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Gonzalez, H. Bert
Dt‘5 Ck-EL5S t..)7
From: Gonzalez, H. Bert
Monday, January 07, 2008 3:16 PM
Mare David Sarnoff (mdsarnoff@attglobal.net)
Subject: FW: CBIRs Grants for the City of Miami Community Redevelopment Agencies
Attachments: CBIRS-Grant-OT-Omni-WaterSewerInfrastructu re-2007-08.doc; CBIR Streetscape.doc; CBIR
Ward Rooming House.doc; CBIRFire House 2.doc; CBIR-NorthBayshoreDrive-Rebuild.doc
Marc; FYI The CRA's CBRS applications sent to State.
Senior StaffiBusiness Affairs
/1-2-c, te,tivit,
From: Herbello, Evelyn
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2007 3:37 PM
To: Herbello, Evi n; 'Frankie.Buckner@myfloridahouse.gov';'bullard.larcenia.web@flsenate.gov'; Spence -Jones,
Michelle (Comrn)ssioner); Sarnoff, Marc (Commissioner); Alexander, Koteles; Gonzalez, H. Bert
Cc: Pacheco, Jessica; Villacorta, James H; Woods, Clarence; Shelley, Donna; 'Doug Bruce'; Adderley, Jonelle
Subject: RE: CBIRs Grants for the City of Miami Community Redevelopment Agencies
To the Honorable 1 lorida Senator Larcenia J. Bullard:
To The Honorable Representative Dorothy Bendross-Mindingall:
We would like to thank you for your willingness to entertain sponsoring these grant applications. We really appreciate you
and your tireless efforts and advocacy for the residents of our community. You have faithfully served your constituents for
many years. Please accept our sincere thanks.
Attached please find both the updated and Grant Applications, including one for the Old Fire Station No. 2 and the Ward
ltiouming Hou•-.;. if there is anything we could help you with, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Evelyn Herbello
Executive Assistant
City of Miami Community Redevelopment Agency
49 N.W. 5th Street, Suite 100
Miami, Florida 33128
Phone: (305) 679-6807
Fax: (305) 679-6835
r -- 00,60J
• ITEM DI, i ONj-/O-.
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1/10/2008 07- at41S0-SU&fi# j- CNri Gram
Project Tracking .#: Community Budget Issue Request
1. Project Title: Water and Se% Infrastructure Date: November 5, 2007
2. Member Sponsor(s) N City of Miami Community Redevelopment Agencies district No.(s):
3. What statewide interest does this project address as it relates to Chapter 216.052(1)? This project addresses infrastructure
improvements that will facilitate the redevelopment of slum and blighted areas in the Overtown and Omni redevelopment areas. In
Overtown particularly, the project will address neglected areas of concerns including health related issues and the support for long
struggling small businesses.
4. Requester:
Name: James H. Villacorta, Executive Director Organization: City of Miami Community Redevelopment Agencies
5. Recipient:
Name: City of Miami Community Redevelopment Agencies Street: 49 N.W. 5`h Street, Suite 100
City: Miami Zip Code: 33128
Counties: Miami -Dade
Gov't Entity YES
6. Contact:
Name: Clarence Woods Phone#: (305) 679-6802 e-mail:_cwoods'ri.ei.miami.fl.us
7. Project Detinition:_(Include services to be provided) This project addresses infrastructure improvements that will facilitate the
redevelopment of slum and blighted areas in the Overtown and Omni redevelopment areas. In Overtown particularly. the project will
address neglected areas of concerns including health related issues and the support for long struggling small businesses.
8. Is this project related to a federal or state declared disaster? No
8a. If yes, which declared disaster?
8b. 1f yes, what year?:
9. Measurable Outcome Anticipated: Enhancement to the Overtown and Omni Community redevelopment districts.
10. Amount you are requesting from the State for this project this year? Amount Requested; $ 3,500,000.00
11. Total cost of project this year: $ 7,000,000.00
12. Is this request being made to fund (check all that apply): Construction
13. What type of match exists for this request? Local
I3a. Enter all amounts that apply: Total Cash Amount $ 3,500,000.00 Total In Kind Amount $0.00
14. Was this project previously funded by the State? No
14a. If yes. most recent Fiscal Yew (eg. 2002-2003) Amount $
15. is future -year funding likely to be requested? No
15a. Byes, how much?
