HomeMy WebLinkAboutHEPB TranscriptsBV Tina Lynn Soto, Court Re-oorter t ^ry Public -�- State of F5or.;.d.a No _ � plebaum- &Associates Klein, Bury, Reif, - .. venture ce Telephone: 305.937.3880 Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company t_1_. next item number 1--hre, C oconut Grove Fla zo;use, Thway, Cc; si ie, a i'. of Approval Sit Dec,: ion and an Amendment n'd nent the i O _ Y7Y YT' Cr, and Hist(c and E.Y -, __oni_1ental _ r e :__ u� -- - ar 1 1Dursuant to Chap ri e ':_ , x -.. n, b e d o, r e °w e R. ,��_��" . Okay, �.a -- start the - t ' s missing an th7.s , recommendation, , ai sa - 7T r R D .F- �Ci _1r; Okay. MS. SOLERA: But I know it's -- TL sure - e report. iC-LlU �'d i.. h-- eleme'=j-S M _R . sure L's i.l or t M SOLERA: . Riq_r MR. . SE.CO : --- but ali the a � t 4 i= of at criteria should he restateo MS. SCLERA.: Right. There it is. Page CHAIRMAN PARRISH: Okay . MS. SOLERA: All yours. CHAIRMAN RR_I H : Okay, yeah. On - raa•U 12, under relationship to criteria of the oes1cinat1on report that' .-- ,J een submitted we have the criteria for designation, and there are three a f on Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company 2 3 them set out here. Exemplifis the historic, cultura, poriai_, economical or social tretnds of thr Embodje 'numer five is embodies those distinguishing characteristics of an architectural construction. builder. arocaaa or period. or metnod AUI number criteria is • • • 0, a nro nean ceaaner or Sa M. ugU' CO -- Ugucc±ana , if you'd like to MS. UGUCCIONT: Than VCU, Mr. Chairma ThP Coconut Grave Pia house js one of the most distinuuished buildings, I think, n the nitof Mjar0, and it has occupied a an ehormous place on Main Highway for many, many years. 1 1-1-ink most al L of as know it because it is a big huiding and it's e very elaborate buildinq_ Our company, Janus Research, was nommisgioned to write this desination report some 12 -- I'm sorry, some two years auo. And it was built in 1926. It opened in January of 1927. And Paramount Theaters actually owned it at the time. The firm. of Kiehnel and Elliott, which is a name that most all of us know as a very distinguished firm in South Florida, they designed the John Binlev Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company 25 residence, which 7rich 1 for some, if- u F I r Me - c r a n e n revival Dade CouTtv, and in .I -on some susieect. That CflUIC: sand r_ d de i. fun on 7 o es rid any n 0Der 1w -- o� u exploration of the. o ie ne 0uSc t n] Kind GIGS an awful lot aboutNewspapers ha e. all of th s � i T�. hN,,0 TT _ -.00n.. th 0 millennIum, into the ti,e Ond -- th_V T?_!.? _!.e'= 1j um. when this )0 that I know of wanted to Poi__t out T write te a `le.. Ina _ion rep• co consstent with - every other office what we do 1s We pick up the you. is that thj n_. y-, ' talking description or h p rty n`d Vvhen live re for t�_ �O� r about ---" a re. -one 0 ce (-Cr a commercial building, aei"?eLa.ilv y's re`.tV easily understood because , LdG l.. j. . �. d be the actual building and the land that it would � -� surrounds ni_s particular case 1 wanted tc ro�.�nds ��. --- point out to you that the legal description includes the ark1ng lot, whichwhia__, Hs direct Coconut Grove e Playhouse. And I believe that after having thought about i..t a great deal, is I cannot north of the Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company jncludP P. entire bU = . 1 d . n o 41-,e na o e r When we oc_ srgilat_C histo buildings, gC, we just ust do the envelope �. r �''h`ar r s seen from ti-IP 3 r on 1 a does=`? it receive its significance from just being two wails. an entire history of what happens inside 1_C I should also point out that the , r� does not address the interior as designation report canoe. That interior had certainly par in , fan si n*f . nce to �- 1>q -: Zia � i q o the Coconut Grove e _ .. e a make t _ _ at ? .e _ . e because .s the end statement fFn- c4 Tined at mvse, t the report LEa oe the on the south and aseast facades whichve, has led, 1. th n want a poop_Le that arly east and assuming that _. amSaV_r'I=1 `- south facades are important and, therefore, we do,. need building itself. worry about the _�- � � 1. i� to e that m` intent ---- whly' Z wrote want �O make .�� that 1; -- u at , T ' mi not sure, but my i-- --`lt was r cerfjni, l.or] .,C ..'v's a the build having historic been substantially changed by architect who belongs to the another very prominent modernist movement, Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company 2 0 itleu b,Low er So OUr rcommendation for this -it and I have spoken to T`'IS. Kaffmar 717,c,t be that the b]lildiho foetnrnt )s what WE: are recommendinQ to you for designation. The changes that :i 1Ed h.r0eTParker maca to the exterior of the buile-lihd were real' It was he that he concentrated his energies The ,,,naped parapet Hnt0 histor-in showeci you in one flat ac0O5S She , But ot520 than that and a couple -- there have boon some windoSons hees. ws tl-lat blocked that building retains very much of its original imper appearance. Also, we have a situation on the stret where there a two-story building that is again, north of it, and in —700eel, building and the P1,7yhouse itself is a one-story -- what I cal],,d a hyphen. Tt's a -- it's a connectjon. It is a physical space. again, was not historically associated with the playhouse, so I don't know if we need to go back to the drawing board I'm sure we do -- n tenTts of the legal description, it's tip for discussion. And I know there are a lot of folks in the audience today that would like to speak to this desidhation, _DLL that, Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company but based on (-)u-rs wo-ckano the buildi.n(7, whinh to 00ir.1 its architecture, in its history as a proHuct nf he hoam time, nut one that had its and downs and has had remarkable incarnations over time, during the der,-----gsilph into the '50s and so forth. and has bean a S0TV VOS 5 thj-; tiffand is crtajniv a wonderful theater that nooeratinQ today, it's our r,-,nommndafion that the that the board nonider Lbls 10 histoc oesignstron based or the prominence of the des-ianer, Rlrb:=ird Kehel, the distinctive architnture tself, the histr,rcal significance with the h.story of Miami and Coconut Grove. Thank you. CHAIRMAN PARRISH: Okay, I'm sure I'm sure the bord wili have questions for vou all, so don't Co away. ME. OGUCCIONI: Okay. CHATRWAN PARRISH: What wouid be the board's pleasure? Do we want to -- would we like prefer to have the -- the report of our staff first and then take testimony from the public, or would the board 15r0fer to take the testimony from the puLic first? Mi. CTP-RELTJ: (Inaudible). Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company H_-IRE L. .._ _S__: Hj- just wantedve _ `boc preferred to do. .we have people from the i_ who wou�i to test.- on this. you stand so w can see ow many there e and then e we'll go from that's _Tlar yea 1e nurrther. . � f vou've been all sworn l � _, that's aoo d . first? All right, ano oome 4o the tioo_! rim and questi m , 7J= t: Want to _.et the developer go CL -= b?'-'.1 P bRTSl_: . sorry, the developer. Tim sorrv, -you're from Ihe owriei or from development MR. CHA IES: (Tnauoib le? Playhouse. CiATR AN PA••RpISP: Pleas.- go ahead, sir. MR . bVIE S: Okay, thank you very much_ Mr. Cha rman and members of the board, my name -s N-chae . Chaves. And by way of further introduction, formerly Circuit Judge Chav i es for ye No , o;_ger . I don't wear :hat nat. years. '- sil , r€ a seat similar to yours, b1-7 _' ve Coen relegated to this lectern now. I'm currently a Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company Hion't wear that hat either. TaWyerIL fl0firm of Ackerman SentPrfitt. T'',ut I wear the haL of a member of the Board of D rectors of LheCcoruit GrnvP. PM,vhouse. An(-1 I want to, first of all, thank Miss 1 co:. and J 1-Y00e T dian ,_ au a bad J,.a,___,1- i . ,---,], -r--,,-,--fl.