parking problems, and promote healthy levels of outdoor physical activity_ Similarly Capital at Brickell will promote public transit use due to its close proximity to the metro mover, light rail system and bus stops with a variety of bus lines within !% mile. Bus stops are within walking distance of Iles project and provide; service to schools_ malls, airports, residential areas and city centers. A large number of people are willing to use mass transit if it is convenient and facilities are provided. This strategy can potentially reduce the energy demand for transportation which would cut CO2 emissions and lessen the negative effects of building high rise sites by reducing parking. In addition the projects 9,255 square feet of restaurant space and 12,143 square feet of retail space are designed to complement the 542 residential units by encouraging pedestrian activities and cultural usages which provide a sense of community. The site is located on South Miami Ave. between SW Id'`" St. and SW 14"' Terrace. There is existing zoning in this area of SD-7 which indicates on paper and in practice that this area is a high intensity commercial/ residential district. This area is very much a live, work and play type community in -line with a New Urbanism Design philosophy. Many basic services already exist in this community and focusing residential and retail density here will promote community connectivity which allows for living, shopping and working in close proximity. In order to integrate this project into the community and encourage pedestrian activities, the design team could consider softening the exterior plazas and walkways in order to attract pedestrian activities. Some ground floor plaza areas are currently in the design where sitting, socializing, meeting and walking will be possible. On site amenities also include a fitness area, business center, media room, lounge, concept garden, pool and spa. These amenities will supplement and a.dd value to the neighborhood, provide a sense of community and improve the quality of life through its public services. The proposed site for Capital at Brickell is a previously developed site which is not considered prince farmland, a greerrf eld, an habitat for any species on the threatened or endangered species lists and is not within 100 feet of wetlands; or public park land. Since this site has been previously disturbed, damage to the environment is limited and more sensitive land can be preserved. During the demolition phase of this project tree mitigation took place. A portion of the existing trees were removed and placed through out the City of Miami's park system. The rest of the plants were destroyed and the developer paid accordingly to the City of -Miami's Tree Fund. The developers' proposed plan marginally exceeds the requirements for open space. Of the open space associated with this project a very small percentage is vegetative or pervious. The entire site is 3.85 acres and only 0.11 acres are vegetative and pervious. increasing native vegetation on the ground level through out the plaza areas and walkways may be a way to provide a score signif=icant amount of pervious, vegetative space while restoring lost habitat. I do not believe that additional ,Treed space" is required by the City. Building Commissioning, TEEDr i Consttittn<g • %_.a4tliys'eili£..`.t.l tIoo decks are -1i':' .roof of tl e pauL -Tient -Tienallows for a smaller budding this size. 1t appears that very to v of the plants be and 1?lal'•=outran= e then Native or adaptive va.lretles. be rlelrlmcntai to habitat, wildlife and i11i£?'ratlon corridors. This hat. island effect can be turtber mitigated by FISuiGg rooting materials and hardscapeswith a high solar reflective index. I liori4y modelnw softN,,'are can be used to compare proposed roofi.na materials, building orientation, gl'azina characteristics and energy systems, u' order to determine the Inost efficient and cost effective means for c00linVC the interior of the building \t,hile profiling a product with Wall levels o Comfort..Doing this will potential lower energy costs as well. Site lighting can also have an impact on nocturnal environments for people as well as wildlife and habitat. Redneing light pollution by III?liting light trespass and up 1igiltin.' can ism -0\re nocturnal environments ,ents and provide c ..Later access to the nidit sky. This can he done by thoughtful aiaaceme It t-1 pe manent lighting, such that it does not escape thr rah windows. minimizing up lighting, using lower power densities then recommended by AS1 RAE ILSN.A standards for exterior li ;hun, and by carefully designing site lighting that does not escape the site boundary horizontally or into the night sky. Storrw'ater ;rill be managed with drainage wells and exthhtration trenches designed to recharge the F3iscayne Aquifer. 100% of storrnwater runoff will be treated on site. Sewage will be gravity feed to existing Miami Dade Water and Sewer hacilit.ies for treatment. Contractors will he required to prepare an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan before groundbreaking in order to reduce pollution from construction activities by controlling soil erosion, waterway sedimentation and airborne dust generation. .Issues pertaining to the supply of housing are addressed in the Protect Description portion of the :'/USP application es well as within the Economic Analysis under the Tab 4. Regarding all environmental impacts associated with this project, it is my professional opinion that the proposed development site is appropriate and has a favorable impact on economy, public services, environment and housing supply within the immediate neighborhood. While developing the design for Capital at Brickeil and building on this site, consideration should be given towards using water efficiently, maximizing energy efficiency, using environmentally appropriate materials, and monitoring indoor environmental quality. in this vvay the impact of - development upon our natural environment can be minimized and the performance of our built environment can be maximized. Sincerely: Jason Biondi LEED AP The Spinnaker Group Environmental Consultants 786 897 7783 rk in, ` oaccs are 'co e reo .i red I' fete �__. i?an ?Icat island efiei r .for prtrjtet ;;f 3ro? ided for landscaping are natives and layrequiremore sctcr i'. differences iIi temperature gradients between 'urban sett.n as Dan