15b. Purpose for future year funding: Recurring Operations [ ] Non -Recurring Construction [ ]Other
16. Will this be an annual request? No
17. Was this project included in an Agency Budget Request? No
17a. If yes, name the Agency:
18. Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? No
19. Is there documented need for this project? Yes
19a. If yes, what is the documentation? (eg: L,RPP, Agency Needs Assessment, etc.) Overtown and Omni Master Plans
20. Was this project request heard before a publicly -noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)? Yes
20a. If yes, name the Body: City of Miami Board of Commissioners Meeting
21. Is this a water project under s. 403.885, F.S.? Yes
(See http://www.dep.state.fl_us/water/waterprojectfunding/2007/wpf 2007 main.htm for more information including historical
funding) if Yes, please complete Page 2
1TEMjr.i ON-w-o3
Project Tracking #: Community Budget Issue Request
21a. Is the project eligible under section 403.885(2), F. S.. to protect public health or the environment; and implement plans
developed pursuant to the Surface Water Improvement and Management Act created in part IV of Chapter 373, F.S., other water
restoration plans required by law. management plans prepared pursuant to 5.403 .067, F.S., or other plans adopted by local
government for water quality improvement and water restoration? Yes
22. Is your project addressed in a state, regional or local plan (such as a SWIM Plan, Comprehensive Plan, Local Master Plan, etc.)?
22a. If yes. name the plan and cite the pages on which the project is described Local Master Plans; Overtown page: 2.2, Omni
page 121
23. Are you requesting funding for a stormwater. surface water restoration. or other water management project? No
If yes, answer the following:
23a. In which Water Management Districts area is your project
23b. Have you provided at least a 50% match (that is. one-half the total project cost identified in this request)? Yes [ ]No [ ]
23e. if yes. identify the amount and source of any match being provided: Amount Source:
23d. Will this project reduce pollutant loadings to a water management district designated `priority" surface water body?
Yes [ ] No [ ] (See www.dep.state.fl.us/water/waterprojectfunding/WMDprioritywaters.htm for list of priority water bodies.)
23e. If yes. name the water body:
23f. If yes, describe, specifically, how it will reduce loadings, identify' anticipated load reductions for total suspended solids, total
nitrogen, total phosphonis, and other contaminants, and specif3' the practices that will be used to reduce loadings:
23g. Is the project under construction? Yes [ INo [ ]
24. Are you requesting funding for a wastewater project? Yes
If yes, answer the following:
24a. Does your project qualify for funding from DEP's "Small Community Wastewater Treatment Grant Program" under section
403.1838, F.S.? No (See www.dep.state.f1.us/tvaterhv(J7cwsrfsmalcwgn.htm for information)
24b. If yes. have you received or applied for funding? Yes [ ] No [ ]
24c. If yes, provide the DEP Disadvantaged Small Community Grant project number
24d. have you received or applied for funding for this project from DEP's State Revolving fund (SRF) program under section
403.1835, P.S.? No (See ww'w.dep.state.fl.us/water/wfflcwsrl7index.htin for information)
24e. If yes, provide the DEP SRF project number
24f. Is the project under construction? Yes [ ] No [ ]
24g. Have you provided at least a 25% match (that is, one -quarter the total project cost identified in this request)? Yes [ ] No [ ]
24h. If yes. identify the amount and source of the match: Amount Source:
25. Are you requesting funding for a drinking water project? No
If yes, answer the tollowing:
25a. Have you received or applied for funding for this project from DEP's State Revolving Fund (SRF) program under section
403.8532. F.S.? Yes [ ] No [ ] (See www.dep.state.tl.us/water/wftldwsrf/index.htm for information)
25b. If yes, provide the DEP SRF project number
25c.. Is the project under construction? Yes [ ] No [ ]
25d. Have you provided a match? Yes [ ] No [ ]
25e. If yes, identify the amount and source of the match: Amount Source:
Page 2 Version 39 10/I 1/06
ITEM. i ON of-io-os
Project Tracking #: Community Budget Issue Request
1. Project Title: Streetscape Enhancements lit.] Beautification Project Date: November 20, 2007
2. Member Sponsor(s) Name: City of Miami Community Redevelopment t`iryencies District No.(s): 109
3. What statewide interest does this project address as it relates to Chapter 216.052(1)? This project addresses the need for streetscape
beautification and enhancements of a major arterial roadway in Miami's Historic Overtown and for the elimination of widespread
flooding throughout the neighborhood. The planned improvementsprovide quality of life enhancements, relieve congestion in the
roadway, and eliminate flooding by opening up drainage easements.