-,? TigUnCONI: VEry MR. CHAVIES: for that report, and Janus for the report, aswell, and sav that as mv mos.t esteemed colleague Rosario Kennedv did when she was here. 10 June -- when we were hero for a long tjme 06i0we are here in the Spit of cooperation. That we, to, believe that the snol_ila b,== histo-HcalTv preserved, ana, for the most ptr, we agree with the -- the comments of Janus. We can tell you that there is no aev lopmPnt underway at the present time other than the thought and -- and hope that we can restore and up to modern day renovate this playhouse to bring I know there were some thoughts 000 ee(-tat-',ors questjons about that. believe that the facade should be preserve' and that a portion of the main street area of the outside of the playhouse and, also, the Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company Cha les Avenue area of the playhouse should be esreH, , ar--c-oraance vou knowT the thouqhts Lhat were in a reTport of Mr. 1.1-r-r-m5, Arthur Marcus, which I think you should have. By - 1 would ask that a letter that we sent over to your board LLis morning -- hopefuliv you received it we wo171, sk it is not a ask that we -- be made a part of this record. it it has not been received and if ast nf be permitted to recoro or u_nese 15r0reedjric4 we certainly would file it as part of the 10 may I ask vou a cuesFon? Ask whether or not 4ct's been received _ Mr chairman, do vou CHAIRMAN PARRISH: Yes, you may. And -- MR. CIA?' IS Okay. CHAIRMAN PARRTSH: preservation officer. MR. CHAVIES: Pjght. wil you can ask OUT 3_1 T,', . CAPORLLI: It has bees received and it art of the record. MR. CHAVIES: Thank you very much. MS. CAPORELLI: You're welcome. MR. CHAVIES: Okay. I don't have a whole lot further to say other than we thank you for o_, opportunity to speak to vo this afternoon. Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company 1 2 2 2 23 T,L some poiriL I wolc-1 1-ike Mr. v!arflus to speak on behalf of the playhouse with regard to preservation hut I think Toir frlde thouclhts known tfl 11IT regard to our legal position, it's also inca ded rhe four corners of tE r29Drt that has been_ tendered for your consideration. -!---,0=tHr)r, T thank you ever so much. CHAIRMAN P-21,.RRISH: Th2,nk you, Mr. Chavies. Mr. (-ha-vies, you're -- yola're on bendal. - c±lerr is - V011r MR. nHTNTES: I'm not rep I'm a member ot tne Board of Directorc of the Coconut Grove Playhouse. CEAIRMAN PARRISH: Oka. MR. CHAVTES: So I'm a part of the bord of the Coconut Grove P1,,,vholls. I'm not representinq. the in a legal capac-itv.. Yflii're not representing. them in a le al capacity? M. CHAVIES: No. CHATRMAN PARRISH: And but you are speaking fo the board? YR. CHIVIES: 1rrcpaaflg on behalf of the board. Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company 22 2 3 CHAIRMAN PILRISH: Okay. R. CHVIF,S: Im their spokesman toaay. Okay? CHATRMAN PkRRISH:1 right. MR. CHAVIF.S: T-Lji ri„,aht. CHRJ. P7VRI1S1-,,.. Thank you. Yeah. R. T\PPFL: Be easy for me to just call Nv stelpfather's cai him Judge. Make it a lot easier. MR. nilAVIES: Okay. ThEi yOU VE="TV much_ Apreciate it. FR. P1PPPL: Thank you. 2_ VOU Sr, one quick clugtion. MR. CH,PVTE(-4: Ye. MR. APE.: -r-HH V'U -- were you -- d, you Lin ow who authored this letter dated October th that you referii-ed to? MR. CHAVTES: The -- it was -c-art -cart ot he entire board. It's a presentation of us. Rhd jt was dose in large part by Mr. Gabriel Nieto of the Law Firm of Squires and Sanders, who particilDated in this with. us. MR. APEL: Okay, I mean, in the future -- T don't know what the rules are, but normally you Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company 1.1 have to know who lathors somethng. And it'.c-; flnd T'M nc)rmallv, like readinc-4 th:. thinGs a .tT1E bit beforehand. We have Jr. M--qrcusreport MR. rHAVTFS: think that's a fair commr-nt. MR. APPEL: We just got this an hour ago. Tf any board 1-T-LmbP:rc, weren't bv an e-mail today, the dic not receive it. R. CHAVT7g-: Okay. MR. APPEL: It's not authored. MR. nHAVTE: We -- MR. APPT-Th: That ohy-ioucT,iv cmeq tfl credibility. MR. nHAV-117.S: 11take I'm sorry. It's on behalf of the Coconut Grove Playhouse. I'm sorry tat it wasn't sicmed. MR. APPEL: Okay. MR. nHAVIES: ukay MR. APPET.: Croua effort. MR. CHAVIES: Thank you very much. MR. APPEL: Thank you. CHAIRMAN PARRISH: Thank you, MR. CHAVIES: Thank you. Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company CA.,=AN PARPTSE: 717 We can take testimony now from the0ubj10, ease. W00e1e0 would. H_ke to ,-.710 first. MR. MARCUS: Good afternaon, mmbers of Iprd, my name is 'Arthur am an architect o 3Dr*vate rra.ctoe in Miamj 'Beach, oroi 1 was rPtanPd by th,-, Coconut Grove Playhouse to px..-.-epae an independent report on the status of the T thjnk you've received my letter our v7 which was submitted to Miss Kauffman e----, -',er. And, basicaliv, we really do -with agree t11-,47-, Yer-omi m ndatons n the staff report as liDreipard by the Cit,, of Wami. It did say in the staff YPTport that he south and east facades were the only portions the buildi-rig of architectural sicrnificahoe, and we do agree with that. I've been I've been a preservationist for many vears. I'm on the Board of Miami Design Preservation League. I was formerly Chairman the Hjstoric Prr-servation Board in Miami r_each, and I served on that board for many years. So I have a lot of experience in the field. And I also work on a lot of restoration and rehabilitation projects. I won't uo thro-an some of the texts th,-,t have it's basically the gist of the Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company l ._. L e r. ,mod written. and , T r .v. ".., the l l thing never tte Oev1O`r eocr - aS was s aVJ. _v earlier, - r been strict preservationist a sense that one must ay.`. everyth .l of b u ink after my year Jecaase of se r v 1no on the board iam.. Bea� h one of the -real concern that a_l.ways comes t2es issue these as certain is the e; onor _ `. v__ bi i n des 1 U v- & l_ l Y1 g O O these _c s and eVj d ri n this o , bra , dYr,=u later on. nq at the designat_.cn of the m e 'c r ._ r. cad.e s c?-_ t- 1 e b ui --c _ n'g , as an a r'c n c L , wnld ertaH F ny say char you'd want t _ eir,round the corner five, y � a.. 1 ~ 20 ine"L whatever, r. order to maintain the envelope and the mass and the s ca e fm.f. the building so that when seen from ee l� e future with any ceve_Lopmen' that may u tr_�r� �_- Or may not appear with this uil y would appear as a mass, as ani ntri vat mass. What we would hope - that would not happen would be to inhibit the kind o2 da eiopment that could really give Miami a er ror the 21st century in the coming years. So we would hope that, you know:', looking at the facade, which is certainly the rna : or Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company on _ ti; e w_ _ u c u r: e , cant. element remain, we're a,-, aoreement -- _} " t ._, ire'rger issuescertairliv certalr LI _.d man es _n a...T istorv. movie never succv�...__1. . financial_ and the renovations in e 19 50 converted it into a theater for live taee productions, well as could movie the G- .`=T. . 'here is c e_ - a \.' -- and J. t everyone in t e ! s never Y ! functioned a o because was Ties.gne d as .. \ eree s this -- to. br I og to 0 u i o the neat century, so that it can -eri1i C our later, r _r< ar ano as o oriim; U n i t y. thank you. And if you have any questions be happy to address them. CHAIRMAN A -cR I S H: Okay.Thank y'` o u very Ez much. Is -- al .._ Ron, your name for t die record. MR. NELSON: go ahead. Please state my name is Roy-, Nelson. 2 j, Managuaa __venue, Coconut Grove. = am she President of the Coconut Grove Civic Club, and it Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company 1.6 2o 23 has been the stated mission of the ci ic club fey years to tr1 to 0reserv2 th2 heritaae 1. d oul 00000f COCOnut Crn7je. . _ And, cer tne Important ort that. T understand their wantjnq to, ome more m0deT:T1 with the plavhc-,use itself, the interor, the staoe and the sets and the thinQs they need to out on plays of On e of mv real concerns with the property is. ohe ioinInoi AS we know, this os been talked about for redevelopment. And it is a Gi propertv and youre abuttinQ our one neighbors, residential neihbors, and I certanlv hope and , nK .Lhat lesionatinc7 the av1 uuse wou_i_a help - towards the qe,,:itivity tOL 1eede(-1 to the. neiohbors that that abut tehiq pro'ertv. Thit that's a consideration I know that'-, not sr,pecj_fically on here -- G. zonjng will be dealt wjth wre they get to redevelopment of the rest of the propert, -- but T certainlv hope that the historic preservation will help soften that blow for the abutting neighbors, and please vote to have it oeslgflateO, the entire building. CHAIRMAN PARRISH: Okay. Next, please. MR. COLLINS: Good afternoon, d Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company 20 i o. 7 the s ,= 0I Gifford. Lane. . not surP that _ }.-. ? b r what total_ ._i 5r C .� terms of the trough the - it's ' ._ u.. ___ ._ . y o ._ ltcentury, b u ot everi -h s s o the 2 }_century. �� auat� �:;1 � �. managed an arts O? y a-_,_z a.-i.,__ that toured thousands 1 America, t nnt there a funds abl e o Ili- k5 be tey ac,^s in t.O __ space, we need it. J r ieo they need In terms rl ` l., l..._, ±. vL i 1 to ...ect the facades. 1__ terms of the merchant Cro �Te 1'rr _ 1 they! ar c the ce_- for not ---,ure this oonoerns you today thr- Rpace wmu cai . the par to hear ;h - ' Uc..lssc as some sort o- �- �� � ��' 1im. - nne lot, it is 5t (sic) s t structure at can be S��Ut�.n _._?