1001 NW 54th STREET
Case No. 2005-1077
Pursuant to Section 401 of Ordinance 11000, as amended, The Zoning Ordinance of the
City of Miami, Florida, the subject proposal has been reviewed for Variances as follows:
Variance for side yard:
Required - 20'-0"
Proposed - 5'-0"
Request to waive - 1 S'--0"
The following findings have been made:
• It is found that there is not hardship to justify the side yard setback variance. It is also
found that the need for the side yard variance is a self imposed hardship.
It is found that stepping back the parking garage structure along the north side of the
property, to comply with the required setback, will result in an inefficient floor plate
for the parking structure; however, said structure is abutting a R-2 "Two -Family
Residential" district which will deprive the abutting residences of their rightful visual
• It is found that this project is requesting a Special Exception (as companion item in
this agenda) to reduce the required parking by thirty-seven (37) percent. It is also
found that, in the event that this project becomes market rate housing, the applicant
will need to provide the total required parking by adding additional floors to the
existing parking structure floor plate which will worsen the existing condition and
therefore increase the degree of the relaxation from what it is being asked today under
the Zoning Ordinance.
Based on these findings, the Planning Department is recommending denial of the
application as presented.
Yes No N/A
CASE NO. 2005-1077
Special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the property.
Special conditions are result of petitioner's actions.
Literal interpretation of ordinance causes undue hardship on petitioner.
Granting variance conveys same treatment to owner.
Variance, if granted, is the minimum variance for reasonable use of property.
Is in harmony with general intent and purpose of ordinance.