4. Requester:
Name: James H. Villaeorta, Executive Director Organization: City of Miami Community Redevelopment Agencies
5. Recipient:
Name: City of Miami Community Redevelopment Agencies Street: 49 N.W. 5`h Street' Suite 100
City: Miami Zip Code: 33128
Counties: Miami -Dade Gov't Entity YES
6. Contact:
Name: Clarence Woods
Phone#: (305) 679-6802 e-mail: cwoods ir;ci.miami.fl.us
7. Project Detinition:_(Include services to be provided) The beautification and improvements will be to widen sidewalks using
decorative concrete or pavers that will reflect the cultural character of this historic neighborhood in an effort to encourage pedestrian
friendly activities. improve curb and gutter fixtures, provide for a lush green scape and tree canopy. It will also provide for relocating
utility poles underground that currently are situated in the sidewalks and suffer extended outages during storms. The project will
eliminate widespread flooding throughout the neighborhood and open up drainage easements. The roadways will be reconstructed as
part of the improvements to mitigate damages from the flooding and provide a safe roadway system for the citizens. This will help to
continue the continuity of service for the businesses and citizens in the community.
8. Is this project related to a federal or state declared disaster? No
8a. If yes, which declared disaster?
8b. If yes, what year?:
9. Measurable Outcome Anticipated: Enhancement to the Overtown and Omni Community redevelopment districts.
10. Amount you are requesting from the State for this project this year? Amount Requested; $ 1,300,000.00
11. Total cost of project this year: $ 2,600,000.00
12. Is this request being made to fund (check all that apply): Construction
13. What type of match exists for this request? Local
1 3a. Enter all amounts that apply: Total Cash Amount $ 1,300,000.00 Total In Kind Amount $0.00
14. Was this project previously funded by the State? No
14a. If yes. most recent Fiscal Yew (eg. 2002-2003) Amount $
15. Is future -year funding likely to be requested? No
15a. If yes. how much?
15b. Purpose for future year funding: Recurring Operations [ } Non -Recurring Construction [ }Other
16. Will this be an annual request? No
17. Was this project included in an Agency Budget Request? No
17a. If yes, name the Agency:
18. Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? No
19. Is there documented need for this project? Yes
19a. If yes, what is the documentation? (eg: L.RPP. Agency Needs Assessment, etc.) Overtown Master Plans
20. Was this project request heard before a publicly -noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)? Yes
20a. If yes, name the Body: City of Miami Board of Commissioners Meeting
21. Is this a water project under s. 403.885, F.S.? No
(See http://www.dep.state.fl.us/water/waterproiectfunding/2007/wpf 2007 main.htm for more information including historical
funding) If Yes. please complete Page 2
Submitted Into the public
recordin connection with
it 7E- C on' L-LU(1
Priscilla A. Thompson
City Clerk
Project cracking #: Community Budget Issue Request
21a. Is the project eligible under section 403.885(2), F. S., to protect public health or the environment; and implement plans
developed pursuant to the Surface Water Improvement and Management Act created in part IV of Chapter 373, F.S., other water
restoration plans required by law. management plans prepared pursuant to 5 403 .067, F.S., or other plans adopted by local
government for water quality improvement and water restoration? No
22. Is your project addressed in a state, regional or local plan (such as a SWIM Plan, Comprehensive Plan, Local Master Plan, etc.)?
22a. If yes, name the plan and cite the pages on which the project is described Local ilsuster Plans; Overtown page: page 119
23. Are you requesting funding for a stormwater, surface water restoration, or other water management project? No
If yes. answer the following:
23a. In which Water Management Districts area is your project
23b. Have you provided at least a 50% match (that is, one-half the total project cost identified in this request)? Yes [ ]No [ ]
23c. If yes, identify the amount and source of any match being provided: Amount Source:
23d. Will this project reduce pollutant loadings to a water management district designated "priority" surface water body?
Yes [ ] No [ I (See www.dep.state.fl.us/water/waterprojectfunding/WMDprioritvwaters.htm for list of priority water bodies.)