�domL �_��L- e c sector h:_ thel y to be used tossed to �1`�e `'��rill"l r d. �" aq an endowment. That would adversely affect the center of the Grove, r_1oGL_ The last choug r . have for you, �_h.asty e, this that t things to you, ga t �- �:� l _nc� said some di `7e r�� � �--- Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company to be ser-is_, ive .:ha are about to • baPpefl so h. you. .-]a -x ss a your swear h o V Fiat space C7Cies down two V ears, Ocoriu.r JL". I r `-e Ir er ..On y , so if you would kind.:..v direct re. MT }-r SPEAKER: would 'O -r `:as raise DO that _'1e testimony J "2 q" s .he �4ru ri . w]-, o -- are about to .� - i. MR. PT-B OTT -II do. Ts ri 0. `"''hack you !'R - N BO T- i . Tnar you very ry much. the record, I y n Ti s Tarr, T- ei. enbottl e . _ I i`-!. D r ,-- j_ d r t of Dade Heritage u S C a ?"1 d - have mv ces at 340 Minorca Avenue, _.e Coral Gablq. T am _ v today both as a preservation ._•hitect an someone who has sat years. your board for ter_ 1 eheritage Ana, also, �� -�r P"i d :ice _ Dade ,e a Trust, to encourage you to desi g la t e the entire building, not just the front facade. With all die respect o Arthur, a fellow arcs i tect and known preservationist, thinkwrong for us to of -- of designa i_ng portions 1s Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company "DU r' r,clumnF nose nr \ J ,-� r ' � entire �� � I dr7 c -F ri '"; l , kl � r= down �_ �' :� ;f � _ { si �;na. �_e to r bui in , _ _. road, when the plans are complete, as you Juve have e'i;l_eW Lose .`�`�V{�,-s, youC- done for �.:o- � many, many tc A __ U p e r - J m ca Hf we ,, . _na the Jerry, are, i. s i__or;_C, � the l 4o er y a ts _ stor for a rr:oj and for C L on5 `;Z the huildHnq., that - '-- t o whether. or n r L. .... s you decide at these or osw v: plansare with t' the Ilistoric il h , n '.n e n d what i_ and �- ant gem a �_vr..t mr-- t e of _J -' appropriateness because r are a props 05 7 You wr,iaht- that certifjcate oi. appropriateness against the secretary - h, r -Y - , ---tan, -lard _aro. and you look ow at nos like the stage house here an you may say to yourself down roaci that kt not a cor_r butii-,g element, so if they wanto tear: th-_ ct ge house down, e L,ca._r'i- r perhaps we should let them, Tight? You make those decisions, but you don't make r them today an a day you're designati f'k f the build ldin . You Gil' t r blanche sav, it's n nna be tear the entire back of the entire bu_Li�...n'�i, '-E�11 di ng down. You designate the Klein., Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company and yr-Yu send the rDrol ct tnYouclh the same process everyone elsegoes through, where you 0.05E the proposed new construclion. in accordance oith the secretairy of the interior standards that vou that, I urge y 7 once again to tht this nomination include the entire historic structure. Thank vol.]. MR MRSTON: Mr. nhirman', Mr. Chairman CHAIRMAN PARRISH: Yes? MR. MARSTON: are we allowed to at this anw flIleS1110fle Of CHAIRMAN PARRISHNo, hink v)robab.,Lv any board membe-r that fee7s so inc-Jind, don't lose our traIn of thou°, „ "e if -it-rs cocInt, go ahead aod 1ots co this as we go, and then we'1:1 as most of the questions at the rm-hrt MR. MARSTON: Ask the Questions at the Pnd as opposed to now? CHAIRMAN PARRISH: No, go ahead now. MS. LORENZO: Go ahead. MR. APPEL: (JaUdb10 ao the end, but want to ask CHAIRMAN PARRISH: Couple of bites at the Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company B e C mil- U , e -- With what you've MR. H S_ i iO L: __c r _ "' �.�� ..�. �% _ v _ ,_ e 1, a L s . MR. MLR; f r� MR. VI ``.ST03 How many? - 3N..I3VTr 3: S T n N r;, n d when you heater, do you work ;fyr_t ` 0103(T naudi l ) new theaters nave you How many wo L+: -. ' y o u �., e rl E MR. MIRSTON: xi about 1 . kind of envelope of what the historic theater was and then a'aL the kind of .._ e that envelope? Na. • o 0r op000 -'cal. 7 " ±aw L ?- _�� `- SENB0TI _' e a.h , 1. mean, that's, certhe case r -normally ' example -- and Arthur can testify to this because Beach - - the Colony Theater. here he'9 from Miami was a case where we restored the l o1 Orly Theater and severely altered, the area� n the rack, however, was n'situation where we but it wac,.hit - wasn't � a ��:�� that the rear oy the theater didn't Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company atte The ent-ir,- Co deP:iqted historic and., throuah thP. :,,,ame process that nutlined MF,17 a few mlnutes ago, a conscious wa.-; made to expand thiTit ater to Qive a full fiv rest of the strlicture was coceiA,e,.., .-_,,,_, that --,:o 1-hat :it works now as a f)V loft Hn th.' esL TUi- - you know, th2 samP time, a or1C theatr Ir its own r7ght. inia,AK you. CHAIRMAN PARRTSH: TAU M. .['r JrnM,--cMastimr. Southwet Ccrrt, Coonn,lt C.rrvE. ust a resident who's been growing old PnTr)vincT te a whjI. aVniOUSC, 10DOrPr and I hope. it's there for "C thank you, 241 Mr. HPisenbottle said exactly what T've wanted to say but never could ha,,Te. The key here is you declare the whole buildiug htr-ir',,c and then they come in with plans and if you w7,-,17-it- to take the art of the auditorium, that' stage off, take off the way we should do it. I think it was Mr. Marcus said something about the economic viabiljtv of the building in the fture. kod there have been a number of comments so Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company _.=u_ 1 don _.o mom_ s . Re earC follow ub a ir aroundeconomics. here rfl - t y Janus the buildirla storic or isn't m pointto the wo ,�.v_Y - Te _ -!l 0.0E ', .ld 1 with L. _ `_ c y e rj U l a stonethat's c0 nner-tC.�. to �_ e 1 - ,hour by Ia e nheh, ding that oo o riry t also part of the e be des. arated h±- oric? There's ,a, seQarate two-story structure or tr f- rs t :.In L�yi r; x, c h i ry' 1 except fi oorr store front, •re v itaCb back to t econnmn v ab�._1 t bit that f that issue I5 gonna be raised, ,:he playhouse uot th land for rer . When .he stag- nt - ied � to them reoen t7 y, ,- 1'� state mace a poi uee of say± , that the ,:t `e oave them the lease there, the state has given them $20. The county has Y_ ,� mail` - $_� 0n. bond issue that T understand this _ portion of the money was gassed. could preserve and restore the ex i s t i We voted so they rY playhouse. The City and county, 1 understand, have given them mi lions of dollars. The economic issue is a separate issue. she bo7 di is historic and ol_e -se Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company - ciec_Lare it so. 2.o 2 3 Thank voll. CHAIRMAN PARRISH: Thank vCLL. MS. LANG: Norleme ±5 rbSrS Lang. in Coconut Grove, which almost across the street from the le)lavhouse, and I'm here to ask you to sup designation for the entj're T also have e question, i-id mavbe the new - could answer. The old bi1diflq -- I call it rustic. lanyt)ov know how old thF,t, And shouldthat have T been included in the de in-n-,itn hcuht report? thp or-iginaJ ras flcluded. Do you know? 913 KAUFFMAN: Well, desicmation report is here, Ellen [-an talk both bout that building and the rust,--,tH hu±ldiflg, which I believe are not 0art of the designation. MS. UGUCCIONI: That's correct, they are •inoked at not, Coconut The the address that' Given is 3498 Ma -in Highway. and EIsa author Of the They are two separate folio numbers for the building which is Playhouse and the two-story bui.ldiflg is a vintage '.nuildin 1 On Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company. J. l lat. sense 7 'tee'-t C/ -J lI �.... �_ J Gus' �._erme, its nct c, I . .lam. _., _iV r _... has none. ._ L. B "o1:",.n justify -c e the '' �. 0 _ ._ C, 3��� r-'1C r - , Lne QeneS_ C J J 11< T `: has n0 relation MS. UGUCCIONI: Tf rc o no rela e a 1 ti" er o'rmer S cle.sicm e i p 3 - WaSn _L,0 ! _, i' e sme aSr- t house the theater v_ r ni it COL' ~o do 1 _Lin this a. r Gard for ,V Anel want ank the L.ec .S3 without o1- we wouldn't he C;: �;' �- .�.. a `- cips-Ign .riI-g or, hopes Li S building Thank you. sd Some light on the 1Vi � . APPEL: Can youS,`lU two b'li l in 1S that Seem to be issue regarding the �;�- , 9' im_that were connected? Do you � v`. ,�ih...� lam�iA.� �L:�. L._ �? have - CC;GNi : To t e rear. do we have a clearer Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company p.Icture them? MS. TjGUCCIONI: e-. �' �,o . _i a" TJGUCCIONI: MR. - Pik, : That _ Y UCC-i OBI • Unfortunately, - a g s s C, that the re DrCM are later addit MR. A_ P __.__: Okay_ r. -G theb a. c S-. , yes. T-� �. .� L7 I✓ C i- �-�T\ - lJ 1. �- _ r And does, again, ki - __ the �,--Ie -issue '.�ha�. 1 '-- su 1botti-_� - in he sense that if something were to baupen in the back, -A ous %, those additions l d sL is'i u on at all are certainiv the oneq thet woL"_] d be goinh down in something else . Mt{, _ T_: So these aditioT s from the .P�''r T �11 d_ are b as_Ca1t- n the back of the b? i id n J-? r That's i correct. f��U . UGliCC��Iv.1 : %a s MR. APPEL : Okay. MS. U000CION : T think tree .e' s one on the side,as well. CHAIRMAN P RR SH And they have a separate - -o.o n_�:,�er and a karate (inaudible _wseparate Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company t. _aJCC-O I : .