23e. If yes, name the water body:
23f. If yes. describe. specifically, how it will reduce loadings, identit3' anticipated load reductions for total suspended solids, total
nitrogen, total phosphorus. and other contaminants, and specif3' the practices that will be used to reduce loadings:
23g. Is the project under construction? Yes [ ]No [ ]
24. Are you requesting funding for a wastewater project? No
If yes, answer the following:
24a. I''oes your project qualify for funding from DEP's "Small Community Wastewater Treatment Grant Program" under section
403.1838, LS.? No (See www.dep.state.ji.us/water/wff/cwsif/smalcwQn.htm for information)
24b. If yes, have you received or applied for funding? Yes [ ] No [ ]
24c. If yes. provide the DEP Disadvantaged Small Community Grant project number
24d. Have you received or applied for funding for this project from DEP's State Revolving Fund (SRI') program under section
403.1835, P.S.? M1n (See 1,vw'w.dep.state.fl.us/water/wfflcwsrl7index,htin for information)
24e. If yes, provide the DEP SRF project number
24f. Is the project under construction? Yes [ ] No [ J
24g. Have you provided at least a 25% match (that is, one -quarter the total project cost identified in this request)? Yes [ ] No [ ]
24h. If yes, identify the amount and source of the match: Amount : Source: _
25. Are you requesting funding for a drinking water project? No
If yes. answer the following:
25a. Have you received or applied for funding for this project from DEP's State Revolving Fund (SRF) program under section
403.8532, F.S.? Yes [ ] No [ ] (See www.dep.state.fl.us/water/wff/dwsrf/index.htm for information)
25b. If yes, provide the DEP SRF project number
25c.. Is the project under construction? Yes [ ] No [ ]
25d. Have you provided a match? Yes [ ] No [ ]
25e. If yes, identify the amount and source of the match: Amounts _ Source:
Page 2 Version 39 10/11/06
iTEMi.t_ON QHO-Os.
Project Tracking#: _ Commuu i >> BufAet Issue Request
1, Project Title: Ward Rooming 1' a;:se Project Date: December 20, 2007
2. Member Sponsor(s) Name: City of Miami Community Redevelopment Agencies District No.(s): 109
3. What statewide interest does this project address as it relates to Chapter 216.052(1)? Built in the era of Overtown's historic heyday.
when it was known as "Colored Town " the Ward Roomin° House stands as a tribute to the history of the oldest historic black
community in the City of Miami. Its location on NW 9th Street integrated it into the epicenter of Overtown's social life and business
district. As one of the few remaining buildings of its time, a seemingly ordinary rooming house becomes significant for the larger role it
serves in preserving the history and architecture of Miami's black community. The Ward Rooming House has been included in current
Overtown preservation efforts for community development and rehabilitation.
4. Requester:
Name: James H. Villacorta, Executive Director Organization: City of Miami Community Redevelopment Agencies
5. Recipient:
Name: City of Miami Community Redevelopment Agencies Street: 49 N.W. 5`h Street, Suite 100
City: Miami Zip Code: 33128
Counties: Miami -Dade Gov't Entity YES
6. Contact:
Name: Clarence Woods Phone#: (305) 679-6802 e-mail: cwoods(a•.ci.miami.fl.us
7. Project Definition:-(lnclude services to be provided) This project will build -out an existing two story 915 sq. ft. historic building to
be used as an art gallery/exhibition hall to include all new mechanical. electrical and plumbing work which currently does not exist. The
work is to include the construction of a new mezzanine (approximately 305 sq. ft.) into the two story high open space. with required
ADA (LULA) lift staircase, new restrooms and related work. Also included in theproiect scope. installation of a roofing stem at the
back of the building (approximately 190 sq. ft.) and a total net interior build -out to include the mezzanine of 1.220 sq. ft.
8. Is this project related to a federal or state declared disaster? No
8a. If yes, which declared disaster?
8b. If yes, what year?:
9. Measurable Outcome Anticipated: Enhancement to the Overtown and Omni Community redevelopment districts.
10. Amount you are requesting from the State for this project this year? Amount Requested; $ 200,000.00,
11, Total cost of project this year: $ 450,000.00
12. Is this request being made to fund (check all that apply): Construction
13. What type of match exists for this request? Local
13a. Enter all amounts that apply: Total Cash Amount $ 450,000.00 Total In Kind Amount $0.00
14. Wa:, this project previously funded by the State? No
14a. If yes, most recent Fiscal Yew (eg. 2002-2003) Amount $
15. Is future -year funding likely to be requested? No
15a. if yes, how much?
15b. Purpose for future year funding: Recurring Operations [ ] Non -Recurring Construction [ ]Other
l6. Will this be an annual request? No
17. Was this project included in an Agency Budget Request? No
17a. If yes, name the Agency:
18. Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? No
19. Is there documented need for this project? Yes
19a. If yes, what is the documentation? (eg: L.RPP. Agency Needs Assessment, etc.) Overtown Master Plans
20. Was this project request heard before a publicly -noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)? Yes
20a. If yes, name the Body: The Community Redevelopment Agency Board of Commissioners Meeting
21. Is this a water project under s. 403.885, F.S.? No
(See http://www.dep.state.fl.us/water/waterprojectfunding/2007/wpf 2007 main.htm for more information including historical
funding) If Yes. please complete Page 2
Submitted Into the public
record, in c{ n on+n 0 iv- tO��
item IT-.��
Priscilla A. Thompson
Project Tracking #: Community Budget Issue Request
21 a. Is the project eligible under section 403.885(2), F. S., to protect public health or the environment; and implement plans
developed pursuant to the Surface Water Improvement and Management Act created in part IV of Chapter 373, F.S., other water
restoration plans required by law, management plans prepared pursuant to 5.403 .067, F.S., or other plans adopted by local
government for water quality improvement and water restoration? No
22. Is your project addressed in a state, regional or local plan (such as a SWIM Plan, Comprehensive Plan, Local Master Plan, etc.)?
22a. If yes, name the plan and cite the pages on which the project is described Local Master Plans; Overtown pane: page 2.2
23. Are you requesting funding for a stormwater, surface water restoration, or other water management project? No
If yes. answer the following:
23a. In which Water Management Districts area is your project
23b. Have you provided at least a 50% match (that is, one-half the total project cost identified in this request)? Yes [ [No [ ]
23c. If yes, identify the amount and source of any match being provided: Amount , Source: __
23d. Will this project reduce pollutant loadings to a water management district designated "priority" surface water body?
Yes ( ] No [ ] (See www.dep.state.fl.us/water/waterprojectfunding/WMDpriorityvNaters.htm for list of priority water bodies.)
23e. If yes. name the water body:
23f. If yes, describe. specifically. how it will reduce loadings, identify' anticipated load reductions for total suspended solids, total
nitrogen. total phosphorus, and other contaminants, and specif3' the practices that will be used to reduce loadings:
23g. is the project under construction? Yes [ )No [ ]
24. Are you requesting funding for a wastewater project? No
If yes, answer the following:
24a. Does your project qualify for funding from DEP's "Small Community Wastewater Treatment Grant Program" under section
403. 1838, F.S.'? No (See www.dep.state.fl,us/water/wff/cwsrf/smalcwen.htm for information)
24b. If yes, have you received or applied for funding? Yes [ ] No [ ]
24c. If yes. provide the DEP Disadvantaged Small Community Grant project number
24d. Have you received or applied for funding for this project from DEP's State Revolving Fund (SRF) program under section
403.1835, P.S.? No (See ww'w.dep.state.fl.us/water/wfflcwsrl7index.htin for information)
24e. If yes, provide the DEP SRF project number
24f. Is the project under construction? Yes [ ] No [ ]
24g. Have you provided at least a 25% match (that is. one -quarter the total project cost identified in this request)? Yes [ ] No [ ]
24h. If yes. identify the amount and source of the match: Amount . _ Source: _
25. Are you requesting funding for a drinking water project? No
If yes, answer the following:
25a. Have you received or applied for funding for this project from DEP's State Revolving Fund (SRF) program under section
403.8532, F.S.? Yes [ 1 No [ ] (See www.dep.state.fl.us/water/wff/dwsrf/index.htm for information)
25b. If yes, provide the DIP SRF project number
25c. Is the project under construction? Yes [ ] No [ ]
25d. Have you provided a match? Yes [ ] No [ ]
25e. if yes, identify the amount and source of the match: Amount s. Source:
Page 2 Version 39 10/ 4 1 /06
Project Tracking #: Coml: _ tity Budget Issue Request
1. Project Title: The Community Redev. iL °:ment Agency (CRA) O_. Fire House # 2 Date: DerPm her 20, 2007
2. Member Sponsor(s) Name: City of Miami Community Redevelopment Agencies District No.(s): 109
3. What statewide interest does this project address as it relates to Chapter 216.052(1)? This project addresses the need to enhance
and beautify public spaces by eliminating blighted conditions that perpetuate loiterijg. vagrancy, and other ill conditions that promulgate
dis-investment. It will restore and preserve a landmark building that has been designated historic and listed in the National Register of
Historic Places. Presently, the building sits in dis-repair and is in danger of deteriorating due to weathering and vandalism. The location
of the building is on the fringe of the Central Business District of Downtown Miami that is experiencing are -birth in this urban setting.