__pose do ma `T.'' ! _ Lt. are, c _ L .. !. attached and _ fi h r.:_.! .' :MAN PARG;_ SF : 0k57f you're -- NS. J c CC CNI : What -- and T ac .ac1- nave �� any g- =Hics, better er J { vo ed area that yas w have here? r UGUC, 3.MT;T : Corr,-,rt..x ct_` MS. C' L E R. t : Lr; _"_ 1. ate the way around -- weir ...._ two o+ sa_U e the sides of the An what _ am you is t3 c at oG E 'v the footprint the building w"1 c,_ takes ..e -- von knave, with thc.. additions that were en at some later time ...... ...... MS. L Z : Who owns the par ki. au -- MS. UGUCCTCNI: __ beinc designated and not the par .. 10 lot. MR. PPEL : Sc these additions are to tn=e Ncrthwas t? MS. =JGUCC 1ONT : Yes. MR. -_PPE': They're back in ,ere? UGJCCTOtI : Uh-huh. Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company land? MS SOERA: who owns the MR. .P?FL: That's what were additions? MS_ LGIJCCIONI: MR. Okay, and none IS. UGTJCCIONI: No, sir. nrdniarily,in and your ordinance and I can't cfive you the cit ion, 1.-Dut m sure 5000000 has it witb th0m, that says about dHstnction in interiors and and I know that was addressed back when TA,,. Eaton was the hj--;torc landmark officer, and, cetailv, it. was my opinion that the historic interiors that ire part of the Kiehnel and EllHott phalse were gone. And terc, are ncredibie write-ups about what that theater was like. I'm not sure that it cold comr,are with the Gusman, but certainly It was extraordinary on the inside, ,,rid e-,,entialy it was just stripped down so that it was it was very modern lookinc,-. Ni. q0LERA: Who technically owns this folio, this niece of property? Mq. OGUrCTnNI: It's shown as the state of Florida, hut I -- FEMALE c,PEAKER: Coconut Grove, LLC. Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company Grove, T ' MS. TjflTJCCT,- Coconut P. ME. UGUCCIONI: The actual wholP MS. SOLERA: Li,C. the ,: w. j L nouse owned _ T l t_. lease s .mil on ' ram- ,� I_, from the 5 ._ �._ 5 1 The vta.e c vC Ht L liKe ET And it's a _ 0, nonprofit tv of sc)nte sort. obay. little, ittyr tiesi MR. b A R T `J law . The the Yus C: t `vV i.. b'. it . __ h e jv'S JF,_a, No, 1 1 ri. a look at e p „- � �miyiay . MS . LORENZO: be you have a :ho+-oc, - i MC . UGUCCT CN.L : SCLERA: . SOLER :little piece b iZ vOtl. see that 1--1 t, it's probably t 'f,-- _ .� b i LV i � l , '= _� O '"t it a.J L � l 1 C� t_ .._ �L L- L �.. � � little piece? a T SThe e L io ] C , Who o4 I s `-ha O�J -1 Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company 22 NR. APPL: No, ba:.ev, the whole q. We want the whole CHAIRMAN PARSH: Okay, MS. SOT,ER: I don't. E (iha• d.117).7Je) to cut out they iust writ to cvlt out (-HAIRMN ARRISH: MR. A.PPEL: This is P.P,RRISH: Okay, Barbara, ha,Te you finished your Okay. Next, please. MS. NEMEYFR: Mv 5Mj_che Nemeyer. I'm a resHdent of Coconut m also a member of the Coconut Grove Villacle Council. Im accompanied here today 35a num,_er of our members who asked me rs bc, the VilTaae Council me.Ther to come ur_) here to speak. As I'm sure all of you realize, Coconut Grove is y-iher assault development which ±5oyrossly inconsistent withthe chara,-te7- of our community. Our down suffeijng fro, that. Thr= whole character of our nehborhood ±s suffert,g trcm that. character ,Jit our neIcianofi.Looa Is pzsz of the appeal that makes Coconut Grove a tourist destination and a • ' the Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company It.r r.idr&1 21 1e. 1°1 1_1:1 We would ,1-1-1--atly ,-7,,D-,L,reclate your he - in Lrotect±nq The ch,=)ractr cF hv m,--,*n'sa_L-cjncf cr creat'nQ J..esjqnat±onthsp7roperv. of -F thartcr 0 - L L) ..-7/ , _ _ , . Coconut Grove Playhouse was prOperuy The the State of Florida so that it could be a playhouse_ I'm not here today to discuss the value HuHaEmellts to be made about whether -riot type,: of construction might be incorporated -',nto whatever ultjmatelv is done with that TDoerv, but it clearly has to be avhouse. It c14,-.arTv 11.1_11.L,._11 the h'Ltorj(- c-halTacter of our community. An-! the only way we nave contrr,1 over ha is for vou to designate the propertv as historic so that you can then review the designs process proceeds. Wr- would greatly appreciate your support in doing that today. Thank you. CHAIRMM PARRIH: Thank vou. Next, please. (Applause). MS. EST: Good afternoon, ray name *,s Nina West. in Coconut I've at _JOJU Avenue, Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company Grove. -T'm. also a memter cf the Village Counc— m not speaking on tneir bena f owne7 in a desiqnated historic district and. have a great interest in historic huilrqjngs T=sddjtion to wanting to see this onE? But m7 m.V (lueston right now is to tne i:Dreservation officer. The bu±.IPI-H71(7 -- it's my uncierstanciIno4 that in the City of Man-i any cilHzen (-,an ask that a hiailding offi,-er into tbe= Huildig to see if it dese7ve5 histor-ic 6esignation. KTATJFMAN: t5 correct. T MS. W-PT: R KAUFFMN:955 Mc. WEST: Ok,,,v, se there I'm ca about the hflusP built se 1910 that's part of that property. ask you to 1e5S5,nv,-stgate that as part of a V MS. KAUFFMAN: I can't So at this time I'd like to you ask -- to ' 95 ,--ombine it with this desiqnation that's up right now, but we -- MR. APPEL: We've already discu_,,,sed 013. KAITTAN: -- we've discussed MR. 012199: It's a separate buildina. MS. KAUFFMN: It Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company "34 WEST: buHda wi,th mean, can it n,-; on its own? MS. KAUFFMAN: hts corret. It cat be a 1.-part of t11 riuht MS. WET: Rut t cnuld be sometrait 0 70" (-) 7 7 :777, MS. KAUFFMN: Correct, well, that is the requPst that. I am maKina. MS. MAN: aV, MS. WEST: Okay? s uhe buil ulrgis concerned, am hoping that you will w:eserve this bu1idin in its entirety and then look at the plan afterward. The - S. KAUFFMAN: If I can make one someone has to bring us the preliminary desicrnation S. WE-T: We can Jn that. W '11 get it to you. Thank you. MR. APPEL: Thanks. nHATRIMPAI PARRISH: Thank vo0. econd, sir, Judge. Is there Holdon one Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company present like to r _ time? -.oaiE UIL_ 1g new sa; __-_r-- . M:it R_._ SH : Yes. Please ,,nth _.. _ a , once S C; ES you e i ._ : G a e l _ust want to clear up one Point. My U- ...ker , a'_: O iS tha'= we've received `iliio-15 from the �-. ,- �i: al JF'l 1 "� ,�r Sri SOY._., money -- 1oUS million a,---. d -nd 1 t i t ,-;,�'; from the Stareof fior da . I dot_` rn knowany_ State of Fo d. iust -- the, : e _ wanted to c.lear. That foT _}e CHT, �R N PARRISH: Oka �,% Thank you. rI1� MR. C T i r'S: Thank you very much. C` F1RI AN PAiKRISk : Okay. ?.S there any other fu m ___�__ testimony timiony from the pub is at this .. _ All ri , t, then we'll close the public and have our preservation officer's report, � r�, staff repor JS K JIFFMAN: The preservation officer 's that the board adopt recommends a � L.t e attached Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company (Mu l ik on report the Cocon o - ts o. the h i v v r L Se ae -! _ i fjcial ation re -port and. a i 1 cir -'"1 ronment Preservation Atlas - he ?'--u_`il CHATRMAN ?. pursuant r_c of the you very much. Okay,°l� �jre can'� open his no to questions -From Coi m e r! s - MR. MARSTON: need v' a ,Cr k c n n Do nave anybody on -h O s a cha -0,the w ri t) WO O _. d .-,,-f Othe ' Ocn'c =s? MS. SOLERF` : No. MR. MARSTON: T ink e m; Or L move to S forward O^.icfncr 1_ we OrWC�'E t - i C SOLERA : No. MR. MRc,TON: I would i ke to, therefore, MS. SCLERA: And it will include the whole proper_ yr correct? CHAIRMAN PAR ISH: Hold on, Jerry, before VOn make nec '-00 _ MR. MARS 1 ON : Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company CHAIRMAN PARRISH: bec,mse T tnil-lk mav have some other comments the board_ So hoId off on any motion for right now. MR. 'PPEL: aS you aree, I'm that's how we ail but I think tz.'s importa,nt bra-rd to know in mv opinion it sP,ems jt' a li_tte bit of --ss Richard thjnk summed it up very well, plus it's kind of setting a bad precedent for us to basically sav we are nol crng to lo the -1---Jiew of I2,1"-LInS riot 1-HStnl-H(- feasures of a building that may adversely af.fent the h'1,storic featuYP-; buildihq. T don't thjnk this board has 5 reputation of being knee es A strict preservon_sts. We'v e approved an various alterations that's been within the secretary interior stanard.g. We undErstand that many of the elements are niot as important as mav -- as others and the inT'ortance of having the 17)1avhouse be economialiv vable into the future. It's just a question of the first issue to me is, is it -- is to designate the building and what is in that enveloiDe and then, when the plans come, for us to review them and to review them with -- with an open milld wth .--vr--rything that has been brought up . And I thjnk everybody on this board has always done Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company Tr? 2 1. ht. So we're not just iTlorng the s*tuation. And I thF.J-- TnaT Tmport,L (inaudible). J. T thHnk Richard and and Gary nave both summariz.d it w(=-,1T. And i-F I conTH LIE-ccup1 cf exarnHsniami Bancroft Eotel, which now holds only the front and behind t is TY:H,chei (7,rave,; Le EdGewater Build the mean, irieseSa vai7.1e,Lv of vou got left was the front acade. And in those caRs T thjnk those were r-tually entire structure was desi:Thated and somehow onlv rnaeaoeo to survive a front -- literallv, a ast.lche 7 'U. L ' f and J th.nk we oniv do that to this buildin“7, we're running tbat rHsk because then it's -really on-ly the f,-ont facade; it not a matter of arguing ietrsdc-,molish the front facade r- r 1 y MR. APPPL: 1 donhink there would be building left, Lourdes, on Miami Beach that would ever have been designated -- MS. SOTERA: There would be nothing. Well, I'm just using LiiCaL as an example as it's very important that trtarr_:, to why for us entire structure there. Arid, as Gary said, we have always been very understanding of what is not historic, how do you Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company theater. you know, all thoe thrigs that that MR . MS. sOLE.PA: a propertv and. improvement voll want this to remain a viable opieL.n_Lna Lnat Is onn--, 711-fl nn1 OCCito tr,„., ao hill, so to speak. MP. ..9T-CO: And last time T went to the ars Oocsa csss 1 sIked hP. Paris Opera House. T st vsJ k tivro,r-Jh the fact.c.ide. It was an user house. MS. SnRA: That 's a -- CHAIRMAN PARRISH: Motion - MR. kPPTM: Motion - MS. CDT,7R,72,,: Motion. WPsotIots OL MR. APPPL: 1 mean, is -- vou know, everyone be okay with the prRisg lot not designate° MS. CAPORELLI: Can I 'just -- Mr. Chairman, can I just say something CHAIRMAN PARRISH: No, wajt. I want to address that. MS. Mr . Chairman, I just wanted to make sure that we were clear on. the legal Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company 2. descr en because as stands right now. fvs� • does ._ncl L!`; .h SOLER"n . PY rson ._,.1 include die :centre F,.rce v .T4 ._h an NJil.li_rla footp ov.Pmeft or to look at d an�a t C lot thin we d to 11. 11. comes to ! i c t o _- i o c.n: r But low and be hold they MAI,F SPF;h. t :R.: H i chMq. SOLER: you know, -_ �5C some monster next can'tit and all of a s,udden see chat beautiful never Got hac additions, hut I can't see IL like supposed toA e seen, then. We 1-'_�v'^ no as board haveo control a�L a �. _ e w -�= �- � V way of he o the m_ai h t air_ i', s history. rT l I C C_ ON .I : No, o f era -....� 11 r` SOLERB• So we like it lust like you nave it. understand that, MS. TIGUCCION1.: Well, may y not say for the record that that parking lot - " -� __' terribly sorry -- that parking lot was never historically associate d with the building when it was built in 1. 26. So in terms of Bust finding its association, it' s really _ t?st a matter of CSrcums.3a.oce thati t at some later date the property was purchased by the Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company ou O. S . SCLERA.: n t , MP" - ' - CION_I ' lust want to ma Lnat jr S L;.RI : r . _.persnall, understand, and 1 - 4.. �`� work the G2_�l�i! .� par- -c� �- ?? Lv h1e) from _r . parKing 0 M R . A P P i'` 4 1 t h- rif got to consider .V J knc- Ith ike NikeM4HKP Kitter property _- FIATRM N PARRISH. Correct. MR. APPFT: __ U<e ender. up 0a r7,u..nq out lot- arl d 'lust do Ies i gf-C t j- ci the Rye"I^t . MR. APPEL: And it even if we d; d not design to t'y�e park rla it to at 4ach �O�.�to the theater, that gives us g Thrw_sdiction because it of eo is the b', j ding, if it attaches. one One hand I understand what Lou . rd is say��ng On the other hand I just want to appear _ f air not go ra more than (inaudible). any CHAIRMAN PARRISH: That was the same question I had And whether it's Kathleen. or whether it's c r R"1 ch or somebody from om theowner, and. Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company 1.2 2 3 2 d Ellen, as well, if we Included the pa.fki..no, lot, whjch I think it -- most of the members of the board would like tr-) di, do we Thoy)arHize this d(Psiclnaion todav at a I mean, we are not the final say so on ths. You can always go to the c-itv commission. kr we overreaching, Rich or Ellen, or -- bv inciluJ alce I 0 , MS. Ur-4T7CCInNI: 1 nertainly don't want to take nybooyTS tim.,P on this, but as I reviewed it auxin I was concerned that T had not made the case. crud it's just a matter of course when we do these desicfnation reports to to to the assessor's record and copy down thP Lega descrption. it wa-r until later that I understood the ±liccctciors as i concerns the Coconut Grove Theater. I am certainly amongst you an wanting to nave some participation in what could be built onthan parking lot, which is a substantial size lot, hat 1 want you to understand that it cannot be Thstified from a historical point of view. And if SAT stay within the parameters, as understand them, of our historic preservation ordinance, then 1 don't th-ink we can justify It. MS. SOLERA: Okay, then 1 have a question foa you. obviously they owned the Zoo print but you must have had something around the footprint. Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company 4 3 20 2 3 2 5 MS. UGCCION: MS. SOLER: How much of it was ,19.---rt of the ral plavhoe? S. UGUCCIONI: I thnk we're c..onna have to have almot a snr,Jvor ro out anH. Took at it, quite honetiv. I went bark to the Sanborn maps this morninc, and looked at at the historic footprint anci -1-L is a out what appeared to be maybe ten inches away from the iDroTDPrtv line Mc". SO -HER: MS. UGUCCIONT: Really. It was on tor) 01 it. So tht--.‘ one of the thins I wanted to make sure, that 1 was correct in seeing that as senaratO parcel., that 1DaTrkinq And it was not a parking _Lot always. MI. SOLERA: Do you know .what was there before? Is it -- Mq. UGUCCIONI: I think footprnt of a MS. SOLERA: On both ends? Because it actually is surrounded by two -- one's a larger parking and the oth,----r as an empty parcel. Was it -- H t shows a of a little sonere building. MS. UGUCCIONI: Um -hum -- I don't AS. SCLERA: You don't know? MS. UGUCCIONT: I don't want to say because Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company 2 3 T'm not that I remember Core- CTY ,WTORNEY: Okay. T-1-.1 obser-Jaton p=suant to the appliction is that unless yo separate aivIsi,Dle parcel, the consideration for CETA:IRMAN PARS-: That's good. oresent tfl V01], T understand. Okav That clarifies that. - he CSYCC± SS But that said, the comm.Pnt. I had for this --tflos 15 rob--,b, 7 71-1'' most ±rocflT. development parcel --tf yola call it a deveTopmeht TD-Arc,,m. parcel historic pacel so1 development too 550talkto any of the re taurteurs of on Commodore Plass.. Tnev ;,,11 dr-pend on a thriving layhouse to make the Grove he the deqtnation that it needs to be. And theres al] there's many, many considerations to this property. One thing, that I thThk it was Ron Nelson brought up, it backs to what his -- the Bahamian section of the Grove to my -- unless I'm mistaken, the barbed wire on that parking lot ±5 still there at the back of that parking lot separating the playhouse frorn the vlltage vest Island District. So this parcel, when rt is re-confio,ured into whatever it's going to you know, whatever plans are going to be -- Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company J n :5 U - 0 neEca3 to Consw e_ U__._ It needs tr, consider the commercial P.CIS to cnrsider what )resu^n � 55 to Main Highway. s is just such unbe1 - im rter_; r,_ z , what No. senbcttie said about 171at this certa.1 needs to be as ongoinO '-ror:5s o :[lee tiro with eap e from t -_e Grose, see 4 1 ?".1.g with the specialists that we have in historic preservation, _ ee TE-,e ceoY_ '' r at depend on the playhouse being a `lq pi y,ouse 5O support restaurants �.r the estauran1_. s o`"- oh r'j v-a'k�i1 _ CoconutCoconut -- it's ;;-111 it's all _ related. . And, certa_1 v,the transportation th -g's ed �, o. v� ether t' rla5 ^ _n,g "�.:C _�,�� �U�_Ve1oi� 1_n �,._e roc- , ji-�._ :�; 'ua Olrc,4lc tors Or a troll olavhoase site is there remaining places that there can ever he any parking Cer a ly one of considerations is dri vino - th,-,t is dr±rn.a this i s one of the last Novi for time central business district. n all those , F,, ngs bung said, rather than qo fast, this board member is inclined to go slowly with this to develop plan s in stages that come back before this board that gt the buy -in from the community. And we just don't hurry this thing. much as there may be economic pressures on the Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company 25 use it's just. wEiv, way, n t MS. C rt O I : Weil, l ip..