4. Requester:
Name: James H. Villacorta, Executive Director Organization: City of Miami Community Redevelopment Agencies
5. Recipient:
Name: City of Miami Community Redevelopment Agencies Street: 49 N.W. 5th Street, Suite 100
City: Miami Zip Code: 33128
Counties: Miami -Dade Gov't Entity YES
6. Contact:
Name: Clarence Woods Phone#: (305) 679-6802 e-mail: cwoodsri;ci.miami.t1.us
7. Project Definitinn:_(Include services to be provided) The City's CRA seeks funding assistance to restore the architectural and
structural integrity of the building for the purpose of adaptive re -use in providing an economic resource for the community. There is an
immediate need to repair the roof to arrest active interior deterioration as a result of total roof failure. Roof construction will include
replacement of failed roof decking and trusses, the installation of hurricane strapping, and re -roofing with clay tile. The second floor
trusses that support the load bearing walls at and above the second floor have lost their structural integrity. They must be re -placed in
order to strengthen the building above the second floor and ensure public safety. The scope includes the installation of impact -resistant
windows. doors. concrete structural enhancements at windows. doors, and beams. stucco work and new exterior paint.
8. Is this project related to a federal or state declared disaster? No
8a. If yes, wlhieh declared disaster? _ _
8b. Byes, what year?:
9. Measurable Outcome Anticipated: Enhancement to the Overtown and Omni Community redevelopment districts.
10. Amount you are requesting from the State for this project this year? Amount Requested; $ 2,000,000.00
11. Total cost of project this year: $ 4,000,000.00
12. Is this request being made to fund (check all that apply): Construction
13. What type of match exists for this request? Local
I3a. Enter all amounts that apply: Total Cash Amount $ 4,000,000.00 Total In Kind Amount $0.00
14. Was this project previously funded by the State? No
14a. if yes, most recent Fiscal Yew (eg. 2002-2003) Amount S
15. Is future -year funding likely to be requested? No
15a. If yes, how much?
15b. Purpose: for future year funding: Recurring Operations [ ] Non -Recurring Construction [ ]Other
I6. Will this be an annual request? No
I7. Was this project included in an Agency Budget Request? No
17a. If yes, name the Agency:
I8. Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? No
19. Is there documented need for this project? Yes
19a. Byes. what is the documentation? (eg: L.RPP, Agency Needs Assessment. etc.) Overtown Master Plans
20. Was this project request heard before a publicly -noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)? Yes
20a. If yes, name the Body: Community Redevelopment Agency Board of Commissioners Meeting
21. Is this a water project under s. 403.885, F.S.? No
(See http://www.dep.state.fl.us/water/waterprojectfunding/2007/wpf 2007 main.htm for more information including historical
funding) If Yes, please complete Page 2
Submitted into the public
iterecumr in connn01n with�
pijsc lal A. Thompson
city Clerk
Project Tracking #: _ _ Community Budget Issue Request
21a. Is the project eligible under section 403.885(2), F. S., to protect public health or the environment; and implement plans
developed pursuant to the Surface Water Improvement and Management Act created in part IV of Chapter 373, F.S., other water
restoration plans required by law, management plans prepared pursuant to 5 403 .067. F.S., or other plans adopted by local
government for water quality improvement and water restoration? No
22. Is your project addressed in a state, regional or local plan (such as a SWIM Plan, Comprehensive Plan, Local Master Plan, etc.)?
22a. If yes. name the plan and cite the pages on which the project is described Local Master Plan; Omni Page 115.
23. Are you requesting funding for a stormwater, surface water restoration, or other water management project? No
If yes, answer the following:
23a. in which Water Management Districts area is your project
23b. Have you provided at least a 50% match (that is, one-half the total project cost identified in this request)? Yes [ ]No [ ]
23c. If yes. identify the amount and source of any match being provided: Amount t Source: __
23d. Will this project reduce pollutant loadings to a water management district designated `priority" surface water body?
Yes [ ] No [ ] (See www.dep.state.fl.us/water/waterprojectfundinglWMDprioritywaters.htm for list of priority water bodies.)
23e. If yes. name the water body:
23f. If yes, describe. specifically, how it will reduce loadings, identif3' anticipated load reductions for total suspended solids, total
nitrogen. total phosphorus, and other contaminants, and specif3' the practices that will be used to reduce loadings:
23g. Is the project under construction? Yes [ ]No I ]
24. Are you requesting funding for a wastewater project? No
If yes, answer the following:
24a. Does your project qualify for funding from DEP's "Small Community Wastewater Treatment Grant Program" under section
403.1838, I'.S.? No (See www.dep.state./1.us/waterhif/cwsrf/smalcwgn.htm for information)
24b. If yes, have you received or applied for funding? Yes [ ] No [ ]
24c. if yes. provide the DEP Disadvantaged Small Community Grant project number
24d. Have you received or applied for funding for this project from DEP's State Revolving Fond (SRF) program under section
403.1835, P.S.? No (See ww'w.dep.state.fl.us/wateriwfflcwsrl7index,htin for information)
24e. If yes. provide the DEP SRF project number
24f. Is the project under construction? Yes [ ] No j ]
24g. Have you pros. ided at least a 25% match (that is. one -quarter the total project cost identified in this request)? Yes [ ] No [ ]
24h. if yes, identity the amount and source of the match: Amount Source:
25. Are you requesting funding for a drinking water project? No
If yes, answer the following:
25a. Have you received or applied for funding for this project from DEP's State Revolving Fund (SRF) program under section
403.8532, F.S.? Yes [ [ No [ ] (See www.dep.state.fl.us/water/wff/dwsrf/index.htm for information)
25b. If yes, provide the DEP SRF project number
25c.. Is the project under construction? Yes [ ] No [
25d. Have you provided a match? Yes [ ] No [ 1
25e. If yes, identify the amount and source of the match: Amount Source:
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ITEM.1 ONoi-o-ot.
Project Tracking #: Community Budget Issue Request
1. Project Title: North Bayshore Drive RebuiI Date: November 20, 2007
2. Member Sponsors) Name: City of Miami Community Redevelopment Agencies District No.(s): 109
3.What statewide inttrest does this project address as it relates to Chapter 216.052(1)? This project addresses widespread flooding
throughout the neighborhood. The planned improvements provide quality of life enhancements, relieve congestion in the roadway, and
eliminate flooding by opening up drainage easements.
4. Requester:
Name: James H. Vil lacorta, Executive Director Organization: City of Miami Community Redevelopment Agencies
5. Recipient:
Name: City of ."Miami Community Redevelopment Agencies Street: 49 N. W. 51h Street. Suite 100
City: Miami Zip Code: 33128
Counties: Miami -Dade Gov't Entity YES
6. Contact:
Name: Clarence Woods Phone#: (305) 679-6802 e-mail: cwoods(cuci.rrriami.f1.us
7. Project Definition: -(Include services to be provided) The project will eliminate widespread flooding throughout the neighborhood
and open up drainage easements. The roadways will be reconstructed as part of the improvements to mitigate damages from the flooding
and provide a safe roadway system for the citizens. This will help to continue the continuity of service for the businesses and citizens in
the community.
8. is this project related to a federal or state declared disaster? No
8a. If yes, which declared disaster?
8b. If yes, what year?:
9. Measurable Outcome Anticipated: Enhancement to the Overtown and Omni Community redevelopment districts.
10. Amount you are requesting from the State for this project this year? Amount Requested; 32,„5 00,000
I I . Total cost of project this year: $5,000,000
12. Is this request being made to fund (check all that apply): Construction
13. What type of match exists for this request? Local
13a. Enter all amounts that apply: Total Cash Amount $2,500,000 Total In Kind Amount S0.00
14. Was this project previously funded by the State? No
14a. If yes. most recent Fiscal Yew (eg. 2002-2003) Amount
15. Is future -year funding likely to be requested? No
15a. [f yes. how much?