__ i s all Vvru - Qoodf:r as the ecoacm.Tc lr i'aacT s and aLl. That .i_ s r!n._ ".1.'' N PAR . i S r'1 : gnu f1.ca1_Ce of h e .� e to �. Tt -- it is the i .a- r j 0 Q ui 3 d i that hav been brought hefoT:e us -_. 2 designation. C AIR =1AN PARRISH: agree with Vou 7 n , a hundred percent MS. CAPOR LLI : 1 thi that cas ion __ 7 we end uo being sidetracked by what L5 the econom CHAIRMAN PARRISH: I ' rn not being sidetrac led. MS. CAPORELLI : Well I ' m -lust saying, �. ink that what we're talking about is, _s the s�.� Coconut Grove Play"louse, as has beer pren- to �ed us, is it el±g blc for designation h ami? GW of CHAIRMAN PARRISH: Let me be really clear '; not �'rn sa ing Then. s'm saying �o the playhouse saying 1C;< 1 r sir?ce t, e Sunshine Laws do not allow me to go andtalk with these --- except in Lnis forum, th Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company 12 2 0 2. I 2 3 2 4 being a Croveite for many vears and very concerned with the. Bahamian section of the. Grove and being very con friends with most nf the P1:-,77a1 that the soli,tL.nn on 'Ehis 1-,nn srsv ha: _ -.' oossa Gonna have -- you think you've got testimonv rh e t-ime around? Th,---re' b-Heve me, the Grove canturn out in far greater numbers than thi. What I'm saying is I think the bo,--,rd'q cI from what I understand t, gonna desic3nate that's motion very shortly. saving you have Mr. the entire bro-bertv Of Gonna -- day, were and a, gonna be -- we're gonna open that up to But once that's done I' a if youre listenin board 50 wH1-1 work with eve5y000 to gst come up with the best solution for the community. That's what we're in -- what we're charged to do Dub we can't do it So that's want to -- if Jane in a rush. all T have to 1 say. knd I didn't was confused -- a lot -- I'm saying that this is a fist, and th the key parcel community, and s what's befor,- left in Coconut and I rely on her storic rp-b-perL us today, but it 1 Grove to an-hr,-, ou II it's not treated like that, you're Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company sl,Pp ,r__ "_anyone. So c� . nave a motion, please, some marC -- Jan , oo ahead. CAPORFLMI: just want to piggy ack on A ng what riles sU1 bu about _ _ t_ . have facades had restoredand�.�s .� rest ii rst of it has gone to We have the . we have the prison that even though that was a block, to me that it's an eyesore. L% drive y It every single So T think we np,,ed to keep that into consideration. ; s who's supposed to come c us with this pia :>-? I don't t hik far as the des'nation "evu0L_ _ = s on cna:nge goes. CH,,T RW�,N PARR. cN : Right. MS. CAPOREL.I I : We need to designate, then let the oiayhouse come to us with the plan. CH_ l MAN PAREIS : I -right. l MS. CAPORELL r : So I think right now -- ho T -- how are we gonna go slow? If we S re gonna designate today or areaq4 we - CHAIRMAN PARR 1 SIB : No, I'm --- - I' m waiting for my ova r to make e mo ion MS. -�- MS. CAPOR bt : Okay. Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company on cnmment. CHARRMANd R_ is : T _ . P P I : W E like k; to let It's fair. Ciil-V HThank very rn u c . . ` �. 5 1: o n e small point with r t o L n c e C- �--- ATTORNEY: Oti;'- ti" Mr. Chalrman, prior to :Judge Ch v € es sp sk it � Tr CHAT 3� 1� zTN P R I S H : No, _ - it might believe � as cn ian Ican_ take -- have him come back a_�m and make -- 1 can. reopen the public testimony. CTTY TTO , T v- : asking vou -- CHAIRMAN AN P.' ti T : CITY ATTORNEY: public hearing. CHAIRMAN RRI H : MR. CHAVIES: You may, That' t. Thank von very much. lt_ you are reopening the Yes, Judge. Thank vou very much. And my only concern i with regard to your own representative who has said that the parking lot area should not have been part of the designation plan. Can we request that and she have the oppottunit that be deferred at least v to revise it so that is before you in the fashion that it should be? F mean, that's what I've heard her say; that it Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company 1 v. 23 cal sign3__canoe. motion _- Ithink _ i hoardthe mP.mb,,,,rs well. aware of that issue MR. C H=_-'., I ES: CHAIRMAN PT RR L S?3. -- i n d.- they c a l they an -either Vote up or down on ha at we'll h � v e and a it doesn't pass, then motion, _ another motion. MR. APPEL: Weil, C l- 1 - s s -- T do have a-- � because Sarah's not - Tv C , u report: MS. SCLERA: tax. V ,,a'ud±b1 ) des gl .O 1t 0 r cart o- MS. CAPORELLI : Is it? MS. SOLER7: But she's describing the whole - parcel of land CHAIRMAN AN PARRIS .: whole thing. M C SOLERA: s the parcel of land, 1. folio described, the parking lot? then, we can take the MS. CAPORELLI: Well parking lot out, if that's the case. MR. APPEL: What was the mechanics East Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company 1=%'- n } - the 1 — a 1 l 1 H 1F, L la , C •' time A `�T t _ z ill ti dealt _F ._ with 1 _ came, we desicmated the parki n n t was s *nc, ud then some i1 Vv come back then? SOT,FRA: it was the oule Yd Shop. ' - l r 'tisharp. r. r-i T r - ItC' I`? , �`) : ' ice: �. .�_ JT E The -P,oulevara - SCLERA: But they identj eu they y ti... a e d out and w a s -- y o u portion thatY � � v _ know -- - MR. APPET: So the -- portion of the building '_ (Inaud i h1 e) , P. AR ?LL: -- so the -- but like Ri Ler u..p h a c tc us a % rm -- then of fi mat_-'e! v wame - back to us and said - it? designa MS. SOLE_ It was a modification, wasn't MS. CAPORELLI : It was a modification MS. SCLERA: T it was a ode f :cat for to the v v take cut CHAIRMAN PARRISH: After we designated the (inaudible). S SCLERA: 0L EFt : After we had aireadv designated :J Who instituted the TiR . ARRE'.. Okay. _n=_ Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company r )d.___ 4 tion? The =2> -- the owner MS. C A.0 O R F __. -t I : E o y - . ` , no, no, no. . "C V.' ,a ti not a rrodificatioY. after we designated. gnaUed. We - itus, vi-; - bT^�itothey asked .� o r more time l.. o do 'ul��-u ano thr repo i r-Ek around. ano then we took. it thin Yi the second time c MS. SOLE, 1 think you're right Svv;�_ MS. CZ.,PrORELL1 : - _ ` was part of -- it was not Parr -Yoe building. It's a piece of the iJi btrl ir '..L�il'�� and the - h'rk n':� lot in the Boulevard � 'Mops. { ;A I RMAN ! 'AR R I . H : .` e y L MR. Z1_,PEL . judge J�o�d=� lhar:. to answer this and, obviously, you don't need me to teli you, you don't have to ---~- does it make a whether in o chi f € erence to the board whe ��E _-- terms accepting designation of the building, whether we irc lu de or not include the parking ot? MR. CHAVIES: It does. I.R. APPEL: I mean if you resolve gonna go to the city, tnen it doesn't matter to us, to the commission, 1 mean. MS. CLPORELLI : Yes, (inaudible } . MR. CHAVIES: No, no, no, hut _ think Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company procedures e important, and 4>e should thing. Y_.N T think thP h: a5 which ch has ricc.s_ _ o de�, _anaL� that -. -_ And that' the bui.I dhno It's not nd -1-,;,,ve heard the ren o t TOM Janus themselves .Vtiy'�o say" -}_ lls ] l_ was mistake, l.� shouldn't h: e been r where and at -t does no have that .:_ to1 s _gnficanc.e tO he consideredtoday. r �a 1; d if there's any Question, at the very Or t east, wei��st ask to defer - � at ortu_on 0- 1 t . MR. PP L: My u s on, then, 1 s , vo's know, vou want the board µ-- and T can understand seriously Vor Y onV Janus' us' — Vp0rt and vane it teams of the parking lot issue. likewise willing to do that and accept designaton of entire footprint ref the bud din including. the 19 r 0' s additions,? ?.. C yr VIES : No, I'm not gonna -- no, Tr m not gonna do that. My position is what it -€ s . I fully respect you and everyone who has spoken here today and I understand those positions. But we took a position. We're gonna maintain- that position. It's part of the record �e just think that with �� i� re ;ard to this issue that's before us now that it Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company rTe-e'c ,a.'J, P.nai if the e was mistake, then it should be resolved. CHAIRMAN .: T I"; . But we have ... - o cural problem, ._nou^ exclude h 1 s .110 boa o were so inc maned t, we don' n0Wv3 ai d Pscript o_i, `trj don't have _ gib' `Jy? v to Ri oT; , now iFve legal descrip ion, vim; EruC - d Ellen Lo s the proposal that includes the t ? =rc:rK.nc,; lot, CCrY�C MS. uG CCi Od <iCYIATRMAN PARRISH: And so, gtt the e o r 2 r we _ 're connG exclude were to I � v � ?- � _ t� rl ;� 1�� just I , say we're T sure would uld even knowm o Cu� we. f� .the iJ :� ��=ng ..