15b. Purpose for future year funding: Recurring Operations [ ] Non -Recurring Construction [ ]Other
16. Will this be an annual request? No
17. Was this project included in an Agency Budget Request? No
17a. If yes, name the Agency:
18. Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? No
19. Is there documented need for this project? Yes
I9a. If yes. what is the documentation? (eg: L.RPP, Agency Needs Assessment, etc.) Omni Master Plan
20. Was this project request heard before a publicly -noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)? Yes
20a. If yes. name [he Body: Community Redevelopment Agency Board of Commissioners Meeting
21. Is this a water project under s. 403.885, F.S.? Yes
(See htta://www.dep.state.fl.us/water/waterproiectfunding/2007/wpf 2007 main.htm for more information including historical
funding) If Yes. please complete Page 2
Sut,mi$ted into the public'
rE ..1.:41 In connection with
item SI'l on OI tO-O
Priscilla A. Thompson
44iGfiy Clerk
Project Tracking #1 Community Budget Issue Request
21a. Is the project eligible under section 403.885(2), F. S., to protect public health or the environment; and implement plans
developed pursuant to the Surface Water Improvement and Management Act created in part IV of Chapter 373, F.S., other water
restoration plans required by law, management plans prepared pursuant to 5.403 .067, F.S., or other plans adopted by local
government' for water quality improvement and water restoration? No
22. Is your project addressed in a state, regional or local plan (such as a SWIM Plan, Comprehensive Plan, Local Master Plan, etc.)?
22a. If yes. name the plan and cite the pages on which the project is described Local Master Plan; Omni page 121.
23. Are you requesting funding for a stormwater, surface water restoration, or other water management project? No
If yes. answer the fol lowing:
23a. In which Water Management Districts area is your project located? South Florida Water Management District
23b. Have you provided at least a 50% match (that is, one-half the total project cost identified in this request)? Yes [ ]No [ x ]
23c. If yes, identify the amount and source of any match being provided: Amount , Source:
23d. Will this project reduce pollutant loadings to a water management district designated "priority" surface water body?
Yes [ x ] No [ ] (See www.dep.state.fl.us/water/waterprojectfunding/WMDprioritywaters.htm for list of priority water bodies.)
23e. If yes, name the water body: Miami River and Biscayne Bay
23f. If yes, describe, specifically, how it will reduce loadings. identif3' anticipated load reductions for total suspended solids, total
nitrogen, total phosphorus, and other contaminants, and specif3' the practices that will be used to reduce loadings: There will be
less surface water runoff and water -borne floating debris into the system if there is a reduction in flooding.
23g. Is the project under construction? Yes [ [No [ x ]
24. Are you requesting funding for a wastewater project? No
If yes. answer the following:
24a. Does your project qualify for funding from DF;P's "Small Community Wastewater Treatment Grant Program" under section
403.1838, F.S.? No (See www.dep.state.11.us/water/wf/cwsrf/smalcwn.htm for information)
24b. If yes, have you received or applied for funding? Yes [ ] No [ ]
24c. If yes, provide the Dl P Disadvantaged Small Community Grant project number
24d. Have you received or applied for funding for this project from DEP's State Revolving Fund (SRF) program under section
403.1835, P.S.? No (See ww'w.dep.state.fl.us/water/wfflcwsrl7index.htin for information)
24e. If yes, provide the DEP SRF project number
24f. Is the project under construction? Yes [ J No [ ]
24g. Have you provided at least a 25% match (that is, one -quarter the total project cost identified in this request)? Yes [ ] No [ ]
24h. If yes. identify the amount and source of the match: Amount ; _Source:
25. Are you requesting funding for a drinking water project? No
If yes, answer the following:
25a. Have you received or applied for funding for this project from DEP's State Revolving Fund (SRF) program under section
403.8532. F.S.? Yes [ J No [ ] (See www.dep.state.fl.us/water/wff/dwsrf/index.htm for information)
25b. If yes, provide the DEP SRF project number
25c.. Is the project under construction? Yes [ ] No [ J
25d. Have you provided a match? Yes [ ] No [ J
25e. If yes, identify the amount and source of the match: Amount , Source:
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