- �LJ� p - what J what I a L we're W �� ; '� e - -- 4v e , 'Know C o C e t: i Y t es far as _ m "'�ion .�aJ_K1n� about, '��- Correct order, I'm not sure, unless we can get you to agree -- MR. CHA IES. I understand. CHAIRMAN PARR SH: And again, this a ±s is a whole other can of worms. '' nd that was my r © r_ r� }.. spoke, cuest1 on about for the other - ersons who p , Inc uding Ellen and staff. Are we desi gn3 to are sR gr by ±nciud..._nq a we j�otiard�z�ng the designation ion - portion of the FEMALE SPEAKER: Excuse me Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company at. his oi._-__ion and, also, Ko Ll to c n! n C here, ' d l .e T C -r. �' _ ]-- y to come have S. C L A M .`V J..�'-1 f P hK. _,. .. 1i r: z" d F L' 4. iyi And then -_ SCOT RT, Okay, can I make ke a comment? VHA TR=dAN P ARP.I S : MS. OL, <A. Okay, _ we designate the Pntire building vvj th i ut the parking lot, they still have-- to c00.2 bac, to us because that added to i _ �, t's gonna be build ����� that's gonna be -� next to it d jE'`fv .� aon renovate the new ._ .�_ - -�, b _brand ,� ing unless they're e developing a who e I1 e w niece of property that does not have anything �- do with the existing playhouse . That would be advantage, if the parking lot is not included, because don't have to CHAIRMAN PARRlSLi : come see us. ? et me ask City Attorney a question on that issue. If we're -- if we're to pass the whole designation today as i.t now e to who and when? stands, this iappealable ��a� MALE SPEAKER: (inaudible). ChiATROAN PWhat happens -- i11 we T-�•�R € ISF'� - Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company 23 e o pass it l: o �� , 3 . ?,�'� „-; i _ e- no ,-.'� the des lot, n as presented and the t. mean, �.. e cw 1e e�Jp! ��..�rl w chose to appeal ect i tte,Y spp r property to t h. e City CITY T'C� Nf Yes but it'dl depends oh 4..v-ha theyt want � ;��an to appeal. MS. SOLE R A _ CITY ATTORNF : So they could appeal -t to v ri or they could take _t directly the C _t�' L3r!lT_=�sS�.L t__ t , ar. � el -- `kiliLru Circuit CHAIRMAN PARRISH: So my next quest_ c forsakeof argument it `vas just assume ' is, appealed and one of thecrrounds for -...._ for seal it is a that a par ing lot vl rec was included in the designation and they appealed that to the City Commission. Wou `.d --- could the could the L .:h-- C would --ity Commission en divide the property themselves and say, Well, well leave the part that's been designated -- the building itself designated historic, but then exclude could they do that? And exclude the MR. SEC O: Well, that's -- CHAIRMAN P ARRISH : could they or -- or :Ji 4 i y -- on -- in our test.mon:y said is not historic, Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company 23 C U lJ. 4 X''y come r acK a� say, No, therefore, e gonna � q`1 4 we're QeC_. - F�...to?� � c _Y�.11d�. and, �_ - -r ... f Tv NY - • t would be a flawed d s_4gri�.n._-on _ T -1 Commission would _.:y. Lb-s ac�e�t or sect the desiynaLio_.- r r The �-'=iiaq�_,gf_. 1_ ie en r CITY ATTORNEY: That s 'Orr MS. . CAPORELLC : Buy we have -- -- but we have iid _... on B1 SCctVne ROu_e'.%avd one 01 the ',Dui._ d, - ,nos that we d_c d?sig ate the City Commission took ... nIece c. out auto' -- T don't know 1,,t was they Gold C U o a s v Pharmacy _ v ken out. one �eCe taken NR • APPE.I : Bullciifg on the east side s t r e e t? the�= MS. CAPORNLLI o On thewest sdes of the street. with Uiia MR. APPR::L: a^vest side'. NS . UGUCCIONI: Mr. C hasrman CHAIRMAN PARRISH: Go ahead. ]kS . CAPORELLI: And if (.naudible) were here it was her -- her qr? AFL: Client. MS. CAP ORBLL : -- client. But they d t d Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company r-flmmiinn did take 17jon-r_ we had C;Tw;roJena, ece of that 'nu MR. LEL: So 1 S PEJ KER : of [ 1 7 } c t L of 2- _.. F 5 C1 1__ -I_ or N it's not a 1 or MR . .JP 1J • - because w1: i the Moore F� a�_ di-signatethe interior end the eater -or and a Ci,v no i or --- LI: Tsl .:' re not ask_E n q for Interior. .._ s_ r LE SPEAKER: rove or _- They're not asking : C zTRMAN PARR I SH: Fi len, would you lke to weiqji in on yr i s, please? tl d{ ATTORN Y Mr. Chairman -- MS. UGUCCIONI : Yes if I could, to kind i d MS. SCLERA: Wait, wait, wait, .ai u, a it. One conversation. CHAIRMAN PARRI SH Wait a m nu to . T`IR.PE.: Let our attorney speak. Sorry. COAIRMAN PAtRI SH : Yes, J55 Clty Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company 21 accomplishes that. "TT to the d the owner voluntarl a g r e e d to sever a port of the %'roo irT_"v, which -1 the situation that you described, tberl .e compromise om. could d be reec:e'c- the Commission. 7,ut it wou t be with volunt proffer by the owner. j K belie- 1 r}den eA _r! fact, T\- PE L : Uh-huh . y, CITY ATTORNEY: So Ii.o .ti. �l ie V'` ��-�. v -he City C O Tii S S _G' would accepte � � r your designation r c your designation U.7:r'.IeSS ohere was e U e voluntary eo -ot CITY ATTORNEY: CHATRMAN PAR SH : Okay, so that that lf wewent to -�r Uie hoard chose to go that direction, that would e a good would be ra result that we cou=d env sior mi ht be happen E, P .ELLI: 3 ' not sure what direction y o u mean. rHAIRMAN PARRISt: saying, Ellen, , that if we -- MS. SOLER.A: We are the The applicant is a so 1.-i cant. Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company CC -F; ow what i`M S . _ ` _ ` 7 L L : cant. r"T T T iV N r,RRi_St1 ` Not - I'm soxrv. o Tim talking about. If we wre to 1' riot,: the eTitire building eric then. defer �u J at ii J the pa_ kinc lot and And let me stop you bef ore you CH- T RMT N PARRISH: At t !-i o ,- 1 L- at that MTS. SCLERA: inc remind you what t_=e �, The si gna _on has to , sa C� tV T:.,.`ow ney Lis � said. d^ �= tax i _o �ion. So she would have to -- is that -- any: ishat what i_ i1 c only v�T ;�. y to do, that � �ti. . actual - what w a s act with the the owner considered. The actual property edges back in 1927, \A; a u e v r ilea - it is. MS. UGUCCIONI : May I -- may I us,._ say this because 1 think 1 -- 1 could have started something that I don tto have �d that is that � want Ve and � that advocate only designating footprints, which is absolutely not the case. Ordinarily, we talk about a context of setting, and you've heard that a mitt, ,on times, that uhrase . And when we do a house, we talk about the whole property because we -- when we talk about a house, we're talking about a front Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company ya,d hat for. peop say - orE- v the house, the to, Incorrect, a.rdthat h c. s room and so forth. So for me to would be a sue: !�.0 to �.y should be designated ��"�-. don' want o convey . Fiat . In thi hart dTa'Ute thought. process. It you lock t G.1. the,historical hotogra' ..s, newspaperpyJln�c ,- d th VOL will- l see that thehui 1 cb Ok is very self-cfl0 tai_ned. 14 has --- self-contained. It has 'v'vin q7 on Charles l es and it has a wing on Main, which i �-+ on Cb ari es . ; a litt i e h,' t_ shorter than that which Next to it here was , }blank sp5ce . And then there was ' he ;=g that' been described .. 5 The two-story ui.1d±ng It myrec rds sr!on' LJ92� . dinothaveparking lot next to it at that time. m a N - -- the parking in 1926, we didnhaveall street park n-g requirements and so forth for cOmmercial , so, you know, it was catch as catch. can buildings r t � n and people didn't have,I g��--s`�, that many ` so the point is that the context automobiles, s0 -- _9i but for this theater as either a performing arts theater or as a moire house, which it was originally, does not depend on that - that surface paring lot to give it its history. Does that make sense? Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company C' EI AL S PE.T. Yes. IV S . UGU( CT NI . It's n t part of its context and, should not, in my op 1 "V " Y e included. And 1 would auuges t to you that there need to be new leq i d scrine on ' bQ'LF Ur1 ;. 1� 'c�h�� you 1- - you, 1_ n fact, presented to of reasoning. CHAIRMAN PLLm:VRR_ € SH: So, could you summarize your uosiuion? MS. UGUCCIONI: YES. T believe that o y thehu_ i g, the actual footprint of that which is shown one original Sanborn map which has a little -- HILL_ , iinv bit oland -- T couldn't evident on b u y what's teil vou now much that C raj r 1� p the original building, be that Sa n_ orn a considered for designation. adjacent on the north, which contains lot be excluded from this oesignat!on MR. APPEL: What about those additions that hay�e COnYlecte d that the parcel the parking MS. UGUCCIONI: Wel.l, there again, they are tangential. They connect to. They're integral to the building.So it' s like we _- we review that as pP EL: But are you saying that they Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company 63 2 5 MS. TJC=CIONI: JD,, part, MR. AP -EL: Ok,-,v, because vou said original. That',,, That threw me. MS. TSGYJCCIONI: 0, yes. I'm sorry. MR. APPEL: Okay. MS. TJGOCCIONT: K--,11, yeah, that's what 1 mean because we evaluate the integrity- 4- 17 i building and if we had so much alteration occur the 70s, say for example, you know, we wouldn't designate it. Rut these are in the back, they subarcinate to the main building and so fort_, so we don't feel L_ILaL it cffects the ntertV MR. -APPITL: So are we allowed to defer this -- not saying we all -- are we allowed to defer this and allow the taxpayer to come back with a legal survey? • Yes, we are the applicant. We are the applicant. MR. APPEL: Weli, the owner I should say. The owner of the property come back and request -- well, who would do the legal --- who would have to do the legal survey? 1 mean, you mentioned about a -- MS. SOLERA: We are the -- oh Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company h 1 nc the 4 hC ?"'.d work wit P [, p mean, we're le u , _ ; ? VC but rl way to do thiR because r, -; t now wena e I efo u know, i? gal d .scr p _A.00 f - irl.. ,� � -- you r `� _Ac lo'd..i71: the pr P k r`1L lots. 1R. CHTV12.S. _ understand. And 1 -- MR. an do -- I don.t ti jn can do an up or down vote or =o, t rir t, as El" A. r'Pco3:riend_s, so our choices he either des ._gn % ..e the whol h, -s°p w a;� don't ,sp onate the wh -1-- thing parking lot, ,�. .� the 1-park.inc,f iot or defer t e item and have e vou come the e 4^.e ee E. vui 1 upn 2 -- what, a t h rE7AIRYANA135 And actually, one more auestiof. for the attornc y MS. SCLERA: With a descri p of of what the - bal was owned et the time that theater was For all we know it's, you know, five feet that way and ten the other and 25 the other way. r don't know. Not just the o 10_ . CHAIRMAN A . My pre s erence Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company T, 'F'Tc ht Same as wa' :did wjth _audible). r HTIRMAN FAI"RTSH _ Pj.ght . MR.. P'Et: Tim sorry. r7 A t<M'-:.N.7:- R F1. I S a : if we a n t o'd a v T S rr , act s just pass f,,,er1der ` n p= ova9. of be of e t nt of the building and C r- 1 t1 on of the parking int of defer -- defer le v. think you can I eav e S __ uvher1 we have CHAIRMAN �T�R�N - � �i? . and enough r�' of a legal escr -t -or= os enough o1 a --- - :E SOLERTs -- 1 think as th,e C _.ty �%_ntecl out, �an we legal] MR.. Ai PEL . Can we do that? CHAIRMAN Py ,RS H1 : Th ' t' s what 1 want to -- ,_hat wo id be my preference. MS. SCLERA: Well, , that's not what's her to..i e board. C ATRMAN PARRISH: No, 1 understand, but would like the City Attorney to say -- can -- and, _so, if -- if the party -- it the affected party, a which is the owner, could agree that the legal �- description has to be developed so that that s not a technical flaw in our designation, if we Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company 1 2 2,1 2 2 2 :3 2 4 2 .5 designatFd the .Pt -ire structure but deferyH • 07 designating a 1- decrtLOr c-,4.n be had, is that permissible? 1 7. 711 1..) h e,,.gnate the wb,-,1,e CITY T=ORNEY: Without an articulaHed lerfal desnrjtiou vour designation would not be s designation. MS. SCLERA: Right, von can't -- intent. CITY ATTORNEY: Tt would be a statement of CHAIRMN PAY,R7-c7H: ", _L 4 h, then we're -:)-1-Ptry much - we're pretty much -- that would 5. Th. V preference for a lot of different reasons. Mainly that then we would know that at east the piayhouse i,ilq(-1f had i_een completely designate the actual_ structure telf, and it would less likely y 0 la know, it's less of a target for -- on appeal. S. SOLFPA: it's not gonna be a target. The target is Lhe parking lot because, low and behold, it'R e nice parcel of land. that, cops, I can sell for a lot of money to then renovate the par -- the playhouse. One option. There's many options. Tere's many opri. P. MARSTON: Mr. Chairman, can Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company 1 6 CHAIRMAN PARISH: Mr. Marstofl. been rPm2,1-kablv c4-.u_Let, MR. MRSTON: I've been trying. when we You and I, Mr. Chairman, have lndivIc'.ual owners, of structures come in and we 00 at times aonce,--nd aboutwhat w,„ tell IDE-017,1e to do or how to do it or whatever. mean, We like to make sure that the peoie who, in tact, are tne owners of property are eauallv r.epresPnLed. The thing that T find amazingly djff,--Tnt about this one is that the owner of this site, although there is an LRC guess that is tecnnlry this is now public. Okay? This is e public site. And let's kind of treat it as though it's a public site. ,And from that point of view I'm more than wing to kind of walk down the -oath and say, Okay, let's throw the parking .lot a big public in and let's pretend -- you know, space, and let's deal with it as -- 03 ublic. It's a historic building. Now, certainly things are gonna happen, you know, on those parking lots, but if we are in a position where we can review them in context of the histoical building, I think the public and we would all be better served in the long run. 1 R Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company Thank ou . 1J_r_ r? 5r A_ More cci:'i"rr;,'- from MR. .".. Tn : ..L 11 make the motion. MS. 7OI.GR : Make the mii. -, you, Jerry. rHATRMAN P"'ri S I ro agree wit'' erry M7ARSTON: move that T, accept the a� `re T Cer s • com C7_ to adopt the attached de _gsia tion Grove a_d the board re or of the (C v00'.. mouse with -- r* .d do w have Three ee t0 rea nRe 1 o ahead and. read Ltl�yrcl��,^�.� 1: f�Rr;.i Sri . Yes, �a� them iri, Jerry, NI. SOBER: Three and five, yes. MR. MArSTON: The three and six. It's on Pace MS . SOLERA: Five t� MR. MARSTON : 12. Because the structure spo1 i tical, exemplifies the historical, t ructura�! F- economic and soci altrends Of" re Community. It also embodies those d.st g y in a sri02 characteristics an arChi4ec t,ral style or period or method of Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company Aou` C_2k of s corm t �, �.-.� , u ,s an .3omi_-._ n 0e:s; Gf1 or r- SCLERA: Second. seconded? CHAIRMAN 1 r,I And, d. v e s , c a- ,-, And, Board, 15, you _- fee_ free make any comments been moved an, as you 7 E: AT,E SPEAK r? : Gary TAR�t� , pPEL,: U�7. ,�; some 1esi a f._io1 regs.?.="ctifg S - the parkii lot, yes, only because the op ioz_ nat us we all�?r�fer isnotbefore am is., - l l i r t o g e n e a air, v,r 31 L. ados�� A.r 'vy if this Is brag,7` pay- wing lot with a egai a ion to separate it. But, yes, ror now. C�.���' u° rig FEMALE SPEAKER: Timothy Barber. � MR. BARBER: `.1F�e es. J'. ri ;5 aia, t 1 ;c 1 to protect the integrity o± historic landmarks, even noncontributing structure 4ha around 1 5C agree that we need to designatet ie whole e structure r_ and the parcel of land. FEMALE SPEAKER. Jane Capone' 1i - MS. CAPORELL- : Yes. F SPEAKER: Niguel. Ueco . MR. SEC : Yes. Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company t; EMP LE S P _ K E : Jerr MR. [ _..S i ON . Yes. TL7PMALF SPEAKER: AndyC AIRMAN n- tto re -iterate -7 r s t __ f, what Y ooe1 ist said c,od then. _., a about going slowly on. this. _id Tprefer .o ---- you know, issue until later, because of the n t e n t s s rQ L a way to defer the pa king lot bu h nk our hands are vied s been presented. My clear e complete a; a_€l the sloes f the ' s gonna he sometninq done hoping all with the i��a'".�= r',g lot a.._ "._ m just L n e t✓ "-- T- o l V7 e .: -"ties involve the ` oVe �... ._ L,rovites will work with lavhouse to get the beat possible result on this impo - On this -; ncredi blv important property. please. with that said, I'd like to say yes, FEMALE SPEAKER: Enid Lorenzo. MS. LORENZO: Yes. FEMALE SPEAKER: Lourdes Sclera. MS. SOLERA: CHAT MAN PARRISH: That's unanimous. It's �� Rm been designated. Thank you all for coming. Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company 22 the ToPetniT was conc_uded.) Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company 20 E E OF FLORIDA COUNTY - R C W _r` <. hereby 1 n I N_,f�` LYNN SOTO, a CourtReporter, d h... __�' ecerf i fv that I +Iu._.s authorized to and dci. transcribe the ri� that the _ foregoing videotaped numberedafrom 1 to 72, V're�OY�a� pages, inclusive, __ are a true and correct 4nscrip�_ _::n of sa d board meet nq �. further certify that I am not a relative, employee, attorney, or counsel °I any of t.hr- 1Darties, nor am I a relative or employee of any of n r., s t ato,rn_ `V or counselconnected V�-_ L_ Lu� � `- ' 7 i`` inthe action, nor am _ financial Interested 00 Ori . ] fcr gowng cer ti f i c at_On of this sc ,,.3_ doesnotapply to any reproduction of .she s„me by means unless under the direct conroi same �yl'G-=1 Y �Cd L - �or rection o the certifying reporter. and/or �._ - ����. Dated this 15th day of October, 2005. TINA LYNN 00T0 Klein, Bury, Reif, Applebaum & Associates A U.S. Legal Support Company